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Sheldon Football
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the Talisman a student newspaper
Sheldon High School 2455 willakenzie Rd., Eugene, Or 97401 vol. 42 Issue 2 Nov. 9, 2006
Vandalism still plagues Sheldon Recent crimes occur before, after, or during Sheldon football games by Dusty Snell sports editor Sheldon High School has been the victim of vandalism for many years, but now it has spread from school to staff and student’s houses and vehicles. Recently, Sheldon’s staff and students have suffered from incessant vandalism of their property; some incidents occurred prior to the end of the Churchill football game, and even more occurred after the Roseburg football game. There has been a recurring theme of crimes being committed after, or during, Sheldon football games. Many students agree that offenses of a higher caliber are
Bring it!
just unnecessary; they think the everyday washable prank to the school itself is not so bad, but the recent damaging and hurtful attacks on specific people are over the top, and those responsible should be pursued to the fullest extent possible. “I don’t think it is very mature to damage someone’s house or vehicle,” said junior Dani Wright. She continued, “If you have a personal issue with someone, confront them personally, or even better, just learn to avoid that person.” A good principle everyone should live by. “It really made me mad when my house was vandalized for the first time, and the urge to retaliate is really hard to resist” senior Reed Rosenberg, a past victim of vandalism, stated. Rosenberg also stated, “If you can’t resist the urge like some people, it can become a cruel cycle of attacks on another’s property that often leads to trouble.” A lot of times the person who gets in trouble is the person who
retaliates. By vandalizing someone’s property, it isn’t just hurting that person, but it is also hurting his or her family, and even the neighborhood in which he or she lives. These incidents relate back to 3 years ago when former vice principal Lindsley’s car was lit on fire by two former Sheldon High School seniors. The incident occured because the two students were seeking revenge against their former vice principal who had put them into multiple detentions. That case was a classic case of students who believed they could take it into their own hands and teach a lesson. The recent cases after the Roseburg game is less extreme than what happened three years ago with Assistant Principal Lindsley. The former Vice Principal did not deserve what happened, and neither does anyone else Sheldon students should be old enough, and be mature enough to know better than to pull childish stunts such as vandalism.
New rules for fans meant to set healthy boundaries and were put in place to foster good sportmanship
“I can’t say enough how awesome the student body has been,” he said. Risen understands how students feel. “Change is stressful… I understand that students are stressed.” Even with the mild controversy over the new rules, the football players remain on the apathetic side. Junior Justin Pierce, who plays on both JV and varsity, said, “I can’t speak for all sports teams, but...it doesn’t affect us that much.” He added, “I get my enjoyment from being part of the game and interacting with my teammates.” But what about the atmosphere?Are Sheldon games doomed to no longer smell of teen spirit? Pierce said, “I believe the school spirit is still there, it is just not very evident because the fans are so limited in how they represent their school.” Junior Geoff Belleville, a football fan, is concerned by the changes. He described the rules as, “No cheering. No signs. No spirit.” He jokingly added, “I should just wear duct tape over my mouth.” Then there’s The Big One: no rushing the field after games. This particular rule has caused a stir in the cheer section. “It’s ridiculous that they put [this rule] in place,” Belleville said. Risen disagrees. When the fans’ behavior puts the players at risk, according to Risen, “It’s not worth it going out there and shouting…” Risen introduced the term “healthy boundaries” as the best way to go. “Healthy boundaries” is a balance between having fun and acting “classy.” Even though there have been changes in the way fans can express their love for the Irish, life goes on. From the player’s prospective, Pierce offered, “It’s still football. We still play to win.”
OSAA sportsmanship rules by Gracie Beaver features editor
Greg Cantwell photo
The Sheldon girls soccer team competed in the highly-anticipated annual Homecoming assembly dance-off, but lost to the champions, the multitalented Sheldon cross contry team.
“Winning is for a day…Sportsmanship and ethics are for a lifetime!” No, it’s not an inspirational oneliner from some B-movie, it’s a quote from the new “Sportsmanship Guidebook” from the Oregon School Activities Association (OSAA). Of course, students heard of these new sportsmanship rules; they came blaring over the morning announcements for a week. “No signs.” “Everyone has to wear a shirt.” And the most talked about, “No rushing the field after the game.” However, there’s more than just those three rules contained in the sixteen-page-long internet document [www.osaa.org]. There are many more obscure guidelines and suggestions for how to improve the ethics of sports, including sending “team thank-you notes” to parents who were especially supportive. Or, even sending “team ‘Warning Tickets’” to parents who took things too seriously. The band is not supposed to shout derogatory remarks. The booklet gives some examples of these, such as “Air ball, air ball.” OSAA is not the only group responsible for sportsmanship guidelines. Each conference has its own rules, and each school within those conferences has its own regulations, too. Athletic director Mark Risen has the job of enforcing rules.
Students change habits as health plan takes effect Sodas are removed from schools, but students find ways to get their fix by Woohyun Kweon news editor Sugar and caffeine are the major sources of fuel that high school students thrive on. “I see students with coffee in one hand and books in the other in classes,” health teacher Mrs. Eberle mentioned. What happens if students can’t access their desired beverages in school? Last year, students had access to soft drinks and pre-packaged snacks at many places in the school. However, now that the school has stocked up on healthier choices such as fruit-flavored water and pretzels, not as many students hover around the vending machines as they did before. Students have gone elsewhere to get the 36 oz. drinks they crave. Society has attempted to promote healthier choices for adolescents. Even Disney is marketing side dishes such as applesauce to lower obesity rates in children. Eberle said, “I’m not saying that all soft drinks are bad.
Even I drink a couple during the week. It depends on how much a student drinks. Many don’t realize that they drink more than one serving.” Eliminating soft drinks at school doesn’t mean that students can’t get ahold of them during the day. If students need a caffeine jolt, they can stroll over to places such as Market of Choice for soft drinks and Brewed Awakening for coffee. With the numerous restaurants and cafés surrounding the school campus, it seems impossible for students to escape the constant advertisements for the foods they prefer. Although changes may not seem that drastic for some, stocking vending machines with healthy snacks does have a purpose. Across the nation, K-12 schools are adjusting to the new “wellness” policy. The 4J district has quickly complied with the policy. Changes range from serving nutritious food in vending machines to not letting teachers distribute certain types of snacks during school celebrations that contain too much sugar or fat content. It seems that these changes are the first of many to come from the national “push” towards decreasing obesity rates. Principal Dr. Bob stated, “In some cases, schools may lose federal funding if they continue to sell pop. That’s a big incentive for schools to actually comply
with the plan.” “Of course, we [the school] can’t monitor what students bring from off campus,” included Dr. Bob. Since the vending machines no longer contain soda and candy, more and more students go off campus before and during school. “Taking soda out of school doesn’t mean that students can’t drink them at all – just go off campus,” junior Alysia Shannon said. “I usually go to Dari Mart or Safeway,” Shannon added. Sheldon is surrounded by at least eleven places where students can go to get fast food, soda, and other snacks. Currently, there aren’t restrictions as to where students can go off campus. And so, students can eat and drink what they want. The new “wellness” policy hopes to encourage individuals to be physically active and promotes better nutrition. The policy also hopes to involve both schools and parents to reduce the chance of childhood obesity. At Sheldon, more and more teachers are following the regulations of the “wellness” policy, including not distributing candy or limiting the types of snacks that are available in a class party. Will the policy stop students from devouring sweets and downing caffeine? Not necessarily, but the national push in submitting these guidelines may someday persuade students to adapt to a healthier lifestyle.