1 minute read
Zoning and Land Development

Adajan Gaam BRT Swaminarayan Chowk BRT

Sanjeev Kumar Auditorium BRT
In the existing situation we observe that a 3 Km. BRTS line is actively running across the area with 5 stations falling in to the study area. We also observe that there is a proposed METRO rail from Majura Gate to Bhesan that passes through the study area.
It would be a potential for the development of site if we utilize the public transport network to boost activities in the area. A re-routing of METRO rail is proposed in order to fully capture the potential of the public transport network in the study area.
Also, the area along the river edge is observed to potray a dead character due to lack of activities, and hence by the re routing of metro line along the river edge might result in atracting development along that edge and make it lively through all times of the day.