3 minute read
Editor’s Note
How do you feel? A little offbalance today? Elsabe Dixon, pictured on the cover, offers insights into how to keep things on an even keel. Her experience of balancing art exhibits, history displays, and community life at the Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History provides insights that can be applied to daily life. See page 5. Maybe your mind and body aren’t in sync with each other. For advice on how to find equilibrium, read “Meditation Moment” on page 6. Editor ’ s Note Photo by Michelle Dalton Photography
Calming your mind is difficult if your environment is a mess. For help with that read “Throw Out the Mess & Organize the Rest” on page 11. Do you need a more balanced diet? There’s a great recipe for Chicken Marabella on page 13. Want to develop better physical balance? Try standing on a BOSU ball pictured on page 13. If all else fails, maybe sipping a well-balanced glass of wine will help. See what that means on page 8. Finally, balance your screen time with an equal amount of reading time. Start with The Warmth of Other Suns reviewed on page 12. Even Mother Nature is getting into the act by giving us equal hours of day and night on March 19.
There will be days this month when your spirits are as high as the sky; other times you might hit rock bottom. My wish for you is that most days will be in perfect balance.
3 Editor’s Note
5 Elsabe Dixon Balancing History, Art and Life by Joyce Wilburn
6 Blessings Fiction by Telisha Moore Leigg
7 Spotting Exceptional Customer Service by Courtney Dodson
8 The Wine Spot / Sipping the Balance by Dave Slayton Meditation Moment by Casey Molloy Davis
10 Calendar
11 Throw Out the Mess & Organize the Rest by The Recycling Queen
12 Book Clubbing The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson / review by Diane Adkins
13 Reflecting Forward Balancing on Life’s BOSU Ball by Linda Lemery Around the Table / Chicken Marabella by Annelle Williams
14 Tips for Filing Tax Returns by Sam Jackson
On the Cover: Elsabe Dixon stands beside the costume worn by Camilla Williams in Madame Butterfly on exhibit at the Danville Museum of Fine Arts & History. See Calendar on page 10. Photo by Michelle Dalton Photography.

CEO / Publisher Andrew Scott Brooks Editor Joyce Wilburn (434.799.3160) joycewilburn@gmail.com Copy Editors Jeanette Taylor • Larry Wilburn THE OICE OF BALANCE

Contributing Writers Diane Adkins, Cathy Cole, Casey Molloy Davis, Courtney Dodson, Lewis Dumont, Kimberly Eaton, Adam Goebel, Barbara Hopkins, Kathy Hurt, Sam Jackson, Karan Johnson, Telisha Moore Leigg, Linda Lemery, C.B. Maddox, Kevin Matheson, Carla Minosh, Recycling Queen, Dave Slayton, Joyce Wilburn, Annelle Williams
Art & Production Director Demont Design (Kim Demont) Finance Manager Cindy Yeatts (1.434.709.7349) Marketing Consultants For ad information contact a marketing consultant listed below.
Lee Vogler Director of Sales and Marketing (434.548.5335) lee@evince magazine.com
Sam Jackson Marketing Consultant (434.709.3528 sam@showcase magazine.com
Kim Demont (434.792.0612) demontdesign @verizon.net
evince\i-’vin(t)s\ 1: to constitute outward evidence of 2: to display clearly: reveal syn see SHOW
Deadline for submission of April stories, articles, and ads is Friday, March 20, at 5:00 p.m. Submit stories, articles, and calendar items to joycewilburn@gmail.com.
Editorial Policies: Evince is a free monthly magazine with news about entertainment and lifestyle in Danville and the surrounding area. We reserve the right to accept, reject and edit all submissions and advertisements.
EVINCE MAGAZINE 753 Main St. Suite 3, Danville, VA 24541 www.evincemagazine.com
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