DES 116 - Chicahuac Chia Seeds Process Manual

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P RO C E S S M A N UA L Sidney Salvador | DES 116



8 10

LOGO Initial Ideas Final Ideas

14 16 18 20

GRAPHIC STANDARD Type & Color Logo Usage Business System Marketing

24 26 30 32

PACKAGING Creative Brief Case Studies Initial Concept Building Process




During the course of this quarter, I was instructed to recreate the packaging of a dry food product while incorporating design skills learned for an aesthetically efďŹ cient product. Through this process, I had to learn how to start a company by choosing a brand name, creating the graphics and business system, then doing research on materials and learning about different packaging standards while keeping the idea of sustainable design in mind.



POTENTIAL BRAND NAMES Ancient’s Chia Seeds Art of Tai Chia Aztec Chia Seeds Calpolli Chia Seeds *”Calpolli” means “family” CHIA Seed Chicahuac Chia Seeds *”Chicahuac” means “healthy, strong” Moctezuma’s Chia Seeds

INITIAL IDEAS My process of creating a mark and logo to reach a final design went through a process of brainstorming different brand names, marks, and logo inspirations based on the chia plant and the Aztec culture.

Montezuma’s Chia Seeds NutriQuest Chia Seeds Republic of Chia Semilla Chia Seeds

The first step was to think of names for my company. I went through a list of different ideas relating to health, strength, and words from the native Aztec language, Nahuatl. Finally, I settled on the term “Chicahuac,” which refers to someone/something as being strong in Nahuatl. The next step before settling on a design was to create a few initial logos, which eventually transformed into my final design.

VitaFlow Chia Seeds Xinachtli Chia *”Xinachtli” means “seed” Xochitl Chia Seeds *”Xochitl” means “flower”

* = Refers to words in the Nahuatl language.


SKETCHES The following images are photographs of my original sketches and show my thinking process about the direction I wanted to lean more towards in the process of creating my logo before creating digital mock-ups.

DIGITAL MOCK-UPS These next few images show my progression through the digital mock-up phase, which includes many variations in typography and color experimentation.




FINAL IDEAS For my final design, I decided to create a mark that represented falling chia seeds as if they were being poured onto food, as well as, have them take the shape of the flower of a chia plant. In my final variations, I wanted to work with more natural colors. I worked with the colors of green, white, tan, an black (the colors of chia seeds). However, after submitting a design with the colors of white, tan and black, I learned a more successful design would be to switch the 100% black shade to 80% creating a warm, calming grey shade.


chicahuac chia seeds

FINAL DESIGN In my ďŹ nal design, I decided to cut off the top and bottom parts of the mark. However, the cropping of the mark can vary and is not permanent, meaning the mark does not have to cropped at all.

chicahuac chia seeds



TYPOGRAPHY Looking for an effective typeface was a difficult one. My first choice was Papyrus, however, I learned the typeface is similar to Comic Sans in that it is over used. After finding and testing a few other choices, I setttled on using two different typefaces for the Chicahuac Chia Seeds’ logo and brand business system. They are Native Alien and Gill Sans. Native Alien can be found and downloaded from this url: I chose these two fonts to represent the Aztec culture and to keep a simplistic factor to the overall brand identity. Native Alien


TYPE & COLOR Choosing type and color for my company set the foundation for my project. It helped me understand certain topics relating to different graphic standards.

Gill Sans Regular

Gill Sans Light



ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqr stuvwxyz 1234567890

COLOR PALETTE I wanted to use natural colors for my color palette that were not too harsh on the eyes and maintained a professional and adult-like charatcteristic. I chose these colors for my project and got the idea from looking at the actual seeds of chia. The following four colors are the ofďŹ cial colors for the brand’s business system:

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0 RGB: 255, 255, 255 Hex: #fff

CMYK: 19, 18, 31, 0 RGB: 209, 198, 175 Hex: #d0c6af

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 80 RGB: 88, 89, 91 Hex: #58595b

CMYK: 75, 68, 67, 90 RGB: 0, 0, 0 Hex: #000



chicahuac chia seeds LOGO USAGE When deciding how I wanted my logo to be seen, I made sure that I kept the ideas as simple as possible without having too many renditions that could become confusing for the consumer.

Mark (trimming permitted)

I created the “ACCEPTABLE” list to show individuals in my company the only potrayal of how I would like my logo to be shown to the public. I created the “UNACCEPTABLE” list to represent how to not display my logo to the public and any examples following these lists are going against the graphic standard of my company.






DO NOT change or replace the typography.

DO NOT reverse any part of the logo or mark.


chia seeds DO NOT change or switch any font sizes or leading.

DO NOT use a different color palette.

DO NOT tilt or distort the logo and type in any way.

DO NOT stretch or compress the logo.



