Volume 41 Issue 3 - February 2, 2006

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St. Valentine’s Day is coming on fast

Girls Basketball

iPod hostile takeover

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the Talisman a student newspaper

Sheldon High School 2455 willakenzie Rd., Eugene, Or 97401 vol. 41 Issue 3 Feb. 2, 2006

4j appeals OSAA league restructuring Schools from 4j, Salem, and southern Oregon argue that old league structure better for students by Esme Gaisford front page editor In December, the OSAA announced that the traditional leagues of 4J District would be split and merged into the Southern Oregon Conference. South and Sheldon would become 6A schools and join the league in Southern Oregon and two Southern Oregon schools would be moved into 4J’s league as 5A schools. An OSAA appeal on the decision by District 4J and school districts from Salem and the Southern

Oregon Conference soon followed. Vice Principal Mike Johnson commented, “What they’re all saying is that these three conferences have not been treated the same as the other conferences in the state. The concerns were not listened to by the OSAA and there was unfair decision.” The appeal process began soon after the OSAA announced it would be splitting Eugene District 4J, Salem, and Southern Oregon Conference schools up. This appeal is the first ever made to the Oregon Education Board’s OSAA, and preparations have taken time. In March the Oregon Education Board will hear the appeal made by representatives from the three conferences: 4J, Salem and Southern Oregon. The change from 5A to 6A divisions, placing South and Sheldon into a league with schools from eastern Oregon and Medford, would add up to 20 hours a week for travel time, forcing athletes to miss classes. The cost

North students burn school

of travel, safety for students traveling to view games, and team rivalries that have built up for almost seven decades are more reasons to be presented to the school board in March. Students and administration alike agree that the old leagues were more desirable. Johnson commented, “From my perspective if they are going to do the best thing for the kids and the community, they’re going to leave the leagues as they are. So Eugene would be a 6A league.” If passed the appeal will not alter the change to 6A divisions or Sheldon’s placement as a 6A school, but place the traditional sports partners in a single 6A league. Whether the appeal makes a change to the previous OSAA decision or not, the appeal process has been changed. This appeal will also make it easier for future problems to be addressed by the Education Board. Johnson added, “To have a venue to be able to express an appeal is a great thing.”

a united gospel choir

The actions of two freshmen boys result in half a million dollars damage by Annie Cuff staff writer On the night of December 30 at 11:00 P.M., after a home basketball game, two freshmen boys (that currently attend NEHS) hid waiting for the chance to give themselves and the entire student body a longer winter vacation. Their reasoning for setting the school on fire may sound pretty juvenile, and that’s exactly what they are, juveniles, freshman at North, and both under the age of 15. First, they shot off three fire extinguishers just to make a big mess; then they proceeded to light other objects on fire and toss them into trash cans and into the main gym. In all, there were three fires; one in the main gym and two in the outer hallways. There is a half million dollars worth of damage including: smoke damage to the chair upholstery, and the replacement of the hallway ceiling, hallway walls, and hallway floor. According to Oregon’s measure eleven, these young gentleman should be spending seven years in prison for their actions. But since they are under the age of 15 these laws do not apply. Principal Peter Tromba said that they are still unsure of the penalties, but among other things they will most likely be expelled. All the repairs are finished in the hallway except for the hallway floor, which won’t be replaced until school gets out for the summer.

Greg Cantwell photo

Greg Cantwell photo

At the Martin Luther King, Jr. assembly, the Univeristy of Oregon Gospel Choir (pictured above) sang an arrangment of songs. Later, Sheldon students from various clubs (pictured left) held the unity chain. Student representatives from the Muti-Cultural Club, Latino Student Union, Leadership, Gay-Straight Alliance, Peace Club, Black Student Union, Animal Rights Club, French Club, Chess Club, and many others held the paper chain, made up of descriptions of unity written by Sheldon High School students.

Life skills teacher is missed by students

Tragic car accident results in the death of Sheldon teacher Linda Nollkamper by Annie Cuff staff writer

On Monday, January 2, 2006, Sheldon High School lost a cherished teacher. Mrs. Linda Nollkamper, a speech and

language teacher, was killed in a car accident. Although a loved one may be lost, a legacy is always left behind. The memories of Nollkamper shared by Sheldon staff will always be treasured. Staff added that Nollkamper was an amazing teacher, fun, sweet, had a great sense of humor, and was loved by all her students. She will be deeply missed. A memorial was held on Sunday, January 8, to celebrate her life.

Lifetouch Photography

Teacher Linda Nollkamper

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