SB Faith & Family

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February 2013

Valentine’s Day

What A Man Wants For

Steps to the Wedding Chapel

2 Faith and Family



on the cover 10


Special Feature

What a Man wants for Valentine’s Day

Steps to the Wedding Chapel

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Valentine’s Day...Today! Still, Small, Voice

in every issue 4

From the Publisher


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Beautiful Feet Rwanda Revelations

Words 10 Wise Chief Cornerstone


Faith Under Fire What Love Is

Upwards 14 Pressing “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”

& Wellness 17 Health Above all Else...Guard your Heart Real Stuff 19 The Be My Valentine the Love 20 Show Write your own Valentine Bring on the Bling Cupcake Bouquet

February 2013



from the publisher

But I say to you,’ the Lord says, ‘love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, pray for those who persecute you.’ Why did he command these things? So that He might free you from hatred, sadness, anger and grudges, and might grant you the greatest possession of all, perfect love, which is impossible to possess except by the one you loves all equally in imitation of God. - Maximus Confessor

A Different Kind of Valentine’s Day

Our Februar� them� ha� alway� bee� abou� ‘lov�’ – heart�, valentine�, an� � lo� of pin�. I� our hous�, thi� ma� b� our girl�’ favorit� holida�. Da� goe� al� ou� t� mak� sur� the� fee� specia� an� love�. On� year h� though� i� migh� b� creativ� t� sen� m� an� thre� of th� girl� (2,4, &6) for � da� a� th� sp�. For yo� mom� ou� ther� I do�’� hav� t� giv� yo� an� �rther detail�, yo� know how tha� wen�. N�� year, jus� sen� mo�...alon�. Al� joke� asid� h� make� the� fee� ver� specia� an� tha�’� no� eas� wit� s� girl�. Valentin�’� Da� i� � �� an� wonder�� da� t� show th� on� yo� ar� i� lov� wit� yo� car�. I� thi� month� issu� yo� wil� fin� suggestion� for gi�� an� other lov� storie� t� inspir� u�. I� wa� wit� grea� honor w� wer� invite� t� Jacly� Litto� & �� Brier�’� weddin� � few week� ag�. W� hav� know� Jacly� for � whil� now an� hav� bee� wit� her throug� other relationship� an� lif�’� trial�. Jaso� wa� abl� t� wal� her dow� th� aisl� (Mr. Litto�, ma� your memor� b� eterna�). Yo� ca� rea� mor� abou� their stor� i� th� followin� page�. A� beauti�� a� Jacly�’� lov� stor� i� for � Valentin� issu�, yo� wil� rea� later o� Valentin�’� Da� was�’� alway� heart�, valentine�, an� lov� storie�. I� wa� � da� of commemoratio� for S�. Valentin� wh� wa� martyre� a�er tryin� t� conver� th� Roma� emperor. H� wa� firs� arreste� an� brough� befor� th� imperia� cour� a�er helpin� martyr� durin� � tim� of persecutio�. �er� ar� man� differen� account� regardin� how h� becam� th� Patro� of lov�. Als�, Valentin�’� Da� ha� alway� bee� advertise� t� th�� i� lov�. However, S�. Valentin�’� lov� wa� mor� for Go� an� other� eve� a� th� c�� of hi� lif�. �i� i� wha� Valentin�’� Da� i� abou� an� ever� other da� for tha� matter. “H� wh� love� th� Lor� ha� firs� love� hi� brother, becaus� th� secon� i� � proof of th� firs� - S�. Joh� Climacu�” Mayb� for thi� Valentin�’� Da� remember th� one� yo� lov� bu� the� g� a� �tr� mil�. Remember th�� tha� ma� no� hav� someon� tha� ‘love�’ the�, remember your enemie� an� th�� tha� caus� yo� problem�. Jaso� alway� say�, “Hurtin� peopl�, hur� other� an� w� nee� t� help, if p�sibl� b� Go�’� grac�, mak� th� pai� g� awa�.” �i� da� doe� no� hav� t� b� for th�� jus� i� lov�. I� ca� b� � da� for th�� wh� w� shoul� lov� a� wel�. “�� mor� � perso� love� Go�, th� mor� h� love� other peopl�. H� love� the� wit� holines�, respec� an� refinemen�, a� image� of Go�.” Thank you, Christy, for the beautiful front cover and inside photos. For more information regarding Christy please visit: Christy Montgomery Christy Montgomery Photography 318-423-3998

4 Faith and Family

With love, Publisher

Refresh Your

Spirit 1714 Jimmie Davis Highway Bossier City, Louisiana 71112 Phone: (318) 742-1641

Loving God, Loving People, Making Disciples.


