November 2011 full issue

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For the Parent in you To know, to understand, to connect


recently came across an article on MSNBC that was titled: ‘Did Being Adopted Contribute to Steve Job’s Success?’ In this article, the author, Jeremy Greenberg comments, “I actually think that adopted kids like Mr Jobs might grow up to have an abundance of faith and confidence,

because they get to experience the remarkable love and generosity of their adoptive parents – people with the exceptional capacity to take any child as their own.” He concludes with the statement, “Who couldn’t conquer the world (or at least create the iPad) with that kind of foundation?” Our cover story, ‘Opt to Adopt’, features adoptive parents, who in turn feel blessed for the child that has entered their lives in such a special way. Today we have a lot of options and changes happening across school boards and curriculums. At the state level the Matriculation, Anglo Indian and State boards are all merging into one Samacheer Kalvi. In the CBSE (and soon in Samacheer Kalvi) there is a change in the evaluation process from the

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summative testing (tests and exams) to the formative testing of the Continuous Curriculum Evaluation (CCE). Also, today we have a choice of international boards such as the IGCSE and IB. What does all this mean? How do I know what is best for my child? In our special story on, “The Curriculum Dilemma”, we try to answer some of these questions, so you the parent can make a more informed decision for your child. It is not only important to understand what each board has to offer, it is equally important to know and understand your child’s aptitude and learning style, so that you may select a school where the child is most comfortable learning. Our Teen Circle introduces a topic that most parents are uncomfortable discussing with their children – puberty. In today’s world where information is freely accessible, it is important for the parent to openly discuss this issue with the child and clarify any misinformation the child may be exposed to. We now have our magazine online for you to read. We encourage you to participate in our online discussions and to share your articles, recipes or pictures with other parents at With all this discussion on the best curriculum for your child it is important to keep in mind the Chinese Proverb: “Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.”

Nalina Ramalakshmi





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The Curriculum Dilemma


Opt to Adopt CENTRESPREAD P.28

REGULARS 6 10 20 14 16 19 42 38 46 48 56

IN FOCUS Help Build your Child’s Self-esteem Helicopter Parenting


LEARNING Encouraging Public Speaking in Chidren Helping Children with Public Presentations




Nutritional Deficiencies in Children

CHECK IT OUT Board Games of Yore

PARENT CHEF 5 Healthy Soups

EVENTS Chennai this Month

TEEN CIRCLE Talking to your Preteen about Puberty


DESTINATIONS God’s Eden: The Valley of Flowers

ROOTS Heritage Trips Made Fun The Revival of Traditional Games





Parent Circle / November 2011

4 8 9 55

YOUR WORD PARENT EXPRESS ‘We wanted to adopt’

TEEN EXPRESS Unconditional Love

DISCUSSION POINT Pocket Money and your Child

your word

Letters to the Editor A close weaving of Tamil culture is maintained in all the articles, which is refreshing. The articles in the magazine ensure a feeling of walking in the morning grass still alive with dew drops. VENKATRAMAN, A CHENNAI PARENT My best wishes to Parent Circle on the launch of their website. I appreciate the authentic information on parenting and other child related information in your magazine. Wishing you growth and success. S JAYANTI, PSYCHOLOGIST, HYDERABAD The magazine is well-balanced & the different sections take into account the many facets of parenting & child rearing. The magazine is also like an ‘advice tool’ which helps the parents in their parenting role. Especially in today’s world of ‘nuclear families’, where there is no elder in the house to advise or give tips on parenting, this kind of help is invaluable. Also for the young parents, the first timers, it is almost like a step by step guide on


what to do and what not to do. All in all, it is a complete magazine for all kinds of parents. It is a

Dhanya Bhaskaran from Ayanambakkam, Chennai posted her nature-loving son Niranjan’s picture in PARENT FORUM.

very valuable and a well-thought-of magazine! MAHIMA BHANUKUMAR, BANGALORE It is a wonderful magazine for all parents in bringing up their children. The articles that I read here relate to my experiences in day to day life. I like the suggestions you give, as they are very

You too can post pictures, share parenting experiences, post recipes, videos and links!

helpful and practical. I would also like to make a suggestion. It would be great if you could also publish Parent Circle in Tamil. This way it would have a greater reach. It would be very useful to those parents who do not know English, but who could definitely benefit from the articles published in the magazine. In fact, I have

Post Comments on Discussion Board Post announcements on Message Board Participate in Quiz and Polls Sign up to start a Parent Circle Neighbourhood Community

been asked whether there is a Tamil edition of this magazine by many parents on several occasions. P WILLIAM CHARLES, CHENNAI

Also find... n Local Listings n Activities & Workshops n Education & Enrichment n Articles & Information n Read, subscribe, advertis e in the Ezine And more... Please send in your letter with the subject line “Letters to the Editor”, before November 15, 2011, to or send them to PARENT CIRCLE, 3rd Floor Shri Renga Vihar, 8/14 First Cross St, Karpagam Gardens, Adyar, Chennai 600020, India.


Parent Circle / November 2011

n n n


in focus Kids taught to deal with differently-abled siblings LUCKNOW: Siblings of differently-abled children had an

opportunity to learn to deal with their brothers and sisters on September 11, 2011. In a sibling workshop organised by SPARC India, (School for Potential Advancement and Restoration of Confidence), boys and girls were sensitised about their responsibilities towards their challenged siblings.

18 year old Arun Vajpai scales new heights

The counsellor through a play, created an awareness on handling and cooperating with the differently-abled people. The siblings

Arjun Vajpai, a student of Ryan International School created

were taught to be polite and patient in dealing with them. There

history on the morning of October 14, 2011. He not only

were various activities to motivate the children and to spread the

became the youngest person in the world to have reached

message of love to their not so fortunate siblings.

the summit of Mt. Manaslu (8,163 meters), the eighth highest peak in the world but also became the youngest person in

Cops to counsel parents, school authorities if minors caught driving

the world to have climbed three mountains of more than 8000 meters height. Arjun Vajpai was successful in this endeavour after

NEW DELHI: The Delhi traffic police has adopted a four-pronged

negotiating with the ever-changing extreme weather

approach to desist minors from driving vehicles in the city. The

conditions. He started his climb on 1st October 2011. There

police have decided to detain the vehicle, call the parents of the

was a hitch in the beginning of the expedition where the

child for counselling and issue a fine of `1000 for allowing children

weather played the spoilsport. But once that hurdle was

to drive their vehicle. In addition, they have decided to counsel

cleared, there was no looking back.

the school authorities on the measures to be taken if the students were found parking and driving vehicles right outside the

The summits became steeper during the climb. Arjun had to

school premises.

cross tributaries along with the camping load and equipment. After reaching the peak the 18-year-old said, “this summit is

The traffic police are checking for violations after school hours

such a small place that only one person can stand at a time.

when most of the children could be noticed driving outside their

The wind was blowing at a high speed due to which it was

schools. Earlier, senior traffic cops had met the principals and

very difficult to hold the tri-colour. I unfurled the flag of India

teachers of 45 leading schools of Delhi that are part of the Road

and the flag of ESSAR foundation at the top…and what a

Safety Club. This club was formed with 25 schools last year

moment it was…If I close my eyes now I can still feel the wind

before the Commonwealth Games.

blowing on me on TOP OF THE WORLD!”

Kids to learn fielding 'Jonty's Way' MUMBAI: Mumbai based Omtex Sport Academy launched "Jonty's Way", a

specially-designed programme to change the concept of fielding. Talking about the programme which was designed by Rhodes himself, the former South Africa cricketer said that India has talented fielders like Virat Kohli, Suresh Raina and Yuvraj Singh, but more were required to make a strong impact at the international level. Jonty's Way will provide professional training to cricket associations, schools, clubs and players of all age groups for periods ranging from three to fifteen days.


Parent Circle / November 2011

How are

A home, clothing, food and security: Every child has


the right to a home, food, clothing, education, health care


and security. More than 4 out of 10 children in India live in

India has

extreme poverty with less than $1.25 (`55) a day to live on.


Protection against violence: Children have the right to be

(signed) the

protected against all forms of violence, including neglect,

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This means that India

maltreatment and abuse. No child can hurt or abuse another child.

must respect the rights of the child and listen to what children have

Indian schools have banned corporal punishment since July 2010.

to say. Are the rights of the child respected in India?

Hazardous child labour: The child has the right to be protected

The first fact: Of the 1.2 billion population, more than 447 million

against both economic exploitation and work that is hazardous to

are children, of which 127 million children are under the age of five.

his health or that which prevents him from going to school. All work

Name and nationality: From the day a child is born, he/she has

is prohibited for children under 12 years. An estimated 30 million

the right to have a name and be registered as a citizen of this

children in India are working in some way.

country. 27 million children are born every year in India. 6 out of 10

School and education: The child has the right to go to school.

of them are never registered. There is no documented proof that

Primary and secondary schools should be free for everyone. 8 out

they exist!

of 10 children in India go to school, but many of them leave school

The right to live: 1 out of 14 children in India (more than 1.8

too early.

million every year) dies before the age of 5, usually due to causes


that could have been prevented. 25 million children are orphaned.

right to say what he thinks about any issue that affects him/her.

Water, sanitation facilities: 9 out of 10 children in India have

The adults should listen to the child’s opinion before they make

water from improved water sources. Only 3 out of 10 children can

decisions, which must always be in the child’s best interest!

use adequate sanitation facilities.


Parent Circle’s event for parents Be the support that your children need but let them make their own career choices

Panel discussion at the workshop

- that was the underlying message given to the parents at the ‘Guiding your

Guest speaker, N Ilango, a visually-

Krishnan, Chief Gardener, Theosophical

child into the future’ event held at the

impaired person, who runs a skills training

Society; and Navaneetha Rao, a cancer

Bhavan’s Rajaji Vidyashram school by

company said “My mother was simple and

researcher from the US. Their success

the Parent Circle Magazine and Ignite

illiterate, but she ensured that I was able

stemmed from following their passions

Minds, an educational sector institution, at

to take care of each day as it came, in a

despite the challenges and obstacles they

Chennai on October 22.

self-reliant way. This is the ultimate desire

faced in their career paths.

of every parent for his child, whatever the Anita Sanyal, a career consultant spoke

career. Sometimes education can be a

Arundhati Swamy, the President of

on the importance of face to face career

stumbling block for parents who forget this

Chennai Counsellor’s Foundation

counselling to understand the child’s

goal and try to impose their own unfulfilled

concluded the session by advising

aptitude and interest.

dreams on their children.”

parents on the importance of informal

Sriram Naganathan, an educationist and

The highlight of the event was the

8th standard. “Our parents guided us to

the Managing Trustee of Ignite Minds,

panel discussion and a question and

face an earlier environment, suitable for

who gave the keynote speech, stressed

answer session. The panelists were K

those times. We too, need to prepare our

on the important mix of interests, abilities

Satyanarayan, co-founder of New Horizon

children appropriately for the changing

and income potential for a bright and

Media (a publishing company); Poochi

dynamics of tomorrow’s world,”

successful career.

Venkat, a naturalist and photographer; V

she said.

career talks with the child starting at the


parent express

‘We wanted to adopt’ D ANITA



to Bhubaneswar with her to complete the medical tests suggested by our doctor in Chennai, since there were no hospitals nearby that would do the tests we required. The haemoglobin analysis indicated possible health problems which could not be confirmed without doing a DNA analysis, for which Bhubaneswar did not have any facilities. We were also uncomfortable with the attitude and opinion of the paediatrician in Bhubaneswar. We came back to Chennai with her reports and a blood sample to get the

the necessity and importance of revealing

DNA analysis done. When we received

ur journey to bring Nidhi

the child’s adoptive status to him/her. We

the report we were relieved and thrilled

home began several

then had multiple discussions with our

to see that it ruled out the possible health

years ago when we

parents and siblings about our decision to

concerns indicated earlier. Nidhi was

dreamt of starting a

adopt a child. It took us about a month to

indeed meant to be with us! Euphoric,

family through adoption.

collect all the required documents and we

we went back to sign the foster care

submitted our application form.

paperwork to bring her home in May 2010.

though, of having a biological child had

One of the social workers from the ACA

While Nidhi continued to grow swiftly, we

always been open to us. During the last

visited us at home and prepared our

continued to follow up with the agency

ten years, we interacted closely with many

home study report. She told us that the

and lawyer to fix a date for our court

adoptive families - parents and children.

ACA would inform us if they received any

hearing. We went for our court hearing in

We strongly felt, beyond any doubt,

request for placing children from the state

Orissa in June 2011, got our court order

that we should start our family through

agencies. She also informed us that there

in August 2011 through mail, and went

adoption. It just felt right!

were several parents waiting ahead of

back there in October 2011 to register

From the year 2000, we became more and more oriented to this idea. The option

us and that it may take us up to a year

the adoption deed. The legal paperwork

We also felt that the total acceptance of

to receive a referral to adopt an infant.

is now complete and Nidhi has all the

a child not related through blood, could

She suggested that we contact various

legal rights that our biological child would

only accentuate the importance of the

adoption agencies in Tamil Nadu and also

have had. The adoption agency in Orissa

parent-child relationship; and that such

those from other states (since we were

will now apply for her birth certificate and

a love would be truly pure and selfless.

willing to travel) to see if they had an infant

send it to us as soon as they receive it.

We met several other people who

that could be placed with us.

We expect this to take another couple of

supported our dream, and there were

months. So all in all, the entire adoption

some who expressed some concerns.

We began to call up agencies in

process from the beginning to the end has

Once we brought Nidhi home though, all

Tamil Nadu and Karnataka and were

taken us about two years. Meanwhile Nidhi

the concerns and worries disappeared

disappointed to hear that the waiting time

is growing up and will be 2 years old in

magically. Of course we expected that, but

was about 2 years. One of the agencies

December! Life has been complete, full of

it was wonderful to see it happen.

we contacted in Bangalore asked us to

joy and challenges, with her.

get in touch with CSA (Catalyst for Social We started the adoption process in

Action) in Pune. We did, and they put us


October 2009 by visiting the Adoption

in touch with an agency in rural Orissa that


Coordinating Agency (ACA) in Chennai.

had a child-referral for us.


They explained the entire process and also helped us to think through some of

We went to see Nidhi in March 2010 when

the post-adoption issues that families may

she was three months old, after a long

encounter. They also talked to us about

journey by flight and car. We travelled


Parent Circle / November 2011

Write to us on parenting experiences in 600 words, with the subject line ‘Parent Express’ to or send them to PARENT CIRCLE, 3rd Floor Shri Renga Vihar, 8/14 First Cross St, Karpagam Gardens, Adyar, Chennai 600020, India.

teen express



n life, we all have that someone. That someone who can make the world seem like zero gravity

exists. That someone who makes the sky bluer and makes the sun shine straight down your path. That someone who can always put a smile on your face, despite the stormy conditions you face. It can be anyone, your father, your mother, your best friend, your classmate or even your dog‌but, there is always someone. To you, it seems that whatever that someone does is miraculous. Such people make the earth move slowly and give you a feeling that you have all the time in the world.

does, it is a part of life. Reality strikes.

heart. Try to not cry when you think about

They make it seem like you have no more

Hollow, traumatised and scared, you face

them at night. Try not to be sucked into

tears left to cry ever again. That is what

reality without your supply of happiness.

self-doubt and jealousy and the torture of

you love about them - the way they make

Everything seems cold, rigid and insecure.

the thought that you are not good enough.

you feel, how they take away every pain

You can barely manage a smile. Laughing

You see yourself in a mirror and you

imaginable without even knowing that they

is unimaginable. Your heart keeps

practically smash the mirror to bits.

do so.

screaming for them, your mind flashes images of the times when you were

Nothing has ever been comparable to

As time passes, you grow more and more

together and pain consumes your being.

this kind of pain. It is sharp, crucial and

attached to them, become more and more

Whatever should have barely scratched

undeniable. How could the person who

dependent on them. You see that they are

your self-esteem, now makes massive

provided all the happiness bring you

the ones who start showing you the beauty

gashes. You are more alone than you ever

the worst form of self-doubt? How could

of life, what it is like to trust again and

have been. Your source is gone. Life

the person who made life so beautiful

breathe freely, without having a care. They

is dark.

suddenly turn into a source of pain? How could the one person you need, not care

show you what it is like to laugh wholeheartedly and they give you unadulterated

Want to know what could hurt more? If

happiness. The world can never be lighter

you find out that someone else is more

about you?

than when you are with them. You love the

important to them. That there is someone

Worst of all, how could you still love this

world the most when you are with them.

they care about more than you. Someone

person? How could you still see that face

they would much rather be with, than you.

and still find the slightest sliver of peace?

