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iNTRODUCTION Over the years the student population of NITT has multiplied quickly along with a sporadic increase in the number of academic blocks and other infrastructure. This has subsequently resulted in an increase in the daily distance traversed to move form one point to another and a lag in the development of social and green infrastructure in the newly built areas. Social Infrastructure are critical to the improvement of community life in any setting, and in particular transitionary student bodies. They allow for ‘Placemaking’and an opportunity for people to associate themselves with an area and participate actively in its improvement. In this case, the majority stakeholders include the student body followed by the resident teaching and non-teaching staff. This handbook is a collection of conceptual developments devising strategies regarding the regeneration of urban archetypes within the campus to promote a better standard of necessary social infrastructure. All suggested interventions have been consciously kept minimally invasive, so as to allow for direct community involvement in their execution. The topics touched upon include 1. Greening and development of Boulevards 2. Introduction of Bicycle Park ‘N’ Ride system. 3. Parking issues and creation of No-Vehicle Zones. 4. Placement of Activity Generators and sports faciltities. 5. E-vehicle transport route development. 6. Addressing the lack of Social activity clusters.

In order to ascertain the morphology of the campus structure, the following techniques have been utilized in part or conceptually - the solutions of which have been interpreted into design solutions. Behaviour Observation Understanding the movement , use and interaction of student community with the built space and the subsequent inadequacies. Ped Shed Analysis Mapping connectivtiy of spaces in terms of ‘walkability’ and ‘bicyclability’ in order to construct transport routes. Legibility Analysis Mapping urban strata in terms of mental imaging of Nodes, Districts, Landmarks, Edges & Pathways. Walk - Through Analysis Familiarity with an area by use and walk-through and subsequent observations. Space - Syntax Analysis Understanding of ‘convex spaces’ and ‘axial connecting lines’ to develop tres for congregation and activity.

social cen-

This map illustrates the proportion of Built & Un-built space within the campus, so as to underrsand th spatial character/ density/ and degree of enclosure of the campus.

Built Space. Used Un-built Space. Unused Un-built Space. Circulation Routes.

This map illustrates the major delineations in buildings in terms of type and time of use.

Student Residential District. Time of Use - All Day. Academic District. Time of Use - Morning & Afternoon Hours. Recreational District. Time of Use - Evening Hours. Faculty Residential District. Time of Use - All Day. Proposed directional landmarks. To allow users to guide themselves around the campus. External Landmark. The MIG serves as a landmark to the campus. Proposed External Landmark atop the Student Activity Centre.

This map illustrates the major connecting lines and convex spaces so as to identify strategic positions of development for the future and a legible network to read from.

Primary major pathways that also serve as Edges. Secondary major transition routes. Untarred Pedestrian and Bicycle Transition Routes. Proposed Pedestrian and Bicycle Routes. Nodes. Points of Intersection of Transition routes and Activities.

This map illustrates the hop - on / hop -off model for the E- Vehicles transitioning within the campus to ferry students from one point of the campus to another.

Academic Zone Route. Time of Travel: Duration: 08:30 -16:30 Residential Zone Route. Time of Travel: Duration: 10:00- 17:00 Recreational Zone Route. Time of Travel: Duration: 17:00 - 21:00 Bus Route. Duration: Start and End of Morning and Afternoon Academic Session Hours. (As per exam schedules when applicable)

This map addresses the lack of bicycle parking and the locations for Park N Ride stops across the campus in order to establish a bicycle sharing model acting as the primary mode of transport.

Proposed Bicycle & Vehicular Parking Spots. Park ‘N’ Ride Stop Locations.

This map illustrates the location of food joints & Eateries in the campus along with the activity regions that fall in between with directions of access. Eateries have been proposed to act as activity generators in convex spaces and allow easy accessibility from all over.

Existing Eateries. Proposed Eateries. Daytime Activity Polygon. (Till 16:00 Hrs) Evening time Activity Polygon. (beyond 17:00 Hrs) Night time activity polygon. (Till 02:00 Hrs) Outside campus Food Joints.

This map illustrates the existing green cover and tree line. Also proposes new additions to the same along with inputs on sports facilties and possible locations for solar power generation. In most locations, the sport facilties need to be assessed for their individual pros and cons. The solar regions have been zoned based on daylight availability and shade factor. Existing green cover. Possible locations for Greening. Existing Tree cover / Boulevards. Proposed new Boulevards and tree lines. Rooftop Solar Power generation - Proposed Areas. Ground line Solar Power Generation - Proposed Areas. Existing Sport Facilties. Proposed Sport Facilities.

Interventions Following are a list of interventions that are required at the community level - devised through walk-through and dialogue with the stakeholders. They have been categorised in terms of level of intervention required. 1. MIG Plaza -Mitigating overheating and disuse during the day by installing shading devices. 2. LHC Road - Creating a Vehicle free zone by the strategic placement of Bollards. 3. Staff C - Accomodating increased student traffic from Orion by creating seating areas. 4.Transport Section Kiosk - Creating Kiosks for Delivery Personnel. 5.Student Activity Center & Plaza - Redeveloping the stretch between the Sports Center & SAC into a vibrant interaction forum through shaded seating and meeting spots. 6.Coral Social Activity Center - Providing an intermediate Meeting point for day time activities. 7.Sports Complex - Establishing a fenced sports network in the stretch behind Lapis and Pearl. Also require Lights and Spectator stands in the NSO Region. 8.Community Art Project - Rebrand the campus through artistic intervention of the student community spattered all around. 9.Dhabha Traffic Re-Routing - The road underneath the overpass can be blocked during the hours of 19:00 to 22:00 to create a pedestrian food street attracting more space and more footfall.


Coral Social Center: Social Meeting hub with

Rammed Earth Seating (in Orange) , Fenced Baskebetball Court , Wall Art, shaded park, Bicycle Parking and Pedestrian only zone organized around shops that act as activity generators. Time of use: Evening Hours. *Seats require artificial shade and lighting to extend use to night time and afternoon hours.*


LHC Road: View of LHC Road from Main gate

towards Barn Hall, LHC, Octa. Creating a Vehicle free zone by the strategic placement of Bollards (in Orange). Bollards placed at all possile entry points to the LHC Road. Entry to LHC Road at Aavin, Octa, Central Avenue Road. Also bollards placed right before and after barn to prevent entry of fourwheelers from desired paths.


Delivery Kiosks: Creating Kiosks for Delivery

Personnel in front of Transport Section under tree shade. Also a possible permanent delivery space of an existing stucture. The room beside ATM can be renovated for the delivery personnel to deliver couriers.


Student Activity Center & Plaza: Redeveloping

the space between the Sports Center & Indoor Sports Complex into a vibrant interaction forum through shaded seating and meeting spots. Snacks kiosks (Dark Orange). Seating space around the tree in the SC groove area - Meetup spot. Trees all over for cool and fresh air. Parking (Light Orange) for Indoor sports complex along the entry and Scient Club along its entrance.


The Sports Street: Redeveloping the stretch

between the Sports Center & SAC into a vibrant interaction forum through shaded seating and meeting spots facilitating people a pleasant watching experience of football and hockey games.


Shaded Pedestrian Path: Making use of the shade from the trees and creating a direct access from Orion to LHC Road along Staff C, Barn and T&P. Pedestrian path wide enough for cycles to also pass. Placing more trees along the path giving perfect shade and keeping the space cool.

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