FOR SALE: New Kimber KDS9C 4” 9mm Gray/black rail model, Tru Glo night sights, fluted barrel, Ambi, Safeties, 15 & 18 Round magazines plus 2 extra 15 round and 1 extra 10 round. Monogramed soft case, IWP Black holster, unfired. No tax. Pictures available. Phone, 717-480-6481, no texts, $1,395 firm.
FOR SALE: New model Colt Cobra, 38 special +P, Caliber, special Talo model SB2BB, polished stainless, Rosewood altamonte grips, 2 inch barrel, unfired, brass bead front sight, black IWP holster, no tax, pictures available. Phone, 717-4806481, no tests. $895.
FOR SALE: Huskee snowblower with electric starter, 5 HP, 24 inch cut, $150.00. Black and Decker 20V string trimmer with 3 batteries, $40.00. Folding garden kneeler and seat, $10.00. Squirrel resistant bird feeder, new, $20.00. Pick up in Elliottsburg. 717-582-2815.
FOR SALE:1-Vintage P.S.
Olt Model #L22 goose call
$25, 1-HS Mallard Single reed call $25, Small antique copper toned cow bell $8, Vintage Fisher Price Family Station Wagon and 1969 Bus $7 each, Game News
Magazines $1 each Call for Cover Artists Names, Bradford Exchange Princess
Diana Collector plate $5, Ring Bearers fancy pillow
$5, Glass & Pewter Beer
Stein(new) $8, 3 legged milking stool $8, 1996 Collectible Sunoco Tow Truck with Plow $12, Princess cut
Diamond Solitaire & Ruby wrap $400, Brush Master Chipper Shredder CH8 with 2 way feed, 3” maximum thickness (Like New) $625, Generac 5000 Watt Generator $350. Phone or Text 717-582-4559.
FOR SALE: Ruger 57, 5.7x28 caliber extra magazines, two holsters $500; Ammo for sale 5.7x28 mm 45 boxes 50 rds per box total 2200 rds $1462.50 @ $32.50 a box. Everything Ruger and ammo priced to sell for $1,000. call 570246-5831 ask for Tom
FOR SALE: Quilt rack
$40, antique round table $250, milk can $100, antique dresser $150, Daphne Krepps Marthouse Iverspringa In Coffee Run print/ framed with certificate of Authenticity $75, 2 older Electrolux vacuums for parts or possibly fix up, both canisters work $25, can text pictures of all. 717-5800514
Join Us For a Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, March 15th from 3:00-6:00 PM.
The dinner will be held at Tressler Memorial with the option to eat in or take out. The menu will consist of: Spaghetti (sauce or meat sauce), Tossed Salad, Bread, Dessert and Drink. The cost is $12.00 for adults, 4-12 years old $6.00, and children 3 and under are free. Proceeds from the dinner are for community outreach and church improvement fund. Come join us for an evening of socialization and great food!
FOR SALE: New Holland 463 3pt hay mower. Very good condition. $4000, Call/text 717-824-9785.
FOR SALE: 2004 Lincoln Town Car, excellent, inside-outside, condition, 180XXX miles, mostly the better highway miles. Ready for a lot more miles. $2,800, 717-734-2278, Mifflintown area.
FOR SALE: Taurus Judge 10 Year Anniversary Engraved 45 Colt / 410 ga. 2.5” Revolver. Can lookup online. Like new condition. With box. Asking $795 OBO. Can send pictures if needed. 814-259-0195 or Cell; 814-500-8735
FOR SALE: Knight Rifle, Long Range Hunter, Forest Green Thumbhole, .52 CAL, Stainless Steel, 27”
Barrel W/Silver Scope. Brand New Never Been Shot. Asking $995 OBO.
Can send pictures if needed. 814-259-0195 or Cell; 814500-8735
FOR SALE: Savage AXISII 22-250, REC: RH, Carbon Black Matte, Stock: Wood-Laminated Matte, Scope: Bushnell. New never been shot. Asking $795, OBO. Can send pictures if needed. 814-259-0195 or
REAL Testimonials
“Sold my fixer so fast and so easily! — Anthony, New Bloomfield
“The entire process from start to finish was fantastic and very simple.
— Jason, Marysville
The whole process from the first phone call to the settlement was very fast.”
— Brian, Carlisle
“Sold my house to WBP. They were so friendly and made things so easy during the process! Would recommend them to anyone!” —Sarah, Halifax No issues or hiccups. I would definitely do business with them again!
— Mark, Harrisburg
“This was our 4th person to whom we tried to sell our large unfinished house. A++” — Amber, Dauphin
FOR SALE: Quilt rack
$40, milk can $100, Antique dresser $150, antique table $250. Can text pictures of all. Mifflintown 717-5800514
WANTED: Remington
7600 or 760 pump rifle, any caliber, must be in good shape. Please call 717-4975111
FOR SALE: Thermal rifle scope, ATN Thor LT 320 pixel. Looks and functions like brand new only one year old paid 1400.00. Only selling to buy a different model with video function. Asking 800.00 obo. Call 717-582-6647.
FOR SALE: Two pair size 13D pointed-toe western boots. Compliment-getters; excellent condition. Outgrew them quickly. Each pair $40. Both pairs, $70. 717-571-1380.
KEN SHULL APPRAISALS, LLC, KEN SHULL, CREA PA State Certified • Real Estate Appraiser, 223237-6932 - Office-100 River Road, Duncannon, PA 17020, kenshullappraisals@ • Residential and Multi to 4 units • Appraisals for Estates, Divorce, Purchase, Refinance, Investments, Taxes, and Sales • Serving Perry, Juniata, Mifflin, Snyder, Dauphin & Cumberland Counties since 1996 • We outreach to Lancaster, York, Adams, Nor-
thumberland & Schuylkill Counties. Born & Raised in Perry County. Call today 223-237-6932.
FOR SALE: Section of Steel pipe 39 and a half inches long x three eighths of an inch thick. Perfect for building a lawn roller or cookstove, $50. 717-4442399.
