DR/BGEN ANTONIO L TAMAYO, PAF (RES), FPCHA, PhD ChairmanoftheBoard Founder
DAISY M. TAMAYO, PhD RN ViceChairmanoftheBoardandTreasurer Co-Founder
ANTONIO ROMULO G. TAMAYO, BSIE Member BoardLiaisonOfficerforSports
Pasko sa Pebrero is back!
by Janelle Ross RespetoThe“RedesignedPaskosaPebrero”, acommunityoutreachprogram,was backontrackonMarch12,2022,after afewyearssincephysicaleventswere halted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was held at Guijo Street, ManuelaIV-B,Pamplona3,LasPinas City at two o’clock in the afternoon.
The program was attended by the Senior High School-Supreme StudentCouncilofficers:JutheaAnne Gonzales, Julian Jeremiah Navarro, TetsuyaYoshiko,JanelleRossRespeto, RaphaelPatrickArcilla,andMa.Aiza Dela Cruz, under the supervision of Ms. Janica Bea Ayad and Dr. Joyce Lalunio, Senior High School Faculty.
The Pasko sa Pebrero is an institutional project of the Community Extension Services Program headed by Dr. Josephine Dasig. It has been a university traditiontoannuallyholdthisevent along with the University Week, but since the pandemic started, the eventwaspostponeduntilitsreturn this year. The outreach program aimstogivebacktothecommunity, not just during Christmas, but also every Valentine’s season. After a long wait, students and teachers are now back again to serve the community and be helpers of God.
Founder, Chairman of the Board and CEO, University of Perpetual Help System DALTA Chairman of the Board, CEO and President, University of Perpetual Help System JONELTA
By the grace of God, we have reached the end of another schoolyear.Tothosewhoaremovinguptothenextphaseoftheir education,continuetopushonwithyourstudieswithperseverance andhardwork.Kayan’yo‘yan!
To those who are graduating, congratulations! To complete youreducationwhilewearestilllivingwiththethreatofCOVID-19 is an accomplishment. For sure, your life was disrupted. You had to livewithuncertaintyandaddedstress.Butlookatthesechallengesas tests.Nowthatyouhavepassedthesetests,youarestrongernowand readytofacewhateverchallengelifemaythrowatyou.Itismyhope that you attain success in whatever you might choose as the next path in your life. As you venture out into the world, believe in yourselfaswe,yourteachersandadministrators,whohavewatched youdevelopandblossom,believeinyou.Alwaysrememberourcore valuesasPerpetualites.RememberthatPerpetualitesare“Helpersof God.” Never stop learning. Keep dreaming and embrace life with passion.Enjoylife,andwhenpermissible,stopforawhile,smellthe flowers, and give thanks to the Lord for all your blessings. To our graduates, you are always welcome to come back home to the University.Thedoorsofthecampuswillalwaysbeopenforyou.
Finally, we recently reached a new phase in our country’s historywiththeelectionofournewleaders.Letuspraytheywilllead ourcountrywellaswerecoverfromtheCOVID-19pandemic.Atthis time,letusdoourshareinnation-buildinginwhateverwecan.
After a long wait, students and teachers are now back again to serve the community and be helpers of God.
On the Redesigned Pasko sa Pebrero, the student leaders, along with Ms. Ayad and Dr. Lalunio, facilitated academic activities and games to keep the children entertained while they learn. They taught them how to pronounce, read and write the alphabet, and determine the first letters of some objects. They also guided the children on how to count as they played “The Boat is Sinking.” All the attendees activelyparticipatedinthegame. After the activities, the student leaders handed out snacks and drinks to all the participants.
Thechildrenandleadersshared more than just knowledge and gratitude; they also shared hope and compassion. Through the Redesigned Pasko sa Pebrero, the student leaders and teachers were able to live up to the university’s philosophy, mission, and vision. Altogether, they were able to achieve strong collaboration and spiritual awakeningamidstthepandemic.
Virtual Christmas Party for PWD Association
by Juthea Anne A. GonzalesThe University of Perpetual Help System DALTA’s Senior High School Department, Parent-Teacher Association Board (PTAB) and Supreme Student Council (SSC), hosted a Virtual Christmas Party through Microsoft Teams for the Pamplona Dos’ Persons with Disability (PWD) Association to celebrate the spirit of Christmas.
The program consisted of thanksgiving ceremonies, intermission numbers, and dedicated videos prepared by the students of the department. The Senior High School Department distributed food packagesfromeachsectiontothe
members of the association through a donation drive.
Dr. Julie Reyes, Principal, gave a Christmas message. On the other hand, Mrs. RomualdaC.Villalon,barangay captain of Pamplona Dos, delivered her message of appreciation for the Senior High School Department’s community initiative.
