Steel doors, Windows & Ventilators - Report

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Pritika, Ritik, Samyak, Aman,

Shreyes, Soma, Somil, Suyash,

Tejveer, Yash, Yashish.

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Decoiling is the process of unwinding and cutting the steel coil to length. The coil material is placed on the coil cart of the un-coiler to load into the rotating shaft where it is uncoiled. The coil loop is controlled by two photocells and ultrasonic sensor.


As the loop is loosened up from the parent coil it goes through a leveling machine that flexes the steel through a bunch of rollers so as to extend the material past its yield point to reset the stresses caused during its manufacturing at the steel mill. The measures used to make sheet metal at the plant produce a sheet with caught stresses, a virtual back-and-forth of tug and war. A sheet turns out to be level when those forces are at a balance across all directions of the plate To accomplish this balance, coil processors can utilize different restorative leveling methods tension levelling, temper pass levelling etc yet roller levelling stays the dominant used tech.

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Sheet metal cutting is a significant process for various pressworking tasks. Cutting tasks include the partition of the metal of the sheet in specific areas. There are various strategies to cut hardened steel sheets and technical aspects must be valuated to pick one : Quality of cut, tolerance and production speed are critical performance issues.


Stacking happens through a progression of magnets joined with a high-precision, elite framework which, by putting the sheets by dropping them vertically, forestalls surface scoring. When steel metal is stored vertically, it requires less space than floor storage and helps reduce product damage..

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The punch press is one of the most mature technologies in metal fabrication. A scrap slug is removed from the metal workpiece each time a punch enters the punching die. This process leaves a hole in the metal workpiece. Characteristics of the punching process include: 1. Its ability to produce economical holes in both strip and sheet metal during medium or high production processes. 2. The ability to produce holes of varying shapes - quickly.

Assembling and Welding

Door panels are brought together to assemble and then welded together to make into doors and necessary bending is done as well.

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Hot Pressing

Hot pressing reduces the porosity of metals and improves its mechanical properties. This is achieved by the simultaneous application of heat and pressure. Hot pressing is mainly used to fabricate hard and brittle materials. One large use is in the consolidation of diamond-metal composite cutting tools and technical ceramics.

Heat Transfer Printing

Transferring images onto the sheets by hightemperature, the image is strongly attached and won't fade off even in sunlight while still retaining the features of stainless steel.

Assembling Door and Door Panels

After the last finishing touches like spraying and all, the door and the door frame units are brought together and assembled.

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5 Core Types for Hollow Metal Doors

Steelcraft hollow metal doors are made of a variety of components One of the most important parts is the core material Here are 5 of the standard core types used in hollow metal doors:




Steel Stiffened

Mineral Core

1 Honeycomb

Honeycomb cores get their name from the honeycomb shaped cardboard that is hardened by special resins. This material is the most commonly used at interior openings and is a heavy-duty, durable core. It can be fire rated up to 3 hours. The insulation value is lower than a foam core but it can be used at exterior openings if a cost effective solution is desired

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2. Polystyrene

The first level of insulated door core is that polystyrene that may be a slab of foam that's placed within the core of the door. Hollow metal doors with this core sort square measure most frequently used at exterior openings and might be fire rated up to three hours. The insulation price is way on top of the honeycomb however below the polyurethane.

3 polyurethane

This insulated core may be a foam that's injected into the core and expands to fill all the on the market house at intervals the cavity of the hollow metal door. polymer can have the simplest insulation worth that's more than each honeycomb and vinylbenzene. However, a polymer door can't be fireplace rated.

4. Steel Stiffened

Steel stiffened hollow metal doors have steel channels that run the complete height of the door and square measure spaced concerning O.C. across the breadth of the door. they're spot welded to the faces and therefore the gaps between the channels is full of insulation. These doors square measure usually such at high abuse square measures or are often used at openings wherever sound transmission ratings are a priority

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5. Mineral Core

Hollow metal doors can be specified with a temperature rise rating which will require a sheet of mineral board inserted into the door This material has properties that reduce the heat that is transferred through the door to the non-fire side of the opening. Temperature rise ratings can be 250, 450 or 650 degrees where the lower rating of 250 performs better than the higher ratings. In the event of a fire, this allows building occupants to pass by the opening unharmed by the heat from the fire

Doors are designed to be fully flushed without any joints on the surface.

The door and the frame are provided with adequate internal reinforcement in specific areas where hardware is mounted for additional strength.

