Senior living 2014

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Senior Living Spring 2014

A special publication of the Ludington Daily News



| THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014

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After a long winter ...

Smart ways to spring back into action (MS) — Cold weather impacts more than the environment. Just as the landscape seems weary and brittle when covered in snow and ice, and animals have been sequestered in hibernation, cold weather can also take its toll on the human body. Individuals who experience arthritis or joint aches and pains from jobs and past injuries may have their symptoms exacerbated when the temperature is brisk. Rebounding once the weather warms up may require gradual changes and a smart strategy, including natural pain-relief products that don’t carry the side effects or stigma of prescription meds. “A few years ago I slipped and broke my ankle that required two surgeries and repair with several pins and a metal rod,” says Jeanette S.

More than 40

million people in the U.S. have arthritis.

“The stiffness that still occurs in my ankle can be uncomfortable, particularly when I’ve been inactive for a while. The pain also deters me from participating in many activities even when I feel like getting outdoors.” More than 40 million people in the U.S. have arthritis, according to reports from the organization, Caring 4 Arthritis. Osteoarthritis, or the gradual degeneration of cartilage between the joints that results in pain and stiffness, is the most common form of arthritis. While

arthritis can be hereditary, many cases of osteoarthritis are due to repetitive motions or injuries to specific joints from work-related tasks or sporting activities. Many other people experience joint pain as a side effect of aging or a past injury. Becoming active again come spring or summer, or directly after recovering from an injury, may not be as simple as getting back on the figurative horse. Here are some tips for helping fight the pain: • Talk to a doctor first. Before beginning an exercise regimen or joining a sports team, it’s important for people to mention their plans to a doctor, whether a general doctor or a specialist, such as an orthopedist. He or she


Plus 50 Initiative opportunities include

Basic Computer Applications and Protection Tuesdays, April 8-29, 7-8:30pm, WSCC Rm. 212 (WSC 641-42)

Microsoft Word: Everyday Use Wednesdays, April 9-30, 7-8:30pm, WSCC Rm. 201 (WSC 732-42)

Developing and Marketing Soft Skills in the Workplace Thursday, June 12, 6-8:30pm, WSCC Rm. 751 (WSC 747-11)

For a complete schedule of upcoming lifelong learning opportunities, visit: To register, call WSCC Student Services at (231) 843.5510

Formerly The Leisure & Enrichment Program and Business Training Schedule




SPRING INTO ACTION: Start with several minutes of stretching FROM PAGE 2

can advise which activities may prove beneficial and which may complicate injuries or pain issues. • Begin gradually. After spending time cooped up indoors as a relative couch potato, one might be inclined to hit the ground running. But muscles and joints that haven’t been worked out in a while could be more sensitive to injury. People can start with several minutes of stretching and work up to their former activity levels over the course of a several weeks. An avid runner may want to begin by walking briskly or shaving his or her 5-mile run down to 2 miles and working up. • Pay attention to pain. While any activity that pushes the body can result in

Osteoarthritis, or the gradual

degeneration of cartilage between the joints that results in pain and stiffness, is the most common form of arthritis. some soreness, particularly if a person is out of shape or has been out of the game for a while, these aches and pains should be minor and alleviate after a few days. Any pain that is sharp or debilitating could be the sign of an injury and should be brought to the attention of an expert. Other aches can be treated with creams and medicines. • Remember, many activi-

ties constitute physical exercise. Just because a person is going to mow the lawn or do some gardening now that the weather is warmer doesn’t mean he or she should start out at a breakneck speed. Like jogging or heading to the gym, mundane activities such as tilling soil or scrubbing winter grime off of decks can get the heart pumping and push the

body. Go slowly and build up gradually just as with any other exercise. • Try low-impact activities. When the weather gets warmer it is a great time to head to the water to get daily exercise. The buoyancy offered by the water takes the strain off of muscles and joints and provides subtle resistance. Swimming and water aerobics are a great way to stay in shape in a low-impact way. “As an avid runner, I know what it’s like to want to get outdoors and be active when the weather warms. But when past injuries are likely to cause pain, I need something to keep it at bay or risk compromising my workout,” offers Gillian C.

