Shop Talk! April 2016

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T H E L E AT H E R R E TA I L E R S ’ & M A N U FACT U R E R S ’ J O U R N A L

A PRIL 2 0 1 6

S I NC E 1984

W W W . P RO L E P T I C. NE T



APRIL 2016

FEATURES 12 Wickenburg Leather Show


21 Boot & Shoe News 24 Leather Worker of the Month 30 Chris Tornow 36 La Sellerie 43 K&R Mercantile


Chris Tornow

IN EVERY ISSUE 4 Laugh Lines 6 Hide Report 16 Goods & Services 49 News, Notes & Queries 57 Classifieds COVER PHOTO: La Sellerie holster and Dick Rohan from K&R Merchantile.

2 APRIL 2016




La Sellerie

Published by Proleptic, Inc. • P.O. Box 17817 • Asheville, NC 28816 Ph (828) 505-8474 • Fax (828) 505-8476 • Read Shop Talk! online with links to advertisers and online information. ShopTalkLeatherMagazine

Shop Talk! is published monthly (ISSN 1547-0121) by Proleptic, Inc. Subscription rates are $36 annually, $39 (US) for Canada and Mexico, and $54 (US) for all other countries.


For free catalog please contact us: 125 Jersey St. Harrison NJ 07029 Phone: 973-483-3232 Email: SHOP TALK!

APRIL 2016 3

Kneeling in the confessional, the girl said, “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.”


“What is it, child?” The priest asked. “I have committed the sin of vanity, Father,” she replied. “Numerous times a day, I gaze upon myself in the mirror and tell myself how gorgeous I am.”

The priest turned, took a good look at the girl, and said, “I have good news for you, my child. That isn’t a sin— it’s merely a mistake.”

Tickle Your


___________________ ± ____________________

A bus filled with politicians was driving through the countryside one day on the campaign trail. The bus driver, caught up in the beautiful scenery, lost control and crashed into a ditch. A farmer living nearby heard the horrible crash and rushed out to discover the wreckage. When he found the politicians, he buried them all. The next day, the police came to his farm to question the man. “So you buried all the politicians?” asked the police officer. “Were they all dead?” The farmer answered, “Some said they weren’t, but you know how politicians lie.”

Q: What’s the difference between a used car salesman and a software salesman? A: The used car salesman knows when he’s lying. 4 APRIL 2016


Once upon a time, there was an island where all the human attributes lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of the others including Love. One day it is announced to the emotions that the island would sink so they all repaired their boats and left. Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I cannot. There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat and there is no place here for you.” Love decided to ask Vanity who was also


ome racehorses were staying in a stable and one of them started to boast about his track record. “In the last 15 races, I’ve won eight of them!”

Another horse broke in, “Well, in the last 27 races, I’ve won 19!” “Oh, that’s good, but in the last 36 races, I’ve won 28!” said another, flicking his tail proudly. At this point, they noticed that a greyhound dog had been sitting there listening. “I don’t mean to boast,” said the greyhound, “but in my last 90 races, I’ve won 88 of them!” The horses were clearly amazed. “Wow!” said one horse after a hushed silence. “A talking dog!”

passing by in a beautiful vessel. “Vanity, please help me!” Vanity replied, “I cannot help you, Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat.” Sadness was close by so Love asked for help. “Sadness, let me go with you.” “Oh, Love, I’m so sad that I need to be by myself!” Happiness passed by Love too but he was so happy that he did not even hear when Love called him. Suddenly, there was a voice that said, “Come, Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. Love

Advice from a Country Farmer Over the years I’ve learned that my past failures have proven to be the foundation of my current and future success.

felt so blessed and overjoyed that she even forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived at dry land, the elder went his own way. Love realizing how much she owed the elder asked Knowledge, another elder, “Who helped me?” “It was Time,” Knowledge answered. “Time?” asked Love. “But why did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is.”

Th e re i s n oth i n g s o ag on i zi n g to th e f i n e s ki n of va n i ty as th e a p p l ic ation of a roug h truth . —Edward G. BulwerLytton SHOP TALK!

APRIL 2016 5


The Hide Report

Brazilian Leather Sector Celebrates Increase Exports Value Focused primarily on exports, the Brazilian leather industry enters 2016 with high expectations. This year should establish the resumption of sales to foreign markets. In 2015, despite a decrease of 23.2% in exports and comparison between 2014, the sector has registered an increase in the value generated by shipments overseas. During the period, considering values in the Brazilian currency, companies saw numbers increase 8.7%. “The appreciation of the US dollar favors Brazilian tanneries, even if the international market is on a low,” says executive president of CICB (the center for the Brazilian tanning industry), José Fernando Bello. “This year is sure to bring us a very positive market performance, especially with the US dollar appreciated,” he adds. In 2013, the US dollar stood at R$2.17, while in 2015, it rose to R$3.39. The trend initiated three years ago has clearly given Brazilian companies reason to celebrate, boosting their income by 38.8%. In 2013, Brazilian tanneries generated around R$5.5 billion in sales. In 2014, the number rose to R$6.9 billion with last year reaching R$7.6 billion.

HIDE PRICES GAIN SLIGHTLY Heavy Texas Steers gained $1.00 during the first week of March and sold for $66 on 64/66 lb. averages. Branded Steers rose $3.00. During the first week of March the highest prices quoted were $63 on averages of 66/68 lbs. Butt Branded Steers jumped $2.00-3.00, selling for $72 on average weights of 66/68 lbs. Heavy Native Steers were up $1.00 to around $72.50-73.

WELLINGTON’S FINE LEATHER FURNITURE RELEASES LEATHER FURNITURE BUYING GUIDE Wellington’s Fine Leather Furniture is pleased to announce the publication of its “Definitive Guide to Buying Leather Furniture”. The guide covers everything about leather furniture ranging from the hides to the design, finished appearance, and suspension. Each element is described in detail as well as how it is to be used in a final selection. Contact: Wellington’s Leather Furniture, P O Box 65465, Port Ludlow, WA 98365, 800-262-1049,



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6 APRIL 2016


The Hide Report LUXURY LEATHER GOODS IN SPAIN AND MEXICO Luxury leather goods in Spain sold 2% current value growth to reach â‚Ź616 million in 2015, which was a slightly higher growth rate compared to 2014. Retailers reported to increase but still consider demand to be in its early stages after a period of slowdown as a result of consumers restraining themselves from spending high amounts on travel goods and luxury bags.

FEDERALLY INSPECTED SLAUGHTER Federally inspected slaughter for the period ending Saturday, March 4, was estimated to be 533,000 head. This compares to 534,000 the week before and 535,000 during the same period a year ago. Year to date slaughter is 4,993,000, 1% lower than the same period in 2014, or 53,000 fewer cattle.

During 2015 luxury leather goods saw the introduction in Mexico of a wider portfolio of brands which are aimed at providing a wider range of options to luxury customers. Brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Bottega Venta, Gherardini, and Yves Saint Laurent increase the presence in Mexico which was supported by the growth of department stores such as El Palacio de Hierro. Similarly, more affordable luxury leather goods like Kate Spade and Thomas Pink have gained a presence in the luxury market.

3100 E. Main, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 (972) 262-8652 or (972) 262-3101 Fax (972) 262-3251 Leather Machinery, Dies & Supplies

Representatives & Distributors for:

Indusco Adler America Inc. Manufacturers Supplies Co. Campbell Bosworth Machinery Co.

Consolidated Sewing Machine Corp. Randall Leather Machine Corp. Fortuna MachineCo. Jado Machine Co. Juki AmericaSinger MachineCo. Cowboy


Cobra Ferd, Schmetz Needle Corp. New England Needles Inc. Pfaff, Inc. & many more

APRIL 2016 7

The Hide Report

Luxury French Footwear Maison Now Uses Camel Leather In the remote French town of hide ripped under the force of 725 Beaupreau, the cutters, clickers, Newtons, making it three times total lasters, and welts sewers as strong as cowhide.” The duo of Maison Corthay That’s not to say that camel work together to began experimenting is better than cow, Corthay craft some of the is quick to add. Just differworld’s finest foot with increasingly ent. “We are lucky enough wear and now incorto use extremely high quality porates camel leather “audacious shapes,” calf leather; we only select the sourced straight from the top of the range scans that are glazing them with UAE into its designs. proposed to us. Likewise, camel This is perhaps unsurprising for leather possesses some unique subtle but a brand intent on melding tradiattributes that were of partional know-how with “creative, ticular interest to us. Choos unexpected patinas. avant-garde design”. Pierre Coring one over the other thay was first introduced to the would be pretty diffiart of shoemaking through Les cult, akin to choosing Compagnons du Devoir, a French Lamborghini over organization of craftsman and artisans that Ferrari or Bentley dates back to the Middle Ages. As a part of their edover Rolls-Royce: ucation, fledgling craftsman and women embark on each one has its own characteristics and fans.” the so-called Tour de France, where they carry out The brand now offers its famed Arca as well as a rigorous apprenticeships with masters in their choline of small leather goods in camel leather. “We are sen craft. Corthay excelled at shoemaking and went able to use this incredible skin while innovating, on to become the only men’s shoemaker awarded surprising our customers and paying tribute to the with the title Maitre d’Art, a distinction granted by traditions of the Middle East. Camel skin is a great the French Ministry of Culture to the country’s most success in all our different markets,” says Xavier de skilled craftspeople. Royere, chief of Maison Corthay. He established Maison Corthay in 1990 at the age of 27 and was soon joined in the business by his younger brother, Christophe. Together, the duo began experimenting with increasingly “audacious shapes,” glazing them with subtle but unexpected patinas. “Let’s get technical for a minute,” Corthay says. “Camel hide has about ten times more fibers in its construction than bovine hide, making it appreciably stronger, despite it being very soft and supple. In the standard tanning test for respective leathers, cowhide ripped under a force of 240 Newtons, while a comparable sample of camel 8 APRIL 2016


The Hide Report

Chap, Saddle & Tooling Leather! The best grades from the best tanneries! Hermann Oak #1, or A & B grades only! Skirting, Harness, Strap, tooling, etc. Large clean sides of chap leather! Same types and colors always in stock! Work, Rodeo and Show!