Mr. Jose Ma. Pacarro, president of the PWD Association, presented certificates of appreciation to the organizers and contributors of the event.
A glimpse of onsite classes for the Perpetualites
by Princess Jane Z. UdaOn June 25, 2021, the CommissiononHigherEducation (CHED) granted the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA-Las Pinas Campus permission to conduct limited onsite classes for college programs with laboratory subjects. These programs cater to the 3rd and 4th year students of BS Medical Technology, BS Nursing, BS Physical Therapy, and Doctor of Medicine.
Seven months later, on February21,2022,theDepartment of Education (DepEd) approved the implementation of the university-widelimitedface-to-face classes of the UPHSD-LP campus in which the Senior High School actively participated. The department gave the green light solely to ICT, and HE strands under the Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL) Track to partake in the onsite classes. During the implementation, neither teachers nor students tested positive for COVID-19. This could be because before the issued green light, the university urged the students, faculty, and staff to get vaccinated attheschoolgym,oneofthelocal vaccinationsitesinLasPinas.This resulted in the 100% vaccination of the institution’s constituents. This data came from the reports of the class advisers who did
mandatory checking of vaccination status of theirstudents.
Mr. Jose Ma. S. Pacarro, the Vice-Principal of the Senior High School department, said that the limited face-to-face classes provided an enriching and meaningful learning experience to the participating students aftertwoyearsofonlinelearning. He added that the Perpetualite community continues to grow in the online environment.
Furthermore, Mr. Pacarro states that the resumption of limitedface-to-faceclasseswillbe thenormforthenextschoolyear. However, the student capacity stilldependsontheprotocolsand guidelinessetbythegovernment. As the community hurdles the COVID-19 pandemic, the educational sector is gradually consideringtheideaofreturning to onsite school activities. Face-to-face recognitions, graduations, and synchronous classes are examples of how these efforts are demonstrated.
Could this finally be the glimpse of ending an era of online education or an opportunity to develop the current mode of education?
Student leaders unite for the International MISB Leadership Forum
by Juthea Anne A.GonzalesOn February 26, 2022, the Mentari Intercultural School Bintaro (MISB) Student Council invited the Senior High School - Supreme Student Council (SHS-SSC) to participate in an international leadership forum with the theme “Zenith: The Reign of Youth in the Digital Sphere.”
Different student council members from different schools were assembled to gain new perspectives, further improve programs, and spearhead student-centered activities.
The SHS-SSC president, Juthea Gonzales, presented the previously conducted programs and organization objectives. The leadership forum inspired them to further enhance community outreach events and virtual student gatherings.
Mr. Sunny Reyes, MISB principal, welcomed the students with her speech. The program featured various breakout sessions to promote cultural exchange and sharing of experiences. Each council introduced his organizational chart and designatedcommittees.
This was followed by a leadership webinar conducted by Alisha Jayanegara, a resource speaker and school alumni from the MISB to advocate for youth empowerment. She emphasized, “Always take accountability; No onewantstotaketheblame;butif someone should, it must be the leader.” She also introduced key leadership competencies that everyleadershouldpossess.
Students were divided into breakoutroomsandwereassigned
to come up with a program to assigned to come up with a program to solve different student dilemmas, such as lack of financing and promotion of specialevents.
Each group was able to present their solutions.
through collaboration. The event ended with a Spotify playlist which the officers contributedto.
“Leaders, this is only the start,”saidoneoftheemceesto signify that leadership is continuousandprogressive.
University Week 2022 empowers students once again
by Hannah VillamiaOnMarch7-11,2022,the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA celebrated via Facebook Live, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams the 47th foundingAnniversary,withthe theme “Perpetual @ 47: Empowered Altogether Rising Through Hurdles,” hosted by the College of Respiratory Therapy led by Dr. Davie Regalario,thecollegedean.
Each department of the university also held its opening ceremoniesbeforeparticipating in the university-wide competitions ranging from talent-based and academic competitionstoE-Games,asan alternative to traditional sport. Theeventswerespearheadedby theSupremeStudentCouncil.
Students who won the elimination rounds competed against each other for three to five days and were closely monitored by the assigned
The Senior High School Department won again as the overall champion of the University Week 2022 and won a totalofnineteen(19)awardsfrom various competitions: one (1) sixthplacefromtheQuizBee,five (5) 2nd runner-ups from Logo-Making, Spoken Poetry, Valorant, Digital Poster Making, andPagsulatngSanaysay;four(4) 1st runner-ups from Essay-Writing, Amazing Race, Platform Competition and Ms. University 2022; and nine (9) champion titles from Mr. University 2022, Logo Making, Kalookalike, singing, Tiktok Challenge, chess, Call of Duty Mobile, Mobile Legends, and FreehandPosterMaking.
The event ended with a grand closing ceremony that included raffles for the students and a turn-over ceremony for the nexthostofuniversityweek2023.
