Original Memory Book for Andre Bain

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Service of Thanksgiving for the life of

Andre’ Davinci Bain August 30, 1978 - March 11, 2021 Service Held At: Golden Gates World Outreach Ministries Nassau, The Bahamas Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 11 am Officiating: Bishop Ros Davis Assisted By: Bishop Deanza Cunningham Pastor Dale Moss Pastor A. Alan Strachan Other Ministers of The Gospel Musicians: Minister Sacario Leadon and Junior Scott Interment: Woodlawn Gardens Soldier Road Nassau, The Bahamas

OBITUARY There is a place beyond this life, where pain and suffering cease. There is a place where weary souls find comfort and relief. God saw you getting tired and knew a cure was not to be. He put His tender arms around you and whispered that sweet, sweet tune,“Come home my dear child and rest, for you are not alone.” “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints”. Psalms 116 v 15 HIS EARTHLY ENTRANCE It was a warm, sunny Wednesday afternoon when the atmosphere was permanently changed on August 30, 1978. The Bain family had announced the arrival of a bouncing baby born to ‘Arie’ at the Princess Margaret Hospital. She proudly welcomed her second child and only son into the world. She named and later christened him, Andre’ Davinci Bain. His mother reared and nurtured him in the fear and admonition of the Lord. HIS EARLY YEARS At a very early age, Andre’ along with his sister Annika, were sent to live with their grandparents, the late Catechist James and Nellie Bain in Cabbage Hill, Crooked Island. They were both ‘pillars of the faith’ who led exemplary Christian lives. Under their guidance and as part of his spiritual development, it was mandatory that they attend Sunday School, children’s choir and church services at St. Paul’s Baptist Church in Cabbage Hill where they were taught sound biblical teachings and doctrines. These were the primary focus of his life and were also intricate and positive undertakings that helped to mold his life. So at an early age he accepted the Lord as his personal Savior. Andre’ grew up to become a calm and loving young man with a warm and inspiring personality. He was well loved and respected by all who crossed paths with him. He possessed a generous spirit which manifested in his service to God,

his family, students and everyone else around him. He had a loving, quiet, yet firm disposition and was always willing to assist others in any and every which way. HIS EDUCATION, A NECCESITY FOR LIFE Andre’s early education commenced at the Cabbage Hill Primary School and later he attended the then Colonel Hill Secondary High School where he remained until the eighth grade. In 1991, both he and his sister Annika were relocated to New Providence, and were enrolled into S. C. McPherson High School in Nassau. It was here that not only was his passion for becoming an educator ignited but also fueled when he was inducted into the first cohort of Teacher’s Cadets, which eventually would lead to him attending the College of The Bahamas. Andre’ he was also an active athlete and was a member of the school’s basketball, softball and track & field teams. Additionally, in his senior year of high school, Andre’ was recognized for his academic and leadership qualities by being selected as Alpha Phi Alpha outstanding male student and the Gentleman’s Club. In 1995, upon completion of high school, Andre’ matriculated into the halls of the then College of The Bahamas where he successfully completed his undergrad degree in Secondary Education, specializing in Mathematics. In 1999, after successfully obtaining his academic certification in Education, Andre’ began his teaching career at C.C. Sweeting Senior High in 2000 where he served for 7 years. He would then transfer to C.V. Bethel Senior High School wherever he served for 13 years. No matter which capacity Andre’ worked in whether it was as a teacher in the classroom, or minstrel on the organ, or in his home as husband and provider, he did everything with diligence and excellence and he will forever be remembered for that. HIS SERVICE IN MUSICAL MINISTRY Andre’s life was engulfed in church ministry. At an early age he developed a passion for music after watching and listening to his grandmother Nellie, a musical giant of her time, play so skillfully on the church organ. Because of his keen interest in music, she then began teaching him and he quickly began to learn, thus allowing her to endow him with the gift of playing. To further enhance his love and passion for the organ, he later attended the Ed Shela’s School of Music in Nassau where he learned and added other