Outstanding service! Real leather sample cards available!

Goliger Leather Company 800 423-2329 Fax 805 650-1742 email: Visit our website:

CURTIEMBRE ARLEI S.A. TO BUY SADESA PLANT Curtiembre Arlei S.A. and Sadesa S.A. announced a sales agreement regarding the industrial plant that Sadesa has at Las Toscas and transference of its staff to the new company as of March 1, 2016. Arlei already runs a tannery in the Las Toscas as well as a vegetable tanning plant at Rosario de Lerma in the province of Salta and a finishing, warehousing, and furniture manufacturing operation in Buenos Aires.

US FOOTWEAR IMPORTS RISE 6% IN 2015 US footwear imports rose by 6% in 2015 to $26.8 billion, according to the most recent US Department of Commerce data, faster than 2014’s growth rate of 4.7%, spurred on by the health of the athletic and athleisure segments. Imports from China rose by only 1% to $16.86 billion, but comprised 63% of the total US footwear imports, down from almost 66% in 2014, but still compromising the largest percentage of footwear imports. Vietnam, Italy, and Indonesia rounded out the top four sources for imported footwear in 2015, with Vietnam up by 22% to $4.3 billion, or 16% of total imports. Though still a relatively small portion of total footwear imports, footwear from India increased by 32% so far in 2015, to $446 million. Canada was the largest market for US footwear exports in 2015, compromising more than 23% of the year’s total, followed by South Korea and Japan, with 10% and 9% respectively. The appeal of Made in USA footwear vary from continent to continent as well. For example, Timberland will launch a limited line of its iconic men’s 8”boot made with Horween leather from Chicago and manufactured in a small factory in Arkansas. The premium line will be available in the US but Timberland has high hopes for it overseas as well. Just as European made footwear holds a particular cache in America, European consumers bite at the chance to own something entirely made in the US.


APRIL 2016 9


Sichuan Researchers Create Alternative Leather Lubricant Applying lubricant in a process called fatliquoring protects leather from cracking. The lubricant penetrates the weave to separate fibers in order to prevent the fiber from rubbing against one another and damaging material. Fatliquored leather is soft, flexible, and slightly water repellent. Natural fats and waxes are often used as lubricants; however, such materials are susceptible to oxidation and hydrolysis. Researchers at Sichuan University have created an alternative to conventional leather lubricants using synthetic copolymers. The copolymers are based on acrylic acid and stearyl acrylate, and contain both hydrophilic carboxyl groups and hydrophobic long alkyl groups, making the copolymers amphiphilic. The hydrophilic groups associate with the collagen in the leather via hydrogen bonding or ionic bonds while the hydrophobic groups separate internal fibers. The molecular weight of the copolymer affects its processing capabilities. Lower molecular weight copolymers (9,000 to 15,000 Da) improve the softness and fiber separation of leather by more easily penetrating the leather surface. This new lubricant is suitable for use with ecoleather which is made by layering plant fibers with plant oils rather than using animal skins.

There are eighty-four tanneries included on the list of companies to be eliminated for backward production capacity which was announced by the Ministry of Industrial and Information Technology. The enterprises on the list span eighteen industrial sectors with a total number of 2,087 companies to be closed within two months. The announcement has affected not only the local economy but the securities market as well. Closing over 2,000 companies will reduce local GDP by 100 billion yuan and generate huge unemployment. The new round of eliminations has shown the determination of government to reduce environmental pollution and production capacity. Blind expansion and investment are blamed for the backward overproduction capacity and pollution and also show that this type of unregulated growth can only result in low efficiency and weak competitiveness.

Shetler’s Collar Shop Manufacturing a full line of horse, pony and mule collars. Collar clocks and mirrors also available.

llar lity co A qua asonable at a re ice. pr #99 farm collar with 18” draft.

Write us for a free price list 5819 Flat Iron Road • Conewango Valley, New York 14726

10 APRIL 2016


The Hide Report


Weight (lbs.) wts. vary month to month

January (early)

February (early)

March (early)

Price Last Mar. 2015 (early)

Heavy Texas Steers

66-68 $64-66.50 $61-62 $63-65 $95-97

Heavy Texas Steers (Hvy)

74-78 $72-73 $64-66 $66-67 $104-106

Branded Steers

66-68 $60-64 $58-59 $62-63 $94-95

Branded Steers (Hvy)

74-78 $71-72 $62-63 $62-63 $102-103

Colorado Steers

66-68 $57-58 $51-52 $52-54 $92-94

Butt Branded Steers

66-68 $69-70 $70-71 $69-70 $103-105

Butt Branded Steers (Hvy)

74-78 $77-78 $75-76 $75-76 $105-107

Heavy Native Steers (Hvy)


Heavy Native Heifers

50-52 $59-60 $54-55 $54-55 $83-87

Branded Heifers

54-56 $56-57 $51-53 $51-55 $80-83

Heavy Native Cows

50-54 $45-48 $44-45 $44-45 $68-71

Branded Cows

50-54 $35-37 $32.50-36 $34-36 $65-66

Spready Dairy Cows

50-52 $57-60 $57-59 $55-57 $79-81

Native Bulls





100-110 $56-61 $49-51 $49-51 $79-82


APRIL 2016 11

Wickenburg Leather Show


Although the setting for the Wickenburg show was small and the vendors were few, the steady flow of visitors lasted each of the three days. The event held in Arizona’s small western town of Wickenburg began in 2013, and is hosted by Tim and Marie Hansen of Hansen Western Gear in Oakdale, CA. Marie says that the participation has been about the same each year everyone always looks forward to the next. The small venue provides for a very intimate encounter with fellow vendors and customers alike. Vendors for the 2016 show included Sheridan Leather and Douglas Tools, Wayne Jueske, Van Amburg Leathers, Tandy Leather Factory, The Tooling Bench, Henderson Saddle Co., High Desert Sales, Gomph-Hackbarth Tools, Hoffman Sewing, Shop Talk! and Barry King Tools.

12 APRIL 2016


Pictured left to right: Don and Skeeter Brumley, Marie and Tim Hansen of Hansen Silver

Joe Marshall’s student completed a feather bracelet during his class. Photos by Liz Mount.

During the show, two classes were offered and ranged in price from $85 to $125. Joe Marshall of Marshall Saddles in Cedar City, UT, spends part of his career working as the saddlemaker for the Grand Canyon mule team in Arizona, and his class was open to all skill levels and covered the “Tips and Techniques” of hand tools, especially vintage tools. The class lasted four hours.

makers who came to buy supplies to gear up for the rodeo which was to take place the following weekend. Because Arizona is a winter destination, several retirees came to the show to “pick up leatherworking again”.

The second class was offered by Dick Levitz of the Tooling Bench in Utah. Also open to all skill levels, this four-hour class covered design basics, assembly of project, and finishing steps. Dick provided specialized techniques he developed and how to use the right tool for the job. When he isn’t teaching Dick can be found reconditioning antique tools and machinery.

Wayne Jueschke demonstrates his line of stamping tools and mauls

The HOT seller of the weekend had to be the hairon cow hides from Tandy. Starting out with over two tables, they barely had a handful left at the end of the show. And for good reason – hides big enough to cover a king size bed were selling for a mere $190, with the brindled ones being the first to sell out. Their other special was belt blanks – a 6 pack for only $50. Dick Levitz’s student completed a carved belt to take home. Photo by Liz Mount.

Professionals and hobbyists alike could be seen bringing in their work to “ask a professional” and “make a business deal”. There were several chap


APRIL 2016 13

Sheridan Leather came stocked with a load of chrome tanned, 7/8 oz. boar hides that were selling for $100/hide. These were popular with the local chap makers because they can withstand the cactus needles and mesquite thorns found in Arizona. Also available were veg tanned beaver tails, each with their own unique pattern in a variety of sizes. When I asked, Vandy explained that these are mostly used for bucking rolls, knife sheaths, and some inlays. Because of their small size it can take about four tails to make bucking rolls. They sold all three of their large, all natural, wild patterned sheepskins for $120 each. The sheepskins displayed the natural coloring of the wool, without dyes, which had random chocolate brown spots and creamy yellow streaks. And the Tibetan lamb was very popular with the ladies. These hide pieces are actually stitched together to create a 24” x 48” rectangle to be more usable in the fashion industry and to make a pair of wooly chaps. They feature long, curly hair which can reach upwards of 6” in length and are specially tanned in bright blue/turquoise, purple, red or green.

Hansen came stocked with all of their closeout conchos, and special order custom belt combos along with a selection of jewelry with a shared booth with one of their distributors, Tom Buxton of High Desert Sales. Henderson Saddle Co. had a display of stirrups ranging in sizes from 2” to 5”. Stainless steel bound and leather lined, prices started at $115 and went up to $145. Also available were brass bound stirrups for an additional $20. Van Amburg had a large variety of reptile skins including bold colored cobra skins. While he wasn’t selling, Jerry could be found working on belts while demonstrating the splitting machine Hoffman Brothers had on display. The next three day show will be held Feb 3, 4 and 5, 2017, at the Wickenburg Community Center, attendance is free and open to the public. To become a vendor, or get more information on attending, please contact Tim or Marie at (800) 970-7391. This is a great show if you really want to get to know your vendors and fellow craftsman. I look forward to returning to the desert next year to catch up with all my new friends.




