Gangnam Style enters mainstream
Lone Pine maze was haunted for October
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a student newspaper
the Talisman
Sheldon High School 2455 willakenzie Rd., Eugene, Or 97401 vol. 48 Issue 2 Nov. 2, 2012
Sheldon Dublinaires sing for the new season Setting high standards, Dubs maintain their excellence as performers Cya Silva opinions editor They sang at the inauguration of President Obama, they’re an award-winning group of talented individuals, they’re going to sing in Carnegie Hall, and they rank as the second-best choir in the nation. They are the Sheldon Dublinaires - affectionately known to the Sheldon community as the Dubs. The Dubs are an important part of Sheldon because they represent values like hard work, leadership, and cultivation of talent. Though it is difficult to qualify as a member of the group, it provides an opportunity for driven, musical students to cooperate and be something larger than themselves. During the next few months, the dubs will be showcasing their wonderful work, singing to liven the spirits of the community. Though the Dubs have achieved much, they aren’t always well known at Sheldon. “It’s too often that I find out people don’t even know who we are or what Dubs is,” senior Dubs VP Amy Follet said. “We are a vocal jazz ensemble. We may not quite be Glee, but we are a showy group and entertainers.” The first Dubs gig was the morning of October 30 at the HIV Alliance breakfast at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Eugene. They performed a small selection of songs and made a very good impression. Despite some issues with members getting sick and not being able to go, they sang well, putting on a smooth production that would sound effortless to any listener. As the Dubs progress, their performances will only get better. “We take great pride in representing Sheldon as a whole in our own community and when we travel to competitions,” said Dubs director and choir teacher Nancy Anderson. And represent they do, going to gig after gig
as well as several competitions. Senior Brian Theisfield commented, “[I have] no idea how many [gigs we have this season].” He promptly gestured to his uniform: “We live in this, [though]. It’s like a second skin.” Senior Jackie Jones also commented, “Let’s say, between October 20 and [the end of] December, you’re generally guaranteed anywhere from fifteen to thirty gigs.” Anderson also stated, “We’ll probably go to [the] Pleasant Hill [Jazz Festival] in April.” As the Dublinaires enter into their busiest season, all members work extremely hard to maintain the highest quality possible. As Theisfield said, the Dubs are constantly changing into their uniform of green and white. There are almost always traditions in select groups, and the Dubs are by no means an exception. “We try to do a retreat in the fall so we all get to know each other. We [also] give each other nicknames.” Dublinaires tend to be a close knit
group through each year, and they all seem to love being part of it. “Dubs is like a family and basically sums up my high school experience. I am so honored to be part of it,” Follet said. The Dubs spend a lot of time with each other, bonding as peers do when they cooperate to reach a common goal. For some people who aspire to be in Dubs, it can be done with the right amount of work. “You have to have choir experience [and] be able to read music,” Anderson stated. Auditions can be signed up for in May and practiced for during lunch throughout May. Be adventurous, for the Dublinaires could await you to become another proud representative of Sheldon in our community and nation. Sheldon students should acknowledge the Dubs; positive encouragement is always welcome. As for the Dublinaires themselves, the reward is inherent in their great sound each time they step out and sing.
Cya Silva photo
The Dublinaires sing in their first gig of the year at the Hilton in downtown Eugene for the HIV Alliance breakfast, opening in full attire with a selection of seasonals. Their performances will only get better.
Inside Sheldon Theatre: look behind the curtain Sheldon students dedicate many hours to preparation for theatre Ethan Hauck copy editor Imagine you are standing in front of two-hundred people. Then lights turn on, the curtain raises, and suddenly all eyes are on you. Two hours later the play is over, and the stage fright passes after the first act. All of your friends and family are hugging you, shouting congratulations. The actors might make it look easy, but there may be more than you think that goes into a single production. Sophomore T.J. Strong has done drama for two years now and had nothing but good things to say about it. “I really
enjoy drama, it can be really fun. All of the people are great and we always have a great time.” When asked if he would recommend drama to other people, Strong said, “Of course! The class is really fun and you make a lot of new friends.” Junior Ezekiel Smith said that not all people are cut out for the actual acting in drama. “There are plenty of people that get stage fright, heck, even I do. The key to a good actor is overcoming the stage fright each time.” Smith later added, “If your memory isn’t good, you shouldn’t sign up for acting. You only have so much time to memorize your lines. You have to be able to remember your lines, because if one person forgets their lines, it can ruin the whole play.” When asked about production and the problems and time associated with it, sophomore Carley Kramer stated, “Production usually takes between one and two months. We have been working on the play since school started, and it comes out November 9. There aren’t that
many problems that we’ve had this year, apart from the occasional actor missing their rehearsal, or the set not being completed as soon as Ms. Anderson wanted. Each and every one of the students interviewed said they would recommend drama to other students. Very few had bad things to say about it, and if they did it was only about stage fright or such. They all agreed that drama can be very fun if you have the right mindset. If you think that you have what it takes to act, or just want to help with building the set, they all suggest that you at least drop in to check it out. Love’s Labor’s Lost- The Musical, the upcoming drama production comes out November 9 at 10:00 p.m. and also airs on November 10, 16, and 17 all at 10:00, the matinee is on November 11 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are being sold by select drama members for $7.00 before release and will sell for $10.00 for adults on release night. The box office opens one hour prior to the performance.
Homecoming: dance your way into the tradition Homecoming is important for many Sheldon students as one of only two dances happening in 2012-2013 C.J. Vangsnes staff writer It’s homecoming time everyone! Or at least it was. The lights, music, food, and décor are all factors that help to make homecoming a great success or an utter failure.
Homecoming is a time for ALL Sheldon students who like to dance to get together at the start of the year and have the time of their lives. Some consider it a smaller version of Prom, and freshmen and sophomores look forward to homecoming so they can party with the juniors and seniors. Senior Hannah Rogers, who went to homecoming said, “I went to homecoming and I LOVED it!” Rogers continued with, “The music was good the whole time, the décor was brilliant, and the dancing altogether was fun.” Rogers ended with, “Everyone there looked like they were having a great time dancing and being with other peers.” Sophomore Corey Dayton, who went to homecoming
said, “Homecoming was a BORE; it was just a bunch of dancing and lame decorations.” Dayton later added, “The décor was lame, the music was boring most of the time, and everyone looked too happy.” Churchill sophomore Carly Walker, who attended Sheldon’s Homecoming dance said, “I feel homecoming is a VERY important dance because it allows freshmen, sophomores, and upper classmen to go to the same dance together.” Walker later said, “I LOVED homecoming! The lights, music, and décor were PERFECT!” Walker continued with, “I am SO looking forward to the next homecoming because it will be as good as or better than this year’s homecoming dance.”