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Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
Services And
Iapplaud the selfless humanitarian work and national service of the Bahamas Red Cross and on behalf of the Government and people of The Bahamas, I offer congratulations and best wishes to this august body on the occasion of the Forty-Ninth Annual Red Cross Ball.
The glorious legacy of humanitarian service that defines the Bahamas Red Cross transcended the relief and medical needs of the Allied troops during World War ll which began in 1939 and this force for good continues to this day. The post war shift in priorities and the expansion of services include healing the sick, clothing the naked, disease control, malnutrition, child protection, First Aid and CPR training and the provision of dental and medical services in schools and to the wider civilian population.
I am honored to extend greetings to The Bahamas Red Cross on your 49th Ball! Although, you have had a two-year hiatus from celebrating your achievements community, you fulfilled your founding mission as the country faced hurricane COVID-19 Pandemic during this period. The Red Cross was present to meet needs of individuals, families and communities.” Countless Bahamians have services of the Red Cross during a very vulnerable period in our country’s cause to celebrate and raise more funds to continue to fulfill your local mission. Red Cross and its humanitarian efforts has brought relief to thousands of very difficult times.
My Government thanks and salutes those who continue to give unselfishly of their time and talents in the spirit of volunteerism and commends the culture of philanthropy that have together undergirded and supported the operations and noble objectives of the Bahamas Red Cross for these many decades.
This anniversary’s theme of the Ball “We Ballin’…Lights, Camera, Action” is no for this year’s celebration. As the ole adage states “All work and no play makes It is important to celebrate our achievements and reward those who helped happen. As you celebrate during this 49th Annual Red Cross Ball, remember important part of building and maintaining an effective, self -assured team, confidence, and making your organization a great place to work and volunteer. is one way to celebrate your achievements and motivate your team and partners.
Today, and as a result of your glorious legacy, the Bahamas Red Cross stands as the gold standard of citizenship and symbolizes Christian charity in the forms of sharing and giving of our resources as we offer gratuitous assistance to and uplift those most in need among us.
It is my esteem pleasure on behalf of the Government of The Commonwealth and the Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development to extend a wholehearted The Bahamas Red Cross. We wish you great success with this year ’s fundraiser, Ball, as the Disaster Relief, Meals on Wheels, Health, and Youth initiatives make so many lives in the country.
Congratulations to the staff and hundreds of volunteers of The Bahamas Red Cross this auspicious occasion! We salute you along with Bahamians everywhere for a the past two years and we look forward to your ongoing humanitarian efforts. Have a fun filled Ball! Lights, Camera, and Action… for a successful fund raiser.
As you celebrate your Forty-Ninth Ball with much excitement, fanfare, fun, camaraderie and love under the theme, “We Ballin’…Lights, Camera, Action”, it is clear that you are celebrating the spirit of humanitarianism, volunteerism, philanthropy, selflessness and Christian charity – all in the advancement of the common good and the public interest.
On behalf of my wife Ann Marie, the Government and people of the Bahamas, I thank and congratulate the officers, staff, members, sponsors and the patron of the Bahamas Red Cross for your unwavering commitment to The Bahamas and its national development in love and service on the occasion of its Forty-Ninth Annual Red Cross Ball.
May Almighty God bless the Bahamas Red Cross and the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.