FOR SALE: Porter cable dove tailer Omni Jig with 24 inch model 711624 includes 7117 Wall inch, half blind, dove tail template and other templates, $600; Porter cable router with 2 bases, one model 1001 and one 6931 plunge base router, model 6902; Heavy duty motor 2300 rpm with case, $200; Delta Drill Press floor
model 16 and a half inch, 5 speed three quarter H.P. $1,200; Delta band saw floor model catalog #52963 with four new blades, $600; Millers Falls mitre box with 4 inch saw $50; (3) Carpenter tool boxes, $25, $35, $50; Carpenter 6 ft x 6 level, $50; Men’s ice skates size 11 worn 1 time, $25; Browning box Hawk eye camera with flash with manual, $20; New Revised Standard version bible new testament on cassettes, $35; Owners manual for 2010 Ford Escape car, $25 717732-3060, Mechanicsburg (ufn).
FOR SALE: Cub Cadet model 1882 with 3 pt. hitch , call 570-847-6385. Must leave message, Liverpool.
FOR SALE: Craftsman air compressor on wheels, $30; Car ramps, $20; 2 Water can lamps with flowers, 110 volt, $20; 2 Dolly wheels 8 inch swivel, $25; Cub Cadet hood model 1025 make offer. Call 570-847-6385, must leave message, Liverpool.
FOR SALE: Electric boat motor; Scope deer rifle; 15 ft. Tuna fishing rod; 32 Caliber black powder squidrel rift; Ruger Black Hawk, 6 shot revolver; Cash sales
only (legal gun sales) 717694-0122.
FOR SALE: Yardman triple care system, 8 hp. Chipper/Shredder/Vacuum, $125 or best offer 717-275-6934 text or call and leave message, Shermans Dale.
ROBINSON’S BARGAIN STORE in Loysville has For Sale: Metal Doll house, Art Lanterns, $20, Trump Flags $5 (3x5), $12; Garden flags $10, House flags $18, hats $5, caps $6, dish cloths $3, Knives, jewelry, ballon spinners $18, win-
2581 Free Spring Church Rd. • McAlisterville, PA 17049
dow clings $3, Soft and hard bound books, wooden desk, $3, wood chairs and tons more.
FOR SALE: (3) Lightning Glider Sleds, 2 long, 1 short, ; (2) 3 pt. hitch snowblowers; 1 dual auger hey, sport 7 foot, 1 single auger manual sport 5 and a half foot. 717438-3737.
FOR SALE: Old school desk, excellent condition. 42 inches long 13 and a half inches wide with fold up seat, $200. Call 570-5392052.
FREE: Two depression
ECA china closets, please call 717-645-6423 leave message. I can send photos of them to you as well.
BUYING COLLECTIONS: Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Model Kits or built Railroad items, Trains, Vintage Toys, GI Joe, Star Wars, Die Cast Tractors, large or small collections. Will consider other items. Call 717-834-9067 Duncannon. Email papstreats@ Let me help you clean out.
FOR SALE: 2017, 40 and a half feet Jayco Eagle 5th Wheel Camper; Bunk room, full bath and half bath, outside kitchen, electric fireplace, 4-tv’s, Awning, outside lighting, stereo, like new, $42,000 or best offer. 570-837-2529.
FOR SALE: Koboalt, 268 piece, Homeowner’s tool kit, $65 717-438-3178.
FOR SALE: Haul Master, Cargo Carrier, Hitch included, $125, 717-438-3178.
FOR SALE: Bauer one half inch heavy duty angle drill, $75, 717-438-3178.
FOR SALE: Gardner’s Way Squeezo Strainer, $10. 717-438-3178.
FOR SALE: Myers Snow plow model ST 7.5 Wiring harness, controller, quick disconnect mount with lights and shoes included. Bring help to load. 717-3202185.
FOR SALE: Portable not Am Medical ready lift RLS 3000 E. Includes (2) new batteries and charger, $450. 717-320-2185.
BEAT NATURE’S DEADLIEST DESTROYER with Lightning Rods — World’s first electrical system. Lightning Rod Installers since 1961, Ray & Sam Pfleegor, Call for free estimates, 570-293-4170 or 570-701-7989, Northumberland. (12/25)
FOR SALE: Tow bar for older cars with a metal bumper, excellent condition, $250, 814-342-3709.
FOR SALE: (4) new old stock 16 inch Emergency Triangle roadside reflectors and 3 new 9 inch x 4 inch reflectors still in box, new C-1965, $45 as a lot. 814342-3709 days.
FOR SALE: Small 12 v, 2 speed fan for in a truck cab,
Want to get rid of your excess stuff?
works well, C-1960, $25. 814-342-3709. days
FOR SALE: Jewelry Casting outfit complete with wax molds and ring shank roller and ring stretcher and compressor and small torch and 3 foot overhead hood with vent and light, $2,000. 814-342-3709. days.
FOR SALE: Magnavox
DVD player with remote and hook-up cables, excellent condition with 40 DVD action movies, $65. 717379-8010.
FOR SALE: New pair of men’s black leather shoes.
Size 9 and a half, double wide, $40. Call 717-3798010.
FOR SALE: New in the box bath seat by Guardian with back support, $20. 717-379-8010.
ION: Christian male widower seeks Christian female companion, 65 or older, 570-701-7989 (ufn).
EVENT: Saturday, March 1st from 9am-5pm. The Perry Historians will hold a FREE Beginner’s Genealogy Workshop. This is a great way to get started on your family tree or to pick up tips on continuing your research with plenty of time to work on your own families following a classroom session and a tour of our library. There are dozens of resources available at our library that are not available online through the typical genealogical research websites. Some of those resources include: Original court documents including marriages, wills and estates as well as civil and criminal court cases; complete cemetery
tombstone transcriptions for Perry and surrounding counties, including some cemetery no longer in existence and records from many local churches and funeral home. This event is FREE but in order to have enough handouts, please send number of those attending to Donna Heller Zinn at or
call her at 717-776-6403 (leave message).
EVENT: The Fremont Fire Department is kicking off their annual fund drive on March 1st with a goal of raising $25,000. Each year, the department conducts a fund drive in the spring to allow the citizens of their response area to contribute.
