Original Memory Book for Reginald Walkine

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Burial Rite FOR THE LATE

Elder Reginald

ROBERT WALKINE Born: October 28th, 1939 Died: December 16th, 2020 Aged: 81 years old Intermit: Lakeview Memorial Gardens Friday, January 8th, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. Officiating: Dr. Trent Davis/ Bishop Ross Davis

“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.” Psalm 37:23 Reflections of the Life of

REGINALD ROBERT WALKINE October 28th, 1939 – December 16th, 2020

“Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee….” Jeremiah 1:5


n October 28th1939, God purposefully choose Hezekiah and Nina Walkine to be the guardians of a handsome baby boy He wanted to send to this Earth. He knew that these carefully selected persons would be the ideal parents to raise this special child. They name him Reginald Robert affectionately called “Reg” by family and friends. This union was blessed with five children with “Reg” being the second. “Reg” grew up in the quaint area of “the valley” on Rolle’s Avenue and Apple Street of Wulff Road. “The Valley” as it was affectionately called became the home for many respectable men and women in our society and who like “Reg” has left an indelible mark in the minds of individuals. “Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me….” Matthew 19:14 As a child, “Reg’s” life was filled with joy. He was VERY sociable and enjoyed being with his many friends on a daily basis. As active boys their past times were enjoyed building box carts, spinning tops, making kites, shooting marbles and barking almonds. This was done from Sunday thru Thursday and every Friday evening and Saturday morning was worship time where he along with his siblings and mother, would find themselves in Englerston Seventh-Day Adventist Church. “Whatever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might….” Ecclesiastes 9:10 Hezekiah, his father seeked employment oversees in the United States of America, and being the eldest boy, at the tender age of fourteen, Reg left school to pursue a trade in auto-mechanics. He was ambitious and determined and sought employment at McApline Construction Co. where he was afforded to the opportunity to work in the Family Islands. Later on, he decided to become an entrepreneur and open his own roadside business at his family’s homestead known as Walkine’s Auto. Reg was gifted in wisdom and there was no job too big or small

that he could not solve. He was a patient, a master teacher, self-taught individual who left each customer satisfied and they were assured that it was a job well done. He was a people’s person, with a great attitude and personality who offered his service whether you had money to pay or not. Many of the younger mechanics sought his wisdom and would ask him how to solve many intricate situations. To his family, Reg was often referred to as “MacGyver.” There were no such words as “I can’t” when it comes to him trying to figure out any complex gadget. He was a sought after mechanic and hence he was employed at Bakers Constructions for eight years until his retirement. He was a hard worker who Mother said that since he was born on the Sabbath Day that instead of resting will work all the days of his life. And indeed he did. “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing and obtaineth favour of the Lord”. Proverbs 18: 22 “Love isn’t about who you envisioned spending the rest of your life with, it’s about who you imagine being unable to live a life without.” While working on Mackey Street, and Ellie’s daily commute, Reg’s eyes locked on a beautiful, tall, mango – skinned, long, jet black hair lady who migrated from Long Island. They started an instant courtship, where he offered to give her a ride to and from work by the means of a bicycle, their bond grew stronger and two years later on January 21st, 1962 at Transfiguration Baptist Church they were wed in holy matrimony. He loved his Ellie and they were like two peas in a pod – a shadow of each other. They constantly went on dates and Reg did not need a reason to wine and dine his beloved. As a couple, they enjoyed each other and travel extensively. Additionally, Reg’s love never falter because subsequently every Valentine’s Day one would hear him serenading his Ellie while fixing steaks, onion and potatoes. This union lasted for 58 beautiful, joyous years. “Lo, children are a heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” Psalms 127:3 Reg and Elva were blessed with five children: Judy, Suzette, Hedy, Paulette and Dion. He loved his children, and taught them to not be selfish. He learnt from his Mother to always treat people the way that you would want to be treated. Reg taught his children principles about life and that they must extend to others whatever they have. He often said, “You cannot live just for yourself, you have to live for others.” Reg gave his children the best. Nothing was too good for them. His home was always open to welcome everyone and he accepted all of his children’s friends. Team work makes the dream work so after toiling for many years, the dream of homeownership was realized. In 1975, Reg moved his family to Mermaid Blvd. off Carmichael Road. At this time the now “City 2000” was a place where only one jitney ran and one had the enjoyment of riding on white, unpaved road. This newly built; spacious home became the haven and solace for many over the years. Reg loved life and enjoyed it to the fullest. Just as he was passionate about mechanic work, he had a love for boating and fishing – he loved the sea. Every weekend and holiday, one would find him, his family and friends on numerous boat trips to Rose Island and to the many home-comings and regattas. He loves fishing with his friends and catching anything that would come onto his line. He made each fishing trips an event and ensure that everything that