skills and techniques to enhance his music ministry. Realizing that, “In the harvest field there is work to do”, Andre’ began playing the organ at his home church Golden Gates World Outreach Ministries since the early nineties. He worked with the praise team and sanctuary choir for nearly thirty years. When he was asked to assist the music ministry at Life Transformation Center, Church of God of Prophecy, he gladly accepted the invitation and heeded to the call. A faithful and dedicated organist, he remained steadfast in his role in both churches and wherever he was asked to assist. COURTSHIP AND MARRIAGE Andre first met Philippa in church, and even though he had his eye on her, he was very shy. Every Sunday he would watch her from the pulpit as he played the keyboard, but he kept his admiration of her to himself. It was only until they were in college together did he finally build up the courage to talk to her and to pursue her intently. They started off as very good friends, and in the year 2000 they began spending time together and eventually started dating. They would often go on double dates to the movies, visiting churches and to local fast-food restaurants. Andre and Philippa became virtually inseparable! During their courtship, they both realized that they had found their soul mates and that fate had brought them together. With this in mind, they began planning to spend the rest of their lives together and four years later on July 10, 2004 they were joined in holy matrimony. Throughout their sixteen years of marriage, their union was blessed with two beautiful daughters, which completed the Bain family because he had his queen and two princesses. Andre loved and cherished his family dearly and enjoyed spending time with them as often as possible. PHYSICAL AFFLICTIONS In 1996 after visiting the doctor for a necessary medical test, it was discovered that Andre’ was diagnosed with a heart condition which required medical attention and surgery. This condition was attended to in early 1997 and soon after he went on to live a productive and successful life. In 2020 he began to experience other health challenges which also required medical attention. Despite the setbacks, Andre’ never wavered from his faith in God because he realized that God was the Great Physician who was in charge of his life. On March 8, 2021 he was admitted to Doctor’s Hospital for another surgery but fate would have it that this time would be different.

HIS EARTHLY DEPARTURE The scripture reminds us that ‘for it is appointed unto man once to die and after death is the judgment.’ On the evening of March 11, 2021 his condition worsened and an angel was dispatched to assist him in fulfilling his appointment with death. Around 11:23 pm he quietly slipped away and his spirit returned to God from whence it came. His labor and trials have been concluded and his earthly body laid down its war tool and transitioned for its final flight from time into eternity. He has fought a good fight, finished his course and has kept the faith. Now he’s gone on to receive his reward and to hear, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant”. Losing Andre’ has been a great loss but we look forward to seeing him again someday. He was a great asset to his family, his churches, his school and everyone whose lives were impacted by his presence. The many lessons he has taught us will forever be etched in our memories and his absence will continue to echo in the canyons of our hearts each day. Those who have fond memories of him will call him blessed and we honor the Lord for the exclusive privilege of having him in our lives as a son, brother, husband, father, teacher and friend for 42 years, 6 months and 11 days. For all who shared his inspiring journey in life, we say THANK YOU and ask that his legacy of kindness, love, dedication and faithfulness be perpetuated in your lives and in the lives of all that he’s touched. Appreciating his life with praise and thanksgiving to God are: His WIFE: Philippa, DAUGHTERS: Ariyelle and Angel, his MOTHER: Deaconess Arreneth Bain, SISTERS: Annika Bain and Janelle Brennen, BROTHERS: Juan Meadows and Sheldon Roberts, UNCLE: Othniel Bain, AUNTS: Ruthmae Bain, Deaconess Edith Bain and Pastor Glenda Cox. PARENTS -IN-LAW: Elder McDonald and Deaconess Judy Rolle, BROTHERS-IN-LAW: Trevor (Malinda), Jason (Ordia), Inspector Donald (Deante) and Tavaughn (Samana) Rolle. COUSINS: Lester Sr. (Karen) Bain, Kimberly Tyson, Ringo and Norville Sherman, Tamara Bain, Terrel, Tanash, Nacara and Natoya Patterson. Vashti (Andrew) Joseph, Kishtor and Lavade Cox, Oneil (Nateisha) and Ashley Bain, Lindecia Rolle, Romeka Sherman and Lezlee Bain NIECES: DeJan and DeJanae Brennen, GODCHILD: Chemari Pratt OTHER RELATIVES AND FRIENDS including: Vondell (Joan) Deleveaux and family of Hallandale, Florida, Gerald and Cedric Dean and family of Hallandale, Florida. Doctor McKinley Bain and family of Atlanta, Georgia, Richard Bain and family, George Bain and family, Vernell (Curtis) Moss and family, Mrs. Hilda Peterson and family, Lucinda Wilson and family, Minister Lucinda Rolle and family, Bishop Deanza (Edris) Cunningham and family, Mrs. Energene Simms and family, Cunningham, Bain families, Ebenezer and Patricia David and Family, Melvin Johnson and family, George Johnson and family, Samuel Johnson and family, Kingsley Johnson and family, Mary Ann and Peggy Rolle and family, Shirley Petty, Wendy Ambrose and family, Miriam, Elizabeth, Retta, Geraldine Rolle and family, Estell Saunders and family, Ludell Whylly and family, Samuel, David and Simon Rolle and family, Marcus and Cheryl Pratt and family, Latoysa Munroe and family, Georgia Robinson and family, Donna Thurston and family, C.V. Bethel Senior High School, C.C. Sweeting Senior High School, S.C. McPherson class of 1995, Bahamas Baptist College Evening Institute, Gerald Cash Primary School, Life Transformation Center, Church of God of Prophecy, Golden Gates World Outreach Ministries, Cabbage Hill and the entire Crooked Island communities. May his soul rest in peace.