This fund drive goes specifically to the truck fund to reduce debt on the new fire engine the department purchased in 2019. Local residents should be receiving a donation request in the mail soon. Donations can be mailed to the Fremont Fire Department at P. O. Box 83 Mount Pleasant Mills, PA 17853 and put in the memo line “Fund Drive” or you can donate online via credit card at
Family&Business Insurance
On Saturday, March 1st from 9:30 AM to 2 PM the Fremont and Port Trevorton Fire Companies are holding a Child Safety Awareness Day at Snyder County Produce Auction. This is in cooperation with the Snyder Co. Children & Youth, Evangelical Hospital, Penn State Extension, PA State Police, Snyder Co. EMA and more. There will be various speakers regard-
ing farm and home safety. In addition, there will be some safety demos & activities for all ages. A light lunch will be provided by donation. The event will conclude with the fire departments doing a mock tractor roll over. Mobile Health of Evangelical will also be offering free health screenings the duration of the event. Questions? Call 272-2319964 or 570-274-0918
EVENT: On Saturday, March 15th the Fremont Fire Department will hold their 5th Annual Meat Bingo. Event will be held at the Fremont Social Hall 299 Millrace Rd. Mount Pleasant Mills. Doors open at 3PM and Bingo will begin at 5PM. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Tickets are $25 each and include 20 regular games valued at $50
each. Only 150 tickets will be sold. There will also be 3 special games valued at $65 each and side raffles running throughout the evening. All meats are provided by Stauffer’s Butcher Shop and include items such as hamburger, steaks, sausage, ham, bacon, pork chops, ribs and more. Message us on Facebook ( fremontfire100) or visit our website ( or call 570-539-8230 for tickets. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department.
EVENT: The Fremont Fire Department will be having an All You Can Eat or take-out Seafood Dinner on Saturday, March 22nd from 4 PM - 6:30? PM at the Fremont Social Hall 299 Millrace Rd. Mount Pleasant Mills. Menu will include fish, shrimp, clams, french fries, cole slaw, dessert and drink. Meal will be $22 for adults and $10 for children ages 5-11. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. FREMONTFIRE100
EVENT: The 17th Annual Fremont & Port Trevorton Fire Companies Consignment Auction will be held on Saturday, April 26th across from Whispering Pines Fruit Farm 76 Orchard Hill Rd. Mt. Pleasant Mills. Consignments and donations accepted Tuesday (4/22) thru Thursday (4/24) 8AM - 4PM and Friday (4-25) 8AM - 8PM. Items for online auction must be on-site by Thursday (4/24). Note the new location this year! We have much more room and parking! Benefits the Fremont & Port Trevorton Fire Companies and Christian Aid Ministries. For more info or for free advertising on the sale bill call 570-374-0201. Sale bill advertising deadline is March 20th. For a full sale bill when it becomes available visit
BINGO Schedule for Tuscarora Valley Heritage Days at 6351 Rte. 75 S. East Waterford, Pa 17021. March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd. Doors open at 5:00pm and Bingo starts at
“The Perry Historians is hosting their annual FREE Advanced Genealogical Workshop at The Lenig / Focht Library from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 5th. This workshop is geared towards those who are already well on their way with their family research, but novice researchers will also benefit from what is presented. We
will investigate resources that are mostly found in the Court House and a few other sources that may not necessarily be thought of when doing family research? hopefully to assist you in tearing down those ?brick walls?. Dozens of resources of information are available locally at our library that are not available online through the ‘popular’ genealogical research websites. Some of those resources include: original public records - including marriages, tax as-
supplies last~ Many more great buys!
sessments, wills and estates, as well as civil and criminal court cases; complete cemetery tombstone transcriptions even some of cemeteries no longer in existence or accessible and records from many local churches and funeral homes. There will be time in the afternoon for everyone to utilize resources in the Lenig-Focht Library and volunteers will be available to assist, so make sure to bring along your own family research. This workshop is Free and open to anyone ? members and non-members alike. Please feel free to invite others who may be interested.If you are planning on attending, please RSVP so we have enough hand-
outs available. Please send number of those attending to Donna Heller Zinn at or call her at 717-776-6403 (leave message).
WANTED: Metal cellar entrance doors/assembly, such as Bilco. Call 717-3504431.
FOR SALE: PSE Brute compound bow, four arrows, also 6 arrows new in box, Carbon Raider, 4 vanes by Easton, all for $350. 717-350-4431
FOR SALE: Free or donation, child’s bouncy horse, Duncannon 717-350-4431
FOR SALE: Vintage, clawfoot cast-iron/porcelain tub with original fixtures. Approximately 60 inches long, 30 inches wide, 15 inches deep. Two scratches, couple pinhead size blemishes, $500 or best offer 717-3504431.
FOR SALE: Crafters and woodworkers: 14 wooden fixed-louver shutters. Were stored in a barn, most fairly good condition, some need refurbishment at bottom or corners where they stood. $20 or best offer 717-3504431.
FOR SALE: Large, oval wooden dining room table, used condition, with
three center leaves, seats 12+ people, four elaborate legs. $50 or best offer 717350-4431
FOR SALE: Vintage, antique school desks, wood and cast-iron, three folding seats, two desktops $35, brand new, never used, stainless steel tea kettle, $7.50, “one ton” 10,000 BTU air conditioner, 110 V, $120. 717-350-4431.
FOR SALE: Wildfire smoke filter, Merv 13, removes from air: bacteria, smoke/smog, dust mites/ particles, pollen, mold, lint, dander, debris. Five filter panel sides. Sixth side is three speed fan. To operate tilt on any corner, blow fan any direction, or suspend box in air. Constructed to order in home workshop. $150 each 717-350-4431.
FOR SALE: Antique wooden ironing board, at least 75 to 100+ years old, $100. 717-350-4431.
FOR SALE: Free or donation, shower seat, potty seat, other medical items. 717 350-4431.
FOR SALE: Cryogenic transfer hose, I used it for liquid oxygen. $350. Or best offer. 10,000 BTU A/C 120V, $120; “Hoosier” or Plains flour cabinet, top and bottom, needs to be restored $50; Set of folding wooden tv tables/stands & rolling stand for set, 7 pcs., $70. OBO; 6 drawer dresser $30; Antique chair approximately 1890’s $50. OBO 717350-4431.
WANTED: (5)-5 lug 15”
Aluminum Trailer Tire Rims 717-350-4431
FOR SALE: 2001 Oldsmobile Alero (Was elderly mom’s car, now she passed) fully “restored”, excellent, almost mint condition, gold color, PA Insp. 2/25 4-dr 2.4L ~107,000 miles. Tires decent, runs great, dou-
ble overhead cam, automatic. New Parts 2023 & Repairs: Fuel pump/filter, Alternator-lifetime warranty, belt tensioner, pulleys, serpentine belt, windshield wash reservoir and pump, A/C parts/repairs/
charge timing chains, parts, gaskets, water pump, transmission fluid/filter change, new battery 11/23, upholstery repair, new headliner 12/23, wiper blades 12/23, Past repairs include: iridium spark plugs, fuel
pressure regulator, front calipers, power stop evolution sport carbon fiber ceramic performance brake pads, brake lines, drilled and slotted rotors, front and rear, oil pressure sender. Not much else left to
The Fre-Port Consignment Auction is an annual benefit auction held at Whispering Pines Fruit Farm. The auction benefits the Fremont and Port Trevorton Fire Companies and Christian Aid Ministries Rapid Response Team of PA.
