12 minute read
Igniting imaginations, enriching personal growth, and bringing families closer together from parenthood, birth through young adult
A comprehensive environment for children 18 months-5 years to play, learn, and grow.
Contact: Wendi Offsey, MSED Assistant Director of Early Childhood 516.399.2156, earlychildhood@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/earlychildhood
PRESCHOOL Ages: 18 months-5 years Following New York State educational standards and accredited by the National Association of Education for Young Children (NAEYC), SJJCC’s dynamic, age-appropriate curriculum supports each child’s development cognitively, academically, spiritually, and physically. Programs available Monday-Friday from 9am-4pm, age dependent.
BEFORE + AFTER-CARE Ages: 2-4 years Our Breakfast Club and Extended Day best supports families who need longer and flexible hours from 8am-5pm, for an additional fee.
TRANSPORTATION Transportation 5 days round trip or 5 days one-way is available upon request to local neighborhoods, for an additional fee.
EARLY CHILDHOOD CAMP Visit page 7 for details.
Through our five core values, chesed, kindness, kavod, respect, kehillah, inclusive community, tzedukah, justice — obligation to help those in need, and rachmanus, empathy, we create a welcoming community and belonging for all, within our building and throughout our programming. Funded in part by The Skolnick Family Charitable Trust.
Contact: Susan Berman VP Community Engagement Pronouns: She/Her 516.484.1545 ext. 202 sberman@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/jewishlife
SECOND SATURDAYS Ages: 3-8 years and their families Mainstages joins us as we celebrate Tu B’Shvat and Valentine’s Day with story time, crafts, and an interactive performance! Saturday, February 11 10:30am-12:30pm $36 members / $50 nonmembers per family
PURIM Wear your favorite costume and celebrate Purim at the Israeli Scout’s Carnival! Sunday, March 5 2-5pm $20 members / $30 nonmembers per family
Children in grades K-5 explore their creativity, education, and motivation in a positive after-school environment.
Contact: Jason Miradoli Director of Youth Services Pronouns: He/Him 516.484.1545, ext. 225, jmiradoli@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/youth
ATHLETICS + FITNESS Basketball Flag Football Movement with Zing! Multi-Sports Soccer with Pro Touch US Open Tennis with Sportime Yoga
THE ARTS Artful Animals with The Art League of
Long Island Art with Color Theory Clay Creations with Color Theory Cooking the Alphabet with LNZ Nutrition Fashion Design with The Fashionable Stylista Jewelry with Shelley Theatre Fun 101
STEM Chess with Chess Nuts Coding with theCoderSchool Lego Robotics with Snapology Mad Science with Long Island STEAM Group Science Explorers with The Science Museum of Long Island
Enrichment and child care programs available in the Herricks school district.

Enjoy fun-filled days that include S.T.E.A.M and multi-sports half and full day programs. Tuesday, February 21-Thursday, February 23 Tuesday, April 11-Thursday, April 13
For nearly three decades, we have reimagined independence by empowering children, teens, and adults, ages 5-21, with varying abilities to reach their highest potential.
All programs require an assessment. Funded in part by Sheldon A. Sinett BASICS Fund and OPWDD.
Contact: Amanda Foglietta, LCSW Director of Sandler Family Kehilla Center Pronouns: She/Her 516.484.1545, ext. 175, afoglietta@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/kehillacenter
KEHILLA AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAMS Ages: 5-12 years, 13-21 years Kehilla Youth After-School and Kehilla Teen After-School provide opportunities for members to engage with their peers in age-appropriate sensory group activities, including art, Legos, soccer, yoga, music, dance, and social skill building. Funding available through OPWDD. Complimentary busing is available from the Herricks and Roslyn School Districts. Mondays-Fridays 2:30-5:30pm
KEHILLA ALL-STARS Our multi-sport program using the Doc Wayne curriculum reimagines mental wellness to help improve self-esteem, social skills, and overall well-being through soccer, volleyball, and swimming, while making new friends and having a safe place to grow. Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm
KEHILLA WEEKEND PROGRAMS Engage in a variety of enrichments including music, sports, sensory, art, group games and so much more! Funding is available through OPWDD. Saturdays 11am-3pm
KEHILLA TEEN INCLUSION NIGHTS Ages 15-21 Join us for a night of youth empowerment in collaboration with the Debra & James Buslik/ Tracy & David Levy Teen Service Center. Engage in a night of games, dinner, and making new friends. Wednesdays February 15, March 29, April 26, May 24 5:30-6:30pm
CAMP KEHILLA Visit page 7 for details.
