Writing Sample - Memo

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APRIL 3, 2017


Ms. Kimberly Mickelson, City Manager, City of Roanoke, VA Shuchita Jain, Planner, Planning, Building, and Development, City of Roanoke, VA Plan and Implementation Review - Vision 2001-2020, City of Roanoke, Virginia APRIL 3, 2017 Director of Planning; Director of Economic Development; Director of Department of Health, City of Roanoke, VA

In the inter-departmental meeting scheduled for next Monday, we are going to talk about some exciting new initiatives the departments of Planning, Health, and Economic Development together have prioritized to pursue in the coming years for achieving the goals of Vision 2001-2020. The purpose of this memo is to update all concerned officers about our general review of the comprehensive plan and its implementation by far, and where we recommend it needs to go from here as the next big revision is due by 2020.

Implementation Overview Vision 2001-2020 is mainly implemented through a Network of Small Area Plans or Component Plans that contain geographically-specific policy and action proposals. After reviewing the last published ‘2010 Neighborhood Plan Implementation Report’ and various department websites of implementing agencies, the following general implementation status is recorded for different components of the plan: HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOODS: ZONING and SUBDIVISIONS ordinances revised to reflect changes as per the plan. Most actions completed as identified through Neighborhood & Area Plans. Urban Design guide books are complete to guide architectural aspects of future development. ENVIRONMENTAL, CULTURAL, AND HISTORIC RESOURCES: Several Special Topic Plans have been crafted as implementation that include a Bikeway Plan; Parks & Recreation Masterplan; Arts and Cultural Plan. Several neighborhood-level actions are underway or complete. HISTORIC OVERLAY DISTRICTS have been incorporated under the CODE. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Most Neighborhood-level actions are successfully completed or ongoing. Formation of Village Centers proposed as dispersed business centers with higher densities has been implemented and appropriate revisions made under ZONING and SUBDIVISIONS regulations. Major actions involve long-term strategies like assembly and re-use of vacant lands; commercial revitalization; and industrial/ brownfield redevelopment. Three new brownfield redevelopment plans have been crafted as implementation of economic development strategies, and more are under work. Enterprise Zone Program is initiated, and several other programs and incentives have been created for different economic interests. INFRASTRUCTURE: Most neighborhood-level actions have been completed or under execution by Engineering and Public Works.



APRIL 3, 2017

PUBLIC SERVICES: Crime prevention through environmental design is implemented with revised regulations under STREETS AND SIDEWALKS; SUBDIVISIONS, and through URBAN DESIGN guide books. Several Police actions are underway. PEOPLE: Implemented by Departments of HUMAN RESOURCES and LIBRARIES. HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: Most actions under successful implementation. Virginia Health Promotion for People with Disabilities and Virginia Department of Health are actively engaged in developing programs for people with special needs. Links to their websites are given at the end of this memo. Public transit programs like Smart Way Commuter Bus and Valley Metro Bus cover all major public amenities and plan districts proving affordable access to health services.

Under-Implemented Policies and Actions 

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HOUSING AND NEIGHBORHOODS: Neighborhoods will function as villages, offering opportunities to live, work, shop, play, and interact in a neighborhood setting. Neighborhood-oriented commercial activity will be encouraged in well-defined village centers. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Identify and promote appropriate new development on vacant parcels. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Evaluate underused industrially zoned land and demarcate or rezone to maximize its potential. HEALTH: Develop strategies that support greater use of recreational and exercise programs in schools, parks. HEALTH: Promote development of a regional cost-sharing program for health and human services HEALTH: Develop strategies that support greater use of recreational and exercise programs in schools, parks, and greenways.

