Universal Design

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MIN + DIN A Universal Design Project Hannover - Minden November 2012

Project Head Tim Oelker Project Coordinator Lisa Hirschberg Project in collaboration with Universal Design, Germany and Minden Stadt A documentation by Shreya Chakravarty , Exchange Student National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad India.

A Project Documentation

The equal symbol within a circle was to represent Universal Design. Used at different points and places throughout the course, it also forms the concept of this documentation.


A Project Documentation

• Project Overview

1 Research

2 On Site Research

3 Solution Building

4 Exhibition

• Project Experience and Learning • References and Bibliography • Acknowledgements


Project Overview Universal Design is not a very new concept, it is seen in various forms like accessible and inclusive design, and its something that looks to not be for someone particular but for everyone. The project headed by Prof. Tim Oelker, Faculty, Product Design, HS Hannover in collaboration with Universal Design, Germany was aimed to look at solution building in the field of Universal Design, for a small city, Minden, in North Germany. The methodology of the project involved extensive research, on-site study and a final two day marathon in the city of Minden followed by an exhibition of the suggested solutions.



Phase 1- Research The project was broadly divided into two categories, Furniture and Orientation, we could choose which category we wanted to work on. My decision was to look at Orientation in detail as I could concentrate on Orientation Aids and work on them at a detailed stage as well. The research had to be in-depth, with proper understanding of the topic and theme and supported by examples and case studies. The research could have theoritical references as well, but had to be an indepth study of the study. The research study and findings were shown and discussed in the form of a class presentation.


1 Research

What is Orientation Universal Design is not a very new concept, it is seen in various forms like accessible and inclusive design, and its something that looks to not be for someone particular but for everyone. The project headed by Prof. Tim Oelker, Faculty, Product Design, HS Hannover in collaboration with Universal Design, Germany was aimed to look at solution building in the field of Universal Design, for a small city, Minden, in North Germany. The methodology of the project involved extensive research, on-site study and a final two day marathon in the city of Minden followed by an exhibition of the suggested solutions.


1 Research

The various branches of orientation To study orientation within Universal Design, for us, was to look at three basic branches within it: a) Security Deals with the security in terms of physical means and terms as well as the emotional comfort derived in a place or a situation. b) Lighting The part that looks at the lighting specifications and how should it dealt with for different purposes and situations. c) Wayfinding The category that looks at orientation and identification with respect to a place, information design systems, aids that help to orient in a given situation or place.


1 Research

Research Notes

Looking at various factors within Orientation Aids


1 Research

Research Notes

Looking at various factors for wayfinding

Looking at various factors within Orientation Aids


1 Research

Keyfactors for wayfinding There are four main keyfactors for wayfinding:

Determine location (within a setting)

Determine a destination

Develop a plan to take from location to destination.

Execute plan and negotiate required changes


1 Research

Orientation Aids There are 4 main orientation aids designed/ used to make the process an easier one. These include: Maps Landmarks Signage Pictograms Some considerations are mandatory while designing/ catering to orientation aids. These could be briefly concluded as: Placement Readability Accomodating factors for • differently abled • older and aged users • persons with special needs


1 Research

Designing Signage Some important points to be kept in mind • Placement of signage Perpendicular to the path of travel In the cone of vision • Readability of information Large text, paired with a graphic if required, readily legible under adverse conditions as well. • Colour Reinforcing + related to environment Low glare, high contrast • Directories Cluster information in small groupings of 5 or less. Coding system- colour or number, simple and intuitive


1 Research

Catering to Special Needs • Multi Sensory Information Dissemination Aided through visual, tactile and audible channels • Accommodate different languages Multi cultural and multi ethnic societies • All kinds of situations Eg: For signage system of the Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, Adrian Frutiger designed a special typeface that could be read at all angles by passengers at different speeds.


2 Phase 2 - On Site Research and Study The next stage was an On Site Research and Study. This involved the study of the city of Minden, from Universal Design perspectives, also keeping in mind the specifics of the research, the basic points and the need for a universal design approach. Various problem and potential areas could be looked at with respect to Universal Design principles as well as other approaches, if required. Research in the form of pictures, drawings, observations and questions could all be done. The on-site research problem and potential areas were discussed in detail in the form of a presentation followed by a discussion. The research also involved the formulation of a questionnaire for the residents of Minden city, so that we could understand their frame of minds as well as contextualise our research and solutions further, better.


2 On Site Research

Signage being overpowered by advertising

Temporary Signagenot visible


2 On Site Research

Signage- not readable Map- not accessible to all.

Overload of signage.


2 On Site Research

Usage of yellow colour makes it more recognisible in its environment

The only way for persons on wheelchair to this place, is the ramp, no information about it made it dificult to access. The ramp not being correctly illuminated and pained also added to its inaccessiblity.