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| THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014

Making friends, staying busy after retirement (MS) — When you’re younger, it seems you can’t wait until retirement. After all, who wants to deal with going to work every day and coping with coworkers and a boss? However, many people overlook the opportunities for socialization that working provides. You get out of the house and see people — apart from your family — with whom you can converse. Many retirees find that life can be a bit boring after the job ends, primarily because they don’t have access to the same level of socialization as they once did. Making friends can keep you active and healthy. If you’re a bit rusty in the friendmaking department, it’s pretty much how it was when you were younger. You simply must find individuals who have similar interests and goals. • Volunteer in your community and you’re bound to find potential friends who are like-minded. • Take classes at a college or university. Many offer free or discounted rates for seniors. This is a great way to meet people of all ages and walks of life.

Think about your interests. If you like fishing, sewing or boating, join a club that caters to those interests. Others who share your hobbies will be there. • Attend clubs at senior centers or houses of worship. It’s likely that there are plenty of other people looking for relationships. • Think about your interests. If you like fishing, sewing or boating, join a club that caters to those interests. Others who share your hobbies will be there. • If you’re new to an area, host an openhouse party and invite neighbors in for introductions and some socialization. • Join a social networking site online. You can connect with people, potentially individuals who live close by.

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Cooking for one — what to do? (MS) — Perhaps you’re the senior woman or gentleman at the supermarket pushing a wagon full of TV convenience dinners. While it may seem the easy way to go now that the family has left the coop, those convenience meals are not always the healthiest option. Generally high in sodium and calories, they don’t always fit into the acceptable diet for an elderly person. Cooking for one or two is something that should be embraced as you grow older. While you may be accustomed to cooking for a family, now that the nest is empty, scaling back will be required. Homemade food can be delicious, nutritious and simple. For adults who

Convenience meals are not always the healthiest option.

have lost a spouse or live alone, cooking can also be an enjoyable break in the day — brightening your mood. Consider these tips.

Spend a day cooking for the week Make a few items that can

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be stretched and enjoyed later in the week or “tweaked” into a completely different meal. Meatloaf, for example, can be made into several meals. Sliced leftovers into a sandwich and enjoy on a crusty piece of French bread, or top those leftovers with mozzarella cheese and sauce and serve with a small side of spaghetti.

The same can be said for freezer bags or a device that basic poultry and meat dish- vacuum seals items. Buying es as well. smaller packages of foods tends to be more expensive than buying in bulk. Dinner doesn’t Therefore, continue to buy have to be fancy the “family” packs of meats and poultry. Then separate “Dinner” doesn’t have to them when you return home be the extravagant meal that and package them securely it once was. for freezing. Mark the date A half of a sandwich and on items so that you use a bowl of soup are perfectly them promptly. acceptable options.

Cut recipes in half Many of your favorite recipes can be cut in half and enjoyed. Experiment with making smaller quantities of desserts and foods.

Freeze foods Invest



Breakfast for dinner?

Don’t underestimate the advantages of breakfast for dinner. Eggs whipped up into omelettes filled with fresh vegetables, a small stack of pancakes, or even a hearty bowl of oatmeal can be welcoming when you don’t want much fuss.



| THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014

Don’t be a target of fraud or a scam (MS) — Donating money to charity is one of the most selfless things a person can do. Unfortunately, criminals can easily prey on these selfless acts, using a person’s desire to help the less fortunate for their own personal gain. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, seniors should be especially mindful of fraud schemes. That’s because seniors are considered easy targets for criminals for a number of reasons. The FBI notes that seniors are most likely to have a nest egg and an exceptional credit rating, making them very attractive to criminals. What’s more, seniors are more likely to be ashamed if they feel they have been victimized and therefore are less prone to report the fraud. But seniors should know that con artists don’t discriminate when it comes to their victims, and people of all ages are victimized each and every year, particularly during the holiday season when men and women most commonly donate. Before donating to charity this year, older donors should take the following precautions to reduce their risk of being victimized by con artists posing as charities.

