Powell Shopper-News 090115

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BUZZ TDOT update Fountain City Business and Professional Association will host representatives from the Tennessee Department of Transportation to discuss a project underway to redesign the intersection of Broadway and I-640. The meeting is at 11:45 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 9, at Virginia College. Lunch is $10, and the public is invited. President is R. Larry Smith.

September 2, 2015


walking Woods

Get ‘Wild’ and possibly win To celebrate its 10th anniversary, Legacy Parks Foundation has christened Sept. 7-11 Wild Week. The movie “Wild,” based on the memoir by Cheryl Strayed, will be shown at 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 7, at Regal Riviera. The $25 ticket makes you eligible for door prizes from REI and gives you a chance to win two tickets to the sold-out Sept. 11 Legacy Luncheon, at which Strayed will speak. Moviegoers also will receive a pass for discounts at area merchants. Info: legacyparks.org

LVW to host candidate debate WBIR news anchor John Becker will moderate a forum for Knoxville City Council candidates 7-8 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 8, at the Clinton Chapel AME Zion Church, 546 College Street. It is sponsored by the League of Women Voters and others. The primary election is Tuesday, Sept. 29, with early voting to start Wednesday, Sept. 9. All are invited.

Coupon books Knox County Schools will kick off its annual coupon books campaign at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 3, at Carter Elementary School, 8455 Strawberry Plains Pike. The book is celebrating 27 years and is still just $10. The 2015 goal is 160,000 books sold, which will net more than $1.4 million for classroom needs across the county. The campaign runs Sept. 3-21.

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■ Fountain City Lake update and Garry Menendez’s ideas for the future. Halls/Fountain City Shopper online. ■ Parkridge residents can seek health care in a medical clinic in the Hope Central ministry center. North/East Shopper online.

Officer Mike Dowell of the Knox County Sheriff’s Office talks with John Diamond, designer of the disc golf course at Powell Station Park. Dowell brought a 7-member crew of inmates who worked two days to clear trails at the park. This trail was created last week in the woods at Powell Station Park. Check it out! Photos by S. Clark

Walta Patt: Gerberas and grit Walta Patt sits on a horse like a pro. But don’t call her a master rider or a professional. She’ll answer to neither, even though she has won seven championships, many first places and hundreds of other awards for barrel racing. It takes an extraordinary horsewoman with an amazing horse, Littleman, to accomplish this. “I am so blessed,” she said. “This is what I do for fun.” The Powell community knows Patt as a master in flower design and home decorating through her business, Powell Florist. The business is more than 50 years old, and Patt has owned it for half that time. That is her work, which she loves. But her farm, family, horses and barrel racing are also major parts of her life. Patt was raised around horses thanks to a mom

who loved them. “We were in diapers riding ponies. My mom’s love for horses came from her father, and I inherited that. It is a part of who I am.” Patt raced when she was growing up, but after marriage she wanted to invest time in her family and business. She says she is Walta Patt takes her stallion, Littleman, through the paces on her farm in Powell. Photos by Cindy Taylor

By Betty Bean

■ Webb School project launched at sea. Karns/Hardin Valley Shopper.

7049 Maynardville Pike 37918 (865) 922-4136 NEWS news@ShopperNewsNow.com Sandra Clark | Cindy Taylor ADVERTISING SALES ads@ShopperNewsNow.com

Peg Hambright

The first challenge to the city’s y’s ng new sign ordinance isn’t coming from a big national franchisee seeking a flashing message center atop a tall pole alongside a busy highway. he Instead, it’s being filed by the owner of a homegrown business ess who has been told that she can’t n’t l place whimsical, cartoon-style butter and egg figures of her own design on the roof of her building because they aren’t art. “It came down to whether the sign was art or just advertising,” said Peter Ahrens, director of Plans Review and Inspections for the city of Knoxville.

$50 enrollment fee. For more information, call 859-7900 or visit Tennova.com.


“As we looked at their website, it almost seemed that the egg and the butter became a logo, almost like a Nike Swoosh. Where you see the butter and egg dancing, you think of Magpies, and that’s how they are trying to brand their business. That would be consid-


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ered advertising.” Peggy Hambright, owner of Magpies Bakery, admits that she’s better at baking cakes than at dealing with bureaucracies. She said she’d long planned on affi xing porcelain figures to the pre-existing scaffolding at either end of her roof but put it off due to its cost. And even after passage of the new ordinance, which prohibits rooftop signs, she believed Ms. Egg and Mr. Butter could slide in under a clause exempting works of art bearing no advertising. “I was asked to speak against To page A-3

The offen ensive artwo artwork

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To page A-3

City sign ordinance faces butter and egg challenge

■ Susan Cunningham, school volunteer extraordinaire. Bearden Shopper online.

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Walta Patt’s canine friend Ben is well known in barrel-racing circles and has never missed an event with her.

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A-2 • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news

health & lifestyles

Missing the links Retired trooper vows strokes won’t end his golf game There’s a golf club in the trunk of Bryan Farmer’s car with his name on it. It’s a top-of-the-line driver, brand new and still in the box. He bought it June 12, 2014, after playing 18 holes of golf. But that night, Farmer had a stroke of another kind – a blood clot on the left side of his brain – that has, so far, put his golf game on hold. But even after suffering a second stroke 10 months later, he vows he’ll be back in the swing of things this month, thanks to the care he received at Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center (PNRC) at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center and Roane Medical Center. “It might not be pretty, but I’m going to hit that driver,” declares Farmer, whose slightly drawn right arm and weakened right leg are reminders of that June night when a 3 a.m. bathroom visit was the first hint that something had gone wrong. “When I got out of the bed, I noticed some extreme dizziness, to the point where I almost fell down,” said Farmer, a Harriman resident. “It was similar to a blood sugar spike. I have high blood pressure and diabetes, and I knew I got dizzy when that happened to me in the past. I didn’t think a lot about it. I went ahead, got my balance back, went down the hall to the restroom, came back to bed and went straight to sleep. No sickness, no nothing.” The following morning, he still had some dizziness, but not enough to prevent him from driving to Fairfield Glade where he works in quality assurance for the vacation resort. “I sat down at my desk and the dizziness came back,” he said. “I got up from my desk and walked down the hallway, and my right foot dragged the ground. Just one time, but it almost tripped me up, and one of the other guys I work with saw me and said, ‘Let’s go back into your office and sit down.’ ” It was then that one of the managers with nursing experience came in. Suspicious, she checked Farmer for stroke symptoms. “I passed every one of them with flying colors,” said Farmer who, as a retired Tennessee Highway Patrol lieutenant, was familiar with the signs of a stroke. “No numbness, no

strokes are often not seen on CT scans within the first 24 hours. For this reason, an MRI of the brain was completed, and showed that he had indeed had a stroke.” But even then, he still appeared to be unaffected. Then at about 3 a.m., Farmer arose from his hospital bed to go to the restroom and discovered his right side was paralyzed. “Paralysis had set in, and my right leg was useless,” said Farmer. “It just got worse.” Transferred by ambulance to the Comprehensive Stroke Center at Fort Sanders, Farmer began to realize the seriousness of his condition. “I couldn’t move my right arm – it was drawn up and curled against my chest,” Farmer recalled. Brian Farmer continues “My right leg was pretty to work toward returnmuch pointed to the right. ing to the golf course, I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t after suffering two move. I couldn’t even feed strokes in the last year. myself.” Farmer was treated at On the fourth day of his the Comprehensive 31 days in Fort Sanders, Stroke Center at Fort Farmer was moved into the Sanders Regional and PNRC wing to begin his Patricia Neal Rehabilitingling, no headache. None of therapy. “I’m sitting there tation Center. that. Just dizziness.” in a wheelchair in a row of four or five other people Yet, despite the successful in wheelchairs, waiting FAST (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) campaign to raise stroke symptom aware- on them to get therapy too,” he said. “I look ness, minor strokes can and do occur with- at some of these people, and the thought is out the person ever knowing it. Mild stroke going through my head, ‘You know, I could symptoms that recover after a brief period have been a whole lot worse. I’ve got to go of time may indicate a transient ischemic in here and do what they tell me to do to the attack (TIA) or “mini stroke.” While seldom best of my ability.’ ” deadly, TIAs are often precursors to a fullThat was made easy by the PNRC doctors, blown ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke that nurses and therapists, whose encouragemay follow if symptoms are left untreated. ment was always coupled with enthusiasm Stroke symptoms can also occur over a from Day One. span of hours or days. At first, the affected “I wish I could remember her name, but person may have little or no symptoms, but the girl who came to wheel me up to as time passes, the symptoms will become therapy was just bubbling with excitemore apparent as an estimated 32,000 brain ment and positivity,” he said. “From cells die each passing second. her to the doctors to the nurses to the Pressed to go to the emergency room, therapists, I can’t say enough good Farmer reluctantly agreed. At Parkwest things about those people. Of course, Medical Center, Farmer thought perhaps he I had a positive attitude from my had dodged a bullet when a CT scan came family and a special friend. Between back negative for stroke. those people, I couldn’t help but stay However, according to Dr. Daryl Harp, positive. The level of professionalism neuoradiologist, “Physicians are aware that and effort they put forth was amaz-

WARNING Signs of

The Stroke Center at Fort Sanders Regional delivering immediate and excellent care When a stroke happens, timely treatment is critical. The Comprehensive Stroke Center at Fort Sanders Regional is well above the national average in delivering prompt treatment of life-saving medication. Clot busting drugs are given to stroke patients through a vein to improve blood flow and minimize potential disabilities. The amount of time it takes for a patient to be brought in to a hospital until the moment medications are intravenously administered is referred to as “door to needle time.” While the average door to needle time is a little Arthur Moore, more than an hour, the door to needle time at Fort Sanders Regional is 30 minutes. That’s half an MD hour faster than the national average. It’s just one of the many advantages a patient has when treated at a comprehensive stroke center. The stroke center exists to provide the highest level of stroke care for complicated stroke cases.

ing. They were magnificent.” “We’d only do three hours of therapy a day, but it seemed like 10,” Farmer added. “It was really grueling because I started at Ground Zero. I lost every ounce of strength I had on my right side, and my left side too basically – my body was just sapped of strength. I remember them giving me a twopound weight to lift – two pounds! I couldn’t even pick that up!” Still, 31 days after the stroke, Farmer was wheeled to the door and discharged from PNRC. He walked the last 15 to 20 feet to his ride home. “It wasn’t the prettiest or most graceful walk I’d ever taken,” he said, “but it was the most gratifying.” His rehab continued a couple of weeks later at Patricia Neal Outpatient Center at Roane Medical Center, and he heaps more praise on the therapists there. “They were just top-notch, positive people, which was good for me because I had to help myself and I didn’t need someone who was going to bring me down,” he said. “They were just as determined here to make me better as they were in Knoxville. Their attitudes were great. They are really dedicated to their work, and enjoyed their work – and it showed.” A second stroke last April, just months after finishing his outpatient rehab, slightly affected his speech and cognition but for the most part is undetectable. In the meantime, he goes to the gym three times weekly to lift weights and work on the elliptical bike. “As far as real limitations, I have none,” said Farmer. “I can’t run. I can’t jog. I can walk ok. It takes me awhile to get somewhere but I can do it,” he says. “I’m not back to where I want to be – I want to be on the golf course right now. That’s where I want to be. And that’s where I will be in September. It may not be pretty, but I’m going to be on that course.”

“It really exists to provide that next level up from what you can get at your local community hospital,” Arthur Moore, MD says. “Strokes can often be treated at those hospitals, but finding out why the stroke occurred to prevent it from happening again sometimes takes someone who’s done a lot more work in treating stroke.” Moore says finding out the “why” takes some digging into a patient’s background, and sometimes it’s not as obvious as the main risk factors. “Stroke centers tend to be better and faster at treating stroke just because we see it all the time,” Moore says. “We have doctors who can go up into the brain and pull a clot out, and that’s a really specialized niche. Most hospitals don’t have access to someone who can do that.” The Comprehensive Stroke Center at Fort Sanders Regional sees patients from throughout East Tennessee, and even from Kentucky. To learn more, visit fsregional.com/stroke, or call (865) 541-1111.