was needed from the food, drinks, ice and even music were supplied. After the fishing expeditions, then came the feast. Reg loved to cook – he really loved cooking. This was one of his other passions. He loved to eat and entertain. Just how he never turned a customer away, he never turned away anyone who was hungry. If you left the Walkine’s residence hungry, that was a matter of choice. He was a super host and an uncertified master chef. His specialty for his friends was bonefish and barracuda and corn beef salad. Subsequently, Reg’s corn beef salad was a ‘hit” because many persons would bring their own can of corn beef for him to prepare for them. Reg was greeted by his friends as Reggie, Sarsar or Goose, but the most fitting title was that of Senator. Even though he never graced the halls of parliament, because of the level of respect that was shown for him he was called Senator. Reg was surely loved by many. There was hardly a day passed when there was no one on the porch visiting with him. He looked forward to these visits. The community from those who walked by in the mornings, through the day and back in the evenings will miss his greetings and hand waves. Reg loved parties and dancing, his “get-to-gethers” especially family gatherings were the best. He especially enjoyed Sunday dinners that was a staple event for him. He cooked for the entire family and your attendance was mandatory, and if you let the “devil fool” you and did not show up, you better be ready for the “big break down” on Monday. Another exciting time for Reg was Birthday Club and Secret Santa. He was elated to exchange his gifts and to see who had his name. This was all done to the rushing of Junkanoo Music. On his 80th birthday a surprise birthday party was held in his honor at the Hilton where he was surrounded with family and friends. He was proud to know that all of his family members and friends was there cheering for him. On his 81st birthday, unfortunately due to Covid 19, he did a “drive by birthday” to his children’s home where he was treated to a spa day, to lunch, cake cutting and singing of “Happy Birthday.” His final official event was his grandson – Darren’s wedding day of November 13th, 2020. On this day he was beaming with pride and joy. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.” Revelation 3:20. “Submit yourself therefore to God….” James 5:7 While being a regular member of Golden Gates World Outreach Ministries, Reg answered the call and accepted the Lord as his personal Savior and was baptized on Goodman’s Bay on April 4th, 2015. His immediate family witnessed and celebrated this great milestone. Daily he asked questions about salvation and how to pray and communicate with God. The responses will be just how you communicate with friends, you can with God. Reg was by no means perfect, but his family saw God manifesting in his life daily and saw a change man. From the day he committed his life and step foot into Golden Gates, he regularly attended church service. Each Sunday Reg was eager and nothing else mattered that day- not even cooking- except serving his Lord. He was an ordained elder, and was a part of the Men’s Fellowship and Marriage Ministries. He supported “The Gates” in any way possible. He loved his church and his bishop. On December 6th, 2020 he received Holy Communion administered by Pastor Allan Strachan, where he renewed his commitment to God once again. Reg was a perfect gentleman, a simple man with a big heart and played a special part in so many lives in so many different ways. His favorite saying was “It Ain’t Easy.” He was loving and generous and was given the highest of respect by everyone. He was reserved but spoke his mind and one of his

