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The right technological enhancements to your home can increase its value and enhance your enjoyment of it in myriad ways Tey can eep you and your family safe and e en help you reduce your utility bills et it can be a challenge to eep up with the latest tech trends. Technology is constantly e ol ing in leaps and bounds to the ne t thing, while you ust want your smart home to be well, smart about it all ou want it to ma e life easier ou want it to ust wor
So what are the latest trends in smart home technology that you need to now We e got you co ered
Enhanced Privacy Protections
othing is more important to you than the safety and security of your property, your family, and your guests ortunately, tech companies agree with that assessment Tat s why many of their most interesting new de elopments are targeted towards the pri acy and safety of your home and property or e ample, the ne t e olution in doorbell cameras may well be your own personal home drone camera o beyond monitoring for porch pirates with something li e the ing Always Home Cam It can eep an eye on e ery window and e ery room on a single oor and while it s a ailable only by in itation so far, it may be headed for wider a ailability, depending on early feedbac from users rom its doc inside your home, it conducts security rounds throughout your home and can be dispatched for controlled ights whene er you wish and whene er your ing Alarm is acti ated
Creative Use Of Robot
If you e been nursing Jetsons inspired daydreams since childhood, this one s for you the Astro obot our own personal digital assistant can follow you throughout your home, simply awaiting your ne t re uest It can add to your home s security by eeping trac of those who enter your home and ma ing sure they re on the list
With the addition of a ser ing tray, Astro transforms into a cute, tiny butler ou can also add a blood pressure monitor, a storage container, and e en an accessory that will toss timely treats to your pet Li e the ing Always Cam, you can purchase it only by in itation so far, and with limited uantities a ailable, you may be in for a wait
Deeper Integration
With recent headlines trumpeting or blaring the alarm o er the e ploding capabilities of AI, or arti cial intelligence, it s easy to forget sometimes that AI has actually been around for y or so years Admittedly, it hasn t been capable of more impressi e feats until recently, but this is one tech area that s almost certainly destined to e pand dramatically in the coming years.
AI is what helps power more intuiti e and more deeply integrated smart home technology Combined with the connecti ity pro ided by the Internet o Tings, AI can pro ide a broader and more useful array of ser ices to help reduce lifestyle friction and free up both your time and your energy for more worthwhile things.
Imagine a home assistant that can monitor your food preferences, spot an upcoming shortage, and place an order for you completely without your participation. As AI technology improves, it also becomes more adept at interpreting voice commands and physical inputs, empowering it to create smart task and shopping lists, schedule your interior and exterior lights, and monitor and adjust your home’s thermostat and other environmental controls.
Finding ways for your smart-home elements to work together will continue to be a signi cant focus for tech companies or e ample, one of the bi est stories in was the introduction of a unifying translator, called atter , a standard SDK, or so ware de elopment it, which enables di erent smart home devices to “talk” to each other and integrate more fully, even when they re built by di erent companies our Ama on built home assistant can then understand signals and messages from your lighting and the ale smart loc s on your front door Integration means your home devices work together to make a better environment for you and your family.