Conchos Saddle Trim Hand Engraved Silver Products “For those who want the very best”

209-847-7390 Marie, Tim & Kelleigh Hansen 14 APRIL 2016


800-970-7391 Oakdale, CA 95361

contacts Barry King Tools

1751 Terra Ave. Sheridan, WY 82801 (307) 672-5657 Gomph-Hackbarth Tools

Lonnie Height 10754 N. Martineau Rd. Elfrida, AZ 85610 (520) 642-3891 Hansen Western Gear / Hansen Silver

Tim & Marie Hansen 725 Townhill Rd. Oakdale, CA 95361 (800) 970-7391

Henderson Saddle Co

Tandy Leather Factory

Bob Henderson P.O. Box 226 Rigby, ID 83442 (208) 745-1985

Corporate Office 1900 SE Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76140 (800-433-3201

High Desert Sales

The Tooling Bench

Tom Buxton Roberts, Idaho 83444 (208) 228-6851

Dick Levitz 2520 W 3425N Cedar City, UT 84721 (435)586-9591

Hoffman Brothers

1795 Birchwood Ave. Des Plaines, IL 60018 (847) 671-1550 Sheridan Leather & Douglas Tool

Luke & Vandy Douglas 2047 Coffeen Ave. Sheridan, WY 82801 (888) 803-3030

Van Amburg Leathers

Jerry Van Amburg 143 Cedar St. Blackfoot, ID 83221 (208) 785-0800 Wayne Jueschke

P.O. Box 1895 Elko, NV 89803 (775) 738-4885


APRIL 2016 15

Goods & Services APRIL 2016

It’s true, Triple E is still a great source for wholesale nylon equine equipment but, over the years, they’ve added new services to their business which includes embroidery, digital printing, sign and banner printing, and window and car graphics. So that means if you have a tack store or saddle shop and you need some signage for your store and truck so you’ll catch people’s attention, they can help! Or if you want to get your logo embroidered on the products you make, they can also help with that. Or maybe a custom job for one of your customers who wants a blanket or pad personalized. They are in Sherman, NY, and may be reached at (716) 761-6996.

Specials from Barta Hide Co. at 888 Lakeville St., Petaluma, CA 94952, (707) 762-2965, include: black Italian automotive leather (full hides) at $1.75/sq. ft. Hair-on calf at $4.50-$5.00/sq. ft., veg tanned scrap at $1/lb., fur scrap (nice pcs.) at $10/lb., reptile scrap (snake & lizard) $10/lb., and black latigo scrap. Some pretty nice deals and they wont last long! Looking for something special? Better call Andy so he can keep an eye out for you. If Andy doesn’t have it then you probably don’t need it. For many years now, Andy has specialized in buying clean, useable scrap from large manufacturers. He really gets nice stuff which is perfect for small products and pieces. At great prices.

CHINO TACK tradition of quality since 1980

Saddle Trees: rawhide or fiberglass covered Stirrups: wooden or iron, rawhide covered Rawhide: natural, bleach, black, red, etc. Saddles: choose rawhide or fiberglass tree Casa Zea Blankets: assorted and solid colors

1-800-696-4649 • 16 APRIL 2016


With thirty years of experience as a professional leather worker, John Wright has opened a new store in Monterey, CA. This full service leather shop is located at 638 Lighthouse Ave., just two blocks from Cannery Row. The 2,000 sq. ft. space includes a retail area stocked with personal leather goods and a large, open workshop. John is happy to provide everything from simple repairs to custom designs and wholesale manufacturing. The store also stocks supplies for other leather workers such as hardware, tools, leather, and exotic skins. The shop does tack repair as well as custom motorcycle equipment. Please contact: The Leather Company 638 Lighthouse Ave, Monterey, CA 93940 (831) 717-4894

The folks at Troyer’s Rope have a deal for you!! Here it is: 5/8” x 400’ solid braid multifilament polypro. Troyer chooses color! Closeout price of $.149/ft. 100,000’ in stock and ready to ship. Give Adam or Andy a call at (800) 872-0103. Tell ‘em you saw it in

Shop Talk!

For my money, the very best light weight oil perfect for English saddle seats, lines, reins, waist belts, shoes, boots, holsters, ball gloves, and other gear where you don’t want the oil to bleed or stain has got to be Tanner’s Oil. Also good to mix with leather dye for a more even coat. Available from AGS Footwear Group in 16 oz. spray, 32 oz. container, and gallon. Contact: 11234 Air Park Rd., Ashland, VA 23005, (800) 446-3820, e-mail: Get some today—you’ll love it!!

Let me tell you about a really good business deal that someone of an entrepreneurial bent would be a fool not to grab hold and go with it! Sheridan Leather is up for sale. It’s a solid, going concern, well respected in our industry, and all a person would have to do is get behind the wheel and GO! There’s a web site that explains all about it at www. and you can always call them at (307) 674-6679.

Angelus Leathercare has these unique and very handy dye pens for real small touchup work that are perfect for belt and boot makers. Or anyone needing complete control over were they put the dye. Of course, they make a great line of shoe polish. Angelus has been in business since 1907 and is still a good old, family-run, American-owned business. They carry over 80 standard and 12 neon acrylic leather paint. Available in 1 oz., 4 oz., pint, and gallon. They have a very heavily pigmented leather dye in about 40 colors that come in 3 oz., pint, gallon, 5 gal. pail, and 55 gal. drums. Angelus has about 24 dyes and dressings especially for suede that also comes in 3 oz., pint, 5 gal. pail, and 55 gal. drums. For all the details about the fine line of Angelus brand products, you can look them up at www., 12060 Florence Ave., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670, (562) 941-4242. Regardless of the type of leather work you do, you need to know about Angelus!

Hey—don’t let this opportunity pass you by. What a great home business that you could run anyplace in the world! “Tanner’s Oil,” the long-time favorite among horse owners and saddle makers is back! This famous light all-purpose oil softens new leather and beautifies and restores aged leather by replacing lost oils. It guards against moisture, mold and mildew. Will not harm stitching nor darken most leather. An AGS exclusive.

We stock over 1,000 types & colors of leather!

New & Improved Full Color Catalog Upon Request

FEATURING: Chap Leather (125 colors available),

Embossed Cow Sides, Garment & Hair-On Hides, Genuine Buffalo, Genuine Salz Latigo, Harness Leather, Metallic Cow Sides, Patent Leather, Skirting, Strap & Upholstery Leathers Ask about new programs of Allure premium upholstery leather-104 colors available! New Tibetan Sheepskin plates (20 colors!) for old fashioned Wooly Chaps. New Napa Excell stuffed cowsides for personal leather goods-unreal leather! 16 Oz Spray #T110S

32 Oz. #T120C

Gallon #T130C

AGS Footwear Group 11234 Air Park Road, Ashland, VA 23005 Phone: 800 446 3820 Fax: 800 822 0180 Email: Website:

Benefits of becoming a preferred customer: Very best pricing for the leathers you use the most. Receive immediate notification of leathers going on sale. Added luxury of choosing only leathers that interest you, thus eliminating unwanted emails. Notification of new products and services as they become available ensures the personal service you deserve. Logon to

l Monroe St., Napa, CA 94559

800-4LEATHR (800-453-2847) Fax: 800-255-6160


APRIL 2016 17

Goods & Services Happy Birthday to the folks at Countryside Manufacturing—the company celebrates its 25th anniversary this year! Countryside has a 35 pp. catalog and specializes primarily in harness, harness parts, and collars made out of synthetic materials such as coated webbing. They have their line of PVC collars, “Carefree Collars,” and a line of “E-Z Care Tack” made out of coated webbing with ss hardware. They carry a full line of wholesale harness in different styles and sizes as well as lots of harness parts, hardware, and equipment for working with synthetic materials. Countryside also carries horseshoes and a variety of ready-made blinds and blind irons in different shapes and sizes. They carry a coated webbing up to 2” wide, PVC belting 36” wide, imitation leather 54” wide, PVC sheeting 48” wide, urethane loops, and fake fur in different colors. So get a catalog for yourself and take a look—you just might be surprised at all the supplies and wholesale products Countryside has to offer. Contact: 504 S. Humbert St., Milton, IA 52570. We use Uline to get all our shipping boxes and they are always great to deal with. You order today and the boxes are delivered the next day and there is NO expedited shipping charge. They have a huge catalog of about 660 pp. They carry about any size and shape of box you can imagine plus lots and lots of other shipping supplies, safety products, janitorial products as well as pails, jugs, jars, barrels, and drums—both steel and plastic. What a great supplier! Contact: Uline, 12575 Uline Dr., Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158, (800) 295-5510,

Let’s say you have some concrete repair work you need to do in your shop, factory or warehouse or maybe you’re looking for a tough epoxy floor coating. Two real good sources for all sorts of industrial floor products are Watco at 11 Hawthorn Pkwy., Vernon Hills, IL 60061, (855) 627-6350, and Garon Products at P.O. Box 1924, Wall, NJ 07719, (800) 631-5380,

18 APRIL 2016


Goods & Services Quality Zipper keeps telling us that we’re not their market and I’m starting to believe them. After all, do any of our readers ever make or repair chaps, handbags, golf bags, jackets, carrying cases, camping equipment, tents, or boots with side zippers? NEVER!! I mean—how silly! However— should you run across someone who actually needs a wide variety of YKK zippers in any color imaginable, different widths, and styles as well as zipper parts, then send them to Quality Zipper at P.O. Box 5204, Grand Forks, ND 58206-5204, (800) 245-9515,

But PLEASE— don’t tell them where you got their name. Thanks.

Do you need something cast in brass, cast iron or aluminum? Then you might want to contact Custom Cast, Ltd. at 4205 Township Road 629, Millersburg, OH 44654. No phone. Free quotes. So where did I find this information? Why, Plain Communities Business Exchange, of course!!! PCBE is just a wealth of information for business products and services. Everything from roof coating to screws and washers. Lots of solar, gas, air, wind, and battery operated equipment, appliances, and tools. Everything from heavy farm machinery and woodworking equipment to answering services. Get a copy for yourself and see what a handy reference it is—P O Box 520, Millersburg, PA 17061, (717) 362-1109. Now, if you make collars, pads, or harness and are looking to expand your retail audience, this would be an excellent place to advertise. Rates are reasonable and you’d be going to the right audience.