you information about the charity and then hang up. If they’re a reputable charity, this should not be a problem. If the caller continues to pressure you for a donation over the phone, just hang up. A caller soliciting a donation might be a con artist, an employee of a for-profit fundraiser or an employee of the charity itself. Ultimately, if you decide to make a donation, don’t do so over the phone. InGet off the phone stead, send that donation Seniors are commonly directly to the charity to victimized by con artists ensure the charity receives over the phone. the entire donation, instead No reputable charity will of a portion going toward a want you to donate over fundraiser. the telephone. Instead, the charity will want you to Don’t feel pressured familiarize yourself with their mission and history No reputable charity and then make a donation pressures prospective dobased on your research. nors into making contribuIf a caller wants you to tions. That’s because they donate over the phone, don’t need to. simply request they mail A reputable charity can

Watch out for elder abuse (MS) ­— Each year thousands of senior citizens are exploited, abused or neglected. This behavior is classified as elder abuse and can occur by way of strangers or even family members. In many cases, trusted friends and members of the family are the perpetrators of the abuse. Elder abuse is something widely recognized by courts, and there is legislature passed in all 50 states to protect against elder abuse. In terms of what constitutes elder abuse, here are offenses that are broadly defined as abuse and may be punishable. • Sexual abuse: Nonconsensual sexual contact. • Physical abuse: Pain or

The FBI notes that seniors are most likely to have a nest egg and an exceptional credit rating, making them very attractive to criminals.

afford to keep its lights on and its programs running with or without your donation. If a caller or a letter is pressuring you to donate, don’t succumb to that pressure and kindly decline to donate.

donors. These can include mailing labels or cards. The hope is that recipients will feel pressured into donating once they receive a gift. However, a charity that is worth a donation does not need to resort to such tactics, which are a waste of Don’t let ‘gifts’ resources as well as a dispressure you honest way to solicit donations. Another tool employed Seniors should not feel by con artists or even less compelled to donate bereputable charities is to cause they received free send “gifts” to prospective mailing labels.

injury caused to a senior, including injury from restraining by physical or chemical means. • Exploitation: Illegal use or concealment of funds/ property/assets of a senior used for someone else's benefit. • Neglect: The failure to provide necessary resources, such as food, shelter, health care, etc. for an elder. • Abandonment: Failure to perform assumed responsibilities by a person who promised care or custody of a vulnerable elder. • Emotional abuse: Causing mental pain, anguish or distress to a senior through various acts. • Self-neglect: The failure to perform self-care tasks that can threaten one's own health or safety.

fraudulent or unworthy charity, research the charity and make sure your Con artists are especial- money will be going where ly good at impersonating a you intend it to go. reputable charity, sending e-mails with a well known Save all records charity’s logo but a link that directs donors to a different of donations Web site entirely. Never make a donation It’s important to save rewithout first verifying a cords of any donations for charity’s information, in- tax purposes, but it’s also cluding how your donation important for seniors to will be used and how much keep records to avoid fraud. of the charity’s budget goes Many con artists prey on toward the services and seniors by pretending to programs it provides. represent charities seniors Charity Navigator, a non- have donated to in the past. profit organization dedicatBy keeping records of all ed to helping givers make past donations, seniors can smart donating decisions, easily verify if they have dorecommends donors give to nated to a specific charity in charities that direct at least the past and whether or not 75 percent of their budget the person on the phone or on programs and services the author of an e-mail or related to their mission. letter is telling the truth. To avoid donating to a

