Adventist Echo

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Volume 17 | June, 2015 Issue

Total Participation


Editor’s note


It begins with Us...


Global Youth Day





Living in Grace and Compassion

Largest Union in the World


HOPE Channel Malawi


I was baptised the first day I went to church


This Work cannot be without Fruit


Adventist College in Mauritius

23 24 27


Fishers of Men

God speaks to you... you speak to God

NE Angola Ps Passmore Hachalinga

Communication Director Dr Paul Charles Stewardship Director Ps Aniel Barbe Women /Children’s Ministries Caroline Chola Sabbath School/Personal Ministries Ps Passmore Mulambo

Zambia Union Conference Dr Harrington Akombwa


SW Angola Ps Manuel Pacheco Botswana Union Conference Dr Kenaope Kenaope Indian Ocean Union Conference Ps Jasmin Herinirina Malawi Union Mission Ps Frackson Kuyama Mozambique Union Mission Ps Girimolo Paulo Muchanga Sao Tome & Principe Ps Jose Dias Marques Southern Africa Union Conference Dr Tankiso Letseli

Zimbabwe Union Conference Ps Micah Choga

OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION CORRESPONDENTS NE Angola Ps Teixeira Vinte Botswana Ps Pako Mokgwane

Adventist Health Ministries Dr Alexis Llaguno

Indian Ocean Union Conference Robert Rasolonomenjanahary

Publishing Director Ps Super Moesi

Mozambique Mr Matius Vilanculus

HIV/AIDS Rhoda Nthani

Sao Tome Eliseu Xavier

Adventist Mission/Pakia Ps Justino Paulo

Southern Africa Union Sybil du Preez

Ministerial/Family Life Dr Jongimpi Papu

Zambia Ps Reuben Muyunda

Shepherdess Patricia Papu

Zimbabwe Ps Felix Njini


Angola SW Ps Daniel Cuvalela

Director Noel Sibanda

Chikuma Mission


President Dr Paul Ratsara Vice Presidents Dr Gilberto Araujo Dr Paminus Machamire Executive Secretary Dr Solomon Maphosa Associate Secretaries Ps Hensley Moorooven Ps Justino Paulo Chief Financial Officer Goodwell Nthani Field Secretary Dr Hopeson Bonya Financial Officer Mr Russell Raelly Mr Michael Muchula Dr Goodson Shumba

Youth/Chaplaincy Ps Sibusiso Khumalo

Seychelles say Thank You

Divide to Multiply


Education Director Dr Ellah Kamwendo

Happy people know the right button to click




We all began as a single cell. In fact, real growth takes place at a cellular level An open secret is a concept or idea that refers to something that is widely known to be true but which none of the people most intimately concerned is willing to categorically acknowledge in public.

is imperative that we, as an divine organisation, must function like a multi-cellular organism. “The presentation of Christ in the family, by the fireside, and in small gatherings in private houses is often more successful in winning souls to Jesus than are sermons delivered in the open air, to the moving throng, or even in halls or churches.” Gospel Workers, p. 193. “In these little gatherings, Christ Himself will be present, as He has promised, and hearts will be touched by His grace” The Ministry of Healing, pp. 152, 153.

- Below is an example In general, a large organism does not have larger cells than a small organism; it simply has many more cells than the small organism. When you were small, your body contained fewer cells than it has now. By the time you reach adulthood, your body will be made up of about 100 trillion cells.

Sell the Cell When the church, as an organisation, acts like an organism, and intentionally grow at a cellular level, real growth takes place. This is one of the open secrets for the growth in membership of the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division. The secret’s out: “let’s not speculate… just emulate”.

“When people have cancer some of their cells grow and multiply unchecked. It begins when the workings of just one cell go wrong. That is why organisation is important.” The church is a divine organism, a living, vibrant spiritual body. It is also a divine organization or arrangement. Some ridicule the idea of the church being an organization.They say it is an organism, not an organization. The church is both an organism and an organization. It is a spiritual body, hence, it is a spiritual organism. This divine organism has been designed to function and to work and is equipped with parts with which to act. As such, it is arranged or organized and exists as a unit; thus, it is a divine organization.

Scriptural references include: (Eph. 2:19-22; 4:11-16; 5:23-33; 1 Cor. 12:12-27), (1 Pet. 2:5; Eph. 1:22,23; Col. 1: 18,24) and (Rom. 12:4-8; 1 Cor. 12:12-27; Eph. 4:11-16).

Dr Paul Charles

Jesus commissioned us: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”. To be true to this commission and act in unison, it

SID Communication ...We Connect


With more than 10 182 churches churches,13 111 companies and groups, and only 1552 pastors, the task of spreading the gospel is dependent on lay-members committed to the Bible. We give glory to God that with such involvement, the current membership of SID is 3 379 915. Though many factors have contributed to this growth, we consider the use of small groups as one of the most effective. 3

Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division The Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division of the Seventh-day Adventist church is one of the most dynamic regions of the world church.This region is home to diverse ecosystems, from sandy deserts to lush rain forests. If we follow the meandering of the Zambezi River through the southern part of Africa where it creates one of the most spectacular wonders of the world with a perpetual rainbow, you will witness the largest single sheet of flowing water. If you stroll through the Avenue of the Baobabs or opt for an adventure through the last untouched rain forests on the island country of Madagascar or safari in Southern Africa you will feel Africa. And when you breathe in the fresh air on top of Table Mountain or bask in the tranquility of the cascading natural beauty of the islands of Southern Africa, you too will exclaim:“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” In the midst of such tranquility and breath-taking beauty, lives a people who are vibrant, colourful, full of energy and culturally diverse with a heart longing to connect with God, their Creator… this is Africa, a playground and battlefield at the same time. The key instrument of God, in this cosmic drama, is the Seventh-day Adventist church in the Southern Africa Indian Ocean region. As brothers and sisters unite with Christ and His church, a story emerges, inspiring faith that the same Holy Spirit who inspired men to write God’s Word is present to help men to understand.

It Begins With Us…

moments of reflection and introspection. It was also refreshing to discuss core issues of spiritual leadership in sessions led by Dr Delbert Baker, Vice President - General Conference. Paul Douglas, who serves as the chief audit executive for the Seventh-day Adventist Church World Headquarters in his capacity as director of the General Conference Auditing Service (GCAS), rightly emphasized that “because the Seventh-day Adventist Church and its family of institutions receive financial resources primarily in the form of tithe, offerings, donations, tuition, sales revenue, service fees and investment income. There is an expectation that leaders will exercise proper stewardship for these financial resources. In particular reference to contributed resources provided in support of mission-driven activities, the continued flow is largely dependent on the sustained confidence of constituents and other stakeholders in organizational leaders and their stewardship.”

“Yes, it begins with us.” Transparency and accountability are important principles in the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in SID. The annual SID Leadership summit (3-7 February, 2015), attended by all leaders from SID, was the occasion where this is highlighted and emphasized. Dr Paul Ratsara, SID President, commented that the objective of this meeting was to “foster spiritual growth, to promote team building and professional development and to ensure the alignment of our programs.” Dr Derek J. Morris, (Editor of Ministry and Associate Secretary of the Ministerial Association at General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists), in his unique way, led the leaders to realize the importance of a consistent devotional life. One of the greatest requirements of church leadership is for members to be able to trust their leaders, therefore we need to be transparent. Foremost is our accountability to God. “So then each of us shall give account of himself to God” Romans 14:12. Among the guest speakers was Dr Niel Nedley, who spoke about depression, self control, the bible and EQ which drove the participants to intense

Dr Nerida McKibben, who presents: “Go Healthy … for Good” enthused the participants, especially with practical health tips, useful for exciting and stress-free living. One important and repeated point, in every Leadership Summit for the past five years has been: “It is a fatal mistake to suppose that the work of saving souls depends alone on the ordained minister.” Again, the appeal and commendation was to continue engaging and mobilizing the laity which is crucial to the success of the mission of the church. SID Communication - We Connect


GLOBAL YOUTH DAY 2015 on metrics from Google and Social Media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, the technical team at GC sent us updates that indicate the level of participation and activity in SID on GYD. It was encouraging to notice that our division featured prominently on the African continent.

The philosophy and theology of GYD is to harness the potential, energy and spiritual gifts of the youth to engage in acts of compassion and kindness one Sabbath a year. The General Conference, recognizing that there is a disengagement between the youth and the mission of the church, is challenging the global youth to “Be the Sermon” on a designated Sabbath.