UPHSD attends Presidential Aspirants Interview
by Lian Gabrielle S. InlongAs one of the members of the Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations of the Philippines (COCOPEA), the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA (UPHSD) invited students, faculty, staff, administrators, and
other stakeholders to watch the first part of “The Education President: Interviews with Presidential Aspirants on Philippine Education,” on April 8, 2022 via UPHSD Facebook Page.
COCOPEA’s interview series aimed to let the presidentialaspirantsdiscussthe critical issues in Philippine Education directly towards the communities of its member’s respective schools, colleges, and universities."Thecountry'snext president should have a strong education agenda, and consolidates and unifies all initiatives and support from educationstakeholderstopropel our country's development to greaterheights,”saidAtty.Joseph Noel Estrada, COCOPEA Managing Director, as he set the context for the first interview, hostedbyDr.EdizonFermin,the National Teachers College Vice PresidentofAcademicAffairs.Dr.
Anthony Jose M. Tamayo, COCOPEA Chairman/UPHSD President, and President of the Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU), welcomed the educational stakeholders and introduced Hon. Vice President Maria Leonor “Leni” Gerona Robredo as the first interviewee oftheseries.
VP Leni shared that the OfficeoftheVicePresident(OVP) discovered through, a project by the OVP that aims to givejobsforpeopleaffectedbythe pandemic, that the skills of most Filipino students do not meet the requiredskillsofajob.Shepointed out that while programs are present, opportunities are not maximized.
The lack of opportunities for out-of-school youth was also mentioned.Asasolution,theOVP partneredwithprivatesectorsthat wouldallowstudents toundergoa two-year Tech-Voc training programwheretheyarepaidafter sixmonthsofinternship.Shealso mentioned other on-going programsoftheOVPthataddress issuesoneducation.
She proposed that the
SHS-SSC organizes Anawim Community Outreach Program
by Allyza Claire B. ArayaThe Senior High School Supreme Student Council (SHS-SSC) conducted a community outreach program for the elderly abandonedintheAnawimLay Foundations in Rodriguez, Rizal on May 12, 2022.
In-kind donations such as adult diapers, laundry soap, face masks, alcohol, and other items were accepted at the University of Perpetual Help System DALTA (UPHSD) on May 6-11, 2022. The elderly joined in the program and displayed their talents in singing, dancing, and storytelling.
“It was really a fun experience despite the limited time that we got to interact with them.”
Tetsuya Yoshiko, SHS-SSCgovernment should partner with private educational sectors to resolve issues regarding the quality of education and its accessibility. She said that the governmentshouldlookforways to help aid students’ expenses other than scholarships, which according to her, can only be done if the government and private education sectors work and plan together.
Scholarships, which according to her, can only be done if the government and private education sectors work and plan together.
VPLenialsoaddressedhowshe planstoelevatethepositionof teachers in both private and public sectors. She said that
Vice-President of External Affairs stated. “Although it was limited, we still managed to put a smile on their faces and made the most of the time we had with them.”
“That was my first time going to Anawimanditwasaverytouching experience for me kasi I get to meet a lot of elderly na kahit inabandona na sila, they could still smile and enjoy their life sa Anawim,” said Jupiter Michael Morta,Grade11-MediaGovernor.
“I learned that malaki pa rin ang worth nila kahit matanda na sila, ‘dinakakapagwork,atinabandona, kaya dapat as much as we can ay tinutulungan natin sila, para sa futureayyunrinyungmaranasan natin, yung maparamdam na we are still worthy of love and care kahitmatandanatayo,”headded.
compensationpackagesshould be competitive so that educators do not leave the country, and that the governmentshouldletteachers focusoninstructionsinsteadof shouldering administrative responsibilities.Shealsovoiced out the importance of furthering the education and training of teachers, and how the government should be supportive of it instead of putting additional burden on educators.
She emphasized the importance of Mental Health programs as a way for schools tosupportthementalwellness of teachers and students. She stressed how mental health programs should be normalized and be considered essential to remove the stigma from it. This has always been a practice in the OVP’s BayanihanE-Konsulta.
"Voter’s education is at the heart of voting intelligently,” said Dr. Vicente Fabella, the President of Jose Rizal University (JRU) and COCOPEA Trustee, as he remindedthestudents,whoare also first-time voters, to get to know their candidates and to vote wisely on May 9, 2022, beforeclosingtheprogram.
SHS Department welcomes incoming Grade 11 students
by Louella TanJune14,2022markedthedatefortheJuniorBusinessHighSchool(JBHS)students to get their initial impressions of the Senior High School (SHS) Department. The Senior High School Supreme Student Council (SHS-SSC) organized a welcome programtogivebothdepartmentsanopportunitytoconnectviaMicrosoftTeams.