February 2013


6 Faith and Family

M Valentine’s Day Hey guys.... Valen�ne’s Day is coming and now is the �me to get ready. Usually Debbie writes the ar�cle for the month, but this month I want us to walk into the month of LOVE together. What can you get her? AH.... a vacuum or a blender or a membership to the athle�c gym is NOT a good idea. If you did that, you now need some marriage counseling. Let’s start giving a Valen�ne’s gi� TODAY. You may be reading this at the first of the month or right before Valen�ne’s Day and it is never too early or too late. So here is what I want us to do. I want us to live out verses 4 through 8 in 1 Corinthians 13. In 1 Corinthians 13 verse 4 it says, “Love is pa�ent and love is kind.” From this moment on this month, I want you to consciously work on being pa�ent and kind to her and to your children. Make them think “What has happened to dad/husband” because he is so kind and very pa�ent. The verse also says that love does not envy, it does not boost and it is not proud. And in verse 5 says Love does not dishonor others and is not self seeking. Decide to not be selfish and with a purpose decide to encourage and cheer on those around you. Be a person that asks ques�ons and then........... listens. Never be sarcas�c or cu�ng but li�ing others up and seeking their best in everything that you do. In verse 5 it also says Love is not easily angered. Many �mes we use our anger to



manipulate the family. Can I tell you how damaging that is to the self esteem of your spouse and children? Find out why the anger is there and deal with the insecurity for it and then stop being that person. Man, if you dealt with this and didn’t let it appear this month that would be the greatest gi� you could ever give to your spouse and especially your children. WOW!!! That verse also says Love does not keep a record of wrongs. Ask the Lord to teach you how to forgive. If you have a hard �me forgiving people that hurt you, you probably have a hard �me understanding God’s forgiveness. Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you will forget it. You won’t forget it but forgiveness allows the hurt to heal. Then Jesus will take what satan wanted to be your misery the rest of your life and Jesus will use it in some way to minister to others. Unforgiveness will make you sick if not dealt with but walking in forgiveness gives life and life abundantly. In verse 6, Paul tells us that Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. Man, if this month you rejoiced in the truth in your family and your life and didn’t always go nega�ve....your family would have a NEW man. Celebrate the li�le things and you will discover that everything is li�le. This month I want you to live out verse 7. In this verse I want you to always protect, always trust, always hope and always persevere. This

Matters month I want you to protect your family by praying with them somewhere....some�me during the day. You can do this. You may have never done this before but today is a great day to start. I want you to trust that the Lord loves you and your family and HE wants the best for you. And then it says that Love always hopes and perseveres. Go on a date with your spouse and dream a li�le. Start hoping for some new things to happen and the persevere part of this is to never quit. Don’t give up on what the Lord wants to do in you and your family. This could really be a fun �me for you. Go start the process and put it in to ac�on because LOVE NEVER FAILS. If you don’t know where to start for Valen�ne’s Day, let’s start by living out these verses. If you do could be the greatest gi� you ever gave for Valen�ne’s Day. Come on men......start today.... You can do this. Excited for you and the gi� you are going to give to your spouse and family.

Steve Wilson

For scheduling a conference with MMN go to

for more informa�on.

February 2013



All of us face problems every day. But how do we seek solutions? Usually, we try to think of an answer on our own. We “problemsolve.” Another approach, however, is to pray first. My great-uncle, a cabinet-maker, told me that many times he stood in front of the wood and prayed about what to do. Suddenly, he would receive the answer in prayer, and could build the project immediately without any other help. A question, however, is how we pray at those times. The great temptation is to pray for a particular answer. We ask God for help; we ask whether we should do this or that. However, there is a much better way. In Psalm 27 (28), the Prophet David begins by saying that “the LORD is my light and my salvation.” In his heart, King David hears the voice of God which says, “Seek ye my face.” And David answers, “Thy face, O Lord, will I seek!” When we face difficulty, we should not



look for one answer or another. Instead, we should seek the face of God. As the Prophet David says in the Psalm, there is only one thing we need to ask of the LORD: to dwell in His temple forever. To seek the face of God means to still our thoughts and to stand in God’s presence. Sometimes this is difficult to do, but it is necessary if we are to know the blessings of God. Otherwise, we are not really praying, but we are looking for confirmation for what we have already decided. Like small children, we may be demanding what is not very good for us. Imagine that I have decided to buy a car. I ask my friend, “Should I buy an American car, or a foreign car?” Suppose my friend answers, “It would be better for you not to buy a car at all. In fact, you should not drive. You are losing your eyesight, and it is inexpensive to take the bus.” This is not the answer I was looking for, but it might be the best answer.