The more time you spend with them,

Someone, who compared to you, is like

the more you feel that they are a part

the sun. They no longer think about you

The answer is: unconditional love.

of you. You do not know how to cope

as someone special but now they think of

Beautiful and heart-wrenching. Filling and

without them. You rely on them more

you as someone long gone and of no use.

tearing. Powerful and exhausting. Truly

and more and your need for them grows,

You see them happy with their special


as if they provide all the happiness‌

someone and all you want to do is fade

What happens when they are suddenly

away. You try to scratch such images out


not there? Separation comes, it always

of your brain, try to rip them out of your





SHE IS A SWEET 16, and has it all – the


accepts others’ decisions, pleases others,

looks to die for, a talent beyond her years,

way up the executive ladder, technically

and goes out of his way to help them. He

academic achievement, even a couple

very sound, and having excellent analytical

is described as ‘a wonderful boy’ by adults

of coveted titles! But none of these make

skills. Just announce a crucial meeting,

and peers, because he never disagrees

her feel fulfilled. She is unable to accept

and he gets so stressed that he draws a

or argues with them. Beware! Behind that

compliments or enjoy her achievements.

blank. It is all there in his head but dare he

calm demeanour is an individual angry

There is an inexplicable vacuum deep

speak? Words fail him; he stumbles and

with himself, unable to express his ideas or

inside. The world around her is in adulation

stutters, desperately searching for a way

stand up for himself, unable to say ‘no’ to

and even envious of her, but she strangely

out. He presents a confused self.

others. He feels weak within, and projects

feels that she is just average, sometimes even less than average!

a weak self-image – an ideal victim for the Peers are surprised. They know how good

big bullies.

he is at work, how clearly he thinks and

HIS LIMITING BELIEF “I don’t like myself…”

She does not know it, but she carries

how capable he is. Unknown to them, he

THE SYMPTOM low self-esteem.

deep-rooted memories of being told

is constantly haunted by fears of making

THE OUTCOME passive/submissive in

that whatever she did was just not good

a fool of himself. An early childhood

childhood; aggressive/defiant

enough, and that she always had to do

experience taught him to feel ashamed

in adolescence.

better. Memories tucked away in the

and embarrassed when he once made a

deepest recesses of the unconscious

mistake in class, in front of other students.

THEN THERE ARE the unfortunate ones

mind, triggered in the present, by anything


who have ‘high achieving’ older siblings.

even remotely related to ‘performance’.

a mistake…”

The situation is further compounded


THE SYMPTOM low self esteem.

by well-meaning adults who expect the

more, this is not good enough”.

THE OUTCOME confusion and doubt.

same, if not more, from the younger ones.

THE SYMPTOM low self-esteem.

They have unrealistic expectations and

THE OUTCOME dissatisfaction, pushing

HE IS A QUIET, non-interfering,

compare and deride the younger child

too hard.

conforming child. He goes with the crowd,

for not emulating his sibling. They do not

10 Parent Circle / November 2011

recognize the child’s abilities in other

with their mother, parents, family, school,

academic and non-academic areas, and

teachers, friends, peers and community.

close the door to his world. THE CHILD’S LIMITING BELIEF “they

Thus, through a variety of positive life

expect too much…”

experiences, a child learns to feel loved

THE SYMPTOM low self-esteem.

and valued during the total dependence

THE OUTCOME under achievement.

phase of infancy. In the early childhood phase the parents encourage the


first steps in learning to do things, the

who crave for the latest gadgets, have

enthusiasm to explore and understand,

expensive tastes? Only to lose interest

that helps build will-power and self-

within hours or days after these are

control. Middle childhood is when the

acquired. They live lifestyles that do not

family supports children in their search for

suit them, that create value conflicts about

opportunities towards learning new skills.

wealth and power. People see through

Teachers, friends and community help to

these pretensions and reject them anyway!

build the pre-adolescent’s efforts to learn,

For teenagers, it is a desperate search for

work well and progress towards feeling

something that is meaningful and lasting.

competent, responsible and capable,

THEIR LIMITING BELIEF “Others are better

reinforcing self-esteem. The adolescent

than me….”

is growing up, developing an identity

THE SYMPTOM low self-esteem.

and self-image. This complex process is

THE OUTCOME demanding, lying,

individualistic, yet teens require the adults

stealing etc.

to cheer them on in their voyage of self discovery.

A checklist for self-esteem A positive self-image

Getting on well with peers Comfortable with self, in spite of differences and imperfections Happy with self Receiving compliments with joy Acceptance by peers Perseverance when things get difficult

Low self-esteem is a symptom of a deeprooted sense of inadequacy and poor

Across the life span, the interplay of adult

self-worth. Each of these individuals and

and peer interactions makes significant

groups described above has learnt to

contributions towards building a child’s

focus on the absence of something, not


Appreciates own achievements Independence in many tasks Stands up for self Takes initiative, expresses ideas Can adapt to new situations

on the presence of what they are and

Receives comfort when upset or sad

what they have. This is a debilitating

Thus, from infancy to late childhood,

cycle that got set in motion, when at

children are working through trust and

some crucial developmental stage, they

hope, in exploring, and understanding their

had experienced a crisis; or when their

environment. This is the foundation on

belief and self-worth.

fundamental needs were not adequately

which they build their capacities, become

THE OUTCOME self-satisfaction and

and appropriately met.

industrious and confident. Upon this

confidence in oneself, becoming

foundation lies the future of growing up into

industrious and assertive.


young adults.

Comfortable with visitors


A sense of worth must stem from deep

When children receive positive,

inside one’s being, where it should have

encouraging messages through their

When parents are insensitive

been nurtured through all the stages

critical stages of development, they

Do adults choose to bring up children with

of growth.

are more likely to become caring and

low self-esteem? Not deliberately. Often

productive in their relationships and work,

ignorance about the developmental needs

The influential theories of psychoanalyst

as young adults. The stage is now set for a

of children is the cause. Many adults

Erik Erikson have contributed to our

fulfilling adult life!

believe that very young children do not understand most of what is happening

understanding of personality development through one’s lifespan. He identified the

THE POSITIVE BELIEF “I like myself. I am

around them, and therefore take the

basic virtues and strengths that develop

capable and valuable…”

liberty to make callous, insensitive and

when children enjoy fulfilling relationships

THE ‘SYMPTOM’ positive self-esteem, self-

judgmental remarks about them. 8 11

mindset Young children’s minds are not mature

worked for me, should work for my child”.

or ‘arrogance’. Denial of one’s abilities is

enough to discern between untruth

An oft repeated justification is that “I

appreciated as modesty, a precious value

and reality, and so they accept almost

turned out fine, in spite of all the negative

strongly upheld in our culture. However, it

everything as being true, including all

comments I received from my parents and

is truly a misunderstood concept, one that

the negative comments hurled their way,

teachers”. This is not up for dispute, but do

needs correction.

either in good humour or intentionally. The

look deep into yourself and you may just

embarrassment and humiliation are stored

find some remnants of low self-esteem still

Acknowledging one’s abilities is a sign of

in the unconscious as painful emotional

lurking there, asserting their influence in

self-worth. To blow one’s trumpet while

experiences, which can get triggered by a

subtle ways.

putting down someone else is ‘showing off’.

random event. (Conversely, they will also accept the pleasant and complimentary

Cultural influence

comments as being true, storing the

Perhaps cultural influences play a

Health problems

memory of happiness and satisfaction

significant role in this programming of the

Physical, emotional or neurological

associated with the appreciation.) Poor

mind. Ask a group of children to tell you

disorders are traumatic experiences for

self-esteem has its roots in the stored

one thing that they are good at or like

parents and children, leading to low self-

negative beliefs. They then perceive and

about themselves and the chances are

esteem. Early intervention is crucial to

interpret a situation from these beliefs. The

that a majority will squirm in discomfort,

help empower the child to overcome the

negative perceptions produce negative

hesitate, look around at others and speak

challenge. A direct outcome is improved

behaviour and outcome at a later date.

with formidable reluctance. A minority


will tell you about themselves without

‘I am OK, so you should be OK’

inhibition, and will most likely draw

More likely, it is their life experiences that

unfavourable looks from the rest. They


adults draw upon. Typically it is, “what

have been judged for ‘showing off’ and/

Very often, helpless parents meekly yield to their child’s irrational demands. In reality, such demands are an outcome of negative perceptions – of self and others. The child believes that material

ve i t i s o p a ld i u To b self-esteem Don’t’sents

Harsh punishm tive comments Repeated nega Comparisons istakes Condemning m lts

Waiting for resu

Overprotection preciation With-holding ap


nsequences Use logical co ed back Give honest fe child’s abilities Focus on the learning Turn them into

experiences rt, offer Appreciate effo all t, recognize sm en em encourag successes bility d give responsi Teach skills an Express your


possessions are the only means to compensate for the self-worth that he lacks deep within. Such behaviour in children is often squarely blamed on peer pressure, ‘bad friends’ and ‘wrong company’. Why is it that all children do not succumb to these? What makes them resistant to temptations and inappropriate behaviours (at least the more risky ones)? The answer is evident – positive selfesteem. It is natural for self-esteem to fluctuate according to circumstances. It is the inner resources (positive memories and emotions) that help the self-esteem to stay within safe boundaries, to perceive and interpret situations in the present context, or to even bounce back from some of life’s most difficult times. ARUNDHATI SWAMY IS A FAMILY AND STUDENT COUNSELLOR FROM CHENNAI.

12 Parent Circle / November 2011

learning Some of them paused and punctuated their speeches with ‘ums’ and ‘uhs’ to fill the gaps. Agitation, sheer helplessness made some quit half-way. What really tugged at my heartstrings was when some sought out their parents’ eyes in the audience or in the wings, with tears,


ecently I was asked to judge

silently beseeching for help. I noticed that

an Interschool Literary event

some got worried at their parent’s reaction

for primary and middle school

to their fumbling and some were just plain

children. There were about 15

ashamed or embarrassed that they had let

to 20 schools participating and

their parents down.

at least 50 children ranging between the ages of 6 and 14

I consoled a crying child and then asked

were bursting with enthusiasm

him why he was crying. He said, ‘My

to showcase their talent for

mother told me not to do so many things,

the oratorical and elocution

but she did not tell me what I should do!’

competitions. The younger children had memorized their

Following this, I had yet another occasion

respective poems or speeches

during Navarathri to observe this

and the older children had

phenomenon. It is also an occasion when

small cards with pertinent

children are urged to sing at the houses

points to help them jumpstart

they visit. In one of the houses I sensed

their talks.

the same unease and nervousness prevailing in one of the children when she

I looked around and

was asked to sing by her mother for the

observed the scene before

golu (dolls exhibition). The child started with hesitation and kept looking at her mother for direction and reinforcement. The mother kept a steady look at the child to ensure she started at the right pitch, maintained the raagam and the thalam and remembered the words. The look changed to a glare when the child mispronounced a word. The child’s song was barely a whisper when she finished. At one point the mother was visibly irritated that her daughter had not lived up to her usual standard of singing. The child hung her head in shame.

the start of the event. Some were practicing aloud furiously, walking up and down. I smiled when I saw some of them hit their foreheads BY MEERA SHIVASHANKAR

when they forgot a point or made a mistake. The younger ones were anxiously nodding, looking up

We should make the child realise that he should focus more on enjoying the opportunity of speaking and having fun rather than worry about the result! 14 Parent Circle / November 2011

solemnly at their parents as their attires were being adjusted even as they were being given last minute tips about going on stage and speaking. While the actual competition itself left me in awe of the children and their


aptitude, I could not help but be drawn

What makes one child so confident

to a handful of those children who forgot

and another so self-conscious that it

all that they had prepared, who started

interferes with his natural propensity for

to stutter and stammer. Then there

expression? What role do parents play in

were those who fidgeted or fumbled,

this? As parents, are we living our dreams

intimidated by the unrelenting crowd.

through our children? Do we ‘accept’ our

children only if they do a good job? Who

stringent, unrelenting parents need more

is responsible for creating an aversion

than just help!

or destroying confidence in the name

ChilFor dren

When you have been selected

of fostering talent? How does a parent


balance his expectation with the child’s

We should make the child realise


actual capabilities? How does one inspire

(particularly if he is a self-achiever who

event, there is

confidence in a child?

cannot take failure) that he should focus

just one thing you

more on enjoying the opportunity of

need to do most of all –

for a public

Practise, practise and practise!

In a public arena, when a child’s abilities

speaking, singing or dancing in public

are on display, there is bound to be a

and having fun rather than worry about

certain amount of fear or apprehension,

the result; and that it is okay to not be the

for both the child and the parent. The child

winner all the time. That way, the pressure

has a trepidation that he is going to be

to perform is removed. Then the child will

children in a manner that allows them

judged, and accepted or dismissed based

feel less fretful and will learn to put his best

to naturally bloom and come to fruition,

on his performance. Quite often, the parent

foot forward.

rather than making them wilt and wither.

wants a good performance, so that society

Children have no way of knowing about

can acknowledge him and credit him for

Often, children’s fears stem from the

self-doubt or negativity, unless they have

the success of the child.

unrealistic expectations their parents have

heard something hurtful or insensitive from

of them, leading to a build-up of great

somebody they look up to. One loose,

While the genuinely confident children

pressure. A child will definitely stutter if he

careless remark can undo years of

need our encouragement and support,

is continuously bombarded with negative

building talent. 8

the not-so-confident, self-doubting, fearful

stimuli. Therefore, it becomes the parents’


ones need our help. Of course, the

responsibility to water and nourish the


Fornts Pare

Having understood the genesis and

Inculcate optimism. Invest time and identify their fear or

the prognosis of the problem,

difficult areas if any, and help them tide over it. Give rewards

one needs to look at a few

and incentives where possible.

pointers that can help children face the public with confidence

Laugh with them, but never at them. Tell them to have

in their abilities:

fun. It takes the rough edge off the whole thing and softens the

Children always learn by example. Hence let us make sure we are not bumbling in public first. Our children are always watching us.

Put yourselves in the child’s shoes and empathize. Appreciate the fact that even attempting a public event takes a little something extra.

Let us help the child earnestly prepare. Take them for public speaking events and talks where a child can observe how it is done. Record their speech and give ideas while they

experience for them. When they are on stage, smile and urge them on silently.

Give constructive feedback. Never take a child’s victory or effort for granted. If you must criticize, do so in a constructive manner. Eg: Instead of ‘You never get the song right!’ how about ‘Focus on practising and improving this one line.’

Parents shape their children’s handling of success or failure. Tell them that it is okay to fail and that it is more important to make a sincere attempt. The child is definitely more important than his shield, trophy or certificate!

going wrong. Suggest that they speak in front of a mirror so that

Be there for the child and infuse positive reinforcement. ‘Come on kanna, give it your best’, definitely

they understand their body language and do not become self-

sounds more pleasing than ‘Better come first or else!’

speak in front of you, so that they understand where they are

conscious. Help them make props or presentations as these will definitely divert their mind from any sense of

Encourage, inspire, motivate and applaud! Remember


that children are perfect with their imperfections! 15


Helping children prepare for

public presentations Freddy Koikaran guides parents in a simple Q & A format What should the parent do as a first step in helping the child prepare for a presentation?

each one,

To ensure that a presentation is effective, the first step is to


determine its objective. So ask the child questions that lead him

finally reiterate

to the overall objective. Some questions could be:

what has been

w What is the purpose of giving the presentation?

told and conclude.

clearly and

w Who is your audience? Is it other students, class teachers, other parents?

Can visual aids be used?

w What do you want the audience to think or feel after your

Whenever possible, visual aids (fun images and pictures)


should be used to help people remember better. If the

w Why do you think your audience would be interested in what

presentation is made using slides, each slide should have less

you have to say?

than 6 lines. Pictures should be large, and the colours used

Consider how familiar the audience is with the topic. Their

should be easy on the eyes.

familiarity with the presentation topic will help determine how much information the child should provide, the length of the

Ensure that the child does not turn his back to the audience

presentation, and other such relevant factors.

but that he positions himself where he can see the slides while facing the audience. This is why practice is important; the

How to help in the structuring of the presentation?

child should have memorised his presentation so well that he

Consider the time that has been allotted for the presentation.

knows exactly which slide follows which one. If stagefright kicks

Teach the child to break up that time into smaller segments,

in – tell him to stay focused on the purpose. Good preparation

with each segment tackling a specific task or idea (all of which

will ensure that the child does not spend extra energy trying to

reflect the overall objective of the presentation). For example,

remember what to say.

the first segment should be the presentation’s introduction. presentation, explaining the topic, why its being covered and

Can you suggest some tips and techniques to keep nervousness at bay?

what the child hopes to accomplish.

