Issue Six SoSis | July 2015
Styl es pictured are featured on pa ge 16-17
Annie Claire Gracie, my youngest daughter, has night terrors. It’s become a terrible routine. The clock strikes 3 a.m. and here comes those chubby little legs into my room. I’m ready for her to have good dreams... maybe even day dreams. It’s obvious that our summer lookbook, Daydream Believer, is inspired by the oldie, but goodie “Daydream Believer” by The Monkees. This song reminds me of my parents’ house - a house that always has oldies playing on the radio. Really, it makes me think of the place where all of my day dreams started. Where Chel was there to dream with, to imagine with. I hope you enjoy this day dream we are living in and working really, really hard at.
Chelsey Ever had a dream you just didn’t want to wake up from? Ever had one you wish you could forget? I am convinced that I don’t dream when I sleep. It may be because I sleep really, really hard (just ask Instagram). I try to make up for my lack of night dreams for an increased amount of day dreaming. You know the kind of day dreams that let you lose yourself in a big idea and think it though until it somehow makes sense, even if just to you. Annie and I lost ourselves many times in day dreams about going into business together. Long talks over wine (and sometimes coffee) are what prompted us to ask when are we going to do something about this dream? The answer? Right now!
4 | D a yd r e a m B e l i eve r | s h o pso s i s . co m
SoSis is an online boutique with clothes for fashion-forward minds looking for breaking trends, signature styles and creative ideas that feed the soul. We’re two sisters from the south who want to create an inspirational, online shopping destination for bold women on a mission to change the world. We have a love of everything fashion and wish to share a mix of clothes at amazing prices with everyone. As we grow, we promise to love you like a sister bringing you the latest trends at affordable prices with unmatched customer service. We welcome you and hope you keep coming back for more.
Issue Six | July 2015
Contributors MacKenzie May | model Caroline Smith | model Lacey Rabalais | photography Annie Claire L. Bass | stylist Chelsey L. Blankenship | editor
D a yd r e a m B e l i eve r | s h o pso s i s . co m | 5
A nna Teardrop Earrings $24
Mesh Together Top $58 C i t y Stro ll B u c ket B a g $72 Capul et P urse in Copper $62
Golden Hour Pl eated Skirt $88
Made to Escape Stackabl e Bracel et $22
Rumor Has it Embroidered Top $42
Jus t USA White Cutoff Shorts $46 6
Ste a l i n g S u m m er To p $38
Leopard Print Turban Headband $16
Darling Darcy Blouse $52 Breezy Necklace $32 Fields of Green Stackabl e Bracel et $22
Ste a l i n g Su m m er S h or t s $48
Made to Escape Stackabl e Bracel et $22
Jus t USA White Cutoff Shorts $46
Never quit your day dream.
Plain J ane La yering Necklace $24
La yer Up Necklace $24
Ch ained Up Bracel et (gold) $24
Ro s e m a r y C h i f fo n B l ou $32
Ste a l i n g S u m m er S h or t s $48
Stev i e Te a rd ro p Ea r r i n g s $24
Stea ling Summer Top $38
Ch ained Up Bracel et (gold) $24
Rolling River Dress $38
You may say I’m a dreamer. But I’m not the only one. John Lennon
Girl You Trendy Earring Cuff $12
Rosemary Chiffon Blouse $32
C h ained Up Bracel et (green) $24 Red Riding C ro ssbody Ba g $60
Rosemary La yered Peplum Shorts $52
On Point Necklace $32 Sparrow Necklace $32
S ketc hy Tu r b an H e a d b and $ 16
S h e ’s C ra z y F r il l Te e $34
Ch artreuse Turban Headband $16 Shine Bright Rhines tone Stud Earrings $10
River Flow Embellished Clutch $60
Per fe c t Ti m i n g C ro ss b o d y Ba g $60 N a t u re’s Path Le a th er Shorts (black) $42
On Point Dress $42
Pl ea s an t l y Plaid D re ss $42
Sass y Sca llops Shift Dress $60
Nightl y Chill J acket $98 A Rose Between Two Thorns Dress $48
Ch ained Up Bracel et (gold) $24 Keep Swingin’ Blouse (white) $28
Capul et P urse i n Black/Go l d $62
Snowy Sh a g Fur VesAnna t Teardro p $58 Earrings $24 Capul et P urse in Copper Beaded Sparrow $62 Necklace $36
Wes t Coas t Paisl e y Shorts $42 15
P u re l y R a b b i t Fu r Ve s t $138
C re a my Le a th er C ro p To p $44
Wo nder l us t Wi de Leg P an t s in Ox b l ood $48
Perfect Black Crop Top $40
Bountiful Blooms Pl eated Skirt $42
A n n a Te a rd ro p Earrings $ 24 S p a r row N e c k l a ce $32
D o n ’ t M a ke Me Blush Fu r J a c ket $62 Twiligh t Romper $54
S m e l l th e Ro s e s B l ou s e $44
Pam Purse $44
Night Owl Jumpsuit $56
Trish a Wris tl et in Cogna c $42
Olive J us t USA S k i n ny J eans $44
The Carli Statement Necklace $24
Over th e Cl ou d s Romper $62
Natura l Be a u t y Ear r i n g s $34
Storytelling A z te c Printed D re ss $42
S parrow N ecklace $ 32
Girl You Trendy Earring Cuff $12
The y Ca ll Me Neon Yellow Romper $48
#LYLAS s h o p s o s is . c o m