ORDER OF SERVICE Moderator | Pastor Trent Davis, (G.G.W.O.M) Processional Hymn | “Just Over In The Glory Land” I’ve a home prepared where the saints abide Just over in the glory land And I long to be by my Saviour’s side Just over in the glory land

What a joyful thought, that my Lord I’ll see Just over in the glory land And with kindred saved, there forever be Just over in the glory land

(Chorus) Just over in the glory land I’ll join the happy angel band Just over in the glory land There with the mighty host, I’ll stand Just over in the glory – land

With the blood-washed throng I will shout and sing Just over in the glory land Glad hosannas to Christ, the Lord and King’ Just over the glory land

I am on my to those mansions fair, Just over in the glory land There to sing God’s praise and His glory share Just over in the glory land Entrance of Family Procession of Clergy Opening Remarks Opening Prayer | Pastor Inez Pinder Praise and Worship | Antoine Cunningham and Golden Gates World Outreach Ministries & Life Transformation Center Praise Teams First Scripture Reading | Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 | Mr. Oniel Bain (cousin)

Congregational Hymn | “And Can It Be”

And can it be that I should gain An interest in the Savior’s blood? Died He for me, who caused His pain— For me, who Him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be, That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?

Long my imprisoned spirit lay Fast bound in sin and nature’s night; Thine eye diffused a quickening ray I woke, the dungeon flamed with light; My chains feel off, my heart was free, I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.

He left His Father’s throne above So free, so infinite His grace— Emptied Himself of all but love, And bled for Adam’s helpless race: ’Tis mercy all, immense and free, For O my God, it found out me!

No condemnation now I dread; Jesus, and all in Him, is mine; Alive in Him, my living Head, And clothed in righteousness divine, Bold I approach thee eternal throne, And claim the crown, through Christ my own.

Pastoral Remarks | Pastor A. Alan Strachan (G.G.W.O.M) Pastor Dale Moss (L.T.C) Musical Tribute | Ms. Ashley Moss (L.T.C) Second Scripture Reading | 1st Corinthians 15:50-58 | Mrs. Shonell Wilson (cousin in law)

Congregational Hymn | “I’m A Glad Pilgrim” I’m a glad pilgrim on my way, going to glory land Jesus my only hope and stay holdeth me by the hand It is such joy to understand things that I never knew Keeping my promise to the Lord I’m going thru.

Walking with Jesus all the way, singing a happy song Matters not if it’s night or day nothing can lead me wrong Feeling His presence ever near why should I weep or sigh Knowing I have a home in glory by and by

(Chorus) I’m His, what a wonderful feeling in my soul He’s mine, He’s protecting me from the heat and cold I’ll do whatsoever He bids me I will do I know my Redeemer will lead me safely thru

Fully believing, trusting God, giving Him all the praise Leading me from the paths I trod ever my voice I’ll raise He will be with me to the end, comforting with His pow’r And He will be my closet friend in death’s dark hour.