Tell your child to use these tips:

In this segment, the child should give an overview of the

w To keep cue cards with bullet points on them, in case he The next segment should tackle the first item on the agenda,

forgets what to say. He has to just pause, refer to the cards,

with the following segment tackling the next item on the

and jump back in. Though he may not say exactly what was

agenda, and so forth.

rehearsed, he will still get the point across. w He should visualize himself succeeding.

Then, the conclusion should be thought about. The introduction

w Sometimes due to nervousness, his breathing can speed up

and the conclusion of the presentation should have the

and this can make the child giddy. Deep breathing is the trick

strongest impact.

to remember. w Record a video of the child rehearsing, to make possible

How to achieve clarity and impact?

changes and improvements. It is not just about being perfect;

Tell your child to keep his presentations short and simple and

he should also be able to handle interruptions and

highlight the most important parts. An effective method is to use


the “tell ‘em” structure: w He should tell them what he is going to say (For instance, “In


this presentation I will show you…”).


w He should tell them the key points, expanding and illustrating


16 Parent Circle / November 2011

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health circle

Protein and mineral deficiencies in children BY DR SANTHA NARAYANAN


n the last issue we had discussed Vitamin and Iodine deficiencies in children; we are concluding now with a few more nutritional deficiencies.

calcium BENEFITS

1. One of the important macro minerals in the body. 2. Helps to build strong bones. 3. It is involved in Neuromuscular, enzymatic, hormonal, and other metabolic activities. 4. Used in blood clotting, muscle contraction and maintenance of cell membranes Note 1. Vitamin D or exposure to sunlight increases its absorption. 2. Calcium decreases with ageing. 3. 99% is stored in bones and teeth. 4. It is not manufactured by body. Hence, supplementation is a must. SYMPTOMS OF DEFICIENCY

1. Bowlegs/ Pigeon breast/

Knock-knees in children 2. Cramps in legs 3. Delays in motor milestones 4. Heart becomes irregular 5. Weakness of bones 6. Poor sleep disorder Long term deficiency leads to osteoporosis. Though osteoporosis is the disease of the elderly, today’s young adults who do not expose themselves to sunlight and work long hours in AC rooms also suffer this. Excess of calcium leads to constipation and loss of appetite. FOOD SOURCES Dairy products - milk, cheese,

yoghurt, salmon fish, green-leafy-vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, calcium fortified foods, ice creams.



BENEFITS An important component

BENEFITS Iron is essential for the child’s

of every cell in the body, protein is needed to build strong structures in the body (bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments), to rebuild body tissues and to produce enzymes.

growth and development. It moves oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and helps the muscles to use and store oxygen. CHILDREN AT RISK OF FACING IRON DEFICIENCY ARE:

1. Early weaning and feeding of starch rich cereals. 2. A diet high in starch and low in proteins.

1. Babies born prematurely or having low birth weight 2. Babies on cow’s milk before the age of 1 3. Breast-fed babies who are not given iron after six months 4. Babies on formula which is not fortified with Iron 5. Children with chronic infections or restricted diets 6. Children who drink more than 700 ml of cow’s, soy or goat milk everyday 7. Adolescent girls who lose Iron during menstruation



Protein Energy Malnutrition (P.E.M) It is a manifestation of chronic under-nutrition, consuming food with insufficient protein energy or both. Both Marasmus and Kwashiorkor come under the P.E.M. category. CAUSES FOR KWASHIORKOR

1. Fluid collection in the body. 2. Thin extremities 3. Liver enlargement

4. Skin changes 5. Brittle hair- flag sign 6. Constipation

In Marasmus, the body utilizes its own tissue for energy and appears skeleton like. Children also have: 4. Dry skin 1. Poor appetite 5. Low body temperature 2. Sparse hair 3. Anxious look TREATMENT

1. Fatigue or weakness 2. Pale skin 3. Poor appetite 4. Shortness of breath 5. Irritability

6. Inflammation of the tongue 7. Susceptibility to infections 8. Irregular heart beat 9. Behavioural problems 10. Unusual craving for other nonnutritive substances like sand.

Untreated Iron deficiency in children can cause physical and mental delays in areas such as walking or talking. PREVENTION

1. Provide adequate nutrition 2. I.V fluids if necessary 3. Treat underlying infections

1. Breast feed or give iron-fortified formula to infants 2. Encourage a balanced diet 3. Enhance absorption with Vitamin C 4. Give iron supplements

Breast-feeding a baby up to six months is the best way to prevent childhood malnutrition.

FOOD SOURCES Lean red meat, seafoods, all kinds of beans,

FOOD SOURCES Dairy and egg products, meat, fish, grains,

greens, tofu, broccoli, drumsticks, brussel sprouts, nuts and dried fruits, egg yolk.

nuts, beans




re you watching over what your child is doing, and not

doing, every day? Do you plan and schedule most of your child’s activities?

Helicopter Parenting

Do you actually do


and not merely help with the homework that your child is supposed to do? If your child is at

Being an over-involved

home and if you are

parent will

away, do you call her (or


someone who is at home) from your cell phone every

drive you

now and then to check what


she is up to? If your answer is ‘yes’ to these questions, and if you are wondering what could be wrong with your actions, watch out, you are in a psychological danger zone - you could be a ‘Helicopter Parent’, causing more harm than good to your child!

Consider yourself a Helicopter Parent if you:

discussing ineffective parenting styles


in their book Parenting with Love

You may have the best of intentions, but

or fails to meet expectations, either

and Logic: Teaching Children

overprotection has serious long-term

yours or others.

Responsibility. Helicopter Parenting may

consequences. Experts say that children

appear to arise out of love and affection

need to learn to cope with failures to be

for the child, but is actually rooted in a

effective in life. Sadly, this is out of the

such as protesting an unfair grade

perceived insecurity about the

question for a Helicopter Parent.

or score in a test.

Foster W Cline, MD and Jim Fay coined the term ‘Helicopter Parent’ while

child’s future.


p Feel ashamed when your child fails,

p Fight your child's battles for her,

p Take over your child's projects and

Such a parent will not accept the child’s

Being an over-involved parent will

failure in anything and hence, will not

eventually drive you nuts. Studies have

let the child learn from his or her own

shown that Helicopter Parents reported

mistakes. Like helicopters, such parents

more sadness, negative beliefs about

your child's activities, practices,

hover closely overhead, rarely out of

themselves, and less joy and contentment,

schedules and performances and

reach, whether their children need them

irrespective of whether their children were

only talk about these issues with

or not.

‘succeeding’ or ‘failing’.

your spouse.

20 Parent Circle / November 2011

homework. p Are preoccupied with the details of

WHAT YOU CAN DO IF YOU THINK YOU ARE A HELICOPTER PARENT Expand your care: This should be the first

Worse than Helicopter Parenting!

you want her to do by herself next year on her own?

There are worse types of overindulging

Remember, the antidote to Helicopter


Parenting is not an uninvolved or passive

remedial action. Try to include your child’s

parenting. Parental involvement, in the

friends - either from his class or from the

Black Hawk Parents are those who

right measure, always matters. There

neighbourhood or elsewhere - within your

cross the line from a mere excess of

is a line between need-based, involved

‘I care’ limit. For example, take them all out

zeal to clearly unethical behaviour, like

parenting and ‘Helicopter Parenting’. You

on a picnic and be attentive to everyone.

writing their children’s poems or essays

alone can define this line from time

Your child is unlikely to complain; the

or even drawing a picture for

to time.

chances are that he will be proud of you.


Help your child cope with anxiety: What

In chess tournaments, some parents

if your child is already spoilt and wants you

position themselves strategically so

to act on his behalf most of the time? Well,

that they can clearly see the child’s

you have a tough job on hand. Ask him

moves and can send alerts through

to define the problem (in his own words)

SMSes! Of course, the child is made

and come up with solutions rather than

to hide the cell and keep it the silent

attempting to manage it for him. It could

mode. These perfectly qualify as Black

be as simple as seeking the meaning for a

Hawk Parents!

word from the dictionary (you are not one! The dictionary is on the shelf and is

The term Lawn Mower Parents

open to all!)

describes parents who seek to mow down all obstacles, real or otherwise,

You could even ask the child to create

ahead of their children. Such an

a drawing of the problem. This gives the

attitude is a sure recipe for disaster in

child a purpose, maybe even a distraction

the long term.

and something for him to do. Try it out a


Authoritative Parenting In contrast to the highly indulgent Helicopter Parenting, Authoritative Parenting - also called ‘Balanced Parenting’ – is most recommended by experts to parents. Authoritative Parents believe in the growing maturity of their children, can understand their feelings and teach them how to regulate them. They do not attempt to solve their children’s problems but only help them find appropriate means to solve problems.

few times, and then he may not need your

Limit your curiosity to know what

Authoritative Parenting allows the

help in sorting out many issues.

happened in school: If your child is not

children to explore more freely, and

forthcoming about what is going on at

encourages them to make their own

A note of caution: You should, of course,

school, drop the matter. It’s ok. Do not grill

decisions based upon their

know what is best left to the child and what

her with questions like “what happened

own reasoning.

is not, to sort out. Think it through.

during the second period today?” If you

An Authoritative Parent does not punish

have a concern, do not barrage the class Do not take on your child's projects

teacher with phone calls. If you do notice

or home work: Every parent is tempted

behavioural changes for the worse, seek a

to make his child's project the best one

meeting instead.

ever, but it's more important to let children learn to do things on their own. In fact,

Keep an annual ‘independence’

if the school overplays the parental

checklist: Parenting is all about training

role in projects, lodge a protest. Offer

children to acquire capabilities to live well

encouragement but minimal help.

when we are not around or gone. And we will be certainly gone! So allow them

A typical Helicopter Parent worries that

to gradually take their lives in their own

if the child does not do well in primary

hands. Is your child less dependent on

school, he will not do well in life later!

you this year than she was last year? Can

There is absolutely no evidence to justify

you mention a few activities that she does

this anxiety.

without your help now? What activities do

the child, but teaches or reasons out with him through extensive dialogues if there is a short-coming. The disciplining measures of Authoritative Parents are consistent, never arbitrary. Ageappropriate independent thinking in children is relished as a sign of growth. How does all this reflect on children? Experts say that children of Authoritative Parents have a higher self- esteem and a lower fear in facing the world. And of course, they retain a very healthy relationship with their parents through their lives. 21




this through the stories of some

ahead with an unrelated adoption of a child

adoptive families.

in need. Today she is a favourite

BOND OF LOVE dopting a child is no

with everybody.

G Nageswaran and R Revathi are the

Srividhya already knows and has accepted

more or no less than an alternate way

parents of a lively little six-year-old girl.

her adoptive status. We are Sai Baba

to parenting. As a part of an important

Srividhya was adopted when she was

devotees and have told her that she is

nodal body, the Adoptions Coordination

just 72 days old. When Revathi had

a gift from God. We have exposed her

Agency, Tamil Nadu, I come across varied

some trouble with her pregnancy leading

to people who are economically less

perceptions to the idea of adoption. I am

to complications, the couple decided to

fortunate and have explained to her that

constantly in touch with scores of parents

adopt a child. “What began as a selfish

waiting in the wings to bring a child into

thought, transformed into a need to do

their homes, whom they can call their own.

something purposeful with our lives,” says Nageswaran. “When Srividhya

It is said that a biological child is born from

came into our lives, our family dynamics

your womb, but an adopted child is born

was transformed into something magical.

from your heart. The bond between the

We gave up minor squabbling and strove

adoptive parent and adopted child is very,

to make our home a haven of peace for

very special. It cannot be expressed in

our child. Initially my family wanted us to

words, but here is an attempt to illustrate

adopt from within the family, but we went

22 Parent Circle / November 2011

Srividhya with her parents

sometimes, people hope to give their

film called Kannathil Muthamittal that was

to building a family. Several families have

children a better life by giving them up for

about the adoption of a Srilankan refugee

opted to adopt their second child. Some

adoption. She seems to have accepted this

child. My son was very impressed about

have adopted even the first out of choice.

reasoning as to why her biological parents

the idea of adoption. That was when we

may have given her away.

told him about his adoptive status. After

Vidya Shankar is an ‘old’ adoptive parent.

six months we told him that we wanted

Her biological daughter Varsha is 21

It is important for children to know their

to adopt a baby girl. We felt that he was

years old and adopted son Vishal is 19.

adoptive status early in life, as it may come

lonely and needed a sibling. He was very

The family has long years of experience

as a shock to them if they come to know of

enthusiastic and we brought home one-

in parenting and Vidya asserts that there

it from sources other than the parents. We

and-a-half year old Aishwarya. She had not

is no difference whatsoever between

have no fear in answering her questions

yet begun speaking and we were worried

parenting a biological child or an adopted

about her adoption. She is very attached

that she may have missed a milestone.

one. She is a person who likes to give

to us.”

back to society what she has received – in But once she was in our home, with the

her case, the joy of parenting. Her doors

love that our son lavished on her, she

are always open to parents and children

Fourteen-year-old Satish was adopted

started talking. Today she is the most

who want counsel. In fact her children also

when he was only six months old. His

talkative child on the block! Brother and

help other children who have issues with

parents R Deenadayalan and D Kalaichelvi

sister are inseparable, have their usual

their parents!

decided to adopt a child after two difficult

squabbles and dote on each other,” says

abortions. “My wife took the initiative, and



her parents supported her completely. In

Among the many hats she wears, she is an adoption educator and a Founder

turn, I got enthused. When Satish was


eight years old, we took him to a Tamil

Adoption is not necessarily the last resort

Secretary of the adoptive family support group called SuDatta. Vidya feels that 8

The adoption process in India, though

children by counselling and guiding them through the adoption

fairly regulated is not easy. Due to

process. However, whenever possible, it is best to encourage

lack of awareness, malpractices and

these families to raise their own children by giving them the

bureaucratic inefficiencies, many

additional support they need.

children in need of nurturing families and several families desperate to adopt, miss out on each other. However with proper

Provide support to friends and family members who want to adopt by giving referrals and information.

documentation and some patience, it is possible to adopt a child.

Talk to orphanages and institutions to facilitate their young inmates to be adopted.

The long wait list of prospective adoptive parents and an equally long list of destitute children without any hope of being

CARA with the help of state governments, functions as the

embraced by a family, only goes to show that there is a wide

nodal body for adoption of Indian children and is mandated to

procedural gap in bringing these two groups together. As

monitor and regulate in-country and inter-country adoptions.

members of the public we can raise awareness about legal adoptions and the need to deinstitutionalise children (move

Prospective parents are encouraged to adopt twins or siblings

them from orphanages into families). To do this you can:

together. Domestic adoptions are encouraged more than oversees adoptions. All the stakeholders in the adoption

Report an abandoned child to the police or call

programme are trained and sensitised in the process.

Childline no: 1098. The CARA (Central Adoption Resource Authority) website also has a list of registered foundling homes.

If you are considering adoption browse CARA’s website

You can contact a local one. which has all the information required. You can also apply online to register for adopting

You can help parents who are unable to raise their own

a child. 23


The Journey

Home Birth Parent

Surrenders/ abandons child Child Welfare Commitee of the State Govt. verifies circumstances of surrender/ abandonment. Certifies the child ‘free for adoption’


Vidya Shankar with her family

positive parenting plays a key role in

adoption. “We have sharing platforms, and

bringing up today’s child. Power play is

it was thrilling to see how the children held

there in every family, whether the siblings

on to each other when the topic of ‘Search’

are biological or adopted or a combination

was discussed,” she says. Vidya has

of both. Depending on each child’s

helped with such ‘searches’ which happen

temperament, parents must alter their

occasionally, when the adopted child

approach to resolve situations. Only then,

wants to trace her biological parents.

will they be equally fair to all their children. If there have been negative experiences

Foundling Home

Documentation, homestudy, counselling of prospective parents. Identifying child

Adoptive Parent

Adoptive parent takes child home Legalisation - Foster care arrangement for 6 months followed by the issuance of the Adoption Deed by court

24 Parent Circle / November 2011

Talking about her adoption experience she

in adoptive parenting, the parents are to

says, “My husband Shankar and I decided

blame, Vidya says. “Parents do not wish

to have our second child through adoption

to understand the natural turbulence

when our daughter turned two. We started

caused by the hormonal changes during

the adoption process in 1992. We were not

adolescence and the associated peer

very welcome those days, as the agencies

pressures. Instead of attributing problems

felt that we could have other biological

to the source, which is the teen age, they


use the adoptive status as a scapegoat.