APRIL 2016 19

Goods & Services

Mark Staton Co. "Skin Bin" Sale American Alligator Belly: 38703 43cm Magenta Glazed $300 44120 40cm Sunset Coral Glazed $245 38701 45cm Rosa (pink) Matte $245 34447 31cm Sunset Coral Matte $75 52071 33cm Grass Green Glazed $175 42283 56cm Black Matte $485 42301 75cm Black Matte $900 42294 89cm Chocolate Brown Matte $1,000 42288 89cm Black Matte $1,000 08841 96cm Chocolate Brown Matte $1200 American Alligator Hornback: 14011 43cm Chocolate Brown Matte (Hornback) $200 39581 44cm Black Matte (Hornback) $400 Nile Crocodile Belly: 67624 34cm Cognac (peanut) Matte $190 66649 34cm Cognac (peanut) Matte $190 Scraps: 1 pound bag regular scrap (80% black, brown, cognac & 20% fashion colors) good for small piece work (inlays, trim, accents, etc.) regularly $35 - Sale $25 1 pound bag premium scrap (50% black, brown, cognac & 50% fashion colors) good for small leather goods (key chains, pens, pieced card cases, large inlays, etc.) regularly $75 - Sale $45 Customers will be responsible for shipping and insurance. All sales final Contact: Mark Staton Co. 111 Bourque Rd., Lafayette, LA 800-224-2867 or 337-988-9964

20 APRIL 2016


Now the best for last—drum roll please!! Ladies and Gentlemen—let me introduce you to the new 2016 catalog from Beiler’s Mfg. and Supply!! Weighing in at 178 pp., it’s their best catalog ever and a smorgasbord of delight for both the professional and amateur leather worker, harness maker, maker of pet goods, saddle maker, and others. And that ain’t all—Beiler’s also supplies the equine, cattle, pet industries, makers of lawn furniture, and the metalworking trades. That’s a lot! Over the years, Beiler’s has really expanded its line of leather and now carries everything from garment to bridle. Good source for hard to find stuff like synthetic sheepskin, waterproof foam, felt, elastic webbing in widths from ¾” up to 2”, and hog hair for stuffing. Yeah, Beiler’s has everything for the harness and saddle maker but they also carry a nice selection of English saddle girths which they make—different styles and sizes; also elastic repair ends for English girths. Great selection of leather halters in several different styles. Lovely work. Lots of barn supplies (including clippers) as well as horse healthcare supplies. Lots of thread, sewing machines, sewing machine supplies, and other leather working equipment such as creasers, riveters, spotting machines, and embossers along with a big selection of embossing rollers. They must carry every type of snap fastener ever made and then some. Nice assortment of driving bits and leather working tools including the P-35 Arrow stapler which works real well with slide loops. Wow—that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface! So you better get a catalog for yourself and you will be really glad you did! If you can’t find it in Beiler’s new catalog, you probably don’t need it.

Contact: 3025 Harvest Dr., Ronks, PA 17572, (717) 768-0174.


Boot & Shoe News

C O L L A B O R AT I V E SPIRIT KEEPS SMALL BUSINESSES IN STEP “I’m just one guy and I can’t do it all. Plus, we’re all just good at different things,” U Thant DeBergerac Devlin by LIISA of First and Ten Limited ANDREASSEN says. “I really got my start in shoe shining. And then dying is what put us on the map. It’s these two things that I’ve built my business and reputation on. If someone needs a rip repair or special sole, I’ll likely send them to another local shop. But if you want a hand finished polish like you’ve never seen before, I’m your man.” U Thant, known affectionately to most as “Dr. Shine,” has been in the business for twenty plus years and is also the founder of Boot Manna, the only cleaning kit for wheat colored boots. “Boot Manna cleans, restores and revitalizes,” he says. “It’s like food for your boots. I’m happy to share information about it with anyone, including my shoe repair colleagues.”

Hanlin is known by his shoe repair peers as being able to troubleshoot just about any type of meltdown with shoe repair machinery and equipment. In fact, Mike Ziglar, owner of A to Z Shoe Repair, has called on Hanlin’s technical skills a few times over the years and says he’s the man when it comes to getting a machine back up and running.

Ziglar is probably the newest to the shoe repair scene. He bought an existing business about nine years ago. Prior to starting the business, he did tool and die work.

Denny Hanlin, owner of Denny’s Shoe Repair, first met Dr. Shine when he was starting out in the business. “We all try to help each other out when we can,” he says. “He asks for my input on something and I ask for his. It’s a give and take situation.”


APRIL 2016 21

Boot & Shoe News “I just don’t like working for other people,” he says. “Today, the business is completely family run. That’s really the key to my success. I couldn’t do it without the help of my family. It’s kind of like running a farm.”

“If you do a good job, one person will tell four, but if you do a bad job, one person will tell a hundred,”

Denny Hanlin has been in the business for nearly 60 years. His father was in the business too. “My father told me that the shoe repair business was a good one. He said I wouldn’t get rich, but I’d be able to provide for my family and keep three meals a day on the table. That’s just what I’ve done.” He’s also had the chance to meet some interesting folks along the way including NASCAR driver, Richard Petty. He’s been fixing his boots for about five years now Igor Elikh, owner, Sykes Shoe Repair, bought his business eleven years ago. But it was first founded in 1924. Elikh says that he’s known for handling unusual requests. “I do what a lot of other guys won’t,” he says. “For example, a lot of local shoe repair shops don’t like to work on Clarks so they send them to me.” Elikh says that pleasing the customer is his first priority and that seems to be the consensus among all the other shoe repair shops too.

22 APRIL 2016


“If you do a good job, one person will tell four, but if you do a bad job, one person will tell a hundred,” he laughs. Derrick Miller has been working with Frank’s Summit Shoe Shop as a finisher for more than twenty years and he agrees that customer service is key. “We have people coming back generation after generation,” Miller says. “I often get someone in the shop who says, ‘Hey, my grandmother used to bring her shoes here.’ It’s a pretty cool thing.”

Boot & Shoe News Miller adds that you have to be courteous and he feels confident that Frank’s Summit delivers in that department. “There’s no app for shoe repair,” he says. “So, you want to make people happy and keep them coming back for as long as you can.” For most of these small businesses, women’s heels and men’s half soles are the major breadwinners, but they also focus on fixing rips and tears, and work on handbags, zippers and luggage, too.

CONTACT INFORMATION: A to Z Shoe Repair: 336-855-6412 Denny’s Shoe and Luggage Repair: 336-855-6387 First and Ten by Shine Unlimited: 336-333-9785 Frank’s Summit Shoe Repair: 336-274-5803 Sykes Shoe Repair: 336-272-5980

CHALLENGES AND CONCERNS Despite the fact that these shoe repair businesses have withstood the test of time, all men report having concerns over the future. What tops their list? Cheap imports that are difficult to fix; a more casual workplace dress environment; and increasingly burdensome governmental regulations. However, they forge ahead and are confident that if they continue to work together and put their best foot forward, they will continue to serve the community – one shoe at a time. “This business is all about camaraderie and nostalgia, and that’s a winning combination,” Dr. Shine says.


APRIL 2016 23








The Leathersmith

Who Never Should Have Been Sawmilling put food on the table for forty-two years, and I supplemented our income as a blues musician for nearly as long. When I envisioned retirement, I saw myself on the golf course in the morning, playing guitar at night, and making use of some old boat plans to build a boat with my own hands…but sawmilling took its toll. Four back surgeries, a cervical fusion, a couple of bouts with cancer (plus the after-effects of radiation) resulted in my early retirement. And it was retirement that brought me to leatherworking.

Don’t Squat with Your Spurs On by Texas Bix Bender

Paperback, 128 pp.

• A Cowboy's Guide to Life •

$6.50 + S/H PROLEPTIC, INC. • P.O. Box 17817 • Asheville, NC 28816 Ph (828) 505-8474 • Fax (828) 505-8476 • 24 APRIL 2016


I have made lumber. I have made music. And now I make leather goods.

Side note: I do still play. An accident involving a table saw, ironically at home, resulted in my blues name – Barney “Nine Fingers” Perrine.


Paperback, 128 pp. • Grandpa’ s Country Wisdom •

$6.50 + S/H PROLEPTIC, INC. • P.O. Box 17817 • Asheville, NC 28816 Ph (828) 505-8474 • Fax (828) 505-8476 •

from scratch. It takes time and attention to get the cartridge holders evenly formed and spaced and to create a holster that fits the owner’s gun “like a glove”, but it is gratifying work and I love everything about it. I am now making and carving my own patterns and it is a great feeling. And at five o’clock every morning for over a year, I practiced with a swivel knife in my shop. Hermann Oak leather is my canvas. I always thought I did not have an artistic bone in my body, but I have surprised myself. I have gone from hand sewing to machine sewing thanks to the Internet. From buying wallet inserts to making my own and using stamps to hand carving designs, I am now drawing my own designs. My best investments to date are my Cobra stitching machine and my air brush. I highly recommend an air brush to anyone starting out in this craft. It definitely makes your work look professional and uniformed. I know I will never use a dauber again! I am eternally thankful for the kindness shown to me by Gordon Andrus and Bruce Cheney, who graciously share their expertise with me via phone

My retirement plans have taken a back seat. However, a renewed interest in shooting found me looking at holsters, and I thought to myself…I bet I could make one. I bought a kit and the rest is history, as they say. I’ve spent hours on the Internet learning techniques. Acquiring a Chris Andre holster pattern resulted in my passion for gun leather. Before I knew it, I began creating my own ammo belts


APRIL 2016 25

calls, emails, and workshops. These masters started working in saddle and boot shops years ago and have a vast knowledge. They have counseled me on carving, thread size, what type of leather to use, and freely offer valuable advice that comes from experience and a lifelong investment in their craft. I have made Bible covers, drummer accessory bags, iPad covers, holsters and gun belts, journals, and just about anything else that can be made from leather. I recently designed decorative “Coffee Cuffs”, sleeves to shield the heat from coffee-to-go cups. It’s my small way of saving the environment… one coffee sleeve at a time. Two local knife makers, who sell their wares at our famous Astoria Sunday Market and at the Las Vegas Sierra Club, are now exclusively buying my knife sheaths. Never in a million years did I expect leather to be my passion and supplementary income. The next

thing I knew, two renowned knife makers, Barry Minkoff and George House, were seeking me out and all kinds of folks are calling and stopping by with a project in mind. I definitely enjoy meeting the people who pop in. The most memorable was a guy who showed up unannounced at nine o’clock in the morning with a saddle on his shoulder. He simply asked for new D rings and straps. I did what he asked, but was so enamored with that saddle that I cleaned and polished every inch of it, making it shine like new. It was a thrill to have it in my shop and the owner drove away a happy man. Believe me, I have made a lot of mistakes along the way. I still have one of my first holsters hanging on the wall of my studio -- the ugliest thing you never want to see -- to remind me just how far I’ve come over the past two years. As I always tell my children -- if you want to be good at something, if you want to succeed at leather, music, business, or anything in life, go for it. “It is just a matter of repetition.” This has become my mantra, credo, and our family motto.

d Leather Worker of the Month cont. on p. 29

26 APRIL 2016



Model 2600 cylinder walking foot

Model 830 post bed roller feed

Model 2900-L leather patcher

Model 1660 flatbed walking foot

TECHSEW 5100-SE The Techsew 5100 Special Edition is the ultimate sewing machine designed for a wide range of leather work projects. Featuring the latest in time & labour saving technology, the Techsew 5100-SE will increase your productivity and produce the finest looking leather products. Features: - SmartServo-NP Needle Position Motor - TLG Laser Guide - Flatbed Table Attachment - Swing Down Roller Guide - LED Work Lamp & LED Stitch Light - Chrome plated specialty presser feet - Complete with instructional DVD & user manual - Includes diamond point needles, nylon thread & much more!


