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Pat Col ander

Pat Colander 7600 Oak Avenue Gary, Indiana 46403 (219) 614-3586 daytime (219) 938-1765 evening


ith an extensive background in print and digital media management and content creation and dissemination, Pat Colander focuses on multimedia communications and marketing by building and engaging audiences. She started Shore Media LLC in November 2015 and handles public relations, communications, social networking and events for a variety of clients including healthcare systems, major Chicago non-profits and small businesses. She was the Associate Publisher and Editor of Times Media Co., Niche Division at Lee Enterprises, for ten years. As custom content director she was responsible for more than 70 special sections each year including major magazine brands Shore, Get Healthy, BusINess, Best of the Region and other niche products. Her duties encompassed marketing, digital and social media management and coordination of related events. She previously held several senior management positions for eight years at the Times in the 1990s. Prior to her return, she was editor and publisher of Lake Magazine for four years. Before that she worked in various management assignments (1987-1992) at Copley Newspapers.

Pat began her career as a feature writer at the Chicago Tribune and was later a staff writer at the Chicago Reader. She was also an adjunct professor at Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University, Columbia College and Roosevelt University in Chicago. She has written three books including Neverland: Michael Jackson of Gary, Indiana; Thin Air: The Life and Mysterious Disappearance of Helen Brach and Hugh Hefner’s First Funeral and Other True Tales of Love and Death in Chicago; and was a contributor to The Story of American Business: From the Pages of the New York Times edited by Nancy F. Koehn. For 20 years, she has been very active in the Northwest Indiana and southeast Chicago suburbs in public service and professional organizations including the South Suburban College Foundation and the Partnership for a Drug Free Lake County (PDFLC) boards. Pat has served on the boards of the South Shore Convention and Visitors Authority, Northwest Indiana Lighthouse Charter Schools, and the Gary Human Relations Commission. Currently she is a board member of South Shore Arts Association. She is a native of Chicago, Illinois, a journalism graduate from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana and earned an MS in technology from Purdue in 2011. She lives with her husband Jeff in Gary, Indiana.

Media Management 2005 - 2016

The Times Media Co. / Lee Enterprises Associate Publisher and Editor Niche Publications Custom Content Director • Responsible for non-daily publications print and digital brands planning, financial management, editorial and client-generated content, production, multiple platform distribution, sales promotion, marketing, social networking and related digital products including weekly e-newsletters. Associated $2.5 million revenue. 1992 – 2000 The Times of NWI / Howard Publications Senior Management • Duties included supervision of management staff — 35 department heads with 125 staff, working between a main v office and g 3 er tisrain ms aradteeditorial s & prog satellite facilities — and topical staff; responsible for planning, budgeting at all sites; also special projects and training programs. FALL


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Fall 2013

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2012 Neverland: Michael Jackson of Gary, Indiana (Shore E-Editions) 2015 Hugh Hefner’s First Funeral and Other True Tales of Love and Death in Chicago. (Eckhartz Press)

Education PURDUE UNIVERSITY CALUMET M.S. Technology, Computer Graphics and Technology concentration. Awarded research grant, 2010 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS B.S., Communications

1982 Thin Air: The Life and Mysterious Disappearance of Helen Brach. (Contemporary Books)


2009 THE STORY OF AMERICAN BUSINESS From the Pages of the New York Times, ed. Nancy F. Koehn (Harvard University Press)



2000-2001 Lake Front Marketing, LLC Gary Art Works Owner and Co-Founder • Event planning, sales and communications work including marketing of the Genesis Convention Center, Gary. • Establishment of nonprofit corporation, obtained expedited review and 501c3 IRS status within 90 days. • Wrote grant proposals, met with staff foundations, grant makers and legislators about funding. • Developed structure for non-profit, established oversight board, made presentations to corporate officials, arts and civic groups, 2000-2001.

Organizations and Boards DECEMBER 2006 – PRESENT SOUTH SHORE ARTS Board Member

SEPTEMBER 2004 – MAY 2007 NORTHWEST INDIANA LIGHTHOUSE ACADEMY (Charter School) Board Member JUNE 2003 – MARCH 2006 LAKE COUNTY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (LCCVB) Governing board, appointed director representing Gary Common Council 1996-1999 CITY OF GARY HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION Commissioner 1996-1999 ILLINOIS PRESS ASSOCIATION Director 1993-1999 SOUTH SUBURBAN COLLEGE FOUNDATION BOARD VP/ Fundraising Chair


2017 - present

PART-TIME LECTURER, Purdue University Northwest, basic

communications, undergraduate classes.

1982 – 1986 ADJUNCT PROFESSOR, Medill School of Journalism, Northwestern University, graduate and undergraduate classes. 1986 – 1987 INSTRUCTOR, Roosevelt University, basic, advanced and feature writing.

Professional Development 2011 PRESENTING DATA AND INFORMATION

• A nalytical design for teaching and communicating. Seminar by Edward Tufte, Professor Emeritus Yale U. 1996 DEMING MANAGEMENT TRAINING • Eight seminars by Harold Haller at Northwest Indiana Forum. 1993 NEWSPAPER MANAGEMENT CENTER, KELLOGG BUSINESS SCHOOL/ NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY • Management training for newspaper executives AMERICAN PRESS INSTITUTE, Reston, Virginia • Management training for newspaper executives.







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thank you very much!

july 2013


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Diary of ThirD CoasT a Wife

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paddleboarding on the St. Joe River

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