We registered with the VCA (Voluntary Co-

It is very sad for the children during

ordinating Agency now known as Adoption

these times; we counsel them towards

Co-ordinating Agency TN) and were

acceptance of their parent’s attitude and

finally placed with a sweet little child in a

help them cope with it. The age gap

month. We started the Adoptive Families

between parents and adopted children is

Association in 1995 with the help of the

usually wider than with biological children

VCA to help handle the legal issues and

and hence the challenge is that much

the delays related to adoption.”

more, to keep up with the times” she says.

Vidya advises other adoptive parents that

SuDatta Adoptive Families Association

children can be told about their adopted

functions at No: 7/9, Basement, Sriram

status when they are two and half years

Nagar Main Road, Thiruvanmiyur,

old through the story-telling route; she has

Chennai-41. Ph: 044 24527644,

also written a book about this.

94444 49644

She also facilitates children to talk naturally


about their adoptive status in family

Kalaivani Sadagopan, a senior level

gatherings. In SuDatta, some of the older

marketing professional had always wanted

adopted children come forward to help the

to adopt a child. When she thought that the

younger ones understand the concept of

time was right, she went ahead; 8

special regardless of the fact that she did not have

straight out and I am always open and

a partner. She adopted Anjali when the

honest with my answers. She loves to hear

child was just 75 days old.

the story of my going to a ‘place’ to pick her up.”

While applying for adoption, Kalaivani awkward questions from officials about her


single status and why she wanted a child.

Foundling homes that are licensed to

had to answer several unnecessary and

give children in adoption are either RIPAs “I registered online for a passport for Anjali

or LAPAs. RIPA stands for ‘Recognised

and I had several problems, because the

Indian Placement Agency’. They are

father’s name is mandatory and the system

recognised by CARA and are allowed to

prints it out as ‘not applicable’ which is not

place children in inter-country adoption.

accepted by the authority. Fortunately for

LAPA stands for ‘Licensed Adoption

me, a helpful soul in the passport office

Placement Agency’. They are recognised

helped me fill out the manual form in a way

by their respective states. These agencies

that I could circumvent such issues.”

are private and are only allowed to handle domestic adoptions. They do not receive

“I am a professional in a flourishing career

any kind of government funding.

and my world centres around Anjali,” says Kalaivani. “I have a lot of family support –

Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry for instance,

my parents, siblings and extended family.

have about 15 RIPAs and 14 LAPAs.

Anjali is never alone and has taken her

Other orphanages and homes are not

adoptive status and the lack of a father in

allowed to give children in adoption but can

her stride,” she adds.

route adoptions through the licensed agencies.

Today, Anjali is an energetic six-year-old


Talking with Young Children about Adoption BY MARY WATKINS AND SUSAN FISHER

w Couples can adopt children in the age group of 0-3 years, if their maximum

with a lot of questions. She has been told

Adopting through legal means from these

composite age is 90 years; the individual

of her adoption story according to her

agencies is safer than going in for adoption

ages should not be less than 25 years or

growing comprehension levels, right from

from within ‘known’ circles or illegally

more than 50 years.

the time she was two and a half years

through dubious agents or hospitals

old. She began having questions about

because the documentation process is

w To adopt children above three years

‘birthing’ when she noticed pregnant

rigorous. This ensures that there will be no

of age, the maximum composite age of

family members and the resultant babies.

future uncertainty or legal hassle about the

couples should be 105 years; the individual

When school mates ask her “What is your

adoptive status of the child.

ages should not be less than 25 years and

father’s name, she says that she does not have one, without any embarrassment,”


says her mother. “She asks me everything

more than 55 years. w A single person desiring to adopt should

According to the law, a child can be given

not be less than 30 and more than 50.

in adoption w To a person irrespective of marital

w Prospective parents should be in good


health and have a sound financial status.

w To parents who have their own living children. The adopted child can be of

w A second adoption is allowed only when

either sex.

the legal adoption of the first child has

w To a childless couple.

been finalized, though in the cases of twins or siblings the legalization is done together.

ADDITIONAL ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Kalaivani with daughter Anjali

26 Parent Circle / November 2011

w 2 years of stable relationship in case of

w Single males are not permitted to adopt

married couples.

girl children.

Common public perception/ myths on adoption:

the child's understanding grows, state as factually as possible


circumstances. There was a case when an adolescent girl was

It is a great act of charity: Yes it is, on the part of the child.

The child graces your family by being a part of it.

the circumstances of her adoption. Sooner or later someone is going to tell the child and this may not happen in the best of told this, in a shouting match between the parents! It took years to repair that damage.


Children are available for the picking: Certainly not. The

ratio of children available for adoption to waiting prospective


The child must never be allowed to talk about her

parents is nearly 1:6. And if you are lucky, you will be picked

biological parents: In most legal non-family adoptions,

among many - by destiny and the child.

information about the biological parents is confidential - known only to the State and foundling home. However tell the child


Once we have made the decision we can bring home a

as much as you know. Never berate the birth parents or make

child that very day: You have to wait at least as long as you do

the child feel she was 'not wanted'. Tell her that circumstances

when you are pregnant or more!

make people take certain decisions which are always in the best interest of the child. If the child is insistent – then allow and enable


Adopted children need to be indulged in, lest they feel

the child to trace her roots. You can be 100% assured that she

neglected: No way! The laws of parenting are the same for both

considers you to be her safest haven and will never leave you.

the biological and adopted children. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. DO NOT let the child manipulate you. Be kind, but firm.


Adoption is the last resort: Many couples especially in

India put-off the adoption decision until they are well into their 40s,


Adoptive status must never be revealed: It can be revealed

after many frustrating and expensive attempts to conceive. If you

as early as when the child is 2 or 3 years old. A good way to start

want to have children, decide early. Imagine having to deal with a

is by telling stories of great adoptions from your own culture. As

teenager when you are 50 plus!


Rohan Kaushik

Arun Pandian Arun Pandian is a 4th standard student

My son Rohan is now five years old. He is

studying in the Avvai Home School in Adyar.

intelligent and shrewd but at the same time, he

He is a bright boy with a big smile, very

is very mischievous. In spite of this, he is his

enthusiastic about learning. When he is not

teacher’s pet and his mother’s darling. He

playing or taking care of his younger siblings,

is learning yoga for the past two years

he can be seen drawing and colouring.

and he is really good at it. I am very


proud of him. RAHUL SURESH, FATHER

November 14 is

Children’s Day! We are thankful for our

Shricharan Raghavan

Shricharan is a very special child for us! Yes, he is a leap year baby

Our bundle of joy is two and a half years

born in 2008! He is three and a half

old. He knows to speak the words most

years now and is caring, confident,

important to him, ‘No’, ‘I want’, ‘give it’ and

self-aware and respectful of those

uses them with intense emotion. He’s probably

around him. At this age he does

the youngest user of the iPod and an unconventional

all the work (like eating, writing

listener, because he enjoys the most complex

homework etc.) by himself. I am

Carnatic compositions. He also insists that capsicum

glad that I have a son like him.



P Dharini

C S Dhruva

My student, P Dharini, studying in 9th

Sixteen year old Dhruva

standard, is multi-talented. She learnt to

epitomises truth and

make artificial jewellry when she was in

honesty. His journey from

the 6th standard and has also learnt

childhood to adolescence,

tailoring and folk dance. Her aim is

his innocent explorations

to become an IAS officer.

of the environment


around him and his unique


perception of people and


situations have taught us lessons in humility and that life is precious. LAKSHMI SATISH, MOTHER

Vinisha Kathiravan

Sanjana Vinod Five-year-old Sanjana loves to be with children and enjoys outdoor games. Fond of dancing, she also loves doing

My daughter Vinisha, a class IX student, is a

gymnastics on the swing. When asked to

child prodigy, who has performed many solo

paint, she gets very enthused.

classical dances. She has won many


trophies and performed in various events of significance including Perur Natyanjali Festival Coimbatore and Dance Festival at Mamallapuram. She was also conferred the Guru Pandanallur T S Shanmugasundaram Pillai Award by music exponent, Dr M Balamuralikrishna. I am very happy and proud of her. JAYASUDHA KATHIRAVAN, MOTHER

Arvind Srinivasan I am the blessed father of Arvind, 13 years. Through his

site, which I have created for him, you will see his love for art. He has over 300 creations published in

the site. I am really proud of my son. R SRINIVASAN, FATHER

cover story


CBSE In 1965, the Central Board

Board level exams. In 1985, in Chennai

of Secondary Education (CBSE) was

which 85 were affiliated to this system.

reorganized from the existing Board of Rajputana at Ajmer, which was prevailing


in five states. The board was given

of Secondary Education ( ICSE) is a

an all-India character under the

Christian Minority board, that has been

chairmanship of Zakir Hussain before he

given the status of a national board.

became President.

Handed down from the British, It is

alone, there were around 237 schools, of

The Indian Certificate

relatively less popular in the country. In The CBSE curriculum was adopted by the

terms of syllabus standards, it is close to

Kendriya Vidyalaya schools – the schools

the CBSE.

attended by the children of people serving in the armed forces and the government.

Other Boards:

At that time, the CBSE was called Higher

Across the country there are

Secondary. People liked it because there

totally 32 boards, excluding

was no requirement of a pre-university

the two national boards CBSE

course (PUC) after this, which amounted

and ICSE. Most of the others

to a one year ‘saving’ in education. Later

follow state patterns like the

after the 10 plus 2 was introduced, this

Manipuri pattern, Punjab

advantage was lost.

pattern, West Bengal pattern, Tamil Nadu pattern. Some like

Owing to the huge popularity of the

the Anglo Indian Board, the

CBSE and the inability of Kendriya

Madarasa Board or the Oriental

Vidyalayas to expand, private schools

Schools have community or

were allowed to get affiliated to this Board.

religious undertones. The 32

Until 1975, all the CBSE schools were

boards, instead of trying

following their own curriculum when Dr

to complement

K Venkatasubramanian, a renowned

each other

economist and eminent educationist

to promote

introduced the Plus 2, standardising the


30 Parent Circle / November 2011

education, compete with each other and

4 Eliminating cut-throat competition

Samacheer Kalvi has managed to

bring cleavage into the system.

among high achievers

downgrade the Matriculation system (to

4 Reducing societal pressure and

accommodate the learning capability

providing the learner with more flexibility

of students from lower hierarchies) and

the Matriculation Board to compete with

IGCSE and IB: The

upgrade the Corporation and

the growing popularity of the CBSE board.

International General Certificate of

Earlier the Matriculation Board was under

Secondary Education (IGCSE) and A level

There is another important observation

the Madras University, subsequently

is certified by Cambridge and EDEXCEL

to be made in this context, which is

taken over by the state. At the Plus 2

– Pearson in India. EDEXCEL IGCSE is

‘capability’ versus ‘copability’. Why are

level alone, the Matriculation schools

followed by a few schools in the North,

there such high suicide rates inside the IIT

shared a common syllabus with the State

but they only offer ‘O’ level. EDEXCEL

campus? The reservation has not ensured

government and Corporation schools. The

is not aggressive in its marketing, while

‘copability’ despite apparently providing

Matriculation schools offered English and

Cambridge has its own ‘oomph’ to it.

‘capability through curriculum’. For many

Hindi languages, which the public wanted

This is preferred by the socially affluent

students entering a ‘CBSE or Matriculation’

and which were not offered by the state

people having diverse cultural needs,

standard when their parents have not been

schools. Since the CBSE system was

and the global Indian. The International

educated, the ‘copability’ is that much more

perceived to be tough and these schools

Baccalaureate (IB), like the IGCSE,

difficult. Even for me, though I am a Dean

commanded more fees, Matriculation

encourages thinking, research and

of a prestigious institution today, I would

schools became popular.

analysis, application and skill development,

have been better off if my grandparents

even decision-making depending on the

were educated! That would have resulted

Today, the Tamil Nadu state has

subject. Unlike the Indian boards which

in two generations of education before

introduced Samacheer Kalvi, and the

are product-oriented, the IGCSE and IB

me and I would have done better in life!

Matriculation schools have to follow the

are process-oriented. IB requires huge

The greater the education levels down the

state syllabus even at the lower classes.

investments in teacher training and the fee

generations, the better the capability and

Nothing prevents the Matriculation schools

is very steep for students.

copability of the subsequent generations.


I also feel that as systems become more

these schools may not be incentivised sufficiently to do this. Though content-wise

Whatever the Centre and State

CBSE exams in 1975 for instance, used to

the CBSE Plus 2 and State Plus 2 syllabi

governments may do to provide uniformity

be very tough. Getting distinction (above

are on par with each other, the actual class

of syllabus, they cannot bring about

75 %) was a great achievement. Today

room transactions vary a great deal due to

‘equality in education’.

many schools follow CBSE and all are

In Tamil Nadu for instance, the late Chief Minister M G Ramachandran popularised

from offering more than what is mandated, but with the restriction on school fees,

lack of infrastructural facilities or trained/

Government schools.

popular, there will be dilution in content.

orienting their students to pass, preferably

committed human resources. A system

There is a distinct hierarchy even

that lacks these facilities will be liberal

in education, despite a comparable

with distinction.

in evaluation.

curriculum overall. As the earnings of

I predict the same thing will happen to the

people improve, their aspirations also

IB and IGCSE patterns, ten years down

The national boards are therefore

improve. The person who studied in a

the line. If they have to sustain themselves

better than state boards in recall and

Corporation school will aspire to put his

in terms of viability they will have to grow

application, and in encouraging a higher

son in a Government school. For parents

in reach, so there is bound to be some

order of thinking skills. The ICSE does

who have passed out of Government

dilution in their offering. 8

not have continuous and comprehensive

schools, their children will invariably go to a

evaluation (CCE) yet, so the CBSE has

Matriculation school. The aspiration levels


an advantage. CCE has been instituted

move onwards to CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE,


with the idea of leading to a better learning

IB. So whatever may get done to provide


environment by

‘uniformity in education’ and ‘education


for all’, there will always be different fee


4 Minimizing misclassification of students

structures, to accommodate the growing

on the basis of marks

aspirations of people. 31

cover story medical or engineering colleges, even though the student may actually possess relatively superior depth in conceptual clarity. However, the flexibility of exam schedule in A Level (equivalent to 12th) frees up lots of time for aspirants for competitive exams. For e.g., one could sit for the A Level exams by November of the previous year and then devote the rest of the time till May next year, intensively preparing for the national-level entrance exams. Since any student can appear for the IGCSE or A Level exams as a private candidate by simply paying the examination fee (one does not need to belong to a school), some students of national boards in India have begun sitting for IGCSE and A Level exams, on their own. This gives them a sort of ‘dual’ qualification which can be leveraged for higher education anywhere. A word of caution: Good teachers are


imperative for a school offering IGCSE/A compared to Indian syllabi and focuses

Level course. While many schools are

on application-based learning. Critical

jumping into the bandwagon presumably

thinking is encouraged. IGCSE also offers

lured by the prospect of high fees they

The International General Certificate

flexibility: active learners may opt for more

can charge the students in these courses,

of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is a

subjects (as opposed to the minimum 5)

few actually take pains to attract the great

modified version of the UK based GCSE, a

or more rigorous testing. Of course, since

teachers the students deserve. So select

qualification for students in the 14–16 age

both IGCSE and A Level are globally

the school carefully and then sit back and

group. It is a two-year programme, spread

recognized qualifications, they do help with

watch your child blossom into a

over Classes 9 and 10, and culminates in

admissions to colleges abroad.

global citizen.

10 every year in May and November.

Now to some structural issues that go

Many schools in the UK are switching from

against IGCSE and A Level.

The International Baccalaureate (IB)

GCSE to IGCSE, pointing to its increasing

To clear prestigious entrance exams like

popularity. Advanced Level (popularly

IIT JEE in India, one has to work extremely

known as A Level) exam is the equivalent

hard in cracking the patterns of the papers,

The IB is an internationally recognized

of the 12th class board exam in India.

besides being smart. IGCSE or A Level

curriculum that was developed in 1968,

offers no advantage here. The IGCSE or A

by the International Baccalaureate, a non-

So what’s great about IGCSE or A Level?

Level Science and Maths syllabi are seen

profit educational foundation based

Many educators view IGCSE and A

as relatively less demanding compared to

in Geneva.

