Volume 46 Issue 1 - Oct.15, 2010

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Colorguard entertains many page 4

New technology is seen everywhere

Harry Potter movies

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a student newspaper

the Talisman

Sheldon High School 2455 willakenzie Rd., Eugene, Or 97401 vol. 46 Issue 1 Oct. 15, 2010

Sheldon Academy rededication; a big honor

Erin McLyman; a student who graduated from Sheldon in 2001 by Anthony Rhoads editor-in-chief

The Sheldon Academy has been around for twelve years and is a program for all Sheldon students for studying, skill development and credit recovery. For the twelve years that the Academy has been around, a lot of people have passed through and gone on to great things. The Academy is the only one of its kind in Lane County; students can go through the academy and graduate with their peers while retrieving credits. The Academy building is going to be renamed The Erin McLyman Study Center. The new name will be displayed on a banner, and a plaque with a picture and bio for McLyman. Director Fran Christie said, “I hope the Academy inspires people to finish high school and be in charge of themselves.” Private First Class Erin McLyman of the US Army was one; she was among the first students to go through the academy. After graduating she went on to the military, and

was. assigned to the 296th Brigade Support Battalion, 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, who were shipped to Iraq,

she than fell in combat, she was the third women from the Oregon Southwestern Washington area to fall. Christie said, “The academy is unique with really dedicated staff who want to see students succeed, and I have respect for all young people who serve in the military.” The decision for the rededication was made by the whole academy, and is scheduled for October 21 at 3pm in the Sheldon Academy study center. Vice Principal Mike Johnson said, “I think it should bring a high respect for people who go through the program. [To have an example of] a person that is a result of this school and that program, who gives her life for all the freedom we enjoy, and to see her name everyday as a reminder, that she committed herself to her country.” Sheldon Academy is a great program and Sheldon is honored to have the privilege of honoring a fallen hero, who didn’t have to do anything, Yearbook scan yet she did; she gave up everything Erin McLyman (seen here in her 2001 senior picture) will have Sheldon for her country, and our freedom, Academy rededicated in her name and her memory on October 21. and made the ultimate sacrifice.

Budget cuts continue to cause trouble for Sheldon

Economic problems have posed serious threats to students’ learning by Marisa Aiello staff writer

Everyone has heard about the budget cuts occurring all over the United States. But how much is it affecting the schools of Eugene, Oregon? In the first semester of the school year, there are only eighty-one and a half days, while in second semester there are eighty-five and a half. To some students and teachers this is a big deal. Teachers at Sheldon are getting paid for less and have less time to teach the material; not to mention, they have to cut units and curriculum. As most would imagine, this presents a major problem for teachers, and for students. The one area of teaching that is most affected by budget cuts is the science program. With overcrowding

in some classrooms, new hazards have arisen. Sophomore John Robertson said, “In fact, I’ve known people that haven’t been able to find a class to fill their schedule because of overcrowding. It doesn’t really bother me, hurray for free periods, but for overachievers it must be difficult.” Chemistry teacher Johannes Volwerk said, “According to the American Chemical Society, eighteen high school students can safely be supervised by one adult in a chemistry lab. Our lab space is designed for 28 students maximum. Student safety is a major concern directly impacted by the budget cuts.” The budget cuts have made it difficult for some students to learn due to too many peers in the classroom. Sophomore Maddy Woods commented, “There were many distractions from other students who didn’t want to learn and the teacher tends to stand in front of the whiteboard after writing information on the board so I can’t see or think straight.” Robertson added, “Three dozen people talking at once, while a single teacher is there? It’s like trying to stop an anvil with an umbrella!”

There have also been some problems with funding materials for classes. “In our science classes we charge a small lab fee to those students and families who can afford it. This has saved us in terms of being able to maintain supplies and replace and update our equipment. If we had to rely on the general budget only, we would be in far worse shape,” said Volwerk. Sometimes unknown to students, teachers personally are affected by the budget cuts. “Yes, the furlough days and delay in the step increase, which is intended to compensate for increased costs of living, have a significant negative impact on teachers’ salaries,” said Volwerk. However, there are some students who feel the effects of the budget cuts on the school as well as the teachers. “Not only are the classes fuller from the cuts themselves, but we’ve had such an influx of freshman this year, it’s ridiculous,” said Robertson. With budget cuts all over the United States affecting schools everywhere in different ways, Sheldon is doing its best to manage their budget in ways to help students get the best education the school can offer.

Free periods and an open campus require student maturity Free periods can be study time or lost time by Vanessa Hendricks staff writer The controversy over Sheldon students’ right to a free period and open campus has been a hot topic as of late. Parents, Sheldon staff and students are caught in a whirlwind of questions and confusion concerning this topic. Does having a free period detract from your learning abilities? Does open campus lead to distractions and loss of dedication to education? Junior Kelsey Love has a free third period for the first semester. She is content but her father was not, until she convinced him. “You can use it to do homework, listen to music and chill,” said Love. While there are advantages to having a free period, students and staff agree that free periods can lead to kids potentially being late to class and getting into bad habits. Sheldon Principal Dr. Robert Bolden believes that, having open campus and free periods here at Sheldon, can definitely lead to unsatisfactory behavior. “A lot of students have difficulties with responsibility.” Commented Dr. Bolden. On the other hand Dr. Bolden thinks that free periods can affect student’s progress in positive and negative ways, but free periods can provide extra time to pursue more enriching things.

Amidst the upsides and downsides of allowing students The budget cuts around our country are only causing more students to have free periods. Without the staffing the freedom to go off campus and to choose to have a free to have classes for everyone or even a study hall period, the opinion of most students will always stay in favor instead of free period, tons of students are left with while parents may not agree with what can’t be changed. emaciated schedules. “If we could we would. We just don’t have the staff.” Explained Dr. Bolden. There are many safety issues that relate to open campus and student’s having free periods. Parents are most concerned about kids getting into drugs and not knowing where their kids are and when. The kids may need the trust but most parents aren’t prepared to give it. Majority of students seem to use their time wisely while out of class or off campus. Lots of students use their free periods to visit with friends rather than being distracted in our 86 minute classes that are never easy to sit through. One article on mlive.com written by Adrian Johnson from the Kalamazoo Gazette looked at the difference of school schedules in different countries. “French students have a two-hour lunch break… During their two-hour lunch break; they can eat at home or at a restaurant.” The upside of such a long lunch is there is no need for a free period, as long as staff is available. And it gives students the freedom to eat whatever they’re craving on that particular Vanessa Hendricks photo day. This time also allows them study time or time Juniors Samantha Little, Nic Rea, and Anissa Chin spend to prepare for the rest of their classes that day. their free period studying, doing work, and socializing.

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