3 Phase 3 - Solution Building The solution building phase was in the form of a two day marathon that was held in the city of Minden. This marathon was in collaboration with the residents of Minden, who were ‘co-designers’ as it was their needs and wants we were catering to, and with the help of their experiences and opinions. The Masters students of the Architecture Department of the University of Minden were also part of this event. The co-designers were a mixed array of persons, with ages ranging from 18- 88 and from various walks of life, some with special needs as well. The mixed combination was designed on such a way to get a variety of opinions and expriences. The first day involved an in-depth ananlysis of the city’s problems, talking to the co- designers and figuring out potential, present and future solutions and options for the city. The second day involved the building of actual solutions and potential future ideas for the city.


3 Solution Building

Co Designers To help and assist us in our projects, we were accompanied by local residents of Minden, referred to as Co- Designers. They were there for us to ask questions, get research answers and opinions. They came from different background and across a range of ages.


3 Solution Building


Signage systems and scenario building

Problems and Solutions Buildingan exercise done and discussed with co- designers

Looking at layouts


3 Solution Building


Colours and Associations

Visual Language and Minden associations

Orientation aids and what all can be looked at.


3 Solution Building


Looking at a solution that incorporated a lighting system as well as signage.


3 Solution Building


Signage solution

Signage solution

Printed versions of solutions


Suggested Solutions


City Hall

2 km

Directional Signage

Johans Church

Inspired from structural buildings around the town, the colour palette corresponds to buildings and bricks used in old buildings, keeps the feeling of tradition alive. Typeface use to give comfort to eyes, rounded. Integration with pictograms if required. Indications of place you want to go as well as the distance that will be taken to get to it.

1 km

Your destination


This is dummy text, This is dummy copy, please do not read this. This is dummy copy. This is dummy copy. This is dummy copy.This is dummy text, This is dummy copy, please do not read this. This is dummy copy. This is dummy copy. This is dummy copyThis is dummy text, This is dummy copy, please do not read this. This is dummy copy. This is dummy copy. This is dummy copy.

You are here

You are here

Integrated Map System Map System that highlights your current place and helps you show a route of where you want to go. It lights up at night, and still helps you figure out a route based on selection of place. AudioVisual medium.



City Hall 1 km



City Hall

Market Street

1 km

0.3 km




2 km

City Bank


0.5 km

Church 0.5 km

Multi Signage Posts & Signage at Night Signage posts that have multiple directions and destinations. Brown based to integrate with city and follow a contrast background, clean typeface, supported with pictograms if required, laser cut and LED lit (optional)


Rathaus City Hall 1 km

Markt Str Market 0.5 km

Directional Signage Inspired from structural buildings around the town, the colour palette corresponds to buildings and bricks used in old buildings, keeps the feeling of tradition alive. Typeface use to give comfort to eyes, rounded. Integration with pictograms if required. Indications of place you want to go as well as the distance that will be taken to get to it.




City Hall

City Hall

2 km

2 km

Temporary Signage Lamps Catering to needs of temporary signage. Flippable for distant interaction feeling, integrated with light systems, acting as lamps as well as signage posts.


Signage Posts Inspired from structural buildings around the town, the colour palette corresponds to buildings and bricks used in old buildings, keeps the feeling of tradition alive. Typeface use to give comfort to eyes, rounded. Integration with pictograms if required. Indications of place you want to go as well as the distance that will be taken to get to it.


Map on Post Top View of Signage Post There is an integrated, interactive map, with audio channels as well as tactile, multi sensory channels. With touch, you can get a landscape of the city, and you can also hear the routes, main attractions (city tour) of the town of Minden.



Phase 4 - Exhibition The two day marathon concluded with a display of the solutions we worked on and suggested, along with a presentation of the same to the residents of the city. The exhibition was well taken by the audience and residents of Minden.


4 Exhibition

An exhibit of the solutions at the Rathaus, Minden.


Project Learning and Experience MIN + DIN under the guidance of Prof. Tim Oelker was an opportunity that allowed me learn so much more than I had imagined. On one level, I looked at Orientation and researched about them to understand the context better, and apply it further. On the other hand, I was part of a group that allowed me to interact with the local people of German, understand their problems , think of solutions for them and even be allowed to explain them. It was something that gave me a true understanding of Universal Design and its application in the context of a city like Minden. The project was also a big challenge in terms of understanding, comprehending and catering to an audience that did not speak English as a first language. It was a wonderful learning experience.


Bibliography and References Universal Design, New York , MOPD, NY Access Ability, RGD Ontario IDeA Online Resources

Acknowledgements Prof. Tim Oelker Lisa Hirschberg Thomas Bade All co students of the MIN + DIN course Architechture Students, Minden Residents and Organisers at Minden Stadt


A Project Documentation Hannover, 2012 Shreya Chakravarty

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