Pet Food
Graduating Early
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the Talisman a student newspaper
Sheldon High School 2455 willakenzie Rd., Eugene, Or 97401 vol. 42 Issue 7 may 11, 2007
Oregonian Cup: more than sports The Oregonian Cup is awarded to schools with excellence in sports, academics, and sportsmanship by Michael Chase sports editor A champion is defined as one who completes extreme accomplishments on the way to victory. Academic champions are often overlooked by many people who tend to focus on athletic champions. However, in 1999, The Oregonian decided to combine the academic and athletic efforts of schools throughout the state by creating one of
ASB elections, or lack thereof
the most coveted awards in Oregon: the Oregonian Cup. According to vice principal Mike Johnson, “The Oregonian Cup is the most prestigious award a high school can win based on athletic and academic accomplishments throughout the year.” The reason for creating the Oregonian Cup was to recognize overall excellence in both academics and athletics. The winners (one winner for every league) are determined based on overall athletic program, performance, sportsmanship, and academic standings. Sportsmanship plays a huge role in judging a winner, as schools are monitored year round. Schools can be penalized for any ethics issues in their athletic programs. For instance, if a football team is penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct in a game, then their school’s Oregonian Cup score will be penalized as well. There is no tiebreaker in the scoring system, which enables two schools to win the same award in the same year if their scores are the same. Sheldon has won this award twice before in back-
to-back years, from ’01-’03. On the east wall in the main gym, the two championship banners are visible from the years in which the Irish won the championship. In Sheldon’s last championship, the Irish tied with Grant High School to win the award. During the winter sports assembly, athletic director Mark Risen quickly addressed the Irish’s two Oregonian Cup championship banners during his speech. It was clear that many students either had never heard of the Oregonian Cup, or simply didn’t care about it. So the question remains: If the students and athletes both don’t know about it or don’t care about it, then what is the point of still having this award? Some people say the award adds an extra incentive towards sports teams and academic scholars, but many of these possible award recipients say that a district and state championship would be so much more remembered over an award which they have really no reason to strive for.
Fearless IB Testers
Candidates for all offices of ASB ran unopposed for the 2007-2008 year by Ashley Ruderman features editor As the 2006-2007 school year comes to a close, seven girls representing the class of 2008 are quickly approaching the beginning of a year-long commitment to leading student life at Sheldon. However, the road to office twisted off the beaten path when each candidate found out she was running unopposed. “With SATs and AP/IB tests approaching, it’s been such a relief to campaign with the girls rather than against them,” said vice president Emily Gray. In the spirit of a student-run democracy, elections were held on May 4 in spite of the lack of competition. The elections assembly proved itself to be quite entertaining and truly displayed how excited the group is for 07-08. The assembly also showcased the girls’ ability to work as a team. “We want people to be excited for next year. We wanted to integrate all of our personalities into the assembly and show Sheldon that ‘we got yo back,’” said ASB elect Brianna Estrada and Samantha Smith. The associated student body (ASB) officer positions for the 07-08 school year will be held by Judy Lee, president; Emily Gray, vice president; Brianna Estrada, secretary; Ashley Ruderman, treasurer; Nikki Bothman, publicity; Samantha Smith and Kelsey McConville, activities. The girls are all excited for their new responsibilities and opportunities to enhance each student’s experience at Sheldon. Every effort will be made by the select seven to provide the very best for Sheldon students next year.
Emily Higgins photos
(Above) Seniors Daniel Hawkins, Lauren Joli, and Katherine Kahl hang out and try to keep things light and fun before Paper 2 of the A1 English IB test on May 4, 2007 at Westminster Presbyterian Church. (Left) Senior Stephanie Bellissimo reviews her notes before Paper 2 of the A1 English IB test. Prior to exams, reviewing notes on IB works such as Chronicle of a Death Foretold, The Great Gatsby, Heart of Darkness, and Sula was important to all IB Literature certificate and IB full diploma candidates.
Little Shop of Horrors set to be a “growing” success Alien plant to take over the earth! by Jaime Burns centerspread editor The upcoming Sheldon play Little Shop of Horrors combines comedy and music to entertain viewers. The musical is based on a film by Roger Cornman and screenplay by Charles Griffith. A geeky florist, Seymour Krelborn, finds a strange plant in the flower shop where he works and decides to purchase it. He names the plant Audrey II and discovers that the plant feasts on blood. Seymour has a love
for the shop’s assistant, Audrey, and often dreams of her. In exchange for killing others, Audrey II claims that Seymour will get money, fame, and Audrey’s love. What Seymour does not know is that the plant is actually from outer space and planning to take over the world. Freshman Kelli Mcghehe said, “The plot of the musical seems very original. I think it will be interesting for the students to watch.” The main actors in the musical are senior Tess Chase and Kirk Mann, playing Audrey and Seymour. For Audrey II, there is a giant cardboard plant which continues to grow as the play progresses and as the plant consumes more blood. Quang Pham stands offstage as the voice of Audrey II. The
musical is produced and directed by Lynda CzajkowskiThompson, musically directed by Nancy Anderson, and technically directed by Corey Ennis. Freshman Jeffrey Toreson said, “I think that students will like to watch the performances by other students, because it is interesting to see how the actors are different on stage.” Little Shop of Horrors showings are on May 11, 12, 18, and 19 at 7:30 p.m. There is also a Sunday matinee on May 13 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets are $8 per person and can be purchased at the box office. If you are looking for an entertaining alternative to watching television Little Shop of Horrors is the perfect opportunity.