When it comes to stroke, time lost is brain lost, so it’s important to understand the warning signs and how to reduce your risk. If you or a loved one experience any of these symptoms, call 911. Sudden severe headache with no known cause Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination Sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes

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No comprehensive stroke and rehabilitation center in our region does more to reverse stroke’s devastating effects than Fort Sanders Regional Medical Fort Sanders performs Center. That’s why hospitals clinical trials and procedures for stroke not available across East Tennessee refer their most complex stroke patients to anywhere else in our region. us. And only Fort Sanders Regional is home to the Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center, East Tennessee’s elite rehabilitation hospital for stroke, spinal cord and brain injury patients.


POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • A-3

Lacy and Jordyn Coffer prepare to be rammed into by Andre and Kendrick Coffer on the bumper cars. De’Arin Paine holds onto Charles Paine Jr. as they go Deonte McPhillips and Blake Lane get a view from above on down the super slide. the Ferris wheel.

Fun at the

Lions Club carnival

Lavese Maxwell and Sophia Demott show off the toys they won at one of the carnival games.

Peyton Heiser rides the carousel.

Brisa Sanches, Sarah Sanches, Jessica Rangel and Armando Sanches go for a spin on the tilt-a-whirl.

City sign ordinance

From page 1

Pam Hambright thinks her dancing egg could brighten North Central. This is the view from her front door. the ordinance, but I’m not a public speaker,” Hambright said. “So I didn’t. I thought the exemption would apply.” She said none of her neighbors objects to her plan and said she doesn’t believe that some of the prohibitions in the ordinance are good for the 800 block of North Central Street, which hasn’t yet seen the kind of redevelopment that’s taking place a few blocks north. Hambright – who got her start in the business with the help of her late parents, Frank and Hazel Hambright, who sold Mag-

pies cookies and cakes at the Market Square Farmers Market – bought 846 N. Central St. seven years ago, spruced it up and moved the bakery there from its Old City location, where it had been for five years. She rented the back half of the building to the Glowing Body Yoga Studio, which fronts on Irwin Street. Soon, both businesses were drawing steady customers. After her next-door neighbor, the iconic Corner Lounge, went out of business, Hambright and her husband, Scott Carpenter, bought that

building, too, and eventually chef Holly Hambright (Peggy’s sister) opened Holly’s Corner there, giving the neighborhood a trio of vibrant new businesses. Being turned down by the city inspectors forced Hambright to spend $250 to appeal the decision to the city Board of Zoning Appeals, where she will plead her case in October. If she is turned down there, the next step is City Council. She says she’s feeling frustrated. “If a business is willing to spend $10,000 of their own money to make their neighborhood more appealing, why should the city be opposed to that? It can only be a good thing for everyone,” she said. “There has to be a way to make an exception in the ordinance to accommodate neighborhoods such as ours and the Magnolia Avenue corridor to allow us to make our businesses stand out from the blight.”

Come…let us tr eat royalty.

Windsor you lik e Gardens Celebrating ASSISTED LIVING NG G 15 Year Years!

Walta Patt

From page A-1

blessed with a wonderful husband, Tim, and son, Andrew, 24. “God brought me back to barrel racing through a unique set of events,” she said. “When I decided to start racing again, I called my friend Jackie Cooper. She took me to see Littleman, a horse she had owned when he was a colt. He was 6 years old when we went to see him and had just started on the barrels.” Patt and Littleman had

an instant rapport. Patt brought him home, rode and trained him daily. Twenty years old now, the stallion has won races with Patt for 10 years. Patt says there are great horses out there like Littleman, but they need to be loved, nourished and trained; then the horse will want to do whatever their master asks of them. “Littleman is considered a freak of nature. He is little and has short legs, but he’s got grit. He wins with his

heart and wins consistently.” Patt says she always prays for the others who are racing and that God will put His feet in her stirrups and His hand on her reins. She takes nothing for granted. “I am so grateful to God for the life He has allowed me to live. There are so many people He has put in my life – my husband, my son and so many friends and family – that help me and make it possible for me to live the life I love.” Patt family members will host the Raccoon Valley Bluegrass Festival on their farm Sept. 26.

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Sarah Sanches enjoys a peaceful ride on the carousel.


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A-4 • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news

Hay is in the barn Country-boy football coaches, since the days of Bowden Wyatt, have used the same expression to describe this time of year. “The hay is in the barn.” This is obviously a farming summation, the alfalfa matured, was cut, pitched or baled and put away for later use. Applied to football, it means August anguish is finished, growing season has ended, the plan is in place, basic preparation is past. What remains is to run through the T, tighten up the chinstrap and play the game. It is a very exciting time for Volunteers – with a sobering thought lurking in the background. Did I do

dedicated to the cause. Is the hay safely in the barn? Nobody knows today. But we’ll all find out Marvin later. How the team looks is West relevant – and I’m not talking about Nike or alternate uniforms. Can we recognize improved strength and enough? speed in action? Was coachAll the good ones will ask ing so crisp as to eliminate themselves: Did I put in the hesitation and confusion? What really matters are hours, do the work, focus sharply on details, leave results. Wins and losses. little to chance? Am I really How and where and beating ready for the proverbial mo- betting odds are secondary. ment of truth, the opening There was a time when were justified. kickoff, giant games to fol- excuses low, a season of high expec- Butch Jones inherited a tations? depleted roster. Lane KifThey will check to see if fin committed too many they are sufficiently con- recruiting blunders. Derek fident, totally committed, Dooley didn’t do much of

anything. We think Butch Jones has excelled. Talent was below SEC standards. Too many people were too slow. Those flaws appear to have been corrected. There was a shortage of experience. Butch dared to play young guys. That those who stayed are now sophomores and juniors is his reward. Turnovers? Stuff happens. The solution is to be mentally and physically strong enough to overcome the shock. Injuries? Inevitably, there will be some. The burden on coaches is to have a replacement ready. This has been a past weakness. If it happens again, don’t try to explain it away.

No matter who tells you otherwise, an improved defense will depend on having a capable middle linebacker. The front looks better. The secondary seems secure. Count special teams as a probable plus. Key to Tennessee offensive success? The quarterback, of course. And receivers. And running backs. Big plays, sustained drives, more punch in the red zone. The key to skill players gaining a few yards and scoring an occasional touchdown? Same as always. The offensive line determines the width of the doorway. It is the primary component of victories – and defeats. If you are keeping score, Tennessee’s offensive line has been a little less than overwhelming in recent years. This is where Mike DeBord comes in. For orga-

nizational purposes, a touch of glamour and pay justification, he is offensive coordinator. It says in the book that he, in his spare time, is also supervisor of quarterback instruction. DeBord is really an old line coach. He has technical skills and bulldog determination to assist Don Mahoney in the critical production of a real, live offensive line. I recall questioning, back in the winter, why Butch would hire his old (59 or 60, not 80) buddy with so much at stake. I have rethought the situation. Wouldn’t it be something if Mike DeBord turns out to be the winning edge, the guy with the pitchfork or high-lift that puts the hay in the barn. Marvin West invites reader reaction. His address is westwest6@netzero.com

New members ahead for MPC Three city members of MPC had their current terms end June 30 but Mayor Rogero has not acted to replace them two months later. Since all have served two terms, Rogero will not reappoint them. They are Bart Carey, Michael Kane and Jack Sharp. When the new members are named, they will have a few months shaved off their term due to Rogero’s tardiness in naming replacements. The current city members will probably continue at least until October as the mayor has not sent any paperwork to the state to replace them. ■ If yard signs could vote, Finbarr Saunders and Paul Bonovich would be fairly close competitors for City Council seat C with Kelly Absher and David Williams behind in the yard sign battle. The Saunders

Victor Ashe

and Bonovich signs are actually in real yards and not right of ways which is a compliment to both. ■ Mayor Rogero and City Council deserve praise for working to restore Fountain City Lake. The iconic landmark is part of our city’s history. It will take a long time to correct the difficult issues there but the wait is worth it if success is the result. ■ Several new personnel moves in the city were announced last week and (as is the practice of the Rogero Administration), salaries were not included in the announcement. How-

ever, they are public record. David Brace moves to senior director of public works, and his salary jumps from $109,870 to $135,000. He is a top-notch public servant and earns every dollar he receives. He lives in Island Home in South Knox and start in 2002 with the city. Chad Weth, who becomes service director, sees his salary jump from $75,742 to $95,000 plus a $5,830 annual car allowance. Sheryl Ely starts works at $75,742 as a deputy director, coming from Oak Ridge city government. She does not get a car allowance. ■ Dean Rice, chief of staff to Mayor Tm Burchett, married Natalie Maneava on May 6. She is from Belarus and is seeking U.S. citizenship while working on her Ph.D. at the University of Tennessee. ■ David Massey, who

sends out an excellent weekly neighborhood advisory newsletter from the city website, last week stated that Mayor Rogero (for whom he works) was unopposed for her second term. While she will be the only name on the printed ballot Sept. 29, she does have a qualified write-in opponent named Jack Knoxville. To Massey’s credit, he sent out a correction when notified of the error. While rare, it has happened that a write-in prevails. Former three-term council member Gary Underwood was first elected by a write-in vote against the late Vice Mayor Hoyle McNeil in 1989. However, Jack Knoxville will fall far short of the goal line in this writer’s opinion. ■ There really is a new greenway in Knoxville which has not been officially dedicated/opened

but it is there and ready for use. It is a city secret. This one is right along the river which stretches from the Buck Karnes Bridge to Marine Park on Alcoa Highway. There is not a sign to it but I can assure you it is there. Park at Marine Park and you can use it. Round trip it is almost a mile long. Formal opening has been delayed until an entrance can be built to link it to the bridge. I had thought the opening was being delayed to coincide with the city primary election Sept. 29, which would have been a rational if political reason. Now the ribbon cutting may come after the city primary which suggests the delay is due to leadership failing to complete it in a timely manner. ■ State Rep. Jason Zachary turned down state health insurance for himself as he signed papers

on becoming a state representative. Zachary opposes the Insure Tennessee program. Zachary had a full room at his swearing in at First Baptist Church of Concord Aug. 24 including Mayor Tim Burchett, Farragut Mayor Ralph McGill, state Reps. Bill Dunn, Eddie Smith, Jimmy Matlock and Martin Daniel; state Sens. Frank Niceley and Richard Briggs. House Speaker Beth Harwell, first woman to hold that position, administered the oath of office after County Commission elected Zachary to the position. There still is a special election in the district Sept. 29 to elect Zachary. By winning in a special election necessitated by Ryan Haynes’s resignation, Zachary secured incredible media attention which he could never have achieved in a normal cycle.

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E KNOX – Excellent condition! This 3BR/2BA rancher is move-in-ready. Enjoy the covered front porch & plenty of stg in 8' tall crawl space. $95,000 (937604)

WEST – Great location! This 3BR/3BA sits on lg corner lot. Formal living & dining rm w/den off kit. Mstr BR has walk-in closet. Office & rec rm down w/wet bar & full BA. Oversized 2-car gar great for boat or workbench area. $185,000 (936633)

< POWELL – Private & gated. This 13.98 acre mini-farm features: All brick 3BR rancher w/attached 3-car along w/ det 3-car w/office & BA, horse barn, 4-slat board fencing & auto watering sys for live stock. $524,900 (930293)

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< GATED 36+ACRE ESTATE lake & mtn views. Custom 4BR/6BA home has everything you need all on 1 level, full BA off each BR, 2nd story theater/game rm with full BA & workout rm. Enjoy the orchard & bring your animals. Barn: 2,400 SF, 7 stalls, hay loft & 1,800 SF apartment. Several possible building sites. $1,200,000 (932763)


POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • A-5

Jeff Ownby keeps on walking

In this 2009 photo, Carol Evans leads Lamar Alexander and Bill Haslam on a walk at River Bluff in South Knoxville. Photos courtesy of Legacy Parks Foundation

Wilma Jordan, Jim Clayton and Kay Clayton sport Halls Has It! shirts to celebrate the start of construction on the Clayton Park.