A place where tweens and teens in grades 6-12 meet new friends, stay fit, develop leadership skills, engage in Jewish life and learning, improve academic performance, and participate in meaningful community service.
Contact: Steven Cohen Director of Teen Services Pronouns: He/Him 516.484.1545, ext. 224, scohen@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/teens
LEADERSHIP BOARDS Plan events, create programming, and find ways to give back to the communities around you. Being a member of one of our boards also helps in developing and expanding your leadership and communication skills. MIDDLE SCHOOL BOARD Grades: 6-8 Meets select Tuesdays, 7-8pm HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Grades: 9-12 Meets select Tuesdays, 6-7pm BOARD COMMITTEES Committees include community service, social justice, social events, and travel. Meets select Wednesdays
AP TEST PREP COURSES Be prepared for the May AP exams with our four-week and one-shot courses. Registration is open and four-week classes begin in March. For more information and to register, visit sjjcc.org/ap.
REGENTS REVIEW Our small classes will provide an intensive preparation for the June exams. Registration is open and our four-week classes begin in May. For more information and to register, visit sjjcc.org/regents.
KEHILLA TEEN INCLUSION NIGHTS Grades: 9-12 Join us for a night of youth empowerment in collaboration with the Sandler Family Kehilla Center! Wednesdays February 15, March 29, April 26, May 24 5:30-6:30pm
ADULT DAY CARD MAKING Grades: 8-12 Create meaningful birthday and holiday cards for participants in our Fay J. Lindner Foundation Senior Services Center Adult Day programs! Ongoing
TECH SUPPORT FOR SENIORS Grades: 8-12 Share your knowledge of technology by helping seniors with their computer and smart phone questions to set them up for success!
TEENS WHO TUTOR Grades: 8-12 We’ll match you with an elementary school student in grades K-5 who you can help with homework and test prep.
Have the summer of a lifetime and make new memories with friends at one of our camps! For more information, visit sjjcc.org/camps
EARLY CHILDHOOD CAMP Ages: 2 years old Sid Jacobson JCC Our school year philosophy is incorporated into six weeks of developmentally appropriate curriculum. Art, science, literacy, cooking, music, outdoor playground, and water play are sure to keep the children engaged!
SUMMER STREETERS Ages: 3 years old and Grades: Pre-K-7 Sid Jacobson JCC Summer Streeters Day Camp offers a unique camp experience at the most affordable price on Long Island! Campers enjoy a variety of exciting activities including swimming, sports, arts & crafts, yoga, theatre, music, dance, camp Olympics, field trips, and theme weeks.
CAMP KEHILLA Ages: 5-21 years Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds Camp Kehilla initiates new opportunities and experiences for campers with special needs. Our innovative program includes activities tailored to children, teens, and young adults with a core focus on building social skills, friendships, independence, and self-esteem.
CAMP GA’AVAH Ages: 6-17 years Henry Kaufmann Campgrounds Camp Ga’Avah, pride, brought by Friedberg JCC, is a day camp for LGBTQIA+ youth and their allies. It offers a safe space to build strong relationships, confidence, and skills to help navigate individual journeys.
CAMP ACANY: ONE-WEEK BROADWAY CAMP Ages: 7–17 years Sid Jacobson JCC In this comprehensive program, in partnership with A Class Act NY, New York’s premier acting studio, campers hone in on three components of musical theatre: singing, dancing, and acting.
Get involved with your community and volunteer at any age! Visit page 25 for details.