The highlight of GYD was for SID to be one of the 19 uplink sites throughout the world that were presenting live reports for one hour to the world audience through Hope Channel. Our report was held in Cape Town at Helderberg College. Two youth Saneliso Moyo and Tapiwa Musvosvi were the hosts/presenters for our report. Our presentation was well received by the GC and others. May God help us to transform GYD into GYL (Global Youth Lifestyle).

March 21, 2015 was the third instalment of GYD. This year’s GYD was bigger and better in terms of participation and reporting. Various activities were carried out by the youth of the SID on this special day. These ranged from visiting the sick, orphans, prisons, hospitals, old age homes and homeless to standing at street intersections and corners with pieces of paper on their chests with the inscription “Smile it is healthy for you”, to cheer up those who are discouraged and depressed. Activities that required youth to engage in physical labor were carried out a few days before GYD and some were done after the event. Based

Busi Khumalo Youth Ministries - SID

PUBLISHING MINISTRIES ADMINISTRATIVE SEMINAR HELD IN BOTSWANA For the first time in the history of Botswana Union Conference, a Publishing Ministries Department Administrative seminar was held in Botswana Union Conference from 08 10 February 2015. All the union and conference officers attended the seminar, including the publishing directors and assistant publishing department directors, ABC Managers and other departmental directors. It was exciting to note that attendance at this seminar by the officers and publishing leaders was 100%. For many Administrators the seminar was an eye opener about the importance of the Publishing Ministries Department. Botswana Union Conference appreciated the presence of Mrs. Faigao, as part of the team. Priscilla Ben Publishing Director, Botswana Union Conference 5




Former ordained minister in the Dutch Reformed Church, (NK Kerk), is an evangelist in the Seventh-day Adventist church. His conversion to fully embrace the biblical truths as espoused by the SDA church bears testimony to the power of Word of God and persuasive influence of the Holy Spirit. In an interview, Pastor Ernie Rex, shared how troubled he was when his wife told him:“even after all those years of study and pastoring in so many churches, you still know nothing.” He was challenged by the comment of his wife and the reason he responded positively is because he knew how much she loved him and the manner in which she challenged him was full of love and compassion. Pastor Rex commented: “I don’t know how I missed it. After seven years of study at university/seminary and a few decades of preaching, I overlooked the simple yet profound truths of the Bible. But God is gracious and full of mercy in bringing me into this light. In all my training, we overlooked the books of Daniel and Revelation. And yet, today, the evangelistic series I


conduct is based on these two prophetic books. I am now a true Protestant, living by the Bible and Bible alone. The Reformation must continue by those who hold true to the Word of God. No one would have guessed that God would use me as an Evangelist in the Seventh-day Adventist church, preaching the three angels’ message.” “I see people giving their hearts to Jesus and embracing biblical truth as an Evangelist and it brings tears of joy to my heart to know how wonderful God is to mercifully use me as an instrument.” Many members of Pastor Rex’s family have also joined the church and he continues to conduct presentations from the Bible and especially the books of Daniel and Revelation. The Bible has the unparalleled ability to grip us at our roots - our sinful, creation-worshiping heart - and transform us into entirely different persons.

H C R U H C T S I T N E ADV T E G R A T N O D N A P IN-STE The undisputed statistics presented by Dr Giordano - Adventist AIDS International Ministry (AAIM), jolted participants of the SID HIV AIDS Convention (28-26 March, 2015) to the reality of the epidemic: • 18% of the total HIV prevalence in the world is in South Africa. • 0.8% of the world is infected with HIV and Southern Africa is the epicenter of affected areas. • 26.5% of the population in Swaziland is HIV Positive. In her presentation on “A Regional perspective on HIV epidemic and response” Dr Busi Msimang, confirmed that females are disproportionately affected and she challenged the church to be more proactively involved in education and compassionate response to those affected and 6

infected. Mrs Rhoda Nthani - SID HIV AIDS Co-ordinator, agreed with Keynote Speaker, Dr Msimang: “let us not be apologetic for our Christ-centered approach to the epidemic.” Mrs Nthani further stated that “the issue of HIV AIDS affects us all and how the church relates to those affected/infected demonstrates the love of Christ for all.” “As a young person, I think that while HIV AIDS is a horrible thing … like Jesus we should be compassionate to those affected and infected by HIV AIDS” Side Khumalo. While moving disclosures were made some commented that the SDA church is “in-step and on-target” and this was an eye opening event where we deliberately and intentionally reach out to those infected and affected by HIV AIDS. Dr Rapitsi evoked a practical and open discussion after her informative presentation on “The emotional benefits of disclosure of One’s HIV status.” “Most vulnerable are those between the ages 8-35, and we need to break the silence and educate this group especially, or we risk the future of the church,” Mrs Caroline Chola, Children & Women’s Ministry Director- SID. Young people who attended the convention for a day were excited about the programs and developments in the SDA Church. Their responses (as seen on Facebook were: “When I see my church actively responding to those who are HIV positive, I know my church is a caring church” Matthew Ethan Charles.

Dr Giordano made it clear that Abstinence is the key to reversing the AIDS epidemic and in his concluding remarks and challenge, he charged the participants to remember:“we are not going to finish this epidemic if we don’t treat everybody the same without any kind of discrimination.” One of the resolutions accepted was the affirmation that Adventist churches become places of refuge and healing and community centers for those infected and infected by HIV. The Convention was attended by all HIV Co-ordinators, Health Ministries Directors and Leaders of the SDA church and church members/Adventists living with HIV and AIDS from every corner of the SID territory. SID Communication - We Connect

ADVENTIST AIDS INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY SUPPORT GROUPS THRIVE IN MALAWI 2013 GAP report, Malawi accounted for AAIM has long been advocating the formation of support groups in all churches as a basis for carrying out programs to support the HIV and AIDS work. A support group can be made up of 3 to 12 members who meet on a regular basis to provide a safe place where people can come to share, plan and implement projects but most of all to provide hope, encouragement and love for each other. Malawi union has taken a positive step in ensuring that support groups are formed at local church levels. According to the UNAIDS


2% only of all the new infections in SubSahara Africa. New infections in children have declined in the region and Malawi was noted to have the largest decline by 67%. The church in Malawi contributed to this encouraging result. In the Chintechie Orphans program, the community, with the help of a support group, takes care of an average of 62-72 children daily, a third of whom are orphans. The community has 6 care-givers who teach and support the children during the week on a voluntary basis. The community members bring whatever they have to share for the children to eat before they go back home at mid-day. Rhoda Nthani: HIV AIDS Co-ordinater - SID

18 publishing directors were certified and received their certificates from the General Conference Publishing Ministries Department during the congress. The certification ceremony were officiated by Geoffrey Mbwana, GC Vice President and Dr Harrington Akomba, Zambia Union President. SID is the first division to implement the program and their directors being certified.

The theme for SID LE Congress, held at Birchwood Hotel in Boksburg, South Africa on December 2-6, 2014, was “CELEBRATING MIRACLES OF GRACE” and the attendance reached almost nine hundred. Literature evangelists came from far and wide – South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, Angola, Botswana, and the islands like Mauritius, Re-Union and Madagascar and was supported by their Administrators.

Literature Evangelists were recognised for their years of service and the oldest person who got a pin was Edward Oliphant, eighty-four years old with forty-eight years of service. The SID Publishing Director, Pastor Super Moesi and GC Director Howard Faigao challenged the large group of literature evangelists to go back to their respective fields of labor and:

The opening address by the Division president was like adding more fuel to the fire that already burned strongly inside the literature evangelists. And so were the presentations by their world leader, Pastor Howard Faigao, and the other speakers from General Conference, Australia and India as well as our own Division publishing Director. It was indeed a spiritual feast.

Sell God’s books LIKE NEVER BEFORE; Bring people to church LIKE NEVER BEFORE; Have a relationship with God LIKE NEVER BEFORE; Be faithful in service LIKE NEVER BEFORE.

A highlight of the Congress was certainly the experiences by faithful literature evangelists from all over this Division - Experiences of books sold and souls won under all kinds of circumstances. Isaiah was so right when he said in Isaiah 52:7 – “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good tidings …” These faithful workers have done their share in having a world-wide total of more than 50 000 souls baptized as a result of the publishing ministry.

There is place for many more literature evangelists in all the countries in this Division. Pray for the Lord to send dedicated workers to help prepare people for heaven.

Pastors Kids (PK’s) in SID are actively involved in outreach and discipleship. they are encouraged by our Leaders who take time to connect with them. The Mission of PAKIA is to nurture Pastors’ children into a loving relationship with Jesus, preparing them for His second coming. We seek to reach this Mission through the reading of the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy and other Christian books. Pastor Justino Paulo, aka: PK Pastor, co-ordinates fellowship, discipleship and outreach events for PK’s in SID.