Verify all information




Half of U.S. adults 40 to 75 eligible for statins Beware buying medicines online

BY MARILYNN MARCHIONE AP CHIEF MEDICAL WRITER Almost half of Americans ages 40 to 75 and nearly all men over 60 qualify to consider cholesterol-lowering statin drugs under new heart disease prevention guidelines, an analysis concludes. It’s the first independent look at the impact of the guidelines issued in November and shows how dramatically they shift more people toward treatment. Supporters say they reveal the true scope of heart risks in America. Critics have said the guidelines overreach by suggesting medications such as Zocor and Lipitor for such a broad swath of the population. “We wanted to be really objective and just quantify what the guidelines do, and not get into a discussion about whether they are correct,” said Michael Pencina, the Duke University biostatistician who led the analysis. It was published online Wednesday by the New England Journal of Medicine. Under the new guidelines, 56 million Americans ages 40 to 75 are eligible to consider a statin; 43 million were under the old advice. Both numbers include 25 million people taking statins now. “That is striking ... eyeopening,” Dr. Daniel Rader of the University of Pennsylvania said of the new estimate. But since too few people use statins now, the advice “has the potential to do much more good than harm,” said Rader, a cardiologist who had no role in writing the guidelines. Nearly half a million additional heart attacks and strokes could be prevented over 10 years if statin use was expanded as the guidelines recommend, the study estimates. The guidelines, developed by the American Heart Association and American College

‘That is striking ... eyeopening.’ Dr. Daniel Rader of Cardiology at the request of the federal government, were a big change. They give a new formula for estimating risk that includes blood pressure, smoking status and many factors besides the level of LDL or “bad” cholesterol, the main focus in the past. For the first time, the guidelines are personalized for men and women and blacks and whites, and they take aim at strokes, not just heart attacks. Partly because of that, they set a lower threshold for using statins to reduce risk. The guidelines say statins do the most good for people who already have heart disease, those with very high LDL of 190 or more, and people over 40 with Type 2 diabetes. They also recommend considering statins for anyone 40 to 75 who has an estimated 10-year risk of

heart disease of 7.5 percent or higher, based on the new formula. (This means that for every 100 people with a similar risk profile, seven or eight would have a heart attack or stroke within 10 years.) Under this more nuanced approach, many people who previously would not have qualified for a statin based on LDL alone now would, while others with a somewhat high LDL but no other heart risk factors would not. The Duke researchers gauged the impact of these changes by using cholesterol, weight and other measurements from health surveys by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They looked at how nearly 4,000 people in these surveys would have been classified under the new and old guidelines, and projected the results to the whole country. The biggest effect was on people 60 and older, researchers found. Under the new guidelines, 87 percent of such men not already taking a statin are eligible to consider one; only 30 percent were under the old guidelines. For women, the

numbers are 54 percent and 21 percent, respectively. Dr. Paul Ridker and Nancy Cook of Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have criticized the risk formula in the guidelines. Ridker declined to be interviewed, but in a statement, he and Cook noted that most people newly suggested for statins do not have high cholesterol but smoke or have high blood pressure. Those problems and lifestyle changes should be addressed before trying medications — which the guidelines recommend — they write. Dr. Neil Stone, the Northwestern University doctor who helped lead the guidelines work, stressed that the guidelines just say who should consider a statin, and they recommend people discuss that carefully with a doctor. “We think we’re focusing the attention for statins on those who would benefit the most,” Stone said. Dr. Harlan Krumholz, a Yale University cardiologist who has long advocated this approach, agreed. “The guidelines provide a recommendation, not a mandate” for statin use, he said.

(MS) — The Internet has made it possible for consumers to buy just about anything without ever leaving their homes. Whether looking for a pizza or a car, consumers can find whatever they need with a few clicks of the mouse. But buying merchandise online always comes with a degree of risk, and that’s especially so when buying medicine over the Internet. Not all websites that sell medicine are trustworthy, and many physicians feel buying medicine online is never a viable option. Recognizing the risk involved in such a transaction, the Food and Drug Administration offers the following advice to consumers consider purchasing medicines over the Internet.

Learn about medicines before ordering Consumers should learn as much as possible about the medicines they plan to purchase before placing an order. Know what the medicine looks like, including its color, texture, shape, and packaging. If the medicine has a particular taste or smell, make note of that before taking any medication purchased over the Internet.

