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Portfolio Sichao Wang

Interior Architecture & Product Design

Less is More.

-- Andrea del Sarto

Sichao Wang

927 Denison Ave Apt4, Manhattan KS, 66502 | sichao.w@gmail.com | 316-573-9403


Kansas State University Expected Graduation: May, 2018 Master of Interior Architecture and Product Design Cumulative GPA: 3.96 Wichita State University Graduated: Dec, 2012 Bachelor of Business Administration

Course Work:

Structural System | Theory of Product Design | Building Construction System| History of Architecture | Visual Communication | Design Studios

Involvement: Charette with John Norris

Feb. 2015 Working in a group of 7 to design a sitting area in Denver Mid-Town. Helping students from Digital Fabrication class to generate idea for a project. Charette with Jordan Mozer Oct. 2014 Designing a space on a existing site in Minneapolis. Propose idea to Jordan Mozer and he give us feedbacks on what we did. Phi Kappa Phi Fraternity since 2014 Invited member based on outstanding academic record.

Honor: Palmquist Architecture and Design Scholarship

2014-2015 Fall 2013 | Spring and Fall 2014

Dean’s Honor List

Indesign CS6 | Illustrator CC | Google Sketchup Pro 2014 | Microsoft Office 2007 & 2013 Photoshop CC | Hand Drafting | Hand Sketching | Hand Randering

Mandarin (Mother tongue)

Computer Skill:

Lanhuage: English

Loft of Kandinsky

Interior Architecture Project Artist Loft Design

Space Renovation

Loft of Kandinsky Interior Architecture Design Studio I Associate Prof. Ryadi Adityavarman

This design was to renovate a existing space and transforming it into a loft for a couple, husband is a photography and wife is a fashion designer, based on an mordenism painting. Location: San Diago, CA

Arch and Point (1923)

By Wassily Kandinsky


The parti was developed from the painting of Wassily Kandinsky. This Painting gives a strong contrasting feeling, not only the contrast of the shape, but also the contrast of the color. So the contrast becomes the main inspiration. Based on the painting parti, I developed this parti for my loft. 3D Parti Model


The final design is a combination of painting, location and client. The Key characteristics of them was abstrated and translated into diagrams.



Photographer’s Studio


Fashion Design Studio

First Floor Floor Plan

First Floor Floor Plan Rendering

The design program of this loft is based on the consideration of the clients will have a very high chance to work at home, a seperation of work area (marked red) and living area is created. Also there is a lounge as the secondary/private living room for the clients so that they can take breaks there and meet with each other.

Second Floor Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan Rendering

Second floor is a open plan with a lot of half walls and railings so people can look over to the vaulted living room and kitchen. this design gives a loft feeling. Second floor doesn’t have doors; the space was indecated by different floor pattern/materials

A Swimming pool was placed on the roof top for relaxation and fun, but also it is working as light filtration system providing a special and interesting texture in the space. The swimming pool is transparent, with the reflection of light, the whole space is filled with the texture.

Garden Detail

Interior View From Outside

Interior views and Customized furniture Customized Furniture

Second Floor

Second Floor

First Floor

Customized Furniture


Second Semester Project Pavilion Design

Pavilion For Musician

Cross-Road Second Semester Studio Project

This pavilion in Manhattan, KS city park is for a musical band. The concept for this design is creating a space that can transform to give the users an opportunity to reshape the space for different uses.

The two pictures above shows the movement of the spaces. when it is open, it is a pin wheel plan; and when it is closed, it will be a perfect square. The pathways in becomes a datum to connects all the spaces together, and it also extends out to make a connection with the site.

Hand Drafted Drawing

Datum Spatial Hierachy

1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. Tertiary


Second Semester Project Urban House Design

Urban House

RiverRock Second Semester Studio Project Assistant Prof. Jon Hunt

Site location: 1530 Humboldt St. Manhattan, KS Site size: 7500sq ft Main Entrance is on Humboldt Street.

This urban house is for visiting artists/ scholars to live and work. The house requires studio/work space, off-street parking, and also creates a connection between Manhattan Art Center and the house. The square footage requirement is less then 2000 sq ft.

This design is all about natural light and the experience of the user while they are using the space. The main living area is has two huge linear openings on the roof to work as skylights to bring the natural light inside. West Facade Perspective


The entrance of the space is connected with one of the skylights, and continues to the studio space at the very back of the house (as shown in diagram above). to create a datum/axis connecting the two different parts (living area and studio area) of the design so people can tell this is one whole design.

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

The outdoor space is very important for a residential design. In this design, there are some key features that encourage the residents to go outdoor. An outdoor dining in the courtyard was created so people can sit outside and enjoying the nice weather. By taking out one of the studio wall, it gives the visiting artist an opportunity to working outside and gathering inspiration from mother nature.

The corner window creates a visual connection the house and Manhattan Art Center.

This is the detail drawing for the light I designed for this project.


Prodect Design Studio

Task Lighting Design

Task Light

Rejuvenation Product Design Studio Project Prof. Dustin Headly and Prof. Allen Hasting

To design a light fixture that is used to solve a certain problem. And also make a prototype that is functioning. Problem to solve: The target market for this design is designers. When we are working in studio to design things, we always facing a same problem: runing out of ideas. My design is used to solve this problem.

Hand Rendering

Rejuvenation has two components, light disk and charging stand. The way it solving the problem is turning a task light into toy (like LEGO) so that when designer is out of their idea, they can have something to play with (reshape it) to refresh their mind.

Rendering Works

Color rendering of Wassily Chair designed by Marcel Breuer: Media: Marker, Color pencil.

Graphite rendering of Therme Vals interior designed by Peter Zumthor

Concept sketch for lighting project

Rendering of a Hand-Held Sander Project

Thank You For Your Time

Sichao Wang Tel: 316-573-9403 Email: Sichao.w@gmail.com

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