Volume 44 Issue 3-December 11, 2008

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Staff holiday stories

Volleyball’s trip to state

page 4-5

page 7

New video games backpage

the Talisman a student newspaper


Sheldon High School 2455 willakenzie Rd., Eugene, Or 97401 vol. 44 Issue 3 Dec. 11, 2008

Electronics pave the way to new learning

Updated technology at Sheldon brings a new dynamic of teaching and learning to classrooms by Brittney Schooley news editor

Worldwide, technology has been changing in various ways throughout the years. Between new cell phones, laptops, portable music devices, and palm-pilots, some lifestyles have changed and habits have been altered. Businesses have been growing due to the rising distribution in their products and their profit which is being influenced by technology. Schools have also been accumulating technology that is being used to help benefit students. The students and faculty at Sheldon High School have experienced their fair share of negative and positive uses of technology. For example, there are cases from teachers of cell phone misuse almost every week. Junior Michael Dunphy said, “Cell phones get teens distracted from class easily, but technologies like cell phones and computers have a positive impact on student’s learning because it allows us to be more comfortable in the classroom.” Unlike Dunphy, Junior Branden Beeman thinks, “if someone has a cell phone they won’t pay attention to the class making it a bad impact on learning.” Math teacher Lane Johnson’s opinion on the most distracting technology being used is, “Listening to iPods in the halls. You say

hello to somebody and they don’t even notice you.” Sheldon has been advancing in the technological world by having more new computers placed in the library for student use and by putting “Smart Boards” in some classrooms. Dunphy’s reason for the “Smart Board” being the most useful and helpful device used in classrooms was it’s, “Fun and easy to use.” Beeman said “‘Smart Boards’ are a good investment because, “It looks better than an overheard and it’s like using a computer, but everyone can see it.” Beeman also said that it’s important to look for opportunities to get new devices in the classroom because, “Newer technology equals easy teaching, easy teaching equals easy classes, and an easy class equals an easy grade.”

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New computers in the library for student use.

The question that some have on their minds is, should Sheldon focus on technology when it comes to money-making decisions? Beeman’s response to that question was, “No, they should focus more on sports. Not just one sport, but all to make it even.” The Sheldon faculty’s view on technology being used may be very different than that of students. Johnson said that when it comes to money-making decisions, technology should be, A priority. Not the top priority, but a priority.” The major reason for enhancing technology being brought into Sheldon to Johnson is, “It keeps you up with what’s going on. The world is technology ran and it’s good for kids to be exposed to different types of technology.”

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Mrs. Childs uses her new smart board in class.

Class of 2012 faces toughest grad requirements ever Sheldon’s freshman class will face the hardest road to graduate in school history by Samira Lobby staff writer Every year, new classes of students come together and enter Sheldon High School and every few years the graduation requirements change. Two years ago, Sheldon started a new program called advisory. Advisory is a class that students attend twice a month, at the most, and work to meet graduation requirements for high school and record how far students have come to reach those requirements. As classes graduate, stricter guidelines for incoming classes are being enforced. The class of 2012, the most recent class to enter Sheldon halls, has even more essential skills needed in

order to graduate. This means there will be more credits required and obstacles to achieve and most of all, more testing. Every student will take certain tests until they are able to pass them. The tests will be writing, speaking, mathematical problem-solving, and scientific inquiry. It seems impossible for all these subjects to be covered through online tests. So, how will they be covered? Some will be from work samples such as doing speeches to improve speaking. Many tests are going to require time outside of school because they are too long: research papers, statistical experiments, and even speaking presentations. The problem is that the scorers won’t know if it’s all the student’s work or not. In certain cases there will be additional time given to work on projects and tests in order for the students to thoroughly complete them. The problem with subjects being tested is that students will have to dedicate more free time to school than other activities. Take high school sports for example; they are competitive activities that require time. Students also have jobs and sometimes community service which doesn’t

leave much time for studying. Junior Jaime Fazio said, “This will not improve students’ effort in their work because it would just make them have to work harder and most students don’t want to give up their free time that they have little of and dedicate it to studying for something that doesn’t even improve their grades.” Freshman Kristina Tamburrini, who thinks differently, said, “Yeah, it will improve because it requires us to take more classes, and whether we want to realize it or not, we are learning something out of it.” Therefore, it depends on the type of student a person is as to how well he or she is going to do. Students in the IHS and Honors programs will also have to take the same test. Being more advanced in the areas that students are going to study in, is it fair that everyone takes the same test? “Yes, because it’s their choice to take regular high school. Maybe this will increase the amount of students doing IHS or Honors,” said Jessica Patterson who is a junior in the IHS program. The tests are made to show how much a student has learned and how well he or she expresses it. Good luck, freshmen!

Leadership students spread holiday cheer with fundraiser Snowflakes of Joy fundraiser brings joy to the less fortunate despite the absence of winter snowflakes

students helping out kids who are in need. Leadership student Eric Larson said, “It’s a great opportunity to give

by Michael Zimmerman staff writer

This fall, as you may know, is filled with different holidays, many of which are built around the cherished idea of giving. However, some families who are less fortunate don’t have the money to buy and give presents. To help them, Sheldon’s leadership students will be continuing the Snowflakes of Joy fundraiser. This fundraiser, which has been going on for ten years, is about leadership

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Leadership students keep the holiday spirit alive by raising money for Snowflakes of Joy.

gifts to kids who usually wouldn’t receive presents.” Every year the ASB officer, the person in charge of Leadership ideas, goes to all the schools that feed into Sheldon and is given a pile of wish lists by the principals of all the less fortunate kids and what they would like for Christmas. Leadership student Rex Puttenum said, “It’s a great feeling to know that you helped out someone who doesn’t have much.” After that, all the Leadership students are given a wish list and then they have to go around with a jar and collect money from anyone willing to donate. With that money the students buy the gifts that are on their kids’ wish lists. In total, Sheldon leadership students send out about fifteen gifts for every school. Also, the students have adopted a family this year, which means that some of the Snowflakes of Joy money will buy a family food, clothes, and other necessities. Co-advisor for Leadership, Elyse Myers said, “It is so wonderful to see the students giving back to the community and spreading the Christmas spirit.”

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