Legacy Parks makes its mark Legacy Parks Foundation scored a coup in landing “Wild” author/protagonist Cheryl Strayed as speaker for its Sept. 11 luncheon. The $100-a-plate event at UT’s Holston River Farm is sold out with 1,000 participants. But its real accomplishment as it celebrates its 10th anniversary is the everexpanding list of parks in Knoxville and Knox County. Executive Director Carol Evans has helped communities raise money for parks across the county. Her first big project was in Halls, where the community raised almost $500,000 to purchase 11 acres at the intersection of Norris Freeway and Highway 33. The big donor was Jim Clayton ($300,000), who got naming rights. Legacy Parks collected donations, purchased the land, put conservation restrictions on the deed and conveyed title to Knox County. Donors are disappointed that Clayton Park is not yet open, but the foundation is not to blame. “We learned how to do it better (with that project),” Evans now says. Next, Evans helped Fountain City Town Hall develop a skate park on city-owned land just off Broadway. Central High School students created a video to show the benefits of a neighborhood skate park. Legacy Parks recently helped with the Everly Brothers Park in Bearden. Terry Faulkner, president of the Bearden Council, says the foundation’s support was invaluable. “I’m not sure we would have gotten the project going if they had not been so

Betsy Pickle

supportive,” she says. “Legacy Parks has been a godsend to us.” The Harrell Road stormwater park in Karns is a Legacy Parks project. Legacy was behind the scenes when Pete Claussen conveyed some 400 acres on the French Broad River to Knox County for Seven Islands Wildlife Refuge. And Gov. Bill Haslam showed state support at the 2013 Legacy Luncheon when he announced that Seven Islands would be added to the state’s park system and renamed the Seven Islands State Birding Park. But it’s in South Knoxville where Legacy Parks has been most active – first

with the development of the 1,000-acre Urban Wilderness, including preservation of Civil War forts and a battlefield, and later by facilitating the donation of 100 acres by the Pat Wood family to connect the Urban Wilderness trail system to nearby neighborhoods and South-Doyle Middle School. The foundation was suggested by Doug Bataille, Knox County’s senior director of Parks and Recreation, who heard the idea at a workshop. He and Mark Field, then president of the Knoxville Chamber and chair of the county’s parks advisory board, first tested community interest. Field and Bataille then recruited former Knox County Executive Tommy Schumpert to serve as the first board chair. They took him out to lunch and told him the position would be easy and he wouldn’t “have to do anything.” “He knew we were lying, but he agreed to it any-

way. It really took off from there,” says Bataille. Schumpert credits Evans with the foundation’s success. “With her leadership we have done some very outstanding projects for the people that will last a long time.” Evans became executive director when Sandy Hull left after about a year and a half. “Carol’s done a tremendous job of moving the foundation forward,” says Bataille, who also praises the work of the board over 10 years. “The Urban Wilderness was a fantastic example of multiple partnerships,” he says. “You had the city, the county, the state, private landowners getting involved. It was a great vision created by Carol through the foundation, but a lot of people pitched in to make it happen, especially the Appalachian Mountain Bike Club, with a huge amount of sweat equity.”

Three years ago, I figured Jeff Ownby was a dead man walking. But now, I’m not so sure. And I changed my mind even before I saw the “Thank you, Commissioner Ownby for your support” sign out front of West Hills Elementary School. Although we’re in the throes of city elections, those races are weakly contested and pretty boring. As a result, county elections, which aren’t on the calendar until 2016, appear to be drawing as much attention as those to whom this season allegedly belongs, and District 4 is one of the most interesting. I doubt I’m the only one surprised that incumbent Ownby is not only still standing, but also chugging steadily forward. Ownby, 48, is built like a fireplug and sports an old-fashioned crew cut. He was a loud, proud and relatively unknown Tea Party Republican when he took on incumbent Finbarr Saunders in 2010. Saunders (Webb School, Class of ’62) is a moderately conservative Democrat with deep roots in the Bearden area. A retired banker, he was well funded and well established in business and in the community. Ownby won a six-year term (the terms were being realigned that year because the commission was cut from19 to 11 members) by 358 votes in what was widely considered a stunning upset. And although it was a Republican “sweep” year, locally and nationally, the tally shocked the political establishment and whittled the number of County Commission Democrats to two. Ownby immediately locked down a reputation as one of the most conservative commissioners. Then, in the spring of 2013, the news that he and another man had been arrested for indecent

Betty Bean exposure in a Sharp’s Ridge sting operation rocked the local political firmament. Ownby lost his day job and embarrassed his family, and common wisdom was that he was toast, politically speaking, despite his public apology. It didn’t take long for well-known, well-funded fourth district opponents to emerge. Hugh Nystrom (Webb School, Class of ’85) made it official last spring, and Janet Testerman (Webb School ’87) kicked off her campaign this summer. Despite his public humiliation, it became clear that Ownby wasn’t going away. I started noticing him for something other than Tea Party rhetoric. Maybe he’d been doing it all along. When there was a cause to be championed that other elected officials disdained, there he was, calling out state officials over the closing of Lakeshore Institute (which he believes has increased the numbers of homeless), opposing the closing of the former St. Mary’s Medical Center in North Knoxville and questioning the rezoning that cleared the way for Tennova to move the facility to Middlebrook Pike. He even wore a red shirt in solidarity with protesting teachers. Few other elected officials asked these questions. So a year out from county elections, Ownby, who has ditched his Tea Party affiliation, is facing two well-connected, well-known opponents whose financial resources he cannot match. And he keeps moving forward. I’m starting to believe he has a chance.

GOSSIP AND LIES ■ Sleepy commuters awoke with a start last week when NPR linked a familiar name with a familiar drug. ■ John Duncan, this one a 60-year-old hunk called “a crusty sea-dog” by the Gold Coast (Austraila) Bulletin, watched police raid a nearby boat and confiscate cocaine worth some $17 million.

Mayor plays ball Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero poses w ith local softball players as part of the U.S. Conference of Mayor’s initiative “Play Ball.” Photo submitted

■ Duncan says he had pegged

Coming September 23

the sailors as phony when the bloke in charge wore a suit jacket and dress shoes. ■ “They just didn’t look like boaties. It was really suss,” said Duncan. ■ Meanwhile, Knoxville’s own John Duncan III was vacationing on the beach with his wife and two kids (photos on Facebook). – S. Clark

Savings t





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A-6 • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news

SENIOR NOTES ■ Karns Senior Center: 8042 Oak Ridge Highway 951-2653 knoxcounty.org/seniors Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 2: 8 a.m. Rise-N-Shine walkers; 9:30 a.m. Zumba; 10 a.m. party bridge; 11 a.m. SAIL exercises; 1 p.m. Rook. Thursday, Sept. 3: 8 a.m. Rise-N-Shine walkers; 9 a.m. Scrabble; 9:30 a.m. Tone & Tighten; 10 a.m. genealogy; 2:30 p.m. yoga. Friday, Sept. 4: 8 a.m. Rise-N-Shine walkers; 10 a.m. Farkle, Tai Chi; 12:30 p.m. cookout; 1 p.m. Mexican Train dominoes.

Bill Dunn greets resident John Simmons.

Bill Dunn talks with residents Muriel and Clayton Brewer.

Monday, Sept. 7: closed for Labor Day.

Dunn talks legislation at

Tuesday, Sept. 8: 8 a.m. Rise-N-Shine walkers; 9:30 a.m. Tone & Tighten; 10 a.m. PC tutoring; 11 a.m. SNAP education program; 12:30 p.m. pinochle; 2:30 p.m. yoga. ■ Halls Senior Center: 4405 Crippen Road 922-0416 knoxcounty.org/seniors Monday-Friday Hours vary Wednesday, Sept. 2: 10 a.m. bingo, hand & foot; noon Senior Meals; 12:30 p.m. bridge; 1 p.m. Rook, SAIL exercise. Thursday, Sept. 3: 10 a.m. pinochle, line dancing, quilting; 11 a.m., exercise; 12:30 p.m. duplicate bridge; 1 p.m. ballroom dance class; 3 p.m. Tai Chi practice. Friday, Sept. 4: 9:30 a.m. Pilates; 10 a.m. euchre, Farkle; 11 a.m. SAIL exercise; 11:30 a.m. art class; noon Lunch Bunch, Mexican Train dominoes; 2 p.m. Zumba Gold. Monday, Sept. 7: closed for Labor Day. Tuesday, Sept. 8: 10 a.m. canasta; 11 a.m. exercise; noon potluck: tailgate; 1:30 p.m. hand & foot.

Photos by Brittany Ricker

Bill Dunn poses with Morning Pointe resident Bill Jones.

By Sandra Clark About 25 residents of Morning Pointe of Powell hosted state Rep. Bill Dunn in their community room last week. Dunn recapped the recent legislative session and received limited feedback. That could mean everyone agreed with him or no one did. Dunn was warmly received. He brought a huge watermelon that he had grown in a garden he works at Brickey-McCloud School, where his daughter is a teacher. Ironically, Earl Hoffmeister, the man Dunn defeated in his first election (1994), now lives at Morning Pointe. Hoffmeister was present but merely smiled amicably. Dunn said Hoffmeister, a four-term elected school superintendent, is “smart as a fox.”

“Tennessee is one of the lowest-taxed states in the nation,” Dunn said. And Tennessee is adding jobs from other states where taxes are higher. Dunn said “a lot of politicians would bribe people with their own money” by passing legislation to benefit citizens. “At least they had to occasionally vote to increase taxes,” he said. “Now we’re seeing politicians, not me, making businesses do things.” These politicians will pass minimum-wage bills, etc. to benefit people without a negative effect on the politician – no requirement to raise taxes. But finally the businesses can’t compete and just move to states like Tennessee where restrictions are fewer. Dunn then drifted to a discussion of tort reform,

Republican-style. “The American culture is suehappy,” he said. Now Tennessee allows those who are injured to be “fully compensated on real costs,” but has attempted to cap payouts for “the murky area” of pain and suffering. “A judge overruled that.” So Dunn moved into a discussion of activist judges, saying he’s very concerned with the increasing power of judges to overturn decisions of the Legislature. ■

Leadership change ahead

Tyner Brooks, administrator at Morning Pointe of Powell since its opening, has transferred with the company to a facility outside of Nashville where his wife has secured a job. Brooks said he will miss

dent majoring in therapeutic recreation, who is doing a 120-hour practicum at Morning Pointe. She is a native of Hohenwald, Tenn. ■



the residents and their families as he leaves Powell. Meanwhile, Brittany Ricker has joined Morning Pointe of Powell as life enrichment director. In that role, she will plan events and activities while assisting with marketing. A native of Greeneville, Tenn., Ricker is a 2011 graduate of the University of Tennessee and a former schoolteacher. Her husband is Travis. Ricker is assisted by Hayden Rawdon, a UT stu-


Erin Bates Paine, a member of the Bates family of Rocky Top, Tenn., will visit Morning Pointe of Powell at 2 p.m. Monday, Sept. 14, to entertain on the piano. Ricker said residents are looking forward to the visit. On Tuesday, Sept. 15, the facility will observe National Assisted Living Week, with Fall Festival activities 5-7 p.m. There’s Balloon Magic from 5:15 to 6 p.m. and a concert by Charlie Katts from 6:15 to 7 p.m. Throughout the event, residents and guests will share refreshments and view classic cars while kids enjoy a bounce house.

