About me
Taipei, Taiwan
The process of pursuing my studies Taipei Municipal Dazhi High School National Kaohsiung Normal University Department of Visual Design National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Industrial and Commercial Design
Mobile 0928148372 E-mail shulusama29@gmail.com F
Flicker http://www.flickr.com/photos/shulusama/ Issuu http://issuu.com/shulu/docs/wen_hsins_potfolio
Find myself Like a baby's curiosity
Learning Process
Drawing is my greatest interest and it also provides
Before I went to university, I never had been
sense of accomplishment for me. When I was a
trained in any art field. However, In my learning
child, I illustrated my dream world and recorded
process, I always believe that effort and attitude
my growth life by drawing picture. These images
is the most important elements on my work. With
lust like a faithful friend and the emotional core
this attitude, I overcame several setbacks when I
of my heart. My interest is very diversified. I not
was in university. On the other hand, I attended
only interested in design but also explore other
a design workshop which was hold in Hangzhou,
fields like spots, music, literature, etc. I believe this
China. The workshop changes my thinking
attitude could increase my vision and sensibility
patterns a lot. It was the first time I study with
for life. Regardless of my professional not a great
those students from different countries, different
help, I still want to hold this curiosity like a baby.
cultural. We were also taught by a Japanese
After I studying in master degree, I learn to accept
teacher and a Chinese teacher. This great cultural
something I dislike. I found that everything in the
impact is influence me deeply that I still think
world has their unique face and I have became
repeatedly. It was the first time I realized how
more brave to learn unknown knowledge. In
International outlook is important to a person. The
addition, I believe that knowledge and experience
experience also inspire me to keep in touch with
can enrich my life energy.
different cultural. Until today, my learning attitude let my grades have been maintained well. Although I am not the best designer in peer, I still have confidence in my ability, attitude and personality. I also think study different fields could
increase my thinking in life or my major. I hope I
A journey to find myself
could keep learning whatever these knowledge is
Travel is very important to me and I also very love
related or not, just like the cultural exchange.
travel aboard. Go deep into a strange place to experience the local culture, customs, and even interact with local people, and each time abroad are full of harvest. Travel for me is not only a way to enrich my experience, but also a way to know myself, my cultural and my homeland. Travel just like learning. I tell myself that I will travel constantly and enrich my lifetime. My personality is romantic like artist. It is an advantage that I have good sense in lifestyle, aesthetic, movie story or emotion feel. However,
it is also become my disadvantage which is lack of
About Future
rational thinking. After I study in master degree,
I study design for four years and I usually
I have slowly found the balance in my design
discuss how design can help this society? Could
work, my attitude of life. One time, my professor
design bring another value for people who need
asked me a question: why we always want to be
help? With the growth of my vision, I found that
“someone”? But we never think about ourselves?
there are so many problems in our country. I hope
At that time, I realized I never think about myself
my profession could be a powerful ability to my
or what I will be. From that moment I paid more
attention at myself. I think everyone is an unique individual and I will exceed the past.
Design should not only for a beautiful layout but also for a better tomorrow. I look forward to myself to be in touch to other country, cultural, people to learn each other’s advantages. While I am too young and still a student, I believe these experience will feedback to myself or those problems in my life and my future.
Imagine the world, Create the world, and Live in the world! Chang Wen Hsin, 2013
Imagine the world, Create the world, and Live in the world!
Certification and License TOEFL IBT TOEIC Japanese-Language Proficiency Test
73 745 N5
2009 Design Summer-Phoenix Design workshop
2011 National Kaohsiung Normal University
2011 Transformer Design internship
Department of Visual Design graduation exhibition
2011 Taipei World Design Expo -IIID Assist staff
2011 Xiamen University & National Kaohsiung Normal
2012 Culture Creative Design Workshop
University graduation exhibition 2013 Taipei International Book Exhibition "Reading Ability"
比 例
When beginning the design of a site it is often a good plan to step away from the computer and sketch a layout using good old paper and pencil. Pages should be based on a grid, with space allocated for navigation, headers and footers, body text and whatever other elements will be repeated throughout the site. This sketch will serve as a pattern for the site's appearance and should not change very much, if at all, from page to page.