Know what you’re buying

just as many, if not more, Web sites sell medicine that has not been checked or approved by the FDA. These drugs might contain the wrong active ingredient or too much or too little of the active ingredient, making them ineffective and possibly even deadly. These faulty sites appear just as credible as their legitimate counterparts, but sell ineffective or dangerous drugs to consumers who don’t know what they’re getting in return. When shopping for medicine online, the FDA notes the following signs of a Web site that’s trustworthy: * The site is located in the United States. * The Web site is licensed by the state board of pharmacy where the Web site is operating. * The Web site offers a licensed pharmacist available to answer any questions. * The Web site provides accessible contact information that allows consumers to talk to a person if they have any comments or questions. * The Web site has an accessible and understandable privacy and security policy for its consumers. * The Web site does not sell consumer information without consent. * The Web site only sells prescription drugs to consumers with an existing prescription.

More information about Many Web sites that sell prescription medication medicine are perfectly legal safety is available at www. and trustworthy. However,



| THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014

Reducing heart disease risk could save your life (MS) — Heart disease doesn’t discriminate, affecting men and women regardless of their age or where they live. In the United States, cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death, according to the American Heart Association. North

with heart disease. Many men and women can even point to a friend or family member who lost their battle with heart disease. That familiarity should make people even more willing to adopt a heart-healthy lifestyle, something the AHA admits is the best defense against heart disease and stroke. Though not all risk factors for heart disease can be controlled, there are ways to reduce that risk considerably.

Nearly every adult can point to a loved one who has dealt with heart disease. Many Control your men and women can blood pressure even point to a friend High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for or family member who stroke and a major risk for heart disease. lost their battle with Blood pressure measures the pressure or force heart disease. of blood against the walls of the border, one Canadian dies from heart disease or stroke every 7 minutes. So says the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Canada, a charity that annually spends millions of dollars researching heart disease and promoting healthier lifestyles. For most men and women, the prevalence of heart disease is no great surprise. Nearly every adult can point to a loved one who has dealt

if your blood vessels, also known as arteries. Having your blood pressure taken is a routine on most doctor visits, but many people are unaware what the number actually measures. The top number measures the pressure when the heart contracts and pushes blood out, while the bottom number is the lowest pressure when the heart relaxes and beats. Blood pressure that is consistently above 140/90 is considered high. A normal blood pressure is one be-

tween 120/80 and 129/84. Because of the relation between blood pressure and heart disease and stroke, men and women must take steps to control their blood pressure. Having your blood pressure checked regularly is a good start. Once you get checked, reduce the amount of sodium in your diet, replacing high-sodium snacks with healthier fare and monitoring sodium intake during the day. The Heart & Stroke Foundation recommends eating less than 2,300 mg of sodium per day, and that includes salt added when making meals or eating at the table. Maintaining a healthy body weight and successfully managing stress are additional ways to control blood pressure.

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Limit alcohol consumption The AHA notes that excessive consumption of alcohol can contribute to high triglycerides, produce irregular heartbeats and eventually lead to heart failure or stroke. There is some evidence that people who drink moderately have a lower risk of heart disease than nondrinkers. But it’s also important to note that people who drink moderately also have a lower risk of heart disease than people who drink excessively. So when it comes to alcohol, moderation reigns supreme. One or two standard drinks per day is enough depending on gender. The Heart & Stroke Foundation suggests that women who drink should not drink more

than nine drinks a week, while men should not exceed 14 drinks in a single week. Of course, if there are extenuating circumstances then all bets are off. Men and women with liver disease, mental illness or a personal or family history of alcohol problems should avoid alcohol entirely. In addition, those taking certain medications should avoid alcohol consumption as well. For the latter group, discuss alcohol consumption with your physician when he or she writes you a prescription.

year from exposure to secondhand smoke. What might surprise some people, however, is how quickly quitting smoking can reduce a person’s risk for heart disease. According to the Heart & Stroke Foundation, within 48 hours of quitting a person’s chances of having heart disease have already started to go down. For those who successfully avoid smoking for one year, the risk of a suffering a smoking-related heart attack has been cut in half. After 15 years, the risk of heart attack is the same as someone who never smoked at all.

