Volume 43 Issue 6 - April 10, 2008

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Spotlight: Joel Chapman

Spring sports: Athlete profiles

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Election: Barack v. Hillary

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your student newspaper

shstalisman@gmail.com myspace.com/shstalisman 2455 willakenzie Road, Eugene, Oregon 97401 volume 43 Issue 6 April 10, 2008 Sheldon High School

“Txt” line in development for reporting

Cell phones will soon be used to inform authorities of important info by Ashley Ruderman copy editor

Although cell phone usage is typically condemned within the classrooms of Sheldon, text messaging may become the key reason campus stays safe. Assistant principal Mark Watson is the leading a proposal to establish a phone line that students can anonymously text threatening information to. The text messages would be received and read on a phone carried by a member of campus supervision. “Depending

on the message texted in, other people such as myself or members of administration may have access to the text. All messages however, will be read,” said police officer John Savage. The text line will always be available for students to submit information into; however the line will only operate on school days from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The text message line will be publicized throughout the community in order to promote campus safety. The idea behind a text message line is somewhat of a “reaction to the student who brought a gun on campus a few months ago. Some students were aware that a gun was on campus, however no one said anything until they were asked,” said Officer Savage. “Many students text

constantly and this line would give them a chance to submit important information with out drawing much attention.” Although the concept of an open text line seems simple, the specifics do raise questions. Insuring the security of the phone number, sending the text, in addition to sorting through false information will prove to be challenge for administration and campus supervision. However, security is clearly the issue at large. The proposal for the text line is still in the works, and Sheldon staff and students will likely be hearing more about developments within the 2008-2009 school year. Students can expect safety to be the first consideration that administration places weight upon.

Senator Wyden visited to discuss health policy 4J health policy recognized by U.S. senator, who dropped by in March by Gracie Beaver editor-in-chief On March 18, Sheldon received a special visitor to its humble cafeteria. Senator Ron Wyden stopped by to discuss his new “health initiative” with leadership students, as well as connect with the student population. A large part of Wyden’s health initiative deals with healthy meal choices, an issue 4J has tackled in previous years. Unhealthy foods had previously been available in the school setting, but with the relatively new 4J wellness policy, healthier options are now available. The wellness policy was initiated in 2003, removing unhealthy fodder including ice cream, donuts, and candy from the à la Carte menu. Gone are the days of fudge pops and maple bars. 4J dietary consultant Nicole Lalor joked, “Those were the first to go.” Chad Williams, the food services director for the 4J district, is proud of the job this district is doing. “4J is way ahead of the game,” he stated, “I think our district does a great job of living up to the spirit.” Williams manages the dietary needs of 34 schools; this means he is responsible for 9000 meals every day. While the wellness policy applies to all schools in the district, a greater emphasis is placed on healthy eating in the elementary schools. Williams explained, “Starting at high school is almost too late.” Lalor welcomes student input in designing the district’s breakfast and lunch menus. In fact, 4J held a focus group here at Sheldon to decide what kind of entrees to feature. As a result, foods such as baked potatoes and rice bowls have become part of the menu. As for Senator Wyden, he sees 4J, and Sheldon, as a role

model. “You guys are doing more than a good job,” Wyden enthusiastically announced to the small group of leadership students he shared lunch with, “I intend to talk about [the health program] on the floor of the senate.” Wyden endorses healthy eating habits as “the future of American Health Care,” citing statistics on how much of America’s Medicare budget goes to care for diseases that could have been prevented. In addition to promoting healthy lifestyle choices, Wyden tried to connect with youth by asking his leadership student posse about their lives, as well as offering advice for a successful future. They conversed over a “healthy lunch” including cucumbers, carrots, beans, beef, brownies, and an apple that the senator left on the table after his visit. While Senator Wyden joins Williams in recognizing the job 4J has done to promote healthy eating, Williams also identified some weak spots at Sheldon. For starters, Sheldon’s open campus policy gives students the option to purchase cheap-yet-unhealthy fast food during the school day. Williams supports a closed-campus policy, but understood the difficulties of implementation. Another slightly embarrassing problem Sheldon has is its cafeteria; Williams described the room as having “a visual appearance that’s kind of gross.” Finally, students may have noticed that sodas popped up in one of Sheldon’s vending machines in March. Apparently, these were absolutely not supposed to be there. Problems aside, the fact that Senator Wyden feels that Sheldon is a role model for other schools is certainly something the district, along with Sheldon’s population, can feel proud of, even if it does leave a maple bar to be desired.

Ashley Admire photo

Above: Senator Ron Wyden consumes food from Sheldon’s cafeteria over lunch with leadership students. Left: Sprite Zero, along with Cherry Coke Zero, both carbonated beverages, found their way back into one Sheldon vending machine in March, even though sodas have been banned. By now, though, the sodas have mysteriously disappeared, and been replaced by Dasani Plus. Gracie Beaver photo

Second annual Irish Night of Giving on April 18 Sheldon celebration gives to Boosters by Jordan Eddy assistant editor “There are a lot of people that have done great things for Sheldon, and they shouldn’t be forgotten,” said Sheldon alumni Dick Doyle. He was talking to Assistant Principal Mike Johnson, who wholeheartedly agreed. That’s when the seed of an idea was planted in Johnson’s head. It was an idea that would eventually have a big impact on the development of Sheldon’s future as well as memories of its past. About five years after that fateful conversation, the very first Irish Night of Giving took place. The brainchild of Johnson, the program has two main goals: to honor those that have had a positive impact on Sheldon (as

per Doyle’s suggestion), and to help out current Sheldon students, teachers and athletes. Specifically, he saw a big need surrounding low income students. “There are students in this school that have high needs. We try to provide support for them,” said Johnson. The inaugural event took place on April 21 of last year, and allowed Johnson to achieve many of his goals, “We built the snack shed out on the football field, which is used by the Sheldon Booster Club.” This helps out Sheldon sports teams, clubs and classrooms, Johnson explained, lauding the Sheldon Booster Club for its positive outreach. He also set up five scholarships for Sheldon seniors who are in financial crisis. The funds allowed recipients to attend one year of school at Lane Community College. This year, Johnson and his co-chair Robin Obermire are planning to reach even further. Not only are they shooting to double the number of scholarships that they hand out, they’re offering a helping hand to Sheldon’s athletics

programs. “[We’re] going to be focusing on track,” said Obermire, referring to plans to redo the entire Sheldon track field. Johnson pointed out that doing so will help gym classes and community members as well, because the track is so widely used. The softball, soccer and football programs will also benefit—a project to replace the 40-year-old athletics storage bins is in the works. But Johnson hasn’t forgotten the roots of his idea— those who have had a positive impact on Sheldon will be honored during and after the event. On the night of the affair, an Honors Ceremony will take place recognizing Dr. Rod Gillian and the Olsson family as “Sheldon Ambassadors for Kids.” Following the charity night, a “hall of fame” display case will be constructed. The event begins on April 18 with a social for Sheldon alumni, and continues on April 19 with a golf tournament at the Mckenzie River Golf Course. That night, an auction fundraiser and the Honors Ceremony will take place.

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