TLG Laser Guide

Flatbed Table Attachment

Swing Down Roller Guide & LED Stitch Light



APRIL 2016 27

28 APRIL 2016


a Leather Worker of the Month cont. from p. 26

Future Endeavors An avenue I would love to pursue is tack, saddles, and boot making. Coupled with a learning curve at age 63 and my location in the Great Northwest, I resolved that there is little demand for traditional cowboy gear. I have discovered that I am somewhat of a “lone wolf” as far as leather crafters go in these parts and I have an interest in interviewing local high school seniors to offer an apprenticeship in order to keep this art alive in the Northwest. New purchases on the horizon include a skiving machine and a clicker so I can produce high end wallets. I also intend to buy a book entitled Floral Pattern Drawing for the Artistically Impaired by Pete Gorrell. It is reassuring to know one does not have to be an artist to produce art… but believe me, it helps. It really helps. And to think all of this from “The Leathersmith who Never Should Have Been.” How did this happen? I was going to build a boat!

Simplifying Leathercraft. We have redesigned our labels to help you better identify the steps involved in preparing, coloring and finishing your next leathercraft project. Look for the color coded stripe and use Fiebing’s to create the project of your dreams.



Contact: Barney Perrine 40698 Old HWY 30 #28 Astoria, OR 97103


Edge Finishes

Top Finishes SHOP TALK!

APRIL 2016 29

A Christmas Riddle


nce upon a time, a perfect man and a perfect woman met. After a perfect courtship, they had a perfect wedding. Their life was, of course, perfect.

Unfortunately, the diving conditions deteriorated and the perfect couple and Santa had an accident. Only one of them survived.

One snowy, storm Christmas Eve, this perfect couple was driving their perfect car along a winding road when they noticed someone at the side of the road in distress. Being the perfect couple, they stopped to help.

Who was the survivor? The perfect woman survived. She’s the only one who really existed in the first place. Everyone knows that there is no Santa Claus, and there is no such thing as a perfect man.


There stood Santa Claus with a huge bundle of toys. Not wanting to disappoint any children on the eve of So, if there’s no perfect man and no Santa Claus, the Christmas, the perfect couple loaded Santa and his toys perfect woman must have been driving. This explains specifically for use that time, Chris has found that combining quality into their SUV. Soon they Made were driving along, delivering why there was accident. materials withantop notch craftsmanship yield pack toys all over the world. on the trail, this company takes their saddles serioussaddles that are durable, easy to use, and look good ly and so do the backcountoo. All pack saddles feature Hermann Oak harness try horsemen who use leather stuffed waxes and oils to resistall sweat A very merry Christmas and a prosperous (and with healthy!) 2015 from them. Chris Tornow, sadand moisture. to each of us here at dleShop maker Talk! and packer, has and everyone of you out there! “Pack equipment is not a sideline for us; it is the spent the last twenty years focus of ourNew business,” Tornow says. Merry Year!! refiningChristmas her craft while& Happy by LIISA building the business. In We sat down with Tornow to get the dish. ANDREASSEN

2016 SHOP 830| APRIL December 2014 TALK!

Shop Talk!

Chris Tornow with her husband Matt Shirley

A chat with Tornow Shop Talk!: Where are your products available? Chris Tornow: We sell them from our shop based in Arlington, WA, and through our website at: ST: How do you market your products? CT: We advertise nationally in Western Mule and Backcountry Horseman of America and also get quite a bit of business just from people doing a Google search for “pack equipment�. ST: Where are products manufactured? CT: Most all of the products we carry are made here in our shop. We buy a few items such as bear resistant panniers from another supplier.


APRIL 2016 31


Business The Handmade Marketplace

The Business of Saddle Making

How to Sell Crafts Locally, Globally and Online!

by Pete Gorrell: paperback, 58 pp. Includes: pricing; cost; market strategy; work sheets.

$12.50 +sh

Paperback, 218 pp.




12 CHAPTERS INCLUDING: “Your Craft Community,” “Advertising and Publicity,” “More Online Networks,” “Selling in Online Stores,” “Other Selling Options” and “Opportunities,” etc.

Order Today!



How to Establish Price s for the Saddlemaker or LeatherWorker by Robert G. Brenner: paperback, 68 pp. The best pricing information available for the leatherworker. It answers all the questions you ever had about your business. This is the real thing and will help any craftsman to be a better businessperson. $39.95+sh

Hello Craft’s Guide to Owning, Running and Growing Your Crafty Biz

Leather Facts: How to Better Evaluate & Buy Leather

Paperback, 175 pp.

$ 9 .50 +S/H

• Covers nuts & bolts of running a craft business • Discusses marketing in detail, craft fairs, business practices, business finances, selling online

hide/leather terminology, selecting harness leather, grading leather, chrome versus vegetable tanned leather, latigo, and more. Handy reference. 20 pp

• Good listing of marketing resources & organizations

• Useful •

day: Order To PROLEPTIC, INC.

P.O. BOX 17817, ASHEVILLE, NC 28816 PH (828) 505-8474 FAX (828) 505-8476 P.O. Box 17817 Asheville, NC 28816 SHOPTALK@PROLEPTIC.NET WWW.PROLEPTIC.NET

P 828.505.8474 | F 828.505.8476 |

32 APRIL 2016


$11.50 +sh

ST: What sets your products apart from the competition? CT: We specialize in equipment for the backcountry horseman, and also the special needs of mule riders. While many tack shops may carry a little bit of pack equipment in their inventory, this is all we make and we have the knowledge to outfit professional outfitters, the U.S. Forest Service, National Parks, and also simply to assist people who are just getting started in packing. We also try to bring a saddle makers’ aesthetic to our products to produce a truly functional, but also beautiful, piece of gear using the highest quality materials and workmanship. Finally, we understand the special needs of mule riders and enjoy working with them to get comfortable, good looking gear for their mules

ST: How did you get into this business? CT: In the late 1970s, I was having trouble fitting a saddle to one of my horses. I did some research and came across an article about the saddle making program at Spokane Falls Community College with Jesse Smith. I was at a point in my life where I was ready to explore another profession, and I thought it was something I would enjoy as I’ve always liked working with my hands. I attended the two-year program and graduated with a degree in applied science. I formed a short-lived partnership with another saddlemaker, but, after a couple of years struck out on my own in 1986. At my start-up, I was a pretty typical, small town, full-service type saddle shop. I built custom riding saddles, did lots of repair work, and tackled other miscellaneous leather projects. As time went on, my personal interest in packing and riding led me to develop an exclusive pack equipment line. I have slowly eliminated everything else.

Traditional Decker pack saddle.


APRIL 2016 33

ST: What are your top sellers? CT: The riding saddle britchen is our biggest seller. Pack saddles and alforjas bags are next. ST: Do you offer wholesale? CT: No. ST: What are your plans for the future? Are you planning to add any items to your product line? CT: Right now we are putting the finishing touches on being able to produce our own Tehama-style sawbuck tree. We have had a lot of good input on this design and are looking forward to using it this coming year. “I’ve been very fortunate to be able to do something I love,” Tornow adds. “My customers are the best folks around, and I love talking with them about their mules and pack trips.”

Contact Information: Chris Tornow Saddles & Pack Equipment P O Box 364 Arlington, WA 98223 (360) 435-3889

34 APRIL 2016


A Master Craftsman Lies Within You

You’ve worked hard to perfect your craft. Trust your projects to nothing less than the best with quality leather care and tools from Weaver Leather. Experience our full range of oils and dyes formulated to provide a beautiful finish and the ultimate protection from nature’s harshest elements. Our leather care line is a must on your workbench with the finest ingredients and high-performing formulations. For professional results every time, trust our Master Tools. Featuring the best punches on the market and handles that feel great in your hand, Master Tools will give you a lifetime of dependable service. Start all your projects with quality leather care and tools from Weaver Leather.

Call 800-932-8371



APRIL 2016 35

French Saddlery Finds Law Enforcement Niche Managed by Gilles Bardou, master craftsman and apprentice trainer, Sellerie du Thymerais specializes in manufacturing leather holsters for French law enforcement as well as for those interested in sport shooting. by LIISA ANDREASSEN

Acquiring his knowledge along- Why the variety of holsters? It springs from a perside American saddlemakers, sonal passion for shooting. Bardou has been a

Lasting Quality and Style Matte Finishes Many Colors

Easy Cleaning Easy Sewing Durable, Flexible


P.O. Box 593, Columbia Station, OH 44028 Voice: 800-357-5070 Fax 440-243-5326 Email Website

36 APRIL 2016

Bardou has taken what started out as a French saddlery more than thirty years ago and made it into so much more. In addition to saddles, Sellerie du Thymerais now also offers a multitude of choices for handgun, weapon, and knife holsters. His European customers love the handcrafted art that goes into the company’s designs.