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POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • A-7

Ninfa Parsons: Ministry building faith By Cindy Taylor Ninfa Parsons has been an instrument of God for most of her life. As a native of the Philippines she began ministering to Muslim people in that country at the age of 20. Now at 75 she is still going strong. Parsons recently returned from her latest trip to the small town of Panacan in Davao City in the southern part of the Philippines. She spoke to Powell Aglow members last week during a gathering at the home of her daughter Edilyn Hall. “There is so much bad news, chaos, natural disaster and fear going on in the world today,” said Parsons. “The good news is that God is in charge. Parsons makes at least one trip per year to continue ministering to poor Moslems in her home country. She has started bible schools and been instrumental in starting schools, churches

Ninfa Parsons and Aglow leader Diane Shelby

and prayer houses. She participates in senior and youth retreats and often makes sure the hungry are fed. She has seen many healed from disabilities and disease and

Photo by Cindy Taylor

has shared the gospel wherever she travels. “Her faith is really awesome,” said Hall. “Her ministry has built her faith.” Parsons is a member at

Trinity Chapel in Knoxville. She is able to sustain her ministry to the Philippines thanks to financial support from church members and private individuals with a heart to see Moslems converted to Christianity. Parsons message was one of encouragement and faith. “God is still moving by His spirit, manifesting Himself to those that seek and follow Him.” Parsons plans to return to the Philippines in December. She, her daughter and members of Aglow prepared traditional Philippine fare for the group meeting. “Her life and ministry is truly inspiring,” said Aglow leader Diane Shelby. Ministry donations may be sent to Trinity Chapel, 5830 Haynes-Sterchi Road, Knoxville TN, 37912-9991. Aglow members meet each fourth Tuesday for fellowship, sharing and worship. Info: dbsaglow@ gmail.com.

Jimbo Watson is home again By Cindy Taylor Jimbo Watson is back home. The Knoxville native and 1999 graduate of Halls High School began his youth ministry at Smithwood Baptist Church. He started as a youth worker then served as interim until accepting a position at Broadway Baptist Church. He loved the two years he spent at Broadway, but when the administration at Smithwood called and asked if he was willing to come back as youth minister, Watson and wife Melissa, a teacher at Powell Elementary, decided to return to his home church. “Smithwood is amazing because it is home,” he said. “The people here have loved on me and my family since day one.” Watson says the congregation at Smithwood encouraged his desire to enter ministry and then allowed him to serve. He says their love and nurturing has made him the person he is today, and he will be forever grateful. As a follower of Jesus, Watson believes in the importance of being mission-

minded. He has served as a volunteer at Wesley House Community Center and was a member of the Montgomery Village Baptist Center Committee for the Knox County Association of Baptists for three years. A former baseball player at Halls and then at the University of Tennessee, he has coached several local baseball teams as well as at Powell High School. His vision for youth is to produce disciples who then produce disciples. “Sharing the message of Jesus is a daily part of my life,” he said. “As a matter of fact, it is my life. This plays out in everything I do.” Students at Smithwood attend Wednesday night ASSEMBLY, where the main focus is discipleship. Watson says the entire ministry is based upon equipping students to find their identity in Christ and being able to express their faith in dealing with daily problems. Students enjoy fun fellowship activities and partner to serve local schools and ministries such as Fountain City Ministry Center. “Student discipleship at

faith Heavy lifting And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself. (John 12: 32 NRSV) I was carried to church when I was two weeks old, and mostly, have been there ever since. There are advantages and disadvantages. At a young age, we learn with our limited understanding. If we never re-think or re-consider our youthful understandings, we don’t grow in the faith. So, I was startled on a recent Sunday morning to realize that to be “lifted up” could have various meanings. There is the literal interpretation that witnesses of the crucifi xion saw in painful clarity. Jesus was lifted up on a cross, and the purpose of that elevation was torture, agony, and a slow death at the hands of the Roman soldiers, who were – to be fair – only doing their duty. But there is another way in which Jesus can be lifted up. The small, country church where I worship these days has a picture of the Christ above the pulpit. I was looking at

Cross Currents

Lynn Pitts

that picture, considering the concept of “lifting up” when it dawned on me that our job as Christians is exactly that: to “lift up” Christ. Not physically, but metaphorically. And not only with our mouths. We are called to live our lives in such a way that Christ is lifted up. We are to shine (in his reflected glory) so that all the world can look at us and see Christ. We are to be the body of Christ in the world. My friends, we can’t do that alone. We need each other, because together, we are smarter and better and richer and holier than any one of us can be alone. Lift Christ up by how you live and love and work in this world!

FAITH NOTES Community services Watson family members: (front) Fischer, Coleman, Makenzi; (back) Melissa, Brooks and Jimbo. Photo submitted Smithwood is teaching them to pray in a biblical way on their own, read scripture, encourage each other in Christian community and go forth with the message of the gospel to Fountain City.” Watson says the church student ministry team is developing a very specific plan for their youth to share with students in the Fountain City area the good news that Jesus paid the price for them. He says that as part of sharing the Gospel the church

should serve the immediate community and that the service opportunities for students at Smithwood will present new and unique ways for them to worship and experience God. “Mentoring and shepherding the students is very important to me. I want them to experience God to the fullest.” Smithwood Baptist Church is at 4914 Jacksboro Pike. Info: www.smithwood.org or 689-5448.

City talks energy efficiency at Compassion Coalition By Wendy Smith The community spent millions of dollars helping people pay utility bills last year, and a big chunk of that money came from churches, according to Knoxville Sustainability Director Erin Gill. She wants churches and community organizations, like those represented at last week’s Compassion Coalition Salt & Light Lunch, to get involved with finding permanent solutions to high utility bills, rather Louise Gorenflo of Knoxville Scores and Knoxville Sustainabilthan the “Band-Aid” apity Director Erin Gill Photo by Wendy Smith proach of handing out money. In 2014, 14,000 Knox- which is making headway bers and nonprofit groups ville families received $3.8 with education, one of to distribute to low-income million to help pay utility IBM’s main recommenda- friends and clients. She gave details on how bills. Older homes close to tions. Literature about energy to apply for the Knoxville the city center, which are often owned or rented by efficiency can be over- Extreme Energy Makelow-income families, tend whelming, Gill said. Terms over (KEEM) program anto have high bills due to lack like “kilowatt hours” don’t nounced by the city last of weatherization. Federal mean much to those who week. TVA, KUB and the County funding provided weath- need energy education the Knoxville-Knox CAC are partnering to proerization for just 30 homes most. In response to this, the vide free weatherization uplast year, Gill said. In 2013, the city was Smarter Cities Partnership grades for 1,200 homes in awarded $400,000 worth has produced a brochure ti- Knoxville over the next two of technical assistance tled “Savings in the House” years. Income-eligible homefrom IBM to evaluate how that contains simple, easyto connect low-income to-read energy-saving tips, owners and renters, with populations with energy- like washing clothes in cold landlord permission, who efficient services. In re- water and sealing air leaks live within city limits can sponse, Mayor Madeline around windows and doors. apply for KEEM and other Rogero founded the Smart- Gill provided copies of the weatherization programs 8 er Cities Partnership, brochure to church mem- a.m. to 4:45 p.m. through

Friday, Sept. 4, at the L.T. Ross Building, 2247 Western Ave. Louise Gorenflo of Knoxville Scores also spoke at the luncheon. The faith community should care about the gifts of creation and want to avoid wasting what’s been given to us, she said. Knoxville is one of 50 cities nationwide that are competing in the two-year, $50 million Georgetown University Energy Prize contest. The contest measures energy savings in municipal buildings, public schools and residences, and the Knoxville Scores team encourages homeowners to weatherize homes and increase energy efficiency. One goal is to get 1,000 homeowners to get TVA eScore energy audits by the end of the year. So far, 733 households have received audits. Knoxville is currently in 13th place in the contest, Gorenflo said. She recommended that churches set a goal of having 10 percent of members sign up for energy audits. Weatherized homes are more comfortable, have better resale value and help the environment, and TVA offers rebates for some upgrades. Info: www. KnoxvilleScores.org.

■ Cross Roads Presbyterian, 4329 E. Emory Road, hosts the Halls Welfare Ministry food pantry 6-8 p.m. each second Tuesday and 9-11 a.m. each fourth Saturday. ■ Glenwood Baptist Church, 7212 Central Avenue Pike, is accepting appointments for the John 5 Food Pantry. Info: 938-2611. Your call will be returned. ■ Ridgeview Baptist Church, 6125 Lacy Road, offers Children’s Clothes Closet and Food Pantry 11 a.m.-2 p.m. each third Saturday. Free to those in the 37912/37849 ZIP code area.

Classes/meetings ■ Church Women United Knoxville-Knox County

meeting, 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 4, Bethel A.M.E. Church, 3811 Boyds Bridge Pike. Bible study led by Rela White to follow at 10:30. ■ First Comforter Church, 5516 Old Tazewell Pike, hosts MAPS (Mothers At Prayer Service) noon each Friday. Info: Edna Hensley, 771-7788. ■ Powell Church, 323 W. Emory Road, hosts Recovery at Powell at 6 p.m. Tuesdays. The program embraces people who struggle with addiction, compulsive behaviors, loss and life challenges. Info: recoveryatpowell.com or info@powellchurch.com.

Vendors needed ■ Dante Baptist Church, 314 Brown Drive, is seeking vendors for its Craft Fair Oct. 10. Info: Vivian Baker, 382-3715.

HEALTH NOTES ■ Peninsula Lighthouse Group of Families Anonymous meetings, 6:15-7:15 p.m. each Tuesday, 1451 Dowell Springs Blvd. For relatives and friends of those who suffer from current, suspected or former problems of substance abuse or related behavioral problems. Newcomers always welcome; no dues or fees; no formal sign-up; first names only. Info: Barbara L., 696-6606 or PeninsulaFA2@aol.com.



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A-8 • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news

Life is sweet at

Fall Creek Apiary By Shannon hannon Carey Rich and Pat Hunt’s herd numbers more than 700,000 head of livestock. That sounds like nonsense until you realize they’re talking about bees. The Fall Creek Apiary (the official term for a bee farm) has 12 hives, each with around 60,000 bees. The Hunts harvest the honey from spring to July and sell it at the Union County Farmers Market. But life wasn’t always so sweet. The Hunts moved from Florida after they retired, and they brought with them a son who was dying from multiple sclerosis. Within two months, he passed away.

Their neighbors, neighbors many off them strangers, brought food for the family. “I couldn’t believe it. People were so wonderful,” said Pat. Four years ago, the Hunts went to a 4-H speech contest with their granddaughter and met a family that raised bees for honey. They went to a bee club meeting in Knoxville and won a state grant for beginning beekeepers, including a hive, a smoker and a protective suit. “It was kind of a Godsend after our son died,” said Pat. “It gave us something to focus on besides our grief.” Now, they belong to four bee clubs, including Bee

F Friends riends in Tazewell. Tazewel az This is their first year selling honey at the Farmers Market, and they’re getting close to selling out for the season. Their honey is 100 percent pure. “We met so many nice people, and we have so many repeat customers,” said Pat. Rich is willing to help new beekeepers learn the skills they will need to care for the bees. Each bee has an assigned job, he said. He stops gathering honey in July so the hives will have nourishment through the winter. “They are the most awesome creature on this Earth,” Rich said. “It shows

Rich and Pat Hunt of Fall Creek Apiary stand with two of the 12 honey-producing beehives on their farm. Photo by S. Carey how wonderful God is to give a creature like that that we can work with.” Pat pointed out that honeybees are in danger from certain chemicals, and their role as pollinators is vital to agriculture. “They call them the vanishing bees,” she said.