Through partnerships with 30 synagogues, schools, and partner JCC's, Israel comes alive on Long Island!
Contact: Lirin Shay Goshen Director of RCFI 516.484.1545 ext. 133, rcfidirector@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/centerforisrael
HAZAMIR LONG ISLAND: THE INTERNATIONAL JEWISH TEEN CHOIR Grades: 9-12 HaZamir is an international musical youth movement that connects teens to their Jewish identity and community. An audition is required. Opportunities include performances, international gatherings, and gala concerts. For more information, contact Dr. Marsha Bryan Edelman, Conductor, 347.782.2746, hazamirlongisland@gmail.com, or visit hazamir.org. Sundays, 1-3pm

SCOUT PROGRAMS For more information, prices, and to join, visit gefen.israelscouts.org
SHEVET GEFEN Grades: 3-12 Join our youth movement that encourages the exploration of new opportunities and take meaningful part in Israeli society. This program is for Hebrew speaking children. Sundays, 4-6pm
TZOFIM KTANTANIM Grades: 1-2 Deepen your child’s connection to Israel with a younger version of Shevet Gefen with activities in Hebrew. Meets bimonthly Sundays, 4:30-6pm
Develop your talent, gain confidence, and share your passion for the theatre with others, all while having the time of your life!
Contact: Susan Kalman Theatre Arts Director Pronouns: She/Her 516.484.1545 ext. 110, skalman@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/childrentheatre
SID JACOBSON JCC CHILDREN’S THEATRE PRESENTS WICKED WIZARD OF OZ Travel to the Emerald City as our talented thespians in grades 3-6 Defy Gravity as they take the stage! Tickets go on sale Monday, March 6. Performance Schedule: Sunday, March 26 Thursday, March 30 Saturday, April 1 Sunday, April 2
SID JACOBSON JCC CHILDREN’S THEATRE PRESENTS MARY POPPINS Have a Supercalifragilistic time with our youngest performers in grades K-2. Tickets go on sale Monday, April 24. Performance Schedule: Sunday, May 14 Sunday, May 21 Tuesday, May 23
THEATRE FUN 101! Grades: 3-5 Expand your creativity, learn performance skills, and build confidence through theatre games and improvisation. Busing is available from the East Hills and Harbor Hill schools for an additional fee. To register, visit sjjcc.org/youth. 16 sessions Begins Monday, January 30 4-5pm $592 members / $720 nonmembers
Our invigorating classes, customized lessons, and motivating instructors will make your health goals a reality!
Soak it all in at our state-of-the-art facility featuring a six-lane pool, kiddie pool, and relaxing hot tub. Staffed by friendly, professional lifeguards, and experienced instructors. All swimmers 5+ years must wear bathing caps.
Contact: Dov Mochari Director of Health + Wellness 516.484.1545 ext. 108, dmochari@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/aquatics
SWIM LESSONS Private and semi-private lessons are open to members. Visit page 23 for details.
CHILDREN’S GROUP SWIM CLASSES Ages: 6 months-12 years Enhance your child’s swimming ability in this safe and fun environment. Classes begin the week of February 9 $300 members / $450 nonmembers
FAMILY SWIM TIME Enjoy time in our lap pool or kiddie pool. Advance registration is required. Fridays, 3:15-5:15pm Saturdays and Sundays, 4:05-5:55pm
SUMMER SWIM TRAINING Ages: 7-18 years Our training program is perfect for the swim enthusiast, the swim team participant, and those that just love to swim for exercise, by focusing on endurance and skills training. Two non-stop laps of freestyle swim must be completed to participate.
BARRACUDAS SWIM TEAM Ages: 6 -18 years Valuing integrity, sportsmanship, and teamwork, our competitive team is for swimmers who enjoy healthy fun competition and want to reach new personal goals. Practice is in progress, contact us for prorated rates. Season ends in April.
AMERICAN RED CROSS ADULT + PEDIATRIC FIRST AID/CPR/AED Ages: 12+ years Visit page 23 for details.