I’ve b�n �inking a lot about what �e people of Rwanda have taught me, and �r� �ings k�p coming up: 1. It is actually possible to have authentic forgiveness in which love for the forgiven person is shown, even for the most horrific of injustices.

It is the same with God. We ask, “Should I do this, or should I do that?” But God may answer, “I do not want you to do anything, but just to be my child. Listen to me.” The single most important thing in life is to seek the face of God. To do this, it is necessary to stop what we are doing, and to listen to the “still, small, voice” of God. Only then are we able to hear what God desires for us. Sometimes, it is to change everything and to follow into a new way of life. Other times, it is to change nothing at all, but just to enjoy the eternal and unchanging love that is God and that comes from God. Let us remember that we are humanbeings and not humandoings. God has made us to be His children and to hold his hand. Let us place our hands in God’s hand, and walk forward together with Him.

Fr. Brendan Pelphrey

St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Shreveport, LA

Rwanda Revelations

2. When one loses everything but then chooses the path of finding joy in life instead of bitterness, this joy is one that transcends normal happiness – it is joy that comes from just living, joy that comes from recognizing the everyday blessings of life. 3. Every time one person responds to a calling to help those a world away, whole worlds can be changed, and the unlikeliest of bonds will be formed.

I am so ready to get back over �ere and continue streng�ening �ese bonds of humanity and love, and to continue to learn m�e life revelations. -Amy Sutton Ricketts

8 Faith and Family

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Valentine’ s Day Wise Words special feature

What A Man Wants For’s Valentine’s Day again, and I’ve been told (and I agree) that it’s very hard to think of something to give our husbands and/or boyfriends. It seems that we always want our dates to think of something romantic, unique, personal, and creative – something that ‘wows’ us – but how often do we give something that “wows” him? I asked...and they here’s what the guys said they’d love to receive from their sweetheart this year: • A trip away for the weekend- If you’re married and you haven’t had a weekend away with your husband, why not surprise him and plan a night away? Or why not ask a friend to keep the kids, and plan a ‘getaway’ in the privacy of your own home? • Flowers - Believe it or not, some men want flowers. Imagine his surprise, when he receives a special delivery just for him, with a love note attached! • Movie - Is there a movie HE wants to see? Call him and ask him out on a date, and then pick him up and hand him tickets to the movie of his choice, sit by him and hold his hand, and who knows – you might even like the movie yourself! • Hands on – Yes, we hear that men like foot-rubs and massages...not pedicures or manicures. I doubt you will need a fragrant lotion or soothing music, but rather just some tender, loving care as you rub his tired feet, or aching back. • Meat – A 24-ounce steak! Make him eat healthy food the other 364 days of the year, but on this one special day let him order that piece of meat that you could never eat. Even is the size makes you wince, just change that wince to a wink, and he’ll thank you. • His day – Ever heard of a ‘man’s day out?’ Neither had I. And just what does that look like? A round of regular golf, maybe some fishing, and then frisbee golf...alone. • His day off – instead of a ‘honey-do’ list, how about giving him a ‘do-nothing’ list? Write it inside the card you give him for Valentine’s Day and watch his facial expression as he reads his gift in unbelief. • Serenity - A quiet night of home is sure to please the man who works in noise, the dad who has lots of small children, and the man who likes to read a good book. If you can somehow make this night happened, you’ll be loved forever. • An expensive gift – if there’s a sporting event in the weeks ahead, see if you can afford tickets for two and a night out with him. If there’s an electronic device he’s been eyeing and you have a little ‘extra’ then splurge on this treat for him.

