Volume 42 Issue 5 - March 2, 2007

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Social Hierarchies

The Effects of Music on Teens

Texting Trend

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the Talisman a student newspaper

Sheldon High School 2455 willakenzie Rd., Eugene, Or 97401 vol. 42 Issue 5 Mar. 2, 2007

Seniors get priority in scheduling classes Underclassmen completely rearrange their schedules to get electives by Jamie Burns centerspread editor A new semester calls for many changes. The scheduling office crowds with students trying to pick up and make changes to their new schedules. Students work to fill up their schedules, switch out of hard or

easy classes, and complete credits before the year ends. This is causing a high demand of hard-to-get classes. Due to the need for a variety of classes it is difficult for students to get the classes they want or need, especially lower classmen. Seniors and juniors are more likely to receive the classes they ask for than sophomores or freshmen. There is controversy about whether this is fair or not. Freshman Makenzie Jenson said, “I think it is fair that seniors get first choice on classes because they are older and this is their final year.” IHS Students like freshman Haley Lorenzen already have classes they need built into their schedules, which makes it easier for other students

Five figure price tag for 007 prom Juniors must make up part of $12,000 for this year’s prom by Gracie Beaver contributing writer Ah, prom. The climax of every cheesy teen movie ever made. In case you haven’t seen one of these classics, there are a few key components. There’s the hype, the swelling pop music, and the happy ending between the two heroes. Sadly, we do not live in the world of 10 Things I Hate About You. There is another aspect of prom glossed over in the films: the budget. This year, Sheldon is throwing the quintessential rightof-passage in the ballroom of the Valley River Inn, which costs $6000 to rent. That money includes the cost of everything supplied by Valley River Inn, i.e. “bartenders” (who will obviously not be serving alcohol), catering, and furniture. However, an additional $6000 is required to pay for amenities such as decorations, police, and music, bringing the grand total to (drum roll, please) $12,000. Part of the money to pay for prom comes from the previous year’s prom profits, making the prom budget a veritable perpetual motion machine. (Sorry, first law of physics.)

The rest of the funding is covered by “the junior class [from] money they make organizing dances,” said Elyse Myers, the staff member supervising the prom committee. The school makes profits off of ticket sales. Junior Devinnie Williams, a member of the prom committee, said, “The prices of the tickets have not yet been determined, but they should be somewhere around $25 for singles and $40 for couples.” So, if you can find yourself a date, you’ll save five bucks each. However, ticket prices can be a sensitive subject. It can be hard to strike a balance between throwing a mind-blowing prom and one that everyone can afford to attend. After all, it’s not just the tickets students have to pay for; prom attire can get to be quite pricey. Williams said, “I understand that not everyone can afford to go to prom but…I think that our main responsibility in the prom committee right now is to just ensure that this prom will really be something to remember. After all, the seniors deserve it.” Myers assured that there are “ways to get around [the cost]” for lowincome students, but didn’t offer any specific options. This year’s prom has a “007” theme, and Williams promises “an amazing surprise for everyone who attends.” Without a doubt, prom will be a night to remember, no matter who ends up with an empty wallet.

to fill their schedules with the classes they need. Lorenzen said, “I haven’t had too much trouble getting the classes I want because of IHS, but some of my other friends have.” The electives students want are often very hard to get. Sometimes students have to completely switch schedules around to fit the elective they prefer into their schedules, or cannot get the elective they want so they must resort to a back-up choice or free period. Jensen said, “I have a free second right now, but I really wanted to fill it up. When I went to the scheduling office, I didn’t want the classes I could fit in [to my schedule].” The schedule difficulties continue to die down, but not all students are happy with the outcomes.

Senior Night Star

Greg Cantwell photo

Senior Kendra Little and the Irish came out on top as the Southwest Conference champions.

Mr. Irish contestants prepare for March 17 pageant The pageant will take place on St. Patrick’s Day in the auditorium by Amanda Kahl staff writer The Mr. Irish pageant has been going on for fifteen funfilled years. That’s fifteen years of senior boys making the month of March a blast. This year the pageant is as great as ever. The ten contestants are: Dustin Vollstedt, Aaron Dilger, Aaron Pflugrad, Mario Escajeda, Jared

Herr, Jeff Lee, Miles Patterson, Kellan Davis, Morgan Sawyer, and Derek Chan. All of these boys are very excited for the pageant, which will be on March 17. In the Mr. Irish pageant, all of the contestants are required to make a cool costume and dance in it. This year’s dance was a challenge for the contestants to learn. The contestant will be dancing to: “Jock Dance Tootsie Roll,” “Grease Lighting,” and according to senior Brittany Osterhout, a coordinator for Mr. Irish, “They will do a fun ballet dance.” A great part of Mr. Irish is the fundraiser. The profits go to The Children’s Miracle Network. So far the boys have been working hard to raise as much money as possible. That will

make a big difference to The Children’s Miracle Network. To be in the Mr. Irish pageant the boys have to know certain facts. They need to be ready for a quiz section during the pageant, so these boys are no slackers. Many people at Sheldon feel that Mr. Irish is just a popularity contest. Freshman Megan Leckington said, “It is a popularity contest but it is a good way for boys to have fun and make other kids have fun and make other kids have fun as well.” Currently, there is no Ms. Irish. Leckington said, “A Ms. Irish pageant would be a ton of fun to have.” The Mr. Irish pageant will be on March 17 at Sheldon in the auditorium. Be there!

Some IHS seniors discontinue their full IB diploma work Course load, CAS hours, internal assessments, extended essay, and TOK essay lead to unbearable stress by Emily Higgins editor-in-chief One of the major selling points of Eugene International High School to parents and future students is the opportunity to take the International Baccalaureate exams in the Mays of students’ junior and senior years. While students are not required to sign up for the exams, it is suggested that all students consider taking at least the HL Literature and HL History exams (HL stands for “higher level”), as the IHS history and literature classes junior and senior year specifically prepare students for those exams. Signing up for those exams in the junior year of an IHS

students’ life signifies a commitment to IB. Assuming all goes well with any exams taken the junior year (a score of four or above on a scale of one to seven is considered passing, and scores of three may be “made up” with scores of five or above on subsequent exams), these test-takers will declare their IB diploma candidacy in October of their senior year. While many students pass the exams with flying colors their junior year and declare their IB diploma candidacy in the fall of their senior year, sometimes, something will go wrong between October and May. Whether it be the course load (IB diploma candidates tend to take on strenuous work loads on top of their already heavy IB course load), the CAS hours (CAS stands for Creativity, Action, and Service; 100 hours of community service are required for all IHS students with an added 50 hours of action and creativity, ranging from playing a sport to taking a language class, for diploma candidates), missing any of the internal assessments (each subject has a test and any number of internal assessments, ranging from the historiography in history to the Group 4

project and independent investigations in science), fears about the senior paper (also known as the extended essay in IB-ese) or the Theory of Knowledge essay (although both the extended essay and Theory of Knowledge essay can only add points towards the 24 needed to receive the IB diploma), or exhaustion and nerves. If a full diploma student “drops out” by discontinuing a class, missing internal assessments, or not completing CAS hours, there are other options available. Students can continue with all other HL tests and receive certificates. Certificates are only awarded to students with passing scores on HL tests. Students can also discontinue their IB testing altogether. Most students prefer to stick with Option One seeing as they, or their families, have already paid for the tests. “I thought the best way to prepare for college was to get a bit of a break before the real work of earning a college degree kicked in,” explained an anonymous student. No matter the reason senior students have decided to revoke their candidacy, most feel they are making the right decision.

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