15 minute read


Nourish your mind, body, and spirit at any age.


Make your health goals a reality with our invigorating classes, customized lessons, and motivating instructors!


Soak it all in at our state-of-the-art facility featuring a six-lane pool, kiddie pool, and relaxing hot tub. Staffed by certified lifeguards and experienced instructors. All swimmers 5+ years must wear bathing caps.

Contact: Dov Mochari Director of Health + Wellness 516.484.1545 ext. 108, dmochari@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/aquatics

SWIM LESSONS Lessons are 30-minutes and are open to current SJJCC members only.

PRIVATE LESSONS Single: $60 5 Pack: $275 10 Pack: $500 20 Pack: $800

SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS: 2 participants Single: $70 5 Pack: $325 10 Pack: $600

AMERICAN RED CROSS ADULT + PEDIATRIC FIRST AID/CPR/AED Ages: 12+ years Learn how to recognize, care for, and respond to first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies. Students who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate that is valid for two years. For more information, visit sjjcc.org/ trainingcourses.

LAP LANES Ages 13+ Available daily for members. Advance registration is required.

SWIMMING + WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR COURSE Ages: 16+ years Train to become an American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor™ and develop your understanding of how to use the course materials, how to conduct training sessions, and evaluate participants’ progress.

MASTERS SWIM Ages: 18+ years Up your workout game and achieve major strength, speed, and endurance gains in our swim workout group! Ongoing Mondays and Wednesdays 8:50-9:50pm PER MONTH $50 members / $75 nonmembers

3 MONTHS $135 members / $195 nonmembers

6 MONTHS $240 members / $350 nonmembers


Achieve your fitness goals with our certified personal trainers and specialty fitness programs. No experience necessary.

Contact: Lori Levi Fitness + Personal Training Supervisor Pronouns: She/Her Conditioning Room 516.484.1545 ext. 153, llevi@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/training

TRY A TRAINER Curious about personal training? New SJJCC members and first time personal training clients can schedule one complimentary half-hour training session.

PILATES Ages: 13+ years Reform your body with this refreshing workout proven to create a strong core, increase flexibility, and improve posture. Members are entitled to one complimentary 30-minute intro session. All paid sessions are 50 minutes. Membership is required. Prices effective January 1, 2023. INTRO SESSION One-time purchase only per person 1 session: $70 3 sessions: $160

PRIVATE 1-ON-1 5 sessions: $450 10 sessions: $800 20 sessions: $1,500

GROUP TRAINING 2 participants 5 sessions: $260 per person 10 sessions: $480 per person 20 sessions: $900 per person

PERSONAL TRAINING Ages: 16+ years Our trainers are here to take you on a personalized fitness journey with customized workout plans and ongoing motivation and support. An active SJJCC membership and appointment are required. Prepaid sessions are non-transferable and non-refundable. Prices effective January 1, 2023. INTRO PACKAGES One-time purchase only per person 3 half-hour sessions: $120 3 one-hour sessions: $185

30-MINUTE 1-ON-1 5 sessions: $275 10 sessions: $495 25 sessions: $1,120

60-MINUTE 1-ON-1 1 session: $99 5 sessions: $415 10 sessions: $770 25 sessions: $1,815

60-MINUTE BUDDY TRAINING 2 participants 1 session: $235 5 sessions: $550 10 sessions: $1,000

BENCH PRESS CLUB Ages: 16+ years Get pumped when you see your name and personal weight lifting record up on our Bench Press Recognition Wall! Join our club, lift a minimum of 100 pounds, and be recognized for your strength. Open to SJJCC members only.

$TRONGER Become more powerful, faster, and stronger with our ultimate boot camp style program in our Functional Fitness Room. 3 participant’s maximum per class.

1 Class: $20 5 Classes: $90

BOXING WITH ANTHONY Get a full body workout on our heavy and speed bags. Members are entitled to one complimentary 30-minute session. Bring your “A” game to our EarlyBirdCapital and Rosenman Family Gymnasiums when you stay active, have fun, work as a team, and make new friends.

Contact: Luis Maldonado Sports Supervisor 516.484.1545 ext. 117, lmaldonado@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/sports

OPEN PLAY PICKLEBALL Get a great cardiovascular workout in this dynamic sport. Bring your own paddle. Instructor not on-site. Players should have some knowledge of the game and know how to keep score. Monday-Friday 6:15-9:30am Free for members / $25 nonmembers


Get energized as you enhance your body, mind, and spirit with our indoor, live streamed, and on-demand professionally-led group exercise classes included in your SJJCC membership! Classes are open to ages 16+ years and require 24-hour advance registration to attend.

