Volume 43 Issue 2 - November 8, 2007

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Zack Childers: New Irish mascot

Zach Todd: Sheldon’s Football star

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Stephen Colbert: I Am America (And So Can You!) page 7

the Talisman a student newspaper

shstalisman@gmail.com myspace.com/shstalisman 2455 willakenzie Road, Eugene, Oregon 97401 volume 43 Issue 2 November 8, 2007 Sheldon High School

Multicultural Center teaches diversity New Multicultural Center celebrates diversity in its many different forms by Olivia Davis staff writer The beat of the drum echoed off the walls as Sheldon’s own campus supervisor Darin Henry performed a Native American dance while clothed in a colorful and bright traditional costume. A Japanese dance was performed by four individuals in vibrant kimonos as well. These performances were just two of many that took place during the open house for Sheldon’s new Multicultural Center which happens to be the only one to exist in our area. In fact, no other school in the district has a multicultural center. The Multicultural Center, formerly known as the little theater, is located between the auditorium and the art room, and it’s not hard to miss. There are two double doors that open up to the new world of the Multicultural Center. There is also a class offered this year, Multicultural Studies, that is part of the new Multicultural Center. The class lasts for a term, and is currently during second and third period.

The Multicultural Center itself is just like one big club for anyone interested in a new and intriguing experience. José Alonso, the teacher of the Multicultural Studies class, stated, “The Multicultural Center and the Multicultural Studies class are the result of the leadership of [Principal] Dr. Bolden and his desire to prepare our students for the diverse world they will encounter upon graduation from Sheldon.” Alonso went on to say, “Without his vision, there would be no Multicultural Center or Multicultural Studies class. He was willing to take Sheldon beyond the ‘mono’ and create the opportunity for Sheldon to enter into the beautiful paradigm of the ‘multi.’” One member of the LSU (Latino Student Union), junior Isamar López, who also takes the Multicultural Studies class during second period, said that the class is “really fun. It’s pretty easy, but you learn a lot.” The fact that the class might be easy is deceiving, because López continued on and said, “you learn about other ethnicities and their histories that you would not normally learn about in other classes.” The class seems like a great new opportunity to all who are interested. Senior David Lee, who is part of the third period Multicultural Studies class said, “I like the class. We can have our own opinions about things. We learn about positionality.” Positionality is a new concept that students have discovered in the Multicultural class, and, as Lee put it, “It’s a really

chill class.” But the class is apparently quite inspiring, and most importantly, José Alonso said, “It’s about hope.”

Ashley Admire photo

A breakdancing performance entertained spectators at the Multicultural Center open house on October 2.

Suicide prevention phone calls startle students Sheldon suicide prevention seminar concerned students and families by Jon Schoonhoven publicity Recently, Sheldon’s automated call system sent out a message that left many families and staff concerned. “It’s difficult for us as parents and staff to hear that 22% of our teens report thinking about suicide at some time or another. Even more difficult to know is that suicide is the second leading cause of death for Oregon’s teens and young adults,” the message said. Though for many students any call home is cause for worry, this message was found to be particularly distressing. “I was shocked!”

said senior Victor Palma about the call, “I felt abused.” This sentiment seems to be shared across campus. Distressing as the calls may be, most agree that the automated calls serve a good purpose. Senior Jordan Welch said on the subject, “I think it’s good to know that there is help for suicidal people.” Indeed, the message was more than just a disturbing warning to students and their families. It was to inform them that they were invited to “join our parents and staff at Sheldon High School… October 15, to learn how to prevent suicide with our youth. The program [was] designed to train parents and staff to identify and respond to depressed and potentially suicidal youth.” In addition, the message was to inform everyone that “Students are receiving this training in their freshman health classes this school year.” But is this school’s administration doing its job in keeping

students informed about suicide prevention? Although a suicide prevention conference is certainly a step in the right direction, there is still much room for improvement. Few people showed up to the conference, and it seems that its impact on the community may have been minimal. Of the students interviewed, none could name more than three of the signs of a suicidal personality, when there are dozens of potential signs. Suicide.org provides a relatively concise list which includes such traits as appearing sad or depressed most of the time, sleeping too much or too little, feeling tired most of the time, performing poorly at work or school, and lack of concentration. They recommend that anyone showing three or more of these traits seek immediate help. Said senior Geoff Moore, “These things may be painful to hear, but it is necessary that we listen so that the healing can begin.”

Associated student body leaders boost school spirit ASB officers work hard to provide school spirit and strong leadership for all Sheldon students this year by Gracie Beaver editor-in-chief Associated student body representatives are perhaps best known for their morning announcements and their colorful performances during assemblies. However, the full extent of their jobs goes beyond silly outfits and reading the daily Sheldon news. The seven senior girls in charge of ASB also plan everything related to school spirit, such as October’s “spirit week” and the “Snowflakes of Joy” fundraiser. ASB also plans all school dances aside from homecoming and prom. Homecoming is planned by the sophomore class, and the juniors are in charge of prom. ASB President Judy Lee has a few goals for this year, including a 4J district-wide canned food drive. More than that, she wants to “basically have everything run smoothly.” This year’s ASB representatives’ main new change to the school is “pep rallies.” Lee said she wants to incorporate new

aspects into ideas that have worked in the past. She called this philosophy “a new mix of ideas.” ASB adviser Elyse Myers said that there are not too many new items showing up this school year because the girls “have their plates full.” Although everybody in ASB has her own unique title, each member does about an equal amount of work. Treasurer Ashley Ruderman said, “As the year goes by, our ASB titles mean less in a way. Our ASB is such a collaborative group.” Last year, when ASB elections were held, all seven girls ran unopposed. Does this mean a bought of apathy from the student body? Lee suggested herself and her fellow ASB members were unopposed “because leadership has always been a set group of people.” She also hypothesized that students were afraid of the workload, although she admitted many students do not know what ASB actually does. ASB is a huge time commitment. Members meet for fifteen minutes every day and two hours on Sundays, attend weekly lunchtime leadership meetings, and have to set up for dances. They are also “strongly recommended to attend as many games as possible,” Lee said. Unplanned events often take up time as well. Ruderman elaborated, “Sometimes we get stuck doing random things, like passing out class pictures or student body cards.” More than anything, though, ASB members are committed to their student body. Myers said, “[With] anything they do, they have the thought of ‘students

first.’” Ruderman agreed. “After all, as seniors, it’s a year for us to enjoy…and we want the best.”

Ashley Admire photo

ASB President Judy Lee addresses the student body during the homecoming assembly.

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