DES 116 - Chicahuac Chia Seeds Graphic Standard

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The term “Chicahuac” comes from the native Aztec language Nahuatl and refers to something or someone as being “strong.” Our mission is to provide a sense of strength to our customers with the best source of nutrition by sharing with them the 16th-century old Aztec tradition of chia seeds to support and influence the feeling of living a strong and healthy lifestyle.

TA B L E O F CONTENTS 6 6 7 8 9

VISUAL GUIDELINE Introduction Logo Dimensions Color Palette Typography

10 10 11

LOGO USAGE Acceptable Unacceptable

12 12 14 16

BUSINESS SYSTEM Business Card Letterhead Envelope


MARKETING APPLIC ATION Website Advertising Merchandise

18 19 20

VISUAL GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION This graphic standard was created to maintain consistency within the Chicahuac Chia Seeds’ business system, as well as, help customers easily recognize the company’s brand name and products All graphic elements of the brand’s product must follow these guidelines. The following pages will provide the information on how to properly use the brand name, as well as, give examples of what is seen as unacceptable.


LOGO DIMENSIONS The logo dimensions are in relation to the measurement of “X” as displayed below. 5x

.6x 1.3x .4x


3x 2.6x


COLOR PALETTE The following are the official colors for the brand’s business system: CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0 RGB: 255, 255, 255 Hex: #fff CMYK: 19, 18, 31, 0 RGB: 209, 198, 175 Hex: #d0c6af CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 80 RGB: 88, 89, 91 Hex: #58595b CMYK: 75, 68, 67, 90 RGB: 0, 0, 0 Hex: #000


TYPOGRAPHY There are two typefaces used for the Chicahuac Chia Seeds’ logo and brand business system. They are Native Alien and Gill Sans. Native Alien can be downloaded from this url: Native Alien


Gill Sans Regular

Gill Sans Light

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW XYZ abcdefghijklmnopqr stuvwxyz 1234567890



chicahuac chia seeds Mark (trimming permitted)






DO NOT change or replace the typography.

DO NOT reverse any part of the logo or mark.


chia seeds DO NOT change or switch any font sizes or leading.

DO NOT use a different color palette.

DO NOT tilt or distort the logo and type in any way.

DO NOT stretch or compress the logo.


BUSINESS SYSTEM BUSINESS CARD The business card dimensions are measured in inches and rounded to the nearest hundredth. 3.5 in.

2 in.

.69 in.

.63 in. FRONT


Employee name should be 9/9 Gill Sans Regular and all other body copy is 8/9 Gill Sans Light. 3.5 in.

Sidney Salvador | Graphic Designer

2 in.

29607 KilďŹ nan Road Los Angeles, CA 91321 Phone: (323) 947-1511

1 in.

1.63 in.

1.69 in. BACK


LETTERHEAD The return address, phone number, and employee e-mail address, which can be substituted with the company e-mail contact for questions (, should be 8/11 Gill Sans Regular. The body copy should be 10/12 Gill Sans Light and double spaced between paragraphs. The company website found out the bottom of the letter should be Gill Sans Regular 8 pt and should have the CMYK values of 0, 0, 0, 80.


The letterhead dimensions are measured in inches as displayed on the next page. The logo and return address should begin at .44 inches from the top and 1 inch from the sides of the letter. The leading for the return addres should be 11 points. The Chicahuac Chia Seeds logo should be 1.44 inches wide and .56 inches high.

Letterhead Dimensions

8.5 in.

1.25 in.

29607 Kilfinan Road Los Angeles, CA 91321 Phone: (323) 947-1511

.44 in.

November 8, 2015 John Smith Director of Communications Chia Seed Corporations 2186 Ernest Road San Jose, CA 95138 Dear Mr. Smith, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vel ornatus rationibus dissentiet ei. Vis graeci noster sadipscing ei, elitr iuvaret vim ut. Est fierent indoctum honestatis at. Ea ludus possim audire sea, eius affert sed te, vim ne inermis commune. Pri an causae vivendum, debitis vituperatoribus in vis, ius eu solum facer tibique. At ius choro civibus voluptaria, mollis saperet ut cum. In pro etiam inimicus. Labitur volutpat theophrastus his an, te alii inani temporibus mel. Tamquam percipit vituperatoribus ea his, in erat officiis ullamcorper vel. Malis sonet facilisi est ne, et nam aperiam constituam sadipscing. Mei eu posse denique, populo inimicus explicari mei ut. Ne vix porro hendrerit. Modo solet ei eos. Eu pro agam dolore gloriatur, te omittam detraxit has. Ex legere euismod ullamcorper est, cum mundi singulis ne, vix et ignota aliquam. Praesent abhorreant ei per, natum lucilius convenire eu eos. Ex ferri assum sed. Mucius quodsi epicuri quo in, tale instructior vel et.

11 in.

Salutatus cotidieque mel an. Ius dicit iuvaret te, quo facilisi conceptam honestatis an. Vix vivendum maiestatis scriptorem ad, te dicta omnium rationibus eam, ad vel decore alterum eleifend. His ne liber oratio alienum, ne graeci ceteros oportere cum. Ubique accumsan reprimique vis ea. Te mei adhuc posse dissentiet, nominavi platonem at duo. Vel at detraxit suscipiantur, et posse vivendo mel. Vim ne augue vitae timeam. Duo ea dicam eirmod nostrud. Sincerely,

Sidney Salvador Graphic Designer

.75 in.

1.5 in.

1 in.


ENVELOPE The envelop used for the Chicahuac business system is a #10 business envelop.

The type of the website on the back of the envelop should be 8 pt. Gill Sans Light.

The mark on the back of the envelop should be .5 inch high and .31 inches wide. The mark on the front should be .69 inches high and .75 inches wide.

The return address and mailer address should be 10/13.5 Gill Sans Light.

The back ap of the envelop and top section on the front should be CMYK 0, 0, 0, 80. The height of this section on the front is equivalent to the mark. The logotype should begin 1 inch from the side and .31 inches from the top.


9.5 in.

1.69 in.

4.13 in.

2 in.

4.5 in.


M A R K E T I N G A P P L I C AT I O N WEBSITE The following is the home page of the Chicahuac website. There must always be a logo on every page, as well as, all the information located in the white areas. When not on the homepage, a logo can be placed at the top above the search tool box.





chicahuac chia seeds

29607 Kilfinan Road, Los Angeles, CA 91321 | Phone: (323) 947-1511 | Questions? E-mail us at


ADVERTISING Chicahuac Chia Seeds’ advertising may vary from different locations to moving vehicles to indoor and outdoor vehicles. Any type of advertising is positive, as long as, it is shown in a positive way to the audience members and includes the logo. Creative slogans are encouraged and additional artwork is welcome, however, it must be kept to a minimum or small in size to keep the minimalist and simplicity factor of the company.


MERCHANDISE The following picture is a plastic reďŹ llable bottle that can be purchased by consumers. There is only the simple Chicahuac Chia Seeds’ mark on the merchandise, which is acceptable and encouraged. Different types of merchandise is permitted however, design must be kept to a minimum.


QUESTIONS? Contact: Sidney Salvador 29607 Kilfinan Road Los Angeles, C A 91321 Phone: (323) 947-1511


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