Contact: Melissa Felsen Group Exercise Coordinator 516.484.1545 ext. 137, mfelsen@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/groupexercise

CLASS LIST Aqua Fit Aquatone Barre Blast Off Body Blitz Body Fusion Boxfit Butts + Guts Cardio Dance Cardiofit Cardio Sculpt Cardio Step Core + Balance Dance Fusion Full Body Tone High Low Cardio HIIT Low + Tone Mat Pilates Pilates Flow

Seniorcize Spin Spin Fusion Stepfusion Stretch + Strengthen Tai Chi Tone Up Yoga (descriptions below) Zumba

AQUATONE Focus on muscular conditioning and cardio while using flotation devices and the natural resistance of the water in this class that is perfect for heart health and stamina. Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:15-10am Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:15-11am

YOGA CLASSES BEGINNER YOGA Basic yoga moves through a slow guided flow. CHAIR YOGA This gentle form of yoga introduces modified poses that are done while sitting, leaning, or holding onto a chair for support. GENTLE FLOW RESTORATIVE YOGA Open to all levels, this class is designed to decompress, de-stress, and revitalize the body, mind, and spirit.

POWER YOGA A fitness-based approach to yoga with an emphasis on strength and core. RESTORATIVE YOGA Find balance and healing through this deep relaxing style of yoga. Each posture uses bolsters, blocks, and towels, which are used to support you into re-energizing and de-stressing yoga poses. All levels welcome.


Volunteerism, social action, and social justice lead us in our mission towardTikkun Olam, repairing the world, where every act of kindness makes a difference. Help us build good neighbors and socially responsible citizens while meeting like-minded community members.


Dedicate your time and skills to meaningful programs and events. Contact: Linda Samet Supervisor of Volunteer Services Pronouns: She/Her 516.484.1545 ext. 149, lsamet@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/volunteer

RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS DAY Help spread the word about kindness by engaging with members in the SJJCC lobby. Friday, February 17 11am

VOLUNTEER OPEN HOUSE Join us to learn about available volunteer opportunities at SJJCC and in the community! Virtual on Zoom: February 28 5-6pm In-person: Thursday, April 13 4:30-6:30pm

PASSOVER MEAL DELIVERY Help deliver Passover meals to Jewish families in need across Long Island and Queens. April

GOOD DEEDS DAY Join along in this global movement and volunteer with us! Sunday, April 16 10am-12pm

VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION DAY Celebrate our volunteers’ impact during global volunteer month. Thursday, April 20 4-6pm

ISRAELFEST Volunteer for a shift and stay to enjoy! Eisenhower Park, East Meadow Sunday, June 11

ONGOING VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Provide support to ongoing programs at SJJCC, including our Adult Day and Respite Programs, Cancer Wellness, Community Theater, and more.

CARING CALLS Join our Caring Callers Team and call a senior or homebound neighbor to brighten their day! Make one-time check-in or recurring weekly caring calls.

CARING CARDS Help brighten a senior’s day by creating a personalized card letting them know they are being thought of.

DELIVERY DRIVING TEAM Join our Driving Team and deliver perishable and non-perishable food and supplies to our homebound neighbors and food pantries.

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT KIOSK Engage people in the JCC lobby and provide information on volunteer opportunities, drives, donations, and social justice issues. Share printed information such as flyers, ribbons, action items, and other materials.

FRIENDLY VISITING PROGRAM Provide companionship to a homebound senior and form a mutually rewarding relationship. Weekly visits often include a cup of coffee, a game of cards, daily news, and an exchange of stories.

KNITTING PROJECTS Help knit or crochet 8-inch squares that are used to create lap blankets for individuals undergoing chemotherapy treatment at St. Francis. Donations of yarn and knitting/ crocheting supplies are always accepted. Wednesdays 12:30-2:30pm


Sid Jacobson JCC’s Community Needs Bank, partner of Island Harvest Food Bank, ensures food security for all individuals and families living on Long Island and Queens. Operating as a collection site and distribution center, we match resources to meet the essential needs of our community on a daily basis.

Contact: Susan Berman VP Community Engagement Pronouns: She/Her 516.484.1545 ext. 202, sberman@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/cnb

COMMUNITY NEEDS BANK DRIVERS Ages: 18+ years Deliver food and supplies to our neighbors in need every week.

COMMUNITY DONATIONS + DRIVES Join us once a month for a curbside donation of non-perishables and targeted perishable food during Curb Your Mitzvah.

SJJCC’s Annex 200 Forest Drive, Suite 11 Sundays, February 12, March 12, April 16, May 21, and June 18 10am-12pm February: Feminine hygiene products to support CNB’s Personal Needs Center March Prom Boutique: Dresses and accessories April: Cleaning products to support CNB’s Migden Family Household Needs Center May: Diaper and wipes to support CNB’s Family Needs Center June: Condiments, spices, and small kitchen tools and gadgets to support CNB’s Nikki Schwartz Memorial Pantry


Get educated on social justice issues as we advocate for a fair and just society.

