Parking Lot Stories | Fall 2015 Lookbook

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PARK IN G lot s t o r i e s

Issue Seven

SoSis | October 2015

Styl es pictured are featured on pa ges 22-23


Storytelling is an art. It’s something many people in the public relations field work all their life to become good at. My time at FUSE—an advertising agency and place I spend most daylight hours—is filled with creative storytelling for brands I have the opportunity to work with. I don’t claim to be a great stoyteller, but sharing Sosis’ story just comes easy. As Annie Claire and I approach the completion of our first year in business, I can’t help but look back at the many pages of our young Sosis story and be thankful for the things we’ve learned together. I now know that although we can’t both be right all the time, we can step back and celebrate one heck of a year owning our fierce, sassy, sometimes unpredictable online boutique we call Sosis. And that makes it so much more special.

Annie Claire Let me tell you a story.

It’s October 8, 2014 around 11:30 p.m. Chelsey and I wrap up the last of many late night phone calls in anticipation of launching the very next day. We naively felt good thinking we have everything covered. LIttle did we know the many lessons we would learn and the challenges we would overcome together during this first year as business owners. I don’t know if you can get much closer than sisters, but I’d like to think business partners is another level up. I am so excited to celebrate Sosis’ first brithday this October 9, 2015 and can’t wait to add many more stories to our Sosis book. We’ve had a wonderful first year and we’re only going up from here! 4 | P a r k i n g L o t S t or i e s | s h o p s o s i s .c o m

Sosis is an online boutique with clothes for fashion-forward minds looking for breaking trends, signature styles and creative ideas that feed the soul. We’re two sisters from the south who want to create an inspirational, online shopping destination for bold women on a mission to change the world. We have a love of everything fashion and wish to share a mix of clothes at amazing prices with everyone. As we grow, we promise to love you like a sister bringing you the latest trends at affordable prices with unmatched customer service. We welcome you and hope you keep coming back for more.

Issue Seven | October 2015 Contributors

Sara Blanche Comiskey | model Whitney Walker | model Lacey Rabalais | photography Annie Claire L. Bass | stylist Chelsey L. Blankenship | editor

P a r k i n g L o t S t or i e s | s h o p s o s i s .c o m | 5

Paris Blues D re ss $62

Ch ained Up Bracel et (g re y druzy) $24

Na t u ra l Be a u t y Ea r r i n g s $3 4


B e n nie Black Fe l t S afari Hat $32

Mesh Together Top $58

Th e Wa y We H u s t l e Sta c ka bl e B ra ce l et $16 F i e l d s of G reen Sta c ka b l e B ra ce l et $22

Capul et P urse in Copper $62

Golden Hour Pl eated Skirt $88 Brighter th an Sunshine Blouse $38

Olive Jus t USA Skinny J eans $36 (on sa l e) 8


Re c k l e ss in Le a th er D re ss $78

Bi rd s of a Fe a th er N e c k l a ce $36

Arizon a Bucket Ba g $78


I say if I’m beautiful. I say if I’m strong.

You will not determine my story – I will. - Amy Schumer


Pl ea s an t l y Plaid D re ss $42


Sass y Sca llops Shift Dress $60 Down in R io Fringe Ves t $52 Nightl y Chill J acket $98

Cammi Babydoll Top $32

The Wa y We Hus tl e Stackabl e Bracel et $16 Fields of Green Stackabl e Bracel et $22

A Rose Beaded Between Two Sparrow Thorns Dress Capul et Necklace $48 P urse i n $36 Black/Go l d $62 Snowy Sh a g Fur Ves t $58

Olive et Jus t USA Capul Skinny P urseJ eans (on sa l e) in $36 Copper $62


Great stories happen to those who can tell them. - Ira Glass P u re l y R a b b i t Fu r Ve s t $138

C re a my Le a th er C ro p To p $44

Wo nder l us t Wi de Leg P an t s in Ox b l ood $48


D o n ’ t M a ke Me Blush Fu r J a c ket $62

S m e l l th e Ro s e s B l ou s e $44

Pam Purse $44

Twiligh t Romper $54

Trish a Wris tl et in Cogna c $42

Olive J us t USA S k i n ny J eans $44



Cherish e d Culotte J u m p s u i t $46 Under th e S e a Necklace $32

Thrill er Clutch $58

B e n n ie Black Fe l t S a fari Hat $32

D ro p A L i ne Str i pe d Swe a ter $ 38

Olive Jus t USA Skinny J eans $36 (on sa l e)


Th r il l er Cl u tc h $58

Graced in Your Presence Black Jumpsuit $42


Go l den S un set N e c k l ace $42

Cold Front Sweater $32 Fa lling for Suede Shorts $48

On Point Necklace $32

L u s c i ou s Vegan Le a th er and Lace Blouse $36

Out in the Crowd Printed Pants $38 A r i ell e Clutch ( lavender) $52

Mesh Together Top $58

Ste l l a Suede F r i n g e Dress $52 Sandra Golden Hour Clutch Pl eated Skirt (black) $88 $44

H ex Stone N ecklace $36

Ma gic i n th e Night C a pe Sl eeve D re ss $52

Capul et P urse in Copper $62 Sandra Clutch (rasberry) $44

Fields of Green Stackabl e Brace l et $22 Fearl ess Stacka b l e Bracel et $16 Big Dreamin’ Stackabl e Brace l et $16


Tell your story. Make it good.

- Annie Claire & Chelsey 23


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