WE’RE LOOKING FOR THE FOLLOWING ITEMS No passenger vehicles, tires, appliances, TVs, Computers, Yard Sale Items or Junk!
• Heavy Equipment
• Trucks
• Trailers
• Farm Machinery
• Lawn & Garden
• Storage Sheds
• Truckloads of Hay, Straw, Firewood
• Saddles, Tack & Accessories
• Buggies & Carriages
• Sporting Goods
• New & Used Tools
• Lawn Furniture
• Nursery Stock & Hanging Baskets
• Crafts
• Gift & Theme Baskets
• Gift Certificates
• Household Goods
• New & Used Furniture
• Antiques & Collectibles
• Handmade Quilts
Sale bill deadline: March 20th
Receiving Hours: Tues - Thurs 8-4, Fri 8-8 Items for online auction must be on-site by Thursday (4/24)
SEND QUILTS/RUGS TO: Jairus Stauffer: 570-374-6611
Meiserville Rd., Port Trevorton, PA 17864
We are looking for quality consignments for our Auction on April 26, 2025!
FOR SALE: Two Person Bass Boat (Bass Baby Boat) $1202 with: SuperBug 1.75hp & 2.0hp Johnson motors, 2 paddles. Motor mounts front & back. 2 Swivel seats. 54”x96”x18” Fits in pickup bed. Max. Capacity: 475lbs. Weight: 143lbs. Very good to excellent condition. Many features. 717-350-4431
FOR SALE: Husqvarna model #235 chainsaw, new spark plug, fuel filter and carburetoretor. Have invoice of work done, $250. 717-320-2185.
FOR SALE: Chilton Domestic motor manuals, $10 each. 717-320-2185.
FOR SALE: Rem. 700, 270 Win. Mountain Rifle, with Leupold mounts, rings and Bushnell Scope, nice $1,400; Rem. 572 22LR, pump, tube fed, DL. model, like new, $675; Hatfield 12 ga. pump, with wet of chokes, camp Syn, 3.5 chamber, like new, $250, Browning X-bolt, wood, stock, 300 Win. Mag, with Vortex 6x18x44 scope,
real nice, $1,150; Several Semi & Revolver handguns also including; 380, 9mm, 45mm, 22Lr., 44 mag and more. Call or text 717-6364808.
FOR SALE: Lyman Gen 6 new powder measurer $150; 2 Snow Blowers, $100 each; Slot machine takes Eisenhower dollar or token, $350; Herters Grissly Bear trap, $1,200; Model 12-12 ga barrel, $150; Generac 15,000 watt generator, has carb cleaned, $600; About 20 promo cars, different prices; ; Old Stracto Fire truck from 60’s, original box, $285; 25 Rimfire, $100 box; 32 Rimfire, $110 box. 717-319-0909.
WANTED: Stevens mod. 200 any caliber. Also takeoff barrels in fair condition. 717-834-4397 evenings.
FOR SALE: 2010 Ford Focus 3/25 inspection. All a round good running car. Nice black leather interior, radio, heat, good tires, brakes, battery. silver in color, four door, owned for ten years. very reliable. AC doesn’t work First $800 takes it. 717-215-7898.
• We outreach to Lancaster, York, Adams, Northumberland & Schuylkill Counties 223-237-6932
~ Born & Raised in Perry County~
1. Cut a little bit off
5. State with confidence
11. River in NE Scotland
14. Not narrow
15. Lacking social polish
16. Amount of time
17. Frame
19. Automobile
20. Toadstools
21. High school dances
22. Utilize
23. Challenged
25. One-sided
27. Showing extreme greed
31. Potted plants
34. Everyone has one
35. Lake in Botswana
38. E.T. rode in one
39. Juniors’ parents
41. Small amount
42. Mother of Perseus
44. Ornamental box
45. Gov’t investigators
46. Uncertain
49. A cotton fabric with a satiny finish
51. The vast grassy plains in S. America
55. Your consciousness of your own identity
56. Noted consumer advocate
60. Spanish sports club
61. Body part
62. Tractability
64. Woman (French)
65. Ready and willing to be taught
1. Brushed aside
2. Water sprite
3. Ones to look up to
4. Monetary units
5. A number everyone has
6. Marine invertebrate
7. One who takes you to court
8. Indicates outer
9. Parallelograms
10. Strains
11. Cross
12. A way to remove
13. Some pages are dog-__
18. Ukraine city
24. A citizen of Denmark
26. Summer month (abbr.)
28. Hindu queens
29. Jewelry brand
30. Fictional rider of Rohan
31. Wet dirt
32. Russian city
33. Observed
36. Furious
37. Drivers’ licenses
39. Musical composition
40. Auction
43. They __
45. Women
47. Inspire with love
48. Japanese ankle sock
49. Appears
50. Old World lizard
52. The leading performer
53. Type of protein
54. Pennsylvania town
57. Art __: around 1920
58. __ Blyton, children’s author
59. Abnormal breathing
63. A place to sleep
66. Muslim ruler title
67. Depressed
68. Gradually gave way
69. Clear-thinking
FOR SALE: Women blue jeans, new plus size 4x. women blues, new 4x. 717536-3194.
FOR SALE: Takamine Acoustic electric guitar, $450. 717-536-3194.
FOR SALE: Philips flat screen TV, 52 inches, $60 in great shape works great; 55 inch, 3 tier glass TV stand, 30 inches, perfect condition. 717-275-3493, Millerstown.
FOR SALE: First cutting grass hay, $3.50 per bale; Straw bales, $3.50 each. Newport. 717-275-2542.
FOR SALE: 3 pieces used white gutters; Each 16 foot long, $15 each; (2) new 10 feet long, 1.5 inches diameter hydraulic hoses with fittings for dump trailer, $50 each; New leather motorcycle seat, $50; 6 older wood baseball bats with logos, $10 each. Old oak mirror with heavy glass, 18 inches wide x 26 inches high, $30. Can send photos. 570-5398954, Richfield.