Level as superior to CBSE or ICSE/ISC

those of Indian equivalents such as ICSE/

exams in terms of testing the student’s

ISC or CBSE. The fact remains that a

It consists of three programmes offered as

conceptual clarity, depth of understanding,

great A Level performance may still not

a continuum or individually, the Primary

etc. The syllabus is broad-based

be enough to get past the gates of local

Years programme (K to 5th std), the Middle

the final examinations at the end of Class

32 Parent Circle / November 2011


Yashasvini Rajeshwar

do in the long run, what matters is that such an option is available to them.

My tryst with Cambridge began in Grade 8. We started IGCSE training a tad early in some subjects

Yes, Math with Cambridge IGCSE, is lower in standard than a

and I continued with the system until I passed out

Class 10 equivalent in CBSE or ICSE. Yet, the other subjects

of high school earlier this year.

are almost two years ahead of the local boards. Admission into colleges is not an issue with all major universities and

Cambridge allows us to think. It makes us understand, and

their affiliated colleges. Still, students find it easier to secure

analyze, and question, and apply. It changes the way we

admissions with colleges having entrance exams or interviews,

approach issues at hand - we tend to unconsciously use

where they avoid the hassle of explaining the ‘missing’

everything taught in our classrooms and textbooks. It gives us

percentages in the final certificates. An IGCSE student stepping

a global perspective on whatever we study as the syllabii spans

into a college in India, will need to get acclimatized to the Indian

the entire world, and our competition is quite literally, the planet

system of education. Again, this should not be much

at large. After doing three subjects more than the five prescribed

of a problem.

minimum, I finished my IGCSEs and decided that this stream of education was what I wanted throughout my schooling.

Based largely on the equality of opportunity and personalised education (learn as much as you want to), it is a brilliant

Cambridge, whether it is at IGCSE or at A Level, gives every

opportunity to make a lasting impact on the rest of the student’s

student the advantage of choosing preferred subjects early on.

life. I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed my high schooling and will

While many students, and most parents, are of the opinion that

whole-heartedly advocate this system of education to anyone

children as young as 13 years old hardly know what they want to

who wants to learn as opposed to those to want to be taught.

Years programme (6th to 10th std) and the

n Individuals and Societies

lab work as part of the internal assessment

IB Diploma (11th and 12th std). Of these, the

n Language Acquisition (second

requirements, which constitutes 20% to

IB diploma programme is the most popular.


30% of final grade.

The IB diploma is a very challenging, rigorous and holistic programme, with

The sixth subject can be either an art

How does the IB help Indian children

emphasis on the development of:

subject or one from any of the

pursuing their higher studies?

other groups.

National: Since 1983 the International

n Intercultural understanding and respect n Independent learning and research

Baccalaureate Diploma has been In addition the following are required:

recognized by the Association of Indian

n A four thousand word Extended Essay

Universities as an entry qualification to all

n Critical thinking and analytical skills.

(EE), as part of an independent study

universities in India. The IBO produces

n Skills for communication and

research project.

and issues for universities, a document

n Theory Of Knowledge (TOK), a course

detailing percentage equivalency along

that encourages students to reflect on the

with the transcript of results. IB scores

For the success of the IB programme,

nature of knowledge by critically examining

are scaled in the range of 1 to 7, with a 7

teachers require extensive training. Hence

different ways of knowing and different

being an equivalent of a 96% to 100% in

it becomes expensive for schools to

kinds of knowledge.

the Indian mark scheme. The student can

implement the IB.

n 150 hours of Creativity, Action,

request this document from their Diploma

Service (CAS) that requires students to

Programme Coordinator.




actively learn from the experience of doing

Students are required to study 6 subjects.

tasks outside of the classroom.

At least 3 subjects must be at the higher

The course content of IBDP for the Sciences and Mathematics is in line with

level, with the others at a standard level.


the prescribed syllabus of most Indian

One subject must be chosen from each of

Students take written examinations at the

open entrance tests for Engineering or

the five groups –

end of the 2 year programme, which are

Medicine undergraduate studies. All IIT’s

n Language and literature (first language)

marked by external IB examiners. Over

and other specialized institutes

n Experimental Sciences

the period of the two years, students are

recognize IB.

n Mathematics and Computer Science

required to do projects, presentations or

Note: Students need to prepare and 8 33

cover story choose beforehand, ‘preferred’ subjects liked by colleges offering professional courses if they want to study further in India. International: Globally, it is recognized as a challenging curriculum that equips children with the skills necessary for success in higher education. It is becoming the curriculum of choice for students wanting to go overseas for higher studies. US Universities specifically grant students college credits for subjects they have performed well in.

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) S SESHADRI

The Board has affiliated more than 8090 schools including 141 schools in 21

Harish Raja

countries. It grants affiliation for Classes 9 to 12. It approves the curriculum for Primary and Middle schools and conducts the All India Secondary School

I have always been one who looks for challenges, one who looks for the most intellectually stimulating path. Ever since I moved to India a little more than three years ago, I have had the IB diploma on my radar. I

examination at the end of Class 10 and

looked at the Extended Essay as something that would give me an opportunity to think

All India Senior School Examination at the

creatively, TOK as something that would change my perspective on the world, and

end of Class 12. The syllabus is based on

CAS as something that would allow me to reach out to the community.

NCERT Curriculum. I like to think, and apply the concepts that I learn. Instead of just repeating the same CONTINUOUS COMPREHENSIVE

math problem 30 times, I enjoy the challenge of applying a variety of concepts to solve


complex problems. The IB has enabled me to take on this challenge in a way that has

One of the major reforms the Board has

kept me engaged in the learning process.

embarked upon is the examination system for assessment and evaluation. CBSE has

IB bridges the gap between school and the real world. In Economics for instance,

introduced Continuous Comprehensive

students are required to bring in real world situations to demonstrate the failures of

Evaluation (CCE) for Class 10 Board

theoretical concepts. Sitting in economics class, I think math. Sitting in English I think

Examination mainly to reduce examination

Physics. Sitting in Physics I think TOK. I love that IB is not a set of compartmentalized

stress. CCE covers all aspects of

classes, but rather a lens through which to view a multifaceted world.

Curriculum namely Scholastic (Academic and Work Experience, Physical and Health Education and Art Education) and Co-

work, homework, oral questions,

health education gets graded in a

Scholastic (Life skills, attitudes and values

quizzes, projects, assignments and tests.

5 point scale.

and other outdoor activities).

Summative assessment is an end of the term examination of the curriculum.

Under the Co-scholastic areas

There will be two terms in a year.

Overall, there are three heads of

assessment head, Life skills (thinking

Assessment will be in the form of

assessment. Under the Scholastic Areas

skills, emotional skills, social skills) get

two formative assessments and one

assessment head, academic performance

graded in a 5 point scale; and attitudes and

summative assessment in a term.

gets graded in a 9 point scale and work

values in a 3 point scale.

Formative assessment covers class

experience/art education/physical and

34 Parent Circle / November 2011

Under Co-scholastic activities

are from CBSE schools, followed by the

Shakespeare. There is no option except to

assessment head, health and physical

State Government with 39% and ICSE

crack the two English papers if one wants

education activities (like Sports) get

with 5%.

to clear Class 10. Similarly, there are three

graded on a 3 point scale; likewise, literary

(COURTESY Times of India October 10, 2011)

papers in science – one each for Physics,

and scientific skills, performing art, clubs (like Eco Club) get graded on a 3 point scale. Non-academic achievements are essential! CLASS X: SECONDARY SCHOOL

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) BY SRIRAM NAGANATHAN


Chemistry and Biology – compared to a single Science paper in most other boards. For each subject, CISCE scopes out the themes and topics comprehensively. What needs to be covered in depth and what can be done in passing is clearly spelt

The CISCE is a unique private board. It

out. However, it stops short of explicitly

The school sets the paper (for summative

conducts two ‘public’ exams: ICSE (The

mentioning how many marks a topic (say,

exams) and also assesses. However,

Indian Certificate of Secondary Education)

Electricity and Magnetism) commands in

students are given the option of having the

at the end of class 10 and ISC (The Indian

the ICSE or ISC exam. Nor does it suggest

second or final summative exam assessed

School Certificate) at the end of class 12.

to the teachers how many hours they

by the Board. In such an instance, 60 per

should spend on a particular theme.

cent of assessment is done by the school,

It is not very popular in the country.

and only 40 per cent is left to the Board.

Chennai accounts for 13 schools out of the

While this ‘non-marks’ oriented approach

The final result is a combination of both.

total 62 in Tamil Nadu that are affiliated to

should be welcome and would suit a

the Board.

creative teacher, a less capable teacher

Curriculum for Class 10: Two languages,

who requires instructions at every step

Mathematics, Science, Social Science,

So what is good and not so good about

could find the task of preparing the

Work Education or Pre-vocational

ICSE and ISC? The standard of English

students for the public exams daunting.

Education, Physical and Health Education

is relatively high. In the class 10 exam

And of course, students do figure out how

and Art Education.

(ICSE), students sit for two papers in

CISCE ‘thinks’ from the patterns of

English – one dealing with the functional

past exams!

Advantage: CCE promotes regular steady

English and the other, with English

learning due to an on-going evaluation, it

literature. It does not matter if a wannabe

Ironically, despite a heavy science load,

is a fairer system of assessment.

software engineer is keen on C++ and not

CISCE tilts slightly towards promoting liberal arts. Environmental Education is 8

Disadvantage: Teachers need to be fairly objective in their assessment and one cannot rule out the possibility of

Subha Rajagopalan, a teacher and parent, currently based in New Delhi


People in transferable jobs (the armed forces/government officers etc who were the earliest to patronise it), are now finding CBSE slightly disadvantageous, due to the CCE. When parents get transferred midway during

Class 11 examination will be conducted by

the term, the teacher in the new school cannot grade the student effectively on the

the school, Class 12 by the Board, Marks/

criteria outside of pure academics, because she does not know the student. This, for

grades will be awarded for the individual

no fault of the student, results in lower grades.

subjects. I also find that a student who is really good in academics is put on par with a student Curriculum: Currently English and four

who is not so good because of the other criteria. This could be a disincentive for the

subjects, with 100 marks allocated to each.

interested learner.

“CBSE students leading the race” –

Still the system does remove a lot of stress from the student. It has not been enforced

Analysis of JEE 2011 shows that among

yet at the Plus 2 level, but I feel that there is no point in going back into the old

the qualified candidates 56% of students

system. Students will get disturbed by such fluctuations. 35

cover story a compulsory subject at the ICSE and ISC examinations. In ICSE (class 10), a student could choose not to do Science and Maths, but has to sit for History, Civics and Geography. Some experts also think that the examination patterns of pan-India entrance examinations such as IIT-JEE and PMT follow the syllabus of CBSE rather than CISCE. This makes it necessary for students taking the ISC exam to reorient themselves in order to take a shot at the prestigious competitive exams. CISCE still goes by ‘marks’ (in contrast to ‘grades’) in assessment and does not allow private students.

Samacheer Kalvi in Tamil Nadu Vasantha Krishnan, Swamy Matriculation Higher

That said, it is well known that a student who migrates

Secondary School, Chennai

to CBSE or any other board after ICSE (i.e., in Class

Sridevi Rudraiah, KRMM School, Chennai L M Vimala, Ammaniammal School, Rajapalayam

11), would find it a breeze. Switching to another board after ICSE is a popular tactic adopted by students who find it easier to score high marks or grades in exams

This year all the state level boards in Tamil Nadu (Matriculation, State,

of other boards to be in the reckoning for engineering

Anglo Indian) have been combined into one Samacheer Kalvi, a board

and medical college admissions, sans entrance

that is still evolving.

exams. ICSE and ISC remain the toughest exams that a student can take in India at Class 10 and 12 levels.

Earlier, the prevailing Matriculation system was on par with the NCERT

However, at the national level, CBSE has begun racing

syllabus mandated for the national boards upto 10th standard. Because of

ahead of CISCE with some progressive measures,

the higher levels of the matriculation curriculum, the 12th standard state

partly goaded by the government.

exams were a cake-walk. Now the syllabus has been downgraded, so the Matriculation school children will learn less than before – though for

Kapila Avinash My daughter is in the 11th standard and has opted for the Science group against the advice of many. I was shocked

state government schools there has been an upgrade. There is a plan to introduce CCE in the future as well. Unlike the national boards, in the 12th standard, a second language is compulsory along with English and four other subjects. A total of 200 marks is allotted for each subject; Science practicals are alloted 50 marks; likewise an oral examination in language is alloted 20 marks.

when I saw the two volumes of textbooks for each science subject, each 5 inches thick with such tiny

The Board exams at the 10th standard are evaluated on a total of 500

print. I am a post-graduate in Maths and I observed

marks, with 100 marks each for English, Language, Science, Social

that what I had learnt in the 3rd year of college was

Studies and Math.

being taught in the 11 standard. I understand why th

many students wish to change their boards when

For all students entering the sixth standard, there has been a ‘language’

it comes to the Science group – its just too tough!

upgradation in the syllabus. For students, both in the English medium

The teachers themselves narrow down the portions

and Tamil medium schools, the first language is Tamil and the second

based on exam patterns. Why are then such bulky

language is English. The other subjects will be taught in the respective

books prescribed? Why can’t the emphasis be on

mediums. Schools may opt to offer a third language for 3 hours a week,

quality rather than quantity?

but there is no exam for this subject. Existing students from the 7th standard and above will continue with the earlier system. All children upto

Art as a subject requires 3 hours regular work each

8th standard have to be promoted irrespective of performance.

day. So a combination of art and science in the ISC leads to even higher stress. I find that the accounts

Note: It is easier to get admission into the State Engineering Colleges and

and commerce group takers are the only

the various reputed Deemed Universities, after passing out from the State

ones relaxed!

Board, as evaluation is liberal.

36 Parent Circle / November 2011

onth! e of the M l z z u P z e Kid v i t a Kriy

Help Priya! Priya is in a fruitshop and there are three boxes of fruit that have been billed and kept in front of her. One box contains only fruits. One box contains only vegetables. The other box contains both fruits and vegetables. Each box is labeled. One reads "Fruits", one reads "Vegetables", and one reads "Fruits and Vegetables". Priya knows that NONE of the crates have been labeled correctly - they are all wrong.



s+ fruittables vege


ta vege

If she can only take out and look at just one of the item from just one of the boxes, how can Priya label ALL of the boxes correctly? Help her solve this problem!

Word Puzzle

The same letters in this calculation mean the same digit. Can you replace all the letters with the respective digits in such a way that the calculation is correct? ALFA + BETA + GAMA = DELTA SEND + MORE = MONEY ABC Ă— DEF = 123456, if A = 1

Send in your entries before 20th October, 2011 to the address given below, with your name, age, class, school name, address and phone numbers. Hurry up!

Surprise gift for the FIR ST correct responses!




Eden The Valley of Flowers BY ARPAN KANTHAL


t all started with a description of ‘Phoolon

Karnaprayag 30km 4 Nandaprayag 11km

Ki Ghaati’ to a close friend of mine by

4 Chamoli 58km 4 Joshimath 21km 4

her driver on her way to Badrinath. This


information, duly passed on to me, kindled my interest for this mystical destination. He

PLANNING TIP: When you plan, do keep

told her about a valley, nestled amidst the

two buffer days to handle unpredictable

majestic Himalayan peaks of Nanda Devi,

contingencies like landslides/cloudbursts,

Rathaban and Nilagiri, a valley covered

which are very common in Garhwal region.

with flowers of all imaginable shapes,

Remember that night travel is not allowed

sizes, shades and scents, a valley so

in the mountains, so break up your

beautiful that it is considered an abode of

journey accordingly.

the fairies by the locals.


After a month of planning, preparation and

I wasted no time upon reaching Delhi, as

coaxing of my manager to grant me leave,

every minute saved, releases more time

I finally managed to book tickets to Delhi.

for the trek. But, do keep in mind that it

I could barely wait, it was just a matter of

is the journey that makes the destination

time before I could see the place rumoured

more alluring, so do not rush through it.

to be ‘God’s Eden’.

From Delhi I caught a bus to Haridwar at around 3 p.m (You get buses to Haridwar

The Valley of Flowers is a part of the

from ISBT Anand Vihar every half an hour.

Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, in the

Please avoid private buses as they always

Chamoli District in Uttarakhand. The final

put money over the safety and comfort

lap of the journey involves trekking from

of passengers.) I reached Haridwar by

Govindghat. The route-map to Govindghat

8.30 p.m. You get numerous shared taxis,

by road is given below:

buses, autos going towards Rishikesh round the clock. I got down at the

Haridwar 25km 4 Hrishikesh 70km 4

Rishikesh Bus Stand at 9.15 p.m where

DevPrayag 31km 4 Srinagar 34km 4

the first bus to Joshimath was to leave at

Rudraprayag 23km 4

3.30 a.m the next morning. A casual chat with a local tea vendor opened up another

alternative. He suggested that I take the

to a crawl and the song reduced to an

Press cab. These are cabs which deliver

ultrasonic hum. My morale was taking a

newspapers to far-flung areas; hence there

beating with every step. It was a matter of

are no night travel restrictions on them. As

time before I gave up. I sat down on a rock

I was travelling alone, I took my chance. A

and could not muster enough will to even

cab-ride at night is not for the faint-hearted.

stand up. That is when I got this pat on my

It gets a tad scary. After some 10 hours

back. I turned around to see a Sikh pilgrim

of a gruelling ride through the scenic and

smiling upon me, telling me “Hosla rakh

overpowering Garhwal mountains, I saw a

puttar. Aaj bhagwan ki godi me sona hai. Vaheguru saari thakaan mita dega” (Don’t fret son. Tonight we sleep in the lap of god. He shall take all your weariness away).

completely mangled van being pulled out of a landslide. There were eight casualties. This was an eye-opener to me about the perils of the mountains. Nevertheless, I had to go on. After reaching Joshimath at around 2.30 p.m, I immediately set out for

That did the trick. I just remembered how

Govindghat, catching another shared taxi,

beautiful the valley was and the thought

which I later discovered to be the last one

spurred me to keep going. I realized that

for the day.

a climb becomes arduous only if you think of it as a roadblock. I lifted my head from

Once you reach Govindghat, you have

the stones that I had been staring at in

completed the easiest part of the journey.

the ground before me, and I realized what I had been missing all along. I forgot the


fatigue when I saw the path lined with

The valley seen in full bloom

Delhi - Haridwar by Bus: `320

beautiful flowers of all shapes and sizes.

It was a scary experience. Upon reaching

Haridwar - Rishikesh by shared auto: `30

Numerous waterfalls and magnificent

Ghangaria, I realised that my limbs were

Rishikesh - Chamoli shared taxi: `325

peaks were standing guard against the

no longer responding to my commands,

Chamoli - Joshimath shared taxi: `60

marauding sun, giving the valley a

so I rushed into the nearest guest house,

Joshimath - Govindghat: `30

shaded comfort.

threw the backpack to a corner and slumped onto the bed. Two hours later,


The climb to Ghangaria ideally takes 6-8

I woke up shivering, only to realise that

I call this phase ‘the grind’ because this

hours and passes through the picturesque

I hadn’t pulled the blanket on. Clumsily

is the time your muscles get ground to

villages of Pulna and Bhyundar. It is very

covering myself with whatever I found, I

pulp by the rough and rocky mountain

important to start early and finish before

snored away to glory. The temperatures

terrain. After offering a silent prayer at the

daylight fades. Ensure that you take plenty

go below zero at night, so do carry

gurudwara in Govindghat at 3 p.m, I set

of rest on the way as there is a lot more

warm clothing. Accommodation is freely

out towards Ghangaria. This place is the

trekking to be done in the coming couple

available, but during the peak season

base camp for both the Valley of Flowers

of days. Fortify yourself with plenty of

(June-August) do book your rooms at the

and the Hemkund Sahib. The distance

glucose-water. Many tea shops are set

GMVN (Garhwal Mandal Vikas Nigam)

was 14kms. ‘Piece of cake’ I thought. How

up at vantage points offering picturesque

guest house in advance.

wrong I was!

views of the snow clad peaks above and

I had committed two cardinal sins that a

the gushing river below, so do linger over

Owing to the place’s remote location,

backpacker should never commit:

a cup of tea; enjoy nature and remember

everything is priced at thrice the original

that the journey is not a race, it is an

price, so make sure that you carry most


of your stuff with you. Be prepared to

1. Measure the complexity of a trek

pay exorbitant prices for mediocre food.

by distance I had started rather late, and managed to

It is advisable not to try out fancy stuff

reach Ghangaria only by 8.30 p.m (five

like ‘Mushroom Masala’ or the ‘Mexican

I began on a sprightly note, with a hop in

and a half hours). I had to trek two hours

pasta’. You might get more than what

my step and a song on my lips. An hour

in the pitch-black forest with just a flimsy

you bargained for. Stick to the safe Aloo

and 3 kilometres later, the hop reduced

beam of light from my torch for company.

parathas and Masala tea.8

2. Carry a backpack weighing 12kgs 39

destinations EXPENSES If trekking is not your idea

so many vivid shades and wondrous

of fun, and you only want to visit the valley

perfumes, that from time to time, you could

then you can hire mules to carry you to

be forgiven for standing still, mouth agape,


mesmerised. This is a trail open to your

COST `700 per person one way.

exploration. Avoid walking fast, and do not

ACCOMODATION Hotel Priya Single

assume that there would be a name-board

Room: `300 (Very basic Amenities)

heralding your arrival. Savour every whiff

GMVN Guest House (Can be pre-booked

of fresh air mixed with the smell of flowers

online) Deluxe tents at `1800.

and every view of the snow-clad peaks that

Prices grow exponentially during July-

stand guard.

August peak season. FOOD `200 per person per meal.


As I headed along the trail I came across the grave of Joan Margaret Legge, the botanist who tragically died in the valley

For six months, I had awaited this day.

after an accident. I rested for a while, had

I had lost count of the times when I had

lunch, paid my respects to the departed

this dream where I was seemingly lost

one, and moved on. I returned to the

in the valley, walking leisurely past wild

checkpost by 5 p.m.

roses and rhododendrons with a smile stuck to my face. Now I could not wait

Along the trail, I met many interesting

for the sun to rise. All of yesterday’s

people - Itamar from Israel who had

tiredness disappeared into thin air. After a

spent two years planning the trip, a warm

sumptuous breakfast of a double omelette

couple from Chennai, workers clearing the

and strong coffee, I set out. Crossing a

landslide who were kind enough to share

flimsy makeshift bridge made out of sheet

hot tea with me in exchange for stories

metal, I reached the entrance to the park.

about life in the city, and a group of women

The entry fees to this haven was `150,

who had come all the way from Mumbai.

a price that does no justice to a place which gives so much joy to people, without

Back in Ghangaria, I stumbled upon

expecting anything. The guards ask you

Rajneesh Chauhan’s shop, a treasure

to be back by 6 p.m as camping inside the

trove of information about the valley.

valley after dark is not only illegal,

Rajneesh knows the valley and its trails

but dangerous.

thoroughly and conducts guided tours. After grabbing a few souvenirs from his

The 6 km trail which starts from the check-

shop, I headed back to my room for some

post and ends somewhere in the valley is

sleep. The next day would be

by far the most beautiful trail I have ever

more arduous.

walked. I gushed aloud oohs and aahs the majestic pine trees, the river roaring


below and the eager anticipation of the first

You will notice along the way to

valley-view leads to a euphoria beyond

Ghangaria, many Sikhs. They are however

words. The valley officially starts when you

conspicuous in their absence in the Valley

cross the 5th makeshift bridge, but even

of Flowers. This is because, every year

before this, you can guess that it is close

between June and September, Sikhs

at hand. How? The scent of a thousand

throng to Hemkund Sahib on a pilgrimage.

blooming flowers flows into your nostrils,

This is a 6 km uphill climb from Ghangaria.

making you experience heaven on earth.

At 15,000 ft above sea level, you see

with every step. The moss covered logs,

plenty of Sikhs even in their late 50’s The path itself is lined with flowers of

40 Parent Circle / November 2011

climbing, without breaking a sweat.Their

permitted on the road leading to Rishikesh. You can hope to reach Rishikesh by 6 p.m in the evening. Be patient if you are caught in a landslide as more often than not, it may take 3-4 hours to clear. But if lifestyle must be healthy! With breathtaking

given a warm blanket and a hot ball of

you are unlucky, you might be stuck for

views, slow, melting glaciers and a wide

sweetened rice. Only then did the impact

days at a stretch. I was stuck for 32 hours

array of exotic high altitude flowers like the

really hit me - that I had done it, that I had

in the middle of nowhere with just a few

Blue Poppy and Brahmakamals, this trail

accomplished what I set out to do. What

rundown shacks catering to the needs of

comes quite close to the Valley of Flowers,

seemed and was deemed impossible by

some 500 marooned people. You get to

if not equal to it.

most, was now on my ‘done and dusted’

meet a lot of interesting people and share

list. After offering my heartfelt gratitude

wonderful stories with them. To be very

Hemkund is the name of the lake formed

I rose from my spot, only to be whisked

honest, it was great, to do nothing all day

by water from the melting snow caps

away by a gentleman to the langar

for a change and just watch rocks tumbling

and glaciers in this region. Undaunted

(Gurudwara kitchen) for some hot tea and

down the gorge! Finally, after losing hope

by subzero temperatures and the risk of

a bowl of steaming khichdi. Both the tea

of the landslide getting cleared, a few

hypothermia, thousands of devotees take

and the khichdi were marvellous, and so

fellow trekkers and I decided to trek our

a holy dip in this lake. Although I had no

was the hospitality of the people. I had my

way across the mountains with the help of

such intentions, when I saw men twice my

fill as I needed every ounce of energy to

some local school boys. After a 7 km grind,

age take a dip with aplomb, I decided to

complete the 19 kms trek back

we finally reached the other side. From

go ahead.

to Govindghat.

there we hitched a ride to the nearest town and then took a shared taxi to Rishikesh.

The water was so cold, it felt as if icy

EXPENSES Again, if you are not willing

needles were pricking every pore of my

to trek to Hemkund, you can hire mules

As my shared taxi crossed the last

skin. I could barely finish my third dip

to take you to the peak, for prices ranging

landslide-affected region and drifted

before rushing out. Another ten seconds

`500-700 per person up and down.

away from the mountains, I experienced

of exposure and I am sure hypothermia

mixed emotions. Sad, because I was

my post-mortem report. But strangely


enough, after you get out of the pool you

I started my descent quickly hoping to

proclaiming ‘Thank you Visit Again’, I

start feeling warm, partly because the

reach Govindghat before daylight faded

shouted back “You bet I will!”. Amen.

temperature outside is lower than your

and reach Joshimath where I intended to

body temperature and partly because of

halt for the night. From Joshimath, there

the sense of achievement of completing

are frequent buses leaving for Rishikesh,

what seemed to be insane in the

starting from 5 a.m to 7 a.m from the

first place.

GMOU (Garhwal Motor Owner’s Union


Ltd.) office. You could also get shared


After quickly drying myself, I went to the

taxis to Srinagar/Rishikesh but make


gurudwara to offer prayers. Inside, I was

sure you start early as night travel is not


would have made an appearance on

leaving, but happy as I had got a glimpse of God’s Eden. So when I saw the board

EXPENSES Joshimath to Rishikesh Shared Taxi: `370 41

teen circle

Talking To Your

Preteen About




leepless nights, temper tantrums and force-feeding spinach pales in comparison to the challenge of

talking to your child about puberty. This topic leaves most parents feeling awkward and inadequate. Though it is a trying time for both parents and children, it can be a positive and enriching experience for both, if there is an open communication. A lack of communication between the parent and the child, particularly when the child is groping for support and security, can lead to anger, frustration, and a lack of selfesteem in the child. Each family and perhaps even each parent may have a different take on how to approach puberty and its changes. It is important for parents to agree on a consistent approach to provide stability for the child during this period of change. They must make an effort to have an open dialogue on the topic, despite taboos and societal pressures. The dialogue must be an ongoing one, so that the child and the parents can work through the different issues that come up, as the child goes through varying stages of puberty and maturity.

WHEN TO START Today’s children are exposed to abundant information about sex and relationships through the media. Sometimes they think they know all about puberty and the associated changes! It is important for parents to be aware that the information they receive is not always reliable. Beginning the dialogue before the onset of puberty, prepares a child to face the challenges of an awkward few years. Girls go through puberty between the ages of 9 and 13 while boys experience it from the ages of 11 to 16. An ideal time to start the conversation is around 9 years for the girls and 10 years for the boys.

42 Parent Circle / November 2011

WHAT TO SAY Talking to your child

cause the child some anxiety. Use simple

Again, this would depend on whom the

about the physical changes, described

language. With girls, the menstrual cycle

child feels more comfortable with. Many

under the heading Pubertal Changes, is

can be explained when a few of the other

boys are close to their mothers and do not

as important as the emotional changes

secondary sexual characteristics have

have a problem discussing this with them.

that they go through. While going through

started appearing (breast buds, axillary

puberty, the child may feel insecure,

and pubic hair). This could be followed up


anxious, embarrassed, often angry and

with discussions on the uterus, ovaries

is a physiological process and in most

sometimes even depressed. Reassure

and hormones.

instances, progresses without incident. It

them, empathise with them and most

is always a good idea to have an annual

you had experienced similar emotions


when you went through puberty.

usually the ones who discuss the changes

is the onset of puberty prior to age 8 in

importantly, listen. Be open and honest in your approach and assure the child that

check-up with the child’s doctor to monitor ongoing changes. Parents should also know about precocious puberty which

with the girls. There are instances when

girls and age 9 in boys. Delayed puberty

Issues relating to general care such as

another female member of the family may

is after the age of 15 in girls or 16 in

hygiene must also be addressed. It is

be designated to do this - an older sister,

boys. Both warrant an evaluation by the

important to acknowledge the changes

aunt, grandma etc depending on the family

endocrinologist to detect the medical

happening in both sexes as adolescents

situation. Either parent could talk to boys.

problems that may be causing this. 8

notice changes in each other. Interest in the opposite sex is normal. Children should be educated on the changes occurring in both sexes so that they can treat each other with respect and recognize the changes in one another.


PUBERTAL CHANGES IN BOYS Boys usually start puberty between the ages of 12 and 14. Initial changes would be a gain in height, weight and muscle mass.

The easiest way to start is by talking about changes in height and weight.

Physical characteristics: Enlargement

Girls for example start gaining a little

of the genitals, pubic hair, axillary hair

weight and growing a little taller, a year

and body odour appear in succession.

before puberty. So you could start the

The skin becomes more oily and acne

conversation by saying –“Oh look you

may appear. The hair too can become

are growing! Soon you will start changing

oily and dandruff may be noticed. Voice

little by little and one day you will look like

changes then start, followed by the

able to accept you as his friend (at least

mom!” Some girls have body odour or

appearance of facial hair.


changes and ask questions. The key is

Emotional changes and behaviour

Erections/ Wet dreams: A scientific

to start the conversations in a way that is

changes: Defiance, independence,

explanation of these – hormonal changes

not alarming to the child. It is sometimes

anger are common. A desire to fight

are the reason for enlargement of

harder to start dialogues with boys. Dads

against the establishment and establish

genitalia. Functional responses such as

can do this when they notice changes

rights makes for conflicts between the

erections (masturbation) and ejaculation

in shoe sizes which often precede even

parents and the child. Acknowledging

occur after peak height has been

height increases. Boys mature later than

these and dealing with them in a patient,

reached. These episodes occur randomly

girls both physically and emotionally.

non-authoritative manner is the key to

and this may be the most embarrassing

maintaining a successful relationship

aspect of male pubertal changes for both

with the child. The child must be able

the parent and the child. Reassuring the

to look up to you as a parent, and be

child that this is normal is important.

pubic hair and may be curious about these

HOW TO EXPLAIN THESE CHANGES While it is important to use the right scientific words, it may also 43

teen circle PUBERTAL CHANGES IN GIRLS Puberty starts between the ages of 9

but to react as calmly as possible while

and 11.

handling the situation.