10 Faith and Family

Chief Cornerstone

1 Peter 1:1-2, 10-12, 2:6-10 (Epistle) Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To the pilgrims of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace to you and peace be multiplied. Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. To them it was revealed that, not to themselves, but to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven – things which angels desire to look into. Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, “Behold, I lay in Zion A chief cornerstone, elect, precious, And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame.” Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient, “The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone,” and “A stone of stumbling And a rock of offense.” They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.




o What Love is o o

Every year I try to find a Peanuts® “Love is...” wall calendar. It’s heartwarming, and presents various definitions of love accompanied by the classic, quirky illustrations Charles Schulz is famous for. Here are some from 2012: • Love is helping someone through their battles. Snoopy leads a scout troop of Woodstock birds up a hill with everyone secured together by ropes. • Love is trust. Lucy holds the football as Charlie Brown considers yet another potentiallydisastrous kick. • Love is listening free of charge. Lucy sits in her “Psychiatric” booth waiting to “help” Charlie Brown with his troubles. • Love is giving up the last cookie. Linus hands his last cookie (with a bite out of it) to Lucy. And some previews from 2013: • Love is looking out for your friends. Woodstock and his buddies perch all over Snoopy as he sleeps on his doghouse. • Love is buying someone a present with your own money. Sally watches happily as brother Charlie Brown opens his Christmas present from her.

takes on the age-old question, but do they get us beyond platitude territory? Not really. If you want to know about love, don’t ask the question, “What is love?” Look instead for What Love IS. The question was answered definitively, finally and forever in the Father’s Statement of Love on the Cross. Paul, in Romans 8:37-39, tells us “But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Purely and simply, the Essence of Love resides in the Person of Jesus. So don’t look for love on a calendar, in a book, or by tweeting or posting. Look for love February 2012 says it all. in a sacrificial relationship with Jesus Christ, choice. We do not have to love. We choose to the Author of Love. He made it easy for us to love.” Relationship coach Deborah Anapol, Ph.D. understand by sharing what was in His Heart. says “Love is a force of nature.” Biologist Jeremy All that remains is to humbly go to Him and ask. Griffith says “Love is unconditional selflessness.” He will anoint your head with oil, a symbol of Counselor Sheryl Paul says “Love is action. Love the Holy Spirit’s presence. He will fill your cup is tolerance. Love is learning your partner’s love with Love until it overflows and blesses every language and then expressing love in a way situation and every person in your life. Dianne B. Howell that he can receive.” All of these are interesting Shreveport, LA If you go to the Internet and google “What is love?” you get a mish-mash of answers, from dating sites to advice from psychiatrists, naturalists and philosophers. Author M. Scott Peck says, “Love is an act of will – namely, both an intention and an action. Will also implies

Every Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am-2:00pm

Barksdale Baptist Church February 2013


Steps to the Wedding Chapel It is always fascinating to watch people meet, fall in love and get married. There is so much that goes into ‘finding the right person’ to spend the rest of your life with. Quite often, the journey to our soul mate can be filled with joys, sorrows, lessons learned, disappointments, frustrations, self-realizations, etc. Statistically speaking, if everyone is looking for the one special person then there are going to be quite a few encounters over the years that end in either heartbreak or never see the spark of love ignited. However, when, in the providence of God, two people come together and chose to enter into the covenant of marriage and spend the rest of their lives as one, the failures of the past become distant memories – it is all worth it. In this article we will explore some ideas that may help those who are single on their quest for a spouse while at the same time provide an opportunity for those of us who are married to remember when, so to speak. To make sure our exploration remains practical, we will use Jaclyn and Tim, recent newlyweds, as our case study. So, with this being said, let us embark on our path to the chapel. Step One – Finding Your First Love When you are single you always seem to be preoccupied with meeting someone. Whether you are at the gym, the grocery store, church or school you are always open and maybe even expecting to encounter someone new. But to find the love of your life you need to be content first and foremost with the God who loves you. People who are not in relationships have time to truly seek Him without distractions. The mind, heart and hands can be engaged in study, prayer and service. Understood this way, being single is a gift. It is time for you to become what

12 Faith and Family

you want to find in someone else, i.e. the development of Christ- likeness. Moreover, until one desires a relationship with Jesus as much as with another person, then it probably is not the right time to consider dating. This may sound overly spiritual or even too strict but the person you marry is not and cannot be your God. He alone is your first love who is never to be forsaken for another (Rev. 2: 4).

