JUNE 2014
JUDY JACOBS Anointed for This!
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More in this issue: Prophetic Insights with Mary Frost and Gospel Artist J. Nicole...
08 18
(Prayer and Spirituality)
14 Waist Cinchers: Do They Really Work? (Health & Wellness)
J. Nicole
(In the Spotlight)
Bishop Greg Davis (In the Spotlight)
contents 05 From the Editor
EDITOR IN CHIEF Belinda John, D.D.
Trellis Cooper, Valeriana Chikoti-Bandua
Joanna Pope, Michelle Trammell, Kathy R. Green, Martina Young, Natalie Green, Dr. Elke Pettiford, Dr. Renee Hornbuckle, Wendy Williams, Dorcas Laboy, Wanda White, Karen Donald, Trellis Cooper, Tasha Angelle, Annette Long, Elaine Clay-Knight, Dr. Veronica Cochran, Catrina Fields
06 Family & Relationships 08 Fitness & Health 10 Social Graces 12 Prayer & Spirituality 14 Fashion & Beauty 18 Inner Healing 26 Leadership 32 SW Feature 34 Devotionals 36 Prophetic Insights
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spotlights pages 22 & 38
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“For behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land”. (Song of Solomon 2:11-12) ESV Winter is now behind us, and just ahead await warmer and sunnier days. An expressed metamorphosis of spring is unfolding before our very eyes. There is a re-birthing of all things and ALL things are being made anew.
Belinda John, D.D. Editor In Chief
“What is to change around you, must first change within you”. These were the very words the Lord whispered into my heart when the seasons of my life first began to change. Now, as spring blossoms, I am reminded once again of His words.
We are a prophetic people who are called to dream and sub-create with God. Thus, a springtime mind-set is one set on the abundantly blessed life. “The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s; but the earth He has given to the children of men.” (Psalm 115:16) So even as the lord is continuously producing and mighty are His works, there are still works He desires to produce in and through us. I believe this season to be a time when we will begin to see the even greater works Jesus declared being revealed and materialized in the life of every believer.
Rejoice, for the winter is past and the rain is over and gone!
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More info online at www.shulamitewomen.com ShulamiteWomen | May 2014
A Gazebo in Your Garden Que C’est Beau! (How beautiful! Relationships, like labyrinths; are one of life’s greatest challenges. - French Origin of Gazebo)
ShulamiteWomen | May 2014
The more time I spend in my garden, the greater appreciation I have for it. I admire small details such as the blooming of my tulips, or the fullness of the rose bushes, and the rich deep color of the flowers. Occasionally, I add garden accents here and there, in an effort to make it more aesthetically appealing. I enjoy going to the local nurseries to browse the bird houses, bird baths, water fountains, ponds, garden stones, gnomes, frogs, etc. There are tons of garden accents to add value and beauty to a garden. Ultimately and with the help of the Lord, I anticipate on having a garden large enough to hold a gazebo. Even as a child, I thought them to be regal and elegant; befitting for special intimate occasions. Was I wrong; were they built only for aesthetic fulfillment? Or do they serve a greater purpose?
Gazebo’s comes in different sizes and shapes; they’re used for different purposes, such as providing shade, shelter, or a simple view to a garden or landscape. They can also be freestanding or attached to something; a wall, a building, etc, yet they are still beautiful even if they are dependent on outside support or structure. While I may turn to my husband for solace and safety, I have a lifelong attachment to a higher and greater being. “But he answered, ‘It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God’ “- Matthew 4:4. I am pretty certain we all may have attachments to things and people outside of our sacred relationships. However, there are hindrances disguised as “baggage” which have and will continue to be distractions to our divine relationship with our Heavenly Father and within our closest relationships, if we With that same observation, I pay attention to continue to allow it. Developing hope and underthe close and personal relationships I am current- standing how faith sustains us, we can then see ly in or have been a part of, and I have recognized those hindrances as lessons vs. baggage. Having patterns, characteristics, habits and behaviors of faith gives us the courage to have a beautiful rerelationships in general. Although a personal opin- lationship with the Lord as well as our significant ion of my own, I think there are “mantle” mar- others. riages/relationships which are becoming more and more prevalent. Matter of fact speaking, I am referring to relationships on display for others to Increasing your relationship value is always a admire or altogether; a façade. When did mock- rewarding thing to do. Determining the approing something that is meant to be sacred and priate accents to add to your garden depends valuable become all too normal? The irony of this on a few principles: guise is that for the outsider looking in, the truth is brutally transparent. - Is it pleasing to the eyes of God? (Romans 12:2) When we begin exposing our relationships to - Am I doing this for me/us or for the apeveryone, it’s value begins to decrease. How do proval and acceptance of others? (Psalm 34:13, you truly feel when you share private details to Mathew 7:12) someone, only to later find out you have become - Don’t make comparisons between your rethe target of gossip, envy, and ridicule? “How long lationship and someone else’s. Each of us is shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the unique and relationships are sacred and special workers of iniquity boast themselves?” –Psalms between you and your significant other, as they 94:4. At this point you should truly ask yourself; are customizable. is this relationship on display for everyone or is it - Keep trusting in the Lord while knowing he a venerable relationship. Bragging and boasting only wants true and genuine happiness and love is yet another way of putting your relationship on for us. (Ephesians 2:8) display as it could create envy within others. Phyllis Victoria Jordan is a devoted child of God, wife, mother, and creative, loving spirit. She currently resides in Frederick, MD with her family. As an aspiring writer and Entrepreneur, she creatively shares, the ups and downs, and joys and pains of relationships. Her column “ The Garden” is sure to capture the heart of her readers as she weaves her witty, straight-forward, and fun loving personality into her writing. ShulamiteWomen | May 2014
Bold and Unexpected Color Combinations
May brings
ShulamiteWomen | May 2014
After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.� Genesis 15:1 In this season of great changes, we must remember the dreams, visions, and prophetic words spoken into our lives. With high expectations and big dreams,examining our interior design is necessary.