LAP LANES Ages: 13+ years Available daily for members. Advance registration is required.
Bring your “A” game to our EarlyBirdCapital and Rosenman Family Gymnasiums when you stay active, have fun, work as a team, and make new friends.
Contact: Luis Maldonado Sports Supervisor 516.484.1545 ext. 117, lmaldonado@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/sports
BASKETBALL + SPORTS TRAINING Ages: 4+ years Our tailored sessions teach fundamentals for beginners to advanced skills for competitive players. Visit page 12 for details
CREATE-A-CLASS Ages: 4-11 years Play and train outdoors with three to ten friends for 45 minutes in baseball, basketball, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, tennis, and volleyball! Training is customized to accommodate all individual and team sports. $30 members / $40 nonmembers per child
VACATION CLINICS Ages: 5-10 years When school is out, stay active in our basketball clinics! Tuesday, February 21-Thursday, February 23 Tuesday, April 11-Thursday, April 13
BASKETBALL COMPETITION Ages: 9-17 years Athletes take part in a dribble race that focuses on going around props, target passing, 3-point contest, and a skills challenge course involving teams of five players.
MINI + JUNIOR MACCABI GAMES Ages: 9-12 years The Mid-Atlantic Games, taking place Sunday, May 7 in Baltimore, Maryland, are for athletes in basketball, soccer, and swimming. For information visit, sjjcc.org/maccabi. Tryout Schedule Junior Boys Basketball Ages: 10-12 years Sunday, January 29 and February 5 11am-12:15pm
SPORTS COMBINE ATHLETIC TESTING Ages: 12+ years See where you stack up against the pros through a series of athleticism tests. Visit page 12 for details.
MACCABI GAMES Ages: 12-16 years The Maccabi Games offer a unique social, cultural, and life-shaping experience for teens. Team LI: Jacobson is heading to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, August 6-11 to compete in the Olympic-style games. Athletes will attend meetings, practices, and events before and during the Games. Sports offered at the games include basketball, flag football, ice hockey, lacrosse, soccer, swimming, table tennis, tennis, and volleyball.
Want to be part of the games but prefer to be behind the scenes? Become a Star Reporter and learn all about sports journalism and social media! For more information, visit sjjcc.org/maccabi. Boys Basketball Tryouts Sunday, January 29 and February 5 12:45-2pm
If you are interested in trying out for our Girls 14U Basketball team, please email maccabi@sjjcc.org for more information.
MEN’S ADULT BASKETBALL LEAGUE League is open to ages 17+ years. Visit page 12 for details.

Achieve your fitness goals with our certified personal trainers and specialty fitness programs.
Contact: Lori Levi Fitness + Personal Training Supervisor Pronouns: She/Her 516.484.1545 ext. 153, llevi@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/training
TEEN CERTIFICATION COURSE Ages: 13-15 years Our Teen Certification Course is required of all teens to utilize our cardio and conditioning rooms. The course is approximately 90 minutes and is offered on Saturdays and Sundays at 10am. Advance registration is required. $75 per certificate
PERSONAL TRAINING Ages: 13-15 years Our trainers are here to take you on a personalized fitness journey! From customized workout plans designed to meet your specific needs, ability, goals, and schedule, to providing ongoing motivation and support. An active SJJCC membership is required. Prepaid personal training sessions are non-transferable and non-refundable. Must complete Teen Certification Course to purchase.
For packages and rates for 16+ years, visit page 24 for details.
TEEN INTRO PACKAGE One-time purchase per person 3 half-hour sessions: $99 3 one-hour sessions: $129
TEEN 30-MINUTE SESSIONS 5 sessions: $210 10 sessions: $315
TEEN 60-MINUTE SESSIONS 1 session: $75 5 sessions: $315 10 sessions: $575
SPECIALIZED FITNESS TRAINING Pilates, Boxing, Bench Press Club, and $tronger classes are open to ages 13+ years. Visit page 23 for details
Classes are open to ages 16+ years. Visit page 24 for details.