greatest qualities was his patience to listen, absorb and offer advice based on his own experience and wisdom. Reg loved his family beyond limits and even though he wanted you to “learn the hard way,” he knew exactly when to step in and save the day. Reg enjoyed life, loved people and engaging in conversation especially about his beloved P.L.P; Valley Boys, Lakers and Dolphins. “He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying.” Revelation 21:4 Sadly, there comes a time in life when all your labours, toils and struggles must come to an end. Reg left as peacefully as he came. On the morning of December 16th2020, Reg was found unresponsive and was transported to the hospital by ambulance. Even though we wanted him to return home, God has other plans for him. God looked down and saw that he was ready to return and Reg finally received his ultimate and complete healing. Reg, we know how much you love us. And when tomorrow starts without you we understand that an angel came and called your name and took you by the hand. We know that your place was ready and that you had to leave behind all those that you love dearly. For when tomorrow starts without you, every time we think about you, we know that you are right here in our hearts. SLEEP ON REGINALD ROBERT, WE LOVE YOU, BUT JESUS LOVES YOU BEST. REST IN PEACE! He is survived by his wife of 58 years: Elder Elva Walkine; 4 daughters: Judy Davis, Suzette Nairn, Hedy Walkine, and Paulette Crick; 1 son: Dion Walkine Sr; 3 sons-in-law: Michael Nairn, Philip Davis and Brian Crick; 1 daughter-in-law: Kishgia Walkine; 2 sisters: Irma Walkine-Thompson; Christabel Griffin; 11 grandchildren: Deangelo and Devin Nairn, Racquel (Marcello) Mckenzie, Darren (Edda) Davis, Rashan (Giovanni) Davis, Mekell (Christan) Turnquest, Renique Davis, Shade & Dion Walkine, Rory & Colm Crick; 4 great grand boys: Cadden & Christon Turnquest; Jayquan Taylor and Macario McKenzie; 12 nieces: Jennifer Wilkerson & Family, Diana Miller & Family; Paulene Bain & Family; Ann, Abbigail & Laurinda Griffin & Family; Sonia Walkine & Family; Janet Lees & Family; Anastacia, Monique, Dwainette Walkine and Pastor Catherine (Misty) Adderley; 3 nephews: Timothy Walkine & Family; Shawn Griffin, Clement Walkine & Family; Cousins: Dethra & Franklyn Walkine; Andros Family: Ivy Ferguson, Bishop Reginald & Shirley Ferguson, Lucy Harris, Judy Rolle, Pernetta Russell, Lavern Ferguson and Sonia Brown; Hank & Eva; 14 sisters in law: Ms. Doreen Turnquest & Family, Ms. Geraldline Major & Family; Majoree (John) Cartwright; Althea Sands & Family; Sarah Miller & Family; Valarie McDonald & Family; Rose (Luther) Edgecombe & Family; Carolyn Paris, Rowena Miller & Family; Corease Dean, Joycelyn Johnson, Rosetta McBride, Narine Turnquest and Jennifer (Danny) Cartwright; 4 brothers in law: Elton, Valance, Peter & Cyril Jr. Turnquest & Family; Best Friends: Mr. Dale & Mrs. Pauline Davis; Mr. Ethan & Mrs. Marilyn Rolle; Family Friends: Ms. Alice Mortimer & Family; Maureen Crick; Mike & June Vercell & Family of Formby, England; Marion & Adrian Jones & Family of Wigan, England; Arthur Crick of Southfort, England; Ms. Cora Davis & Family; Marcian & Patrice Mckenzie & Family; Ms. Varnell Bowe & Family; Minister Bea Arrington of Pennsylvania; Julia Queens & Family of Washington DC ; Mr. Kermeth Graham; Mr. Junior Charlow; Saul & Judy Rolle; Ms. Nola Burke & Family; Deborah & Harry Fernander; Reginald & Betty Hanna from Freeport; Ms. Jennie Demeritte & Family, The Nairn Family of Nassau & Delray Beach, Florida; Neighborhood Friends: Ms. Welma Fernander & Family; Ms. Sylvia; Dr. Austin & Mrs. Johnson; Deidre Taylor & Family; Mr. & Mrs. Neutal C Rolle; Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Miller; The Bain Family and the community of Mermaid Blvd East; Rolle Avenue community; Church Family: Bishop Roston & Pastor Althea Davis; Dr. Trent & Elder Novia Davis; Pastor Alan Strachan & Minister Ginger Strachan; Minister Priscilla Dean; Elders: especially Elder Wright & Elder Brice; Officers and Members of Golden Gates World Outreach Ministries; Pastors Arlington & Karen Rahming and the members of Christian Discipleship Ministries International; Bishop Kirklyn & Sherol Smith and the members of Vision of Hope Church of God; And a host of other relatives and friends.