The honeycomb infill has high crushing strength leading to impact resistance. The infill material also ensures there is no metallic noise while the doors are knocked or closed.

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Steel is made from iron and some other components; since steel is made of iron, it is a ferrous metal. Ferrous metals are prone to oxidation or rusting in the presence of oxygen and moisture. They also can corrode over time. To prevent that from happening, the steel is galvanised. Galvanising steel involves applying a protective coating of zinc over the door Zinc is a non-reactive metal that does not rust or corrode even when it is rained on repeatedly. This means that the galvanised steel roller shutter doors will not rust over time. They will always be protective of your warehouse.

Furthermore, the doors are typically on rollers that are also made of metal Your rollers need to be made with galvanised steel tracks.

In the event the underlying metal becomes exposed, protection can continue as long as there is zinc close enough to be electrically coupled. After all of the zinc in the immediate area is consumed, localized corrosion of the base metal can occur

p e n i n g s

Types of Openings

Metal doors, windows or ventilators may be required to be fixed to either masonry openings (including brick, concrete. stone and marble) or timber openings or steelwork openings

Masonry Openings

Masonry openings may be either rebated or lush. and in either case they may either have external rendering applied or be fair-faced (that is, without external rendering ). It is usual for stone and marble masonry to be fair-faced

Timber openings

Timber openings are invariably rebated.

Steelwork openings

OSteelwork openings vary in detailed design, but shall be so designed that the outer flange of the door, window or ventilator frame sections overlaps a steel surface either externally or internally.

Size of Openings

The overall size of both flush or rebated openings to which the units are to be fixed shall allow a clearance between frame and opening, and the amount of clearance depends on whether the opening is externally rendered or fair-faced.

Flush Openings

Rendered flush openings shall allow a clearance between frame and opening equal to the thickness of the rendering (see Fig. 1A and 1B). Fair-faced flush openings shall allow clearance of 3 mm ( or 1/8 in ) between frame and opening (See Fig. 2).

Rebated Openings

Fair-faced masonry openings and timber openings shall allow a clearance of 3 mm (or 1/8 in) between the opening and the inner flange of the frame as well as between the opening and the outer flange of the frames. The depth of rebate shall therefore be equal to the distance between the inner and outer flange of the door, window or ventilator frame The rebate shall be 12 5 mm ( or 1/2 in ) in the case of general building and industrial windows ( Fig. 3A, 3B and 4 ).

Rendered masonry openings shall allow a clearance of 3 mm (or 1/8 in) between the opening and the inner flange of the frame an a clearance equal to the thickness of the rendering between the opening and the outer flange of the frame. The depth of rebate shall therefore be adjusted accordingly (Fig- 5).

Steelwork openings

Steelwork openings shall be designed to allow the outer flange of the window frame section to overlap the steel surface by 10 mm (or 2/5 in) (see Fig 6A, top)

The sizes of Indian Standard doors, windows and ventilators, both for general building and industrial purposes, are designed for modular openings 12 5 mm ( or 1/2 in ) which are larger all round than the doors, windows, etc. This gap of 12.5 mm ( or 1/2 in ) is for the purpose of fixing of the units in the openings. In the case of masonry openings the gap is filled up with mastic cement and plaster after the unit is in position. In the case of steel or timber rnodular openings extra steel or timber fillets will be necessary to cover this this gap of 12 5 mm (or 1/2 in) ( see Fig 6B ).


The site finishing of doors, windows and ventilators shall assure two purposes:

a) protection of the metal (in the case of ungalvanized material),

b) decoration of the assembly (for both galvanized and ungalvanized material )

Site finishing shall consist of the application of an undercoat and a finishing coat of paint, after any necessary touching up.

In the case of ungalvanized surfaces, the undercoat need not necessarily contain rust-inhibitive ingredients as it is not in direct contact with the steel. It shall however be highly resistant to moisture and to physical and chemical disintegration by the weather, and compatible with the priming coat used by the manufacturer. Lead-based paints are generally suitable, but in case of doubt, the manufacturer shall be consulted.

In the case of galvanized surfaces, the primary consideration for the undercoat is to obtain good adhesion. Adhesion to newly galvanized work is difficult to obtain, and consequently natural and chemical etching or the application of a suitable primer shall be carried out before applying finishing coats. Natural etching is achieved by weathering for several months before painting. The main disadvantage here is being able to judge when the frames have been sufficiently weathered. Chemical etching is achieved by treating with a copper-free mordant solution; these mordants are usually based on phosphoric acid The main disadvantage of this method is the entrapment of mordant solution in crevices where it can destroy the coating and even promote corrosion The safest method is by application of a primer based on calcium plumbate, where all that is necessary is to clean down (normal practice) before applying the paint. The calcium plumbate content of the pigment in such a primer shall be not less than 70 per cent.