The Hunts try to shop in Union County when they can, so they buy their foundations and frames from the Union County Farmers Co-op, which recently started stocking beekeeping supplies. Pat thanked everyone who has purchased honey

from Fall Creek Apiary, and all who will in the future. The Union County Farmers Market meets 3-6 p.m. each Friday through October, behind Union County Arts, 1009 Main Street, Maynardville. Info: Fall Creek Apiary, 992-1240

Teacher, students meet to talk …

69 years later

By Sandra Clark

Margie LeCoultre, retired principal, is still having lunch with her fourth-grade teacher. But the teacher, Wanda Neal, is now 90, and the “kids” are 77. “We have had a great time sitting at Puleo’s Restaurant and just chatting away. She is so precious!” says LeCoultre. Their next lunch date is for The Front Porch in Powell. LeCoultre writes: “Wanda Neal had just graduated from Maryville College in 1946, when she was assigned a fourth-grade class of 10-year-old students at Fair Garden Elementary School in East Knoxville. “Wanda had majored in French and definitely wanted to teach that subject. The

Knoxville City Schools system was in short supply of teachers at the end of WWII and teachers were placed where the need arose.” Wanda shares the following: “Feeling a bit unprepared for the job at hand, since my experience with nine year olds was zero, I struggled to keep the fastest learners ‘busy.’ After giving them what I considered to be enough needed work, within a few minutes little Margie Humphrey and Nancy Du Vergy would be hovering over my desk declaring, ‘We’re finished. What do you want us to do now?’ “This memory came back to me after many years of teaching. “A young first-year teacher

came into my room, after about an hour on the first day of school, and asked in anguish, ‘I’ve already taught them everything I know. What am I to do now?’ I smiled at my memory and Recently at lunch are Beverly LeCoultre Wilson, Wanda Neal, Margie Humphrey LeCoultre and told her it would get easier Nancy Du Vergy Thomas. and to hang in there. “All in all, that first year my daughters began their tre Wilson, Nancy Du Vergy and was very supportive of at Fair Garden was a very teaching careers at Fair Gar- Thomas and Dr. Margie the young new teacher. Years later, Wanda taught important learning year for den. Things do seem to come Humphrey LeCoultre. LeCoultre followed her her student Nancy’s daughme, and one I will always full circle. “I am certainly enjoying fourth-grade teacher into the ter, Laura Thomas, at Sunnyremember. At the time, I was engaged to be married getting together with my first- classroom as she taught first, view Elementary School, the coming summer and did year students. It is pleasantly second and third grades and which was the first generanot return to teaching until different from the lunches in was principal of four elemen- tion (Nancy) to the second after my three girls were all the cafeteria those 60-plus tary schools in Knoxville and (Laura) for this family. Wanda Neal Frye Weichel in school. I completed my years ago. We have so much Knox County. Wanda Neal welcomed remains very active. She atteaching career in eighth more in common now, and I grade English and American don’t have to think of some- any assistance she could re- tends Eastminster Presbyceive as she looked at her very terian Church, plays bridge history at Sunnyview Ele- thing to keep them busy.” Wanda’s most recent active fourth-graders. Nancy with two card groups and mentary School. (A better fit lunch with first-year students Du Vergy’s mother, Gladys, immensely enjoys her family than fourth grade.) “In the seventies, two of included Beverly LeCoul- also taught at Fair Garden and friends.

Single Tennessee Walker Mare …

seeks a family Leila loves people and is always the first to greet you at the gate. She likes to be “in your pocket.” Folks at Horse Haven describe her as a sweet and pretty girl. She is only 2 years old, not broke to ride yet and is still growing. She doesn’t mind the farrier, and stands still as she gets her pedicure. She is still learning her manners, but is happy to learn them. She would make a wonderful trail horse because of her great running walk. If you are interested in bringing her home to your barn, please visit HorseHavenTn.org/meet-our-horses and fill out an adoption application! Her adoption fee has already been paid by her friend Lilly Wild!

Single, Grey Gelding seeks new family Adam is an 8 years old, 15 hands, gelded grey Quarter Horse X. A favorite of the volunteers at Horse Haven and is described as striking, bold, and beautiful! Not yet broke to ride and will probably need an advanced handler. He is a gelding and would do best with other geldings. He would love to be adopted and go home to his forever home! If you are interested, please visit HorseHavenTn. org/meet-our-horses and fill out an adoption application! His adoption fee has already been paid by his friend Lilly Wild! filmknoxvilletn.com

Horse Haven of Tennessee


Space donated by Shopper-News.


POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • A-9

Open house at Pleasant Ridge Parents were able to stop in at Pleasant Ridge Elementary last week during openhouse events, visit classrooms and find out what goes on inside the school building. An open house is a great time for parents to meet their child’s teacher, find out useful information, become acquainted with daily routines and more. During the event, a tree was set up in the gym area and filled with paw cutouts. The giving tree is a way for parents, grandparents and community members to give back to the school. Paw prints were filled with wish items including hand sanitizer, Legos, office supply gift cards, tissues, contact paper, live plants, U.S. gold pencils, rolls of Velcro and carpet squares. If you missed the tree at open house, it is in the front lobby and ready for friends of Pleasant Ridge to “paws for a good cause.”

Pleasant Ridge first-grade student Kinsey Nguyen demonstrates the proper way to walk in the halls, using “traveling arms” for teacher Kara Israel at a recent open-house event. Photos by R. White

Jaeda Jones and Alexis Butler “paws for a good cause” at the Pleasant Ridge Elementary giving tree during parent night. T-shirt orders are being taken through Friday, Sept. 18, and the cost for youth small through adult extra large is only $8. The shirts will be in a classroom specific color and will feature a superhero theme. Pleasant Ridge parent Brandon Lewis has started a

Go Fund Me account for the school in hopes of raising money for new playground equipment. Lewis has had several children go through Pleasant Ridge and has a special place in his heart for the hard-working staff members. Last year, some of the

equipment was deemed too dangerous for the children and was removed. He hopes to raise money to build a fun, child-friendly playground for everyone to exercise their bodies and imaginations. To contribute, go to www.gofundme.com/pleasantridgeelm.

Love those Friday nights There is something almost magical about Friday nights during football season. Is it the game itself or the activities beyond the field that create excitement?

Ruth White

Fall is always an exciting time for me for several reasons: 1) the smell of freshly cut grass and the slight drop in temperatures; 2) the marching band, led by the sounds of the drumline; 3) the cheers from the stands

that erupt with every great play; and 4) promises of great things to happen. At the beginning of the season, the playing field is level. Everyone has the same record and the possibility of winning it all. Some teams will make it to the playoffs and possibly win a state championship. Others may win a couple of games, having given their all for the team they love. The sounds from a high school stadium are always loud and proud with students exclaiming that they believe in their team. Shopper News intern Annie Dockery attended a high school game with me during the first week of play and was impressed with the amount

of activity. At one moment we were talking with students in the end zone ready to get the game started, then we quickly moved to the field as the band lined up for the team run-through and then to the sidelines to watch the activity off the field. Add in the band playing the school fight song and the cheerleaders and dance team members performing a sideline routine, cheers from the student section and a little football and that might have been the best $8 spent in a long time. If you haven’t been to a game in a while, grab your seat cushion, pick up a couple of shakers and head out to your favorite school’s next game. It sure beats any

Friday night television reruns I’ve seen in a while. Games in the area this Friday, Sept. 4 include Powell at Gibbs and Grace Christian hosting Oliver Springs. Kick-off is at 7:30 p.m.

Cheerleaders Avery Conner and Sarah Grim perform “All I Do Is Win” for the crowd.

PHS drama to host zombie car wash The Powell High School drama department will host a zombie car wash and yard sale to sponsor homecoming queen candidate Abby Rase.

The car wash is an annual event put on by the drama department, and students dress up as zombies who wash cars and pretend to attack civilians. This year, zombies will also work the yard sale, assisting customers in finding that perfect “to die for” item. The actors are interactive with guests, ensuring that everyone has a great time. Parents: The zombies tone down the “zombieness” around small children who might scare easily. This year’s event hopes to be the best car wash yet, with plenty of suds and screams to go around. The zombie car wash and yard sale will be held Saturday, Sept. 5, at EscapePHS drama student and works, 1904 W. Emory homecoming queen candi- Road in Powell. The sale date Abby Rase in a photo will begin at 8 a.m., and from last year’s zombie car the car wash will begin at wash. Photo submitted 10:30 a.m.

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A-10 • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news


Regan and Allie Dunn, Ashley and Olivia Ellison, Ruthie and Tinsley Knight

Soccer trifecta! By Danielle Taylor At GCA this fall, girls’ soccer is a family affair as not one, not two, but THREE sets of sisters can be found on the team’s roster. Holding six of the team’s spots this year are Tinsley and Ruthie Knight, Regan and Allie Dunn, and Ashley and Olivia Ellison. Led by Coach Donnie Green, the team, currently 2-0, definitely recognizes the unique circumstances it has inherited. “I’m honored and blessed to be able to be part of something that is extremely rare, and we may be the only team in the state in any sport to say that,” Green said. With experience beginning in youth soccer for one set of sisters and this being the first year for another set, the addi-

tion of these young women to the roster brings a new level of interest for coach Green. “Each set of sisters is different in their own way, which makes it even more exciting for me,” Green says. So how do these sisters’ unique relationships translate to the soccer field? You might be surprised by their responses. “Tinsley is always encouraging towards me on and off the soccer field. She has taught me to always try my best and never give up even when someone gets by me,” says Ruthie. “Ruthie has great ball skills and is super aggressive. She has taught me to fight for the ball,” says Tinsley. Because of the relationship between each set of sisters, being on the same team means

more than just being teammates; there are life applications as well. “Regan has influenced me to be a leader, play with passion, and persevere through hard games, and even through life,” says Allie. “I have always wanted to be like her.” “We work really well together on the field and we spend a lot of time together doing what we love. We try to be encouraging and keep a good attitude even during tough games,” Regan says. But Grace Christian Academy is more than just a private school; it’s a private Christian school. With that comes even more expectations for these athletes. Sisters Ashley and Olivia share a common goal in regards to their representation of GCA.

“We always try and encourage others and follow Colossians 3:23, which says, ‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men.’ Even though we are very

competitive, we always try and show love to our teammates as well as opponents.” For GCA, the girls’ soccer team is always a great program. But with the addition of these three sets of sisters, it’s certain to make for a special season. However, coach Green understands how limited this opportunity is for him as a coach. “Since two are seniors, this dream will not be possible next year. So I know that this fall will be very special for me and a season that I will surely remember.” To follow the progress of the GCA Rams girls’ soccer team, please visit the Grace Christian Academy website at www. gcarams.org/athletics.

The Pursuit of Excellence As we enter a new school year at Grace Christian AcadExcellence. The word im- emy, we are embracing our mediately creates a picture school year theme, BE EXCELin the reader’s mind -crossing the finish line first, receiving the highest GPA, being named to a prestigious position, or successfully completing a project with a team. Each of these outcomes is a final destination or the ending to a pathway. I LENT. As Christ-followers, we would say that excellence is should pursue excellence in all best described as what happens we do, all the time. As 1 Coralong the path, instead of the inthians 10:31 reminds us, “So ending point. whether you eat or drink, or

By Alisha Hinton

Head of Lower/Middle School

whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” This pursuit is our outward expression of love for Christ while utilizing the gifts He’s given us as educators. Excellence is found in the small details, the behind-thescenes moments, the preparation for the day’s lessons. At GCA, we are focusing on the details within our classroom instruction, personal relationships, and professional practice to ensure that our teaching is done in a way that brings glory to God and prepares our

students for the academic and professional challenges which lie ahead. As a team of educators at GCA, we are committed to making each part of the educational and spiritual development process the best it can be for our students. Each teacher plays an important role in developing the best learning opportunities available and fostering a Christ-centered relationship with each student. At the heart of GCA is our mission to be excellent as we lead students to Christ, build up their knowledge in Him, and

equip students to serve Him as educated disciples. As I enter my first semester as the new Head of Lower/ Middle School, it is my honor to serve with a faculty and staff at GCA who truly believe in honoring God with their gifts. This year will bring with it many great outcomes, but it’s the small details, the dayto-day grind and preparation done with excellence at the core, which will bring about outstanding outcomes for our students. Excellence is in the details! BE EXCELLENT!

POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • A-11


Chamique Holdsclaw in “Mind/Game: The Unquiet Journey of Chamique Holdsclaw,” which will play at the Knoxville Film Festival

Holdsclaw using documentary as outreach By Betsy Bet etsy s Pickle Pic icklle ickl From tth F the h courts t off h her high school in New York to the University of Tennessee to the WNBA, Chamique Holdsclaw built excitement about basketball. Now she’s trying to build understanding about mental illness – through movie theaters. “Mind/Game: The Unquiet Journey of Chamique Holdsclaw” will play on two screens at 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19, at the Knoxville Film Festival at Regal Downtown West Cinema 8. Holdsclaw plans to attend the screenings. Holdsclaw’s stellar career under coach Pat Summitt led to her pro career, beginning with the WNBA’s Washington Mystics. Her career seemed destined for brilliance, but cracks in her tough-as-nails demeanor began to break open after the death of the grandmother who raised her. Holdsclaw was diagnosed with clinical depression and later with bipolar disorder II. Although mental illness derailed her basketball career, she welcomes the path her life has taken. “I’ve been doing mental health advocacy work since 2007,” Holdsclaw says by phone from Atlanta, where she makes her home. “I am in a position to really help people with my story.