As I Knew Him | Ms. Edith Bain (Aunt) Ms. Annika Bain (Sister) Congregational Hymn | “Heaven’s Jubilee” Some glad morning, we shall see Jesus in the air Coming after you and me, joy is ours to share What rejoicing, that will be, when the saints shall raise Headed for that jubilee, yonder in the skies.

Seems that now I almost see all the sainted dead Raising for that jubilee, that is just ahead In the twinkling of an eye, changed with them to be All the living saints to fly to that jubilee

(Chorus) Oh what singing, Oh what shouting On that happy morning, when we all shall rise Oh what glory, hallelujah? When we meet our blessed Saviour in the skies.

When with all the heavenly host, we’ll begin to sing, Singing in the Holy Ghost how the heav’ns ring Millions there will join the song, with them we shall be Praising Christ thru ages long, Heaven’s jubilee.

Condolences | Mrs. Belinda Wilson (B.U.T President) Mrs. Melissa Evans-Rolle (Senior Mistress C.V.Bethel Senior High School) Mrs. Sharon Dean-Williams (Principal-Gerald Cash Primary) Sermonic Selection | Combined Praise Team

Eulogy | Bishop Ros Davis (Senior Pastor -G.G.W.O.M) Prayer for the Family | Bishop Deanza Cunningham (Christ Community Church) Recessional Hymn | “Oh I Want To See Him” As I journey through the land, singing as I go, Pointing souls to Calvary—to the crimson flow, Many arrows pierce my soul from without, within; But my Lord leads me on, through Him I must win. (Chorus) Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His face, There to sing forever of His saving grace On the streets of glory let me lift my voice, Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice. When in service for my Lord dark may be the night, But I’ll cling more close to Him, He will give me light; Satan’s snares may vex my soul, turn my thoughts aside; But my Lord goes ahead, leads whate’er betide. When in valleys low I look toward the mountain height, And behold my Savior there, leading in the fight, With a tender hand outstretched toward the valley low, Guiding me, I can see, as I onward go. When before me billows rise form the mighty deep, Then my Lord directs my bark; He doth safely keep, And He leads me gently on through this world below; He’s a real Friend to me, oh, I love Him so.

GRAVESIDE SERVICE Opening Hymn | “Glad Reunion Day” There will be a happy meeting in heaven I know, When we see the many loved ones we’ve known here below; Gather on the blessed hilltops with hearts all aglow, That will be a glad reunion day.

There within the holy city we’ll sing and rejoice, Praising Christ the blessed Savior with heart and with voice; Tell Him how we came to love Him and make Him our choice, That will be a glad reunion day.

Chorus Glad (That will be a happy day) day, Yes, a wonderful day, Glad (That will be a happy day) day, Yes, a glorious day, There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay, That will be a glad reunion day.

When we live a million years in that wonderful place, Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face, It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace, That will be a glad reunion day.

Opening Sentences | Bishop Ros Davis Hymn of Comfort | “The Eastern Gate” Committal | Bishop Ros. Davis & Pastor Dale Moss Words of Comfort | Representative from Restview Memorial Mortuary Benediction | Pastor Dale Moss Closing Hymns | “I’m Glad I Counted The Cost” When first I started to seek the Lord, I’m glad I counted the cost; I fully measured to Jesus’ Word; I’m glad I counted the cost.

I laid my sorrows at Jesus’ feet, I’m glad I counted the cost; And now I’ve pleasures so pure and sweet, I’m glad I counted the cost.

I cast on Jesus my every care, I’m glad I counted the cost; And all my burdens He helps to bear, I’m glad I counted the cost.

Refrain: I’ve paid the price and obtained the prize, He saved my soul that was lost; And now my treasures are in the skies, I’m glad I counted the cost.

I’ve bid farewell to this world of sin, I’m glad I counted the cost; And now my Jesus abides within, I’m glad I counted the cost.