Physical signs: The first sign is usually an enlargement of the breasts. This is

Once periods are established, the cycles

a good time to start wearing training

may be more predictable, usually 21 to

bras. Height and weight changes

28 day cycles are the norm. Each cycle

occur simultaneously, followed by the

may last 3-5 days with the heaviest

development of pubic hair, axillary hair,

bleeding occurring on the second and

body odour, acne etc. Some girls develop

third days. Anovulatory cycles that occur

pubic hair prior to breast development.

immediately after the onset of menarche

On an average, menarche (the onset of

are not associated with much abdominal

periods) starts 2.6 years after the onset of

cramping. So it is not uncommon for girls

breast development. For several months

to have painless periods for a few months

before menarche, there may be some

and then start having cramps. The degree

clear discharge from the vagina. This may

of cramps varies from child to child.

occur every month. The discharge is a normal part of the puberty process. Dealing with emotional issues is just as

Initially, the child must use pads and not tampons and be educated on hygiene.

important as dealing with the physical

Periods: Bleeding from the vagina

Frequent changing of pads at least 2-3

issues. You may have to worry if the child

is known as a period. Periods occur

times per day is important. Hand washing,

is consistently unable to cope with

because the body goes through hormonal

bathing and keeping the genital area

her feelings.

changes during puberty which result in

clean must be emphasized. Tampons

the shedding of the lining of the uterus.

may be used after the child has settled

Sometimes, physical issues may lead to

Although periods are supposed to occur

into a good routine with her periods.

emotional issues - how tall or short the

once a month, they may be irregular and

There are some dangers of using

child is, acne etc. Since genetics plays

unreliable for the first several months

tampons - toxic shock syndrome due to

a big role in the many physical aspects

to a year after the onset of menarche.

a retained tampon. It is therefore very

of puberty, it would be wise to seek the

This happens because the first several

important to make sure that the child is

doctor’s opinion on anything that seems

cycles are Anovulatory - in other words

responsible and aware that these must

out of the ordinary. Any major deviation

the hormonal balance that is required to

be removed in a timely manner. Today,

from familial characteristics

release the ovum or egg from the ovary

girls are involved in a variety of sports.

warrants attention.

has not occurred. Both parents and the

There is no reason to restrict activity

child must know that this is a normal and

due to periods. Proper protection (pads/

expected phenomenon.

tampons) and appropriate instruction to

Appropriate educational materials* are available that can help the child

the child can make the participation in

understand the process of puberty.

The first period may be a mere dark

sports easy. Encouraging them to stay

Parents must read and review the material

bloody stain on the underwear or may

hydrated by drinking fluids will help.

before sharing it with the child.

be frank bleeding. It may last a day or several days! Due to this unpredictability,

Emotional behavioural changes:


the child may have to carry pads with her

Self esteem issues are common at this


to school for several weeks or months

time. Girls who mature late may feel


prior to the actual event. Then again,

disadvantaged and different. Height and

it may happen when the child is least

weight differences may cause anxiety


prepared for it. The parent must explain

as also the appearance of acne. Girls


to the child that bleeding may happen

too go through the emotions of defiance,


anywhere and teach her not to panic

impulsivity and anger.


44 Parent Circle / November 2011




an you take us to a temple

up in the US, Bangalore and Delhi - they

in Madras?”, asked Sanjay.

were city-bred, ensconced in a liberal

I said ‘Sure’, but with some

environment and were not exactly frequent

hesitation. Sanjay is a successful

visitors to temples. They were probably

leader who has worked in the IT

doing their first trip to Chennai. To tip the

field and is now doing his own

balance were Sanjay’s parents, also from

consulting for organizations. I

the North. A very different group of people

had never associated him as

compared to what I was used to.

being historically-inclined. The three children - Aila, Ayaan and nephew Saket - were all brought

I was not sure about their interest in the history and the mythology that surrounded temples in Tamil Nadu. Still, I decided that it would be a great opportunity to test my own hypothesis that there is much more to ancient Indian temples than just religion; and that history does not have to be a jumble of dates and kings, but could be contextualized and made meaningful for the young generation. The Parthasarathy temple in Triplicane was our destination. As we all got into the vehicle, I thought it was important to get a sense of what the children liked and more importantly, what they did not. “What bores you about temples?” I asked and thankfully (predictably) the answers were quick and candid. The crowds, the dirt, the noise, the ‘why should I go?’ were all negatives and I heartily agreed and congratulated myself for having chosen a weekday morning. What do we like about temple visits? It was the food! Parthasarathy temple has a lovely pillared porch and we spent a few minutes there,

46 Parent Circle / November 2011


Another pillar and yet another sculpture



of a warrior in a curious pose! What was

I may not be able to take your child to

a sculptured jester in a comical pose having a long coneshaped-hat. The story about Tenali

the sculptor trying to tell us? The children had enthusiastic and imaginative answers. Could we touch the pillar and recognize

Raman (a jester) was narrated and

the quarried stone, and why this was a

the children too, shared some stories

preferred material for construction in the

about their favourite comic characters.

past, I asked.

the temple but here are some things that you can do. The Parthasarathy temple is a small one, so you can imagine the wealth of ‘sight-seeing’ possible in larger temples. Contextualize information to current

Soon, the sculpture was not a boring, meaningless image on the pillar but a

As we left the pillars we watched the

day problems. Images have not changed

very ‘live’ character that they had seen

greedy pigeons fluttering around. We then

much down the years!

in other forms on TV and in books. The

passed by many small but fine elephant

mood was now less lethargic.

statues. I recited some poems about elephants; the children in turn supplied

Inside the temple, we looked at the

their own stories/riddles; and there was

gold-plated Dwajasthambha (Flag-post

much speculation on the elephant statues

between the sanctum and the entrance).

and the reason they were there.

We spoke about how the Flag-staff was an important part of the palace.

We then crossed a sculpture of Trivikrama,

In Tamil Nadu, there is a very strong

Vishnu’s 5th incarnation. The children and I

and clear connection as to how kings

pieced the story together and discussed its

used temples to further legitimise their

relevance for us today. “Not having a big

authority; and how in turn, temples

ego”, was an unexpected response that

used kings to garner political support

took me aback. I did not expect this from a

to protect their wealth. Now I was

7-year-old but I guess that with a father for

having the rapt attention of the elders

a leadership/HR consultant, I should have

as well.

anticipated such an answer.

Some research on the inscriptions and history of the temple helps. Do not mindlessly repeat the sthalapurana. All of them are concoctions from the 16th century to encourage people to come back to temples after the Muslim invasions. The inscriptions are more interesting and relevant and available in English. It is a good idea to visit the libraries of the State Archaeological Survey in Halls Road. They have old, out-of-print books by K R Srinivasan, S R Balasubramaniam and others, which trace the evolution of temples from a social, political and historical context. The libraries also have

On the side of the Dwajasthambha is

The temple’s oldest inscription dates back

a carving of some of the incarnations

to 808 AD. I spent some time talking about

of Vishnu. I resisted the temptation of

this inscription, as also other interesting

naming them and the children had a small

ones and their significance to us. The

guessing game. Then I asked whether the

children were all eyes on the food stall

children create their own stories from the

sequence of the avatars also indicated

nearby. So after this round, we did a quick

sculptures. They can even try drawing

an old Hindu concept that life began first

darshan – an hour had passed!

some of them and learn a few songs

the inscription reports for all temples and monuments across India. Ask a lot of questions, and let

associated with the temple.

in water. The children’s thought the trail however led to sea-monsters upon seeing

I knew that the visit was a success when

the Matsya Avatar (Fish avatar) and they

two of the children actually held my

enquired whether the temple tank had its

hands and asked for more explanations

own monster. OK, the original mythological

from some sculptures! Knowing when to

idea was diluted, but it was all in the spirit

stop is the hallmark of a wise one. We

of things.

parted ways with all of us having learnt something.

Poet and saint of the 8th century,

We have to recognize that a lot of our pride in our country rests with our heritage. We need to pass this on to our children. Though this article is focused on a temple, most of the principles apply for other such historical monuments or even

Tirumangai Azhwar’s verse on the


temple, attributed the beauty of the town


to its water bodies and we all agreed on


Know when to stop! Our job is to

the importance of water conservation.


kindle a love for learning and curiosity in

How can we save water? This was our


children, not to smother them

discussion as we went inside.


with information!

natural reserves and wild life parks. 47


The Revival of Traditional Games BY SHASHWATHI SANDEEP TRADITIONAL GA MES still flourish in the temples


of India

ven today, when our grandparents

terraces of temple gopurams, walls, pillars

strategy. Dayakattam for instance,

talk to us about their more

and even floors!

has been in existence from the days of

youthful days, the joint family

the Mahabharata, when the Pandavas

system and the rituals they

Not just in Karnataka, but the well-known

lost their kingdom and their wife Draupadi

followed, we enjoy the

Kapaleeshwar temple in Chennai has such

to the Kauravas; King Nala too lost his

conversation. An interesting conversation

evidence of people amusing themselves

kingdom similarly, to a cousin.

would perhaps centre around how they

in its precincts. “Dayakattam, Dahdi, Ashta

spent their free time in those days when

observation skills.

Chemma and many more games can be found in just this one temple, though others like the Marundeeshwarar Temple and Sri Dhenupureeswarar Temple also have such ‘exhibits’,” says Vinitha Siddharth, who runs Kreeda. Kreeda is an organization in Chennai, which is working towards popularizing traditional games among students and corporates.

When we visit temples, how many of us

Some of the games have also spread

notice these games etched on the

to other countries. “In those days,

temple walls?

considerable exchange happened through

there was no entertainment. There were no video games or television. There was no Cricket, but Gilli Danda and there was no Ludo, but Dayakattam. These are games that teach us something about our culture and traditions, and sharpen our

trading routes. People used to travel “I had been to a temple in Belur for our

for years together. They lived and even

research. We discovered a stone block

married while travelling. That is how

on the inside of the well which had the

people from other countries started playing

game of Aadu Puli Attam etched on it! The

these games and have adapted some

workers must have played the game on it

of them into their own culture,” explains

and used the stone later for the well,” says


Raghu Dharmendra from Mysore, who has been researching traditional games for

It is difficult to date the origin of these

over a decade. Many games have been

games, many of which were devised by

found scratched/etched on the ceiling, and

combining the elements of chance and

48 Parent Circle / November 2011

Ever heard of the name Parampada

Sopanam? This is the traditional version of ‘Snakes and Ladders’, played by the kings in the olden days. Parampada Sopanam means ‘Steps to the Highest Place’. “It was believed to be symbolic of a man's attempt to reach God,” says Kamala Gopalan, a traditional games expert. “There are little known games like Pandi (hopscotch) we used to love playing. Another game I fondly remember is the Puliamkottai Aattam where we would blow a group of tamarind seeds in such a way that one seed would not touch the other,” she adds.


I have been playing traditional games since I was five years old, with my mother and grandmother. My favourite one, is the shell sandal game. In this, you tie two dry coconut shells together with a rope, place your feet on them and try to walk. It is real fun. SHREYA THOMAS, 10 YEARS OLD.

these games and and keeping them alive. As Raghu has blogged, “Further south from Nanjangud towards Chamarajanagar is the small village of Hemmaragala. Its sole claim to fame is the ancient Sri Santana Venugopala Swamy Temple… The cement flooring here is marked with half a dozen game boards. The well-used glistening floor and the shallow pits of the game boards give away the fact that the place is a haunt of gamers… The villagers were surprised by the interest

access to the traditional games, which I had always liked. When I came back to India, I started playing these games with my children. They totally got hooked on to it. We make it a habit to play such games during the weekend. Today, traditional games are a huge hit even in parties. During my son’s thread ceremony, we had a separate area where the children could sit and play these games. There are some weekends when I may not be able to play, but my children never forget and continue this tradition. SUJATA VIJAY,

SRI SANTANA Venugopala Swamy Temple at Hemmaragala


shown by me to learn the games… An unwilling Rangaswamy, a man in his fifties, has decided to be my opponent

(Aadu Puli Aattam) … It looked like the honour of the entire village was at stake… Rangaswamy’s folks are delighted by his win. Later, I learnt that this village has several experienced gamers who play for hours at a stretch during their spare time when agricultural activity is at a bare minimum.”


The old folks in the villages are still playing

Parentspeak In the US, I had very little

Photograhs by Raghu Dharmendra, Ramsons Kala Pratishtana, Mysore


exhibitions of these games every year for people to get to know about them. Through such exhibitions, the team at Kreeda Kaushalya also gets to learn more traditional games. Raghu has blogged about one such incident. “On the third day of the exhibition,

When it comes to the revival of these

in walked a group of three ladies with five

games in the city, there are a few

children. ... the boisterous group learnt a

organizations that are working hard to

few games and shared with us one of their

popularize them among the urban crowd.

own. Quickly a game board was sketched

Kreeda, for example, holds workshops in

on the back of a calendar print using a

schools and corporate offices to spread

scale and pen… the game was almost like

these games. “These games teach adults

Vimanam… 12 pawns were placed in both homes, a pair of stick dice started to roll… the game took almost two hours to finish.”

and children life-skills, apart from the sheer pleasure they get by playing them. In the olden days, whole families used to

KESHAVA TEMPLE, Somnathpur, a chipped stone assemblage of a game of pallanguzhi

discovered more games in some of the temples that we have visited, but are still

sit together even if there were differences

Kavade is yet another organization in

figuring out the rules of the game,”

or disagreements among them and play

Bangalore that sells these games and also

says Vinitha.

these games, says Vinitha. Kreeda is

conducts workshops and tournaments

working out the details for more such

from time to time. “I also conduct classes


products. The employees also visit old age

at Kavade for children. They sit with me

Games played for concentration: Aadu Puli

homes to gain knowledge about

and learn the games patiently. They are all

these games.

curious about these games and they love

Aatam, Pallanguzhi. Games played for strategy: Ashtaa Chemma, Dahdi, Chaturvimshathi Koshtaka, Panch Kone, and Chaupad. Game to recognise numbers: Paramapada Sopanam. Game that requires hand-eye coordination: Gilli Danda.

playing it,” says G S Sreeranjini who runs Kreeda Kaushalya, based in Mysore,

the place.

of which Raghu is a part, is another organization which actively hunts around

There are many more games waiting to

for traditional games with the sole intent

be discovered, if only people keep their

of reviving them. The organization holds

ears, eyes and minds open. “We have 49

check it out

Board Games of Yore T

AADU PULI AATAM This game requires two players. A rectangle passes under a triangle, and there are intersecting points. There are three tigers and 15 goats. “The three tigers were represented by bigger stones and the 15 goats by smaller ones. The tigers are initially placed on the apex and in the 2 inner places near the apex, while the goats appear one by one on the board at the intersecting points,” explained Kamala Gopalan, a traditional games expert. Both players alternate in turns.

raditional games are a way of learning about

A tiger can capture a goat by jumping over it to an adjacent free

the past and they also enhance the overall

position whereas the goats cannot move until all of them are on

development of the people who play them. These

the board. The goats have to be placed in such a way that they

games, though almost forgotten, are still available in

immobilize the movement of the tigers. The tiger wins if it captures at

some places. Here is a brief on some of these games

least five goats and the goats win if they are successful in blocking

and where these are available…

the tigers’ movement.

This game is one of strategy and quick thinking.


Available at Kreeda, Chennai `250 Kreeda Kaushalya, Mysore `695

This game was born in the villages of Tamil Nadu where it was a favourite pastime for the bored housewives. Two players are needed. Boards, made out of wood, contain 14 cups


and each player gets seven cups. Women used

(Ashta Chemma in Telegu, Chowkabara in Kannada)

either Cowries (Sea Shells) or tamarind seeds, six of which were placed in each hole. The player who starts first, picks up the seeds from any one of the holes on her side and proceeds

The object of the game is to move all your

in a clockwise direction, placing one seed in

pawns from the starting point to the centre

each hole. When she drops her last seed, she

‘home’. But watch out as your opponent can send your pawn back

picks up the seeds from the next hole and

to start by landing on the same space. Earlier, either a 5x5 grid or

continues in the same way. This goes on till the

7x7 grid was drawn on the floor with a chalk. Each player takes turns

last seed falls into a hole with an empty hole

by throwing 6 cowrie shells (sea shells). A pawn can be moved onto

next to it. The seeds in the hole adjacent to

the board only by getting the number 1 (Daayam). Dice can be used

the empty hole belong to her. The next player

instead of cowries.

continues play in the same way. The game ends when a player has no more seeds left on her side to play with, on her turn.

The game increases the motor skills of the players and also their mathematical ability. Kreeda, Chennai `760

50 Parent Circle / November 2011

This is a game of both luck and strategy that increases critical thinking and mathematical skills. In the past, children and grandparents spent quality time and bonded together playing this game. Kreeda, Chennai `350 Kreeda Kaushalya, Mysore `550



The ladders represented

The four-handed Chaduranga

the virtues and the snakes

is what is called Chess in

represented the vices. If any

the present days. Except that

player reached the highest point

there are four players in this game instead of two players.

in the game, it was believed that

This game also involves the use of dice. Each player gets

it assured a place for him

an opponent where player 1 would play with player 3 and

in heaven.

player 2 would play with player 4. Each player gets eight chessmen in the form of a Raja, an Elephant, a Horse, a

Kreeda, Chennai `760 Kreeda Kaushalya, Mysore `625

Ship and a Pawn. The throw of the dice decides which coin has to be moved. The team that captures both the opponent Rajas wins the game.