““It It’s It ’s very very er y humbling, humbl h bliing bl ng ng, g b bu ut “It’s but also also I know k no now w that that it it is what wha hatt I am supposed to be doing. I could be coaching. I could be doing a number of things. But I am most passionate about this because I know how it’s affected me.” Documentary filmmaker Rick Goldsmith read a New York Times article about Holdsclaw and became intrigued by her story. Coincidentally, he was an old friend of her manager, Lon Babby. “He was drawn to how candid I was,” says Holdsclaw. She still needed to be convinced that a documentary was a good idea. “I had to see what the direction was.” Once she trusted Goldsmith, the project was on. Holdsclaw saw that the film could mesh with her advocacy work. “I felt like it was one of my purposes to move forth and use my platform to draw people so they can understand what people struggling with this illness go through,” she says. “The things that I was dealing with emotionally – the highs and the lows – it’s been an emotional rollercoaster ride. To see that on film and hit these different festivals and to watch it over and over, I started to see growth; I started to see different parts of me.

“It was a real eye-opener. I watch it now, and I’m like, wow, even at my weakest I was so strong. There was a strength about me. I think it has empowered me like it has empowered some others.” She’s grateful for two strong women she’s had in her life: her grandmother June and Summitt. “My grandmother said, ‘I trust this woman (Summitt). You’re going to play for the best, and you’re going to get your degree.’ Coach Summitt said, ‘You’re going to meet some amazing people, and you’re going to have a sisterhood that extends beyond the years

of you playing.’ I’ve got everything that both of them promised. “Me and Coach Summitt have always had a very close relationship. She’s always been very supportive of me, through everything. … She’s an amazing, amazing woman. I’m glad to have her in my life.” She has good memories of her college years. “Knoxville is a very familiar place to me. I always feel welcome; I feel loved. It was just the right choice. I came from New York City, and I’ve got a street on the University of Tennessee campus. I never envisioned that.”

7839 Bell Rd, Knoxville, TN 37938 – 4BR/3.5BA estate home, 9 manicured acres, fenced, 18x49 RV gar, 24x24 det gar, 30x50 barn, 27x48 barn w/4 stalls, custom built, 9 to 15’ ceil, very open, custom wood work, quality +, a must see, one-of-a-kind home & proberty. $1,100,000 MLS# 922179

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4316 Cabbage Drive, Knoxville, TN 37938 – Beautiful 33 acres in the heart of Halls. Zoned PR 1-3 units per acre. Sewer available on Andersonville Pike. Water on Cabbage Drive. Could be divided. Appraised for 1 million by bank in Jan. 2013. $359,900 MLS# 873729

3616 Plantation Court, Louisville, TN 37777 – 4BR/3.5BA, magnificent custom-built “Frank Betz” home situated on a completely flat 1-acre lot in cul-de-sac just seconds to lake. Very open house plan. 18' ceil in LR open to kit w/breakfast area & extra living area. Perfect for entertaining! Huge mstr suite on main w/his/her walk-in closets & custom BA. Hdwd flrs throughout main level. Incredible outdoor living area. $624,900 MLS# 914808

6700 Long Shadow Way Bell Rd, Knoxville, TN 37918 – 4BR/4.5BA, custom-built on the best lot in Halls! High above Shadow Creek S/D, has the feel of seclusion in a S/D setting. All BRs have a full BA attached & walk-in closets. 4th BR dbls for huge bonus rm. Beautiful hdwds throughout. 8-10' ceils, granite, stainless appls, lg screenedin living area overlooks completed secluded heated pool & in-ground hot tub. Beautiful views from the top of Halls! $699,000 MLS# 921421

Conversations in paint By Carol Shane

The Arts & Culture Alliance of East Tennessee excels at showcasing notable artists in our region. This coming Friday will be no exception when the ACA presents its opening night for “Conversations: Portraits and Other Work” by Emily Taylor. Part of Knoxville’s monthly First Friday event, the show includes recent and former portraits and portrait-like paintings and drawings. As an artist, Taylor is intrigued by “the complex interaction and negotiation characteristic of both painting and human interaction.” Hence the title, “Conversations.” Taylor grew up in 1970s and ’80s New York City but eventually found her way to Knoxville “for school and life reasons,” she says. She holds an MFA in painting Opening in theaters Friday, “The Transporter Refueled” brings and an MA in art education Frank Martin back to the screen but with Ed Skrein (the original from the University of TenDaario Naharis in “Game of Thrones”) in the role instead of Ja- nessee. Some of her most popular son Statham. The special-ops guy turned extreme limo driver works are her lively, colorful is forced into a revenge plot that has to do with a Russian criminal and human trafficking. Ray Stevenson co-stars. The action pet portraits. “There will be some dog portraits in the thriller is rated PG-13. show, almost entirely all of the same dog – mine!” says Taylor. “Most of the others were commissions.” Anyone interested in commemoratThe Clarence Brown The- of theater. atre opens the season with a “This production cele- ing a pet in oil is invited to farce, “The 39 Steps,” Sept. brates the film noir dramas view Taylor’s work and com9-27 on the CBT mainstage. of the 1930s and specifically mission a portrait. The popular, two-time Tony Alfred Hitchcock’s film of and Drama Desk Award- the same name,” said diwinner is packed with non- rector Kate Buckley. “But stop laughs, more than 100 it also honors the complex- preview performance will be zany characters played by a ity of the actor’s craft. The held Wednesday, Sept. 9; a cast of four, inventive stage- theatrical dance going on tech talk with the designers craft, handcuffs, missing behind our soundstage door will take place Sunday, Sept. fingers and even some good is zanily complex, requiring 13, following the matinee; old-fashioned romance! It’s inventiveness, dexterity and a talkback with the cast is fun for all ages and great for precision from all.” Sunday, Sept. 20, following anyone who loves the magic A “Pay What You Wish” the matinee; and the open-

‘The Transporter Refueled’

Don’t trip on ‘The 39 Steps’

David Kortemeier, David Brian Alley, Katie Cunningham and Brian Gligor are actors in Hitchcock’s farce “The 39 Steps,” opening Sept. 9 at the Clarence Brown Theatre. Photo by Liz Aaron

The Arts & Culture Alliance will feature paintings and other works by local artist Emily Taylor beginning this First Friday, Sept. 4. Photo submitted

2524 Stone Creek Drive, Knoxville, TN 37918 – 3BR/3.5BA, totally renovated w/private stocked pond & country club access. All new kit, huge island, granite, open to LR, oversized BRs w/ private full BAs, 2BRs have FPs, 2 HVAC units & roof less than 3 yrs, mstr closet is 17x17 w/island. An absolute showplace perfect for entertaining. Outdoor FP, grill & fridge overlook pond right off backyard. Take your golfcart to the course, pool or tennis court. $569,000 MLS# 891762

2520 Stone Creek Drive, Knoxville, TN 37918 – 4BR/3BA, 2 half BAs, beautifully remodeled! A golf cart ride to the country club! Enjoy manmade lake right in your backyard. 17' to 9' ceil on main gives an open feeling. Mstr on main w/brand new BA including granite countertops & enormous walk-in closet! All rms are very spacious. Gourmet kit w/butlers pantry & all wood easy close cabinets, Sub Zero fridge. All BRs connect to a full BA. 3-car gar w/huge bonus rm over top. Stucco letter on file. A must see! $649,000 MLS# 935810

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The opening reception features chocolate fondue from the Melting Pot, as well as hors d’oeuvres. There will be a jazz jam session in the Black Box Theatre hosted by Vance Thompson and Friends. And there will be a flamenco dance performance by Pasión Flamenco dancers from the Tennessee Conservatory of Fine Arts in West Knoxville. Yes, flamenco dance is alive and well in Knoxville. It’s taught by native Romanian Lucia Andronescu, and it really deserves its own feature story. Judging from the gorgeous women in festive costume and the guitar/cajon trio pictured on the website, it’s a spectacle not to be missed. Beautiful art, beautiful dance, great jazz and tasty treats all make for an outstanding First Friday. The opening reception for “Conversations: Portraits and Other Work” by Emily Taylor is from 5-9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 4, at the Emporium Center, 100 S. Gay St. Pasión Flamenco performs at 6 p.m., and the jazz jam begins at 7 p.m. The art exhibition will be on view through Sept. 25. Info: knoxalliance.com or 5237543. Send story suggestions to news@ shoppernewsnow.com.

captioned performance is Sunday, Sept. 27, at 2 p.m. Cast members are David Brian Alley, Katie Cunningham, Brian Gligor and David Kortemeier. Ticket info: 865-656-4444 or clarence browntheatre.com.

A-12 • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news

Science meets nature Ah, technology. How ironic for me, someone who can remember, as a child, listening in on the neighbors on my grandmother’s crank, four-party-line telephone, to be sitting here at my computer pecking out words about technology with my two pointer fingers at the blistering rate of a page every 30 minutes. And then to send the words away through the ether to Shopper headquarters in a 10th of a second. All that in three short generations of us mere mortals. I had been thinking about technology lately because of firstly, the time of year it is, and secondly, because of a short article in this month’s Birdwatching magazine. As to the first, we are all

Dr. Bob Collier

noticing that the days are getting shorter. Also, the fall equinox will be coming upon us on Sept. 21. That is the 24-hour period when the day and night will be of equal length. But the days have been getting shorter ever since the first day of summer, on June 21. And sadly, they won’t bounce back at the equinox, they just trudge on, shorter and shorter, into the winter. Well, the shorter length of days is the big notifica-

Imperial eagle with GPS tracking device

tion for all of nature that big change is coming. Days become shorter and cooler, leaves change color, some mammals frantically store up food supplies and others fatten up for hibernation (this is the route I prefer), and the birds – many of them migrate. We’re getting ready to say goodbye, at least for a season, to such songbird friends as the warblers, vireos, wood thrushes and whip-poor-wills, the indigo buntings and hummingbirds. But by the same token, we’re all set to welcome back the more northerly nesting birds here for the winter – the white-throated sparrows and purple finches, the yellow-bellied sapsuckers and ruby-crowned

kinglets. It’s a busy time out there – literally billions of birds are shifting from north to south, some on relatively short trips; some on remarkably long ones. People for eons have wondered where the birds went in the winter, from stories and myths about swallows bur-









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rowing into the muddy bottoms of ponds for the winter, to hummingbirds flying south on the backs of the geese. Those thousand-mile trips by tiny birds to remote places on the globe were a daunting process to study and follow. Then – enter this technology thing. Think where we’ve come from. Consider, if you will, how at one time a good stone ax was a new and marvelous piece of technology. Or a nice warm fire to cook your food. And then, there was the need to have the means to find your animals. Imagine the pride and sense of accomplishment when that first cowherd slipped that first cowbell on his lead mama cow. Now, by golly, when the herd disappeared over the hill, we knew where they were! And then, another advance: from cowbells to radio collars. For years now we’ve grown accustomed to seeing the elk in the Smokies and up at Royal Blue fitted out with their radio collars – space-age cowbells. I’m reminded of the story of the intrepid Campbell County hunter, proudly driving through LaFollette with one such animal draped over the hood of his truck. “Biggest deer I ever saw!” He didn’t exactly know what the radio collar was about, but at least the TWRA fellows knew where it was. But what about the birds? A one-ounce warbler is not an elk, and you can’t slap a radio collar on a tiny bird to see where it goes. Thus my second recent reminder about technology – an article in Birdwatching magazine on the miniaturization of tracking devices for birds. One big thing about technology that keeps us all amazed (and spending money) is constant and rapid progress. In the column of March 2013, I reported on the new and promising use of geolocator devices to follow the movement of various species of birds. Geolocators contain a clock, a light sensor and a microprocessor. They are relatively small and light and, when attached to an animal, can tell roughly when and where on earth the animal has been. The name of the developer of these devices, sure to become a household word, was Vsevolod Afanasyev,