1.25 in.

29607 Kilfinan Road Los Angeles, CA 91321 Phone: (323) 947-1511

The logo and return address should begin at .44 inches from the top and 1 inch from the sides of the letter. The Chicahuac Chia Seeds logo should be 1.44 inches wide and .56 inches high.

.44 in.

November 8, 2015

The return address, phone number, and employee e-mail address, should be 8/11 Gill Sans Regular. The body copy should be 10/12 Gill Sans Light and double spaced between each paragraph.

John Smith Director of Communications Chia Seed Corporations 2186 Ernest Road San Jose, CA 95138 Dear Mr. Smith, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, vel ornatus rationibus dissentiet ei. Vis graeci noster sadipscing ei, elitr iuvaret vim ut. Est fierent indoctum honestatis at. Ea ludus possim audire sea, eius affert sed te, vim ne inermis commune. Pri an causae vivendum, debitis vituperatoribus in vis, ius eu solum facer tibique. At ius choro civibus voluptaria, mollis saperet ut cum. In pro etiam inimicus. Labitur volutpat theophrastus his an, te alii inani temporibus mel. Tamquam percipit vituperatoribus ea his, in erat officiis ullamcorper vel. Malis sonet facilisi est ne, et nam aperiam constituam sadipscing. Mei eu posse denique, populo inimicus explicari mei ut. Ne vix porro hendrerit. Modo solet ei eos.

The company website found out the bottom of the letter should be Gill Sans Regular 8 pt and should have the CMYK values of 0, 0, 0, 80.

Eu pro agam dolore gloriatur, te omittam detraxit has. Ex legere euismod ullamcorper est, cum mundi singulis ne, vix et ignota aliquam. Praesent abhorreant ei per, natum lucilius convenire eu eos. Ex ferri assum sed. Mucius quodsi epicuri quo in, tale instructior vel et.

11 in.

Salutatus cotidieque mel an. Ius dicit iuvaret te, quo facilisi conceptam honestatis an. Vix vivendum maiestatis scriptorem ad, te dicta omnium rationibus eam, ad vel decore alterum eleifend. His ne liber oratio alienum, ne graeci ceteros oportere cum. Ubique accumsan reprimique vis ea. Te mei adhuc posse dissentiet, nominavi platonem at duo. Vel at detraxit suscipiantur, et posse vivendo mel. Vim ne augue vitae timeam. Duo ea dicam eirmod nostrud. Sincerely,

Sidney Salvador Graphic Designer

BUSINES SYSTEM My business system includes a business card, letterhead and envelop. I created the designs based on the logo with the grey color as the main color of each item.

.75 in. 1.5 in.

After creating my business system, I added dimensions to show relationships between parts. In my graphic standard, I was not able to go in-depth with my dimensions shown in the imagery, because the page would become too crowded and illegible. To ďŹ x this problem, I added the missing dimensions in detailed blurbs in the same sections.


1 in.



3.5 in.

9.5 in.

1.69 in. 2 in.

.7 in.

4.13 in.

2 in.

.63 in. FRONT

3.5 in.

4.5 in. Sidney Salvador | Graphic Designer

2 in.

29607 KilďŹ nan Road Los Angeles, CA 91321 Phone: (323) 947-1511

1 in.

The envelop used for the Chicahuac business system is a #10 business envelop. The mark on the back of the envelop should be .5 inch high and .31 inches wide. The mark on the front should be .69 inches high and .75 inches wide. The logotype should begin 1 inch from the side and .31 inches from the top.

The type of the website on the back of the envelop should be 8 pt. Gill Sans Light. The return address and mailer address should be 10/13.5 Gill Sans Light. The back ap of the envelop and top section on the front should be CMYK 0, 0, 0, 80. The height of this section on the front is equivalent to the mark.

1.63 in.

1.69 in. BACK


MERCHANDISE The following picture is a recycled refillable bottle that can be purchased by consumers. There is only the simple Chicahuac Chia Seeds’ mark on the merchandise, which is acceptable and encouraged. Different types of merchandise is permitted however, design must be kept to a minimum.

MARKETING For my marketing applications, I chose to display my company to the public through merchandise, advertising, and a website, which involved either a simple logo similar to the front of my business card or by using the mark without any words to maintain simplicity. I specifically chose these three methods, because they were the most reasonable. I chose waterbottles as my merchandise, because it is food relevant and most people put chia seeds in their drinks. Truck signage was chosen as a method of advertising because I would need to ship my product, and the best way to make use of resources would be to design my delivery trucks so other people could see. Lastly, the website was chosen, because most people use the internet for more information.