The first time I met Tim was when he and Jaclyn delivered Christmas baskets to the less fortunate with our church

Step Two – Understanding the Spiritual Purpose of Marriage For all Christians, marriage is either a covenant or sacrament by which a man and woman come together to become one for, primarily, the purpose of salvation. Salvation, understood in this context, coincides with St. Paul’s teaching regarding our need to ‘work out our salvation’ as found in Philippians 2:12. The Greek work sōzō carries the notion, along with being rescued from danger, of healing or to make well. When two people come together that bear the image of God but the likeness is distorted because of sin, challenges arise. However, unlike a business contract whereby if one party does not hold up there end of the agreement it can be dissolved, marriage is a lifelong union that allows for the cure and healing of the soul. Both people have to learn, by God’s grace, truly how to be patient, to forgive, to exhort, to encourage and to love (agapaō) each other

as they progress towards Godliness. In other words, to put it in a more dramatic but accurate context, marriage is a form of martyrdom where a man and a woman die to themselves to experience life in Christ together, salvation. As one godly woman once said, ‘If you are not getting married for the purpose of salvation, then remain single.’

Jaclyn’s parents were married just shy of 50 years. I read from the late Mr. Jack Litton’s bible during the wedding ceremony that he received as a gift from his wife, Wyville. They set an example for Jaclyn to follow of the true meaning of marriage.

Step Three – Committing to Each Other as unto the Lord Divorce is now an option. Not only is it an option, statistically speaking it is going to happen to approximately 50% of all couples. This unfortunate mindset toward marriage developed in the late 1960’s and peaked around 1980. It would be interesting to see what cultural changes took place during this period that may have contributed to the paradigm shift regarding the traditional Christian understanding of the sacredness of the marriage union. Whatever these reasons may be, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to enter into holy matrimony with the same type of love He has for us. Biblically, the image of marriage is used more than any other to describe Christ’s relationship to the Church. When two Christians divorce, it distorts the very picture that our Lord Jesus Christ has chosen

for us to have and consider as an example of His love for His bride, the Church. Therefore, in order to stay committed we need to understand that the wife is to submit to your husband ‘as unto the Lord’ and the husband is to sacrificially love his wife ‘as Christ also loved the Church.’ (Ephesians 5:22-33). This takes us back to Step 1 where we learned that our first love is God alone, and to Step 2 where we learned that marriage is for our salvation. Commitment in marriage begins and ends with our understanding that our union is unto the Lord, not just each other, and it reflects Christ’s relationship to His Church. When it is broken by divorce, it can seriously damage the faith of the adults that are enduring it and the hearts of the children that suffer from it for generations to come.. In light of this, the question arises, ‘What if I am divorced and either seeking to be remarried or remarried already?’ God’s grace is sufficient and you need to approach a relationship or a possible second marriage with the same attitude. In both cases, first or second, have the mindset that you are entering into holy matrimony with the same devotion, love and commitment that Christ has for His bride, the Church. This type of love no man, woman or evil entity will ever put asunder.

‘Pastor Brad told Jaclyn she had a lot of godly influences in her life and now she was joining herself to another one, Tim, in holy marriage.’

Step Four – The Wedding Day As a pastor, you do everything you can to make sure the couple understands that their wedding day is not about candles that do not light, videos that do not play, music that does not work, dresses that do not fit properly, etc. Instead it is about two people who are in love and are participating in divine providence. It is a man and woman coming together before God, and those that love them as witnesses, and being united in Him as one. Therefore, the couple needs to spend as much time in prayer before the ceremony as possible in order to realize the spiritual significance of their sacred day. Moreover, out of all the important people that are present, it is Christ, as at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, that is the guest of honor. He is the One who established the state of marriage and He is the true Celebrant that blesses the holy union. What is being said and done is for Him, to Him and in Him it will be held together until death do you part. With this mind, the day will not only be special because of things seen (that may or may not go as planned), but even more so because of the unseen One who walked with you throughout your life, through good times and bad, is with you. With this last step considered, the next step together is to enjoy the life God has given you as a couple. As the years go by and your love for each other deepens, take time to reflect back on your journey from two to one. Embrace the cross of each other and preserve, protect and pass on the faith that sustains you each and every day to the next generation who desires to walk your path to the chapel.

Congratulations Jaclyn and Tim! May God grant you many years together and may the blessing of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit be upon you now and always.

February 2013


are “Blessed the pure in heart,

for they shall see God.