The SHS-SSC collaborated with the student leaders of the JBHS Department to lead the preliminaries, with the class mayors from Grade 10 making their first appearance for the recitation of the University’s Philosophy, Vision, Mission, and department’s objectives. Dr. Julia H. Reyes, the Basic Education Director and SHS Principal, utilized her welcome remarks to emphasize the kind of quality education the department pursues to serve the studentry which the incoming
Grade 11 students will enjoy. Current SHS students shared their answers to the question, “Why choose Perpetual?” through a video. Eleven students from different strands gave their own reasons for choosing the university. Some of these were the school’s accessiblelocation,thediversityoftheacademicandextra-curricularprograms,andtheexcellentalumnitheschoolhasproduced.
UPHSD-LP holds onsite graduation at PICC
by Princess Jane UdaTheUniversityofPerpetualHelpSystemDALTA-LasPiñas,held its first onsite graduation at the Philippine International Convention CenteronJuly19,2022.TheUniversitymergedtheJuniorBusinessHigh School completers and Senior High School graduates with the theme: “Empowered Altogether Rising through Hurdles”. The Perpetualite communityrosewith681studentsequippedtofacetertiaryeducation.
Ms. Marjory C. Varias, an English faculty of the Senior High School Department, presided the prestigious event as Mistress of Ceremonies. Present in this momentous event were Dr. Daisy M. Tamayo,Dr.AnthonyJoseM.Tamayo,Dr.ArnaldoS.DeGuzman,and Hon.CamilleA.Villar.TheprogramstartedwithaprocessionalofSHS graduates parading down the aisle in maroon togas and caps. The invocation was given by Gerard Cholo C. Verdadero, a Junior Business High School completer with High Honors, who thanked the Lord and Saviorforguidingtheattendeestothelocationsafely.
JutheaAnneA.Gonzales,withHighHonorsandtheSeniorHigh SchoolPresidentoftheSupremeStudentCouncil,gavethewelcoming remarks. She warmly greeted the participants, faculty, parents, and distinguished guests. Followed by the presentation of an inspirational video message from the University's Chairman of the board and CEO Founder, Dr./BGen. Antonio L. Tamayo. Dr. Tamayo honored the perseveranceandhardworkofthePerpetualitesthroughouttheschool yeardespitetheextraordinarychallengesbroughtbyCOVID-19.
Ashton C Antoni, with High Honors from the Junior Business High School, and Micah G. Pascua, with High Honors
fromtheSeniorHighSchoolwerecalledonstagetodelivertheirAddress ofPetition.Dr.ArnaldoS.DeGuzman,theschooldirector,introduced theguestspeaker,Hon.CamilleVillar,theDistrictRepresentativeofLas PiñasCity.Shestatedthatgraduationceremoniessignifytheendandthe beginningofeveryindividual’slife.Hon.CamilleVillaralsocommended thefacultywhomanagedtopersistwiththeirdutiesaseducatorsamidst thenewnormal.
Dr.DaisyM.TamayoandDr.AnthonyJoseM.Tamayo,withthe assistanceofDr.ArnaldoS.DeGuzman,Dr.JuliaH.Reyes,andMr.Jose Ricardo B. Alviedo, awarded the medals and certificates of completion, anddiplomastothegraduates.Afterdistributingnumerouscertificates and well-earned diplomas, Gian Angelo D. Alberto, with High Honors fromtheJuniorBusinessHighSchool,deliveredtheAddressofThanks.
Truly the students and teachers successfully pushed through despite grievances, hurdles, and spontaneous scenarios that filled the schoolyear.TheBatch2022oftheSeniorHighSchoolDepartmentisone ofthefirsttograduateaftertwoyearsofonlineeducation.Moreover,this batchisknowntobethefirsttowearthemaroontogaandcap.
The whole school year was short-lived due to the COVID-19 pandemic that struck the lives of millions of Filipinos, especially the education of the youth. In 2020, the batch was set to graduate from Junior High but was then held back because of the lockdown. Being deprived of such an opportunity to celebrate a milestone creates an uneasyendtoachapter.Itcanbesaidthatthisperfectlywrappedupthe students’HighSchooljourney.
The holiday before the Omicron surge
by Cyril Karl CarandanThe holiday season of December 2021 was better than the preceding in 2020 when the emergence of uncertainties happened because of the unexpected COVID-19 pandemic. Lesser pandemic restrictions and clearer plans in battling the said virus were implemented, making theholidaymorefestiveasvarious Christmas events such as family reunions, concerts, and shopping deals were once again possible. The uproarious yet marvelous festivitiescontinueduntiltheNew Year. It appeared like everything was slowly shifting back to its original condition, but still with face masks and social distancing.
