In Bloom | March 2015 Lookbook

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Styl e pictured is featured on pa ge 9

Issue Three SoSis | March 2015

Annie Claire Growth is a beautiful thing. Seeing something you plant grow before your eyes fulfills something deep inside. This spring, many things (and people) just won’t stop growing. As Aubree turns three (going on 30) and Gracie continues to add to her vocabulary, I often find myself in disbelief and awe. How can two little seeds grow this quickly? How can I keep up? The title of this lookbook, “In Bloom,” says in two words where Chelsey and I think SoSis is today. Our small boutique is blooming with new arrivals, new plans for 2015 and a fresh take on running a small, woman-owned business. We hope you feel a breathe of fresh air as you flp through the pages of our garden.

SoSis is an online boutique with clothes for fashion-forward minds looking for breaking trends, signature styles and creative ideas that feed the soul. We’re two sisters from the south who want to create an inspirational, online shopping destination for bold women on a mission to change the world. We have a love of everything fashion and wish to share


a mix of clothes at amazing prices with everyone. As we grow, we promise to love you like a sister bringing you the latest trends at affordable prices with unmatched customer service. We welcome you and hope you keep coming back for more.

Spring is a time for new beginnings, new goals and a fresh outlook. This spring in particular is full of new things for me. With less than four weeks until I say “I do,” everything around me seems to be new. New house gadgets, new clothes, a new schedule and

Issue Three | March 2015

soon a new last name! All of these beautiful life experiences blooming around me have me anxious, and not because I’m afraid of what I’ve planted. No, I’m scared that I’m letting life pass me by without truly experiencing each and every sweet new bloom. This spring, I fully intend to sit back and smell the roses, soak up the sun and love every. single. beautiful budding flower around me.

4 | In Bloom |

Contributors Parker Harrell | model Taylor Haynie | model Sarah Kernshaw | photography Annie Claire L. Bass | stylist Chelsey Laborde | editor

In Bloom | | 5

Str i pe M e D ow n P I KO Tan k $28

In Bloom P r i n te d S h or t s $62


Seeking F l ower s F l ora l Ro m per $88

B re ez y N e c k l a ce by A n n i e Cl a i re Designs $32 M a de to E s c a pe Sta ka b l e B ra ce l et by A n n i e Cl a i re Designs $22


N a t u ra l B e a u t y E a r r i n g s by WCG J ewe l r y $34

Bloom where you are planted.

P u re Per fe c t i o n B l ou s e $28 M i ss M i d i Skirt $68

Mary Engelbreit 9

M a ke th e Wor l d S h a ke Swe a ter $58

B re ez y Nec k l a ce by Ann i e Cl a i re Designs $32 M a de to E s c a pe Sta ka b l e B ra ce l et by A n n i e Cl a i re Designs $22

M a de to E s c a pe Sta ka b l e Bra ce l et by Ann i e Cl a i re Designs $22

Swing Low Dress $78


A r row to G re a t n e ss N e c k l a ce ( n a t u ra l ) $ 24

N ot To o S h a b by B o y f r i e nd J e an s $58


Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

S h e ’s C ra z y F r il l Te e $48 D e l i g h t f ul N e c k l a ce by A n n i e Cl a i re Designs $32

Veronica Shoffstall

F l ower Power B e l l B otto m P an t s $88


B re ez y Nec k l a ce by Ann i e Cl a i re Designs $32

P u re Per fe c t i o n B l ou s e $28

Swi n g Low D re ss $78

M a de to E s c a pe Sta ka b l e Bra ce l et by Anni e Cl a i re Designs $22

M i ss M i d i Skirt $68

To plant a garden is to

believe in tomorrow.

Audrey Hepburn 14

P ure Perfection Blouse $28

N a t u ra l B e a u t y E a r r i n g s by WCG J ewe l r y $34

Str i pe M e D ow n P I KO Tan k $28

When in D ou b t N e c k l a ce by A n n i e Cl a i re Designs $32

Skate Around Skirt $28



Under the Sea Necklace by Annie Claire Designs $32

S h e ’s C ra z y Fril l Te e $48

F l ower Power Bell Bottom Pants $88


Spring D re a m i n ’ D re ss $60


Every flower must

grow through dirt. Nautical F l ow D re ss $38

Anonymous 21

Under the Sea Necklace by Annie Claire Designs $32

Fa u x S u e de P an e l To p $42 Harl em Sh ake Dress Pants $48


Sta c ka b l e B ra ce l et s by A n n i e Cl a i re Designs

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