’Twill not be long till the Lord shall come, I’m glad I counted the cost; And bear my soul to that heav’nly home, I’m glad I counted the cost.

A TRIBUTE TO MY HUSBAND ANDRE It is unimaginable to fathom the thought of living life without you by my side. We first met more than twenty years ago and, after spending time with you and conversing with you, I knew instantaneously that you were the one. You were the one I had waited for, my love’s design. You were the one God kept for me until it was time. I have literally spent half of my life being your friend and confidante and I thank God for the sixteen years I spent as your beloved wife. When we started our new life together, we started from scratch and with humble beginnings. We both worked hard, saved, planned and then achieved our goals. Nothing was too good or unachievable for us. We were like the dream team and everything that you promised me, you delivered on and more! You have made me a better person in every way possible and my life has been blessed and enriched because you were in it and because you loved me unconditionally. Dre, you were an excellent husband, provider and father. You persevered through fatigue and illnesses to secure your family, which was your number one priority, next to your relationship to God. Now that you are gone, I will cherish the precious memories that we shared. I will raise our children to the best of my ability and in the fear and admonition of The Lord. I will carry on the legacy you started with them and I will ensure that they remember you and the sacrifices you made for them. I will remind them to take heed to all your wise counsel and make you proud. Sleep on my love, take your rest. I love you but Jesus loves you best! Your Loving Wife, Philly

A TRIBUTE TO MY SON Forty two years ago, God entrusted you into my care and ever since my world was not the same. You came for a reason for God had a plan and a purpose for your life. While you were being formed in the womb, it was prophesied to me that I was going to have a son, one who would help and take care of me. Those prophetic words bore truth all of your life, even unto your death. Andre’, as a child I often reminded you that good manners and respect makes a good man and it would also take you throughout the world. I often said to you “not to measure yourself with anyone but whatever you do, do it as unto the Lord so that He alone gets the glory.” You took my advice and used it as the blue print and guideline for your life. You became a decent, honorable man among men, my prince and a gentleman extraordinaire! Even though life served you some ‘curve balls’ and you wanted to give up at times, I often said to you Andre’, “don’t get discouraged, but do your best and God will reward you.” Many times I wanted to intervene, but you would say, ‘Mummy don’t get in it, leave it alone for God will pay everyone for their deeds done in this life’. You always took the high road, never desired to be caught up in strife and arguments, or to bring shame and disgrace to your family. You knew that I would’ve gone to battle for you! You were not perfect but you were a man of good character and reputation, an excellent and dedicated father to your girls. You were their world! They loved you and you loved them even more. You wanted to see them become women, but God had another plan. Forsaking all others, you took your marital vows seriously and remained loyal and faithful to your wife for almost eighteen years. You were a dutiful, caring and compassionate son to me and a brother to Annika. You were our best friend, one who went above and beyond to assist us, no matter what we asked of you. You amazed and encouraged me with your determination and tenacity to get things done. You remained focused, faithful and dedicated to your job as a math teacher and to your music ministry as a church organist. Your gifts were impactful and made much room for you. You strived for the best and your life was well lived, one that any man should emulate. You were well loved and respected in all spheres of your life, and were described as an “unsung hero”, an “ambassador of excellence” one who left an indelible mark and notable legacy which will be imprinted in the canyons of our hearts forever. I was proud of your accomplishments and achievements in life and even more proud in death because your life is now speaking for you. Now that you’re gone, we are going to miss your infectious smile, your jokes, your text and voice messages, phone calls and our Sunday afternoon ‘A-Team’ board meetings. You ran your race well, and made your dash to the finish line. God saw that you were tired so he took you away from the tribulations of this life. No more pain, no more heartache, no more doctor visits. You touched many lives, were a blessing to others and I’m happy, grateful and well satisfied, giving God the Glory for you were my one ‘good’ son and I’m proud to be called your mother! Your work in God’s vineyard is now completed and your race has been run! So sleep on Andre’! Rest well my son! May the guardian angels escort you to your heavenly home! The Bains household is looking forward to that Great Reunion Day when we shall meet to part no more! Until then and in your final words to me, “everything will be alright”. Love you plenty, plenty Andre’. Now go with God! Your Mother, Arreneth.