The nostalgia of pre-pandemic daysdidnotlastwhentheglimpse of hope suddenly vanished after the holiday. Many people started to experience flu-like symptoms such as body ache, nausea, cold, and cough. Emergency rooms of different hospitals were jam-packed with patients with various health concerns. The situation also forced schools to declareatwo-weekhealthbreakto give students and teachers ample time to recover from sickness.
On December 31, the Department of Health (DOH) confirmed the local cases of the Omicron variant, the most transmissible variant to date. A few weeks after New Year, an unforeseen deja vu took place. The Philippines appeared back to square one as the DOH announced in January 15 new dailyrecordsof39,004activecases.
Do the figures look familiar?
Yes, you're correct. These figures are similar to the ones we witnessed back in 2020. The Omicron variant, which spread during the Christmas and New Year holidays, suddenly caused the surge. This event challenged the healthcare system of the country, particularly the National Capital Region (NCR), once again.
May the holiday before the surge effect serve as a lesson to everybody. Because of the sudden looseningofpandemicrestrictions, we are back at square one. We can go out and hang out with friends and families outside but be sure to followtheminimumpublichealth standards. Let us also not forget that we are still in the middle of the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, and the population's majority is not yet vaccinated.
The pandemic is not yet over. We start again every time new variants appear since some can be resistant to the existing vaccines. As of now, we can only accept the new normal and follow the prescribed safety protocols.
After all, we are all affected by the pandemic. Hence, choose to be part of the solution, not the problem. And aim to contribute to the full recovery of the world from the COVID-19 pandemic. Let us always guard ourselves and strive for the betterment of the not-distant future. Let us not lose hope because the war against an invisibleenemyisstillfarfromover.
Moderna comes to Perpetual
by Jose Mari Clidoro IIIPerpetual has always been an institutionthathasprioritizedthe embodiment of the institution’s principle of being “Helpers of God” in every act it does. To keep with this long-standing
tradition of assisting others, the UniversityofPerpetualHelpSystem
DALTA had secured Moderna vaccines and booster shots that would be distributed to the Perpetualite students, employees
and their relatives for free.
The institution offered the University gymnasium 2 as a temporary vaccination and booster site open to the people of Las Pinas. The free vaccine rollout commenced on February 2, 2022 and is still operational to date. The vaccination and booster drive is accessible to all who are 18 and above years old. Those 12 to 17 may still register usingthedesignatedseparatelink posted on the University’s official Facebookpage.Toeasetheprocess, tech-savvy people may utilize the QRcodetoregisterfortheirshots.
5 to 11-years-old were also given the chance to get their vaccination shots last May 13 to 14. For future vaccination drive dates, the best way to keep up to date is to always stay
Perpetualites often come togetherandassistoneanotherto ensure the people around them and they themselves are given aid. The vaccine rollout program is nothing but one of the many more initiatives the institution has in store for the community.
Once again, congratulations Perpetualites for keeping with the core values set by our founders, contributing to the community in this time of need.
We call upon all Perpetualites to take up the mantle of responsibility by keeping up to date with their shots, to ensure that our country is slowly but surely moving forward to a lockdown-free future. Princess
News Writers
Juthea Anne A. Gonzales
Allyza Claire B. Araya
Ma. Aiza Dela Cruz
Hannah S. Villamia
Janelle Ross Respeto
Another Year to Remember
by Jose Mari C. Clidoro IIIAs the year ends and students celebrate in their houses for a job well done, the institution is still as active as ever, brewing up new activities for the participationofeveryPerpetualite.
The University and the SSC conducted a SHS year-end assembly on June 22, 2021 titled, “Replay 2021: A Year of Gratitude and Abundance”. The event was hosted by two energetic members of the SSC, Julian Gan and Jan Patrick Arcilla via MS Teams.
The university always treats its students well and that is especially so during the year-end since it is common to give out rewards and thanks to the hard-working Perpetualites that made it through all the tough trials of another year of online learning during the pandemic.
The Senior High School Principal, Dr. Julie H. Reyes deliveredawarmopeningremarks and was quickly followed by the most anticipated event of the program, the Student’s Choice Awards, where the student populationoftheSHSDepartment was given a chance to vote for the teachertheydeemedtobeentitled as the best of the best amongst all the skilled educators of the SHS faculty.Baggingthetitleofbestwas
Mr. Wilfred Glenn T. Catud, Coordinator of the Research Learning Area and Adviser of 12 STEM 5. The second and third places were awarded to Ms. Gizelle AnnA.Ton-oganandMs.Zesarinna Vivica L. Padre, respectively.
After the announcement of winners, the Year-end Comments Contest went next. The most reacted comments that answered the question, “How will you describe your whole school year in one statement?” were awarded cash prizes. The winners of the said contest were the following: Jhan Kurtte Nermal, Yaghi Parilla, Kairi Mikhaela Bautista, Hans Villamia,andJulianJeremiahGan.