The word “happy” has a meaning that it easily understood and shared by all, for we all share emotional, social and cultural expectations and perceptions that allow for a common discourse regarding our goals and ideals. Otherwise, we would not be able to communicate effectively. But when questioned for clarification, perhaps it is then that the elusiveness behind the concept of happiness becomes more apparent and our definitions become more uncertain. Are we “happy” when we get everything that we want? Would “having it all” make us truly happy? Would winning one of those gigantic lotteries exponentially increase our level of happiness beyond the conceivable? Or, are we happy when we manage to avoid any calamities or tragedies? Does a life free of hardship or heartbreak render us happy? Put another way, are we happy when we experience pleasure and avoid pain? Just how happy can we be when others around us are suffering or experiencing tragedy? Can you be happy when someone close to you is unhappy? Not easy questions to answer, I believe. In a essay by the Polish philosopher, Leszek Kokakowski, titled “Is God Happy?” the author strikes a blow to those who may equate their success with genuine happiness, however we define that term: There are, of course, people who consider themselves happy because they are successful: healthy and rich, lacking nothing, respected (or feared) by their neighbors. Such people might believe that their life is what happiness is. But this is merely self-deception; and even they, from time to time, at least, realize the truth. And the truth is that they are failures like the rest of us.

14 Faith and Family

The term “blessed” – much more biblical and with a deeper resonance – calls to mind a relationship with God. We are blessed by God, and we bless God in return: “Bless the Lord, O my soul! Blessed art Thou, O Lord!” We need only to recall the Beatitudes spoken by Christ. But the Beatitudes tell us that those who are blessed are so because they are “meek;” because they “mourn;” that they “hunger and thirst after righteousness;” and that they are blessed because they are “persecuted for righteousness’ sake.” Not exactly what is on the mind of most people when that glittering ball dropped in New York’s Times Square! When all the kissing ended and toasts had been made, and when all the confetti had landed and the balloons had popped, a question inexorably forced itself upon the festive gathering: Now what? Perhaps that is why countless people are really quite un-happy. Looking in the wrong place makes the search for happiness a rather unattainable—and even unsatisfying— pursuit. Because happiness is such an ephemeral experience with a “here today, gone tomorrow” quality about it, after many years one can become discouraged or cynical due to its impermanence. All the promises implied by the “pursuit of happiness” may never be quite delivered. And that can cause a reaction filled with disappointment or discontent. By resisting the blessedness that comes from a Source beyond the temporal and passing quality of daily life, we could be missing the “one thing needful” that brings blessedness to our lives. To be blessed is to seek a “quality of life” marked by greater depth and permanence. It cannot be taken away by an unforeseen accident or even tragedy. This

is because blessedness is God-sourced. Now, of course, no one in his or her right mind will ever wish to be unhappy, for no one wishes to be more-or-less miserable. If happiness is what we are seeking, there are countless moments in life when we experience that happiness – together with joy, contentment, deep satisfaction, perhaps even a certain ecstasy. Life yields so many wonderful possibilities for such deeply sought-after experiences. For many, it is those experiences that “keep us going,” so to speak. And for many, life is the pursuit of connecting those moments ever more closely. That may be true for all human beings at all times, but for Christians, those experiences are again deepened by and through a living faith in the living God. Such experiences are good in and of themselves, but they also offer a foretaste of a far deeper reality: “But as it is written, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him’” [1 Corinthians 2:9-10]. I believe, then, that if we are seeking to have a “blessed” New Year, then what we are seeking is to become closer to God and to grow in our relationship with Him. It is to look beyond the superficial enticements that pose as true happiness for more challenging but much more satisfying relationships and accomplishments within the very human spheres of our daily lives. Our resolutions would then be active attempts at true repentance. When all is said and done, it is truly blessed to put God above all.

Pastor Steven Kostoff

February 2013


16 Faith and Family

Health and Wellness

Above All Else, Guard Your Heart... February is the month we focus on the heart and heart disease, the number one cause of death in our country. It claims more lives than all cancers combined. Your risk of dying from heart disease is 1 in 2.9. Your risk of dying from cancer is 1 in 4.5. Louisiana is in the top five states leading the nation in death rates from cardiovascular disease. So what can you do to reduce your risk of dying from heart disease? King Solomon writes in Proverbs 4:23, “above all else, guard your heart, for it the wellspring of life.” This verse is applicable to my walk as a Christian, but even more so to my professional ministry as a cardiologist. Obviously, as in life, there are many things that you do not have control over. From a heart disease standpoint, these would include your age, sex, and your parents. These are your non-modifiable risk factors. Therefore, since you cannot change these, it is imperative that you address the ones you do have control over. These include weight, diet, physical activity level, smoking, stress and control of medical conditions including hypertension, diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia (high cholesterol). Weight, diet, and exercise are the areas where the largest number of people can strive for improvement. According to the most recent statistics, 2 out of 3 Americans are now either overweight or obese. Stated another way, only 1 in 3 Americans fall into a normal or healthy weight category! More alarming is the fact that this trend is being transferred to our younger generation. Almost 1 in 3 children between 2