Contact: Danny Capps CCE Program Coordinator Pronouns: They/Them 516.484.1545 ext. 211, dcapps@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/cce

LET’S TALK ABOUT… BLACK HISTORY Come together for a night of community learning and dialogue on World Day of Social Justice. Monday, February 20 6-7pm

INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY Stop by SJJCC’s lobby to learn more about International Women’s Day, Women’s History Month, and the continuous fight for equality. Wednesday, March 8

LET’S TALK ABOUT…WOMEN’S HISTORY Join in for an informative dialogue that will help members of our community reflect and feel inspired. Wednesday, March 8 6-7pm

BE SMART BE SAFE Learn practical ways to keep you and your family safe with presentations and demos led by Mom’s Demand Action, former NYPD officer, Lori Levi, and NRA certified instructor Lisa Ludwig. Breakfast will be served. Sunday, March 19 10am-12:30pm

WORLD WATER DAY Learn about water and climate change and learn ways to save water together! Wednesday, March 22

INTERNATIONAL TRANSGENDER DAY OF VISIBILITY A worldwide day of awareness to celebrate the accomplishments of transgender and gender non-conforming people. Stop by SJJCC’s lobby to receive a pin and learn more. Friday, March 31

EARTH DAY EVENT Join us in celebrating the world around us and give back through a small service project. Sunday, April 23

NATIONAL GUN VIOLENCE AWARENESS DAY Wear orange or pick up an orange ribbon from our lobby as we show our support to end gun violence. Friday, June 2

PRIDE MONTH Pick up a Pride ribbon and sign the pledge to stand in solidarity as we show the LGBTQIA+ community that hate and prejudice have no home at SJJCC. Wednesday, June 10

LET’S TALK ABOUT… PRIDE MONTH Join us for an informative discussion on Pride, LGBTQIA+ identities, and how we can come together as a community. Wednesday, June 14 6-7pm

PRIDE MONTH COFFEE + CAKES Celebrate Pride month with an LGBTQIA+ friendly social and a safe space with coffee, cakes, and cookies! Wednesday, June 28 2:30-5pm

JUNETEENTH Join us in the lobby to learn more about the day commemorating the end of slavery in America. Monday, June 19

Visit sjjcc.org /cce for a list of organizations dedicated to the education of constructive social engagement and social responsibility.


Through partnerships with 30 synagogues, schools, and JCCs, Israel comes to life through exciting story times in early childhood classrooms, stimulating discussions amongst seniors, culinary programs with young adults, enlightening experiences for families, and educational films for the whole community. Contact: Lirin Shay Goshen Director of Randie Waldbaum Malinsky Center for Israel 516.484.1545 ext. 115, rcfidirector@sjjcc.org sjjcc.org/centerforisrael

SHLICHIM + SHINSHINIM PROGRAM Through our Shlichim and Millie & Larry Magid Shinshinim Program, we bring a taste of Israel to New York! Serving as a living bridge between our community and Israel, Shlichim are professional Israeli emissaries who live abroad for a period of two to three years to bring contemporary Israel to Long Island and Queens through programs and interpersonal relationships. Meet Our Shlichim:

• Lirin Shay Goshen, Senior Shlicha of Long Island + Director of RCFI • Shawn Gecht, Community Shaliach for SJJCC + Friedberg JCC • Amit Yaacov, Community Shaliach for Commonpoint + Coordinator of the Israeli Scouts

Shishinim are Israeli high school graduates who voluntarily defer their army service for a year to promote Israel engagement and awareness across Long Island. For more information on how you can partner with our Shinshinim, contact Maya Sharon, Shinshinim Program Coordinator, msharon@sjjcc.org

Meet Our Shinshinim: • Stav Babel Pour • Hili Boxer • Shahar Brand • Moran Levy • Inbar Madover

SHINSHINIM HOST FAMILIES During their year of service, Shinshinim stay with host families and switch to different families every four months. Hosting a Shinshinim is an incredible opportunity to bring Israel into your home. Host families need to provide a private room for the Shinshin to stay and food for daily meals. The periods for hosting are August 25-January 1, January 2-May 1, and May 2-August 24.

If you are interested in becoming a host family, visit sjjcc.org/shinshinim to learn more and fill out our hosting opportunity form.

We’re turning SJJCC blue and white as we celebrate Israel’s anniversary with art, culture, food, and a tour through Israel’s beautiful landscapes all week long!