Living in Grace and Compassion

The theme ‘Living in Grace and Compassion’ was thoughtfully chosen for the Mauritius Women’s Ministries Convention, March 13 to 15, 2015. It was established that AWM is relevant only through Jesus’ leadership model. It was very important to clarify our mission from the very beginning: Adventist Women’s Ministries is not about going through a set of programs but is a ministry where Grace and Compassion should be the essential ingredients underlying every single activity. How could we expect to touch a heart and tell the world in the absence of Love, Grace and Compassion? One highlight of the gathering was the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Adventist Women’s Ministries with a powerful sermon from the AWM GC Associate Director, Raquel Arais. No one will ever forget the lesson she left on the eagerness of God to transform us from a poor chicken constantly looking down for food to a beautiful pink Flamingo with its 360° vision and great capacity to fly high. During the ceremony, Pastor Patrice Allet, President of the Conference, reminded the women of the potential that God has put into each and everyone of them. He also said that the mission in Mauritius would rapidly progress if each woman of the Conference would allow God to touch her so she could use her full potential to reach out. On Sabbath, friends and families joined us. We were almost 500 under one big tent worshipping and praising the Lord. We were also blessed by the testimonies of the local leaders, Eileen, Marie-Claude, ... who shared how the presence of the Holy Spirit is leading them to bring light within the prisons, among prostitutes and to prisoners’ kids. Some are even attending church today. Praise the Lord! Sister Chola (SID AWM Director) challenged us on how compassionate we should be within our families, churches, communities. She invited us in an appeal to follow the best example of true Grace and Compassion: the Jesus’ Model. Later, Sister Chola practically demonstrated how to implement the ‘Homes of Hope and Healing’ project, an excellent resource for outreach.

The momentum of the weekend was the sabbath sermon by Sister Raquel Arrais, an intense and passionate preacher, a woman of God. “God understands Women,” Sister Raquel said. She, then, powerfully testified through her own experiences and through the Holy Word using the imagery of the bread from Matthew 26:26. She said:“Today, God is working through us as He did with His Son Jesus: He first chooses us, then blesses us, then breaks us and later shares us. Sister Rhoda Nthani (SID HIV/AIDs Coordinator) gave us some interesting insights into HIV and AIDS. She shared experiences within her own family and encouraged us as a church to get organized for intervention in this area. On the Sunday morning, all the ladies, led by Police patrols, were up and going in their turquoise T-Shirt, with ‘Enditnow’ banners, shouting and singing ‘NO’ to violence against women and girls on the busy streets of Flacq for a Peaceful March against violence. “Today we want the Mauritian population to know that the Seventh-day Adventist Community is taking a stand against violence, ” said Arielle Allet (Adventist Women’s Ministries Director - Mauritius Conference). Corinne, Trou d’Eau Douce shared: “After listening to Marie-Claude’s testimonies about the Home of Hope and Healing project, I said to myself; ‘If she can, why can’t I’. So the next day, after the Peaceful March I went to visit my neighbors. In fact, I had not much to offer but I just told them that I am having prayers at my house and they are welcome to join in. I was pleasantly surprised that on Monday morning five of them knocked at my door.” Arielle Arlete Women’s Ministries Director Mauritius Conférence

SECRETARIAT ADMINISTRATIVE ADVISORY From Jan 18-22, 2015 the Secretariat Team of the SID conducted a Secretariat Administrative Advisory at the head office of the Indian Ocean Union Conference head office in Antananarivo, Madagascar. Considering that some Conference/Mission Executive Secretaries and their administrative assistants are new in that position, the objective was to cover a maximum of the duties inherent to Secretariat. Consequently, a team composed of Mrs. Frankie Africa, Mrs. Lindiwe Mbinga, Mrs. Nonthandazo Papu and Ps Hensley Moorooven conducted seminars and hands-on workshops on various topics: Yearbook update, “My Report”, Agenda Preparation, Minutes Writing, Records Management and Archiving, Policy Development and Interpretation, Church Membership System etc. It was also an opportune time for the Secretariat team to meet with the Inter Division and Inter Union Employees who are currently serving in Madagascar. Hensley Mooroven Associate Executive Secretary - SID 9

Your Church Needs You 2. We need to have capable leadership in the local church comprising of laity. 3. We need ministers who are well qualified to be able to co-ordinate effective training for church members.

The Ministerial Association seeks to accomplish the mission of the Seventhday Adventist Church through its ministry to pastors, pastors’ families, local church elders/company leaders and deacons. In its broadest sense the Association seeks to minister to both the laity as represented by elders and deacons and the ministers who are employed by the church. Ellen G White under the inspiration of God recognized the importance of lay involvement in ministry when she wrote:

It is in light of the aforementioned reality that the SID Executive Committee that met in 2014 in November took the following actions as informed by the recommendations from the Ministerial council which met earlier in the year:

“The work of God in this earth can never be finished until the men and women comprising our church membership rally to the work and unite their efforts with those of ministers and church officers.” Gospel Workers, p. 352

1. That pastors in the districts be provided with an official working space such as an office… currently most pastors are using their homes as working offices. 2. The minimum term for a pastor in the district be set at three years unless there are compelling administrative reasons giving rise to a shorter period. 3. That an annual professional pastoral assessment be conducted as a tool to improve the quality of pastoral ministry. 4. That elders and Deacons undergo a structured leadership certification programme. 5. That pastoral spouses (Shepherdess) be assisted where possible to further their education.

At the end of March, 2015, the membership of the Southern Africa-Indian Division was more than 3 379 915. These members, together with their children congregate in 10 182 churches and 13 111 companies throughout the territory of the SID. There are more than 23 000 elders whose role is confined to the local church and about 1 527 pastors including departmental directors and administrators. The ratio of pastors to membership stands at 1:2191 while that of the church including companies per pastors stands at 1:15.

The harvest is indeed plentiful and the cry from our Master is for labouring labourers. Every willing heart and hand is invited to be part of the great revival that is taking place at SID.

The above statistics reveal at least three facts about evangelism and church growth in our territory: 1. If we are serious about reaching everyone in our territory we must encourage total participation from all members of the church (one member … one soul).

Dr Jongimpi Papu Ministerial Director - SID

ORGANIZATIONAL RE-ALIGNMENT Such explosive growth drives re-organization for further growth. While three out of nine Unions (Southern Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia) were already conferences at the beginning of this quinquennium, two more entities were organised into the same in 2014 (Botswana, IOUC). Zambia, with more than a million baptized members and Malawi were at the time of writing awaiting the vote of GC Spring Council to confer the Conference status on them. Conference Status is an indication of growth in membership, spiritual maturity, and financial strength. Zimbabwe Union Conference with a membership of over 803 521 exclaims that the rationale behind re-alignment of the Union territory from 3 Conferences to 6 conferences was to facilitate the spreading of the 3 angels’ message.


In The last quarter of 2014 Zambia Union Conference still kept on with public evangelism by conducting open crusades through its laity and pastors. This yielded in a total of 16, 864 souls being baptized within three months. These evangelistic series brought the membership of Zambia Union Conference to 1 006 957 at the close of the year. In attaining this one million baptized membership, Zambia stands as the largest Union in the whole world in terms of membership. In fact, the Church has already taken steps to realign into more than one Union Conference in 2015. Among those baptised is the former Ngambela of the Barotse Royal Establishment (Prime Minister) Honorable Clement Wainyae Sinyinda, who was baptized in Kambule Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mongu of West Zambia Field. Honorable Sinyinda recently served as the Ngambela (Prime Minister) of the Barotse Royal Establishment in Western Province and also as Deputy Minister of Education in the government of Zambia. Reuben Muyunda – Zambia Union Conference Communication Director

Seventh-day Adventist Churches in Zambia The Seventh-day Adventist church has been in existence in Zambia since 1905, when the pioneer Harry Anderson set up a mission station at Rusangu, Monze, with the permission of Chief Monze. We are excited that from that small beginning, the SDA church, in this region, has grown to over one million members. With the relocation and opening of the new Zambia Union Offices (April 24, 2015), in Ibex Hill, Lusaka, new opportunities are presented to Zambia Union for the co-ordinating of programs of the church which has grown to such an extent which requires reorganisation. On the 25th of April, 2015, SID Celebrated with Zambia Union the attainment of a membership of more than one million members. The celebration was attended by the President of the Republic of Zambia, his excellency, Mr Edgar C Lungu, and Dr Pardon Mwansa (General Vice President, GC) among other dignitaries from SID.


