Stewardship Study Guide for Prospective Members

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“And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.� 2 Corinthians 5:15

A St e wa r d s h i p St u dy G u i d e f o r P ro s p ec t i v e M e m b e r s

Dear Bible Instructors We praise God for your ministering unto people – teaching and leading them into the whole truth. Our desire for our prospective members is to be adequately trained in Stewardship. We are moved by these inspired words: “The Lord designed to bring man into close relationship with Himself and into sympathy and love with his fellow men by placing upon him responsibilities in deeds that would counteract selfishness and strengthen his love for God and man.” (Testimonies for the Church, Vol.3, p. 393) As an instructor you are fulfilling a crucial role. This booklet “Created and Redeemed as Stewards” is one of the recommended tools that will help us to reach our common objective. It contains three lessons that provide the basic education for the life of a Christian steward. The format of each lesson follows a layout of questions and answers. You are encouraged to relate these answers provided, within context of your contents. May the blessings as for the faithful servant, rest upon you. Sincerely,

Aniel Barbe

Stewardship Ministries Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division



of fortunate coincidences. Someone can claim right of ownership over humanity.

What is it to be a human? This is a question that all humans are asking or need to ask. The absence of a clear answer creates confusion and causes an identity crisis. When this situation prevails, it affects the quality of life of the individual. This lesson leads us to understand our true original identity and vocation. Also, how these were affected by sin, and redeemed by Christ.

2. Read Genesis 1:27b. What information is present in this part of the verse? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ If we are made into God’s image, it is implied that God is our Model. We are created to be the reflection of His reality. 3. Read Genesis 1:29. How did God relate to the first human beings? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ God did not place human beings in a desert. It was not His intention that they should struggle to survive in earning a living. Humanity has a Provider.

Part I: Our Affiliations with God If we want to understand our true identity, we need to clarify the affiliations, the relations, that exist between us and our Maker. The creation account brings to light some afilliations that exist between humanity and God. 1. Read Genesis 1: 27a. What information is contained in this passage? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Humanity has a Creator. We are neither the product of evolution, nor the product of a chain


4. Read Genesis 1:28. What were the instructions given to the first human beings? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Adam and Eve were created as free beings. This status does not mean the absence of instructions and directions from God. They did have a Master: Someone who taught them and in Whom they would trust and obey. _____________________________________ _____________________________________

5. Read Genesis 2:1-3. What does this passage tell us about how the parents of humanity spent their first day? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ The assignment given to them as keepers of the garden was an important one. One thing however, took precedence of their time: time for intimacy with God. Humanity has a Companion. The exploration of these basic affiliations between God and man leads to a fuller understanding of

the original identity and vocation of humanity: This table below provides the answer to our question: What is it to be a human? 6. Read Matthew 19: 8b. According to Jesus, what should serve as the reference point for humanity in all ages? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Jesus was pointing his contemporaries to the lost Eden. It offers the basic pattern for human’s life.

Who God is to Man

Man’s Original Identity and Vocation

The Creator

Be a creature

God provided for all

Be dependent upon God

God created humans in His image

A representative of God

God gave the Sabbath

Prioritize Relationship

God shared responsibilities with man

Be a partner in Service

Part II: Sin and Salvation with regard to the Original Purposes of Life 7. Read Genesis 3:5. What was the essence of the suggestion of the serpent to Eve? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ The invitation was for Adam and Eve to depart from God’s identity and vocation that He has set for their welfare. Their decision to deviate from their original

identity and vocation was the source of all troubles. With the passing of time, their departure from God’s original plan has deepen, and the same with confusion and their identity crisis. 8. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17. How did Christ restore humanity to the original? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ In Christ we are a new creature. 9. Read John 15:5. How did Christ restore

Man’s Original Identity and Vocation

“You shall be as gods”

Be a creature

Behave as our own creator

Be dependent upon God

No need of God

A representative of God

Represent yourselves

Prioritize Relationship

In conflict with God

Be a partner in Service

No order to receive


11. Read Corinthians 5:19. How did Christ restore humanity to the original? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ In Christ, contention is removed. We are reconciled with God.

humanity to the original? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ In Christ, we are the branches dependent upon the divine stem. 10. Read Romans 8:29 and Colossians 1:15. How did Christ restore humanity to the original? _____________________________________ _____________________________________

12. Read Acts 1:8b. How did Christ restore humanity to the original? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ In Christ, we have another possibility to partner for service with God. 13. Read 1 Peter 1:18. How does Peter describe the salvation that we have received? _____________________________________ _____________________________________

In Christ, we acquire once more the image of the Father.

Humanity was saved from the “empty way of life” which we inherited since Adam and Eve had yielded to the suggestion of the devil to depart from their original identity and vocation.

Part III: Application of Original Identity and Vocation to the Management of Resources

A creature is one who worships God with his or her resources.