RUNNING IN THEIR MEMORY Join Shevet Gefen as we run for fallen soldiers and victims of terror and learn about their stories. Sunday, April 23 4-6pm

YOM HAZIKARON CEREMONY Mark Israel’s National Memorial Day for fallen soldiers and victims of actions of terrorism at this bilingual ceremony in Hebrew and English. Monday, April 24 7-8:30pm

FILM SCREENING Throughout the day in the lobby, see short videos from the project Face. Day. Memory. that commemorates Israel’s fallen soldiers and victims of terror. Tuesday, April 25 9am-6pm

DAY OF CELEBRATIONS Celebrate Israel all day long with us. Wednesday, April 26

ISRAELI STARTUPS Enjoy an exhibition of 12 unique startups that grew in Israel's social and geographical periphery. Thursday, April 27

SHABBAT DINNER Enjoy dinner and a shared reading of Israel’s Declaration of Independence. Friday, April 28

ISRAELI MOVIE DAY See some of Israel’s favorite films with one for children and another for adults. Israeli snacks included! Saturday, April 29


TU BISHVAT IN THE LOBBY Celebrate the holiday referred to as the New Year for trees, by learning about holiday traditions and eating dried fruits. Monday, February 6 10am-2pm

PURI-GEFEN: PURIM COMMUNITY CELEBRATION Come in costume and join our Israeli Scouts, Shevet Gefen, as we celebrate the most jubilant holiday in Jewish tradition! Sunday, March 5 2-5pm $20 members / $30 nonmembers per family

MIMOUNA CELEBRATION Experience a Moroccan tradition with this festival held on the day after Passover. As you return to eating Hametz food, you’ll learn about Arab Jews in Israel from our Senior Shlicha. Thursday, April 13 8pm $20 members / $30 nonmembers

YOM HASHOAH Come together as a community to honor Holocaust Remembrance Day. Congregation Shaaray Shalom, West Hempstead Sunday, April 16

CELEBRATE ISRAEL PARADE Join us as we march down Fifth Avenue in Manhattan at the world’s largest expression of solidarity with Israel! Sunday, June 4

ISRAELFEST Celebrate Israel’s 75th birthday with activities for all ages and a concert! Eisenhower Park, East Meadow Sunday, June 11


Develop your talent, gain confidence, and share your passion for the theatre with others, all while having the time of your life!





Achieve your goals at SJJCC! Our Health + Wellness Center features a state-of-the-art aquatics center, two gymnasiums, cardio and conditioning rooms. Exclusive to members are our group exercise classes, specialty fitness training, personal training, Pilates, and boxing.

There is something for everyone with baby and me classes, after-school enrichments, cultural arts programs, volunteer opportunities, and more! Members receive access to exclusive programs, early registration, as well as reduced rates.

You belong here! Wherever you are from, whoever you love, however you identify, whatever makes you who you are, you are welcomed here. Schedule your tour today! Contact our Membership Department, 516.484.1545 x203 or membership@sjjcc.org


A portion of all membership dollars go towards the $1 million in financial aid that we provide to fellow community members annually.




VICE PRESIDENTS Ronald P. Cohen Gordon Crane Kathy Howard Jacobson Harvey Marx Lloyd Rosenman


TREASURER Rebecca Schaja


BOARD MEMBERS Eytan Behiri Gayle Berg, PhD Debra Buslik* Barbara Cooper Eric Donnenfeld, MD* Marleen Donnenfeld, MD Erik Gershwind Brett Goldberg Renée Haber Richard Jacklin Jordan Karlik Rita Levy Howard Rombom, PhD Michael Rosenbaum* Jodi Rosenthal* Dara Rubenstein Andrew Sandler Phil Schwartz Denise Silverberg Jocelyn Wasserman Steven A. Yadegari Victoria Zecher Rachel Zuckerbrot

HONORARY BOARD Judy Baum James Buslik* Jess Drabkin Michael Feinsod Robert Gladstone Jonathon Held* Susan Held Steven Hess Scott Jaffee Mitchell Jacobson Dayle Katz James Krantz Jerome Kroll z”l Howard Kroplick David L. Levy Sheree Levy Gerald Marsden* Marvin Natiss* David Nussbaum Marjorie Pugatch Martin Rosenman Robert Rosenthal* Barry Rubenstein Ruth Slade Amy Smith Howard Smith Michael Weinberger z”l* *past president


DINA SHUSTER Deputy Executive Director

SUSAN BERMAN VP, Community Engagement

DANA ERDHEIM VP, Youth + Family

TAYLOR GRAF VP, Specialized Services

LYNDA KAUFMAN Director of Finance + Controller

AUDREY KURLAND VP, Health + Wellness


JAIME TEICH VP, Brand Strategy + Communications

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