Why the variety of holsters? It springs from a personal passion for shooting.

405 FM 3083 RD., CONROE, TX 77301 USA TEL: 936-539-1400 ~ FAX: 936-539-1411




APRIL 2016 37

38 APRIL 2016


shooter for several years and is a lifetime member of the American Single Action Shooting Society (SASS), an international organization created to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™. Also known as Rio Coronado, a shooting alias required by SASS that is representative of a character or profession from the Old West, Bardou participates in a few competitions of Cowboy Action Shooting and is a range officer II and territorial governor of his very own “Buffalo Valley.” His wife, Slye Buffalo, is a shooter as well.

Acquiring his knowledge alongside American saddlemakers, Bardou has taken… French saddlery… and made it into so much more. DOUBLE K LEATHER SALES, LLC Ostrich Caiman Crocodile Nile Crocodile Nile Croc Backstraps Outsole / Insole Bends Pre-Cut Outsoles Elephant Hippo Giraffe Stingray Python Goat Skins Heels Welt

1812 Reliance Parkway • Suite G. • Bedford, TX 76021 Ph: 817-399-0044 • Fx: 817-399-0040 Email:

205 N. MAIN, ST. CHARLES, MO. 63301 OFFICE: 636-493-1833 • Toll-Free: 888-263-5277 FAX: 636-493-1825 •



VISIT Our New webSITe Daily Specials Hide OPTIONS U.S. Heavy Native Steer (U.S. or South American) Leather OPTIONS

Skirting • Latigo • Harness • Strap Craft Sides • Double Shoulders • Double Butts Dossets • Veg Bellies • Suede • Chap • Oil Tans Top Grain • Full Grain 3/4 oz (10 Colors) • Motorcycle Saddlebag 7oz Black • Exotic Prints Imitation Golden Fleece • Hair On Cowhides • BioThane (coated webbing) •

Double K Leather Sales Warehouse Locations: Atchison, Kansas • Houston, Texas St. Charles, Missouri

You have OPTIONS with Double K Leather


APRIL 2016 39

General Patton

The showroom, which is adjacent to the workshop where all items are manufactured, proudly displays: • Western equipment • Holsters • Replicas of old weapons • Clothes, boots and accessories • Knives and cases • Bags, belts, buckles, and accessories • Hunting and archery equipment • Classical and Western riding equipment The saddlery also creates products for the important departments of the French “Home Office” (R.A.D., E.P.I.G.N., S.P.H.P. ), and for the bodyguards of the French president.

The American Donkey & Mule Society Established 1967—Serving Longears and their owners for over 40 years.

World’s Largest Single Source of Information and Services for all sizes of Donkeys, Mules & Zebra Hybrids. Home of the BRAYER magazine, The Original All-Breed Longear Publication 112 pages bi-Monthly. $23 US, $30 Canada, $35 overseas Ck, MO, Paypal, MC/Visa ADMS, PO Box 1210, Lewisville TX 75067 (972) 219-0781 Email **

40 APRIL 2016


Custom orders are accepted and an online catalog is available too.

Contact: La Sellerie du Thymerais 18 rue du Docteur Taugourdeau (ancienne route de nogent le roi) 28170 Châteauneuf en thymerais France Tel: 02 37 43 65 83 Hope saddle

rn e a s s H S h A o & p N Noah & Ada Miller & Family 6009 Twp Rd 419 • Millersburg OH 44654


Ph 330-893-1024 • Fax 330-893-0112




Your Catalog t s To ue da q Re

New Tools



Manufacturer and Distributer of Biothane Harness, Parts, Materials and Tools


APRIL 2016 41

42 APRIL 2016


K&R Mercantile, maker of Fine Leather Goods and Ladies’ Necessities, has crafted a niche in the world of historic reproduction leather goods. In fact, K&R is a well-known fixture of many a sutler’s row.

“I first got started working with leather when I was a freshman in high school in 1956,” Rohan said. “Back then, they had all kinds of shop classes you could participate in after school. I got interested in Owned and operated by leathercraft.” by JIM TATUM, STAFF WRITER Dick and Kathy Rohan, K&R Mercantile specializes in 19th Rohan said he got started century, historically accurate fine leather goods and making wallets, pouches, sundries. Dick Rohan has worked in leather craft for knife sheaves, and craving more than sixty years, getting his start in making wildlife. He started doing smaller items such as wallets, pouches, and knife craft shows and worked sheaves before specializing in period pieces. Kathy that circuit for some Rohan buys and restores antique parasols. twenty years.


APRIL 2016 43

After Dick and Kathy got married, he became interested in historic re-enacting, especially the Civil War period, although he is also very interested in the early 19th century trappers and mountain men as well as the Old West era after the Civil War, the heyday of the cowboys, he said. That interest led Rohan to start collecting leather goods from the 1800’s, which led to his making and specializing in period specific leather items, both military and civilian. “I have a large collection of items from that time,” he said. “The quality of work from that time is so good. I copy original stuff as much as I can.” Such goods were not factory made; it was all done by hand and was built to last, said Rohan. Consequently, each piece he makes takes time to complete. A smaller item, such as a holster may take a few hours; a fine piece of 19th century luggage may take several weeks.

44 APRIL 2016



INDUSTRIAL SEWING SERVICES 1718 N. 1ST. STREET ** MILWAUKEE, WI. 53212 Serving the needle trades 90 years. POLYPROPYLENE WEBBING Firsts & Seconds. 28 colors on Firsts 59/60” NYLON FABRICS Firsts & Seconds Urethane Coated. 60 colors on 1000-Denier & many other fabrics. HOOK & LOOP Sew on 1/4” to 6”, some widths in 35 colors. P. S. (Stick on) 5/8”-5” Rubber & Acrylic. SPECIAL Hook/Loop. Call for prices

e l b n o C ollartz C



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Please call or write for a free catalog.

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SINGLE & DOUBLE folded Bias Tapes * 200+ colors. CORD EDGE PIPING 200+ colors & Asst. Cord Fillers for horse blankets.

Up to 200 Catalog color pages available. Save paper order as needed from our catalog index pages and the latest changes by e-mail in the same day to (or USPS mail takes longer) TOLL FREE NATION WIDE 1-800-425-4747 • FAX 1-414-265-5353


1793 Old Gradyville Road • Columbia, KY 42728 • Stitchmaster 441 machines in 9", 16½" also 25" throat. • Parts in stock for all 441 machines. • 1508 NH 5

Embossing Dies & Machines


Carriage Harness, & Custom Show Harness

Neoprene Sheets Hook & Loop Fasteners Also Available

Made & Sold Here!

3348 US Route 62 • Millersburg, Ohio 44654 Ph.: 330-893-3858 • Fax: 330-893-1166 Visa-Mastercard Accepted

Self-Locking Nylon Ties (Cable Ties) 4” thru 15”.

Over 50 different styles of embossing wheels Wholesale Makers of Mini Harness, Cruppers, Wholesale

All kinds of horse collars for work, pleasure, and show.

Also your source for quality

PLASTIC & METAL HARDWARE for webbing & miscellaneous items Grommets Washers 3 colors & Snaps 39 cap colors.

2-1/4” Electric Webbing & Rope Cutters for cut it yourself.

BIAS or STRAIGHT CUT fabric binding tape slitting

ELASTICS Woven H D 1” thru 3” & Ex H D, also knitted & braided types.

“When people traveled back then, they were usually traveling by carriage… and they wouldn’t have carried much with them.”

Firewood Bundle Webbing Handles Automated Hot/Sear Cutting on webbing, Elastics and Hook & Loop. For no-fray ends use Hot cutting on webbing for belt tip ends.

Custom Made Collars

• Laminated with Nylon, Lycra, Terry, UBL…etc. • Common uses: Wet Suits, Waders, Knee/Elbow Pads…etc.

• 6 Million Yards in Stock • Sizes from 3/8” to 6” • 30 Colors Available

• TPU Laminated Fabrics • Tricot Fabrics • Mesh Fabrics • Hot Melt Adhesive Films • Webbing, Buckles, Elastic, Zippers…etc


5351 Oceanus Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Tel: 714-898-5989 • Fax: 714-894-8018 • E-mail: •


APRIL 2016 45

“When people traveled back then, they were usually traveling by carriage or coach,” he explained. “They wouldn’t have had a lot of space to store items and they wouldn’t have carried much with them. A small, light valise would probably be all they had to carry their undergarments—they seldom changed their outer garments.”

“The quality of work from that time is so good. I copy original stuff as much as I can.”

SHELTON-REYNOLDS, INC. 11516 N Port Washington Rd., Mequon, WI 53092

First Quality & Closeouts

G Nylon Halter, Harness & Collar Webbing

G Nylon Sling and Tie-down Web G Urethane & Vinyl Coated Webbing G Seatbelt Webbing Seconds G Polypropylene Webbing G Hook & Loop – Sew-on & Pressure Sensitive G Derby Rope, Shock Cord G Vinyl Fabrics - Laminates & Coated G Sewing Thread - Nylon & Polyester - all sizes G 100% Acrylic Marine Fabrics G Truck Tie-down Web 1"- 2" - 3" - 4" G Clear Vinyl Tent & Boat Window G Rope - Nylon & Polyester G 1/8" Nylon Parachute Cord for Braiding

G Canvas - All Styles & Weights, Natural,

Flame Retardant, Water & Mildew Resistant

Call Toll Free ~ Nationwide


Fax (262) 478-9226 SHIPMENT WITHIN 24 HOURS

46 APRIL 2016


Consequently, the prices of his goods depend on the amount of time it takes to make and the intricacy of the work, Rohan. For example, he might charge anywhere from $50 to $175 for a holster, $100 for a leather cartridge belt, and from $200 to $700 for a piece of luggage. “I build for the individual customer,” he said. As a re-enactor in Civil War events, he found himself making many military related items, from holsters, rifle scabbards, and cartridge belts to artillery ammunition haversacks.