Recommendations for Implementation Strategies VISION 2001-2020 has established that in order to achieve the goal of being a healthy community, the City should adopt principles of sustainability that guide policymaking and enhance and sustain a high quality of life. However, the plan vision and its implementing policies are yet to provision and achieve this goal in a truly meaningful way. The fate of the City of Roanoke on aspects of sustainability is closely linked with what kind of businesses and business ethics are nurtured in the community. In order to set the city on the path of true sustainability and continuous prosperity, it is imperative that the city invests in creating incentives for creation of more green industries and creating more green jobs. Moreover, green industries are increasingly becoming attractive investments countywide as increasing number of people want use environmental-conscious products and services. Green industries can range from research and production facilities for low-emissions vehicles, solar farms, sustainable waste management infrastructure, and energy-auditing professionals to small industries like green cleaning franchises, sustainable car washes and pet care facilities. In particular there has been a




APRIL 3, 2017

massive rise in organic food industry that involves environment and socially responsible farming practices, plant-based diets, robust farmers’ market system, education and training, and farm-to-table restaurants. The incentives can also include those businesses that are committed to minimize both use and production of harmful chemicals, excess materials, and waste. For example, Maryland’s new environmental agenda includes initiatives to grow jobs in green industries, promote the use of electric vehicles, invest in renewable energy innovations, and promote clean water commerce - governor.maryland.gov. One group that is already working in this direction in Roanoke is Hurt Park Neighborhood Alliance which is active in the south west Roanoke. They seek to create Clean and Green Community, which includes their policy for supporting green businesses: ‘’…that the city would make sound environmental practices a permanent part of the way it does business…’’. However, caution would need to be taken against incentivizing industries that are only faking to be green. Many companies may seek to get incentivized just because they are going paperless or use hybrid vehicles. Truly green companies will however apply sustainable practices at every decision point throughout their operations. For this reason, it is also proposed here that a special commission be created, or existing Sustainability division be capacitated to assess and comment on sustainability standards of the target firms. Maryland Sustainable Growth Commission can be referred as an inspiring example in this direction. Governments at the local and national level are supporting environmentally friendly businesses with incentives while pushing industry standards on pollution and emissions ever higher. In order to ease the transition to regulating sustainability standards, the city can commit to the standards over an extended multi-year timeline. More corporations will get opportunity to plan for the changes required. ‘’Green business can benefit either way: greater consumer interest and/or more protective policy!’’ – www.franchisehelp.com. In our next implementation phase of the comprehensive plan, we want to ensure that the future development of City of Roanoke is founded on solid sustainability principles and values. The following are the specific policies and actions that we deem necessary in this direction:

Recommended Policies 1.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Attract and incentivize growth of green industries and create attractive green jobs suitable for future generations.


ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Attract and incentivize growth of small scale businesses that facilitate eco-friendly lifestyle and consumer patterns. On priority-basis, permit commercial gardening operations in most land use zones and revitalized sites.


HEALTH + EDUCATION: Reduce injuries and illness amongst green job workers. Provide education and training specific to green industry workspaces and encouraging public participation in such activities.


ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT + PLANNING: Encourage work-at-home jobs.


PLANNING: Greater emphasis on participatory planning process.




APRIL 3, 2017

Recommended Actions 1.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Research and implement use of existing economic development programs like solar tax abatement, Roanoke Center for Industry and Technology (RCIT), as well as new strategies like Tax Increment Reinvestment Zones (TIRZ) for supporting green industries.


PLANNING: Review and revise the local city code to allow for commercial gardening in home yards and community open spaces. Adopt an urban farming ordinance.


GENERAL SERVICES/SUSTAINABILITY + PLANNING: Create a Roanoke Sustainable Growth Commission to overlook sustainability standards and selection process for target green industries.


PLANNING: Include more details on the initial public participation process. While enlisting all the comments would not be feasible, a more generalized description should be included.

Reference Web Links http://www.choosemontgomerymd.com/business-community/industry-sectors/green-clean-energy/ http://www.mdp.state.md.us/yourpart/773/sustainablegrowthcomm.shtml http://www.bizroanoke.com/home.aspx


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