Following the contests were the various montages edited by the SSC creative staff that had all reminisced the fun-filled events the SHS students and faculty participated in throughout the year.Totopitalloff,thememorable class pictures of each section of every strand were given tribute through a video presentation, solidifying that moment as an unforgettable memento.
What a wonderful event to remember! The year-end program will be an occasion that the SHS students can look back on with fondness in the future. As
theysaytheirfarewellsandclose their laptops for the summer, they will remember that the memoriestheymadewillalways be with them. Along with the
wisdom they gained each day in the academic journey they all travelled together here in Perpetual, this school year 2021-2022.
SHS World Teacher’s Day Celebration: A Tribute to Quality Educators
by Louella TanThe Senior High School Department conducted its celebration of World Teacher’s Day on October 5, 2021 via Microsoft Teams. The program was conducted twice, with the Grade 11 students attending the celebration from 7:00AMuntil7:45AM while the Grade 12 studentsattendedthe meeting from 8:00 AM until 8:45AM.
The event was kicked off with a serenade from John Bonn Pancho and Jhyrho Benedict E. Morales whogaveanacoustic rendition of “A Very Special Love”, origi-
nally sang by Charlie Rich. A prayer led by Grade 11 STEM Governor Bianca M. Damiles was followed by the AVP of the Philippine National Anthem to conclude the morning’s preliminaries.
One of the highlights of the program included a heartfelt duet song byMarcoPalancaand Melodie Briones who performed“Mapa”by SB19. Originally, the song was intended to express gratitude for the mother and father figures, just as educatorshavealways been the second parents of students.
The final video shown during this momentous event wasthemostessential of all: it was a tribute to all the teachers of the Senior High School Department. On the days leading up to the program, each section created messages for their respective advisers and subject teachers. Everyone was given the opportunity to express their gratitude, praise, and admiration for the educators who have shown an unfazed passion in teaching amidst the difficulties brought by distance-learning.
Lending a Hand: Perpetualites Learn to be a Servant Leader
The Senior High School Supreme Student Council hosted a leadership training on December 2, 2021, with the theme, "R.E.A.P: Revitalizing Engagement Among Perpetualite Leaders." The event aimed at putting importanceonhaving keen knowledge for the national elections in 2022, and was inspired by
by Hannah Villamiathe ideal of having the initiative to be active in shaping the future of the society.
The SHS-SSC invited Ms. Zildjian Pigao, a respected resource speaker of different universities and a discipleship leader of a religious organization. She started her talk with an energetic opening and an intriguing question,
question,"Kumustaka natalaga?"thatstruck the participating students' hearts. The students were quick to respond to her self-check question and were interactive in every part of the program.
Throughout the discussion, Ms. Pigao explained specific aspects ranging from different types of leadership and the
ins-and-outs of being a servant leader. She further explained these aspects by giving trivial and witty examples that students can relate to, such as being a loving, structured, silent worker, silent but incredible, take it all, or “bida ang saya” type of leader.
She continued by highlighting a type of leadership - being a servant leader that takes a heart and vision in living it. Being a servant leader
can be impactful in thesetryingtimesthat need leaders who can serve wholeheartedly despite the uncertainties. He is a leader who is always open to lend a hand.
Shealsoexplained three things that prevent someone from being a servant leader. (1) pride –beingaservantleader means that one should not boss and dictate every move to their followers and make their pride as high as the “Great
Wall of China”, one situation; (2) lies or the negative self-talk - one should remind himself that he loved and is worthy to lead; and (3) isolation – one should remind himself to step-up and leave his comfort zones.
Ms. Pigao helped student leaders recognize the act of selflessnessandvaluing others. She concluded her discussion with a note, "The ultimate signofaservantleader is what happens when you are not there."
COP: Connecting with a Capable Community
by Hannah VillamiaOn March 26, 2022, a community outreach program and general assembly was conducted at Pamplona Dos, CoveredCourtwiththeselected SHS-SSC accompanied by Ms. Janica Ayad and Ms. Liza Condrada, in partnership with the Person with Disabilities Association,headedbyMr.Jose Ma.S.Pacarro.Thisisaprogram dedicatedtoprovidingwarmth, joy, and guidance to people with disabilities. Connected with the theme, "sa-LAMAT," that reminds everyone that there are many things for which they can be grateful as longasyousearchforit.things for which they can be grateful as long as you search for it.
The adults and teenagers who participated in the said event had a delightful time because of the games they played.Somevolunteeredtobea playeratthe'Emojiko,Gayahin mo!'wheretheytriedportraying and copying the emojis given to them, making the audiences smile and laugh. They also played the most famous parlor game, “Bring Me”. Contestants were seen hurrying from their seats because of the cash prize.
