Selected Works 2016 - 2019
[ REMINING THE REMAINING] Co u nt r y re v i va l i n H u l u n B u i r Grassland p i t s
[ I·N ]
Ne w expl o rat i o n o f co mme rc i a l s p a ce i n h i g h - r i s e
[ PAT H O F T H E S O U L ] Rethinking burned or thodox c athedral
M a ke ove r co n s e r vato r y g a rd e n
[ C U R AT I N G T H E P O E M ]
I nte ra c t io n a m o ng w i n d, p l a nt, p e o p l e a n d a rc h i te c t u re
[ U G LY M A K E ]
M ate r ia l ma ki n g a n d s o l o p e r fo r ma n ce
Th e re i s n o t o n l y a b u n d a n t wate r a n d g r a s s b u t also herds of cattle and sheep in Hulunbuir Pasture L a n d . H o w e v e r, t h i s b e a u t i f u l s c e n e i s f a d i n g a w a y i n s o m e p a1995-2005, s t o r a l a r ethousands a . D r i v eofn pits b y appeared. profits, the rich coal resources on the grasslands are exhausted by the disordered mining of coal pits. This practice left large pits with a diameter ranging f ro m a f e w m e te r s to m o re t h a n a d oze n m e te r s and tore the grasslands into pieces. Dongming village, which located near the Shenhuabaori Hiller open- cast coal, is suffering devastation. The 62 households of herdsmen in this village h ave b e e n l i v i n g i n t h i s p r a i r i e f ro m c h i l d h o o d, living by breeding cows. Nowadays, their village has been surrounded by plenty of coal mines and chemical plants, which contributes to the u rg e n t n e e d o f g ro u n d w a t e r, t h e d e s t r u c t i o n o f the environment, and the delay in compensation for the enterprises. Although being loath to l e ave t h e p ra i r i e, t h e h e rd s m e n h ave to re l o c ate to other places for livelihood. They are forced to move to modern villages built by the government, where there is no trace of the life in the prairie.
Within 1 year, every
The grassland of cattle and sheep decreased 70ďź… .
y cow has to play 5 penicillin since dust.
[ REMINING THE REMAINING] Countr y revival in HulunB uir Grassland pits Academic Project: Sheepherder's House Design Individual Work Location: HulunBuir Grassland, Inner Mongolia, China Tutor: Ming Luo, Jin Zheng Date: 12, Dec. 2016 - 15, Jan. 2017
Decades ago, in the HulunBuir Grassland, there was abundant water, grass, cattle and sheep. This beautiful scenery is fading away in some pastoral areas. Driven by profits, the rich coal resources under the grassland were exhausted by the disordered mining. The diameter of the large coal pits ranging from a few meters to more than a dozen meters tore the grassland into pieces. The increasing number of mine pits has caused the pollution of the grassland. And the herdsmen, the cattle, and the sheep are losing the grassland which they rely heavily on. It becomes unsuitable for living. The herdsmen are forced to move to modern villages built by the government. The project attempts to reshape the abandoned mine pits as Mongolian homes as well as the home for cattle and sheep. Activate the negative space of the pits and retrieve the memory of life in the grassland.
[ Mongolian Life ]
8:00 a.m. Reading Time
2:00 p.m. Relaxing Time
6:00 p.m. Eating Time
[ Sheep Life ]
11:00 p.m. Sleeping Time
Daytime Eating Time
Nighttime Sleeping Time
Rough Ground
Wooden Grid
Concrete Wall
Bracketed Stairs
Stone Ramp
Steel Bars
Stone Outer Wall
Concrete Base
Sheep Circulation
Work Circulation
[ Circulation ]
Life Circulation
[ Mongolian Plan ]
[ Sheep Plan ]
[ Section ] Coal mines bring wealth, but also bring grassland into ruins and sadness to the herdsmen. There will be new Mongolian pastoral ecological residence transplanted to the abandoned pits through memory, optimizing the model of economic development, enriching lifestyle. The project will lead to active the pits, mend the grassland, and give hope to the herdsmen.