Quit smoking

Embrace physical activity

The decision to smoke tobacco is the decision to invite a host of potential physical ailments, not the least of which is heart disease. S moking contributes to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, increases the risk of blood clots, reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood and increases blood pressure. As if that’s not enough, smoking also harms those around you. According to the American Cancer Society, secondhand smoke is responsible for 3,400 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers in the United States each year. In Canada, nearly 8,000 nonsmokers lose their lives each

People who are physically inactive are twice as likely to be at risk for heart disease or stroke than people who are physically active. The AHA notes that research has shown that getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity on five or more days of the week can help lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol while helping to maintain a healthy weight. If starting from scratch, even light physical activity can provide some health benefits. Gradually work your way up to more demanding activities, and make physical activity a routine part of your daily life.

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Glaucoma does not always exhibit symptoms (MS) — As the human body ages, certain things might not work as well as they used to. Though no two individuals are the same, there are certain things people expect to deal with as they age. Changes in vision are one thing many people associate with aging. Some people maintain perfect vision throughout their lives, while others’ vision deteriorates and conditions begin to develop. Though not exclusive to the elderly, glaucoma is one such condition many seniors must deal with. But even though risk for glaucoma increases as a person ages, that doesn’t mean younger men and women should not familiarize themselves with this condi-

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tion and learn its symptoms and characteristics. In fact, glaucoma can be present for years before it’s recognized. This only further highlights the importance of understanding this condition so, should it appear, it can be effectively treated as soon as possible.

common cause of blindness. In Canada, the Glaucoma Research Society of Canada reports that more than 400,000 Canadians have glaucoma today.

What is glaucoma?

The eyes are filled with fluids that help maintain pressure in the eye. That pressure is called intra-ocular pressure, or IOP. IOP is not a bad thing, but high IOP is a risk factor for glaucoma. Measuring IOP is fairly easy. Doctors will use a tonometer to measure IOP, but men and women should know that normal IOP does not necessarily mean a person does not have glaucoma, nor does

Glaucoma is a term used to refer to a group of conditions that can cause damage to the optic nerve. The optic nerve is responsible for carrying visual information from the eye to the brain, and oftentimes optic nerve damage is a result of increased pressure in the eye. In the United States, glaucoma is the second most

What role does intraocular pressure play?

high IOP mean a person does have glaucoma. While high IOP is a risk factor for glaucoma and controlling IOP is a focus of glaucoma therapy, there is more to diagnosing and treating glaucoma than just focusing on IOP.

What causes high IOP? The eye produces a fluid called the aqueous humor which is used to bathe and nourish the various parts of the eye. This fluid typically flows out of the eye through channels in the front of the eye in an area called the anterior chamber angle. When the flow of the aqueous humor is blocked or slowed, the fluid gets trapped in the SEE GLAUCOMA, PAGE 10

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Sharing Life’s Journey Our communities are thoughtfully designed to cater to the unique needs and demands of today’s seniors. Our care programs are designed specifically for each individual, providing the highest level of service when it’s most needed. As your needs change, we change with you. It is our privilege and honor to share in life’s journey of our residents.

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Why choose Lawndale Apartments? Lawndale Apartments for seniors is a quiet, beautiful one story community of 24 spacious one-bedroom apartments. The community has laundry rooms, exercise room, activity room, and a community room with kitchen for group events, and new raised vegetable gardens. Nearby are Memorial Medical Hospital, Family Independence Agency, Nursing facilities, doctors offices, grocery, bank and hardware. Come visit Mon. & Wed. 8:00am-3:00pm, Thurs. 10am-2pm and Friday 8am-Noon.

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GLAUCOMA: Not all cases are the same FROM PAGE 9

eye and then IOP builds, at which point damage to the optic nerve can occur.