A Tribute to my Daddy Daddy I love you and miss you so very much! You were the best daddy ever! Love, Angel


Daddy it is so painful to know that you are gone. You were so confident that you were going to make it through this procedure. I told you that I was afraid and you said, “I’m scared too, but you have to stay positive.” You were always an optimistic person. I wish that we could sit down and talk one last time. You would always have advice for me or a story to tell. I wish I could have heard all of the stories of you growing up and what your life was like. You were the best father to Angel and I. Every Saturday we would sit down and you would either teach me how to play the piano or you would give me practice in Mathematics. While I’m working you would go over sight words with Angel. I will always cherish these memories. If I had known what was going to happen before you left for church on Sunday morning, I would have given you a hug and a big kiss. I would have expressed to you how much I loved you and how much you meant to me. Daddy I know that you are in a better place now and no harm can reach you. Your suffering is over and you won’t have any more aches and pain. I love you and miss you daddy! Your Daughter, Ariyelle

A TRIBUTE TO OUR SON-IN-LAW We were so proud to welcome Andre into our family and to have him as our son-in-law. When we released our only daughter into his care, we were confident that she would be loved and cared for like none other. Andre was always respectful and over the years he shared a special bond with us and many other members of our family. We shared lots of fond memories at the numerous family functions and special occasions we had. We will miss his presence, smile and infectious laughter. Andre was hard working and over the years we admired how he and our daughter set many goals and made great sacrifices to achieve them. He wanted to ensure that his family was well protected and safe. Our son-in-law was a loving husband and father to Philippa and the children. It is with a heavy heart that we must say goodbye, but we are comforted to know that he also loved The Lord and served Him to the end. He is now in a much better place and at rest with Him. We love you Andre and we will miss you dearly. “May He, the giver of life and all things wonderful, grant us all peace and comfort during these trying times.” Love your in-laws Mack and Judy Rolle


earest brother, it’s taken me the longest time to write these words. Never ever did I dream I would have to pen words telling you farewell from this world. It hurts each and every day since you’ve passed, because we all planned for your physical recovery but never for God’s ultimate healing. Andre’, I can honestly say that you were like no other; a man who remained faithful to the vows you made 17 years ago before God and man. You were an excellent father to your daughters and you loved them with your entire being, your greatest wish was to live long enough to see them grow into adulthood but sadly you will have to be with them in their memories and in their hearts and see them from above. As a son, you honoured and cherished our mother. Your daily talks with her, your Whatsapp messages to each other and even amongst the 3 of us, The A-Team are precious memories. You looked out for us and did everything in your power to make sure we felt safe and secure. Andre’, you stood tall and strong in the face of adversity and the challenges that life dealt you. You were an example that hard work is the most honourable way. You were a shining example of what it means to be a husband, father, son, brother, cousin, teacher and friend. You are truly one in a million. You always joked about how much noise I made when I entered a place, but now everything is quiet since you’ve gone. The days seem longer, music doesn’t have a sound anymore and life is just different without you. Andre’, you lived a full life, you ran your race with purpose and pride. You were an amazing and outstanding ‘lil big brother’! You set the bar high for any man that enters my life and I thank God for the 42 years, 6 months and 11 days that you were in my life as my first and forever friend. I’m going to miss our talks, our collaboration on all things related to education, you sending me on errands, your calls to me asking for the name of a song that you only knew the first few bars to, your recommendation for online ordering, me telling you to take care of yourself and also me reminding you that I am older than you….I am going to miss YOU!! God gave us the best in the person of one Andre’ Davinci and as painful as it is, we return the best back to the Lord’s keeping until that Glad Reunion Day. I end this with the same parting words that I spoke to you when we last saw each other: Go with God and God will go with you, love you Brother. Your sister, Neka