The final finishing coat, chosen to suit the decorative scheme shall also conform to the above composition to a lesser degree. It shall be a tough, hard, smooth paint designed for external use, and compatible with the undercoat.

Care shall be taken to lee that the putty receives. adequate coatI of paint and shall be dry and hard before painting. It is advisable to carry the paint slightly beyond the edge of the putty-glass junction line to be certain of sealing the junction line

On no account shall non-ferrous parts, that is, handles, stay , catches, etc, be painted

Paint shall not be applied to working parts, such as handle pins, hinge pins, etc, where it can impede free action.


The fixing and glazing contractor shall cut holes to brick or hollow concrete block; where fixing is to steelwork or reinforced concrete, the hole shall be left ready in the correct position by the general contractor in accordance with the drawing to be provided by the manufacturer of doors and windows.

The fixing and glazing contractor shall fix the units to prepared openings with sills ready in position If openings are not made to size, are not plumb, etc, it shall be the responsibility of the general contractor to correct these openings

The fixing and glazing contractor shall be responsible for grouting and making good of doors, windows or ventilators, into openings; all rendering and plastering work in the reveals shall, however, be carried out by the general contractor.

It is usual for all necessary scaffolding to be provided, erected and dismantled free of charge for the fixing contractor by the general contractor.

The fixing and glazing contractor shall not be responsible for washing down or cleaning glass panes, He shall, however, when finishing the work leave doors, windows, ventilators and the glass panes clean and free from any dirt, putty or other adhering material.

The fixing and glazing contractor shall not be responsible for painting the doors, windows and ventilators,

S o m e o t h e r t y p e s o f S t e e l

Structural steel is durable and strong. It can be transformed into any shape including but not limited to I-Beam, L shape, T shape, and Z shape. This type of steel can be constructed in no time on the construction site. High-rise buildings and skyscrapers are constructed using structural steel but it’s also used for garages and large agricultural buildings.

Rebar steel is also known as reinforcing steel. Rebar is made from different alloys and grades of steel. Stainless steel rebar is rust-resistant and used in poured concrete driveways and construction of buildings. It’s commonly used as a tension device for reinforced concrete structures. Rebar steel is made from carbon steel. It’s also used as a tensioning device to reinforce other masonry structures. This type of steel is durable, resistant and stiff. Rebar is very useful because of its recyclable tendencies.

Alloy steel has had small amounts of one or more alloying elements such as manganese, silicon, nickel, copper, chromium, titanium, and aluminium added to it. This mix gives out properties that aren’t found in regular carbon steel. Alloy steel is usually more responsive to heat and mechanical treatments than carbon steel. Alloy steel is pretty popular because of its ease of processing, good mechanical properties, and availability.

Light gauge steel is used in modular construction, storage, light-steel framed buildings, and loads from walls above and resisting lateral wind loads S o m e o t h e r t y p e s o f S t e e l

Mild steel is also known as plain-carbon steel. It’s steel with a carbon content of up to 2.1% by weight. Mild steel is also used in steel building constructions. It’s durable and strong and makes for a sturdy establishment. Mild steel is also very flexible which doesn’t allow it to crack when it's bent. Due to its strength, it’s more suitable for buildings. This type of steel is able to withstand earthquakes making it very popular in earthquakeprone areas.

D o c u m e n t a t i o n Door 1 :- Fire Exit Door

It is a steel fire exit door which is more often seen in malls, large offices, etc... Generally, fire exit doors are made of steel because it has more fire resistance than timber and is also economically affordable than other fire-resistant metals.

Details of the door

This door height is 7ft and the width is 6ft (3ft per door). The thickness of the steel used in this door and its frame is 16 gauge. This door also has fire exit devices such as a rim exit device used for push and pull purposes, a surface vertical rod exit device are used to latch into the door frame on the top and/or bottom of the door., and 12ft*12ft insulated glass for fire resistance. This door also has a door closer and a kick plate. And also the frame of this door is a hollow one and we can see its molding in the figure below

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Features of the door

This is a 90-minute fire-rated door. That means, it can offer fire resistance up to 90 minutes. It also has an insulated glass such that people can observe the outside condition, which helps for a safe escape in emergency situations. This door also has rim exit devices which are a type of panic device that is used on out-swinging doors. This exit device hardware can have trim or levers on the other side of the door. They can be labeled as fire rated or just labeled as panic hardware

1. 2. 3.
4. This door has two surface vertical rod exit vice in which has latches on both top and bottom.