Eating ——------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Indoor Meadow ——------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Entertainment ——--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Wine Cellar
[ I¡N ]
New exploration of commercial space in high-rise Academic Project: High-rise Design Individual Work Location: Changsha, Hunan, China Tutor: Yu Wang, Lei Shi Date: 24, Apr. 2017 - 20, Jun. 2017
The design focuses on an exploration of the interior space of the tower. Due to spatial homogenization and a lack of connection in vertical space in traditional towers, a "commercial space" is introduced vertically to the tower atrium. From top to bottom, it changes the scale of each atrium activating the whole tower. Every morning individuals are assigned their working space by the floor number they punch into the elevator. Day by day, the tower limits the users' freedom and their spatial creativity due to a stagnant working space. The project vertically opens up the interior in relation to the living, dining, resting, shopping and commercial public spaces. The pedestrian traffic systems are interconnec ted providing multi-use spaces. The people who work here will have a different working life experience.
[ Program ¡ Circulation ]
The main function of the tower is offices and apartments, and the bottom of the tower has a super shopping mall, connecting the commercial space in the middle of the tower. The audiovisual room and restaurant, which need a large space, is the vertical node, facing the city. With the rapid traffic system of stairs and slow traffic system of escalators, people can feel pace cadence in the whole circulation.
Coffee Bar Perspective
Honey,what about this hotel?
Interesting! I love it!
The coffee is good! Let's try it !
Book Store Perspective
It is convenient to buy books here!
This new book is wonderful!
Lounge Perspective Cool, let me read it later!
Traffic Jam? I can stroll here.
I love sitting here after work.
Audiovisual Room Perspective I love here for him.
Office Perspective
I will stay here to enjoy the last film. I will be happy to cooperate.
Yummy! I will uninstall the take-out app!
Hello, Do you like Pirates of the Caribbean?
[ Clothing Store Perspective]
Located in the corridor about 45 meters high, the white-collar workers in the tower can meet their dietary and fashion needs in the stores through the atrium system or exercise in their spare time through strolling in the atrium.
Office Floor 8F Plan
[ Restaurant Perspective]
One of the public platforms is located 108 meters high in the tower. In addition to enjoying the surrounding scenery, the atrium space also contains a restaurant, a clothing store and a straight stairway upstairs.
Office Floor 17F Plan
[ PAT H O F T H E S O U L ] Rethinking B urned O r thodox Cathedral Academic Project: Spiritual Space Design Individual Work Location: Serbian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Sava, NY Tutor: Brad Cloepfil Date: 04, Sept. 2018 - 13, Dec. 2018
In Tibet, the pilgrimage to Kangrinboqê Mountain and the Polata Palace is a sacred religious activity. A family or dozens of people from a village will worship for months, walking along the meandering roads, climbing over the mountains, kneeling and bowing. The pilgrimage is a way to enrich our physical body and purify our mind. I was inspired by Chinese Calligraphy, the strokes and the layout. Therefore, I refined my architectural language using calligraphy, translating it into a series of narrative stories. The winding paths, like the tortuous brushwork, complement each other. The space is designed ritual pauses in mind——giving users the opportunity for reflection. The brushwork is completed in one breath, like a continuous path of the worship throughout the whole site. My project is a journey for people to recall the memor y of the hard experience of pilgrimage, escaping the busy life and searching for a deeper spirituality, healing and forgiveness. Let’s call this meaning journey “Path of Soul”.
[ Section sketch ]
[ Plan sketch ]
[ Six ceremonies ] Life: The pregnant woman gives birth to a new life. Nourishment: People sit around to enjoy and share the food. Contemplation: People chant together, find self-redemption and then sleep in a cave-like space. Healing: People resist disasters like debris flow and recover from it. Celebration: In the Polata Palace, thousands of people worship the Buddha. Death: People climb to the top of the mountain to a celestial burial with three monks chanting.