HOPE CHANNEL ZAMBIA Since January 1, 2015, Hope Channel Zambia has been broadcasting 24 hours a day bringing hope and blessings to Zambians and others through powerful biblical based messages and inspirational music. November, 30, 2014 remains as an important date for Voice of Prophecy Zambia offices, for it was on that day that the VOP Board unanimously approved the request to start a TV Channel and name it Hope Channel Zambia.

Pastor Reuben Muyunda, Communication Director Zambia, excitedly reported: “Hope Channel Zambia is a big step towards a greater vision God has for His church in the region.” Commenting on the potential and hurdles overcome to achieve this privilege of broadcasting messages of Hope right into the living rooms of people, Dr Harrington Akombwa, Zambia Union President said: “with such a vast work, it is impossible to do anything of significance without a collaborative effort of the laity and clergy. The Lord has blessed our Union with more than one million baptised members and it would not have been possible without our lay-members working hand-in-hand with our pastors.” Hope Channel Zambia boasts of about a million views during its peak time. Suprisingly, comments from French speaking countries have reached the studios, especially Siera Leon and Cameroun. Zambians in the diaspora also have been giving us feedback from Ethiopia, Botswana, Zimabwe, South Africa, Lethoto, Ghana, and all our neighbouring countries. Besides, there are a lot of similarities in Southern Africa region for a tribe called Nyanja and Chewa which is widely spoken in Zambia, Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe. Hope Channel Zambia’s programming currently is about 40% locally produced content and 60% Hope Channel International. Hope channel Zambia collaborates with Hope Channel Malawi for some selected music and SID for extra content. You can watch Hope Channel Zambia anywhere within the Sub – Sahara Africa region.

Hope Channel Zambia coverage

I’ve started going to church again after 15 years because of Hope Channel. My eyes are now opened to God’s saving grace. My life has turned around and my wife and I are so much happier than we have been in a long time. - Tom 12

HOPE CHANNEL MALAWI It’s a new day in Malawi, the warm heart of Africa, a land full of many possibilities. The 15th of February, 2015, will always be a day to remember for the entire Adventist population of Malawi, as Hope Channel Malawi was officially launched at the old Malawi Union Offices in Blantyre. Cutting the ribbon, the minister commended the new Hope Channel Malawi studios citing that in Malawi, there is non like Hope Channel Malawi. Hope Channel Malawi broadcasts 24/hours day... crossing over to Hope Channel International to compliment their content. The minister of communication in Malawi was interviewed live on Hope Channel Malawi and so was Dr Paul Ratsara, the President of the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division. Also present during this auspicious occasion, was the SID Executive Secretary, Dr Solomon Maphosa and Elder

Goodwell Nthani, the Chief Financial Officer. Speaking during the launch, the minister praised the digitalisation bold stance taken by the Seventh-day Adventist church in the country, in trying to meet the world deadline for digitalisation on the 17th of June 2015. The leaders from the SID were also pleased by the ground work done by the church in Malawi. Speaking from one of the studio sets, the President of Hope Channel International, Pastor Brad Thorp and the Vice President for International development, Kandus Thorp were thrilled about the new developments in Malawi. As Hope channel Malawi, goes on air, we cannot help but praise the almighty for the growth of Hope Channel family globally.

The advent of Hope Channel Africa is imminent. Working hand in glove with the SID Communication department and all the Unions in the SID, Sidmedia, an Institute of the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division, is playing a leading role in harnessing contextualized content for this new channel to meet the spiritual needs of its people on this continent. Now penciled to be launched any time soon, Hope Channel Africa is slowly becoming a reality to many, especially our viewers in Africa who have longed for their own Channel. Saneliso Moyo, the production manager for Sidmedia, is pleased with the developments regarding the preparations for the launch of Hope Channel Africa, and says so far Sidmedia has been working on producing television programmes, to suite our viewers in Africa. Some of the programmes recorded so far include: 13

“Our daily bread”, a weekly preaching show that features pastors and lay preachers from all our Unions. It is a programme directed to the family. “Family matters”, a programme that is aimed at building families. As we live in the last days, the devil is working tirelessly in trying to destroy the families, knowing very well that if the family is dead then the church of God is weak. Ingoma is a weekly musical programme, showcasing the immense talent from our Division. This is a family praise and worship programme. “Life at Home” is another family programme targeted at families. By the launch of Hope Channel Africa which is now pencilled for the 3 rd Quarter of this year, Sidmedia would have produced about 200 shows to kick start this channel.

struck my mind. My mom and I then invited all the children into the yard to open the Sabbath with us. We taught them a song, read a few verses then prayed. At the end of all this they stood up and asked when they could come again with eagerness in their eyes... God provides opportunities for his word to be spread in any situation it is just up to us to listen to that still small voice.”

Jesus gave His disciples their marching orders in Matthew 28: 1820. This is the roadmap of each Christian and it is aptly called the Great Commission. Very often we overlook the words that precede “Go ye therefore”. In Matthew 28:18, Jesus says “All power/authority has been given unto me…” This is paramount because Jesus wants us to know that the One who commands us to preach the gospel is endowed with divine authority. We should not fear but we need to move in the power of that authority.

In 2014, a group of vibrant youth asked for an audience with the SID youth diretor to share with him what they do. The name of this group is “Gospel Commission.” The meeting was fruitful because it thrilled us to know that there are youth who voluntarily spread the gospel. Their document states: “Gospel commission (attached to Mowbray Seventh-day Adventist Church) is a team of young Seventh-day Adventist Christians in Cape Town, Johannesburg and East London who generously invest their time, gifts and treasure in order to take the whole gospel to the whole world.”

The mission statement of the youth ministries department propels us to “lead youth into a saving relationship with Jesus and help them embrace His call to discipleship.” Youth with their vigor, gifts and talents, are able to set their communities ablaze in the name of Jesus. We are elated to get reports of youth who catch this vision and impact the lives of other youth in their communities.

May God bless our youth and may the example of those who are “not ashamed of the gospel” spur others to do likewise.

More than your talent, God needs your willingness.

Eighteen year old Sihe Khumalo, wrote the following on his Facebook wall to his friends: “So the coolest thing happened to me on Friday... I was at my gogo’s (grandmother’s) place in a township called ‘Temba’ in Hammanskraal. I decided to take my guitar and chair outside (near the gate) just to play a few songs. As I was playing a huge group of children (about 20 or 25 of them) ran to me and asked me to play a few songs for them. I played a few church choruses I knew and asked them if they knew any church songs. An idea then

Editor’s note: Sihe Khumalo is currently a theology student at Helderberg College.

Stewardship in the Context of Revival and Comprehensive Evangelism For the past years, revival and comprehensive evangelism have become the mobilization cry in the Adventist milieu worldwide. And it is a performing stewardship ministry that facilitates the effective implementation of these two emphases.

It will bring result, because it is Christ’s Method. However, the full and sustainable implementation of Comprehensive Evangelism depends on the following: (i) More dedicated people to Mission, (ii) More activated talents, aptitudes and skills, (iii) More financial resources. Otherwise Comprehensive Evangelism will at best be an event or we will remain within the old paradigm where evangelism is synonymous to putting a speaker behind the pulpit.

1. An appeal to be a faithful steward is, in essence, an appeal for revival and reformation. It is our appeal to encourage faithfulness as a lifestyle and the culture of each member.

This challenge lies within the scope of Stewardship. For decades, the Stewardship Ministries has specialized in mobilizing the resources that God has provided to His Church. The department fully adheres to these inspired words, “The work must not stop for want of means,” (Counsels on Stewardship, p. 40) and considers it to be one of its responsibility. Wherever leaders prioritize a performing Stewardship Ministries… no church, no institution, in this territory, would fail to accomplish the Missio Dei because of scarcity of human and financial resources. An investment in a performing Stewardship Ministry, at all levels will nurture God’s people in faithfulness and facilitate the accomplishment of the final mission.

2. Comprehensive Evangelism is about “Reaching our community with the whole gospel for the whole person through the whole Church.” We believe in the abundant outcome of comprehensive evangelism.

* Consult for more stewardship materials 14

I was baptized on the first day i went to church My ministry has been richly blessed by God. Already, with the help of God, the Holy Spirit used me to lead 40 people to baptism. I am just a trader in the Municipal Market, used to sewing clothing. First, I started with a small group with my colleagues and this small group turned to eight people and started growing. Today, my husband and I have abandoned our work, i.e. , we have other people working for us and we devote ourselves full-time to missionary work. Our house is now transformed into a small church. God be praised for the 15 more people in our baptismal class. We are very happy and very grateful to God. I know that when we trust God and leave everything in His hands, he will surprise us.