“I actually did a lot of work for Civil War re-enactor field surgeons—made a lot of medical bags,” he said. “A field surgeon would have had to bring his own medical supplies and surgical instruments with him—the Army wouldn’t have provided it.” The leather work is not the only thing Rohan is old school about. The Rohans operate K&R Mercantile out of their home in Muskego, Wisconsin, and travel to re-enactments and other such events to show and sell their wares. “We don’t have a website; we gain a lot of customers through word of mouth,” he said. “We work out of the house and we can be reached by phone or e-mail.” For more information call (262) 679-3735 or e-mail You may also write: K & R Mercantile, W 181 S 8290 Pioneer Dr., Muskego, WI 53150.

Custommade Knives & Tools for Leatherworkers

■ New Handles Danny Repair ■◉Sharpen Round Knives ◉ Stitch Groovers Marlin ◉ Custommade Tools Knives ◉ Bench Knives

(254) 842- 5405

◉ Stock Tools ◉ Old Blades Reshaped

1550 County Road 207 ■ Blanket, TX 76432

Sm al l Fa r m e r’s Jou r n a l defending craftsmanship in agriculture since 1976

$47 yr US - $67 yr Canada 541-549-2064 or 800-876 -2893 SFJ Dept. D032 PO Box 1627 Sisters, OR 97759

A working lifetsyle to fill you, every day, with the surprise of your worth


APRIL 2016 47

48 APRIL 2016


APR IL 2016

News, Notes & Queries ON THE MOVE

WHAT CHECK-UP?? I don’t need a checkup. I feel fine. I don’t have the time or money. I don’t need one. If I was feeling bad then maybe I’d get one but I don’t—now stop bugging me! Anyhow—I’m just too busy. Famous last words. Really, the best time to get an annual physical is when you DON’T need one. Because you never really know how healthy you are until you do get a physical. Doctors call high blood pressure “the silent killer”. The sad thing is, while high blood pressure does cause strokes and heart attacks, it can so easily be remedied.

We hear from Amos Stoltzfus at Buena Vista Blankets that he has sold the company and will soon be starting up a new operation sewing heavy canvas. As soon as Amos has a name for the new company and address, we will let you know. Buena Vista Blankets has become Beacon Hollow Blankets and will be making the same fine line of pads, feed bags, and blankets. The new owner is Abner K. Stoltzfus and the new address is 105 Centerville Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529, (717) 7680289. The best of luck to Amos and Abner in their new endeavors!!

Same goes for cholesterol. Cancer is often not detected until it’s too late because you won’t have any symptoms. Again, many, many forms of cancer—if detected early— can be successfully treated. So the only way you’re ever really going to know if there’s a problem is by getting an annual checkup as well as going to the doctor if you feel something isn’t quite right. Case in point: I had never really been sick in my life and I felt pretty good at the time I was diagnosed with bladder, kidney, and prostate cancer. Fortunately, it was detected early or I wouldn’t be writing this now. Think about it. Get a checkup. Your family and customers will be glad you did.


APRIL 2016 49

News, Notes & Queries ENGLISH SADDLERY CLASSES A class on English bridle work begins April 25 and runs to the 29th at the North American Saddlery School in Warfordsburg, PA. Then there’s a class on saddle fitting beginning on the evening of the 29th through May 1. Then a third class begins on May 2 and goes through May 6 which will cover saddle making and bench/onsite reflocking. For all the details and a schedule of future workshops, please contact Hastilow Saddlery at 1684 Hendershot Rd., Warfordsburg, PA 17267, (717) 294-6757, Please take advantage of these great opportunities to improve your skills so you can pay the bills!

Proleptic, Inc. • PO Box 17817, Asheville, NC 28816

50 APRIL 2016


News, Notes & Queries THE SADDLE CONTEST IS BACK! Yee-ha! Get your saddles ready for the upcoming 28th annual Boot & Saddle Makers Roundup saddle contest! Make sure you have your saddle at the show on Oct. 7 and please bring a stand! Belt buckles and plaques for the winners. Here are the categories: Beginner—To be eligible for the category the saddle must be the maker’s very first saddle and must have been started after last year’s contest. All construction and tooling must be done by the saddle maker him or herself. Novice—Saddle makers wishing to enter their work in this category must have 5 years or less experience. Open Geometric—Saddles will be fully or partially tooled, geometric stamped (basket, waffle, barbed wire, etc.). Plain saddles may be entered into this category whereas plain or geometric saddles with floral, decorative knife cuts, or figures must enter the Open Floral category.

Open Floral—Full or partially tooled floral, oak leaf, figures or decorative knife cuts. Geometrics may be incorporated. Working Cowboy—Heavy duty saddle for the working cowboy. All saddles entered must have been started after last year’s contest. For all the details, please contact this year’s coordinators Robert and Pebble Brown at (940) 210-8155.

Whip Manufacturing

50”, 60”, 66”, 72” in stock  Colors  Custom Orders

Leather, BioPlastic & Brahma Webb Harnesses

N aLL sizes N

Available for Large & Small Production Runs  Private Labeling  On Time Delivery 


Center Square HarneSS

246 Forest Hill Rd., Leola, PA 17540 • (717) 656-3381


APRIL 2016 51

News, Notes & Queries 50TH INTERNATIONAL GUILD SHOW That’s quite an anniversary—congratulations go out to the International Federation of Leather Guilds whose annual show will be hosted this year by the Buckeye Leather Crafters of Central Ohio this coming Sept. 15-18. Mark your calendar! For all the details please contact Allan Scheider at

Buggy Builder’s Bulletin

Bi-monthly trade publication for Carriage & Wagon Makers $25/year in U.S. ~ $30 (US funds only) in Canada

Buggy Builder’s Bulletin 795 Mason St., Dayton, VA 22821

(540) 879-9260

52 APRIL 2016


NEW LINE OF THERMAL TOOLS FROM PROLEPTIC Proleptic, Inc, reports that it’s recently developed a number of thermal tools heated by butane which makes the new products completely portable. The refillable tools are designed to be used by woodworkers, leatherworkers, farmers, hikers, campers, trail riders, and fabricators using different types of webbing. Proleptic has also developed a new “Hot Knife” attachment for its Pro-Thermal line of electrically heated tools. Another new portable, butane-powered product being carried by Proleptic is their Click 2 Cook stove (Bella Tavola BT-5000). The cost is $39 plus SH and does NOT come with fuel which must be purchased locally. It weighs only 3 lbs. 6 oz. and comes with a hard plastic carrying case. It will run 1.25 hrs. on high and 2.5 hrs. on low.

News, Notes & Queries COMPUTER REPAIR JUST GOT EASIER! Boy, everybody’s has one and no one knows to fix them!! Computers are great when they work! And to be honest, only about half of US households own one. Fortunately, you no longer have to unplug and take your equipment into the shop and leave it to be worked on. Or have a tech visit your house or office. Most repairs can be done REMOTELY. The tech can climb into the back end of the machine while you’re in Austin and he’s in Dallas. Pretty slick. So next time you’ve got a bug that needs to be caught and squashed, call your favorite tech and let him or her work their magic, fix the problem, and send you a bill! End of story. Of course, you have got to have anti-virus and malware software on your machine to protect it— very important!


APRIL 2016 53

News, Notes & Queries WE NEED YOUR HELP, We just finished putting together this year’s directory, My Buyer’s Guide!TM 2016, and things went pretty well. Not our worst year, not our best but acceptable. One thing we kept hearing, though, from companies is that: “We don’t need to advertise. We have a web site.” I understand that. People save a lot of money by not having to print and mail a catalog for example. However—that really is limited thinking because they really fail to realize how many 1,000’s of potential customers they are missing by confining their advertising efforts just to the Internet. Think of all the people who do NOT have a computer or have one but don’t use it to source material and equipment. It’s like they’re the “Forgotten People” living in some sort of time warp, left behind. The nice thing is, we haven’t forgotten anyone, and we keep printing our annual directory which still reaches 1,000’s of shops that CANNOT be reached any other way with invaluable information that’s going to help keep them in business and keep needing machinery, supplies, and finished goods. So next time you talk to one of your suppliers, just let ‘em know how much you use My Buyer’s Guide!TM and what a great source of information it is. We’d appreciate your putting a good word in for us so we can keep attracting new advertisers and keep putting out a directory each year. Thanks.

Beiler’s Mfg. & Supply Manufacturing address 290 S. Groffdale Rd. Leola, PA 17540 (717) 656-2179

Main Office & WarehOuse 3025 Harvest Dr. Ronks, PA 17540 (717) 768-0174

Manufacturers of Leather, Nylon or Biothane Products like Halters, Harnesses or other Equine or Pet Related items. Distributors of Harness & Saddlery Hardware. Leather, Leather Oils, Biothane & Nylon Webbing plus other Equine Products. Call us for any custom made Harness or Saddlery Hardware item you may need.

54 APRIL 2016


News, Notes & Queries

ON THE LOOKOUT. . . We got a query recently from someone wanting to know about EZ rigging plates. They came off a bronc saddle and had “FFT” on the back. So we asked our Senior Staff Writer and saddle maker Nick Pernokas who let us know that EZ rigging plates are more of a style than a brand. They are used on bronc saddles and are available from Bork Saddlery Hdw., Walsall Hdw., and Boise Foundry at P O Box 34, Melba, ID 83641, (208) 495-1220, Hope this helps!


APRIL 2016 55

56 APRIL 2016




Classified ad rates are $26.50 for the first 20 words and $.65 cents for each additional word. Words (or groups of letters) fewer than three characters are not counted when calculating the cost of the ad. Street addresses are counted as one word. City, state, country, and zip or postal code are combined and counted as one word. Enclose payment when submitting ads. Ads received without payment will be held until payment is made. Ads must

be received no later than the fifth of the month prior to the month you wish the ad to run (e.g. ads for the February issue must be in our office by January 5). Typed or neatly printed ads are preferred. We are not responsible for mistakes due to handwriting. Faxed ads must be typed and are accepted with MasterCard, VISA or Discover only.