[ Model sketch ]
[ Life Section]
[ Death Section]
Makeover Conser vator y G arden Academic Project: Makeover Central Park Team Member: Linglan Dai Location: Central Park, New York , USA Tutor: Nerea Calvillo Date: 31, MAY. 2018 - 10, Aug. 2018
The Conservatory Garden, with dozens of colorful flower species, accuse illegal child labor problem and sexual assault on women in the developing countries, like Colombia and Ecuador where import the flowers. Because of the low income, labors there have lost their basic dignity and status. At the same time, because of planting flowers, soil erosion is serious. And a great deal of human resources is wasted in the process of transportation. The beautiful garden includes a wide variety of activities, such as weddings, etc. And the income of the Conservatory Garden is largely financed by the wedding photography. If the artificial garden were reduced by one fifth to grow imported flowers and the wedding expenses remained unchanged, the wages of the labors would have risen fivefold. Other places in the garden can grow more selfproductive flowers. We start with planting the purple flower and building beehives to attract the pollinator, the bees, which will cultivate the dwindling bee populations. At the same time, the establishment of community gardens will gather the public to participate in the reconstruction process. Visitors and the citizens who will actively be involved in the construction and cultivation of the new garden. People become "new labor", devoting themselves for the beauty of the flowers. More interesting activities and economic sources promote the coexistence of human, plant, insect, bee, bird in a better cohabitation. This is a research-based studio. More research information: https://issuu.com/shuziqing/docs/conservatory_ garden_in_central_park
[ Color Perception ]
[ Map of Conservatory Garden ] Conservatory Garden is a beautiful garden place with colorful flowers and it attracts different kinds of animals and insects, such as bees, butterflies, bugs and pests. Also, it attracts many human activities including weddings. In four seasons, Conservatory Garden looks different with imported flowers changing colors. Learning from the spectrum, we can know that it is a totally different colorful world from bees' eyes. Bees are more attracted to the purple flowers. As the main pollinator, bees are decreasing their number quicky.
[ Structure Typology ]
Bee & Bird Hearing
Bee Watching
Bee Watching
[ 1 Year ]
[ 2-5 Years ]
[ 5-10 Years ]
Pollination House
Bee Watching
[ Color is the result, attraction is the method ] In the future years, the purple flowers will spread to the central garden. Pollination will increase. More living entities like birds will bring more varieties of flower seeds. More human activities will happen there, such as visiting, planting, fashion shows and playing. Humans will interact with animals here. It will be a multispecies and colorful world.
[ C U R AT I N G T H E P O E M ]
Interac tion among wind, plant, people and architec ture Personal Project: Botanical Garden Design Individual Work Location: Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Date: 9, Sep. 2017 - 10, Nov. 2017
The design extracts the words of the ancient poems and transliterates the feeling of the wind. Each poem is also the carrier of a plant, so ever y small architec tural mono has its own ideal flower scattered into the botanical garden. The direction of the wind and the best blooming season of the flower determines the direction and form of architecture. And the feeling of people in the building determines the community function of the mono. People can meditate in the bamboo forest, have a cup of tea in the wintersweet world, or experience the most wonderful natural scenery in the maple tree house. The 12 ancient Chinese poems are selected as representation. Each poem represents a poet's state of mind. The design extracts the sense of wind and the condition of the plants in the poems. According to the physical characteristics of the wind, the angle between the wind and the building will generate different wind speeds; the position of the building where the wind comes from and the difference in height of the windows will generate different wind speeds. When the wind crosses through the plants into the interior of the building in four seasons, people would have completely different feelings.
[ Strategy] The Wind House takes the small house with a sloping roof as the archetype. The change of the window is like the wind blowing the block of the building. The wall is like a soft cord drawn into the room, active and charming. And these four archetypes will have more deformation.