On the other hand, the
by Cyril Karl B. CarandanWatching movies at theater houses has become one of the most famous family bonding activities. In fact, during pre-pandemicdays,movieticketsquicklygetsoldout,especially for Marvel movies and rom-com movies of renowned Filipino love teams. Right now, Netflix and YouTube have become the new movie houses. Watching any series or films anywhere and anytime is possible as long as you have access to the service. Indeed, binge-watching is more convenient now than ever.
Grade 12 Senior High School Perpetualites proved that they are not only media consumers but can also be film producers as they became part of the magic of filmmaking in their original short films. Surely, anyone can be a content creator today, given the online platforms.
school also organized a session for the kids who also attended the event.
Theyhadanartsessionusing art materials such as pencils, crayons, bond papers, and clays. A singing competition was also held, as well as an intermissionnumberperformed by Julian Gan, SHS-SSC officer, and a competition judge. He sang 'Salamat' by Yeng Constantino, corresponding to the theme's event.
Finally, the organizers played raffles and distributed food packs as a thank you for attending the general assembly. It was indeed a memorable day for the organizers and also for the participants.
Theorganizersandstudents involvedrecognizedthe value of patience andunderstanding in their words and actions. Theyrealizedthatconnections arebuiltbyhavingmeaningful conversationswitheachother. Participants also recognized the act of gratitude and value for who they are because they are capable of great things when they exert effort in doing something.
Grade 12 Senior High School Perpetualites did something extraordinary as they presented their respective short films on January 19, 2022, at the 5th Media Awards 2021 with the theme,“Crossings:SteppingintoTheNewNormal.”Thesuccess of the said event would not be possible without the help of the three heads, Tetsuya Yoshiko, Cyril Karl Carandan, and Princess Jane Uda, and the entire working team, who ensured the needed materials and coordination between committees.
Media Awards is an annual event of the English Learning Area in the Senior High School Department that allows students to showcase their talents in script writing, acting, cinematography, photography, digital layouts, and video editing. All participating sections are required to submit short films for the said event. Thus, the participants have an equal chance of receiving one or more of the following awards: best film, runner-ups, most liked film poster, breakthrough performance, best actor and actress, best script, best in cinematography,bestinmusicalscore,andbestdirector.Inthis year’s 5th Media Awards, students faced additional hurdles as theywererequiredtofollowtheIATFguidelinesofmaintaining social distancing and using personal protective equipment. Despite restrictions, most sections successfully filmed outdoors while following the public safety health standards.
Theawardsrecipientsarethestudentsandsectionswhostood out among all the participants. Guni-Guni (12STEM4) won the bestfilmfollowedbyBahala(12STEM2),Alpas(12STEM1),Istatik (12STEM5), Drawing (12ABM4), Coloring Book (12STEM6), and Bungantulog (12HUMSS1). A film would not be complete without the actors. Jhon Axell Saavedra, of Bahala, won the breakthrough performance, while the best actor and actress are Kerrwin Santos of Bungantulog and Queenie Dy of Guni-Guni. A good plot needs a good screenplay. The best script for this year is Bahala (12STEM2). Direction is a must in ensuring the proper portrayal of the characters. Jhaezel Javier, of Guni-Guni, won the best director award. Creative shots and sound make the film more enticing as they complement the other elements. The film that showed the best cinematography is Istatik (12STEM5), and the film best in musical score is Alpas (12STEM1). Promoting the film is only viable if there is a film poster. The poster of Bahala (12STEM2) won the SHS Most Liked Film Poster since it garnered the most reactions in the private Facebook group.
Indeed, media have changed over the past few years as technology evolves. The classic big screen we used to visit is now attainable with the tip of our fingers. Nonetheless, the aim of creating films remains the same, to entertain the audience. The Grade 12 Senior High School Perpetualites openly adjusted and crossed into the new normal. The beyond-control restrictions did not hinder them from creating wonderful and meaningful short films. The films they made are somewhat comparable to indie films.
Color Wheel of Life
by Juthea Anne GonzalesIn a world that's beaming bright and all you see is black and white when life's darkness seems to stay breathe in breathe out, it'll be okay.
Life brings out wonderful colors through the eyes of those that see and if now your vision is blurred I'll listen, you deserve to be heard.
Red, the color of passion and pain orange, the light of the burning flame yellow, color of sunshine, and caution green, the mountains across the horizon blue, the sea of happiness and sorrow indigo, the midnight sky that awaits tomorrow violet, full of peace and tranquillity these are the main colors one can see but in life its not just about positivity.
Red can be mad, blue can be sad and not being okay is not bad we're taught the colors of life are great
but one must keep a balanced state a canvas is blank before it is painted a picture was once colorless and faded a colored drawing is still shaded.
Through the darkness, you see now and you question why. what? and how?
