3 minute read
Dr. Miloy
Aging Successfully
by David R. Miloy MD
Optimum Health offers a partnership to help you prevent the leading causes of death* • Heart disease • Cancer • Unintentional Injuries • Chronic Lower Respiratory
Disease • Stroke • Alzheimer’s • Diabetes • Flu/Pneumonia • Kidney Disease • Suicide
*The leading causes of death in 2017, according to the CDC.
welcome to a new world of support
Optimum Health recognizes the needs of our All of the leading causes of death are to a large degree Hill Country people to prevent or reverse preventable. There are simple steps you can take to avoid disease and preserve quality of life. This requires a different way of practicing medicine—a these killers. I often talk with patients about “reaching and maintaining your ideal numbers.” These numbers refer to blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, body weight, and screening holistic, functional medicine approach that meets tests, just to name a few. People who maintain their numbers your individual needs and preferences. It focuses simply live better and longer. on looking for alternatives to pills and more There are four parts to experiencing optimum wellness. Think of procedures, understanding that natural approaches them as legs to a table: enjoyable healthy eating, your fitness, oftentimes work much better than prescription restful sleep, and emotional wellbeing. For each of these legs medications. to become and remain strong requires a strategy that gets Most medical conditions that lead to a decline in quality and results for you—there is no one size that fits all. Maintaining To practice this way requires spending quality time with these legs leads to fewer medications and doctor/hospital you. Typical office visits are thirty minutes, and longer if visits, and increases financial savings along with enhanced life needed. It’s important I get to know as much as possible about fulfillment. A strong table is also better able to withstand the you so I can advise and partner with you to help you reach your stressors of life. I will show you how to set up your table for health goals. For our partnership to succeed it’s critical that we health and coach you on how to use it as a powerful tool to have exceptional communication. My intention is to listen to create a successful life. you and meet your needs. A healthy successful life is not determined by luck or our There is considerable “noise,” pseudo-science and misleading genes. It’s an intentional process that claims, in the health and wellness arena today. This confusing we all have access to. To learn more and conflicting information is disorienting and dangerous. about doing so and getting to know My aim is to provide succinct and actionable evidence-based me better, please reach out for a no strategies that reverse disease and improve your health span. cost one-on-one meet and greet at my office. quantity of life are preventable and often reversible. Achieving David R. Miloy MD, internist and life/this with scientifically evidence-based lifestyle changes is not wellness coach is located at 1411 only wise but fun when done correctly. My passion is educating, Water Street, Kerrville and may be supporting, and celebrating with you in this transformational reached at 830-895-5599. Visit his process. website OptimumHealthDoc.com.
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