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Of The Few Things In Life That’s Free…”

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Deeds Recorded

Deeds Recorded

• Turkey Hill (1010 Sharp Avenue)

• Turkey Hill (3585 Rothsville Road)


• Wawa

• Weis Markets


• Weaver’s Store


• Giant • Weaver’s Hardware


• Giant

• Lititz Family Cupboard

• Oregon Dairy Restaurant

• PaulB

• Weiser’s Market


• Eby’s Store


• BB’s Grocery Outlet

• Turkey Hill

• Wawa


• Horning’s Market ponents to increase familiarity and allow participants to navigate and explore each interface. Many of the features (Sheets, Docs, Slides) are similar to Microsoft products so time spent on those will be less than newer features. Funded through a grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry.

• Thursday, May 4, 1:00 p.m. - Anti-Virus Software. This class will focus on free and paid virus software, what these are capable of and how to use them. Time will be spent talking about the relationship between hacking and anti-virus software. Students will be equipped with knowledge to

(Continued On Page 12A)

Online registration for this class begins on Wednesday, May 3.

Business Finance Basics will be held on Wednesday, May 24 at 6:30 p.m. and will show you how to build, manage, and protect your business. Online registration for this session will begin on Wednesday, May 10. Fraud awareness, how to avoid scams, and how to review your credit score will also be discussed at each session.

Online registration is required for each class by going to www.lititzlibrary. org/events or calling the library at 717-626-2255.

(903 S. State Street)

By: e Late C. Richard Beam

(Originally published in the March 12, 1986 issue of The Shopping News)

Der Mischthaahne

By Ed Weber

Der Mischthaahne greht sei Gickeriegie

Alle Mariye der Bauer wecke frieh. Er is schtolz un schtreckt sei langer Hals aus; Es schallt darich Scheier un Hof un Haus.

Vun sei Mischthaufe-Naame schemmt er sich net; Um Welschhaahne un Pohaahne bekimmert er sich net. Grossfielich schteht er uff die Fens; Er is iwwer die Hinkel, Ende un Gens.

Er kann net singe wie en Canary, Awwer sell macht ihn net Contrary (iwwerzwarich).

Was Gott ihm gewwe hot zu duh, Dutt er gern un geht fleissich dazu.

Er hat gude Nei-ichkeide alle Mariye, En neier Daag fer sei Sach zu versariye. Er schtickt dazu, kannscht dich druff verlosse; Er hot die Hinkel net verdrosse.

Du heerscht ihn net grummle iwwer’s Wedder, Darich Balledix verliert er ken Fedder.

Er is net am schtreike fer meh Geld; Er hot es bescht Handwarick in de Welt.

Er grickt net die Lob as er hawwe sott, Sei Schproch un sei Schtimm is net was er wott. Es is doch viel besser un net naegscht so bloh, Des en Latt vun die Yacht uff em Radio.

Awwer so en Gschreib macht ken Verschtand Zu yunge Leit in unser Land.

En Mischthof! Vanne an die Scheier! So gebt’s nix meh bei unser Bauer.

Die Bauer halde ken Hinkel meh, So verfehle sie dem Haahne sei Gegreh.

Awwer hie un so darich unser Land

Sin Hinkelheiser - des is en Schand -

Wu vatzich dausend Hinkel neigehne, Die ihr Lewesland ken Haahne sehne. Die Mudder-Nadur geht ganz verlore, Des macht eem danke vun vergangne Yaahre.

En Mischthof mit Kieh un Geil un Oxe, Wu Hinkel un Haahne in Freiheit gratzeMisse mir die Mudderschprooch velleicht aa verliere? Fer des verhide will ich browiere.

So viel englische Wadde sin uffgewaxe, Ken Haahne kann sie in Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch gaxe: Unemployment Compensation un I.R.A., Medicare, Social Security un noch meh!

Mit so Wadde daed der Mischthaahne sich schemme! Er gratzt un er greht bis sie sei Lewe nemme.

