Winter sports
Winter holidays
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the Talisman a student newspaper 2455 willakenzie Road, Eugene, Oregon 97401 volume 43 Issue 3 December 13, 2007 Sheldon High School
Sheldon Irish: We’re number one!
Varsity football team wins 6A state championship as T-Town goes down by Jeff Toreson staff writer
Our Sheldon football team received their blue trophy and the title of State Champions once again! The Irish battled their way through a tough regular season and won a southwestern conference championship. They were then on their journey for a State Championship, and had a tough road to get their. They knocked off topranked Lake Oswego in week three of the playoffs in an overtime thriller, and proved to the state that Sheldon was a force to be reckoned with. Sheldon continued with a dominant win over Grant in the semi-finals and then it was on to Reser Stadium where they beat Tualatin 28-14 and earned the much-praised title of 6A State Champions. The Irish’s season got off to a rocky start with a 28-7 loss to Metro League powerhouse Westview, which left Sheldon fans thinking that this season may be a rebuilding year, but they were soon proven wrong. The Irish came back to finish off the non-league schedule with a 17-14 win over Tigard and ran over former Midwestern League foes Churchill and Thurston with a combined score of 62-13. It was then off to Southwestern Conference play in which they quieted all the critics and won their seventh straight league championship, and extended their league-winning streak to 56 straight games. “As a team we played very well, and just wanted to keep our tradition going of league wins,” said senior defensive end Tyler “Boston” Briffet. The Irish took their momentum into the playoffs and dominated Sprague 35-14, then faced off against the topranked team in the state, Lake Oswego. The Irish pulled off a 28-27 upset in overtime and advanced to the semi-finals
in which they pilled on 41 points to win 41-21. “It felt good beating LO,” said sophomore wide receiver Curtis White, referring to the Lake Oswego game. “No one besides our fans, or team thought we would win, but we proved them wrong.” White has proved to be a dominant force in the playoffs as he hauled in the game-tying and winning touchdowns against Lake Oswego, and had a touchdown
catch in both the semi-finals and the State Championship. Sheldon had an unbelievable end to a dream season this year, and got rewarded with a State Title. The Irish played amazingly well as a team, thanks to good coaching. The players will be working hard in the offseason to try to get back to the State Championship game next year, so look for the luck of the Irish to continue!
Ashley Admire photo
Sheldon’s very vocal cheer section encouraged the football team to victory in the final quarter.
Snowflakes of Joy donates to community Leadership’s annual winter fundraiser collects money for holiday presents for needy kids in the Sheldon area by Gracie Beaver editor-in-chief As winter rolls around again, Sheldon is alive with familiar sights. Anticipation builds for the wrapping-paperdecked halls and hot chocolate of Winterfest. Countdowns tick down until winter break begins. Finally, the annual Snowflakes of Joy fundraiser starts up again. Snowflakes of Joy is a three-week event lasting from December 3 to December 21. The money collected from the fundraiser goes to purchasing presents for low-income students of Sheldon’s six feeder elementary schools. The elementary
schools decide which students will receive presents, and the identification of these children is protected. About seventy students are selected, as well as one family who receives a whole holiday package (food, Christmas tree, etc.). Each leadership student is matched with one of the elementary school children, and ASB is in charge of the family. Snowflakes of Joy also incorporates the winter dance on Saturday, December 14. Attire for this event is casual. Like most Sheldon dances, concerns of appropriateness surround the event. Counselor Michael Voss said, “There are safety concerns as well as concerns about inappropriate dancing.” Voss cited “moshing” as one of the safety issues. Another problem (which resulted in dance cancellations last year) was the shouting of obscenities at authority figures such as Voss and Vice Principal Johnson. How to fix these problems? “I think we should really walk around with yardsticks separating students,” joked Voss. Jokes aside, the staff has been having an “ongoing discussion” about acceptable dance protocol.
The financial connection between the dance and the fundraiser depends on the dance attendance. All proceeds from dances go into the ASB fund. ASB money is used to cover extra expenses from the fundraiser, such as picking up the slack for any leadership students who haven’t purchased their gifts yet. Last year, the Snowflakes of Joy dance made $689, but the cost of the DJ was $250, and the cost of armed police security was $497. Financial administrator Debi Brooks explained, “All benefits of the dance were consumed by those two figures.” Police are required for all school dances. Officers work in pairs and are paid the overtime rate of $70/hour each. Brooks continued, “It’s very expensive to put a dance on.” ASB treasurer Ashley Ruderman said she expects this year’s dance to, “at least break even.” She explained, “We’ve got pretty enthusiastic underclassmen [who will attend].” If students are feeling the traditional December spirit of giving, leadership representatives will be walking around with (hopefully festive) cans for donations.
of the ticket is ninety dollars which is the maximum price that a police officer is required by law to enforce for this kind of ticket. The ticket receiver can then take that ticket to court, and it is up to the judge whether the ticket will be dropped in price or not. At court, the student goes into a room (where everyone goes if they got a jay-walking ticket) where police officers ask the student if he or she is guilty of not following the rules of the street. Sheldon’s police officer John Savage said, “On average, the price for the ticket that I am hearing that the students are having to paying is about twenty to twenty-five dollars.” There are two main officers stationed at Coburg Road and Cal Young Road to try and solve this issue of jay-walking. To cross the street, students must use the crosswalk at all times. Sophomore Trevor Smith complained, “As I was walking [I was on crutches] across the street, there was still ten
seconds left on the time meter to cross the street and my friend and I were traveling with a large group. We were the first ones across the street and there were still four seconds left on the meter, but I was the only one of the group that got a ticket. I guess the police officers don’t care if you are handicapped or not.” Police officer Savage said, “We have been getting many complaints from parents and people in the Sheldon community about both Sheldon students and even some staff have been crossing the streets.” Sophomore Samira Lobby stated, “I think that getting these tickets is a way of teaching people not to jay walk, but I don’t think people are taking the tickets to mind. I think that it is stupid to hand out the tickets during lunch, because we don’t have that long of a lunch anyways, and by getting a ticket it wastes our time.” The new rules don’t just apply during the lunch hour, but are enforced the most during this time.
Jay-walking tickets irritate lunchtime pedestrians
Crosswalk citations frustrate students by Jaime Fazio centerspread editor
Many people don’t know that jay-walking the failure to obey pedestrian crosswalk rules is a crime that one could get fined for. The rule is being enforced more for the lunch time rush to places is now in effect. This rule isn’t just for the lunch time rush, but is in effect all day long. The majority of the tickets are being handed out to Sheldon students who are hungry and don’t have much time to get their food. The police are stationed and patrol the stop light close to Market of Choice and other lunch places making sure that everyone isn’t breaking any rules of jay-walking. The price