AREA FARMERS MARKETS ■ Dixie Lee Farmers Market, Renaissance|Farragut, 12740 Kingston Pike. Hours: 9 a.m.noon Saturdays through Oct. 31. Info: dixieleefarmersmarket.com; on Facebook. ■ Ebenezer Road Farmers Market, Ebenezer UMC, 1001 Ebenezer Road. Hours: 3-6 p.m. Tuesdays through late November. Info: on Facebook. ■ Knoxville Farmers Market, Laurel Church of Christ, 3457 Kingston Pike. Hours: 3-6 p.m. Fridays through late November. ■ Lakeshore Park Farmers Market, 6410 S. Northshore Drive. Hours: 3-6 p.m. every Friday through Nov. 20. Info: on Facebook. ■ Market Square Farmers Market, 60 Market Square. Hours: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesdays and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays through Nov. 21. Info: marketsquarefarmersmarket.org. ■ Maryville Farmers Market: Church Avenue. Hours: 9 a.m.-

such an interesting name that I had to repeat it here. The geolocators have proven very useful and have been used to study the global movements of the wandering albatross across the trackless oceans of the world. More recently and closer to home, they have followed the heretofore nearly unknown traveling habits of the eastern population of the golden eagle, a fascinating story of its own. But now, more progress – from bird bands and geolocators, we’re on to Global Positioning Systems. Satellite-based GPS, fully operational since 1995, is what brings us the voice of that pushy lady in our car dash telling us we’re lost, and to make a U-turn as soon as possible, regardless of what may be coming. Helpful? You can set it to remember where you parked your truck in the National Forest, and it will take you right back to it. Among its many advantages, GPS is highly accurate. Rather than telling the biologist that his target bird is in this mountain or that valley somewhere in the world, GPS can pinpoint locations down to 10 meters, or about 33 feet. And now we have a GPS unit that weighs in at about one gram, roughly half the weight of a penny, so that it can be safely attached to a bird that weighs as little as 20 grams, or 0.7 ounce, the size of a large warbler. So, wildlife biologists can capture various small birds that couldn’t be studied before and fit them with the tiny GPS unit to pinpoint their locations at various times through the seasons. Obviously, this is a far cry from the old method by which we discovered the wintering grounds of the chimney swifts – natives in the Peruvian Andes smoked a bunch of them out of a hollow tree to have for lunch, discovered the magical bands on their legs and gave them to a missionary, and a couple of years later the bands found their way to Washington, D.C., and were identified. All the new knowledge that technology is bringing us will soon become common knowledge, and then we’ll be off after a whole new set, with more new tools. May it always be so!

sellout, Saturdays through Nov. 17. ■ New Harvest Park Farmers Market, 4700 New Harvest Park Lane. Hours: 3-6 p.m. Thursdays. Info: on Facebook. ■ Oak Ridge Farmers Market, Historic Jackson Square, 281 Broadway Ave. Oak Ridge. Hours: 3-6 p.m. Wednesdays; 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays through late November. Info: on Facebook. ■ Seymour Farmers Market, lower parking lot of Seymour First Baptist Church, 11621 Chapman Highway. Hours: 8 a.m.-noon Saturdays through Oct. 10. Info: seymourfarmersmarket.org; on Facebook. ■ “Shopping at the Farm” Farmers Market, Marble Springs, 1220 W. Gov. John Sevier Highway. 3-6 p.m. Thursdays through Sept. 17. ■ UT Farmers Market, UT Gardens, Neyland Drive. 4-7 p.m. Wednesdays through Oct. 21. Info: vegetables.tennessee. edu/UTFM.html; on Facebook.

Additional information at ShopperNewsNow.com.


POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • A-13

Canopy assessments show where trees are needed By Wendy Smith Data gathered from Tennessee Division of Forestry and city canopy assessments, both completed last year, will be used in an upcoming report on the health Kasey Krouse of Knoxville’s tree canopy. The assessments were done via aerial photos. Maps created from data gained from the photos are available on the urban forestry section of the city’s website. The city canopy assessment shows percentage of tree cover by neighborhood, and the state assessment shows changes in the canopy from 1997 to 2010 by City Council district. This year, city Urban Forester Kasey Krouse plans to compile information from

both assessments into a report that details where Knoxville has healthy tree cover and where additional trees might be planted. The city has an annual treeplanting budget of $50,000 and has received an additional $20,000 in state funds for each of the past three years. That allows for the planting of 500-600 trees per year, Krouse says. The assessments indicate that the total size of the canopy stayed the same from 1997 to 2010, but that doesn’t account for annexed property, which is generally forested. A significant change in land use, indicated by an increase in impervious surfaces like roads, sidewalks and buildings, was indicated for the same period. Tree cover along roadways and in abandoned pastures increased, but further research is required to determine if that’s a good thing. Some may be privet, rather

than new, healthy trees, and privet inhibits tree growth. Such data allows Krouse to target neighborhoods that are losing tree coverage. Different parts of town face different challenges in regard to the canopy. One neighborhood that has had a dramatic decrease in street trees in recent years is Oakwood-Lincoln Park. Fortunately, it has a large number of sites for plantings, he says. A pilot program began this year using discretionary funds from City Council member Finbarr Saunders. Trees have been planted along two blocks, and the neighborhood is very excited. The anticipated report will give Krouse the opportunity to further educate the community about the value of trees. Trees add monetary value to homes because they cut cooling costs and increase property values, but people who have expe-

rienced property damage from trees, or just want to be able to mow quickly, may need more information. Krouse is happy to share his expertise with neighborhood organizations. He’d like for the community to understand the risks of hiring non-professional tree workers to top trees. Trees that have been “topped,” or had large branches or trunks removed from their tops, are more likely to fail, especially during storms, he says. He recommends hiring professional arborists to consult on proper treatment for large trees. There is one tree species that, in his opinion, can’t be overpruned − the Bradford pear. “Cut it down and plant an oak.” To learn more about the city’s tree-planting program or request a program, contact Krouse at 215-6113 or kkrouse@knoxvilletn.gov.

Celebrating the grand opening of Champion Physical Therapy in Strawberry Plains are Brett Kolnick, Kyle Markway and his son, Kyle Jr., John Staley, Tim Butcher and Chris Robinson. Photos by S. Clark

Champion PT opens eighth office By Sandra Clark Friends and patients packed the house for the grand opening of the Champion Physical Therapy facility in Strawberry Plains. Attendance was boosted by Merle the Squirrel flagging in cars from Andrew Johnson Highway and smells from the pork-cooking smoker strategically positioned near the entrance. It was free food and good times for all as Champion opened its eighth facility. The Strawberry Plains clinic director is Kyle Markway, DPT. He obtained a doctorate of physical therapy from the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center in 2010. Prior to graduate school, Markway completed a bachelor’s degree in natural science from Christian Brothers University. Markway enjoys working with all types of orthopedic and outpatient diagnoses, with a special interest in treatment of the spine utilizing the McKenzie Method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy. He assists athletes in returning to preinjury performance. His clinical experience includes internships at Tennova, Tennessee Orthopaedic Clinics in Oak Ridge, East Tennessee Children’s Hospital, and Tennessee Orthopaedic Clinics at D1. The company president is John Staley III, who grew up in Halls and played football for coach Larry Kerr

on Halls High School’s only state championship team, 1988. A teammate was Tim Butcher, also a physical therapist, who heads Champion’s Halls office at 7228 Norris Freeway. Staley is a licensed physical therapist (PT) and a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS). His primary areas of practice include orthopedics and sports medicine. He also has extensive experience and interest in management, marketing and consulting. He is a credentialed clinical instructor through the American Physical Therapy Association. As a 1993 graduate of the physical therapy program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, he has remained active in the university by serving on the UTC Alumni Council, University of Tennessee Board of Governors, and as an adjunct clinical faculty member. Butcher is one of four vice presidents. He earned a bachelor’s degree in exercise science from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville in 1993. In 1997, he earned a bachelor’s degree in physical therapy from East Tennessee State University. He is a certified strength and conditioning specialist. Along with his 15 years of clinical experience, Butcher has completed several continuing-education courses. Also at the open house were PTs and Champion

Gilbert joins GIA Dr. Jeffrey “Jeff” Gilbert has joined Gastrointestinal Associates (GIA). He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in both internal medicine and his primary specialty, gastroenterology. Dr. Gilbert served for six years as a physician at Oak Ridge Gastroenterology Associates, where his clinical interests included gallbladder and bile duct disorders, cirrhosis and liver disorders, and colon cancer prevention. Dr. Gilbert is active in the community Dr. Gilbert and serves as a reserve elder and Sunday school teacher at First Presbyterian Church of Knoxville. He lives in the Hardin Valley community with his wife, Amy Gilbert, and their children, Anna Grace, Lucy and James.

vice presidents J. Christopher Robinson and Brett Kolnick. Robinson holds a degree in physical therapy from UT Chattanooga and is a certified strength and conditioning specialist. He has 15 years of experience. Kolnick earned a master of science degree in physical therapy from Nova Southeastern University in 1998. Prior to entering the physical-therapy field, he earned a degree in business from Eastern Kentucky University. He was captain and a four-year letterman for the

Mike Bailey introduced his longtime friend, former SEC and NFL football official, Eddie Powers, to the Rotary Club of Bearden. Photo by A. Hart

Eddie Powers, the SEC and the NFL By Anne Hart Eddie Powers’ colorful memories of his long career as a field official with both the SEC and the NFL made for an entertaining program at the Rotary Club of Bearden. The Clarksville native was a three-year letterman in football at the University of Tennessee before becoming a graduate assistant coach under legendary coach John Majors. Powers said he began his career as a field official with the Knoxville City Recreation Department working with the Knoxville Youth League, an organization he said “turns boys into men.” He coached Little League and Pee Wee football in those days. He later worked as a field official with the Ohio Valley Conference and then spent 13 years as a field official with the Southeastern

EKU football team. He is a certified strength and conditioning specialist. Champion Physical Therapy has offices in Halls, Strawberry Plains, Elizabethton, Bristol, Harriman, Pigeon Forge, Seymour and Alcoa. Staley said Champion serves outpatient post-operative individuals and those with work- or sports-related injuries. Most insurance is accepted, and appointments can be scheduled within 24 hours. Info: championptllc.com or 865-377-3176. Waddell

Conference, where he was a field judge. “Getting into the SEC was tougher than getting into the NFL,” Powers said, because he couldn’t work games for a school he had attended or officiate games of coaches he had worked for or with. He joined the National Football League as a field judge in 2002 and retired in 2008 so he would watch his two sons, Clay and Dylan, play football at the Christian Academy of Knoxville. Football has long been a family affair in the Powers family. His dad played under another football legend, Bear Bryant, at the University of Kentucky, and then coached with Bryant at the University of Alabama. Powers said his family has made Knoxville their home since 1973, adding, “Tennessee football has kept me here.”

Waddell to head sales

Nathan Waddell, a longtime U.S. Cellular employee, has been named director of sales for the wireless carrier’s Mid-South territory, which covers East Tennessee, Western North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland. He replaces Jack Brundige and will be based in Knoxville. Waddell joined U.S. Cellular in 1999, most recently serving as senior director of sales for the Northwest Territory.

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A-14 • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news

Shopper Ve n t s enews

Send items to news@ShopperNewsNow.com

SEEKING VENDORS The Union County Heritage Festival is seeking arts-and-crafts vendors, food vendors, demonstrators and nonprofit booths for the festival, to be held 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 3, at Wilson Park in Maynardville. The festival draws more than 4,000 people each year. Info/booth pricing: Marilyn Toppins, mtoppins51@comcast.net.


“Handbuilding With Clay” class, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Appalachian Arts Craft Center, 2716 Andersonville Highway, Norris. Instructor: Janet McCracken. Registration deadline: Sept. 7. Info/registration: 494-9854; appalachianarts.net.

