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Perennial Gardens Brighten The Early Spring Scene By

In ower gardens and landscapes, spring begins with bulbs Here on the ast nd some of the earliest and most welcome color in our landscapes and gardens comes from bulbs Teir bright, warm colors bursting forth a er the long cold winter are balm for the spirit, showing us that spring is coming at last


Tese bulbs are planted in fall, but in spring when they re blooming is the time to thin about where to plant more for ne t spring s display ulbs are wonderful planted in masses where their early color delights the eye a er a too long winter of bare branches and short, gray days Clumps of bulbs along a sidewal , in the front of a foundation bed, or scattered through a perennial garden will brighten the early spring scene Imagine the glorious sight of a mass of golden da odils or brilliant red tulips when the trees are ust sending out their rst new lea es or a little wor to plant them in fall, bulbs gi e you a big reward in spring

Te earliest bulbs to bloom are snowdrops and species forms of crocuses, which pole through the ground in arch or e en ebruary, depending on the weather Tese earliest bloomers ower mostly in yellow, white and purple In fact, yellow and white are much in e idence in spring, as crocuses are followed by the owers of da odils and narcissus Dutch hybrid crocuses – the most familiar ind ha e chalice shaped owers in shades of deep purple, yellow, yellow orange and white Te plants grow to inches tall and they re the rst owers to bloom in many ast nd gardens

Da odils and narcissus are delightful in beds and borders Plant them in fall where er you ll be sure to see their welcome owers in spring And a big plus for so many ast nd ower gardeners – deer don t eat them Tere are arious types of narcissus


and da odils, all of which ha e a central cup surrounded by a ring of outer petals, but there are se eral basic types, and many ariations within them rumpet narcissus, which we call da odils, ha e owers with a central cup, or trumpet, surrounded by a ring of at petals Te owers may be all yellow, all white, bicolored, or may ha e a yellow or orange trumpet and white outer petals Tey may ha e yellow outer petals and an orange, yellow or salmon pin cup In small cupped narcissus owers the cup is smaller and shorter than the length of the petals Tere are also double owered arieties with twice the number of petals

Te other big player among spring bulbs is tulips, the ueen of many spring ower gardens Tere are thousands of tulip arieties a ailable today A tremendous selection of heights, colors and blooming times is a ailable, as well as se eral di erent ower forms ulips bloom in many warm colors, in shades of yellow from so cream to rich gold, salmon, orange, peach, red, light and dar pin , pale to deep rose, purples and e en a dramatic deep maroon blac one called ueen of the ight Tere are bicolored tulips striped or feathered or amed with a second color Tere are tulips in so pastel shades, ibrant ewel tones and dramatic bi colors Some ha e fringed, curled or twisted petals

If you don t ha e deer issues on your property, you can choose tulips for your garden that harmoni e or contrast, whose colors whisper so ly in the landscape or ma e a bold, dramatic statement Tey can range in height from inches to feet or more

If you can eep the deer o your premises, with high perimeter fencing and tall, sturdy gates, plantings of graceful tulips can be a symphony of color in spring ass them in beds and borders, or buy pots of tulips when you see them in the garden center and group them on your dec or porch When the show is o er, toss them any tulips ha e to be treated li e annuals and planted anew anyway ut they are undeniably wonderful, as is the most welcome return of springtime

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