Kreeda Kaushalya, Mysore `2850

An old Sanskrit book written in


Sanskrit by Harikrishna, son of Venkatram, is the inspiration

(Pagade, Chaupad)

for this simple strategy game,

Dayakattam is an Indian dice game

developed and promoted by Krishnaraja Wodeyar of Mysore in the nineteenth century. Chathurvimshathi Koshtaka simply means 24 boxes or squares in Sanskrit. This is a battlefield game where two players with eight coins each, literally battle it out to gain control of enemy territory. The coins can move only in specific directions.

played by two or four people. Players

have six coins each. The ‘dayam’ or ‘1’

is needed for the coin to start moving forward. Players get another chance to roll the dice if they get ‘1’, ‘5’, ‘6’ or ‘12’ and they can move different coins during such sequential throws. Coins can cut opposing coins by landing on the same square, unless it is in a safe zone. Another variant of this game requires 8 coins for each player.

Kreeda, Chennai `120

The coins move forward in pairs only upon and ‘even’ number throw of the dice. The coins are moved forward by half the number indicated by the dice throw.


Kreeda, Chennai `600

This is a game played by two players. Each player gets 6 coins each of the same colour and starts from a point called ‘Home’. There


the form of an aero plane and that is why the game is named

(Navakankari in Sanskrit, Saalu Mane Aata in Kannada)

the Vimanam. Both the players throw the cowrie shells and

Two players are given 9 coins each. Players have

move forward in different directions. If one player lands on

to collect as many points as possible by lining

the same square as the other player, then the latter has to

up 3 coins in a row. Although the game is similar to the game

take the pawn back ‘home’ and start the game again. But, if

of noughts and crosses, it is far more complex as coins can be

the pawn is in a darker square, the other pawn cannot be cut.

moved and the opponent’s coins can be removed.

Kreeda Kaushalya, Mysore `1075

Kreeda, Chennai `250

are darker squares and lighter squares. The game board is in 51


Creamy Potato Soup (SERVES 4)

Peas and Spinach Soup (SERVES 4)


Gazpacho (SERVES 4)


2 medium sized potatoes 1 medium onion 1 tbsp butter


1 cup milk


3 cups of spinach

2 cups water

3-4 ripe tomatoes

1 cup of peas

Mixed Italian herbs for seasoning

1 small cucumber

1 clove of garlic

½ small onion

2 slices of white or

METHOD: Peel and dice the potatoes

1 or 2 cloves of garlic

brown bread

and onion. Heat the butter in a pan. Add


the potatoes and onion and fry for a few


METHOD: Clean the spinach

minutes. Add about 2 cups of water and

1 tbsp olive oil

well and place it in a vessel

bring it to a boil. Let it simmer till the

Coriander to garnish

with ½ cup of water. Add the

potatoes are cooked.

green peas and garlic to it. METHOD: Peel and chop all the ingredients and

Bring it to a boil and simmer

Turn off the heat and let it cool. Once it

put them in a blender! Garlic and onion give it a

till the spinach changes

reaches room temperature, blend it into a

very pungent taste as they are raw, so don’t add too

colour. Do not overcook it as

smooth puree.

much. Serve chilled with finely chopped coriander

the soup will lose it’s bright

as garnish. Alternatively you can also garnish it with

green colour. Tear the bread

Put it back on the stove and add 1 cup

some finely chopped tomatoes or cucumber.

into small pieces and add it

of milk, or more, to bring it to the desired

to the spinach-peas mixture.

consistency. You can even use water

Let it cool down for a few

instead. Season with salt and some mixed

minutes and blend it into a

Italian herbs and let it simmer for a few

smooth paste. Add enough

minutes. Serve with some extra butter and

water to bring it to the desired

pepper (optional).

Cold soups are great for a summer afternoon. They are filling, cooling and delicious.

consistency and simmer the soup for 5 minutes. Season with salt and serve warm.

Peas and spinach are just boiled for a few minutes which helps retain most of the nutrients.

Potato soup takes only minutes to make and is hearty and comforting!

Beetroot and Yoghurt Soup

Sweet Pumpkin and Rice Soup





Healthy Cheese Bread Stick (MAKES 10 TO 12 STICKS) INGREDIENTS:

1 cup whole wheat flour

2 cups beetroot

2 cups of diced sweet pumpkin

1 tsp salt

1 cup + 2 tbsp yoghurt

1 cup diced onion

1 tsp dried thyme

METHOD: Peel and cut the

¼ cup lightly torn sage (or any

3-4 cloves of garlic beetroot into cubes. Place it

other fresh herb)

in a pressure cooker with ½

2 tbsp of olive oil (or any other

2 tbsp olive oil ¼ cup grated cheddar cheese ¼ or more yoghurt

cup water and cook till you

oil of your choice)

METHOD: Combine flour,

get one or two whistles. Do

¼ cup cooked rice (red

salt and dry thyme and mix

not overcook. Beet should

or white)

well. Add the olive oil and

still have its taste, shape

2 cups water

mix with your finger tips till

and colour intact. Blend it

Salt for seasoning

the flour resembles coarse

into a smooth paste. Place it

bread crumbs. Mix in the

in a heavy bottomed vessel

METHOD: Heat olive oil in a

and bring it to a boil and

pan. Add the garlic and onion

cheese and stir well. Now add enough yoghurt to make a stiff

then reduce the heat. Beat

and sauté for 5 minutes. Now

dough. Knead well, wrap in a silver

the yoghurt well to make

add the diced sweet pumpkin

foil or cling film and refrigerate for

it smooth with no lumps.

with the skin and the sage

Slowly add it to the beetroot

leaves. Fry for a couple of

at least an hour. Roll it into thin bread sticks of not more than ½ cm thickness

puree stirring continuously.

minutes and pour 2 cups of

and bake at 120 degree C for 10 minutes

Add more water if you do

water. Cover and cook till the

or until it turns golden brown. Let it cool

not want the soup to be too

pumpkin is soft. Turn off the

completely as it will continue to harden.

thick. Season with salt.

heat and blend it into a smooth

Serve with soup or as a snack!

puree. Put the soup back on Serve with some extra

stove and bring it to a boil. Add

yoghurt on top to create a

the cooked rice and season

nice white swirl!

it with salt. Sprinkle some red chilli flakes for some heat. Serve hot with some fresh bread on the side.

Add a fresh/dry red chilli or some cumin to give it an Indian touch.

Replace the thyme with cumin, red chilli flakes, asafoetida or any other favourite spice to make it more Indian!

Sweet pumpkin is a great vegetable for soups as it gets creamy when cooked and pureed, and it is sweet to taste. 53


November All Sundays

Nov 11 & 19

Nov 12 to 13

Hansel & Gretel, 11, Jagadambal Street, T.Nagar

Kartwheel, 21/1, Lady Madhavan Road, Mahalingapuram

Bhavan’s Rajaji Vidyashram, Kilpauk Garden Road, Kilpauk

Learn Chess from

On Nov 11, Kartwheel

organised by age groups.

Grand Master Arthie

is hosting a Pot Painting

Time: 9:00 am (94440 44576)

Ramaswamy, Coach for the World

workshop for children of the age group 4 to

Youth Chess Championship. Also learn

12 years. On Nov 19, a cookery workshop

Art and Dance.

will be conducted for both adults and

Time: Chess - 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm


Art - 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Time: 4 pm to 6 pm (Kousalya Ganesh -

Dance - 10:30 am - 12 pm

80150 15074)

Chess Workshop, Smart@Art and Music and Dancercise

Pot Painting and Cookery Workshop

8th TN State level Chess Tournament Tournament for children of all ages;

(044 28152549 / 98404 31549)

Nov 12

Age Group: 4-8 years

Children’s Day Celebrations by Little Angels Playschool Nov 5 & 19

Photography by Konica

German Hall, Prakasam Street, T Nagar

Nov 13

The finals of the competition will be held

Children’s Workshop

for various activities like drawing

Indra Nagar

Konica Colour Lab, No. 24 & 25, Siva Ganga Road, Off Sterling Road, Nungambakkam

and singing.

Fun in the garden through games,

Time: 9:30 am to 1:00 pm

activities and art by Nizhal.

(9884390540/ 044 28341368/ 28342236)

Time: 9:30 am – 11:30 am

Age Group: 3 to 15 years

Age group: 6-12 years (90030 11372)

Konica Colour

Nov 12

Lab and Studio

Eureka Run for Children

in association

Marina Beach

with Dhams Photography is conducting

It is a 5 km run starting from the Gandhi

a one-day photography workshop for

Statue at Marina Beach. This run is to

children of 10 years and above.

support the cause of quality education.

Time: 9:30 am (99400 78820)

Time: 6:30 am (Selva - 97909 51652)

Children’s Day Celebration

Nov 6

Nov 12

Bamboola Play School, No.73 (Old No.26), Venkatakrishna Rd, Raja Annamalaipuram

Jeeva Park, G.N. Chetty Road, T Nagar

decorate your own cookie/fruit salad

Tree walk organized by Nizhal is to

Vanilla Place, No 89, Bishop Garden, Greenways Road, R.A. Puram

promote tree culture in urban areas, to

A sale which allows the parents and

Time: 4 pm to 6 pm (044 24611779/

create awareness of the role of trees,

children to set up stalls where they can

98403 94190)

planting the right kind of trees and caring

buy, sell or exchange products with other

for them.

stalls. This is to understand the value of

Time: 7.30 am to 8.30 am (90030 11372)

money and importance of recycling.

Tree Walk

Bring and Buy Sale

(044 42266660)

54 Parent Circle / November 2011

Nov 14

Make your own sandwiches/juice/ and enjoy a picnic with Bamboola

For event listings contact us at PARENT CIRCLE, 3rd Floor Shri Renga Vihar, 8/14 First Cross St, Karpagam Gardens, Adyar, Chennai 600020, India. Ph. no. 24461066/67/68. Email with the subject line ‘Events’.

discussion point

Do you think pocket money should be given to your child?

Maturity rather than age is the criteria. On


the amount to be given, that depends on the parent. To teach children the value of money,

We children do not have many needs,

give them small projects, like purchasing

other than some school items like

household groceries within a budget. Many

stationery and text books. We do not

parents introduce the concept of budget

require pocket money.

after seeing their teen’s lifestyle. This should

Thameena S, 14 year old

not be the entry point to the subject. If the household expense is handled by your child,

Pocket money should be saved more and

he gets to know the value of money and the

spent less. We need to account for it, keep

art of budgeting in a subtle way. The next

it safe and even inform our parents before

step is to teach him to shop for small events,

spending it. We can give some of it in

like a get-together among friends. Guide him

charity, for the welfare of poor children.

as needed. A kiddy bank box is also a good

Aishwarya, 11 years

idea to inculcate the savings habit in a child. Shyam Sekhar, Father of three children aged 10 years, 7 years and 3 years

of the parents or on festive occasions like Diwali. It should be ‘earned’ by the child for

Yes, introducing children to money and

doing simple chores at home or for being

making them realize the value of it is very

well-mannered. Parents can discuss how it

essential from the age of 7. We can give

should be utilized by the child and monitor

them some money to go and buy things

the spending.

from the nearby shop; we can introduce

Sohrab, father of a 5-year-old

them to the idea of Savings Accounts in the bank; we can make them pay the

I come from a world where each household

vendors who come home and have them

had several children and parents never

collect the change etc. This will make them

believed in handing over any money to them.

understand the value of money.

There were times when I used to yearn for

Kalpana Rajiv, Mother of a 8-year-old

a little money of my own, to feel the cash in my hands. It is better to give a little money to

School bags are getting heavier. What do you think schools should do about it? Please send in your responses before November 15, 2011 to with the subject line ‘Discussion Point’, or send them to PARENT CIRCLE, 3rd Floor, Shri Renga Vihar, 8/14 First Cross St, Karpagam Gardens, Adyar, Chennai 600020, India.

I really like what ICICI Bank has done in its

the children around the age of 8 or 10. It will

Young Star account, a separate animated

make them feel important and worthy of the

section in their website/ e-banking on the

trust bestowed upon them by their parents.

need for savings. It is an innovative and fun

We can monitor the spending in subtle ways

way of making the children realize the value

without breathing down their necks. The

of money and the importance of saving it.

children will understand the value of money

Venkataraghavan Srinivasan, Father of a

and how to spend it judiciously.


Surayya Sheriff, Cochin

We have an `50 pocket money budget

I feel that children are too young to handle

for our son. With this money, he plans his

money and no matter how much you teach

expenses meticulously. He then tells us to

them the importance of money, they will end

pay budget excesses from the many gifts he

up spending it on frivolous things. At this

gets from his aunts and uncles. But overall,

age, they will not understand the concept

it has been a useful exercise for him in

of saving. Their meaning of 'needs' and our

understanding money and budgeting.

meaning of the same thing is different. Once

S Srinivasan, Father of a 9-year-old

they grow old enough, they will automatically manage money.

Pocket money could be given as a fixed

Malathi Srinivasan, mother of a

amount monthly depending on the lifestyle

10-year-old 55

lighter vein know that as a first-time mom, she’s

kid is just average,” I could say. “Don’t

probably really tired and feeling totally

worry about cleaning the house until they

overwhelmed. I remember feeling like

go to college. Kids need to be exposed to

that, too. And I must have looked as out

germs. A healthy house is a messy house.”

of control as I felt because it seemed like everyone had helpful advice about how to raise a baby.

I have pearls, nay, priceless gems of parenting wisdom that I would love to impart. “If your kid is smart, keep it to

“Don’t you think he should be

yourself. No other parents, except possibly

wearing a hat?” an older woman

your own mother, are interested.”

in the supermarket inquired as my firstborn fussed in the grocery cart.

“Make your child take piano lessons.

“Air conditioning is chilly for a baby.”


“He sure looks hot,” a man in the

“No matter how good a parent you think

produce aisle said. “You should take

you are, when your child is 16, they will

off his socks.”

smash your car.”

At the checkout, as I frantically dug

So when the woman with the stroller

through the diaper bag for my credit

stopped in front of my house, I couldn’t

card while simultaneously trying

resist. I peeked past the cup holder to

to wiggle a pacifier into Nathan’s

see the baby and to say something that

screaming mouth, a woman in line behind

would transform the new mom’s parenting

me sagely commented, “Sounds like

experience and provide a lasting impact

somebody needs a nap.” Duh.

on the well-being of her child. Something that would make me look like the parenting

I know that all of these people were merely

goddess that I am.

offering helpful advice with no motivation BY CAROL BAND


beyond my child’s welfare. And now I have

The infant was swaddled in blankets. It

raised three kids (and by raised, I mean

was 80 degrees outside. He looked hot.

that I never lost them at the supermarket his morning, a young woman pushed

or forgot to feed them. I never ran away

“His name is Elliot,” the mother beamed.

a stroller by my house. I used to

to Bora-Bora, even when my son put

Elliot is the name of my brother-in­-law,

watch her as she hustled by on her

earthworms in the dryer. And none of my

but I didn’t mention that or point out that

way to work. She was always dressed for

kids are behind bars or working as pole

her child was probably working up a

success in a business suit with heels and

dancers or suing me for psychological

sweat under his downy wraps or relate the

a briefcase.

damages), I consider myself somewhat of

hardships of parenthood prior to

an expert on parenting.

cup holders.

suits for maternity clothes. She swapped

Back in the 1990s when my kids were

Instead, I said, “He’s beautiful.

her high heels for comfortabl­e­flats, and I

babies, strollers didn’t have cup holders,

Congratulations.” And then I shut up.

noticed that she walked a bit slower to the

so the whole motherhood business was a

Maybe I am a parenting expert.

city bus stop.

lot tougher. Somehow I managed, my kids

Then one day, she traded in her power

survived and I now have years of valuable


Today, she was pushing a stroller. She

expertise and advice that any young


paused on the sidewalk to adjust the sun

mother would be foolish to ignore.


screen, then pulled a portable coffee mug from the stroller cup holder and took a sip. I don’t really know this woman, but I do

56 Parent Circle / November 2011

‘HOUSEHOLD WORD’ BY DOMINION PARENTING “Get off the cell phone and talk to your


baby,” I could command. “Forget that


Baby Einstein stuff, and be glad that your


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