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Dracula hits the Sheldon stage
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a student newspaper
the Talisman
Sheldon High School 2455 willakenzie Rd., Eugene, Or 97401 vol. 45 Issue 2 Nov. 12, 2009
Bicycle thefts an ongoing problem on campus Recent thefts of students’ and staff members’ bikes from campus bike racks raise eyebrows about security by Garrett Burrington staff writer
Students’ bikes at Sheldon can be, and recently have been stolen. Most students have locks around the main frame of their bikes, but for the students who do not have their bikes locked to the rack, their bikes tend to get stolen. Junior Ashley Jones said, “All students that do ride a bike to school need to lock their bike to the rack. The school should not be responsible for providing bike locks, or compensating for stolen bikes.” Junior Anthony Romero doesn’t see it that way. romero said, “There should be locks at Sheldon to buy for students who ride a bike to and from school.” There have been a few bikes that have had locks on them yet were still stolen. Campus supervision is not always monitoring the bikes, unfortunately. Jones said, “I would be very angry if my bike were stolen and I know I had locked it.” If bikes that are locked are getting stolen, then whoever is stealing the bike has the time to cut the lock. Sheldon campus supervisors make a routine check on the bikes to help prevent the issue. Senior Ronny Clay said, “I would be
livid if my bike was stolen and I had locked it to the rack.” Some student’s attitudes toward stolen property is pretty laid back. Jones stated, “If I saw a student stealing a bike, I would continue with what I have to do. It’s not my own, therefore it is not my business.” Then there are students who are totally against thievery. Clay said, “If I saw anybody steal a bike from anywhere, not just Sheldon, I would interfere.” Closing the window of opportunities to where the thief may escape is important. Clay suggested that both front gates should be closed at all times. He continued “If both gates were closed, where would the thief go?”
What should Sheldon do about bike thefts? This cannot go on forever. Sheldon has many students who ride a bike to and from school. If their bikes are getting stolen, how will the students get to school? Most parents do not have time to get their child to school and still get themselves to work on time. Romero said, “If bikes are being stolen from this school during the day, whether they are locked or not, then obviously campus supervision needs to watch the bikes all day.” Since this is not possible, students must be sure to always lock their bikes.
Michael Chase photos
Students have shown a lack of discipline in their techniques of locking up their bikes on campus. On the left is one way to properly lock one’s bike, and on the right is a flawed technique.
Administration’s new dancing rules irritate some students A number of students have noticed changes in the way they have been able to act at school dances by Kyla Henninger staff writer Many students are unaware of the new and revised school dance rules. For all upcoming dancing events these rules will still apply. There is a section called “The Jail” for the careless dancers. Students will be put in the Jail for five to ten minutes, and if the staff decides that students still do
not want to listen after three times of being put into the Jail they will get a call home and be picked up by a parent or guardian. Freshman Katelyn Rasmussen stated, “Students will not follow rules and they are unnecessary.” There are several staff and students who say they are necessary because of students’ unacceptable dancing habits. Opinions of the new rules vary. Rasmussen stated, “The new dance rules are unnecessary and are pointless.” Daniel Clark, the leadership advisor said, “We are not changing the rules; we are just reinforcing the rules, we need to keep distance between students.” Freshman Jessie Miller said, “There should be no rules for dancing because no students really listen to them.” Across the nation, students’ misbehavior when dancing at schools has even made news on CNN. “These horrible dancing problems have been worse. Two years ago, we had to cancel two dances because
of students’ lack of courtesy to other people,” Clark said. The staff at Sheldon just wants people to have a good time, and to dance as if their parents are watching. The rules are not new; they just have been reinforced harder over these past two years. Students’ dancing has changed over the past few years, so in addition, the rules will too. “We are strongly enforcing these rules this year because we have had many complaints from uncomfortable students around the students that are misbehaving,” Clark stated. The students need to keep more space between each other to keep themselves and other people from getting in trouble and sent into the Jail. The first consequence is being put into the Jail and then the consequences will be increased. Students come to the dances to enjoy themselves and not to be getting in trouble. The staff just wants to have some rules to keep students safe and comfortable.
Discipline issues by SHS students show improving trend A declining trend in discipline issues at Sheldon is positive for the student body as a whole by Michael Chase editor-in-chief As generations grow up, they tend to learn the general rules of society. Respect, decency, and common courtesy all fall under these rules that most citizens abide by. However, with the time of growth also comes a time of rebellion, disrespect, and overall insubordination. These have been seen many times in the past years of Sheldon High. But recently, in the last three years to be specific, many faculty members have noticed a significant downward trend in the number of disciplinary issues around the Sheldon
campus each year. According to school data, in the 2006-07 school year, there were 362 disciplinary issues reported to school officials, 288 in the 07-08 year, and 202 last year. This significant drop has been seen as quite an accomplishment for the Sheldon community as a whole. Vice Principal Mark Watson said, “I think that the Advisory Program that we put in four years ago could be contributing to this trend. We have been able to meet periodically with the same smaller group, and some of the teachers have been able to offer specific, targeted lessons on harassment and respect among other things, and the students might feel more comfortable talking about issues because they feel more connected to the school, because communication is always important and maybe these advisory meetings have helped.” Watson also said that, after being at other schools, “[We] have really good students here, and in general we have really good support in the home, and whenever we make contact with parents they are generally very supportive.” Officer John Savage said, “When people make bad decisions, sometimes they think ‘Its only going to affect
me,’ but you’re not the only one affected by your bad decisions and you’re not the only one who pays for it. You, your parents, teachers, teammates, whatever you’re involved with ends up paying the price for the decisions you make.” Savage also mentioned peer pressure and how it can lead to negative consequences. “The right thing isn’t always the easiest thing for people, but peer pressure ends up getting a lot of people in trouble and the urge to want to fit in and be a part of a certain group makes people do things they would not usually do on their own. So just make your own decisions and stick with it.” Campus supervision has also noticed a change. Campus supervisor Darin Henry, who has worked at Sheldon for fifteen years, said, “Things seem to be a lot more mellow at Sheldon recently. Especially this year with the new ninth grade class seems to be a lot more mellow.” Henry also said, “If [students] have any kind of problems with another student or at home or anything else that is distracting them from the educational process, come to an adult, whoever they feel the most comfortable with on campus, and let them know and we will get right on it.”