Once you have decided where everything will go start thinking about your tables, pencil in cell widths that will be required for fixed elements, decide which elements can be included in the page using shared borders or include pages and make a note of this too.
邏 輯
公館台大咖啡地圖 2013.1 Coffee Map
直締友聲2012 母親節音樂會手冊 Concert Manual
編排之於我 在大二的時候第一次接觸到文字與編排設計這門課 , 一開始的認識文字就顛覆了我許多想法 , 慢慢 的經過格式與字體的訓練後我漸漸懂得去分辨好壞 , 這當中也養成了我對畫面的比例美感 , 就好像跳到 了另一個世界一般晉了一級 每種字體都有個性都有他的體態 , 尤其在中文字中又講究行氣與字本身的淵源文化 , 如果沒有研習 過的話根本難以理解橫豎間的比例之美 , 從小我也對於文字特別感興趣 , 雖然沒有學過書法但是仍然覺 得這些流傳千年的中文字是非常值得崇敬的 , 在設計的世界中字更是很重要的一環 , 利用字傳達出設計 理念與概念也是非常困難的 雖然這堂課只有短短的一學期卻給我很大的改變 , 總覺得不管怎麼學永遠都不夠 , 就像練武功一 樣越深入越覺得博大精深 , 這是一個沒有邊的學問卻仍然需要我更加努力去學習
書籍封面設計 Book cover design
傾 訴
A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and convey information. Posters may be used for many purposes. They are a frequent tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films), propagandists, protestors and other groups trying to communicate a message. Posters are also used for reproductions of artwork, particularly famous works, and are generally low-cost compared to original artwork. Another type of poster is the educational poster, which may be about a particular subject for educational purposes.
傳 達
to decide for oneself liberty
女權海報 Feminist posters
Human Right
海報之於我 其實我對海報非常的不擅長,我常常無法想出一個很棒的創意並將他加以實行 ....... 所以很多時候常常半途而廢甚至越來越不喜歡是觸碰 他,但其實海報是展現平面設計的一個最好的媒介,雖然我會經營畫面可是常常就是無法有概念,我希望自己能在這點上有所突破。 Actually I was not very good at poster, I often can not come up with a great idea and implement it ....... It often halfway and more often do not like to touch it. But in fact posters Is one of the best media to show the graphic design. Although I am good at compose picture, but it usually doesn't have a concept. I hope I can make a breakthrough at this point.
時 間 As far as can be ascertained, it was Sir John Herschel in a lecture before the Royal Society of London, on March 14, 1839 who made the word "photography" known to the whole world. But in an article published on February 25 of the same year in a German newspaper called the Vossische Zeitung, Johann von Maedler, a Berlin astronomer, used the word photography already.[2] The word photography is based on the Greek φῶς (photos) "light" and γραφή (graphé) "representation by means of lines" or "drawing", together meaning "drawing with light"
想 像
一小塊莫名的運動神經 一大堆對自己的野心和要求 一小塊對音樂的熱愛 一些些不切實際的幻想 一點點對棉被和枕頭的眷戀 一些些失控的想像 一點點溢出來的笑聲和歡樂 一大堆對設計的熱情與愛
旋轉 跳躍 人生的舞踏會 Spinning, jumping, stepping dance of life will
我喜歡旅行 , 因為我喜歡看到各種不同的事物 , 不同的文化 , 不同的人 , 我 看見世界的多元看見世界的美與悲傷 , 體驗著世界上不同的故事 , 品嘗美各 地的空氣 , 然後這些都將成為 ... 我的設計
I like to travel, because I like to see a variety of different things, different cultures, different people. I see the world's diverse beauty and sorrow of the world , experience the world's different story. Taste the air around the everywhere, then these Will become ... My design