Leyla Carvalho is 45 years old and lives in Riboque Capital – São Tomé. She has six children and is married with Helder Carvalho. This is her testimony: For a long time I was baptized in the Evangelical church and had a lot of passion for my religion, so much so that I influenced a lot of people to follow Jesus according to the light that I had. My older brother was a catechist in the Catholic church and while reading the Bible he found that the sabbath is a day of custody. Having become aware of this truth, he was baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist church. One fine day he told me the news and I said to him “you keep your Saturday but I am very well with my Sunday.” Except that I had no peace … I began to pray a great deal in this respect and studied the Bible alot. I discovered in the bible what my brother told me about. I was very puzzled, especially about the Sabbath.

“The formation of small companies as a basis of Christian effort has been presented to me by One who cannot err” Testimonies Volume 7, p. 22.

I had a meeting with Pastor Candido Jordan, Reverend of the Evangelical Church and asked him to show me from the Bible that Sunday must be guarded as a day to worship. He told me that I was being deceived by the devil and that should resist these thoughts. I asked God to lead me in the right way. I started to have a will to visit the Adventist Church but was always afraid until one day I was invited by a friend of mine to watch a baptism and it was then and there that I concluded that it was the opportunity that God was giving me. It was my first day in the Adventist church and I was moved by God’s Spirit through the solemnity of the ceremony and decided: “I will not leave this church without being baptized.” At first, the secretary of the church told me that it was not the practice of the church to just baptise people. They have to go through a baptismal class, etc. I was referred to Pastor Dias Marques, and explained my experience and journey with him. He consented even though it was not the normal practice. Today, I am baptized for five years and I am very happy in my local Seventh-day Adventist church.

The Gospel continues to Spread in Mozambique Long golden beaches, fascinating cultures and exotic animals welcome visitors to Mozambique. Some of the richest coral reefs are in Mozambique. There are over 1,200 species of fish that have been identified in the coastal waters of Mozambique. This beautiful land along Africa’s southeastern coast has had a painful past. But today, Mozambicans are hopeful about their future. The Adventist church is making a difference, through the power of God’s Word in giving hope to the people in this part of the world. Recently, • 103 souls where baptized in Nampula City • 75 souls where baptized in Agonia (district) – Tete province • 97 people where baptized in Quelimane • 57 people where baptized in Munhave -Beira.




“… This work cannot be without fruit…” On the 24th of October 2012, the traditional authorities of Kaphunga officially handed over a beautiful piece of land on which a church was to be built. In 2013, Maranatha International built a one day church structure for the Kaphunga SDA members, which has be transformed by the participation of church members. Smangele Shongwe, Project Manager for ADRA Swaziland (2007-2012), visited the KaPhunga Area in 2009 to monitor an ADRA HIV/AIDS project in the area. The project focuses on training of trainers in all aspects of HIV/AIDS. These trainers in turn train community based counsellors who in turn provide counselling activities to the respective communities. Currently the project has approximately 12,000 community based counsellors.

It was while she was doing her field visits in the KaPhunga Area that a bond of friendship developed between herself and the trainers and counsellors. Needless to mention that it was not long before these trainers and counsellors regarded Smangele as a sister in Christ. Smangele would visit them in their homes and pray with them. Annah Gwebu relates an incident when Smangele visited her home. “When Smangele came to my home one day and she found that my daughter was very sick. She looked at my daughter and immediately pointed out that she needs to be taken to the hospital in Manzini (approximately 52km away). She had come to do her routine visitations as her job requires but when she saw how desperate the situation was, she never thought twice but assisted immediately.” In 2011 the acting chief of Kaphunga came to meet with Pastor Gamedze, ADRA Swaziland Country Director to pursue the request raised by Smangele of having an Adventist presence in his chiefdom, since Kaphunga has been an un-entered area. Responding to the call, the first Bible study was conducted in April, 2012. “When I went to Kaphunga I was thinking that I will meet with about 6-8 people. To my amazement there were approximately 18 adults and youth,” added Nkhanyiso. An evangelistic campaign was conducted in 2013 by Pastor Nkhanyiso Gamedze and 28 precious souls were baptised. The Manzini Region Adventist Community Services (ACS) members visited Kaphunga on the 9th to the 11th of September, 2012.Their mission was to strengthen the work the church is doing in the community. ACS members distributed clothing and shoes to the needy communities. The chief greatly appreciated the kind gesture extended to the community by the church. He then invited the church to come to his community again to assist the poor.


Today, a new Bible study group has started, approximately 4km from Kaphunga SDA church.The group meets on Wednesdays. A few members from Kaphunga church join the new study group on Wednesdays. An evangelistic campaign for this community is planned for the 2nd quarter of 2015. Given the pattern of Kaphunga, we can already praise the Lord for what He is about to do in the new area. The story of Kaphunga SDA church illustrates that meeting people at their point of need, bears more fruitful results. It also shows that a genuine interest in people and unity of believers for the mission of the church will yield a result beyond expectation. Indeed, “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, ‘Follow Me.’” . . . “Accompanied by the power of persuasion, the power of prayer, the power of the love of God, this work will not, cannot, be without fruit” (The Ministry of Healing, pp. 143, 144).

AN ALL- INCLUSIVE CHURCH The church in SID is about going to where the people are. In many isolated and un-entered areas of our division, Global Mission pioneers share the good news and the results are amazing. While we reach out to others, we are committed to the nurture and retention of our children and youth. We believe that everybody, no matter who they are, what they do or where they’re from deserves the opportunity to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. And, as Christians, it’s what we’ve been called to do. Therefore no one is left out of ADRA’s reach in SID. Since 1964, Meals on Wheels Community Service has been inspiring Hope and sharing love with every meal served. Reaching out to destitute and vulnerable elderly and children, MOW, owned and operated by the Seventhday Adventist church, with 512 service centers throughout Southern Africa (mostly operated by volunteers), believes in working to reduce poverty as an important part of Christian Social responsibility. Recognised by governments as a credible faith-based organisation with the mission to alleviate poverty, Meals on Wheels continue to serve millions of meals each year.

ADVENTIST EDUCATION Historically, adventist education has been the channel our pioneers used to spread the gospel. And today the tradition continues in SID. With more than 149 high schools, 249 primary schools and 12 institutions of higher learning, the spirit of Adventist Education is kept alive. As young people graduate from our institutions and enter the job market, governments and leaders recognise the unique contribution Adventist Education is making to improve the communities of SID and raising the credibility of the SDA church in this region.


ADVENTIST EDUCATION REVIVED IN SAO TOME In 2007 ADRA partnered with the local Mission to build an Adventist School by faith.

The school was named COLEGIO INTERNACIONAL COSME SANTOS DA MOTA (Cosme Santos da Mota International College) (CIC) in respect to the first Adventist Pastor that Sao Tome and Principe produced. We received funding from the Division (SID), Mrs Joanne Ratsara, wife of the Division President, One of our Churches in Brazil and REACH International UK.

During part of the colonial era, the Adventist Mission in Sao Tome and Principe operated a mission school which, at that time, was the only alternative that was available for the Nationals to acquire western education. Sadly, after the country’s independence in 1975 the Mission school was nationalized, and was only returned to the church many years later. It was not in the same condition and had to be demolished. But the seeds which the school sowed refused to be demolished as Sao Tomeans continued to remember with love and eternal gratefulness the role played by the Adventist mission school in the education of their people. The current Mission President, Pastor Jose Manuel Dias Marques, is one of many who accepted the Advent message while studying in the school.

It took us seven years to complete, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the commitment and dedication of the Country Director of ADRA Portugal Mr João Martins and The Portuguese Brethren, whom God gave the idea to in the first place, the Euro African Division who believed in the power of Adventist education, Elder Olinto Costa who is the Director of Educational Department for his innumerable sacrifices and contribution. Past and present ADRA STP Country Directors, Pastor Gilberto Araujo the Vice President of SID, whom God used to open the doors for funding to finish the school, Pastor and Mrs Ratsara for making it possible for the Sao Tome Adventist School to become a reality. We are also grateful to the government of Sao Tome and Principe for their love for ADRA and the Adventist Church, Pastor Dias Marques and all the Mission’s administrators, the Brethren in Sao Tome and Principe and the German Embassy in the Country and others too numerous to mention.

A suggestion was made by some of our Portuguese brothers through ADRA Portugal to ADRA STP and the Local Mission to build an Adventist school, it was divine providence. The President of the Country authorized 44, 318 Sq meters of prime land, just 2 kms from the Presidential office for the school. Construction began with just 4000 Euros which was a donation from the Brethren from Portugal, which was enough to build just one classroom but then we wanted to build a seven-classroom block plus a Bathroom and an Admin block. God opened more sources of funding for the school through ADRA Portugal, the Euro-African Division and the Germany Embassy for Gabon and Sao Tome and Principe, and we were able to build the school to up to 75% completion with their help.