ORDER OF Opening Hymn | How Great Thou Art O Lord my God, When I in awesome wonder, Consider all the worlds Thy Hands have made; I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder, Thy power throughout the universe displayed. Chorus: Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art, How great Thou art. Then sings my soul, My Saviour God, to Thee, How great Thou art, How great Thou art! Prayer of Comfort | Pastor Allan Strachan

Old Testament Scripture | Psalm 27 | Darren Davis (Grandson) New Testament Scripture | 1 Corinthians 15:19-28 | Judy Davis (Daughter) Family Tributes: Sons in law Michael Nairn Philip Davis Brian Crick Hymn of Comfort | You are my Strength You are my strength Strength like no other Strength like no other Reaches to me In the fullness of your grace In the power of your name You lift me up You lift me up Eulogy | Dr. Pastor Trent Davis Committal | Bishop Ross Davis

A Tribute to My Husband UNTIL DEATH DO US PART 1









“In a moment in the twinkling of an eye� 1 Corinthians 15:22 was how you transition from this earth. There are no words to describe the pain so deep I felt on Wednesday 16th of December. Now how can I say goodbye to you my love? The man God designed just for me, a perfect gentleman, who was compassionate, courageous, and even in difficult times you were truly a source of strength. You loved me unconditionally, there was nothing too good for me and your family. You loved us with your whole being. I now sit alone crying silently, reminiscing on the times we shared. Our late night snacks, the jokes, your presence, your voice, your delicious meals you once prepared are now only memories I hold dear to my heart. I salute you my soulmate. I now stand alone with lifted hands unto the hills from whence cometh my help, my help surely cometh from the Lord. Oh Lord our God how excellent is your name in all the earth. May your soul rest in Peace Reg my love until we meet again. I will always love you. From your loving wife, Ellie

A Tribute to My Dad

A bond between a father and his daughter is one that is so strong it can never be broken. My first being February 14th, 1960 when I was born to the greatest parents ever. As the years grew fonder, you always provided and made sure we had everything we needed to be successful and equipped for the real world. My magic moment with you Dad, was being in the kitchen being tutored by The Master Chef. The many times you patiently instructed me on how to cut onions, how to prepare soup, make dumplings and clean fish just to name a few, you made everything fun. I will always remember your expression of love on my wedding day when you dropped nuggets for a successful marriage, that I still cherish today. The days we sat alone and you shared your life stories, you made us comfortable to talk to you about anything and you were always able to give wise counsel. There were many magic moments with you Dad, but I stand strong on your shoulders for you have taught me how to persevere in difficult times. It was a privilege to accompany you on your doctor’s visit, walking the halls of PMH, the jokes we shared, especially the jokes about the things Mum sometime packed in your snack bag lol. I realize that you are one in a million. You were a simple man, but you left your foot prints edged in our hearts. I am honored to call you MY DAD. Your presence is no more, your voice is now silent, but your love, wisdom, your memories lives on. Your favorite saying “it aint easy” surely its not; to say goodbye. I salute you Dad you were the greatest. From your loving daughter, Ju

To My dad:

Daddy, when God created this beautiful world, God knew that there was a great plan and purpose for your life. Daddy, when I think about your life, you bring me joy and put many smiles on my face, making my heart glad. I am so glad that God gave me the best daddy in the world. Your love for our mother and us was simply matchless. Daddy because you loved people, we were able to meet so many of your friends who became just like family. Daddy you were my everything, I looked up to you for guidance, love and support. When I was weak, you made me strong. God has blessed you with long life and allowed you to see your off springs grow. Your legacy will forever live on and we will always love you. Gone but not forgotten, Your Daughter Suzette

To Dad:

Daddy it is so hard to put pen to paper. I can truly say I was not ready for this, even though I knew this day had to come. I didn’t see this one coming so soon. Words and feelings cannot express your lost and I am still in denial. Daddy you have left me treasured memories in my heart. When I think of you, I shed tears of joy, and there is a smile and laughter on my face. Daddy you are the greatest. I want to thank you for making home feel like home filled with love and precious memories.