FOR SALE: Approximately 4 acres of standing black locust trees planted in 1989
McAlisterville area. 717574-0701.
FOR SALE: Seasoned Firewood, cut, split and delivered surrounding McAlisterville area. Stove ready, call for price. 717-8772996.
FOR SALE: Goodman Gas Furnace 80, 000 BTU, like new condition, $1,200 (new) will sell for $450. 717-248-4053 or 717-2509913, leave message.
FOR SALE: Marlin 336 30-30 scope - $675; Win 69A 22 LR - $425; Win 88 308 (1962) - $1450; SAV 1899 e 303 SAV - $995; Sako L61R(Finnbear) 3006 - $1250; rossi R 92 44M NIB- $750; Ruger 77MkII 22-250 Scope - $950; Win 270 22LR scope - $340; Win M-1 Carbine (1943) - $1585, SAV 24 22/410$685; Win 1200 12g - $375. 717-589-7253.
FOR SALE: S+W Shield EZ 9 as new - $385; S+W EX 380 NIB- $395. Colt Woodsman 22 LR Match
$2,300; Ruger single six 22/22M as new/ax - $485; Ruger single six HMR NIB - $725; S+W 629 44M
5 inch - $910; S+W 27-2
357 6 inch (1994)- $995; Colt Pythons (6 available) - $2,500 and up - call for details 717-589-7253.
FOR SALE: Small 12V, 2 speed fan for in a truck cab works well, C-1960, $25. 814-342-3709 days. `FOR
SALE: 2 Burial plots in Union Cemetery, $200 in Juniata County 717-2507333. ufn
to ALL the wonderful businesses that allow us to distribute THE SHOPPERS REMEDY....Please Support the following businesses & pick up your FREE copy of The Shoppers Remedy distributed monthly by the first week of the month...
Abundant Blessings, Mifflintown
Agway & Farm Mkt., Mifflin
A-Plus Exxon Market, Freemont
Bargain Barn, Mifflintown
Benner’s Beef Farm, Thompsontown
Beward Pharmacy, Richfield
Citgo Service Mart, Mifflin Corner Deli, Thompsontown
County Line Testaurant, Richfield
Dean’s Exxon Station, Oakland Mills
Evandale Supply, Evandale Freemont Auto, Fremont
Fuller’s Store, Meiserville
Greater Heights Coffee, Richfield
Harshbarger’s Sub ‘N’ Malt, Port Royal Hilly Ridge Supply, Mt. Pleasant Mills
Juniata Junction Restaurant, Mifflintown
Juniata Lumber, Mifflin
Juniata Pharmacy, Mifflintown
Keystone Kountry Store, Oakland Mills
Little Store, Mifflintown
Lion’s Den, McAlsitervlle
Lost Creek Shoe, Oakland Mills
Love to Eat Farms, East Waterford Grocery Store, East Waterford Restaurant, East Waterford
Mac’s Clothing, Mifflintown
McLaughlin’s Pharmacy, Mifflintown
Martin Family Hardware, Freemont Mexico Mkt, Mexico
Mifflintown Mart, Mifflintown
Mifflintown Pharmacy, Mifflintown
Nittany Mini Market, Mifflintown
O.I.P., Port Royal
O.I.P., Richfield
Old Mill Coffeehouse, Richfield
Pallet’s Grocery, Oakland Mills
Peachey’s Bulk Food, Mifflintown
Pines General Store, East Salem
Port Royal Laundromat
Laundry Mat, McAlisterville
Rosewood Mkt, McAlisterville
Rte 333 Supplies, Port Royal
Schlegel’s, Thompsontown
Shade Mtn Pharmacy, Richfield
Smoker’s Express Outlet, Mifflintown
Spruce Hill Restaurant, Spruce Hill
Sunoco, Richfield
Sunoco, Mt. Pleasant Mills
Thompsontown Market,
Tom’s Uni-Mart, Mifflintown
Uni-Mart, Port Royal
Uni-Mart, Richfield
Valley View Variety, Thompsontown
Van Wert Cheese Shop, Van Wert
Village Merchants, Richfield
Walnut Cheese Nook, Walnut
Weis Market, Mifflintown
Whispering Pines, Mt. Pleasant Mills
Willow Lane Greenhouse, Van Wert
Zimmerman’s Market, Thompsontown
A-Plus Mini Mart, Duncannon
Alinda Mart, Landisburg
Amanda’s Gas Station, Newport
Arndt’s Happy Tails, Ickesburg
Bitting’s, Newport
Blain Hotel, Blain
Blain Supply, Blain
Bonsall & Sons, Millerstown
Book’s Mkt, Blain
Sporting Goods, Blain
Bratton Insurance, Millerstown
Brother’s Pizza, Newport
Carpetbagger Collectibles, Newport
Chris’s Pizza OIP, Liverpool
Country Footwear, Newport
Cove Co-op, Duncannon
Doyle Hotel, Duncannon
Duncannon Supply Co, Duncannon
Farmer’s Boy Furniture, Duncannon
FBF Gas Station, Ickesburg
Fersters Meat Mkt, New Bloomfield
Freemont Auto, Millerstown, PA
Giant, Newport
Good’s Restaurant, Duncannon
Greenwood Nursery, Ickesburg
Guns Plus, Duncannon
Haldeman’s, Duncannon
Hess Station, Marysville
Hirts Motor Sports, Duncannon
HR Wentzel & Sons, Landisburg
Jo Jo’s Pizza, Millerstown
Juniata Valley Bank, Millerstown
Karn’s Duncannon
Karn’s, New Bloomfield
Latchford Saws, Newport
Laundromat, Newport
Leid’s Mkt, Loysville
Liberty Gas Station, New Buffalo
Liverpool Restaurant, Liverpool
Marysville Diner, Marysville
Mastrachio’s, Millerstown & Newport
Military Tactical Law, Inc, Duncannon
Moore’s Insurance, Newport
Mountain Supply Hardware, Ickesburg
Myer’s Variety Warehouse, Landisburg
Newport Beverage, Newport
Newport Family Restaurant, Newport
Newport Senior Center, Newport
Nolt’s Power Equipment, Loysville
PDS Grocery, Loysville
Perry County Beer Distributor, Duncannon
Perry Medical Center/Pharmacy, Loysville
Pizza City, Landisburg
Quick Mart, Duncannon
Ranch House Restaurant, Duncannon
RE Davidson, Millerstown
Reihl’s Equipment, Ickesburg
Robinson’s Bargain Store, Loysville
Rutter’s, Duncannon
Serious Shooter, Millerstown
Sharar’s Grocery, Newport
Shell Gas, Shermans Dale
Smoker’s Express, Enola
Sorrento’s Pizza, Duncannon
Soutner’s, Newport
Stitch In Time, Millerstown
Sunoco/Subway, Liverpool
Susquehanna Trail Diner, Duncannon
Swenson’s Sunoco, New Bloomfield
Swenson’s Fuel, New Bloomfield
Two Brothers Pizza, Shermans Dale
UGO Sunoco, Shermans Dale
Uni-Mart, New Bloomfield
Village Square Mkt, Shermans Dale
Weis Mkt, Newport
Wise Dry Goods, Loysville
Zeiderelli’s, Marysville
FOR SALE: Queen size Cheswick Manor 2 piece mattress set. Used only a few times. $250. 717-6943049. Oriental ufn.