Section 1 (YY')

D o c u m e n t a t i o n Sections

Section 2 (ZZ')

Section 3 (XX')

D o c u m e n t a t i o n

Door 2 :- Steel Temple Door

This steel door is actually is a door or a pathway inside a temple.

While documenting I found the height exceeding from the lintel(arch). So while making the model of door I corrected its dimensions and make it fit inside arch.

A 8 centered arch (8 adjoining circles) lintel, serving as protection of door from wear and tear

D o c u m e n t a t i o n

The door joined to the side jambs through steel hinges(hexagonal nut bolts) with a cylindrical steel bar holding the movement of the door.

Hexagonal nut bolts

cylindrical steel bar section

Hinge holding the steel bar through side jamb

Steel cubes(3x3x3 cm) are used as hinge supports welded to the door.

Good Workmanship

Different elements of the steel door are joined through experienced welding process in such a way that it makes the door look carved out of a single steel piece instead of several different parts.

It is an example of Good Workmanship in Joinry of the door

Joinry details

D o c u m e n t a t i o n

Few sections of the door

D o c u m e n t a t i o n

Source: Materials - Temple authority

Materials :


Concrete for side columns working as side jambs (support)

Marble as in cladding for the concrete support and arched ornament of lintel. Also complementing the textures of door, side rail and steel hinges.

Dimensions - Self

This steel door is placed at near balcony, Because steel door is used for security purposes. The ventilator is combine with the door. And there is gap of 10mm between floor and door.

Width of this door is 120 cm because this door is design as two persons can use this at a same time.

They used long handle on both for convenience of every height person.

Height of door is 217 cm with ventilator and 187 without ventilator.

Width of door with frame is 120 cm and 113 cm without frame. And width of hinge is 5cm.

D o c u m e n t a t i o n Door 3 :- Balcony Door

P r i c i n g a n d S e l l i n g

Process of Selling Steel

Raw steel is sold in India in kilograms. Steel has numerous applications and could be sold in various forms, i.e., in the form of entrance gates, swing doors, domestic and ventilation windows, etc. The material, when used in the form of doors could be added with some wooden finishing and an inner filling of honeycomb paper so as to enhance the visual appearance while keeping hold of the strength and durability.

Steel doors are a unique combination of the strength of steel and the warmth of wood. It stands out by exuding not only style and panache but also durability and longevity. These doors are designed to overcome all the common threats that are associated with wooden doors like seasonal door jams, fear of fire, termites and heavyhanded installation process. They are not just a conventional door but a statement of strength and elegance.

P r i c i n g a n d S e l l i n g

Steel is sold largely on the basis of three parameters: price per unit square feet (sq. ft.)(area), price per piece (finished door/window form) and the price per unit kilograms(kgs). Now to determine the price, these parameters are used according to the form in which steel is sold. For example, raw steel is the unfinished form is sold at Rs. 195 per kg.

Unique Selling Points for Steel Doors

Doors are designed to be fully flushed without any joints on the surface.

The door and the frame are provided with adequate internal reinforcement in specific areas where hardware is mounted for additional strength.

The honeycomb infill has high crushing strength leading to impact resistance. The infill material also ensures there is no metallic noise while the doors are knocked or closed.

The frame is made with mitered joints. It arrives in knocked down form and is assembled on-site.

The frame is mounted on the wall opening with suitable anchor fasteners. The frame can also be filled with PUF or cement slurry (as required) to give a solid feel.

P r i c i n g a n d S e l l i n g

Parameters for price determination

It is usually purchased by manufacturers so as to process the same, convert it in the form of sheets and pipes and finally forming the finished doors and windows which are sold in the form of individual pieces at an initial cost of Rs. 20,000 and could go as high as 1,50,000 a piece.

The applications of the same could vary to a huge range from entrance gates at home or schools (double swing doors), at a rate of Rs. 500 per kg to operation theaters and emergency exits of hospitals (a single flush steel door) being sold at a rate of Rs. 52,000 a piece.

o u r c e s of_steel_for_construction

S uction/steel-doors/ uction/steel-doors/ Indian Standard Codes 1081.1960

Documentation Rod Panic Device.cfm data/ DoorsandFrames.pdf

Pricing and Selling

Joinery & Procedure

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