ADVERTISING Chicahuac Chia Seeds’ advertising may vary from different locations to moving vehicles to indoor and outdoor vehicles. Any type of advertising is positive, as long as, it is shown in a positive way to the audience members and includes the logo. Creative slogans are encouraged and additional artwork is welcome, however, it must be kept to a minimum or small in size to keep the minimalist and simplicity factor of the brand and company.

WEBSITE The following is the home page of the Chicahuac website. There must always be a logo on every page, as well as, all the information located in the white areas. When not on the homepage, a logo can be placed at the top above the search tool box.




#c hi cah uac

chicahuac chia seeds

29607 Kilfinan Road, Los Angeles, CA 91321 | Phone: (323) 947-1511 | Questions? E-mail us at



NEEDS There is a lack of portable, handheld chia seed products in the market that are small and efficient enough to be sold in stores next to the cash registers for easy purchases. We need small packaging for portability and accessibility to those who consume chia seeds regularly, because every chia seed company sells the product in big pouches, which does not allow consumers to take the product on-the-go. Additionally, purchasing big bags of chia seeds can become a waste if consumers can’t finish or forget about their product sitting in their kitchen.


C R E AT I V E B R I E F PROJECT: Packaging for Chicahuac Chia Seeds


Our company is trying to accomplish the reduction of unused material and resources used in the making of purchased chia seeds and the packaging it comes in.

PROJECT STRATEGY When completed, the packaging will be in the shape of a tube for chia seeds. The lid to the packaging will be a pop-off one that is able to open and reseal for freshness. Within the top piece of the packaging, will be a sifter inserted into the tube allowing chia seeds to travel through. In terms of marketing material dimensions, the tube will have a diameter of approximately 1 inch and height of approximately 3 inches. The label surrounding the tube will be 4 inches in height and 2 1/2 inches wide. Finally, the top piece will be 1 1/4 inches in diameter and 1/4 inch high, while the sifter is 1 inch in diameter and 1/4 inch high with holes approximately 1/8 inch.

BACKGROUND Chia Seeds have become more popular in recent years due to its discovered health benefits. People have been requesting the use of chia seeds to be placed in their food and drinks at many restaurants. Frequent users even buy their own bag of chia seeds from supermarkets. However, there is no known brand that makes travel sized packaging for chia seeds. There are only large bags that are usually kept in one’s living spaces, which are not ideal for on-the-go due to the susceptibility of the product not maintaining freshness.

AUDIENCE My product is for middle and upper class male and female adults aged 18-50 years old who make around $40,127 a year and want to live a healthier lifestyle by using chia seeds in their food and/or drinks. The product will be distributed nationally in markets throughout the United States, but can also be purchased by international consumers through our website.

MESSAGE Chia Seeds Are great and healthy for you, so don’t just leave them at home... Get it to go! The term “Chicahuac” comes from the native Aztec language Nahuatl and refers to something/someone as being “strong.” Our mission is to provide a sense of strength to our customers with the best source of nutrition by sharing with them the 16th-century old Aztec tradition of chia seeds to support and influence the feeling of living a strong and healthy lifestyle.



CASE STUDIES To brainstorm and understand how to create better packaging, I researched, studied, and analyzed two biomimicries in nature.


What is it?

The bamboo plant originated from Asia and is considered to be one of the fastest growing, economical plants of the world. It is used as a food source, but also is noted for its impressive strengths comparable to other building materials. The fuctions of this plant include maintaing phsyical integrity, preventing structural failure, and/or buckling by being made of transverse bulkheads that prevent ovalization. Ovalization refers to the process of changing a shape into an oval, this means most of the species is completley circular.

What established design(s) already use this biomimicry? This biomimicry has influenced many individuals, specifically, in the construction of buildings and in the ideas for engineering by using the biomimicry to create durable pipes, communication towers, wind turbines, ship masts, and to reduce buckling in construction.

Source: Yiatros%20et%20al%202007.pdf

What are its properties?

A specific property that is important to the structure is the hollowness of the plant. Bamboo resembles a tubular structure great for circulation and needed nutrients throughout the plant. It can also be seen as a type of storage unit or a passageway that easily lets materials or liquids flow through the hollow structure. For my project, I would like to incorporate the hollow structure into the design of the packaging of my product as the main piece where my food item of chia seeds will be store. The tubular influence will be handheld and easy to transport unlike most already established pouch bags for the item.




What is it?

An octopus is a type of cephalopod characterized by its symmetrical body form and tentacles. It is recognized for its limbs’ suction-like function, mainly used for the creature to move, attach or stay put temporarily on a surface.

What are its properties?

Located on the bottom side of its limbs is an important body feature called suckers, which are made up of tiny projections called denticles. Together, the denticles form circles on the limbs and help the creature hold onto objects by creating airtight closer when contact to a surface is made. This specific property is an idea I would like to incorporate into my project. By using the concept of airtight, suction-like closure, I would like to use this idea to keep my food item of chia seeds tightly sealed for freshness when the package is closed and not in use.