WANTED: 5 to 10 Acres of land in Perry, Juniata, Snyder, Mifflin or Huntingdon Counties. One to two acres clear, some woodland can be in mountains. 606-4830497. ufn
FOR SALE: Full size bedroom suites $500 to $700; Used good condition Queen mattress sets, $125; good quality kitchen chairs, $25 to $40 each; File cabinet 4 drawer $25 to $45; Recliners, $90 to $130; Hutches, sofas, desks, dressers, glider rockers, bookcases, Maytag Wringer Washers, $850. Seth Brubaker, 360 M& H Farms Lane, Port Trevorton, PA 17864
FOR SALE: Section of 20 inch gas pipe, 39 and one half inches long by three eighth inches thick, $50. 717-444-2399 ufn
FOR SALE; Rare 1965 Phillies Pennant - has a picture of the 1965 team...some of which are, Rich Allen,
Cookie Rojas, Frank Thomas, Reuben Amaro. Full size, 28” long in protective plastic cover. Can text pictures. $68.00 firm. Call or text 717-926-1678.
FOR SALE: Roy Chandler books, various titles. 1940s Hardy Boys books, Cragstan pressed tin toy tanks, Phillies memorabilia (1980s yearbooks & programs), various ERTL die cast trucks. Call 717-480-1052.
FOR SALE: Registered Redtick Coonhound, Stillmouth, 5 years, broke! $900. 717-957-3547.
FOR SALE: Jack Russell Terriers pups shots/wormed males, $50, females $75. 717-957-3547.
FOR SALE: ChickensLaying Hens and Pullets, call 717-957-3547.
FOR SALE: Guns, various shotguns and rifles, call 717-957-3547.
FOR SALE: ACA Registered German Shepherd puppies wormed, shots, microchipped, guaranteed healthy, $300. Ph/text 717-
695-1755. Blue Mountain Shepherds #4191 Mechanicsburg, PA 17050.
WANTED: Free riding lawn mower, need not work or be complete. Call 570847-6385, must leave message.
WANTED: 2550 Cub Cadet. Need not work or be
complete, call 570-8476385, must leave message.
FOR SALE: Walnut corner cupboard made by Roy Leitzel from Richfield, PA $500. 717-348-3343. ufn
FOR SALE: Weathered Barn Boards, various lengths and widths. 50¢ per board foot. 717-636-0574,
Note: All lines and dimensions are approximate and not to scale. Restrictive covenants apply to lots. Layouts updated 08/23/2023
FOR SALE: Winchester and Remington Shotgun shell primers, $7 per 100; Late 1800’s 12 ga. black powder percussion muzzle loader. 42 inch barrel - model “Fowler”k, with brass butt plate - very unique, $195; Late 1800’s muzzle loader. 12 ga double barrel hammer gun with ram rod. Very good with new nipples, $350. 717-486-3435.
FOR SALE: Section of 20 inch gas pipe, 39 and one half inches long by three eighth inches thick, $50. 717-444-2399 ufn
FOR SALE: Bed line for a full size Chevy truck, $100. 717-503-9723 (ufn)
FOR SALE: 4ft x 16ft John boat with trailer, 9.9 Hp Mercury motor; Trolling motor, Fish Finder, Camo seats, all in excellent shape, $2,500. 717-503-9723. (ufn).
FREE: Wood Pallets and miscellaneous pallet pieces to burn. Pick up only, you load. Mechanicsburg. Call Don 717-790-9440.
FOR SALE: 4x8 Jericho Truck Cab with sliding front and side windows, maroon color, excellent condition, fiberglass, $250. 717-7893249, Loysville. (ufn)
FOR SALE: 2003 Viking Pop up camper, excellent condition, $1,800. 717-7893249 (ufn)
FOR SALE: Cockapoo female, Maltipoo female, apricot, both 3 years old, both very nice, loving and playful. None shed, have poodle coats. All Vaccines current, healthy, vet checked, $300 each. Call 717-438-3682.
FOR SALE: 14 ft. Sears
FOR SALE: 2 Pet enclosures 24 x 24 metal for small animals inside or outside. Has door, can be hooked together like new, $25 each; dalsolarge rabbit house, like new, $95. 717319-4175, Duncannon (ufn)
FOR SALE: Tobacco Tins; 130 plus tobacco tins in excellent condition. Some rare, hard to find tins asking $900 or best offer. 717-3202887, Mifflintown (ufn).
in a Variety of Styles... Semi V boat with trailer, 9.9 Mere, 2 gas cans, trolling motor, oars, dock bumpers, anchor, 2 attachable seats, many extras included, $1,400. Call Larry at 717513-3419. (ufn).
FOR SALE: 2 old wooden rockers; old quilts, best offer; Cookie Jars. 717-4368113 (ufn).
SERVICE: Machining & Sharpening (retired machinist) Mill and Lathe work. Chainsaw chain sharpening and new chains. Best rates and prices. 717-460-7293 or 717-582-4018. (ufn).
WANTED: Blown up, non running Stihl chainsaws 717-250-0623.