and 19 are now either overweight or obese (i.e 23 million children in the United States). And the prevalence of obesity in children ages 6-11 have quadrupled over the last 3 decades! These are frightening statistic, particularly in an age where fast food, supersized meals, and video games are more in vogue than healthy well balanced meals and exercise. The rise in obesity, while increasing the risk of heart disease and diabetes, is also associated with a low rate of physical exercise. In he 2008 National Health Interview Survey, 6 in 10 adults reported no vigorous exercise. And while our youth are better than their parents, 1 in 3 females and 1 in 5 males in grades 9-12 reported less than 60 minutes of exercise in the previous week when surveyed. We are not faring much better in our other risk factors, although we are making progress. One in 4 men and 1 in 5 woman continue to smoke, and even 1 in 5 high school students reported currant tobacco use. One in 3 adults has hypertension and less than 1⁄2 of these are actually at goal levels on therapy. Over 80 million people in the United States who have some form of cardiovascular disease and a death rate on average of a person every 38 seconds. So back to the original questionwhat can you do to reduce your chances of developing heart disease? 1) Diet/Weight – Following a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, fish, and lean meats, low in fried foods and saturated fats while achieving a healthy BMI is an important step. 2) Physical Activity – Exercising 30-60

minutes on most days of the week is important for reducing weight and stress while improving your cardiovascular fitness. (I suggest 6 days a week. God took one day of rest and you can too, but otherwise you need to be exercising.) 3) Smoking – The importance of complete smoking cessation cannot be overemphasized. Smoking more than doubles your risk of dying from heart disease. 4) Know your numbers – Make it a point to know (and treat) your important risk factor numbers –blood pressure, glucose or blood sugar, and cholesterol profile-and oh yeah, did mention your BMI? Following these steps can dramatically reduce your rise of dying from heart disease. One of the tools I use is cardiovascular report cardio grade my patients on the management of five important “subjects” – blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking, weight, and physical activity. The report card allows them to better assess their strongest and, more important, weakest areas. I designed the form with the thought that if reports cards motivate our children in school, perhaps a similar tool would help motivate my patients to strive to improve their risk while also giving them objective feedback. “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Make this your goal for this month, this year, for a lifetime. You, and your loved ones, will be glad you did. And remember, a goal without a plan is just a wish. Find more information at Dr. Mike McMullon

February 2013


18 Faith and Family

Be My Valentine

“Be My Valentine.” This is a phrase that conjures up a lot of different images associated with the celebration of Valentine’s Day. Cards with hearts and little poems on them. Candy and �owers given to someone one we love. Young and old alike expressing their affection for their sweethearts. February 14th means cards, candy and �owers. Somehow, this feast of the church has been skewed to include snapshots from pagan mythology, such as cupid, with the focus of the day only on romantic love. For most, it is a shock to hear that this is a day to remember and celebrate the life and martyrdom of a Christian Saint.

In the Gospel according to John, we read: “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) St. Valentine demonstrated this love when he laid down his life for his friends. This is the kind of love that Valentine’s Day is really about.

Christian understanding of love.

You and I can easily say that we love God, but does it show in our commitment to him? Do we say that we will never turn our backs on him because our love is so great, but then fail to do His Will because it does not suit us? My beloved, We have to show our commitment always, and consistently. We must stand ready to act according to His Divine will in our lives, the ultimate test of our love for Him, demonstrated by our love. But with God’s help we can grow in that direction and strive toward that ideal. Our commitment. There is no doubt that St. Valentine never Lord said, “This is my commandment that you set aside his commitment – when he faced love one another as I have loved you.” He also said persecution, when he faced imprisonment, or that he has called and appointed us to bear even when he faced certain death – this great fruit. That fruit is the love that we, with God’s martyr acted �rmly in accordance with his help, share with one another. ...... Christ’s love for us is the example that we should look to commitment to God. in all our relationships. It should de�ne how As you work for the glory of God – in we love our spouses, our children, our parents everything that you do – make this the and our brothers and sisters in Christ. standard of your commitment. Whether it “Be my Valentine.” We all want to hear that is in how you relate to your families, at your work, in your relationships at your parish, or phrase today. It simply means “you are loved.” in the work you do in your organization. Make I am here to tell you that you are loved. God your love for God and each other the single loves you and wants you to be his Valentine. The love that God gives us is not like the motivation in how you relate to everyone you world’s love. It is not a �imsy cheap imitation. come in contact with. We must always remember that the love It is the real thing. It is an all-giving love that that we Christians experience and share is was and is willing to suffer and die for our obviously different from what the world knows. deliverance.