光 照相時我通常很喜歡補抓光影的變化 , 逆光的剪影 , 清晨透著 水氣的朦朧 , 或是投射在牆上的影子都是我最喜歡捕捉的對象 , 我 們抓不到光和影但是他們卻無所不在 , 並決定著我們的心情我們的 生活作息 , 他是我在攝影中最想研究的對象 I usually like to catch light, silhouette, a trace of water vapor in the hazy early morning by camera, or the shadow cast on the wall . they are my favorite object to capture. light and shadow, we can not find them But they are everywhere, and yhey determine our mood to our lifestyle. it is my most wanted to study in the photographic object
Static and eternal 2009 攝於橋頭糖場 2010 設於嘉義民雄
靜止與永恆 不會動的植物 , 緩緩流動的天空 , 掛在牆上已久的衣 架 , 流動的時間在被照下來的同時靜止了 , 但是也誕生了 一個永恆的映像 , 過去的某一秒 , 我的眼睛我的相機看到 的 , 也是我生命中的某一秒
the plant, slowly flowing sky, the hangers on the wall for a long time, the flow of time was quiet while being photographed. But also gave birth to an eternal image, past a second, seen by my eye ,My camera, is a second of my life
國小的時候第一次拿到爸爸的相機 , 吃力的用大大的單眼幫爸爸照 了相 , 也許就是那個時候開始的我的相機開關 , 國三時第一次可以
帶著相機到處拍 , 我反而不喜歡拍人 , 喜歡風景喜歡因為帶著相機 才看的到的小地方 , 帶著相機總有驚喜 , 開始為我的生命留下紀錄
我是幸運的孩子可以跟著媽媽出國到處看 , 從傻瓜相機到自己的單 眼 , 相機一直當作我的第三隻眼睛在紀錄我的生命 , 而我出外旅行
一定都要帶相機 , 懶惰的我不喜歡寫遊記 , 相片輕易的就可以代替 我完成 , 要是缺少了相機我可能整趟旅程都索然無味吧
高中時加入攝影社 , 慢慢的走出普通風景跟人像的世界 , 攝影老師
教導我們觀看光影跟點線面的構成 , 我踏處了一步直到現在雖然沒 有完整的學習過攝影 , 但是也能粗略的拍出個樣子 , 我仍然很喜歡 這種剎那即永恆的感覺
大學時學會了利用影像合成質感的方式讓作品擁有更多故事姓及意 義 , 單純的攝影多了藝術感 , 加上與設計之結合 , 讓我真的體會到 影像能力的重要
不管我有沒有走這條路 , 拍照仍是我一個一直要走下去的興趣
Whether I did not go this way, the camera still has to go on my interest
combination of design, so I really appreciate the importance of imaging capability
In College,i learned to use image texture synthesis approach to work with significance of the story, more than a simple sense of art photography, with the
and shadow, line and plane with the point of the composition, I still like the feeling of the eternal moment that
High school,i joined the photography studio, slowly out of the ordinary landscape with the portrait of the world, photography teacher taught us how to catch light
camera out when travel, I'm lazy to write travelogues, so photos can easily be completed instead of it. if the lack of a camera in the whole trip, I might be boring .
I am a lucky child that can go abroad with her mother and looked everywhere, by taking pictures, photographed as my third eye in my life, I definitely had to take
to search some small places, that always have some surprises , it started a record for my life
switch. The third year in junior hight school, for the first time I can bring with a camera, I But instead of shooting people, i like to shoot natual scenes because i like
I first got my father's camera when I was in Elementary school, struggling to shoot my father with a big SLR photographed, Perhaps is the time started my camera
My images
My images
想 像
手 感
書籍雕刻創作 Carving creation of book.
Graffiti Painting my life
品 牌
情 感
畫面以紛亂的線條表現,整頓後形成 "circle" 字樣,象 徵著畢業成果展就像一場思緒的整合,在大學四年的學 習過程中,每個人經歷了多元吸收、獨立思考、消化、 統整、摩擦、溝通、合作,最後轉換成設計來表達,完 整呈現此次的畢業成果展 CIRCLE。 The involuted lines come into being a word "circle"; it symbolizes that graduation exhibition is just like a thinking integration. In the four years learning process, everyone experiences multiple absorption, independent thinking, integration, friction, communication, cooperation and then we express in design.