ING Drop off your computer or request a house call. No mileage fee within 10 miles of Newport. Let us know your model and what
is wrong and we’ll work on getting your computer back to you in full working order as quickly as possible. 30 day customer satisfaction policy. Or let us know what you want to use a new device for and your price range and we’ll work with you to build your dream computer. Free installation and instruction on custom built machines. 6 month warranty on all custom built systems. 717-567-6270
FOR SALE Complete heating system for ’55 Chevy; heater core motor, defroster with all cables, painted, like new . Went to Vintage Air; Upper/ lower control arms with new bruising and ball joints, like new, painted black other ’55 Chevy parts. 570-374-9634, Freeburg (ufn)
WANTED: Local collector looking to buy old or vintage fishing lures. Will buy one or whole collections. Heddon, Creek Chub and
South Bend are just some of the companies I buy. Call or text Brian at 717-320-3088 or email
WANTED: Sewage crank for camper, Free or priced low. Call 717-589-7595 or 717-582-1881 (ufn)
Hand tools, large or small amounts, 717-438-3178
WANTED: Vintage women’s and children clothing and accessories from the 1930’s, 1940’s and 1950’s. Men’s work wear/farm wear/denim 1900s to the 1950s. Clothing can be in ANY condition —stains, holes, or wear are OK! Please no furs, wedding gowns, or military uniforms. Call or text 814-3865763.
/ Sat 9am-5pm
Community Events
EVENT: Saturday, March 1st - CHICKEN & WAFFLE
DINNER at Turkey Valley Church, 13606 State Rte 235, Millerstown PA 17062 Menu: Chicken & Waffles, Mashed Portaotes, Gravy, Corn Candied Carrots, assloted Dessers. No Charge / Donations accpeted.
SATURDAY, MARCH 1st: Liverpool Lions Club hosting Community Bingo at Liverpool Fireshouse, 309 N. Market St. Doors open 4:30pm- bingo at 6pm.
SATURDAY, MARCH 1st: Indoor Yard Sale with lunch and bade sale, 7:30-3, Lutheran Parish House 38 W. High St. New Bloomfield. . To reserve tale ($5) readers may call 717-594-8925.
SATURDAY, MARCH 1st. St. Paul Lutheran Church, 320 N. Market St. Newport, ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAKFAST beginning at 7. Adults, $15; ages 5-12, $7.50; 4 & under FREE.
BINGO Schedule for Tuscarora Valley Heritage Days at 6351 Rte. 75 S. East Waterford, Pa 17021. March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd. Doors open at 5:00pm and Bingo starts at 6:00pm. Cash bingo, RIP tickets, 50/50 raffle, food and drinks available.
EVENT: Saturday, March 1st from 9am-5pm. The Perry Historians will hold a FREE Beginner’s Genealogy Workshop. This is a great way to get started on your family tree or to pick up tips on continuing your research with plenty of time to work on your own families following a classroom session and a tour of our library. There are dozens of resources available at our library that are not available online through the typical genealogical research websites. Some of those resources include: Original court documents including marriages, wills and estates as well as civil and criminal court cases; complete cemetery tombstone transcriptions for Perry and surrounding counties, including some cemetery no longer in existence and records from many local churches and funeral home. This event is FREE but in order to have enough handouts, please send number of those attending to Donna Heller Zinn at or call her at 717-776-6403 (leave message).
EVENT: The Fremont Fire Department is kicking off their ANNUAL FUND DRIVE on March 1st with a goal of raising $25,000. Each year, the department conducts a fund drive in the spring to allow the citizens of their response area to contribute. This fund drive goes specifically to the truck fund to reduce debt on the new fire engine the department purchased in 2019. Local residents should be receiving a donation request in the mail soon. Donations can be mailed to the Fremont Fire Department at P. O. Box 83 Mount Pleasant Mills, PA 17853 and put in the memo
line “Fund Drive” or you can donate online via credit card at
EVENT: On Saturday, March 1st from 9:30 AM to 2 PM the Fremont and Port Trevorton Fire Companies are holding a CHILD SAFETY AWARENESS DAY at Snyder County Produce Auction. This is in cooperation with the Snyder Co. Children & Youth, Evangelical Hospital, Penn State Extension, PA State Police, Snyder Co. EMA and more. There will be various speakers regarding farm and home safety. In addition, there will be some safety demos & activities for all ages. A light lunch will be provided by donation. The event will conclude with the fire departments doing a mock tractor roll over. Mobile Health of Evangelical will also be offering free health screenings the duration of the event. Questions? Call 272-231-9964 or 570-274-0918
EVENT: Join Us For a SPAGHETTI DINNER on Saturday, March 15th from 3:00-6:00 PM. The dinner will be held at Tressler Memorial with the option to eat in or take out. The menu will consist of: Spaghetti (sauce or meat sauce), Tossed Salad, Bread, Dessert and Drink. The cost is $12.00 for adults, 4-12 years old $6.00, and children 3 and under are free. Proceeds from the dinner are for community outreach and church improvement fund. Come join us for an evening of socialization and great food!
EVENT: On Saturday, March 15th the Fremont Fire Department will hold their 5th ANNUAL MEAT BINGO Event will be held at the Fremont Social Hall 299 Millrace Rd. Mount Pleasant Mills. Doors open at 3PM and Bingo will begin at 5PM. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Tickets are $25 each and include 20 regular games valued at $50 each. Only 150 tickets will be sold. There will also be 3 special games valued at $65 each and side raffles running throughout the evening. All meats are provided by Stauffer’s Butcher Shop and include items such as hamburger, steaks, sausage, ham, bacon, pork chops, ribs and more. Message us on Facebook (facebook. com/fremontfire100) or visit our website ( or call 570-539-8230 for tickets. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department.
SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd - World Down Syndrome
Day Fifth Annual 5K run/wlak. 10am Juniata Christian School, 289 Leonard Hill Road, McAlisterville. Registration 9-9:45 Kids fun run at 9:30am.