[ Ventilation ]
Steel Frame
Operable Window
Wood Floor
Cladding Panel
Timber Frame
[ Season Change ]
Cherry · Plantain
Maple Tree
Peach Tree
[ Chrysanthemum Tea House ]
[ U G LY M A K E ]
M ate r i a l m a k i n g a n d S o l o Pe r f o r m a n c e
Academic Project: Operational Objects Individual Work Location: Our body Tutor: Ada Tolla, Giuseppe Lignano, Thomas De Monchaux Date: 27, Feb. 2019 - 06, May, 2019
The Makergraph Studio directs my attention to a personal, actual, material, and physical investigation of how materials become things, how things make places, and how places shape people. Operations like forging and molding, weaving and stitching have all become metaphors for how I invent and discover ourselves as people. B y p a y i n g a t t e n t i o n t o h o w I m a k e t h i n g s, I understand more about how I am making myself— as a designer, and maybe even as a person. The Makergraph Studio looks inward and looks outward. With my increased self-understanding and increased idealism about the social and political instrumentality of the built environment, I become a better narcissistand a better altruist. The Makergraph Studio is a Monograph Studio. A Monograph Studio is not a portfolio studio. A portfolio is comprehensive; a monograph is compromised. A portfolio is objective; a monograph is subjective. A portfolio is universal; a monograph is personal. A portfolio explains; a monograph mystifies. A portfolio hastens; a monograph hesitates. A portfolio is slick; a monograph is slippery. A portfolio is honest; a monogragh is deceptive. A portfolio is graphic. A monograph is therapeutic. A portfolio is defensive. A monograph is adaptive. This book is mine. It's my story, my thinking, my attitude, to the world, to people, to you, to myself. Here, I use my solo performance to tell you ——Ugly Make. The whole book: https://issuu.com/shuziqing/ docs/ziqing_shu_ugly_make_makergraph_sin
01 On Sale
02 The Thorns of The Hug
03 “Freedom” Dance
04 Flower In The Mist
" It is my interpretation of people's normal hypocrisy in real life. "
" It is a critique of my easy-going personality."
" This is my discontented about the explanation of the word ' freedom'."
" It is a warning for people who are indulged in the comfort zone."
February 25 1:08 AM Monday
February 25 1:09 AM Monday
February 25 1:10 AM Monday
February 25 1:12 AM Monday
3rd Floor Hallway 1080 Amsterdam
3rd Floor Hallway 1080 Amsterdam
3rd Floor Hallway 1080 Amsterdam
3rd Floor Hallway 1080 Amsterdam
April 7 9:30 AM Sunday
April 7 9:35 AM Sunday
April 7 9:25 AM Sunday
April 7 9:25 AM Sunday
1st Floor Lobby 118th Broadway
1st Floor Lobby 118th Broadway
1st Floor Sidewalk 118th Broadway
1st Floor Sidewalk 118th Broadway
April 27 7:16 AM Saturday
April 27 9:30 AM Saturday
April 27 12:06 PM Saturday
April 27 12:30 PM Saturday
#305 Bathroom 1080 Amsterdam
#305 Bedroom 1080 Amsterdam
#305 Kitchen 1080 Amsterdam
#305 Kitchen 1080 Amsterdam
April 29 12:43 PM Tuesday
April 29 12:45 PM Tuesday
April 29 12:50 PM Tuesday
April 29 12:51 PM Tuesday
#305 Diningroom 1080 Amsterdam
#305 Diningroom 1080 Amsterdam
#305 Diningroom 1080 Amsterdam
#305 Diningroom 1080 Amsterdam
[ FOREST RESIDENCE ] G reen open apar tment experiment
Single 2016 National College Student Green Building Design Competition Team Work Partner: Fangyu Mi Location: Changsha, Hunan, China Tutor: Weidong Li, Yiqun Zhang Date: 10, Sept. 2016 - 01, Jan. 2017
In recent years, the haze threat in Changsha is becoming more serious, which impacts people's lives. The amount of PM 2.5 is very high, which buries the skyline views in a heavy haze. How can we provide the residents of the city with good quality air (like that of the forest) and adjust the urban microclimate simultaneously? The project attempts to be experimental. The self-sufficient green apartment possesses more than 70% green space. At the same time, responding to the call of Open Residence, the community, open to the city, becomes an urban landscape.