While there is still more to do in the school, we know that God will continue to lead and guide and bless His work and children. Ugochukwu Austin Nwachukwu Country Director ADRA - Sao Tome and Principe


Adventist College in Mauritius The Adventist College in Mauritius,founded in 1949 by Dr Henri Evard, is a Private Secondary School owned by the Adventist Diocese. The school caters for 800 students who come from different ethnic groups and different religions. The school philosophy aims at preparing young people to serve in this life and in the life to come, and in line with this philosophy, the school curriculum is prepared in a way to provide a wholistic education to the learners. All throughout the year, activities are organised to develop the students spiritually, intellectually, physically, morally and socially. The spiritual programme includes: morning devotionals, a spiritual retreat each year, a pathfinders’ club for students of lower forms, a week of Education and a week of prayer in September. The week of Education aims at promoting Christian living, and in 2013, several departments organised exhibitions based on Adventist Education. The Art and Design department decided to paint the fruits of the Spirit on the walls of the school whereas the Sociology department organised a debate on the importance of teaching values in school. It is worth mentioning that the Food Studies exhibition had as theme’Back to Eden’ and students prepared healthy foods using fruits, cereals and vegetables. The school Administrators seized the opportunity to invite all parents of students to visit the exhibitions and to appreciate the talents of their children. The appreciations were recorded in a visitors’ book.

At Adventist College, the school Chaplain contributes greatly to the spiritual development of the students. In 2013, the Chaplain, Pastor A. Moorooven used the school garden to conduct Bible classes and prayer groups. Students with behavorial problems daily met him there to be advised. The Chaplain even paid visits at home to pray with the parents. The outreach programme was a way to spread the Word of God and eventually many parents attended spiritual crusades held in Adventist churches that same year. These activities still form part of the school routine and contribute to mould the character of the students. ‘Let thy light shine’ is the school motto and ‘let the word of God dwell in you’ is the school song written by Dr Derek Morris, which is sung during the morning worship. By creating such environment in school, Leaders and Educators help young people meet the challenges of life. Students attending the Adventist College need great support and guidance and it is a blessing to have all these spiritual activities alongside with the academic programme. May God keep blessing this institution. Dhanie Auguste Education Department (Manager of Adventist College)

Third Phase of One Year in Mission in the SID

• Involve youth in the mission of the church • Encourage youth to be part of the Mission to the Cities • Make Mission part of youth culture

Alveena Pillay, with the support and sponsorship of the GC and SID, helped to train 7 youth coming from their unions. After their graduation, the 7 youth came out of the training zealous for evangelism. They are ready to implement the third phase of OYiM in their unions. The SID is ready to send funds ($8,000) to each union that implements third phase of OYiM. Botswana union has just started their OYiM program and we know that other unions will follow suit. We hope and trust that this program will reach conferences in 2016 and eventually the local churches. Let us pray for the unction of the Holy Spirit to guide and propel our youth in Mission.

For three months (July-September) in 2014, the SID OYiM facilitator,

Pastor Busi Khumalo: OYiM Co-ordinator - SID

One Year in Mission (OYiM) is a program that encourages youth to engage in evangelism. The GC youth ministries department set the ball rolling by training 14 youth from around the world.The purpose of this training was to empower and resource these to go back to their divisions and train others. The objectives of OYiM are:


Paramount Chief turns to Christ

Chief Tjihange decided to search for the truth and determined to live his life according to the truth he has found in Jesus. After a lot of questions by the Chief brother Kamati assured him that he is not alone as there are other people who belong to this church and he promised the chief that one day he will introduce him to the pastor of his church and the chief wanted to meet with the pastor so that he could ask more about this truth.

At the beginning of this quinquenium the SDA world church launched “Hope for Big Cities” with the purpose of reaching thousands of people living in the mega-suburbs with the Gospel. The SID was not an exception. Most of the big cities were targeted with the Advent message. As a result thousands of souls were baptized. While targeting big cities on one hand… the Adventist Mission department focused its attention towards the small tribes in un-entered areas (villages). One of the remarkable events was the conversion of the paramount Himba chief. Chief Uezuvanyo Tjihange is in his 70s, has one wife and five children, three girls and two boys. He lives 155 km from Opuwo in the Northwestern of Namibia. It all started in November 2012 when Mr Kamati met the Chief at his village, Okovihona.

In January 2013, Ps Kapitango,(Adventist Mission co-ordinator among the Himba) met brother Kamati and shared their experiences. In February 2013, the chief arrived in Opuwo because his wife was sick (possessed by spirits) and he met Pastor Kapitango. PS Kapitango shared the message of Rev 12:7-10 and the Chief began to understand about the controversy between God and Satan. This was the beginning of his struggle between him and his family… whether to follow traditional practices or not. He was determined to stand for the truth. Threatened with abandonment by his family, he did not give-up but still asked the church to go to his homestead and bless his home.

Searching for work, Brother Kamati got a job of digging a well for the chief. Kamati did not hide his identity as an Adventist and he worked faithfully everyday but on Sabbath he remembered his Creator and worshipped Him. It was on one Sabbath that he invited the chief under the tree so that they could worship together and he told the chief that he will not work today as it was a day of worship. Brother Kamati shared with the chief the truth about the second coming in Matthew 24. This news caught the attention of the chief and he wanted to know more about Jesus and about the things that will happen before His coming.

The chief is now a baptized member of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Since his baptism in May 2014, Chief Tjihange is no longer afraid of the “spirits” and “ancestors” and is busy evangelizing his family and his people. “We praise God because he is the first ever Himba paramount chief to be converted into Adventism.” Pastor Justino Paulo, SID Global Mission Pioneer Director. Yes, the Lord Lord is using ordinary people, spread the good news. Indeed, there is greater hope for the Himba-Herero people.

MARCH 2016


ADRA and USAID launch ASOTRY Press Release: ADRA and USAID launch ASOTRY, a $37 million food security program targeting 264,380 beneficiaries in southern Madagascar over five years. ADRA Madagascar Patrice Charpentier 033 15 111 57 /

Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) will lead the ASOTRY consortium, consisting of ADRA, Land O’Lakes International Development, and Association Intercooperation Madagascar. All three implementing partners have years of experience working in food security. ASOTRY is ADRA Madagascar’s fourth major USAID-funded food security project. After 20 years of implementing programs in food security, health and nutrition, livelihoods, and emergency management, ADRA is well acquainted with the context and factors that contribute to food insecurity in Madagascar. “ADRA’s theory of change is centered around holistic development,” said Imad Madanat, vice president of programs for ADRA International. “To address the underlying causes of poverty and malnutrition, it is critical that we implement an integrated, multi-sectorial program. In keeping with ADRA’s core values, ASOTRY will help some of the most vulnerable communities in Madagascar.”

ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar: On January 26, ADRA and USAID launched ASOTRY, a five-year food security program targeting 264,380 beneficiaries in 32 communes in Amoron’i Mania, Haute Matsiatra, and Atsimo Andrefana. Directly preceding the official launch, project staff and various government ministries participated in a workshop to establish the basis for their collaboration during the life of the project. ASOTRY, which means “harvest” in Malagasy, is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Over the life of the project, USAID will provide $37 million and more than 8,500 MT of food to promote food security in vulnerable households. In Madagascar, 83% of households either experience food insecurity or are vulnerable to it. More than 90% of the population lives on less than $2 USD per day, and more than 50% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition, all of which was exacerbated by the recent political crisis in 2009. ASOTRY will reduce food insecurity and vulnerability through three components: improving health, nutrition, and sanitation; increasing livelihoods and agricultural production; and building resilience through disaster preparedness and improving infrastructure. In addition, all project activities will address the cross-cutting issues of gender equality, environmental protection, and good governance. Adventist

“This press release is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the ASOTRY Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.”

“Happy People know the right Button to click”

whet the appetite of Gamers. Following the success of the first game, Elder Lovejoy T. Gutu invested in a weekly national radio broadcast where listeners experience the app live-on-air leading to mass downloading and active interaction with the game. Invitations to other different churches and schools has also raised awareness and interest in Bible reading.

Smile Weekly Bible Challenge is an interesting android platform bible game that has been developed by a youth Elder, Lovejoy Tafadzwa Gutu, from Harare, Zimbabwe. It is his second bible game development following The DIGEST bible truths game he developed in 2014, and was recognized for the efforts by the Communication Department of the SID at the successful Communications and IT summit in March 2014, in Pretoria.