Are all cases of glaucoma the same? Not all cases of glaucoma are the same. In fact, there are four major types of glaucoma. • Open-angle, or chronic, glaucoma: Open-angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma. The cause is unknown, but an increase in eye pressure occurs slowly over time as the pressure starts to push on the optic nerve and the retina at the back of the eye. This type of glaucoma tends to run in families, so men and women who have a parent or grandparent who has had open-

angle glaucoma should not miss appointments with his or her eye doctor, even if vision seems normal. This is especially important because most people with open-angle glaucoma have no symptoms until they begin to lose vision, though gradual loss of peripheral vision may occur. • Angle-closure, or acute, glaucoma: Angle-closure glaucoma occurs when the aqueous humor is suddenly blocked. This is very noticeable, as it causes instant and severe pain as the IOP quickly increases. Risk for angleclosure glaucoma increases for those who have already had it one eye. Symptoms include decreased or cloudy vision, nausea and vomiting, seeing rainbow-like halos around lights, and reddening of the eye. • Congenital glaucoma:

Congenital glaucoma is present at birth and results from an abnormal development of the fluid outflow channels in the eye. Symptoms are typically noticed when the child is a few months old. These can include cloudiness of the front of the eye, enlargement of one or both eyes, sensitivity to light, tearing, and reddening of the eye. • Secondary glaucoma: Secondary glaucoma results from other conditions, including uveitis, a condition where the middle layer of the eye, known as the uvea, swells and causes irritation. Secondary glaucoma can also result from systemic diseases and drugs such as corticosteroids. More information about glaucoma is available at the Glaucoma Research Society of Canada Web site at www.

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| THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014

3/3/14 2:04 PM

The Ludington Area Senior Center

“Your Focal Point in the Community” Providing Activities for Healthier Living • • • • • • •

Matter of Balance Classes Healthy Eating for Successful Living Classes Medicare/Medicaid Assistance Taxes/Tax Credits Exercise Classes-Tia Chi and Yoga Fun in-door activities Meals Monday thru Friday

Stop In and See What’s new and exciting! We have new plans for outdoor activities for spring and summer. Come join the fun! For ages 55 and up 308 S. Rowe, Ludington



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Boomers planning ahead The senior population is growing by leaps and bounds. Estate planning is the process of dissolving the items and property owned, as well as making end-of-life arrangements. Taking steps while one is physically and mentally able ensures that plans will be carried out as a person desired. It can also alleviate some of the burden on surviving family members when the time comes. There are a number of things individuals can keep in mind when planning their estates and making other important decisions. • An estate plan is important regardless of personal wealth. A person with only $10 to his name can still draw up a plan. • It’s never too soon to start estate planning. While it’s

hopeful to expect a long life, sudden illness or other conditions are impossible to predict. Taking the time now to create an estate plan ensures that desires will be met and family will be left knowing how to carry out a person’s wishes. • Estate planning involves a number of components: - will - power of attorney/executor of estate - living will or healthcare proxy - trust • A will is perhaps one of the most important estate planning documents to draw up. It wills where assets will go and who will be in charge of financial and personal affairs when a person dies. It is inexpensive to draw up a will (there are even legal forms a person can purchase to do it

Put up your feet? or

Kick up your heels?

oneself) even if an attorney is hired. At the least, everyone should have a will. • Compile a list of all personal assets and account numbers. It will help others sort through personal effects when the time comes. • Boomers should talk about their plans. Inheritances and wills can be tricky business and one that causes heated debate during a time of great emotion. Talking about plans beforehand allows surviving family and friends to be aware of what lies ahead. • Consider reducing your estate. Individuals can give up to $13,000 per year ($26,000 if gifting as a couple). This can reduce the potential tax burden on a spouse or a family member if estate funds are given to them after a person’s death.



Skilled Nursing Facility...

Providing compassionate skilled long-term care and rehabilitation to Mason County residents since 1966.

Alzheimer’s Special Care Unit...