What established design(s) already use this biomimicry?

There are many different products inspired by this biomimicry. For example, the idea of suction cups is solely based on the biomimicry of octopuses, which have many different personal uses around the house, as well as, in various businesses and industries. Other few important examples are adhesives for electronic, flooring, and manufacturing applications. Additionally, this biomimicry inspires the sealing strategy of using wet adhesives for water supply and sewage treatments. Source: ad40d935dd3f79


CONCEPTS The very ďŹ rst idea I had involved a tube that had a twistable top similar to a medicine bottle where the consumer has to push and spin. However, instead of the top coming fully off, the user simply twisted the top and an opening on the side would appear allowing for an easy pour of chia seeds. The problem I encountered with this concept was that if the entire top piece came up, chia seeds would get trapped in the process of trying to push the top piece back down into the tube.

INITIAL CONCEPT During my process of coming up with a packaging idea, I had many different ideas in mind. However, I kept running into the problem of Chia Seeds getting trapped in crevices causing the packaging to malfunction. The following is a list of potential ideas, as well as, rough draft imagery to help better understand my potential packaging concepts.


My second concept was to somehow ďŹ nd a way I could create some type of spout that can pop out and help the ease of the pouring the chia seeds. By doing so, I wanted to create an easy spring button that could pop out a lever. The problem with this was that if I had a lever, the packaging would not be sealed airtight, which is an idea chia seeds need in order to maintain its freshness.

My third idea was the most successful idea and ended up being the concept I decided to continue to expand on. With this idea, I wanted to incorporate the idea of using a sifter that had big enough holes for chia seeds to easily pass through. The concept would be similar to a salt and pepper shaker to maintain the already known action of putting extra avoring onto food.


MATERIAL While researching sustainable materials, I specifically wanted to find a material that would be able to keep the chia seeds fresh, was sturdy, and recyclable. I came across polypropylene plastic and found a vial in the size I desired that was FDA approved, had airtight moisture resistance, and a hinged lid for easy opening. After continuing my search, I later found a salt and pepper cap to use as my sifter, which was fortunately made out of the same material.

B U I L D I N G P RO C E S S After I had gathered all of my ideas, I started the building process which involved figuring out the material I would use for my product. Then, I needed to create a label for my tube product, which I specifically wanted to have a piece of the label cut out for the consumer to see how much of the product they have used. Lastly, I had to put the pieces together, which involved printing the label and finding the plastic pieces to represent my product.


LABELING Creating my label was the most enjoyable part of the process. I wanted to keep the label clean and simple with only the few important key parts every small packaging is required to have. On my label, there is my logo, nutrition facts label, net weight, bar code, distribution location, phone number, website, a space for a cut out with measurements, and a small quick sentence saying, “Add to your food and drinks for a daily dose of nutrition!”





The packaging must be made small for on-the-go purposes to help consumers save money on product purchases. The product must also be made out of recyclable material to maintain the mission of sustainability.

The process to sustainability provided by this packaging works by the company 1) creating packaging that is made out of recyclable material and provides only four servings worth of chia seeds into the container, which is an ideal amount that the consumer may want. The next step is for consumers to 2) buy the product for a much cheaper price than a large bag of chia seeds would cost. Once they are ďŹ nished, the consumer can 3) repurpose or recycle the material, which will eventually be repurposed again by companies, such as this one, and helps eliminate the altogether use of non-recyclable material. This cycle can continue continuously within a year time span.



The purpose and goal of my project is to create a solution to chia seeds packaging by making it more sustainable and accessible for consumers by saving resources and eliminating the waste of unused products.


The objective of this project is to eliminate the total waste of unused chia seeds and use of non-recyclable material that harms the environment. Within a year, it is possible for consumer purchases to not waste the product through wanted consumer limitations. Additionally, recycling this packaging will add more recyclable material to be reused by many others, ultimately, creating a safer environment in the long run with continuous action.


This project is solely based on the lack of chia seed portability and need for sustainability. The packaging was created with ideas taken from bamboo and octopus biomimicres, and the approach was to maintain simplicity through every aspect of the project. A problem encountered was ďŹ guring out how to maintain freshness of the chia seeds with airtight closure, however, I found that there are many recyclable materials, such as polypropylene plastic that are FDA approved. Overall, the design process was challenging, but very rewarding in that I learned that is a solution for everything.

Success will be measured on an evaluation comparing already established chia seed packaging and the new on-thego packaging in terms of the amount of purchases and the material used through different forms of data collection, such as surveys. This evaluation should take place every few years by a professional analyst who is able to create meaning form data to see major changes and report the evaluation through chart design.


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