It is his wish that this game goes viral in the whole continent and the motivation of the elder is “Happy People know the right button to click”. The SID is excited about this development and commend Lovejoy Gutu for this creative initiative while we hope that many will continue to be strengthened in the faith and inspired to read the Bible.

Smile Weekly Bible Challenge is a multiple choice based biblical app that has a timer to increase the participation and zeal of the participant. It is structured in different levels with 25 questions for each level. For you to progress to the next level you need to, at least, earn 70% at your current level. Every fortnight more questions are uploaded onto the platform to 23

Seychelles, Ministry of Health thank Seventh-day Adventist Church

regular blood donation has indeed given life to those who were in distress.Thanks to your caring action. Your kind and caring action will also serve as an example for others. You have done a service to the nation and our cause by donating blood. We express our deepest gratitude to you for your support and continued cooperation to help those in need. On behalf of the “Health Care Agency” of the Ministry of Health, I hereby want to extend our deepest thanking to you all for donating blood at the Seychelles Hospital. SDA Church is a leading organization in the field of social services and welfare of people. We rely on the help of volunteers like you for our initiaves and blood campaigns. Without your kind support we are not able to achieve our needs to the demand of blood. SDA church has been in the fore front in the recruitment of blood donors and blood donation through their church members and families. Your

We extend a special thank you to all of the donors who rolled their sleeves on 21st March 2015 and the coordinators who worked tirelessly to make it happen. Thanks to their generosity, Blood transfusion Centre (BTC) was able to collect 14 units of the precious resource, which helps saves lives every day at Seychelles Hospital and Praslin Hospital. With Warm Regards, Mr. Prosper Kinabo Director, Clinical Pathology Laboratory Health Care Agency, Ministry of Health

Zambia Union Holds Literature Ministry Seminary Graduation evangelists in the Division, out of the almost five thousand LE’s in SID, one thousand six hundred belong to Zambia Union. God bless the publishing ministries in Zambia and the team of publishing ministries leaders. By God’s grace these equipped soldiers will go out and do it “like never before.”

94 Literature Evangelists graduated on October 26, 2014 from Zambia Union Conference (ZBUC) Literature Ministry Seminary. The colorful graduation took place in Kabwe, Zambia. ZBUC president and Publishing Chairman Dr Harrington S. Akombwa and Pastor Super Moesi, SID Publishing Director graced the ceremony. We thank God for our visionary leadership of ZBUC LMS Director Pastor Nelson M. Simweemba who is also the ZBUC publishing director. Zambia has the highest number of literature

Ephraim Mutoya 24

20 years …

and still going stronger The year 2015 has been declared the 20th Anniversary of the existence of the Women’s Ministries Department. The establishment of the department was a struggle. It took some years to convince brothers and sisters of what the department was and what it was not. But in 20 years, with God’s help and blessings, the department has come far. We rejoice at what women are doing in the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division as God gives them wisdom, strength, joy, and courage to press forward. At the GC Session Women’s Meetings we will be celebrating the anniversary. But all levels of the church have been given the opportunity to celebrate during the year. The graphics for the 20th anniversary design have been sent to all the union Women’s Ministries Directors. This includes the banner design, a button design, and PPT designs. The church is encouraged to celebrate the anniversary at all women’s events (congresses, retreats, Midyear meetings, worship etc.) It is also a wonderful time for the women to affirm the previous and new leaders at every level of the church for their hard work and pioneering spirit. The department of Women’s ministries would like to thank all administrators and members for support and hard work, for without such, the department would not be the same. Indeed, Women Ministries has come to the kingdom for such a time as this.

TOTAL PARTICIPATION Rima is 6 years old and diligently preaches the gospel in Madagascar as he has been for the past two years. Encouraged by his mother, he is used to lead young and old to Christ. In SID, there are regular preaching seminars conducted for children to sharpen their calling and equip them with homiletical skills. Armed with the Bible, blessed with a good memory and encouraged by his mother, Rima stands tall as he preaches the Word. Yes, while child preachers are a growing phenomenon in SID, the total participation emphasis of the church should not surprise you as you witness an inspiring example demonstrating that it is not too late to serve the Lord. Three years ago, he was the most active centenarian and today at 113 years old and still hopeful to see Jesus, Brother Jato Mailose Sibanda is the world’s oldest active pathfinder, and preacher in the Seventh-day Adventist church faithfully pointing the way to Christ. Advocating a vegetarian diet, regular exercise, good attitude and consistent trust in the Word of God, Brother Jato Mailose Sibanda continues to inspire a deeper commitment in the hearts of young and old for the three angels’ message.


SID Secretaries Trained In any organisation, the administrators and support staff have a variety of challenging roles and responsibilities. Hence, on the 4th & 5th of March 2015, the SID secretaries were trained on how to effectively provide administrative support in the office. They were also trained on how to plan & prioritize their workload and handle confrontational & difficult situations. They learned why it is imperative to have good filing systems & other strategies that the secretaries found useful in their line of work. Since most of the secretaries have more than one department, Tanya Welling – Rossow focused on time management & colour coding systems to assist the secretaries to prioritize. Mildred Toka SID – Secretary Communication Department

Sisters For Christ is an inspired vision, given for the training, mentoring, and empowerment of today’s young ladies. It is designed to make a positive difference in a young lady’s life “… That our daughters may be of graceful beauty like the pillars of a palace wall…” Psalms 144:12 (TLB). Established by the General Conference Women’s Ministries Department in 2006 and accordingly adopted by the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division in 2007, the time has come when it has to benefit the young girls in our territory. It is a new day in the Southern Africa Union Conference and in particular the Kwa-Zulu Natal Conference, where a retreat organized by Mrs. Sibongile Mkize, Women’s Ministries Director of the conference and was attended by over 100 young women ages 10 – 18 from March to 27 to 29 March 2015. Mrs. Zodwa Kunene, Union Director of the Southern Africa Union served as a facilitator. One of the highlights of the retreat was to witness the young women making a pledge to be virgins until they get married and that they were going to support each other in this regard. It was thrilling to see them with crowns and candles signifying they are daughters of the King and they would keep their lights shining. With the scourge of falling values and veneral diseases, Sisters for Christ is a ministry in the right direction. We encourage other unions to nurture and mentor the young girls. May each Union be a safe place for our girls. Zodwa Kunene Director: Women’s Ministries, Southern Africa Union Conference.



Zambia Union Conference, under the leadership of Sr. Beatrice Mwandila, held their first women’s prayer conference under the theme ‘On the Wings of Prayer’ from March 4 to 7 2015 at Kafakumba in Ndola, with more than 500 participants. The objective was to help women enhance their prayerlives and have a lasting communion with God. The facilitators were the General Conference Associate Women’s Ministries Director, Sr. Raquel Arrais and the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division


Women’s Ministries Director, Sr. Caroline Chola. Dr. Harrington Akombwa, President of the Zambia Union Conference narrated the history of the department of Women’s Ministries in Zambia and encouraged the women not to have any fears because the department was organized by the church to nurture, empower and encourage women to serve their Lord in many areas. The feedback from the attendees is that they were spiritually fed and nurtured and those who came for the first time had their eyes opened to the objective of the Women’s ministries Department. Beatrice Mwandila: Women’s Ministries Director Zambia Union Conference

SBC Celebrates 10 years – Toiling for Eternity

Minister of Education Skills and Development, Hon. Moiseraela Goya, as she applauded the Adventist church for being a professionally organised church with members from various skills such as lawyers, medical doctors, district commissioners, and teachers, among others.

As the year 2015 started, the mood of celebration and appreciating was heard throughout the South Botswana Conference (SBC). More than 3000 saints from local churches, regional, and across borders gathered to celebrate 10 years of growth; from Field to Conference, and to appreciate the pastors for the Godly work they perform in society.

When charging the pastors, the Executive Secretary of Botswana Union Conference, Dr. Henry Rakwena, encouraged the pastors to stay at the Cross, where their strength is gained.

“The Seventh-day Adventist church is one of the oldest among those referred to as mainline churches of this country. It is one of those that have helped to develop this country from the very early days when resources were much scantier than they are today,” said Assistant

Kagiso Motlhaapula


Encouraging each member to work for the salvation of just one soul… SID continues to train newly baptised members in our very own “fishers of men” initiative, under the banner: One Member - One Soul. From big cities to smaller islands, Fishers of men is proving to be pivotal in orienting newly baptised members in soul-winning. Fishers of men is an initiative of the SID to train newly baptised members into responsible soul-winning disciples.