How do you see your retirement? Do you dream of adventure or relaxation? Will there be enough to make your plans a reality? Get answers from an Investment Adviser Representative at West Shore Investment Services: • Balance savings growth with long-term risk • Consolidate your investments for easier money management • Discuss retirement op tions with potential tax advantages • Get experienced, local assistance with your retirement planning Contact our Investment Adviser Representative, Julee Sarto, at 231-845-3500 or 888-295-4373 to schedule an appointment to discuss ways to improve your retirement savings.

Providing those with mid-stage memory loss the best quality of life in a safe, nurturing and secure environment.

We accept Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance Please contact Oakview’s Admissions Coordinator for admissions & waiting list information at 845.5185 x227 • or visit us on the web at

1001 Diana Street • Ludington

Located at West Shore Bank Securities provided by Cetera Investment Services 201 W. Loomis Street Ludington, MI 49431


Securities and insurance products are offered through Cetera Investment Services LLC, member FINRA/ SIPC. Advisory services are offered through Cetera Investment Advisers LLC. Neither firm is affiliated with the financial institution where investment services are offered. Investments are: •Not FDIC/NCUSIF insured •May lose value •Not financial institution guaranteed •Not a deposit •Not insured by any federal government agency. Advisory services may only be offered by Investment Adviser Representatives. Consult your legal or tax counsel for advice and information concerning your particular circumstances. Neither Cetera Investment Services, nor any of its representatives may give legal or tax advice.

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| THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2014

Hobbies arthritis sufferers can enjoy (MS) — Individuals with arthritis are often stuck between a rock and a hard place. Doctors want people to exercise to keep up the range of motion in affected joints. However, even some limited movements can cause pain and suffering to those with arthritis. Furthermore, individuals with arthritis may shy away from the activities they once enjoyed because the pain is simply too overwhelming. Instead of simply sitting on the couch watching television, there are a number of different things arthritis sufferers can do to pass the time and reconnect with past hobbies and interests. It might just take a little re-outfitting of the tools that are needed to participate.

the joy out of the hobby. People with arthritis can make some changes. Raised garden beds or container gardening eliminates the stooping and bending associated with traditional gardening. With containers, individuals can place the containers on a counter or table and do all the work at a comfortable height. Choosing low-maintenance plants is another option. Plants that don’t require as much pruning or repotting are good for those with arthritis. Also, look for tools with larger grips and handles to be easier on arthritic hands.

other modeling media can be a way to stretch and work the hands and fingers. Using paintbrushes equipped with wider grips can make painting possible. Mural painting is another option. Again, those with arthritis can choose tools with wide handles to make grasping easier. Large designs on walls or canvases will be easier to handle than smaller pieces.


Cooking and baking is an art form that can be enjoyed by anyone. Furthermore, with ergonomic spoons, ladles and othCrafting er kitchen tools, it has never been more convenient or less labor-intensive to be Many people with arthritis find the an accomplished home chef. fine-detail work they grew accustomed Baking and pastry creation is one to is not very comfortable with arthritis. area where people can show off creGardening Instead, there are many other crafts that ative skills. For those who love to bake Gardening is a popular pastime for can be practical. but have trouble kneading and working people of all ages. But the repetitive moCeramics are one craft where the activ- dough, food processors, bread machines tions of digging and tilling as well as ity can also be the exercise. Using a pot- and kitchen stand mixers can take the gripping a multitude of tools can take tery wheel or hand-molding doughs and work out of those processes.

Pine Crest isn’t a facility, it’s a home Pine Crest is a small, loving residential living center, offering fulltime care from certified professionals. Summer, winter, spring and fall are just as real as the cardinals, deer and woods out the living room window. Porch swings, great food, and a genuine home atmosphere make Pine Crest unique. We assist residents with daily activities, medication administration and transportation to appointments. Just a few miles south of Scottville on Chauvez Road. The coffee’s always on and we’d love to give you a tour of our home. Colleen and Michelle

Call us! We have room for two more.

1316 E. Chauvez Rd., Scottville, MI 49454


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