For Christians, Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate the love of God. That love was shown to us in the life and death of Our Lord and the life and death of martyrs like St. Valentine. This is a love with a depth of commitment that goes deeper than any other love in that it surpasses even the desire to survive. It is the love of a God willing to suffer so that his creatures could know salvation. It is the love of a man willing to risk death so that others We may give �owers, candy and cards just like can know eternal life. the world, but those tokens are expressions As you can now see, there is a big difference of a deeper love. They are expressions of love between our modern Valentine’s Day and its that is measured by the standard of God’s Christian origins. Both are celebrations of love. love, but they show us the difference between My friends, our love never completely the world’s understanding of love and the measures up to the greatness of God’s

Will you be God’s Valentine? It is your choice. Let’s say yes and return in kind the love that God �rst gave us. And when we do, let’s remember the �rst Valentine and the way he gave everything, including his life, to the God he loved.

Bishop Demetri Khoury February 2013


Show the Love Write your own Valentine Want to write your own Valentine message? Make a sugar cookie and cut it out with a heart cookie cutter. Let the cookie cool and ice it with Royal Icing, let dry. Using a food pen (can be purchased from Michael’s & Hobby Lobby) write messages on each cookie, let dry. Put cookies into a jar, small bowl or wrap each heart individually.







Brg on the Blg

















Pull up the pipe cleaners to the tip of the Hershey’s Kiss. Twist the pipe cleaners tightly at the top.

Place the Hershey’s kiss on the center of the “X”.

Separate the pipe cleaners so there is two on each side and pull them away from the Hershey’s Kiss. Bend the ends to form a ring. I found that wrapping the pipe cleaners around the tip of my finger was the easiest way to accomplish this.



Can’t afford a Kay’s diamond ring? Go with the next best thing...chocolate! All you need is Hershey’s Kisses and pipe cleaners. Use red kisses for rubies, pink for pink sapphires or silver for diamonds.

Lay out two pipe cleaners perpendicular to each other. Twist them around each other in the center creating an “X”.





Twist the ends around at the top of the ring. Trim of any excess or find a place to tuck the ends in. Remember that the ends of the pipe cleaners can be sharp – so make sure they aren’t anywhere that can hurt a little finger.













Cupcake Bouquet

Rose are red, but in a few days....dead! I would rather eat my rose than smell it. Put together an easy, beautiful rose bouquet. It’s not as healthy but it sure shows the love. Start by making & icing your favorite cupcakes, freeze them. Place a Styrofoam ball inside vase. It should peek out of the top of the vase, so the cupcakes don’t look like they are just sitting on top of it. Secure with hot glue if it’s loose. Cut cardboard into circles just large enough to fit on the bottom of the cupcakes. Push skewer through the cardboard. Place hot glue circle around the skewer and then place cupcakes on top. Press the Skewers into the Styrofoam ball, and secure with hot glue if necessary. Tips: It’s best to keep this in the refrigerator if possible, or use a very stiff icing.

20 Faith and Family

Quips and Quotes “To �e w�ld you might be one person, but to “Human things must be known to be loved: but Divine things must be loved to be known.” one person you might be �e w�ld.” Unknown Blaise Pascal “The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, “Everything is for man to love Christ and all other and also to love our problems are taken care of.” Elder Porphyrios enemies: probably because they are “Patience, forgiveness and joy are the three greatest characteristics generally the same of divine love. They are characteristics of all real love - if there is people.” G.K. Chesterton such a thing as real love outside divine love. Without these three characteristics, love is not love. If you give the name ‘love’ to anything else, it is as though you were giving the name ‘sheep’ to a goat or a pig.”

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February 2013


22 Faith and Family


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February 2013


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