Do not be afraid to be bold and willing to make drastic changes to your interior design and in your outerwear, if needed. Embrace your interiors as you would your exteriors by trying unusual color combinations and adding a little sparkle ...
ShulamiteWomen | May 2014
Especially as the summer season approaches, From the texture of the sand to the twinkling of the stars, Incorporate all these into your designs. The skies are not the limit; reach for the stars.
That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies. Genesis 22:17 (KJV) CaTrina Fields, an Interior Designer and Educator loves improving the lives of people by “Transforming places they live into places they love “ and touching their homes and hearts as she inspires with her unnoticeable flair for fashion and beauty.
ShulamiteWomen | May 2014
No Plan B Album Release: Look out May 27th for the CD release on itunes and other major retailers.
For Tour information: www.itickets.com *type Carman Licciardello in the search engine} Website: www.carman.org Carman Domenic Licciardello is an enigma in Christian music, often described as part evangelist, part Vegas Showman. His concerts were more like a rock and roll Billy Graham Crusade than a Christian music event. After all the singing, dancing, clapping, and preaching, throngs of people would stream down to the counseling area to accept Christ, many times as many as 5,000 in an evening.
The Greg Davis Radio Show Host: Bishop Greg Davis Format: Music & talk show Airings: Mon - Fri at 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. & Sat. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. A radio show with a refreshing perspective, The Greg Davis Radio Show w/host Bishop Greg Davis, is heard on The Impact Radio Network and offers the absolute best in informative, yet positive programming through news, motivation, inspiration, infotainment, weekly contributors and special guest appearances from a myriad of renowned authors, musical, film and spoken word artists and other spiritual leaders.
ShulamiteWomen | May 2014
The nurturing mother knows when to let go... and let God! 18
ShulamiteWomen | May 2014
Ephesians: 6:1-4 1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise; 3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. 4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
tive one understand this breeds not disrespect but proper development. We must not only enforce rules and regulations, but also be a voice of support and reason.
To Nurture means to provide an environment of constant verbal support, freedom to fail, acceptance, affection and unconditional love. The Bible Doesn’t say every woman should be a mother, but he does say whomever the Lord blesses to be mothers should do so responsibly.
What this means is that a child’s heart is filled with rebellion; but once you punish them for their wrong doings it will leave them. They have to learn right from wrong, and it’s our jobs to teach them!
Mother’s have a unique and crucial role in their child’s life. Motherhood is not the kind of job where you clock in and clock out. Mothers are on call 24/7 -- Morning, Noon, and Night. There is nothing easy to being a parent, for you are responsible for the Nurturing of another human beings life until they full develop into independence, which is something that we can not take lightly. However, this also does not mean to hold on so tightly to a child that they find it hard to breath. At some point and time we have to release them, and let them go, and give them back to the Lord. It is easier to give your children back to the Lord if you understand from the beginning that they are not yours to keep. We must realize that we are the chosen stewards over the children that he gives us, whether you gave birth to that child or not. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. As mother’s, our roles transition as our children grow. Our authority changes. We will move from the role of diaper changers, decision-makers, and discipline-enforcers to confidantes, and cheerleaders. Assessing this from a proper perspec-
Proverbs 22:15 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Mothers, I know watching the news can lead you to hold on even tighter to your kids, which is only normal, but we must remember that if you recognize that yesterdays children have become today’s adults, they will always love you for your tremendous contribution to that independence. But, if we choose to hold on and continue to be controlling and smothering to our children, they will grow up to resentful and try to move as far away as possible, because you didn’t allow them proper room to breathe and to live.
To all of the beautiful mothers out there, love and nurture your kids, and know when to let them go.
Wanda White is Co-pastor of International House of Prayer, located in Shreveport, Louisiana, where she and her husband minister together. Her passion includes women’s ministry and her Women’s Group called ‘United Support System’ meets monthly to discuss some of the tougher issues today’s women deal with. “ She is a contributing writer to the Shulamite Women’s Magazine column “The Deeper Issues” where she delves into the many deep issues affecting the souls of today’s women. With a tacticall, no holds barred approach, she uncovers and exposes many of the hidden things that hinder our growth, as women of faith. As deep calls unto deep, this column is not only for the beliver who is striving for more, but for the believer who is striving for ALL....
ShulamiteWomen | May 2014
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ShulamiteWomen | May 2014