將圈圈字母隨機式的印刷在名片上,正面很純 粹的傳達出名片資訊,反面卻可以像遊戲般的排列 文字,它不再只是那張單純印著資料的小卡,而是 可以拿來布置空間又或者娛樂的字母名片。 Randomly print the circle characters at business card. On the right side, it shows the information of business card. On the reverse side, it arranges characters in order like playing games. It is not only an information card but also a character card which both decorates places and relaxes.
Catalogue 專刊內分為五小冊,閉合時可以獨自閱讀,整體 攤開後又可以與他人一起分享;這種獨特的形式 與我們的概念相互激盪,看似相互分開,但卻又 緊緊相連,並以線扣及三色繩將彼此相扣的更緊 密,最後匯集成一股力量,與你分享。 We divided the text into five brochures. You could read alone when it closed or you could share with friends when it unfolded. This unique form stirred with our conception. It seems that they are separate but tight. We use thread stringing threecolor rope to make a closer connection. Finally we assemble a force, and share with you.
M E E T C A F E 定位 親切自在的音樂咖啡廳 現代人生活忙碌 , 本店希望客人像蝸牛放 慢腳步仔細品嘗生活品嘗音樂 , 也希望再 速食文化中提供一個地方讓大家認識音樂 尋覓音樂及遇見好音樂 Free music cafe friendly
五月芬芳 春日母親節限定精油禮盒 產品目的 希望在屬於母親的節日 , 用屬於當季的精油給媽媽 一個自然呵護的禮物 , 希望能傳達自然與樸實的感覺
協奏曲 之夜
2011 3
19:30 (二)
大提琴/劉姝嫥 希望利用音樂符號製造出銀幕灑落的
華麗感 , 也希望有流洩而下的柔順以
國立高雄師範大學音樂學系交響樂團 Music of Night Posters National Koahsuing Normal University Department of Music Annual Concert
asfs dv
Use music to create a symbol of the magnificent sense of floating down the screen, but also hope stemming the flow down the supple and elegant
演出曲目 Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky: Variations on a Rococo Theme for cello and orchestra, Op. 33 柴可夫斯基:洛可可主題與變奏 Richard Strauss: Vier Letzte Lieder 理察.史特勞斯:最後四首歌 Béla Bartók: Concerto for Orchestra 巴爾托克:管弦協奏曲 主辦單位\國立高雄師範大學音樂學系
贊助單位\財團法人東和音樂學術研究獎助基金會 洽詢電話\07-7172930轉3301.3302音樂學系
wounded himself fatally. Yet I am courageous; I have decided to tear this love of mine out of my heart by the roots. TRIGORIN. How will you do it? MASHA. By marrying Medviedenko. 61TRIGORIN. The school-teacher? MASHA. Yes. TRIGORIN. I don't see the necessity for that. MASHA. Oh, if you knew what it is to love without hope for years and years, to wait for ever for something that
y do you say that you have kissed the ground lked on? You should kill me rather. (She bends rthe table) so tired. If I could only rest—rest. raises her head) a sea-gull—no—no, I am an ress. (She hears ARKADINA and TRIGORIN laugh-
he distance, runs to the door on the left and ks ough the keyhole) He is there too. (She goes k to PLIEFF) Ah, well—no matter. He does not believe he theatre; he used to laugh at my dreams, so t le by little I became down-hearted and ceased to eve in it too. Then came all the cares of love, the tinual anxiety about my little one, so that I
dnuorg e )elbat ehtrevo sdneb ehS( .r .t
2012 46
4 / 6(五) 19:30 4 / 7(六) 14:30 / 19:30 4 / 8(日) 14:30
SORIN. You are a dear, and I am very fond of you,
劇作家:安東.契科夫 Anton Chekhov indeed I am. But something is the
演出人:張鏡湖.吳萬益 (He staggers) I feel giddy. (He leans matter with me again.
against the table) I 製作人:陳藍谷.徐亞湘 feel faint, and all.
