Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Sichen Li
914064 Dan Parker, Studio 06
Week Three
Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)
Contemporary digital fabrication techniques has reinvented the link between concept and product, minimizing the disparity between what is conceived and the what is produced. A large portion of such progress can be attributed to the ‘file to factory’ concept, which is realised through computer numeric controlled (CNC) fabrication. Kolerevic wrote of three types of digital fabrication techniques. The first, as well as the most common, would be two dimensional fabrication. This includes laser cutting, water jets and plasma arc cutting. Second would be subtractive production methods, whereby volume on a solid is removed to produce the final product. Last and not least would be additive techniques such as 3D printing, where layers are deposited progressively to create a product. Parametric software can create new forms of architectural expression, which can then be realised through digital fabrication techniques.
Week Three Surface Creation
Above shows the script I used for the creation of my surfaces. Every surface was created using two construction lines, where I was able to manipulate the starting and ending location of each line to create varying surfaces. The lines were then lofted to create surfaces.
With an intention to develop a dynamic form to base the panels on, I experimented with four very different surfaces, eventually arriving at the final iterations (bottom right corner). The twisting makes the two surfaces feel complimentary to one another.
Week Four
Panels & Waffle
The dynamic character of the surfaces is amplified by the design of the panels. On the rear side, the perfroated triangular panels each represent a repetition of the same basic form. however, the gradual reduction in the size of the perforations and the panel itself (in accordance with the attractor point), gives a sense of iterated change. Though the solid panels at the front starkly contrast with its perforated counterparts, a similar repetition pattern is evident due to the inverse placement of the attractor point. Such effect is also due to the fact that the panels decrease in size and increase in complexity as it nears the attractor point. This design gives the surfaces a sense of dynamic order.
The waffle structure, due to its orthogonal nature, generates a sense of order in the interior space. Such order is pitted against the folding of the panels, which would create an intricate interaction of light and dark.
Week Four Laser Cutting
With regards to the laser cutting process, I learned that etch lines and cut lines must be placed on different layers for the machine to operate correctly. Also, duplicate lines must be avoided in order to minimise the time for the laser cutter to complete. Strategically placed lines could also save material and cut time. In addition, I learned to replace some small cut lines with etch lines on the panels so they would not need to be taped down after the laser cut.
Week Five
Above shows the script I used to develop the boolean object for the second part of Module 2. On the left of the image shows the grid manipulation process, where various attraction methods were experimented with. Random attraction was eventually chosen due to its organic appearance. Under the label geometry is where I experimented with various boolean cutting forms, with the dodecahedron being chosen at the end as it was able to create complex spaces with pleasing angles.
Week Five Isometric
I decided to choose this iteration of the booleaned form to 3D print as it embodies a very clear transition between open space to intimate space. The right side of the image shows an opening that is welcoming. After passing through a threshold formed by the cutting of dodecahedrons, an overhead plane is introduced. This, coupled with the reducing size of the side planes, creates a rather intimate space. Also, as seen in the image, light also describes such transition well. Towards the opening, the area has an abundance of light, the internal space is significantly more shaded due to the shadows casted by the overhead plane. Moreover, the angle of the cut on the left exterior side of the object is matched with the angle of the dodecahedrons, creating a sense of visual coherency.
Week Six
Task 01
In terms of iterations of the surface, I wanted to develop a surface that suggests movement. As seen above, I experimented with multiple twisting surfaces to arrive at the final one on the right. I wanted to develop grid patterns that would compliment this dynamic character of my surface, so after experimenting with multiple grid attractors in Grasshopper, point attraction was chosen with eachurface’s point being the inverse of the other. As for panelling, I experimented with many 3D and 2D iterations, but arrived at the rightmost iteration in the end because it matched my surface’s curvature quite well.
Week Six Task 02
In order to create more natural and organic looking booleans, I chose to develop the ones with random attraction methods for both grid manipulation and point distrubution. With the cropping of the booleaned structure, I chose to slice the mass at angles that is coherent with the angles on the dodecahedron.
Week Six
Final Isometric Views
Appendix Process
Grasshopper Processes
Perforated Panels:
Solid Panels:
I created the perforated panels using the ‘picture frame’ module from the Weaverbird plugin. This allows me to mathematically control the size of the perforations by a factor.
I used containers for the geometries that I had created in Rhino to panel, and after baking each iteration I selectively kept certain panels in certain locations to create the final effect.
Creating the notches:
Creating the numbering system:
The creation of the notches was completed by using the ‘Trim Solid’ component. Though simple, my data structures failed to match in many instances, which meant that I had to analyse the data using a panel and flatten it accordingly.
The numbreing system helped me significantly with the building process, as it meant that I never misplaced a single waffle strip.
Appendix Process
Building Process
The completed waffle. I used UHU’s glue to stick the joints together. Although the UHU does not try as quickly as superglue, it allowed me to glue more accurately as it provided some time to change to placement.
Etching was not sufficient enough in the prevention of card-bruising. I also used an awl to widen the etch marks, creating a significantly cleaner fold.
Maximum care was exercised in the building of the model, but some imperfections such as holes in the part where panels meet, where unable to be avoided.