14. Read Romans 1:25. What is the responsibility of creatures? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ The foremost responsibility of creatures is to worship God. 15. Read Matthew 2: 1, 2 and 11. What can we learn from the way the wise men worshipped Jesus? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 5

“The productions of the earth, the bountiful harvests, the treasures of gold and silver, are His gifts. Houses and lands, food and clothing, He has placed in the possession of men. He asks us to acknowledge Him as the Giver of all things…“ Counsels on Stewardship, p.80

Seeking to establish and maintain a relationship with God should have precedence over the quest of possession. 19. Read Luke 19:8. What else should have priority over possession? _____________________________________ _____________________________________

16. Read 1 Chronicles 29:14. How was King David expressing that God is the Giver of everything? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ He returned a portion of his belongings to God to acknowledge that God was his provider. 17. Read Matthew 19:21. According to Jesus, how can we reflect the perfection of God? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ God is love. Helping others with our resources is a divine appointed means for us to be the image of God. 18. Read Matthew 6:33. What should have priority over possession in our life? _____________________________________ _____________________________________

“By pouring the whole treasury of heaven into this world, by giving us in Christ all heaven, God has purchased the will, the affections, the mind, the soul, of every human being.” Christ’s Object Lessons, p 326


A relationship with others should precede the quest for possession on our priority list. 20. Read Luke 8:3. How did the women partner with Jesus in His ministry? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ We partner with God in mission, both by witnessing and by our resources Conclusion There is no reason for us to remain in confusion pertaining to our identity and vocation as human beings. Eden teaches us about God’s affiliation with humanity and provides the foundation for our identity and vocation. When these principles are applied to the management of our resources, and to other areas of our life, we shall enjoy the quality of life that God has in reserve for us. Decision: By the grace of God, I choose to live according to the original identity and vocation that God has established for my life.

In Response to God’s All Introduction

He provides each one with His best resources.

As a believer we usually respond to God’s love by worshipping Him and witnessing about His goodness. We are called not to limit ourselves to verbal responses. How we manage our God’s given resources is also an adequate expression of our response to God’s blessings. This lesson focuses on the management of three significant resources: Time, Talent and Treasure. Part I: General Guidelines for the Management of Our Resources 1. Read John 10:10. What is the design of God for His children? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ He wants us to live an abundant life, to have a fulfilled existence. 2. Read Matthew 25: 14. How does God ensure that His children enjoy a quality life? _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Part II: The Gift of Time 5. Read Psalms 90:10. What does this text tell us about the availability of time? _____________________________________ _____________________________________


3. Read Romans 12:1-2. What does Paul invite his readers to do in response to all that God has provided? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ The appropriate response to God’s mercies is to dedicate the totality of our life to Him. ALL should be submitted to Him. 4. Read Genesis 12:2. For which purpose did God bless Abraham, the father of all believers? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Blessed, we are called to be a blessing to others.

Time is not an unlimited resource. No one knows in advance about the value of one’s time capital. _____________________________________ _____________________________________

7. Read Ecclesiastes 12: 1. For which crucial activity should we use our time? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ The wise man invites us to devote quality time “days of our youth” to cultivate a relationship with God. Growing spirituality is a time-bound exercise. 6. Read Colossians 4:5 and Ephesians 5:16. Which attitude should we adopt about the present moment? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ We should make the most of the present time. Procrastination is not a wise practice.

Part III: Activate the Dormant Potential 9. Read Matthew 25. Which risk do we face concerning our God’s given potential? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Unused potential is like a huge ocean that has never been sailed. Many are living below their real capabilities, due to fears and uncertainties they harbour in their hearts. 10. Read Judges 6: 11-12. What does this passage tell us about the difference between actual and used potential? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ A mighty warrior was living as a hiding farmer. Our actual performance can be far away from what we are able to accomplish.


8. Read Psalm 90:12. How should we manage our time? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Time should be managed rigorously and mathematically. It should be apportioned systematically to our obligations.

11. Read 2 Timothy 1:6. What is the instruction that Paul is giving to Timothy? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ There is an invitation to acknowledge what one has received as potential and to use it to the maximum,“fan into flame.”

12. Read 2 Corinthians 9:6; Proverbs 10:4. What do these texts teach with regard to the law of success? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ The raw materials from God are of excellent quality.Their value can only become visible when they are used consistently.

“The question that most concerns us is not, How much have I received? but, What am I doing with that which I have?” Christ’s Object Lessons, p.329

15. Read Luke 14: 28. Which principle can we learn from this text about handling money? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ A spending plan is essential. It is also called a budget. Using money should not be left to impulse.

Part IV: Managing Money 13. Read 1 Chronicles 29:12 or Deuteronomy 8:18. Who is the source of wealth? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Riches can be of divine origin. One should not feel guilty because of abundant financial blessings. 14. Read Matthew 6:24. How can money become a dangerous resource for the believer? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ It has the capacity to compete with God to rule over our lives. However, each individual has the capacity to designate the king of his or her life.


16. Read Proverbs 19:2 and Proverbs 21:5. How do these passages warn against impulsive buying? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Commercials appeal to our senses. Critical thinking leads people to buy wisely and less. 17. Read 2 Kings 4: 1. Which form of mismanagement of money is described in this passage? What was the consequence? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Using others’ money to meet one’s obligations is a common phenomenon. The popularity of debts, credits and loans do not make it harmless to those involved.

