Volume 48 Issue 3 - December 14, 2012

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Plastic bags are outlawed in Eugene

Get to know international students

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Schmaedick leads the Oregon girls

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a student newspaper


the Talisman

Sheldon High School 2455 willakenzie Rd., Eugene, Or 97401 vol. 48 Issue 3 Dec. 14, 2012

Irish fight to win the 2012 State title Carly Gough staff writer “We want it more.” Of the many cheers which emerged during the OSAA 6A State Championship football game, this one said it all. The title game this year was a re-match from last year, but far from a repeat. Pitted against the Lake Oswego Lakers for the second year in a row after a devastating loss in last year’s game meant a shot at redemption. As the Sheldon boys walked away with a 13-6 victory, it became clear this second chance was not taken for granted. The student section was overflowing with indescribable emotion from kick-off until the last whistle, without fail. In all the games of the season, cheers had never been louder, school spirit had never been stronger, and the desire to win had never been more real. Nearly 100 students made the trip to Jeld-Wen Field to witness their favorite football team do what everyone

knew they could: bring home the state title. Junior Marcus McGovern said, “It was a really awesome experience to win it all, and I feel really lucky to be a part of something as special as Sheldon football.” It’s safe to say this game meant far more than a title and a blue trophy. Coach Phillipo said, “Making it to the state finals game, and then winning it, was very surreal. This is Sheldon’s fourth State Championship win, and this was only the second time that we weren’t expected to win. It just goes to show that our boys were able to improve and dominate all of the opponents, who were some pretty good teams, in order to get a 14-0 season. It’s all very fulfilling.” Winning this game proved that hard work pays off; it proved that every ounce of dedication, sweat, blood, and tears poured into the team by each individual player paid off. This was the culmination of efforts made by each team member, each coach, and each fan.

Dirk Knudsen photo

Senior Taylor Alie characteristically runs the ball down the field.

Counselors struggle to meet student needs Sheldon counselors rise to challenge of so many students looking for aid Kara Cheung staff writer With the limited funds for education due to the struggling economy, many opportunities are lost in school. The number of counselors and their working hours at Sheldon High School is currently lower than what would be ideal,

Kara Cheung photo

Students patiently wait in the school career center.

to say the least. Senior Sara Firth has frequently visited her counselor throughout her high school experience. She said, “I went to Chile my sophomore year, and the counselor helped me to sort out the credits that I would have to complete.” Although, Sara also said that, “sometimes I feel rushed, and things get cut short due to the limited times for meetings.” The senior concluded that the counselors play an effective role in the development of each student’s high school goals and experience, but she also states that their busy schedules negatively impact the students. In the community of Sheldon High School, the school staff also had opinions regarding the crunched schedules of the counselors, such as IHS secretary, Peggy Farris. When asked how the limited accessible time of the counselors affected the students she stated, “students have a harder time getting timely appointments.” Farris said that she believed, “They have too many students for each counselor, and too much work to accomplish.” The IHS secretary also added that the counselors of Sheldon High School are wonderful people, and that they play a big role on the student’s lives because they, “keep them steered in the right direction.” Not only do the counselors help with everyday issues and dilemmas, but they also deal with life impacting decisions as well. Senior Zulema Iboa stated, “As a senior, I had

many decisions that needed to be made. With the support of my counselor, it became easier to decide which choice would lead me down the path that I wanted to go.” The senior commented on her future college decisions, and how she’d like to attend an Ivy League school. She mentioned how she was able to find scholarships to prestigious colleges by meeting with her helpful counselors. With this, she summarized the importance of the counselors and their crucial role to the seniors at Sheldon. Mr. Voss, one of the three counselors at Sheldon, discussed how there are no slow times of the day. He stated that, “if there isn’t a meeting, then I’m usually working on e-mails or taking care of requests from phone messages.” He added that he enjoys his job at the high school, but admitted that being the counselor of about 500 students can be “extremely difficult.” According to Mr. Voss, “There are two groups of students who seek help. The highly proactive universal students, and students who are barely going to graduate or face social challenges.” With the limited time, each case is evaluated on the degree of crisis, urgency, and importance before being fitted into the counselors’ busy schedules. Counselor Mr. Voss stated that an addition of another counselor or half time counselor could reduce the crunched time.

Empowerment conference inspires students 4j high school students learn about attitude, perception, and choice Sammie Tracewell staff writer On November 9 an empowerment conference was held in Sheldon’s auditorium and workshops in some of the school’s classrooms from 9:30am to 2:30pm. The conference was intended to inspire students to be responsible and make their education count. Various other high schools from around Eugene also attended, such as North, South, Willamette, and Churchill. Many speakers took the stage, including a club from North Eugene high school, and Leon Lincoln, who organized the whole event. There were also singers, one being Sheldon’s own Moranda Rasmussen. One of the speakers was Paul Wilson, a sophomore here at Sheldon. When asked if he felt inspired by the whole conference, Wilson replied, “Definitely. The fact that the speakers that they had were all there, volunteering their time to advocate for the furthering and the betterment of each students’ education, and the promotion of a diverse education inspired me.”

Wilson also noted that he thought the best part of the conference was the beginning, where students got to voice their opinions on the education which they are being given. A strong message that the conference sent out to students was that now is the time to make important decisions about the future, especially in regards to education. Many people who attended the conference received a positive vibe. However, there were a few who didn’t feel as impacted. Sophomore Mikayla Watson said that she stayed for less than an hour because she came with her first period class, and the conference didn’t start right at 9:30am. Within that first forty minutes or so that she was there, she didn’t feel especially empowered. If the conference had started on time, and if the students coming with classes could have stayed just a little longer, then maybe some would have enjoyed the conference more. Although, with a large group of people, there were no guarantees as to when the conference would really start. After the conference, some of the speakers and other people held workshops five of Sheldon’s classrooms. One could choose to attend three of the five workshops which were: “Real Talk (Attitude)”, “Getting the Most out of Your Post-Education (Choice)”, “Leadership Empowerment (Perception)”, “Drug Education (Choice)”, and “Sports,

Education, Profession (Choice)”. The workshop about post-education was held by Frank and Velma Johnson, president and CEO of Teachable Moments. Throughout the conference and workshops, Mr. Johnson said a couple of times that, “all the really, really good stuff is on the top floor.” He also said later on to, “Keep your mind open and be flexible.” During their workshop, they presented that we, as students, need to take the opportunities that come to us, and make a difference in our community. We can’t just assume that various opportunities will come easily to us; we need to work for them. We need to look at the opportunities that come to us as something that may never come again, and use them to help out our community, and ourselves. Otherwise if we take them for granted, then we may not be as successful in life as we could have been, and regret it later on. All in all, the empowerment conference put on a very good show, complete with speakers, singers, and a diverse group of students from around town. The five hour session was focused on attitude, perception, choice, and directing students to focus on their future in education. Although not all received the chance to experience the whole conference, it is safe to say that those who went had an overall beneficial and positive time.

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Volume 48 Issue 3 - December 14, 2012 by The Talisman - Issuu