It's okay to not know because one questions, before he grows it's okay to face difficulties because you can develop from miseries.
It's alright if your world isn't as bright, the stars shine from the lack of light it will take time to heal, grow and move on, I'm here if you need a shoulder to cry on.
Eventually, everything will make sense and it all starts with your acceptance, and in times of doubt always remember if a crayon is broken, it can still color.
Free Thy Country
Opposing voices are roaring, But don’t let it deafen you from the facts, Don’t be dazzled by their scintillating bribery, Don’t let yourself be blinded by this chicanery, Because nothing can pay for a nation’s democracy.
by Janelle Ross RespetoBoycotting is a runaway, and neutrality is a trap, What’s your part in this society if you don’t fight for what is right?
Worshipping a public servant does not make you a good citizen, They should be serving us and not the people for them, Oh dear, please free thy country, from these power-thirsty men.
In tyrannies like this, we cannot always forgive, And even to forget is an impossible thing, To let go doesn’t equate to neglecting the leaders’ enormity, To liberate is to educate the nation about the reality, Atrocities should never be buried; we must learn from history.
Enough is enough, blood is everywhere and people are living in despair, Your vote is not only your voice, it reveals your morals and how much you care, Be politically aware and live with pride, principle, and right information, Free thyself from prejudiced beliefs and miseducation, And this will free thy country, this will free thy nation.
by Louella TanKungsakalimanghindimag-iingayangyerosa paglapatngakingmgapaa, matagalnaakonglumisanatdumaansamaliitna puwangsaakingbintana.
Pareholangnamanangkalangitangtinatanawsa pagsapitngmadalingaraw.
Pareholangnamananginaasahanngmgatuladkong walangtahanan.
Sadatingtirahan,sangayongtinutulugan,sa nag-iisangnaiskongunithindimauwian, pareholangnamanangdumadampingkalungkutanMalalim.Madilim.Matalim.
Sadinami-ramingpuwedengmapanatilihan,bakit walaparinakongkinabibilangan?
Magtatayonalangbaakomulingmalalimna pagtangansadibdibngmgataongbalang-araway lilisan?
Ipipikitkonalangbaangakingmgamatasamadilim nakatotohanan
sapatuloynapag-ikotngmundo,akorinay mapag-iiwanan?
Kunggayonlangdinnamanangkahihinatnan, talimanni'yonaangmgasalitanginyongbinibitawan:
Angpagluluksangmatagalnanginaabanganaygawin natingmabilisan.
Subalit,kungsakalimangmayespasyopaakosabuhay ngakingmgaminamahal, Kungsakalimangangpananatilikoay nangangahuluganghindiakonag-iisasamga hinaharapnadigmaan
Angakingmgapinto'tbintana'ybubuksan,atangmga paa'yilalapatsamalawaknalansanganparasa taos-pusongpakikibakangpatuloynaipaglalaban.
Pareholangnamanangkalangitangtinatanawsa pagsapitngmadalingaraw.
Pareholangnamananginaasahangtagumpayngmga tuladkongnagmamahalnangwalanghumpay.
Tongue-tied Confession
by Zoe RemullaI would tell you how I feel but words seem to fail me, I’ve wanted you to be mine since that very summer day. Longing for your company brings me to the brink of insanity. My love, words fail me, but there’s so much more I wish I could say. Nights are cold and lifeless, often spent dreaming about you Do you dream of me as well? I always hope you do. I lose sleep hoping you’ll text back, you always keep me wide awake Sometimes I wish I weren’t in love with you, for my poor old heart’s sake. I listen to music, but the symphonies paint more glorious pictures of us I often wonder who it is that makes you feel this way too, I guess it isn’t me anymore but I wish it still was. My mind and heart tend to work against me, typing out text after text to no avail, I wish I were strong enough to fight for you but loving you has made my heart frail.
Yet after all this time, I still put my heart on the line I’ve already heard you drop the dime But I still hold out hope that someday, you’ll be mine.
by Janelle Ross RespetoPeopleoftenaimashighasthesky, Weprayandfightforourbiggestdesires, Weexpecteverythingtoalwaysbeperfectandbright, Butdear,thisisn'tafairytaleandyou'relivingareallife. Theskyisn'talwaysbeautifulandblazing, Starsaren'talwaystwinklinganddazzling, Oceansaren'talwaysatpeaceandcalm, EvenSummerwindisn'talwaysthatwarm. Justlikethetrees,wecanbesmallortall, Yetwe’restillworthyandpurposeful, Likehowthewavescompletethesceneryofthedeep, Yourstretchmarksarepartoftheartofbeingchic. Thesearewonderfulcreationswiththeirownimperfections, Still,theymakethemmoreuniqueandshineintheirowntime, Andsoarewe,soiseveryhuman, Asweareastunningmasterpieceofourownlifetimes.