MY DEAREST “ANJOPOV.” Words are indeed inadequate for me to express the heart-wrenching pain I felt on that fateful night 11.3.2021 when I got that dreadful midnight shrill and hysterical call from Neka saying “oh Auntie Edith, Oh Auntie Edith”. I thought she was trying to play one of those prank jokes you always play on us but quickly realized that her heart-rending cry was one of reality and that you were gone. It is often said that good things don’t last forever. Might I say that you were a good thing which many didn’t realize until you are now gone. You were such a rare and extraordinary young man that it is hard for us to accept that fact that you have transitioned while you were yet in full bloom. However, we are confident that you are resting safely in the bosom of the God you loved and served so faithfully. You loved life and lived it to the fullest. I will miss you and the family coming by early whenever I would come to Nassau to get your full share of the goodies I would bring. Oh, and I will definitely miss your sense of humour and jovial laughter when you all come by the night before I would leave. Andre’ the fond memories that I have of you even as a smart sweet little boy growing up in Crooked Island with me will forever be etched in the annals of my heart. I know that you are having a good time up in heaven singing and shouting with the angels in the music department. Don’t bother with the trumpet section for that is not your forte’. Rather go straight to the Hammond Organ section and strum those keys as only you can. No one will turn your music down for it will be joy unspeakable and full of glory. I look forward to meeting you once again Andre’ and then we’ll never say goodbye. So long my darling son, auntie loves you still in death. Auntie Edith, Ashley and Ashton

A TRIBUTE TO MY LIL BRO. ANDRE. Don’t think of him as gone away, his journey has just begun; Life holds so many faces, this earth is only one. Think of him as resting from sorrows and tears; He’s in a far better place of warmth and comfort where there are no more days and years. My cousin Andre’ was dear to me. More than a cousin, Andre’ was like a brother as well as a friend because we grew up together. He was awesome, loving, helpful, kind and crazy about his love for God and his family. We laughed and talked all the time. He saved my life then moved on to a better life and I’m going to miss him. Andre’ touched the lives of many, so think of him as living in the hearts of those he touched; for nothing loved is ever lost and the memories we have of him will never fade away. Today, as we say goodbye, and Andre is laid to his final resting place, we encouraged by the knowledge that heaven’s garden must be beautiful because he’s one of the God’s best. I will always love you cuz, Lester Bain Sr. and Family

A TRIBUTE TO ANDRE D. BAIN A Beloved Nephew Gone Too Soon! “Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith and purity.” - 1 Timothy 4:12 Andre, as I reflect on your life, this scripture came to mind and it certainly embodies all qualities I knew you to possess in your lifetime. What an awesome, amazing, gentleman and nephew you were! As I observed your transition from one stage of life to another, I knew that you would make the BAIN family of JOHNNY HILL, CROOKED ISLAND PROUD. You were indeed a gem among all my nephews. I truly felt blessed to call you my nephew, as you were indeed a gift from God. You were so special with so much kindness in your heart. I wish I could bring you back and never to depart. Vashti, Kishtor and Lavade remember all the happy times that they had with you in TALL PINES. Yes, happy times that made you SHINE. Vashti vividly recalls your fun-filled game in THIRD STREET and Kishtor remembers defending you at S.C. McPherson School. Lavade appreciated the worship experiences he shared with you at Beacon Hill. He sends his congratulations on your promotion to heaven and says to tell his father “Hi.” Andre, you took your flight before we knew it and only God knows the reason why. We will miss your smile, laughter and charisma and cherish your wonderful memories until we meet again up in the sky. Until then, may his peace be with you ‘til we meet again!! From: Auntie, Glenda Julia Cox Cousins, Vashti, Kishtor & Lavade

