Vocabulary & Morphemes

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Vocabulary and Morphemes



lick with a tongue open to anyone public house pass

tea @

on top of

publication plutonium


fake leather


university of Bristol


lithium feline animal

chemical bond

institute for the creative arts national insurance

intercom .com


communist grade


in a place

on top of

communication company



feline animal

Colarado meditation sound

myself steal something Munich, Germany grade

somewhere to live

The way we talk about things can reveal a picture of the values we attach to them and sometimes suggest aspects of the identity of the speaker such as gender. Patterns of speech change depending on social contexts, for example we talk differently when we are at home or at work, differently when with friends or strangers, and differently when talking about subjects that require specialist knowlege. Thus language can reveal something of our relationship to each other and the world around us.

“i dont know but i love it when wales play ireland there are always loads of nice men around cardiff after the game� Rugby: Emma Shoemake 2005

For instance, this short piece is obviously written by a woman, and comes across as an old lady, perhaps a local to Cardiff. This is given away by the way she has spoken, the words and phrases she has used and the lack of break in the sentance.

These breakdowns of words shown on the previous page draw on the realms of previous experience BUT ALSO draw on personal realms far away/irrelevant to our own.

EXERcise #1 “Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design. It’s decoration.” - jeffrey zeldman My attempt at turning this into less words, less frilly language, and more efficient:

What you put in your work comes before how it looks. Appearance without imformation or value is not creation, it is just making something look nice. OR

Stuff goes before drawing. Drawing without stuff isn’t drawing. It’s prettifying.

EXERcise #2 ‘WARNING - Images may be monitored for the purpose of crime prevention. This scheme is controlled by National Car Parks Ltd. For further information contact...’ - Bristol car park Now I attempt to change the language to the most representative it can be, emphasising the flourishes and imagery to a point where the meaning is changed, or could be interpreted differently:

BEWARE HUMANS - Your movements, both monstrous and pleasant, are under surveillance and scrutiny by our overlords, National Car Parks Ltd. To request further knowlege of your rights and what is forbidden summon... OR

Careful everyone, this car park is being checked on in case gangs of youths steel your handbag. The nice people doing this for us are National Car Parks Ltd. If you want a chat with them call...

7 questions that got us thinking:

Which three words do you most associate with women? What is graphic design? Don’t use the words graphic or design/er What is the offside rule? Which three words do you associate with Americans? What is a manifesto? Which word do you most associate with politicians? What is radicalism?


People, interesting, feminine

most popular answers

boobs, boobies, legs.

it’s making a piece of communication using informed research, knowlege and creativity. it is communicating something through visual ideas and methods

it’s a football thing. someone who shoots at goal has to be behind the most forward defender. it’s a rule in football where... actually I don’t care clumsy, friendly, different guns, hot dogs, stupid

it’s like a proposal, but with the intention to create somethingor change something it’s a communist thing untrustworthy spenders

it’s radical it’s like communism, but radicalism

siena clarke

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