舞台監督:呂承諭 執行製作:姜妍婷
演出地點:文山劇場 海報設計:張文馨
TRIGORIN. She would not do that now. Her son has been behaving outrageously. First he attempted suicide, and now I hear he is going to challenge me to a duel, though what his provocation may be I can't imagine. He is always sulking and sneering and preaching about a new form of art, as if the field of art were not large enough to accommodate both old and new without the necessity of jostling. MASHA. It is jealousy. However, that is none of my (台北市景文街32號 景美捷運站1號出口)
ARKADINA. (Frightened ) Peter! (She tries to support him) Peter! dearest! (She calls) Help! Help! TREPLIEFF and MEDVIEDENKO come in; TREPLIEFF has a bandage around his head. ARKADINA. He is fainting! SORIN. I am all right. (He smiles and drinks some water) It is all over now. TREPLIEFF. (To his mother) Don't be frightened,
票價 350元 (學生票9折/團體20人以上8折) 購票請洽 兩廳院售票系統
或洽姜同學 0930722874
gnihgual NIRO skool dna tfel eh ot kcab seog ehS( eveileb ton s taht os ,smaerd ot desaec dna eht ,evol fo se werg noos I taht os 中國文化大學戲劇學系 tuohtiw str 第46屆畢業公演 華岡藝展 I dna ,sdnah ym tonnac uoY .eciov y seog eh sa swonk —llugaes a ma I .gnitca si uoy oD .y decnahc nam A ? si tahT .sseneldi fo .yas ot tnaem I tahw I saw tahW )da I woN .won de ma I ,noitatlax neeb evah I .brep reve ,gnikniht d
t dessik evah uoy taht yas uoy od yhWWhy do you say that you have kissed the ground htar em llik dluohs uoY ?no deklaw II walked on? You should kill me rather. (She bends overthe table) er—tser ylno dluoc I fI .derit os ma I I am so tired. If I could only rest—rest. )daeh reh sesiar ehS((She raises her head) na ma I ,on—on—llug-aes a ma I I am a sea-gull—no—no, I am an IRT dna ANIDAKRA sraeh ehS( .ssertcaactress. (She hears ARKADINA and TRIGORIN laughing no rood eht ot snur ,ecnatsid eht niin the distance, runs to the door on the left and looks oot ereht si eH )elohyek eht hguorhtthrough the keyhole) He is there too. (She goes back to od eH .rettam on—llew ,hA )FFEILPERTTREPLIEFF) Ah, well—no matter. He does not believe ym ta hgual ot desu eh ;ertaeht eht niin the theatre; he used to laugh at my dreams, so that detraeh-nwod emaceb I elttil yb elttillittle by little I became down-hearted and ceased to ac eht lla emac nehT .oot ti ni eveilebbelieve in it too. Then came all the cares of love, the eno elttil ym tuoba yteixna launitnoccontinual anxiety about my little one, so that I soon grew p ym deyalp dna ,sseltirips dna laivirttrivial and spiritless, and played my parts without tiw od ot tahw wenk reven I .gninaemmeaning. I never knew what to do with my hands, and I lortnoc ro ylreporp klaw ton dluoccould not walk properly or control my voice. You cannot 中國文化大學戲劇學系 ohw eno fo dnim fo etats eht enigamiimagine the state of mind of one who knows as he goes eh yldab ylbirret woh yalp a hguorhtthrough a play how terribly badly he is acting. I am a seagull— s ot tnaem I tahw ton si taht ,on—onno—no, that is not what I meant to say. Do you cno llugaes a tohs uoy woh rebmemerremember how you shot a seagull once? A man chanced tuo ti deyortsed dna yaw taht ssap otto pass that way and destroyed it out of idleness. That is on si ti tub ,yrots trohs a rof aedi naan idea for a short story, but it is not what I meant to say. herof reh ssorca dnah reh sessap ehS((She passes her hand across her forehead) What was I nahc evah I .egats eht ,sey ,hO ?gniyassaying? Oh, yes, the stage. I have changed now. Now I htiw ,yoj htiw tca I .ssertca laer a maam a real actress. I act with joy, with exaltation, I am s ma I taht leef dna ,ti yb detacixotniintoxicated by it, and feel that I am superb. I have been a gnikniht dna ,gniklaw dna gniklawwalking and walking, and thinking and thinking, ever
上海是芬蘭館讓我們好好的抬 頭,看 天空原來的樣子 心理原來的樣子
FOR DESIGN Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing. --Oscar Wilde