A TRIBUTE TO ANDRE’ The name Andre’ is of French and Greek origin, and means strong, manly, brave or man warrior. This name is also a variant of the name Andrew. My nephew was given the name ANDRE’ DAVINCI BAIN, some 42 years ago when he was born into this world by his parents. He was born of humble beginnings. I watched him grew up from childhood, then into his adult life. He was blessed to receive his early education in Crooked island while living with his grandparents. Upon moving to New Providence, he attended the public school system and then the College of the Bahamas where he was trained to become a Teacher. Many students benefitted from his teaching classes. His love for music as he grew up made him become a gifted Musician and a special jewel in the life of his church, the Golden Gates World Outreach Ministries, The Church of God Of Prophecy Life Transformation Centre and others. He was admired by many for his talent in playing the keyboard and organ for it brought so many blessings to many people. In Andre’s early beginnings as a musician, I recalled him sitting at the console of an antique wooden Yamaha pump organ at the old homestead in Third Street Coconut Grove making some melodious tones. His determination for excellence caused him to profoundly improve in his musical abilities. I saw Andre’ blossomed into a fine, intelligent young man, and then later became a husband and father. He was a respectable person of humble spirit who settled for no mediocrity and was loved by his family, friends and students. In the classroom students are given assignments from their teachers to complete. Well, Andre’s assignment on this earth is completed, and although it came to an unexpected end he has been recalled from earth to glory for another assignment…..to a place where music plays on forever. E T E R N I T Y. As you have now gone on to join the Heavenly band, we can only imagine the joy and the glory it must be to those endless Sabbaths the blessed ones see. Thank you, Andre, for gracing us with your presence low these few years with us. Your work here on earth is done and it’s now time to rest from your labour. Well done my nephew, well done! So long now! Hope to see you again some day, in that land where we’ll never grow old. Now your friends and family join in agreement with some words from this song written by Christopher Wordsworth (1807 – 1885): “Now they reign in heavenly glory, now they walk in golden light, Now they drink as from a river, holy bliss and infinite, Love and peace they taste forever, and all truth and knowledge see. In the beautiful vision of the Blessed Trinity”. Jesus loves you best. Now sleep in peace! From Uncle Othniel, Oneil (Nateisha and Ashley Bain.

TRIBUTE TO OUR COUSIN, ANDRE BAIN Andre, you were such a wonderful and jovial person, with a delightful sense of humor. We have fond childhood memories of our summer times in Crooked Island. We were deeply saddened to hear of your passing, and we will forever miss your infectious smile and laughter. You were your mother’s and grandparents pride and joy, and you were very special to us as well. Andre, I know that you were such a loyal, devoted, loving and a respectful son to your mother, and you have certainly raised the standard and criteria extra high for young men to emulate in our society today. It was indeed a privilege to see the godly man that you had become, and your mother did an exceptional job in raising you and your sister, Annika. You were ‘sharp as a tack’ on your wedding day, and we joyfully celebrated with you when you became a father. We admired how you diligently and faithfully served your church as a musician for over twenty (20) years. You had a great work ethic, and your colleagues and students were fortunate to have known you. We still cannot believe that you are not with us anymore, and our hearts ache for losing you, but we weep with joy and with a blessed assurance and hope that we will meet again to embrace you, never to separate no more. Sleep on, dear cousin Andre, and take your rest. We love you immensely and you will be greatly missed. May Andre’s soul rest in eternal peace. Cousins: Tamara, Terrell, Tanash, Nacara and Natoya Patterson


e, the extended family of Andre, who reside in various US locations, such as Florida, New York, and other States, share the grief along with our Bahamian family, of Andre’s untimely demise. Although separated by many miles, we too feel the pain of his sudden departure, but we also have joy because we know he is present with the Lord. May his soul Rest In Peace until that great Reunion Day.

Cousins: Vondell, Cedric, and Gerald and families.

IN APPRECIATION We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our family, friends and colleagues for your support during our time of sorrow. Your prayers, telephone calls, condolences and other sympathetic gestures gave us strength and courage to carry on. Andre’ Davinci Bainwas an amazing and phenomenal man and we are comforted in knowing his love and kindness lives on in friends like you. May God continue to bless you. The Family PALLBEARERS Ricardo Bain Jewitt Bain Lester Bain Oniel Bain Inspector Donald Rolle Tavaughn Rolle Trevor Rolle Jermaine Humes Marcus Pratt HONORARY PALLBEARERS Terrel Patterson Gerald Dean Jason Rolle

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Restview Memorial Mortuary & Crematorium Prince Charles Drive & Soldier Road Nassau / Paradise Island, Bahamas Phone: 242-394-8043 Phone 2: 242-394-8047 Mobile: 242-340-8043 Fax: 242-394-8034

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