“Every person’s conversion experience is a testimony to be shared and every person’s decision to follow Christ through baptism is an exclamation to be a fisher of men… working for souls, like the Master” 27

Pastor Mutemwa (L) and pastor Siamaundu (R) ba ptizing candidates durin g Kitwe for Chris t Campaign last Ye ar.

Pastor Sakala baptizing a candidate during Kitwe for Christ campaign last Year.

Missionary Literature Evangelists lead 58 souls to watery grave in Zambia

Zambia Union Conference publishing ministries department embarked on a missionary Literature Evangelist project in January 2014. Within a period of nine months, the missionary literature evangelists’ (under the guidance of the Holy Spirit) opened eight Sabbath school branches. This resulted in the baptism of fifty-eight precious souls. Nelson Simweemba

One Missionary book of the Year brings nine people to Christ In Madagascar, sister RASOAFARA Juliette, received a copy of: “When God Said Remember” by Mark Finley from a church member. After reading the book she lost her job over requesting free Sabbaths. Her husband read the book and had a similar experience. The book circulated among the families of the relatives of the couple and by December 2014, nine relatives had been baptized in the Seventh-day Adventist Church while the book continues to preach the word. Only the heavens can tell the extent of the impact of this book. The good news is that the couple is now full time literature evangelists as well as their daughter who lost her job when she requested Sabbath off. May the good Lord bless their commitments and ministry with great success. by Super Moesi

“There are many who will not be converted until they READ the truth for themselves.” 28

Chikuma Mission Chikuma is a new mission center that was established in January this year. It has about 100 acres of land and a river within. For many years this area has just been a forest without any deployment or activity. The Government donated this land with a condition of bringing development. A week after commencing development, one military general offered to make the first road that led to the mission center. The Military has also been assisting in the transportation of materials and many people have been giving donations in order for this mission center to be a success. This area had neither health center nor school, the closest health center is about 30 to 50 kilometers from here.The starting of the center in this area has brought joy among the community. One nurse, Daniel Pena, has been travelling everyday to the mission station on his motor cycle and has eventually decided to camp permanently to help the needy. Currently, a basic medical center has been established with a camping tent. Surprisingly, many people prefer to be treated in this tent, despite the challenging conditions and make-shift environment. More than 30 patients visit this place everyday, while others are admitted right there and sleep either in tents or under trees while they wait to be attended to. The people in the community believe that there is better healing in the mission center than going to hospitals. A school has also been opened for the children and currently there are 52 pupils of which 10 are boarding without hostels. Constructional structures have already begun and it’s moving at a fast rate. We praise God for the sacrifice and mission-minded stewards.


Seventh-day Adventist Church Response to the recent Xenophobic Attacks in South Africa

The Bible commands and conditions us how we should treat one another. ”If a foreigner lives with you in your land, you are not to mistreat/oppress/ him. Foreigners living among you must be treated like your own people. Love them as you love yourself…” Leviticus 19: 33,34. (an excerpt from the official statement issued by the Southern Africa Indian Ocean Division)

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Southern Africa Indian Ocean region is outraged by the recent xenophobic attacks against foreign nationals in South Africa. There is no justifiable reason to warrant the senseless violence and prejudice bringing shame to a new and free democratic South Africa. To embrace true freedom means to renounce a spirit of domination, abuse or violence against people. Without reservation, our Leadership and almost 3.5 million members in Southern Africa condemn all these senseless and horrendous acts of violence and hatred which has also affected members of our church.

To read the full statement visit:

Divide to Multiply

and at the same time facilitates easy nurturing of members. With the evangelistic thrust of Zimbabwe Union and its commitment to spread the gospel to everyone as efficiently as possible, we may conclude that when the church re-aligns itself, through strategic leadership … it is in effect a “divide to multiply” phenomenon.

The Zimbabwe Union Conference (ZUC), reorganised its three conferences into six new conferences in December 2014. The realignment came as a result of growth in membership of the church, which resulted in West Zimbabwe Conference (WZC) being split into South and West Zimbabwe Conferences (SZC and WZC), East Zimbabwe Conference (EZC) into North and East Zimbabwe Conferences (NZC and EZC), and Central Zimbabwe Conference into North-West and Central Zimbabwe Conferences (NWZC and CZC). The realignment sessions were chaired by Pastor Micah Choga, who is currently the president of ZUC. Amongst the people who attended the sessions were Pastor Paul Ratsara, president of the Southern AfricaIndian Ocean Division of SDAs, and his wife, Joanne Ratsara, and the pastors from the Union and Conference levels. Realignment sessions in the SDA Church is a process of dividing organisational structures into smaller ones as this enables growth, 30

“Missiologists and church growth specialists have always looked suspiciously at explosive church growth in Africa, citing that nurture and retention will be neglected. With restructuring and realignment, this concerned is adequately addressed as a progressive step in the right direction” Dr Paul Charles, SID Communication. Mbongeni Zondo

God speaks to you … you speak to God “Born in the East and clothe in Oriental form and imagery, the Bible walks the ways of all the world with familiar feet and enters land after land to find its own everywhere. It has learned to speak in hundreds of languages to the heart of man. It comes into the palace to tell the monarch that he is the servant of the Most High, and into the cottage to assure the peasant that he is a Son of God.” Scripture is far more than a collection of ancient documents in which the words of God are preserved. It is not a kind of museum in which God’s word is exhibited behind glass like a relic or fossil. On the contrary, it is a living word to living people from the Living God, a contemporary message for the contemporary world. A deaf church is a dead church: that is an unalterable principle. God quickens, feeds, inspires and guides His people by His Word. For whenever the Bible is truly and systematically expounded, God uses it to give His people the vision without which we perish! Read your Bible … trapped in those words is the power of God, waiting to be unleashed in the lives of those who submit to it. “There is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than the study of the Scriptures. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible. If God’s word were studied as it should be, men would have a breadth of mind, a nobility of character, and a stability of purpose rarely seen in these times. Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ, p. 90.

When we read the Bible, God speaks … A person who spends time listening to God (reading the Bible), is drawn into a relationship with Him and would want to talk with God. Prayer is talking to God, the God, who made man and woman with the capacity to hear Him respond. Whatever else Jesus demonstrated in Gethsemane, He proved that prayer is the most awesome human experience available to men and women. Whatever happened to Jesus during these long, dew drenched hours in the garden can happen to you and me whenever the light flickers and the mooring ropes begin to slip in our lives. In prayer, man is linked with God, and in that union Satan is baffled and beaten. Prayer is not for defense. The shield of faith is for that. Prayer is our secret weapon. Satan would have us increase in Bible knowledge, as long as we keep from prayer. Prayer miraculously bonds finite souls with their infinite Creator. Prayer is spiritual adhesive. Bonded with the heavenly Father, believers transcend their earthly natures and sinful tendencies. This transformation separates them from the world.

Revival delays because Prayer decays!























Country Angola Ascension Island

Population 24 383 301 1 532

Language Portuguese


22 155 784


79 800

Comorian / Arabic French

2 067 000

English / Sesotho


22 005 222

Malagasy / French


16 407 000

English / Chichewa


Mauritius Mozambique

1 261 208 23 929 708

English / Setswana


2 113 077


840 974


Sâo Tomé & Principe

192 993

Portuguese / Forro Angolar / Principense


92 000 54 002 000

St Helena

5 809


1 106 000

Tristan de Cunha

(SID) is the newest of the world church’s regions, covering much of Africa and island nations in the Indian Ocean. More than 150 million people live in this division, and



South Africa

The Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division


English / Afrikaans German

there are more than 3.4 million Seventh-day Adventist Church members. That is a ratio of about one Adventist for every 72 people.

English / French Seychellois Creole English / Zulu / Afrikaans Southern Sotho Northern Sotho Southern Ndebele Swazi / Tsonga Tswana / Venda /Xhosa English English / Swati




14 309 466



12 973 808

English / Chewa Chibarwe / Kalanga Koisan / Tsoa / Nambya Ndau / Ndebele Shangani / Shona Sotho Tonga / Tswana Venda Xhosa







395 122






North-Eastern Angola


184 029

197 671

189 793

156 853

162 673

South-Western Angola


225 108

225 615

242 016

254 592

255 086

Sao Tome & Principe






6 142

Botswana Union

30 852

32 827

35 573

37 557

40 197

40 459

Indian Ocean

123 870

139 494

132 897

131 295

141 925

143 288

Malawi Union

352 982

381 784

408 798

429 292

452 994

453 657

Mozambique Union

266 839

284 807

297 900

313 080

327 052

329 466

Southern Africa Union

126 175

131 595

143 302

149 899

156 269

158 262


718 759

772 929

830 368

903 326

1006 957

1 023 576


663 613

700 779

732 827

766 079

803 521

807 306

Angola Union

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