A Tribute to my Dad

Daddy, there are so many things to love about you. Your smile and kind spirit, your good heart, and the way you look after the people you love. All those things that make you so wonderful you are also things that, believe it or not, have made me a better me. Day by day, I watch how you live life and give love, and I’m inspired to be the best I can be- because that’s exactly what you deserve. On August 5th, 2006, what was my big day when you walked me down the aisle to be married to Brian. You forgot your socks but we found another pair for you!! You were there when my twin boys Rory and Colm were born. Daddy you were there for all the big moments in my life. Daddy I never thought this day would come. On Dec 16th when Mom called I knew in her voice something serious had happened. Even in death Dad, you never fell Mom found you sitting strong. I’m proud to call you my Dad, you did it all. Rest on Dad. Forever in my heart. Love your daughter, Paulette

Daddy I love you and you know that because love comes with action and words and you have heard and seen that over and over. Dad I will cherish the relationship we had. Daddy sleep on, may your soul Rest in Heavenly Peace. Your daughter, Hedy

A Tribute to My Dad Dear Dad, If we have forgotten to show our gratitude enough for all the things you did we are thanking you now, for all those scrumptious meals, the baseball games, the fishing trips, your love, your happiness, your dedication to your family, for being a grandfather to our kids, a father to the fatherless, a great friend indeed, a special person especially to us, we say thank you!! Thank you for that caring heart, through the good and the bad times, we say thank you! This aint easy cause there will never never be another Dad like you! Thank you Daddy!! From your only son Dion Sr & daughter in law Kishgia

A Tribute to Our Brother

We did not ever imagine that the day would have come for us to say goodbye. From the day we were born you was always there. You acted as a father figure at a very young age. Reg, you were our protector and provider who loved and cared for us. Reg, you left us quietly and we did not even have a chance to say goodbye. The bond we shared will always be special. We will miss you greatly and love you always. From your sisters Chris and Ima

A GRANDFATHER LIKE YOU Throughout the years, you’ve always been A wonderful man, you see. When we were small you took the time To bounce us on your knee. As we grew older you were there We only had to call. We knew that we could count on you You’d never let us fall. So many hard times in our lives You’ve helped to get us through, We are so glad God’s given us A grandfather just like you. We just want to let you know You meant the world to us Only a heart as dear as yours Would give so unselfishly. The many things you’ve done All the times that you were there Helps us know deep down inside How much you really cared. Even though we may not have said We appreciate all you did Richly blessed is how we feel Having a Grandfather just like you. Forever in our hearts, From your loving grandchildren Deangelo, Racquel, Darren, Devin, Rashan, Mekell, Renique, Shade, Dion Jr, Rory & Colm

A Tribute to My friend:


e love you and are glad we had a chance to meet you. We wish to become the man that you were to us. Rest in Peace Dad from your boys: Cadden, Jayquan, Macario and Christon

They say that friends are the family you choose. I was honoured to be chosen to be a friend by Reginald Robert Walkine. Reg, was more than a friend – he was like a brother to me. There was no topic too sacred or delicate that I could not discuss it with him. He welcomed me with open arms into his heart and family. He issued words of wisdom and sound advice. He loved his family unreservedly and showed it unashamedly. He was generous by nature and very pleasant to be around. Words cannot express the grief I feel at his passing. He will always be sadly missed and fondly remembered. Rest in peace loving husband, protective father, loyal friend. Ethan Rolle

In Appreciation

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our family, friends and colleagues for your support during our time of sorrow. Your prayers, telephone calls, condolences and other sympathetic gestures gave us strength and courage to carry on. Reginald Robert Walkine was an amazing and phenomenal man and we are comforted in knowing his love and kindness lives on in friends like you. May God continue to bless you. The Family

PALLBEARERS: Dion Walkine Devin Nairn Deangelo Nairn Marcello McKenzie Darren Davis Giovanni Nicolls HONORARY PALLBEARERS: Michael Nairn Dale Davis Philip Davis Kermeth Graham Brian Crick Paul Griffin Ethan Rolle Luther Edgecombe

Funeral Service Entrusted To:

Provided by SIDDA Communications Group

P.O. Box N-1026 Nassau Street Nassau, Bahamas 242.322.4433 (T) 242.328.2314 (F) 242.422.1033 (M)

Tel: 394-BOOK (2665) Mobile: (242) 818-3478 Email: info@siddagroup.com Nassau, N.P. Bahamas

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