Sei Fleesch is noch gut fer der Parre zu esse, So loss uns der Mischthaahne net vergesse! ***

The Barnyard Rooster

The barnyard rooster crows his Gickeriegie/Every morning to wake the farmer early/He is proud and stretches his long neck out/It echoes through the barn and yard and house. - Of his manure pile name he is not ashamed/The turkey gobbler and peacock do not bother him/Proudly he stands on the fence/He is over the hens, the ducks and the geese. - He cannot sing like a canary/But that does not make him contrary/What God gave him to do/He does gladly and goes at it with ferver. - He has good news every morning/A new day to take care of his business/He sticks to it! You can depend on him/He never lets the chickens down. - You never hear him grumble over the weather/Over politics he loses no feather/He does not strike for more money/He has the best job in the world. - He does not get the credit he ought to have/His talk and his voice are not superb/Yet it is much better and not nearly as boring/As a lot of the noise on the radio. - But such writing does not make sense/To young folks in our land/A barnyard in front of the barn/You don’t see that anymore on the farm. - The average farmer does not keep chickens anymore/They miss the rooster’s crow/But here and there through the country/You see huge chicken houses! This is a shame. - Where 40,000 chickens are in prison/Who all their life never see a rooster/Mother nature is lost forever/This makes you think of bygone years. - A barnyard with cows, horses and oxen/Where hens and roosters scratch in freedom/Is there danger of us losing our mother tongue/I’m trying to prevent this. - There are so many new English words/No rooster can say them in Pennsylvania Dutch. - With words like these the barnyard rooster would be ashamed/He scratches and crows till they take his life/His meat is still good for the preacher to eat/ Let’s not forget the barnyard rooster! ***

Der Mischthaahne was mailed to us by our friend, “der Weisskopp vun Wisssedaal,” Ed Weber, on November 4, 1985. Ed writes that he is enjoying the contributions of Paul Horning, “the Bard of Bradenton” and Dave Hornberger,

“der Professor Brodfresser.”

“Der Weisskopp vun Wissedaal” also mentioned that Helga Seel from Kaiserslautern in the Palatinate in West Germany had been to see him. Helga had been here several weeks last October gathering information for her paper on word order in Pennsylvania Dutch. Ed also mentioned the meal Helga, “die Minnie Schnaus,” “Der Buschgnippel” and “Bischli-Gnippli” had had in the new restaurant in the old “Wattshaus” building in “Druckne” (Fivepointville). “Der Buschgnippel” had written about the ride from Reinholds to Fivepointville and the meal in his column, “Weissheide un Dummheide,” which has been appearing in The Ephrata Review for the past 16 years. (The Bechtels and Beam have been on the air from Lebanon as Die Alde Kummraade ever since May of 1971. Tune in to WLBR every Sunday at 12:15. 1270 on your AM dial.)

“Weisskopp vun Wissedaal,” we salute you with our Deitscher Schtrohhut, which is anxious to shed its winter insulation. der zwelft Matz 1986

En Bischli-Gnippli, as Deitsch schwetzt so lang as er noch Schprooch un Schtimm hot

May Special $700

* On May 6, 1527, the Renaissance ended with the Sack of Rome by German troops as part of an ongoing conflict between the Habsburg Empire and the French Monarchy. German troops killed over 4,000 Romans, imprisoned the pope, and looted works of art and libraries. An entire year passed before order was restored.

* On May 1, 1830, Irishborn American labor leader Mary “Mother” Jones was born in County Cork, Ireland. After losing her husband and four children

Now Featuring

Rhubarb Pie, Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie or Rhubarb Custard Pie Made With Fresh Rhubarb

421 Weaverland Valley Rd. Route 897, 2 Miles North of Rt. 23, East Earl 717-445-5350 Open Tuesday-Friday 6-6; Saturday 6-4 Each Week in the yellow fever epidemic of 1867 and all her belongings in the Chicago Fire of 1871, she devoted herself to organizing and advancing the cause of labor, delivering her last speech on her 100th birthday.

* On May 5, 1865, Decoration Day was first observed in the U.S., with the tradition of decorating Civil War soldiers’ graves with flowers. Later the date was moved to May 30 and included American graves from the first and second World Wars, eventually becoming better known as Memorial Day.

* On May 3, 1939, The Andrews Sisters recorded “Beer Barrel Polka,” aka “Roll Out the Barrel.” The song became a popular standard during World War II and later the signature tune of flamboyant singer/ pianist Liberace.

* On May 4, 1987, the U.S. House and Senate Committee began three months of hearings into the Iran-Contra affair, which involved the secret sale of American arms to Iran with some of the proceeds going to Contra rebels seeking to overthrow the Nicaraguan government.

* On May 7, 2001, Ronnie Biggs, one of the “Great Train Robbers” who managed to elude capture and settled in Brazil following his prison escape on July 8, 1965, returned voluntarily to Britain, where he was jailed to complete the remaining 28 years of his sentence. He was released in 2009, two days before his 80th birthday, on “compassionate grounds” and died four years later in a nursing home.

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