EVENT: The Fremont Fire Department will be having an ALL YOU CAN EAT OR TAKE-OUT SEAFOOD DINNER on Saturday, March 22nd from 4 PM - 6:30? PM at the Fremont Social Hall 299 Millrace
Rd. Mount Pleasant Mills. Menu will include fish, shrimp, clams, french fries, cole slaw, dessert and drink. Meal will be $22 for adults and $10 for children ages 5-11. All proceeds benefit the Fremont Fire Department. FREMONTFIRE100
AUCTION will be held on Saturday, April 26th across from Whispering Pines Fruit Farm 76 Orchard Hill Rd. Mt. Pleasant Mills. Consignments and donations accepted Tuesday (4/22) thru Thursday (4/24) 8AM - 4PM and Friday (4-25) 8AM - 8PM. Items for online auction must be on-site by Thursday (4/24). Note the new location this year! We have much more room and parking! Benefits the Fremont & Port Trevorton Fire Companies and Christian Aid Ministries. For more info or for free advertising on the sale bill call 570-374-0201. Sale bill advertising deadline is March 20th. For a full sale bill when it becomes available visit
EVENT:“The Perry Historians is hosting their annual FREE ADVANCED GENEALOGICAL WORKSHOP at The Lenig / Focht Library from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 5th.This workshop is geared towards those who are already well on their way with their family research, but novice researchers will also benefit from what is presented. We will investigate resources that are mostly found in the Court House and a few other sources that may not necessarily be thought of when doing family research? hopefully to assist you in tearing down those ?brick walls?. Dozens of resources of information are available locally at our library that are not available online through the ‘popular’ genealogical research websites. Some of those resources include: original public records - including marriages, tax assessments, wills and estates, as well as civil and criminal court cases; complete cemetery tombstone transcriptions even some of cemeteries no longer in existence or accessible and records from many local churches and funeral homes. There will be time in the afternoon for everyone to utilize resources in the Lenig-Focht Library and volunteers will be available to assist, so make sure to bring along your own family research. This workshop is Free and open to anyone ? members and non-members alike. Please feel free to invite others who may be interested.If you are planning on attending, please RSVP so we have enough handouts available. Please send number of those attending to Donna Heller Zinn at or call her at 717-776-6403 (leave message).
Send your Community Event, Yard Sale, Garage Sale to: Shoppers Remedy, P.O. Box 362, Millerstown, PA 17062 or email by March 15th, 2025.
Sole Proprietorship & In charge of all things Robin Noll
Ad Sales, Graphic Design, Accountant, Delivery, Complaint Department etc.
Website - by Rachel “Rocks” Boob
Assistant to Robin at times: Josh Noll Printed by: ADVANCE LOCAL
for Classifieds is 20th of each preceding month.
For Display Advertising Rates call...
The Shopper’s Remedy, PO Box 362, Millerstown, PA 17062 reserves the right to exercise its discretion in the acceptance of all advertisements and to edit or condense any ad based on its standards of publication. Although extreme care is taken in checking ad copy for accuracy, The Shopper’s Remedy and all Advertisers are not responisble for compostion errors, mistakes or misprints and disclaims any warranty,, expressed or implied of any item published within. Printed Circulation 5,000 Copies ®2025 The Shopper’s Remedy
WANTED: To purchase Woodland in Perry County with flowing stream, 30 plus acres. Call 717-6362656 (ufn)
WANTED: Maytag Wringer Washer and also Treadle Sewing machine in working condition. Contact 717-5355926, ext. 6 (ufn)
FOR SALE: 1950 Farmall H with sickle bar mower. Fully restored and runs great. Asking $4,500 or best offer. Call Gary McAlister 717-957-4975, Marysville (ufn)
WANTED: Hobby garage builder LOOKING FOR
PARTS for Auto projects; Need V.W. Bug motor, need not run; Reduction box transaxle; front end; 5 lug wheels; also looking for After Market parts; Embi pre 1972, timid, Bugpak, Bosche - Hella - Lights, Jackman wheels, Trevlaft, race trim, Autohaus, John
Johnson racing adapters Weber, Zenith and Solex carbs. Call for more info, Dave 610-223-3892
FOR SALE: Huge China closet, $500; Tan wicker chair, $15; small wicker chair, $8; Corner cupboard, needs glass shelves, $50; VHS and DVDs, John Wayne movies and more; 2 DVD players $50 each; 2 color TVs floor model. Free Vanity with lights and mirror. Call 717-582-1419 anytime.
MOPED SERVICE: All makes: Tomos, Puch, Kromag, Peugeot, Jaws. Most parts still available. Need to get your moped running? Call me, I can help. Call or text Steve at 717-571-4742, Enola area.
RETIRED MACHINIST (Mill, Lathe, machine work) will make your part. SHARPENING; Chain Saw chains (also selling new chains), Knives, Scissors, Drill Bits, other cutting tools 717-460-7293 or 717582-4018.
All sports cards and memorabilia, all sports. Call or text 717-580-5939! Leave message.
FOR AMISH: Serving Perry, Juniata and Mifflin
Counties. Trips to and from Lancaster and Out of State welcomed. We have one 15 passenger van and one 7 passenger mini van. We drive night and day and in bad weather. Call 717-5806243 or 717-580-7270.
WANTED: Will pay “up to” $200 for a used row boat or canoe in good condition with oars. 717-486-3435. (ufn).
WANTED: Vintage Snowmobiles, Motorcycles or Quads. running or not. Cash Paid 717-525-2256, Loysville. ufn.
FOR SALE: 50 plus year
Collection: 15 Guitars, basses (acoustic and electric), Amps, 2 x Carvin 15 plus horn mains, 3x15 plus horn monitors, mics, cords, stands, Racks and rack gear, 2 x Tascam 787 Digital Recorder, Pearl drum kit includes; 1 L, 14 inch, 16 inch Toms, 22 inch Bass, all stands and cymbals. Roland VS 2480 Recording deck, much more, all in good condition. Make offer, 1 pc or a bunch. 717-582-7461, leave message if no answer.
Door Fridge Parts Ice maker—EAU60783847—$50, Water & Air Filters 3pk— PP-RWF1200A & AF004— $20, Camcorder Samsung +
FOR SALE: Vintage Items; Coke Cooler $175, Coleman Lantern Red-200A 5-56 $90, Red-Man Picnic Basket w/ Colonial Plastics $50, 5 Gal. Glass Water Bottle $25, 6-Dining Room Chairs(horsehair padding)$90, Red Dot Powder Tin $35, 6-Boat Bumpers $30, Call 717-303-6367. Please leave a message.
7600 or 760 pump rifle, any caliber, must be in good shape. Please call 717-4975111
FOR SALE: Thermal rifle scope, ATN Thor LT 320 pixel. Looks and functions like brand new only one year old paid $1,400. Only selling to buy a different model with video function. Asking $800 obo. Call 717582-6647.
FOR SALE: Black Fiber-glass cap for a Ranger, $25; IH two bottom plow, $200; 16 foot double wide, no title, best offer. 717-8344397.
WANTED TO BUY: Old toys, farm toys, Buddy L. Smith Miller Diecast pedal tractors, slot cars, robots, tin toys, 40, 50,60, 70 Tonka Trucks, old toys. Phone 570-768-6465