6 minute read
Describe the ongoing digital experience for the banker/back office
Next, let’s look at how Q2 Origination integrates the online and mobile channels for your prospects and customers.
Describe the ongoing digital experience for the banker/back office.
The back-office experience generally works like this… When a back-office user launches an application in Q2 Origination, the user is presented with the digital credit file and a summary of the loan details (i.e. amount, product/purpose, interest and payment details, key dates, etc).
Back-office users have the ability to log notes and comments throughout the origination process…
…as well as send messages to other loan team members.
Q2 Origination notifies back-office users of required actions using tasks which are accessible by all members of the loan team.
Back-office users are given greater visibility and situational awareness by enabling them to view the borrower’s current treasury relationship (if they have one), as well as the progress of any active treasury onboarding workflow (and the personnel involved in the onboarding workflow).
Likewise, back-office users have the ability to view the borrower’s existing deposit relationship (if applicable) along with any new deposit accounts in the process of being opened, and the FI personnel processing the in-flight deposit application.
Back-office users can view/add/manage parties (borrowers, guarantors, signers, related entities, participants, etc) associated with the loan.
For each party, back-office users can access contact information, personal, and demographic information (for individuals), business and firmographic information (for businesses) and more.
Back-office users can enter/modify party details, manage the parties’ addresses, etc.
For each party, back-office users are also presented with credit and due diligence details, such as consumer credit and KYC (for individuals), business credit and KYB (for businesses), fraud and other information.
Back-office users have the ability to drill deeper into any party details, such as business credit, to view additional information, indicators, etc. which are not summarized/displayed on the main Parties screen.
Back-office users can view loans and deposits associated with the party from the core banking system.
Back-office users can also view the broader household or global business relationship through our Relationship Graph.
Similarly, back-office users can view/add/manage property being pledged as collateral to the loan.
Back-office users can view high-level collateral information…
…as well as detailed collateral information (specific to each unique collateral type).
Back-office users can view/manage collateral locations, collateral owners, and appraisal/valuation details (as well as trigger new appraisals/valuations)…
…along with applicable UCC, flood determination, insurance and other relevant information.
Back-office users can also drill deeper into any collateral details, such as flood determination, to view additional information, indicators, etc. which are not summarized/displayed on the main Collateral screen.
Back-office users can access a variety of additional capabilities – such as credit and risk analysis, pricing, credit memo, etc.
– by clicking More.
Back-office users can view the current loan team (FI personnel working to process/originate the loan) and add additional users to the team.
Back-office users can view dynamic document checklists (i.e. dynamic document requirements based on the type of loan product or purpose, legal entity classification of each party, collateral types, etc.).
Back-office users can upload documents received from the borrower, as well as view documents uploaded to the credit file (or uploaded by a borrower from the Portal, as demonstrated previously).
Back-office users can manage mandatory exceptions to credit policy, due diligence policy, and compliance policy from the Exceptions screen.
Back-office users and credit analysts can also spread financials.
Back-office users can enter balance sheet and income statement information and automate the calculation cash flow and financial ratios.
Back-office users can toggle trend analysis as well as stress test borrower financials by running sensitivity analysis.