[ External Ventilation ]
Inheritance and regeneration of old craf tsmen c ulture in Danshui Ac ad emic Program : Ur b an D es i gn Team Wor k Par t ner : S en Cao, Yige Li, Qingnan Sh a n g, Z h i p e i Yi n , Z h o n gjia Zheng, Hua Li, Yinghan Zhang, Jiem ing Fa n g, We i t i n g X i a o Location: Danshui, China Tutor: Yating You, Zhiyu Li Date: Dec. 2017
With the rise of the seal level in the future, Danshui will encounter the threat of flooding tide on the land. And the activities happen in high tide and low tide will become a serious topic. We observe different crowds in a different time. The change of weather influences the activities of the crowd. Through the research, the project aims to solve the problem in Danshui: promoting the relationship with residences and tourists; improving the living quality of residences; improving cultural and historical characteristic; inheriting cultural education; preventing measures against the flooding; solving some ecological problem.
老年的回春工坊 青年的創藝工坊
G e n e rat i o n Co nt i n u i t y G e n e rat i o n Bl e n di n g G e n e rat i o n Al te r n at i o n 大家的休閒工坊
遊客動線 居民據點
1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Danshui Art Pavilion Art Studio Culture Square Village Memory Floating Square Art village on the sea Wharf New Cultural Village Art Gallery Performance Platform Danshui Sunset Foreign Bnak Hostel Danshui History Alley Community Square N
Water Purification
Water Purification
07-3 [ M A K E R S PA C E ] Fa r m h o u se Tra n sfo r m at i o n Beautiful Country Maker Space Workshop Team Work Partner: Huizheng Wu, Baizhen Zhu, Fangyu Mi, Chen Chen, Ying Ye, Jiangtao Xu, Xiaoyue Shi, Laixi Tang Location: Changsha, Hunan, China Tutor: Weidong Li Date: Aug. 2016 - Sept. 2016
This is an abandoned farmhouse for the Changfeng automobile sports and cultural ecology park near Guanshan reservoir in Changsha county. It is made of a traditional three-section compound consisting of the middle and two sides of the house. Our preliminary experiment results in the optimal ratio soil: sand: stone=6:3:2. After our experiment, we tried to add cement and lime to determine the ratio of soil: sand: stone: lime: cement: water = 7.5:3:1.5:1.5. Then we add glue and fiber in the site operation. The experiment was used in the laboratory to study the tamping experiment and adjust the formula according to the ramming effect. The ramming method was used to tamper three times on each occasion. The first time to be rammed as “ 之 ” type back and forth. The second time was the " 回 " type, further ramming the soil layer. The third time was to repair the edge, mainly preventing the wall from removing the soil slag. We designed the steel frame to experiment the sample wall at first, then we taught the local people to use this technology. In the end, we finished the house by our hands together.
07-4 [ R A I N C U R L E D C U R TA I N ] Chinese Traditional Image Construc tion Ac ad emic Program : I nst allat ion D e s i gn Team Wor k Par t ner : C hunyu C hen, M ei C he n , Pe n g Yu, K efe i D eng, Yishuang Tao, Laix i Tang, Baizhen Z h u, Qi n l e i L i a o Location: Changsha, Hunan, China Tutor: Shuyuan Tong, M ing Luo Date: July, 2016 - Aug. 2016
Have you ever been in the clouds? Have you ever seen an inversion scene of the landscape? Have you touched the rain? I know the ancient people abandoned themselves to nature. The winding path leads me to discover dense willow trees and bright flowers. In that unattended corner, the height of the peak limits me, making me as if floating in a thousand years of the garden. Raindrops guide my way. I take a nap, stop, look back and meditate, and I see the most beautiful model and the one I most want to see! The concept is from the image of “rain curled curtain, landscape inverted�, using plastic film, fishing line and black beads as main materials for installation design, creating a hazy sense of landscape. First of all, the frame of the roof is designed to form a 3x3 meter wire mesh frame, and the force is suspended through the fixing of the left and right sides of the wall. A few hundred fish lines are used to cross the plastic film, suspending the plastic film with a certain weight. We use China nodes to string the black beads into a hanging form. According to the original space design, the bottom model is set up as planned and creates various kinds of space with the plastic film. The dancer is dancing in it, merging with the installation.
Ziqing Shu zs2394@columbia.edu (917) -868-2728