EXPERT MECHANIC WANTED: Must have working knowledge of the Campbel-Bosworth Cyclone sewing machines. Preferably in the Tri-State area (Texas), but not necessary. Call John at (718) 445-6200, M-TR, 7am-2pm EST. (R&B)

NEW!! ALL SYNTHETIC HORSE COLLARS!! Available in buggy, All Purpose, and Draft Styles. In stock for immediate shipping. We also stock Brahma webbing, Bio sheet, belting, nylon webbing, thread, and hardware. We manufacture and stock a full line if synthetic harness parts and supplies. Free catalogs available. Contact: Countryside Manufacturing, 504 S. Humbert St., Milton, IA 52570.

WANTED: New subscribers from Iowa, Idaho, Kansas, and Nevada. Now is the time to renew! Give us a call at (828) 505-8474, e-mail: or visit WANTED: Complete tool collections. Contact: Shop Talk!, P O Box 17817, Asheville, NC 28816, (828) 505-8474, e-mail: LOOKING FOR WHOLESALE OUTLET to sell leather belts and/or other handcrafted leather products. Contact: Dan D. Troyer, 10896 Rt. 28N, Brockway, PA 15824. EXPERIENCED SADDLE MAKER AND/OR CHAP MAKER NEEDED in historic Hamley & Co. saddle shop. Must be able to relocate to Pendleton, OR. Call Penny at (541) 278-1100, option 1. (5/16)


uy ’s of potential b Reach 1,000 $26.50!! for as little as

REBUILT KREBS SKIVER—excellent condition. Ready to use. $560 + SH. Contact: Proleptic, Inc., P O Box 17817, Asheville, NC 28816, (828) 505-8474, e-mail: shoptalk@ FOR SALE: Industrial Pfaff box stitching machine with stand and electric motor in working condition, $450. Standard River spot setter with stand. Fully automatic, 110v, excellent condition. Setup for 3/8” spots with ½” parts included. $2,000. Contact: Mud Creek Leather, LLC, 9415 W 300 S, Topeka, IN 46571, (260) 593-0044. LEATHER UNLIMITED. Quality wholesale leather distributor since 1970 including oak, deerskin, garment, rawhide, oiled cowhide, furs, and more. Quality leather goods, leather tools, black powder gear, all steel clicker and mallet dies. Complete Internet catalog at www. or call (800) 993-2889 for quality leather and friendly service from a USA family-owned and operated business. (R&B) KREBS SKIVER BLADES new. $200 plus SH. Made in US. Double tempered. Contact: Proleptic, Inc., P O Box 17817, Asheville, NC 28816, (828) 505-8474, shoptalk@proleptic. net


APRIL 2016 57

CLASSIFIEDS INSTALL AND REMOVE CHICAGO SCREWS quickly and easily in the shop or on the trail. $16.95 + $4 S&H. Call for wholesale pricing. Contact: JP’s Bridle & Equine Tool, 26266 E. County Road 700 N., Easton, IL 62633. (309) 562-7266. E-mail: jp-equinetacktool@casscomm. com, FOR ALL YOUR LEATHER NEEDS. Call Moser Leather (800) 874-1167 or (513) 889-0500. You can visit our website at (R&B) FOR SALE: The Pro-Concho Turner: The only one in the U.S. Makes removal of decorative conchos a snap! Used with electric drill. Take the fuss and bother out of a difficult job with the Pro-Concho Turner! Saves time, makes money! Rubber gripper protects the concho and makes removal or installation easy. Only $29.00 plus $3.95 S&H, 6-inch steel shank, and rubber gripper. Ready to use! Contact: Proleptic, Inc., P.O. Box 17817, Asheville, NC 28816, (828) 505-8474, e-mail: shoptalk@proleptic. net. FOR SALE: “Making Harness: A Step-by-Step Guide”, $58 plus $5.50 S&H. Specs and instructions on how to make and repair six styles of harness from pony to draft, driving, team wagon and mule. Contact: Proleptic, Inc., P.O. Box 17817, Asheville, NC 28816, (828) 505-8474, e-mail:,

The “Word of the Day” is: foible

FOR SALE: Randall Splitter. $1,200. Excellent working condition. 100% full blade. Call Texas Saddlery at (903) 765-2600 or e-mail: FOR SALE: Pricing Guide: “How to Establish Prices for the Saddle Maker and Leather Worker.” Only $39.95 plus $4.50 S&H. Contact: (828) 505-8474. (12/12) FOR SALE: New and used Adler, Brother, Consew, Juki, Pfaff, Singer machines for sewing bio-plastic, canvas, leather and nylon. Available in single or double needles, standard, long arm, flatbed, postbed, cylinder arm. Contact: Bob Kovar, Toledo Industrial Sewing Machine, 3631 Marine Rd., Toledo, OH 43609, (866) 362-7397 or (419) 380-8540. (11/10) WWW.THELEATHERGUY.ORG for all your leather, tool, and supply needs. Friendly, helpful staff at (507) 9323795. (R&B) NEED HELP PRICING? The “Green Book” Guide to Pricing Repairs and Western Tack. American Saddle Makers Association. Contact us at (719) 494-2848 or (1/17)

Bio- 3024 CR 160 Thane Millersburg Dist. Ohio 44654


• Tack • Harness • Saddles • Ez-Entry Carts


Horse Spring Cart

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ALSO Horse Blankets Buggy Ropes

58 APRIL 2016






Nutritional Feed Supplement for Horses, Ruminants, Dogs and Poultry (Liquid Products)

BUSINESS FOR SALE: Davis Custom Boot located at 1209 E. 11th St., Quanah, TX 79252. Contact: (940) 8396537 for more information. WANTED: Experienced Shoe Repair Person. Successful applicant will perform shoe and boot repair at established premier shoe store of forty years. Will train to next level of orthopedics and custom shoe making. Opportunity for complete management of shoe repair shop. Pay/ hours based on experience and training required. Located in northeastern Ohio. E-mail resume to: For more information contact Heather or Kathy at (330) 482-4005.

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APRIL 2016 59

ADVERTISERS INDEX A. Lyons........................................................21 AGS................................................................17 American Leather Direct........................23 Barta Hide....................................................51 Beachy Blacksmith Ltd...........................43 Beacon Hollow Blankets.........................49 Beiler’s Mfg. & Supply..............................54 BioThane......................................................38 Bogle Greenwell Machinery Corp............7 Booth & Co.....................................................8 Bowden Saddle Tree.................................15 Brayer............................................................40 Brodhead Collar Shop..............................19 Buckeye Engraving...................................47 Buckle Barn USA........................................40 Buggy Builder’s Bulletin..........................52 Campbell-Randall......................................37 Chino Tack...................................................16 Center Square Harness..........................51 Chupp Blacksmith Shop.........................52 Coblentz Collar...........................................45 C. S. Osborne & Co. .....................................3 Danny Marlin Knives.................................47 Double K.......................................................39 Fairview Country.......................................58 Fiebing..........................................................29 Fine Tool Journal........................................48 Gfeller Casemakers, Inc..........................48

Goliger Leather Co.......................................9 Hadlock & Fox Mfg. Co............................30 Hansen Western Gear.............................14 Harness Hardware....................................44 Hastilow ......................................................19 Hermann Oak Leather................................... .......................................... inside front cover Hide House..................................................17 Hillside Harness Hardware.....back cover IHS ELP, LLC................................................40 International Sheepskin.........................46 Kalico Products..........................................36 Kelly-Larson Sales....................................39 Kimmel Boot ...............................................31 Landis Sales & Service...........................53 Leather Crafters Journal........................26 Leather Machine Co., Inc., The................... ...........................................inside back cover Ludwig & Marglin Leather..........................9 Mark Staton................................................11 Maverick Leather......................................43 MDY Consignment.......................................7 Miller’s Wholesale Harness...................45 Mud Creek Leather...................................49 Mules and More.........................................51 N & A Harness Shop.................................41 Nutra-Glo.....................................................59 Ohio Plastics Belting Co.........................36

Ohio Travel Bag...........................................53 Perfectex Plus LLC...................................45 Precision Saddle Tree..............................28 Proleptic........... 6, 7, 24, 25, 32, 40, 42, 45, 47, ........ 48, 50, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, back cover RJF Leather.................................................19 Shelton-Reynolds, Inc.............................46 Sheridan Leather.......................................34 Shetler’s Collar Shop...............................10 ShoTan..........................................................55 Small Farmer’s Journal............................47 Smoke & Fire Co........................................23 Sorrell Notions...........................................22 Southstar Supply......................................54 Springfield Leather...................................50 Steel Stamps, Inc.....................................44 Sugar Valley Collar....................................53 Sun Bias, Inc................................................45 Sweat Pad Shop....................................... 55 TechSew/Raphael’s Sewing.................... 27 Tennessee Tanning...................................25 Texas Custom Dies...................................55 The Leather Co. .........................................16 Toledo Sewing...............................................1 Weaver Leather.........................................35 Western Mule.............................................10 Wyoming Leatherworks..........................29 Y-Knot...........................................................55



Deadline for advertising copy is the 5th of the month prior to the month of publication. Invoices are due upon receipt. 6 or 12-month prepaid advertising contracts receive a 5% discount.

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Shop Talk! published by Proleptic, Inc. P.O. Box 17817 Asheville, NC 28816 (828) 505-8474 60 APRIL 2016


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APRIL 2016 61

APRIL 2016 P.O. BOX 17817, ASHEVILLE, NC 28816

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Distributors of Quality Hardware & Supplies for the Harness, Tack, Saddlery, and Pet Industries


• BioThane Coated Webbing • Thoroughbred Leather • Quality Stainless Steel and Brass Saddlery Hardware • Fiebing Products • WahlClippers • Fortex & Fortiflex Products • Nylon Webbing • Leather and BioThane Harness Parts plus much more

Large enough to serve you… Small enough to need you! We manufacture our own line of leather riding and training tack. We also do custom leather and nylon work.

4205 Township Road 629 Millersburg, OH 44654 Request your free catalog today!

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