18. Read Proverbs 6: 6-8. Which lesson can we learn from the ants concerning financial management? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Savings is an essential element of wise money management. It brings many benefits. 19. Read Genesis 41: 34, 36. Which practical plan was put in place to save the people from a severe crisis? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Savings is an inspired instruction from God. It is an answer before prayer to unexpected emergencies.

20. Read Acts 4:34. What were the first Christians able to achieve through savings? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Savings can take various forms. It provides the means for effective partnership in God’s service. Conclusion We are accountable for the use of God’s given resources. They provide us with the means to have a gratifying life, to honour God and to bless others.The decisive factor is not how much I have received but how am I managing my time, talent and treasure? Decision: I choose, with the assistance of Divine Wisdom, to properly manage my time, talents and treasure in harmony with God’s instructions.

“The only way in which we can redeem our time is by making the most of that which remains, by being co-workers with God in His great plan of redemption.” Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 342


Signs of Revival

Introduction Giving has always been a major element for worshippers of the true God. Two practices, tithing and offerings, were passed from one generation to another as expressions of God’s Lordship. This lesson shares the significance and value of these practices for believers. Part I: Act of Worship 1. Read Genesis 14: 17-20. What is the consequence presented in this passage about returning tithe? _____________________________________ _____________________________________


The natural reaction of Abram was to offer a tithe (10%) in response to the blessing of protection he received. The identified sequence is: Blessed, he gave tithe based on his increase.

4. Read Numbers 18: 21,26. What was the position of the Levites in regard to tithe? _____________________________________ _____________________________________

2. Read Genesis 28: 18-22. What was the context in which Jacob promised to return tithe (10%)? _____________________________________ _____________________________________

They were both recipients and givers of tithes. They received tithe from God, the Owner of tithe, and they returned a tithe to God, of what they received from Him.

Jacob was worshipping God for His goodness and his promise of returning tithe was part of this service. 3. Read Leviticus 27: 30-32. Which word is used by God to indicate the sacredness and the Owner of tithe? _____________________________________


The same word “Holy” is used for “Sabbath” and “Tithe”. Both are set apart for honouring God as Lord of time and of the material world.

5. Read Deuteronomy 16: 17. How were the believers suppose to express gratitude to God? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ They were supposed to decide and then to give a percentage “in proportion” of their blessings as offerings.

“He has placed in the hands of His servants the means wherewith to carry forward His work in home and foreign missions.” Review & Herald, December 23, 1890

Part II: Expression of Revival


6. Read 2 Chronicles 31: 5-8. How did the people express their recommitment to God? _____________________________________ _____________________________________

They wanted to know how they should demonstrate their return to God.

King Hezekiah initiated a revival in Israel, inviting the people to return to God. The culmination of this revival was a call to return faithful tithe and offerings. 7. Read Nehemiah 10:37-38. Which instruction was part of Nehemiah’s revival message? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ There is clear reference to the place where believers were supposed to bring tithe and offerings, to the “house of God.” 8. Read Malachi 1:6. What was the spiritual condition of God’s people during the time of Malachi? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ A rebellious nation who was not honouring God for who He is. 9. Read Malachi 3:7. How did the people respond to the call of the prophet to return to God? _____________________________________ 12

10. Read Malachi 3:10a. What was the sign of revival given to the people by Malachi? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Returning tithe and offerings to the house of God, also called “storehouse.” 11. Read Matthew 23:23. What is the teaching of Jesus concerning tithing in the absence of a genuine transformation?” _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Tithing cannot compensate for other deficiencies present in our spiritual life.

_____________________________________ The image used is one of a rainy day that is flooding everywhere. 14. Read Proverbs 3:9-10. What is the reward to those who give their best as offerings to God? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Part III: Windows for more blessings

He always finds a way to give us much more than what we had previously.

12. Read Matthew 14:17-21. What has happened to the bread and fish given to Jesus? _____________________________________ _____________________________________ The only food that Jesus could multiply was the basket that was given to Him. 13. Read Malachi 3:10b. How did Malachi describe the blessings that rest upon those who return the whole tithes to the storehouse? _____________________________________

Conclusion The revival of the spiritual life of the believer is incomplete in the absence of faithful tithing and offerings. Anyone who neglects these practices is penalizing himself from receiving new blessings from above. Decision: I choose to surrender all, to worship God including returning a faithful tithe and an appropriate offering.

“This matter of giving is not left to impulse. God has given us definite instruction in regard to it. He has specified tithes and offerings as the measure of our obligation.” Counsels on Stewardship, p. 80




S T E WA R D S H I P m i n i s t r i es d e pa r t m e n t S O U T H E R N A F R I CA - I N D I A N O C E A N D I V I S I O N 2 7 R eg e n cy D r i v e Ro u t e 2 1 C o r p o r at e Pa r k Nellmapius Drive I r e n e 0 1 74 P r e to r i a S o u t h A f r i ca t e l : + 2 7 (1 2 ) 3 4 5 - 70 0 0 w w w. s i da dv e n t i s t.o rg

“Be ambitious, for the Master’s glory, to cultivate every grace of character.” Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 332


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