TUESDAY, SEPT. 8 Happy Travelers Lunch and Gathering, North Acres Baptist Church, 5803 Millertown Pike. Entertainment by David West & the Cider Mountain Boys and comedian Hattie. No charge; suggested contribution, $7. Info/reservations: Derrell Frye, 938-8884. Knoxville Civil War Roundtable meeting, 7 p.m., Bearden Banquet Hall, 5806 Kingston Pike. Program at 8 p.m. Speaker: Dennis E. Frye, chief historian at Harpers Ferry National Park. Topic: “September Suspense, Lincoln’s most tenuous time.” Lecture only: $3; dinner and lecture: $17. RSVP deadline: noon Monday, Sept. 7, to 671-9001. Open enrollment for beginner’s square dance class, 7 p.m., Square Dance Center, 828 Tulip St. Lessons $5; first lesson free. Info: R.G. Pratt, 947-3238.

THURSDAY, SEPT. 3 Bee Friends beekeepers group meeting, 6:30 p.m., auditorium on Tazewell campus of Walters State. Info: 617-9013. Goodwill Vintage Fashion Show and Sale, 6 p.m., Hilton Knoxville, 501 W. Church Ave. Tickets: $40; includes dinner, fashion show and entrance to the Vintage Boutique. Info: goodwillknoxville.org/vintage; 588-8567. Movie and Popcorn: “Elsa and Fred,” 11:15 a.m.-1 p.m., Humana Guidance Center, 640 Plaza, 4438 Western Ave. Free and open to the public. Info: 3298892, TTY: 711.

FRIDAY, SEPT. 4 Grand opening: Broadway Studios & Gallery, 5-9 p.m., 1127 N. Broadway. Featuring “Gaudy Gold Frame Show.” Info: BroadwayStudiosAndGallery.com. Karaoke, 6-10 p.m., Bubba Brew’s Sports Pub & Grill, Beach Island Marina. Info: 992-3091. Union County Farmers Market, 3-6 p.m., 1009 Main St., Maynardville. Info: 992-8038.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 5 Kitten and cat adoption fair, noon-6 p.m., West Town PetSmart adoption center, 214 Morrell Road. Info: feralfelinefriends.org. Spaghetti supper, New Fellowship Church, 120 Pine Drive, Maynardville. Dinner, silent auction, cakewalk, gospel music. $5 donation requested; proceeds to church building fund. The Reignsmen will perform, 6-10 p.m., Bubba Brew’s Sports Pub & Grill, Beach Island Marina. Info: 992-3091. Zombie Car Wash and Rummage Sale, 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Frightworks parking lot next to Bojangles’ in Powell. Car wash: $5 suggested donation. Proceeds benefit Powell High School Theater Department.

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TUESDAY, SEPT. 15 Fall Festival, 5-7 p.m., Morning Pointe, 7700 Dannaher Drive. Free to the community. Food, classic car show, bounce house, balloon magic and more. Charlie Katts concert, 6:15-7 p.m. Celebrating National Assisted Living Week. Info: 686-5771. Honor Guard meeting, 7 p.m., 140 Veteran St., Maynardville. All veterans are invited. Info: 256-5415. Open enrollment for beginner’s square dance class, 7 p.m., Square Dance Center, 828 Tulip St. Lessons $5; first lesson free. Info: R.G. Pratt, 947-3238.

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16 International Folk Dance Class, 7:30-10 p.m., Claxton Community Center, 1150 Edgemoor Road, Clinton. Info: Paul Taylor, 898-5724; oakridgefolkdancers. org; on Facebook. Sharps Chapel Fish Fry, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Sharps Chapel Senior Center. Bring a side dish to share. Info: 9923292.



International Folk Dance Class, 7:30-10 p.m., Claxton Community Center, 1150 Edgemoor Road, Clinton. Info: Paul Taylor, 898-5724; oakridgefolkdancers.org; on Facebook.


American Legion meeting, 7 p.m., 140 Veteran St., Maynardville. All veterans are invited. Info: 387-5522.

International Folk Dance Class, 7:30-10 p.m., Claxton Community Center, 1150 Edgemoor Road, Clinton. Info: Paul Taylor, 898-5724; oakridgefolkdancers.org; on Facebook.



MONDAYS, SEPT. 14, 21, 28


Tickets on sale for “The Music and the Memories” show featuring Pat Boone and Knoxville swing orchestra The Streamliners, 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22, Oak Ridge Performing Arts Center, Oak Ridge High School, 1450 Oak Ridge Turnpike. Info/tickets: KnoxvilleTickets.com or 656-4444.



AAA Driver Improvement Course, 5:30-9:30 p.m., AAA office, 100 W. Fifth Ave. Four-hour course helps reduce points for traffic offenders and teaches how to reduce risk while driving. Cost: $30 members/$35 nonmembers. Must preregister. Info/registration: Kate, 862-9254; Stephanie, 862-9252. First Lutheran 55-Alive seniors group meeting, noon, First Lutheran Church, 1207 N. Broadway. A hot lunch ($8), prepared by school chef Stacy Takonis, will be served at 12:30. Program at 1 p.m.: Ed and Jo Niedens speaking on Rome to Copenhagen and Celebrating D-Day at Normandy. Reservations required: 524-0366. VFW meeting, 7 p.m., 140 Veteran St., Maynardville. All veterans are invited. Info: 278-3784.

FRIDAY, SEPT. 11 Country Dancing for Seniors, 6:30-10 p.m., RiverView Family Farm, 12130 Prater Lane. Lessons, 6:30-7. No alcohol, no smoking. Featuring: two step, swing, line, couples, disco, waltz, mixers and more. Info: 988-8043; 966-1120. Karaoke, 6-10 p.m., Bubba Brew’s Sports Pub & Grill, Beach Island Marina. Info: 992-3091. Union County Farmers Market, 3-6 p.m., 1009 Main St., Maynardville. Info: 992-8038.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 AAA Driver Improvement Course, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., AAA office, 100 W. 5th Ave. Eight-hour course helps reduce points for traffic offenders and teaches how to reduce risk while driving. Cost: $40 members/$50 nonmembers. Must preregister. Info/registration: Kate, 862-9254; Stephanie, 862-9252. Hogskin History Day, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Narrow Ridge Earth Literacy Center, 1936 Liberty Hill Road, Washburn. Admission and parking are free. Info: Mitzi, 497-3603; narrowridge.org. Kitten and cat adoption fair, noon-6 p.m., West Town PetSmart adoption center, 214 Morrell Road. Info: feralfelinefriends.org. Thunder Road Author Rally, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Maynardville Public Library, Main Street, Maynardville. Local authors attending. Meet-and-greet, book sales, book signings. Info: 992-7106.

Dogwood Crrem C mation, LLC.

Karaoke, 6-10 p.m., Bubba Brew’s Sports Pub & Grill, Beach Island Marina. Info: 992-3091. Union County Farmers Market, 3-6 p.m., 1009 Main St., Maynardville. Info: 992-8038.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 19 Kitten and cat adoption fair, noon-6 p.m., West Town PetSmart adoption center, 214 Morrell Road. Info: feralfelinefriends.org. Luttrell Music Festival, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Luttrell City Park. Music, vendors, activities and more. Info: luttrellbluegrass.com. “Salvage Jewelry” class, 1-4 p.m., Appalachian Arts Craft Center, 2716 Andersonville Highway, Norris. Instructor: Sarah Brobst. Registration deadline: Sept. 12. Info/registration: 494-9854; appalachianarts.net.

SATURDAY-SUNDAY, SEPT. 19-20 Country Market, Historic Ramsey House, 2614 Thorn Grove Pike. Hours: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday. Arts, crafts, antiques, classic car cruise-in, Model T club, music and more. Admission: $5; 12 and under free. Info: ramseyhouse.org.

SUNDAY, SEPT. 20 Gospel singing featuring the Sneed Family, 6 p.m., New Beverly Baptist Church, 3320 New Beverly Church Road. Free, but love offering will be taken. Info: 5460001; NewBeverly.org.

MONDAY-FRIDAY, SEPT. 21-OCT. 2 Submissions accepted for jurying process at Appalachian Arts Craft Center in Norris. Must include completed forms, three samples of work and $25 jury fee. Info/forms: www.appalachianarts.net; 494-9854; 2716 Andersonville Highway in Norris.

TUESDAY, SEPT. 22 Open enrollment for beginner’s square dance class, 7 p.m., Square Dance Center, 828 Tulip St. Lessons $5; first lesson free. Info: R.G. Pratt, 947-3238.


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Southeastern Retina

awarded for vision-saving research


outheastern Retina Associates, with 10 locations serving the Knoxville region, recently won the Top Site Award for clinical research from the National Eye Institute’s Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research network. Southeastern Retina also has 8 other offices throughout East TN, Southwest VA and Northern GA. This marks the third year that Southeastern Retina Associates has won this prestigious national award. The award means that Southeastern Retina Associates has demonstrated outstanding performance out of the 115 US participating sites of the DRCR network. The award doesn’t just mean that they’ve signed up the most patients for clinical trials. It means that they provide the highest level of cutting-edge care to the patients enrolled in their clinical trials.

For 20 years, Southeastern Retina Associates has been at the forefront of clinical trials to treat various eye diseases, including age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal vascular disorders, and other ocular conditions. These trials have helped bring life-changing treatments to those who need them most. “By actively participating in clinical trials, Southeastern Retina physicians can provide their patients with access to sight-saving treatments not available at other practices in the region,” said Dr. Nick Anderson. Over the years, Southeastern Retina Associates has become a center for challenging case referrals, and their top-notch physicians and cutting-edge technology make it the ideal choice. “I was the second person in the group,” said Dr. Joseph

Googe Jr. “I have watched the group grow. One of the great things we’ve succeeded in is recruiting really good doctors who trained at the top programs in the country. It has been very gratifying.” Southeastern Retina Associates boasts an all-star staff of physicians with an impressive list of credentials. With medical schools and ophthalmology residencies like Duke, Emory and Vanderbilt, and retinal fellowships at facilities like Wills Eye Hospital and the Massachusetts Ear and Eye Infirmary of Harvard University, the depth of knowledge is some of the best in the country. According to Dr. Googe, advances in technology have made fundamental changes in the way Southeastern Retina Associates treats patients. “The technology just exploded and changed how we treat a lot of eye disease, es-

“By actively participating in clinical trials, Southeastern Retina physicians can provide their patients with access to sight-saving treatments not available at other practices in the region.” – Dr. Nick Anderson pecially in the last 10 years,” he said. “When I first started, we didn’t have much treatment for what we diagnosed. Now, new treatments have been developed. We see a lot of patients with macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy, and now we have better treatments for those conditions.” Much of these better treatments are due to clinical trials conducted at Southeastern Retina Associates.

Dr. Keith Shuler says, “We are always looking at potential new therapies by participating in national clinical trials, it is just part of what we do.” SERA is currently enrolling patients in trials for agerelated macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease and retinal vein occlusions. To ask about clinical trials now enrolling, patients and referring physicians may call 1-888-KnoxRet (566-9738).

Southeastern Retina Associates

Joseph p M. Googe, g , Jr.,, M.D.

James H. Miller, Jr., M.D.

Tod A. McMillan,, M.D.

Stephen L. Perkins, M.D.

Nicholas G. Anderson, M.D.

R. Keith Shuler, Jr., M.D.

Providing comprehensive Retina Care in East Tennessee for over 35 years. Nationally recognized as the Most Experienced Retina Team in East Tennessee. Specializing in: X Macular Degeneration X Intravitreal Injection for Macular Degeneration and Diabetic Eye Disease

X Diabetic Retinopathy X Retinal Vein and Artery Occlusion X Flashes and Floaters

The Only Fellowship-Trained Medical and Surgical Retina Specialists in the Region -ACULAR (OLE s %PIRETINAL -EMBRANE 2ETINAL $ETACHMENT 2ETINAL 4EARS s 2ETINOPATHY OF 0REMATURITY Our retina specialists utilize the most advanced therapies and surgical approaches to provide the best treatment available. Southeastern Retina Associates also maintains active clinical trials and research programs to provide cutting-edge treatments to East Tennessee.

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As well as offices in: Oak Ridge, Maryville, Harriman, Sevierville, Crossville, Morristown, Cleveland, Chattanooga, Dalton, GA, Rome, GA, Kingsport, Johnson City, Bristol, Abingdon, VA.

A-16 • SEPTEMBER 2, 2015 • POWELL/NORWOOD Shopper news




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