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Apothecary Shoppe
GARDENING Oh, for the sake of Tomatoes
by Trena Cullins
Plant Haus The 2
American pioneers were hesitant to venture into eating our beloved tomato until around 1835. As a member of the nightshade family, it was thought to be poisonous. Weren’t they missing out! Today the cultivars of this prized fruit are truly remarkable. Hues of the rainbow—heirlooms and hybrids—bred to be resistant to disease, viruses, and heat give us a vast array of choices and tastes.
Tomatoes need about six to eight hours of sun daily. Of course, they do appreciate a little shade in the hottest part of our good ole Texas summers. In early spring when the nighttime temp falls below 55 degrees, many varieties will not set fruit. The same applies when the temperatures exceed 76 at night or the daytime heat goes above 90. Tomatoes basically have two growth habits: determinate (bush types), growing three to four feet, producing a large one-time crop; indeterminate can continue growing and produce at various times. They need a lot of phosphorousheavy fertilizer for blossoming. Water in the early morning and don’t worry if your plants wilt in the heat. Add calcium to avoid blossom-end rot. Be alert to pests that love your tomatoes as much as you—the famous tomato horn worm can consume an entire plant overnight. Short on space? Think container garden and simply follow the guidelines for inground tomatoes. If the sun is adequate you can grow them right by your kitchen door.
Nothing tastes better than a homegrown tomato. Bring on the saltshaker!
Texas Master Certified Nursery Professional Trena Cullins (#4985) has been with The Plant Haus 2 for twenty years. Trena and her experienced staff have the knowledge to serve your gardening needs. 604 Jefferson, Kerrville. 830-792-4444.
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Use Reiki to Support Multiple Therapies

Reiki is a simple integrative therapy used to support your physical and emotional wellness—naturally. This technique can complement medical treatments, physical therapies, and mental health counseling.
A growing number of hospitals and clinics around the world offer Reiki to a range of patients, including those with cancer or recovering from surgery. Reiki’s ability to alleviate pain and anxiety of both patients and their family members makes it especially appropriate in hospice care.
In a typical Reiki session, the fully clothed recipient receives a light touch in a series of hand positions on the head, front torso, and back. The therapy promotes relaxation, a state known to foster the body’s innate ability to heal through balance and harmony. Freeing the mind from stress and the body from tension, Reiki allows your inherent tendency toward balance an opportunity to assert itself.
Anne Schneider, a Kerrville Reiki Master with fourteen years experience, is a member of The Reiki Alliance—an international organization of traditional Reiki Masters. Schedule your Reiki session with Anne at her Ventana Al Cielo Studio.
Interested in learning Reiki as a natural healing therapy to practice on yourself and, if you choose, on others? Anne’s ten-hour weekend Reiki I training is simple and practical. Contact Anne now to register for one of her next trainings March 27-29 OR April 24-26.
Anne@ReikiTexas.info or (830)739-5828. Visit her website at ReikiTexas.info.